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Yeah, they dont need the AEW tag titles, the Acclaimed do (having never held them yet).

They elevate the ROH tag titles and people are more likely to buy an ROH ppv with them competing. Have to assume theres a need to keep ROH titles on people who elevate them in the eyes of fans who are likely to watch an ROH show as well as needle movers to try and improve chances of that show being picked up.

Edited by Kamchatka
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1 hour ago, Kamchatka said:

Yeah, they dont need the AEW tag titles, the Acclaimed do (having never held them yet).

They elevate the ROH tag titles and people are more likely to buy an ROH ppv with them competing. Have to assume theres a need to keep ROH titles on people who elevate them in the eyes of fans who are likely to watch an ROH show as well as needle movers to try and improve chances of that show being picked up.

I’m not even saying they need them. It’s more AEW made a big deal of rankings for awhile and it’s one of the things I liked. And now they’re ignoring them. 

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Regarding FTR, another reason why might be because of AAA and NJPW. They might not be keen on the guys holding their belts losing to the AEW champions. Now, one could argue that they should be winning against the AEW tag team champions, whoever that might be, but that's a topic of discussion for another time.

As far as Jade, I think the thing that's really grating is that there's no obvious end goal in sight. When Kenny Omega won the World Championship, we pretty much knew that Hangman was going to be the one to take it from him. Likewise, when Britt Baker won the Women's Title, there was no question that they'd eventually have her drop it to Thunder Rosa. We don't have that with Jade. The only reason to get invested right now is to see if someone can finally end her streak, and they haven't really put her against anyone who's been built up to make you believe that they COULD end the streak. It looked like they MIGHT have been going that way with Statlander, until she got hurt. I think, given the reaction she got at All Out, the next logical choice for Jade is Jamie Hayter.

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16 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

Because FTR are pros who do their jobs and don't cause drama backstage or on social media so Tony can't play off of any backstage heat between them and Swerve in Our Glory. I mean, what is he supposed to do, book a normal wrestling feud that plays out on weekly television? But that's soooooo boring! How are the dirtsheets supposed to speculate on the locker room situation between the teams? How are wrestling fans supposed to get investing a storyline about two good tag teams wrestling each other? There's nothing REAL WRESTLING FANS(tm) hate more than straight pro wrestling!

You need to let this go, my dude. The reason is because they are probably in holding to go to ROH. Even still, hope they get tossed into a 3-way at Grand Slam to add some unpredictability to The Acclaimed coronation at least. 

Edited by Makhai
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27 minutes ago, Kamchatka said:

Jade shouldn't lose the title, ever.

Then she needs to improve significantly, both in the ring and on promos. Nobody has come out of a feud with Jade looking better because of it.

You know, it's funny, I'd seen clips from AEW at Comic-Con, and there, Jade seemed charismatic and charming and full of personality, and I kept thinking, "Why can't we get THIS Jade Cargill on TV every week?"

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16 minutes ago, Kamchatka said:

Counterpoint: Shes great.

But also i do agree we should have more angles featuring Jade.

Countercounterpoint: She's okay, with lots of potential, and while she's improved markedly she still has a ways to go.

I think the main issue is that she doesn't seem to put anyone over. She no-sells in the ring, and in promos and angles she never shows any concern about who she's feuding with; sometimes she just looks bored.

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41 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

Countercounterpoint: She's okay, with lots of potential, and while she's improved markedly she still has a ways to go.

I think the main issue is that she doesn't seem to put anyone over. She no-sells in the ring, and in promos and angles she never shows any concern about who she's feuding with; sometimes she just looks bored.

Countercountercounterpoint: The issues you listed are all booking based, not skill based.

She does need to improve in the ring, but her promo ability is better than most. If she was ever booked to show weakness (both selling stories and selling moves), I think we’d be singing her praises even more.

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25 minutes ago, Croquemitaine said:

I've thought Jade was a great promo since her first appearance (where she was good but was asked to go too long and convey too much). I'm not going to finalize my opinion on her ring-work until I see her in a match where she's required to make her opponent look strong. In other words, can she sell?



Saying bitch doesn't make someone a great promo. That's literally the only memorable thing from her promos to me.

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7 hours ago, Makhai said:

You need to let this go, my dude. The reason is because they are probably in holding to go to ROH. Even still, hope they get tossed into a 3-way at Grand Slam to add some unpredictability to The Acclaimed coronation at least. 

Did you notice how I shut up after people pointed out the ROH reasoning? Almost like I realized they had a point well before you said anything.

Anyways, regarding the Jade Cargill discussion: I believe I said this a few months ago, but she would benefit from a year or two working around the indies. If I were booking things, I'd have her "go rogue", declare the "Jade Cargill World Tour" or something along those lines and start defending the TBS title for various promotions across the world in "unsanctioned matches" to get her experience working matches where she isn't always booked to dominate while avoiding the concern of her looking weak on TV.

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28 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

Saying bitch doesn't make someone a great promo. That's literally the only memorable thing from her promos to me.

That's on booking. They've given her nothing else to talk about. When they give her something to say, she does well with it.

In other words, when they give her a real story, we'll see real promos.


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6 minutes ago, James The Animator said:

Then there’s the added risk of injury. Surely even TK knows that losing Jade would be a complete disaster.

No it wouldn't. She's a complete non-factor in ratings and you can count on one hand how many decent-to-good matches she's had. She has potential, there's no denying that, but saying losing her would be a disaster is just wrong. Disaster would be losing someone like Mox who has been the heart and soul of AEW.

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16 minutes ago, James The Animator said:

Jade might not be where you think she should be in-ring, but she is a marketable star in a division that needs one desperately. You can’t teach the physical poise and confidence she has in wrestling school.

By that logic, Nathan Jones and Heidenreich should be multiple time world champions 😋

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5 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

On a serious note, I do genuinely hope Jade grows into her potential. I just don't think she should be the TBS champion while she gets there. 

It feels like she is Peter Valentine for AEW. Like the TBS Title was made just for her and no one else. Unlike Valentine she has upside and potential to be sure, but I agree that she shouldn't hold a belt just to get to that point. There are far better ways to improve than holding a title.

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2 hours ago, Jaysin said:

By that logic, Nathan Jones and Heidenreich should be multiple time world champions 😋

Goldberg is the equivalent. Her story is the streak and being a dominant person that has short matches and looks a million bucks. Until AEW can get even a 4th hour of wrestling on tv, there isnt a need to have another womens single title belt that serves the same function as the womens champion.

Jade isnt the 5 star meltzer 60 min pure fan market wrestler, but she hits huge in others (and does what she does really well). AEW has to be the big tent of a company, they need to be drawing in different fans from all avenues of media they can get. All the lower card people and what happens on Vlogs, on Dark/Elevation, Ethans Toy Hunt, Evil Uno and Colt Cabana playing video games all of that stuff humanizes and introduces new people to wrestling who are still a avoidant from the carny stink that 90s/00s US companies left on the industry.

Edited by Kamchatka
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Regarding Jade's promo ability, she once called Anna Jay "Anna Banana". That's... hmm.

Now, when she debuted, I did note that she had a confidence on the microphone that is hard to teach. However, one thing I realized today is that, aside from that debut (which was in the middle of the pandemic), I don't think she's done any promos in the ring or ringside area. All the promos I can remember have been backstage, possibly pretaped. Most of Thunder Rosa's promos are pretaped, and I've seen people call her a bad promo.

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