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Kris Statlander versus Taya is a BAD idea. It's too soon for Kris to drop the belt, but Taya really can't lose her next big match, especially since she just lost two title matches in a relatively short span of time. I mean, even Ruby Soho had a few months between jobbing to Britt and then jobbing to Jade..

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Santana is expected to return soon. I remember reading he and Ortiz were on the outs. They're both certainly talented enough to be solo stars, but they're legitimately one of my top ten tag teams of all time and I'd hate for their friendship and tag team to end on a sour note. 

I'd love for Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz to feud with House of Black over the trios titles. 

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At the very least, I feel it's a sin they never even got one run with the tag titles.


Last night's Rampage was the best episode we've had in a long, long time. All the matches were good, there were no squash matches or filler, everything breezed right along. And it's so nice to see Willow Nightingale get such a good reaction from the crowd during her entrance.

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Karen Jarrett is one of my least favorite wrestling personalities and instantly makes me dislike the TNA-squad. I guess they're doing their job then. 

Anyway, complaint aside, that lucha triple threat was bonkers. Dralistico's mask is dope as heck. 

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- Cassidy (c) vs Swerve was my MOTN. This feud is going to be dragged out a bit longer.

- Need more Jay & Ricky promos. Forbidden Door hype.

- CHAOS vs BCC was solid.

- Fun start to the MJF/Cole feud.

- Egon should turn babyface for real.

- Hook & Jack vs LFI (Tornado Tag) was good. Vance performs better when he gets bloody. Jack is going to hit Hook with a chair soon.

- I don't want to boo Takeshita so it's good he's with Callis.

- Anna vs Statlander (c) was solid.

- Starks vs White was solid. Gunns are a decent fit for BCG. I wouldn't mind if the Firm breaks up.

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I really hope Cole takes the belt from MJF. I know I'm in the minority, but while he does have excellent mic skills, his promos are almost all cheap heat. His promo this week was almost word for word an Adam Cole promo in NXT and yes, I understand it was intentional, but it took me out of the moment for some reason. It didn't feel natural. 

A face Ethan Page could be a lot of fun down the line. Sticking Jeff with a group is a good idea to make sure he is road ready. Lessens the wear and tear on his already beat up body. I wouldn't be opposed to Matt, Jeff, and Ethan challenging for the Trios belts one time on Rampage or maybe Dynamite. Just a one off Eliminator or something. The House of Black could have a lot of fun with a cinematic match against the Hardy Party team. 

Don Callis is the best heel in AEW and it's not a competition. He has such a good mind for the business,

Also, is it weird that I enjoy Ruby and Toni A LOT more without Saraya there? Really enjoyed the promo.

Was there a kayfabe explanation I missed as to why Jungle Boy was trying to rip off Dralistico's mask? Like that's a huge heel move. I've been watching late at night after work and sometimes doze off, but I don't remember a reason he'd be doing something like that. Hopefully Vance didn't lose too much blood. He looked gnarly by the end of the match. If he doesn't have to miss time, he could really use this as boost to his momentum by looking like such a bad ass in defeat. He took some fun spots too. It took forever for him to get to his next gear, but once he did he had a great showing with good intensity. 

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6 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

Prediction: KENTA GTS' Punk after Collision Main Event.

Is there a big enough locker room for both of their egos? 😂

Nah, I'd be down for that actually. Maybe Joe sides with CMFTR after the match


Edited by Jaysin
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22 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Was there a kayfabe explanation I missed as to why Jungle Boy was trying to rip off Dralistico's mask?

He wanted to see of the least talented Munoz brother + the worst Mistico. Or just pure anger about this stupid name (how is he still just a wish version of Mistico).

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47 minutes ago, El Güro said:

He wanted to see of the least talented Munoz brother + the worst Mistico. Or just pure anger about this stupid name (how is he still just a wish version of Mistico).

I think Dralistico is far better than Rush as a wrestler. Maybe not as a total package, but in ring for sure. I didn't see him as Mistico though. I love his mask and attire. His name is dumb though. I'll agree with that. 

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6 minutes ago, milamber said:

Skye Blue's 1st ever TV win. I'm happy for her.

And her first pinfall victory over Nyla Rose, to boot, if I'm not mistaken. She's one against Nyla before, but that was in a tag match, and I'm not sure either was involved in the pinfall (Nyla certainly wasn't, I remember that much). Skye has eaten a lot of pins from Rose, so it's nice to see her even things up, even just a bit.

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On 6/9/2023 at 8:11 PM, Jaysin said:

I really hope Cole takes the belt from MJF. I know I'm in the minority, but while he does have excellent mic skills, his promos are almost all cheap heat. His promo this week was almost word for word an Adam Cole promo in NXT and yes, I understand it was intentional, but it took me out of the moment for some reason. It didn't feel natural. 

A face Ethan Page could be a lot of fun down the line. Sticking Jeff with a group is a good idea to make sure he is road ready. Lessens the wear and tear on his already beat up body. I wouldn't be opposed to Matt, Jeff, and Ethan challenging for the Trios belts one time on Rampage or maybe Dynamite. Just a one off Eliminator or something. The House of Black could have a lot of fun with a cinematic match against the Hardy Party team. 

Don Callis is the best heel in AEW and it's not a competition. He has such a good mind for the business,

Also, is it weird that I enjoy Ruby and Toni A LOT more without Saraya there? Really enjoyed the promo.

Was there a kayfabe explanation I missed as to why Jungle Boy was trying to rip off Dralistico's mask? Like that's a huge heel move. I've been watching late at night after work and sometimes doze off, but I don't remember a reason he'd be doing something like that. Hopefully Vance didn't lose too much blood. He looked gnarly by the end of the match. If he doesn't have to miss time, he could really use this as boost to his momentum by looking like such a bad ass in defeat. He took some fun spots too. It took forever for him to get to his next gear, but once he did he had a great showing with good intensity. 

I don't think MJF is ready to be AEW World champion. You can say he's been for months now, but that didn't give AEW the performance it could have had. There are more factors but this is one of them. He's still not in the same level as Omega, Moxley, Punk, etc. He could have been at best a transitional champ IMHO.

Don Callis is right now easily the best manager in wrestling.

The Outcast are red hot, I'm a huge D.M.D. fan but they are the best act in women's division right now. I do like Saraya tho.

Lucha Libre, Lucha Libre! El Hijo Del Vikingo, Luchas Brothers, Bandido, Dralistico, Komander, Rush... As I said months ago the best option for AEW is to showcase more international talent and try to beat WWE overseas. Right now they are doing better with mexicans and I hope Forbidden Door is a complete success with the japanese. The british part is already covered and Ospreay is a a nice addition.

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2 hours ago, newbiezness said:

I don't think MJF is ready to be AEW World champion. You can say he's been for months now, but that didn't give AEW the performance it could have had. There are more factors but this is one of them. He's still not in the same level as Omega, Moxley, Punk, etc. He could have been at best a transitional champ IMHO.

Don Callis is right now easily the best manager in wrestling.

The Outcast are red hot, I'm a huge D.M.D. fan but they are the best act in women's division right now. I do like Saraya tho.

Lucha Libre, Lucha Libre! El Hijo Del Vikingo, Luchas Brothers, Bandido, Dralistico, Komander, Rush... As I said months ago the best option for AEW is to showcase more international talent and try to beat WWE overseas. Right now they are doing better with mexicans and I hope Forbidden Door is a complete success with the japanese. The british part is already covered and Ospreay is a a nice addition.

MJF has been the most entertaining thing in AEW for a while to me. I don’t know who would be a good person to take the belt off him, but I can see this going to the end of the year to play of the bidding war of 2024.


Edit: Darby was my first thought, but he seems like more of a chaser. 

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35 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

MJF has been the most entertaining thing in AEW for a while to me. I don’t know who would be a good person to take the belt off him, but I can see this going to the end of the year to play of the bidding war of 2024.


Edit: Darby was my first thought, but he seems like more of a chaser. 

MJF tries so hard to be edgy that it's cringey to me. He's an excellent talker, but his promos are full of cheap heat. 

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Finishing up this past week's ROH and Gravity's gear is ugly as sin. Stokely and Jerry Lynn being the "board of directors" for ROH is awesome to me though. Stokes is one of my favorite managers in the game and Jerry is one of my favorite talents. 

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On 6/11/2023 at 8:14 PM, Jaysin said:

MJF tries so hard to be edgy that it's cringey to me. He's an excellent talker, but his promos are full of cheap heat. 

I have to agree and it's really been that way for awhile.  He's made it work for him granted, but how long can he rely on the cheap heat to keep him hot?

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11 minutes ago, MightyDavidson said:

I have to agree and it's really been that way for awhile.  He's made it work for him granted, but how long can he rely on the cheap heat to keep him hot?

I get they're trying to do the old school heel champion schedule for him, but I think it's hurt his reign more than it's helped. Roman's reign has only been successful because he has a cast of characters around him at all times. MJF is alone because in kayfabe, he's trying to backstab everyone constantly. He's so despicable in canon, that the Pinnacle didn't even bother to kick him out, they just didn't want to be associated with him anymore. 

Max is a hell of a talent and talker, but he's stale as heck to me character and promo wise. 

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