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4 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

I'm glad they gave him a feel good moment. Chuckie T never gets enough love. I still regret not getting a pic with him and Trent back at the Global Force show they did in Knoxville.

I missed a chance to meet Minoru Suzuki because I was a little drunk and intimidated. I regret not getting my pic and I'll likely never see him in person again. When AIW announced Eddie Kingston for an upcoming show, I refuse to miss this one!

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- Okay pre-show. Aussie did a good job and Hook vs Jungle Boy was fine. Punk being a baby again causing trouble in the backstage.
- The trios match was so weird. These guys individually are so good but then you throw them together and it's just weird. Second time seeing Ibushi and I am still not impressed. Omega really over. He should be on the world title picture.
- FTR vs The Bucks got really good near the end. 
- Stadium Stampede was probably my MOTN. BCC should have won though.
- Saraya winning makes no sense. I know she's at home and it's for the pop, but the women's division need something right now and it's not her.
- Great coffin match. Is it selfish if I want Sting to wrestle forever?
- Nice W for Ospreay. Jericho is finally all alone. Maybe we get Jericho vs Sammy on All Out.
- It's a shame seeing HOB lose the trios belt.
- Amazing main event. It's curious that there was no turn... yet. 

And they're doing it again next year. It would be great if All In turns into AEW's Wrestlemania. The company needs a season finale that it's the ultimate goal for every wrestler.

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2 hours ago, aXminster said:


And they're doing it again next year. It would be great if All In turns into AEW's Wrestlemania. The company needs a season finale that it's the ultimate goal for every wrestler.

They are also doing All Out next year week after All In. I think they are heading into direction of having two night season finale but a week apart from each other. I think it might work well since they have different crowds etc. Now All Out starts to shape up but I think next year they should have something for that already before All In. WrestleMania and Wrestle Kingdom being multiple nights we have the cards already before the events begin.

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4 hours ago, aXminster said:

- Okay pre-show. Aussie did a good job and Hook vs Jungle Boy was fine. Punk being a baby again causing trouble in the backstage.

I'm sorry, but in what world is Punk looking out for Jungle Boy's dumb ass being a baby? Jungle Boy insisted on using real glass and then went into business for himself by calling Punk out on the pre show to the biggest event in history. Punk is in the right this time. Jungle Boy is an idiot. 

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31 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

I'm sorry, but in what world is Punk looking out for Jungle Boy's dumb ass being a baby? Jungle Boy insisted on using real glass and then went into business for himself by calling Punk out on the pre show to the biggest event in history. Punk is in the right this time. Jungle Boy is an idiot. 

The man has been creating drama in every locker room he's been a part of since forever. The glass spot shouldn't even be his call to begin with, but I guess that's what you get when the owner of the company is such a mark for him.

It would be better for everyone if Punk was just gone.

You don't see Danielson, Jericho or Moxley involved in backstage gossip. Translating to TEW terms, Punk is an extremely negative influence backstage and is causing rifts pretty much every other show.

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1 hour ago, aXminster said:

The man has been creating drama in every locker room he's been a part of since forever. The glass spot shouldn't even be his call to begin with, but I guess that's what you get when the owner of the company is such a mark for him.

It would be better for everyone if Punk was just gone.

You don't see Danielson, Jericho or Moxley involved in backstage gossip. Translating to TEW terms, Punk is an extremely negative influence backstage and is causing rifts pretty much every other show.

He may not be perfect but he was genuinely looking out for Jungle Boy's well being and Jungle Boy lived up to the "boy" part of his name by throwing a tantrum. Jungle Boy is in the wrong. Punk can be an asshole, but even Assholes can be right sometimes. 

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As a certified CM Punk Hater (TM pending), I have to agree that Jungle Boy was being childish and stupid for wanting to use real glass. I have no doubt that Punk's attitude exacerbated the problem after rejecting JB's planned spot, because it's Punk and all, but that doesn't excuse Luke Perry's kid deciding to act out on the pre show as a stupid form of payback.

Also, for God's sake, if you're going to pick a fight with a fragile old man who couldn't hack it in genuine fights, make sure you actually win.

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I loved that even though she was losing the title, Hikaru Shida didn't have a boo-boo face, she wasn't pouting, she didn't look moody. She rocked the belt like the absolute champ through her entrance and then did what pro's do. Big fan of that. Rumour has it the original creative for All In was Shida winning the belt from Jamie, it's still super cool she got her moment coming in with the title.

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I'm just home from attending All In, and I have to say that it was amazing in person.  Crowd were into almost everything, chants were echoing around the arena all night and everything felt big-time, especially when it got dark.  The fireflies were out in force between matches and the crowds were regularly singing "He's got the whole world in his hands" as a tribute to Bray Wyatt too.

I've got to check out the show to see how it all came across on-screen too, which I'm sure will be fun for all the spots I missed in some of the matches because a venue that size means you simply can't see everything, especially for Stadium Stampede.  My personaly highlight of the night was Sting's entrance when he came out to Metallica, the energy in the stadium picked up after that and never dropped again.  The "Scissor me daddy" chants are still echoing in my ears too and I'm hoarse from singing Judas as loud as I humanly could by that point in the show.

Special night for AEW, incredible experience overall.  Can't believe those crazy sonuvaguns are going to try to do it all again next year, which was my first experience of a Tony Khan announcement in person 😛

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- Aussie Open (c) vs MJF & Cole - The result added a new twist in the storyline. - *** 1/4

- Hook vs Perry (c) - Limo fight! Real glass lol. I'm surprised Perry lost. - *** 1/2

- Joe v Punk (c) - *** 3/4

- BCG & Takeshita vs Golden Cowboy Lovers - Big win for Takeshita. *** 3/4

- Young Bucks vs FTR (c) - Cash not going to prison confirmed. **** 1/4

- Stadium Stampede - Pre-taped works better than live but the split screen helped. Sue! - *** 3/4

- Saraya vs Storm vs DMD vs Shida (c) - Licensed Queen but not for Emi :( Fitting music for Toni. Outcasts in shambles. They did well for a sub-10 minute match. Feel bad for Shida but Saraya feuding with Rosa, Hayter & maybe Mone could be fun. - ****

- Swerve & Christian vs Darby & Sting - It's showtime! More licensed music. Cricket bat lol. Wayne! Shame Swerve lost. - *** 3/4

- Jericho vs Ospreay - Nice stadium fireworks. Elevated! Not a fan of Sammy acting heelish. - ****

- Nigel pumped up. Incredible attendance. Digress Jones sign!

- HoB (c) vs Assclaimed - Julia got the scissor drop lol. LFI should be next champs. - *** 1/2

- Cole vs MJF (c) was my MOTN. Loved MJF's HHH entrance. Bryce bumped his ass off. I think Cole's still turning... just a matter of when. - **** 1/2


Not even close to a Top 5 PPV but memorable for the location & attendance record. Packed stadium, LED entrance tunnel and ring scaffolding looked awesome. Black stage and ramp looked bland. It was strange watching the early matches in sunlight. Sunset onwards looked amazing.

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I think with Jamie's injury derailing long term plans TK just scrapped everything and went in a different direction. Shida got to win the title in front of fans and go to Wembley as Champion. Saraya got to win it on home soil (TK loves to give veterans the spotlight). Outcasts are now in shambles unless they backtrack. With Rosa almost back and Mone hopefully signed to some dates there's plenty of interesting challengers. I think Hayter will win the title back after she returns.

Of course none of this will matter much without strong booking from TK...

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2 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Why do people want Mone? She's injury prone and a botch machine. I love her passion for the business, but man, she's not a reliable talent in the slightest. 

One of the top female stars in the world. Sells lots of merch. Capable of good to great matches with most opponents. I also think her being injury prone has been blown out of proportion. If anything she's pretty resilient for a person of her size taking the bumps she does.

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8 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Why do people want Mone? She's injury prone and a botch machine. I love her passion for the business, but man, she's not a reliable talent in the slightest. 

She is a recognizable name with tons of experience. That's exactly what the AEW Women's division has needed since the beginning. The male roster had a bunch of established guys since day one, but there was no women of this caliber available on the market.

Don't get me wrong, AEW could and really should have built the division better. But she's still a big name and realistically the biggest catch they could do.

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17 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Why do people want Mone? She's injury prone and a botch machine. I love her passion for the business, but man, she's not a reliable talent in the slightest. 

Not pile on but there's one point I didn't see mentioned. Right now AEW's women's division is a token division despite there being a core of talented women they could build around. If there's any signing possible that could light a fire under TK to actually give the women more meaningful snaps it would be a proven star who can actually wrestle and is very passionate about women's wrestling. She could be abysmal in the ring for all I care - if she get the women to be treated even slightly better then it's a huge W in my book.

I don't have the numbers off the top but AEW has been losing badly in female viewers, and Mercedes could be a catalyst to get the women more air time and matches, and bring new fans to the product as well.

Edited by John Lions
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All valid points. She seemed to be on the shelf half the time in WWE whether it was creative differences or injuries. I found it hard to invest in her when she'd get hurt time and time again. I love her passion for pro wrestling, I just hate seeing injuries. 

If she can bring some extra eyeballs to AEW though, more power to her. 

Hopefully if she does get signed, she's able to stay healthy and help elevate the division and company as a whole. 

We don't need a female CM Punk afterall. 

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I read some news about the Punk/Perry situation and. if I understand correctly. this is what happened. Correct me if I am wrong:

Perry wanted to use real glass for a spot, multiple members of AEW staff (e.g. Schiavone) and tv producers advised him against it. Perry said "ok lol don't care" so they asked Punk to talk to him, with poor results.

Perry shoot on (probably) Punk live on Zero Hour during his match.

Back in gorilla position, Punk asked Perry if he had something to say, an altercation ensued to which Perry replied to do something about it.

Punk did something about it, and after some shoving Punk locked Perry in a choke hold, no punches been thrown.


I mean, if that's what happened I don't understand why it should be Punk's fault tbh.


As someone will say, "tell me when I'm telling lies" lol

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2 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

I read some news about the Punk/Perry situation and. if I understand correctly. this is what happened. Correct me if I am wrong:

I can't tell you if you're wrong or not but this is what WOL reported, summarized by me:

- From Jungle Boys perspective, he got the glass spot approved by AEW and then told no by Punk when he arrived at Collision, with a rented car that he was supposed to go through. His side thinks this is because Jungle Boy is friends with Young Bucks. Punks side is that he wants to protect people from going through glass. (My note: JB's side lines up with the reports that other people often featured on BTE are banned from Collision, for example Nemeth and Hardy. It's a stupid move to go through glass, but if you get it approved by the boss then Punk should probably take it up with Tony instead)

- When Jungle Boy walked back post-match, Punk asked "Do you have a problem with me?" and Perry replied well, you heard what I said out there. Punk then said "You know I could beat your ass?", then shoved him and put him in a choke hold, which was broken up immediately by Samoa Joe.

- The fight was apparently close enough to Tony Khan that monitors fell on him.

- Punk after this didn't want to wrestle and threatened to quit. Joe was pissed, so they got the match together anyway. (My note: Maybe try and don't piss off Samoa Joe)

- Morale is down and people are waiting for "something to be done". PW Torch reports that Punk and Khan have a very frail relationship after Punk blew up at Tony before his match.

Both Punk and Jungle Boy are currently suspended.

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1 hour ago, PaperMachete said:

I can't tell you if you're wrong or not but this is what WOL reported, summarized by me:

Thx ;) Yep, this side of the story is pretty different and I get it.

I mean I honestly understand Punk's frustration with some of his unprofessional colleagues, but he also has overreactions sometimes that have repercussions on the locker room.

Hope things get sorted out at least with Tony, because Punk is obviously one of their true big draws on TV and I'm enjoying Collision a lot.

Also, good luck doing All Out in Chi Town without Punk lol

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5 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

I mean, if that's what happened I don't understand why it should be Punk's fault tbh.

Who do you think leaked the story about the glass to journalists?

Additionally, who leaked the story that nobody was at Heathrow Airport to pick up CM Punk when he landed in London?

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