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6 hours ago, Jaysin said:

I just think it's messed up that people expect former WWE talents not to work elsewhere. They need to pay their bills too. Are they supposed to retire when WWE doesn't want/need them?

I can't speak for others, obviously, I mostly find it annoying because it's obvious that most of them are using AEW/TNA/WCW as a rebound until WWE comes calling again. Remember how Drew McIntyre went back to Scotland to headline ICW for a while and it wound up helping him completely reinvent himself? That's what I'd like to see more of from WWE castaways. Find a new place to do something different. It feels like that old joke of "What's [insert legally distinct ring name from their WWE that still sounds a lot like it] doing in the Impact Zone!?" has never stopped being relevant.

I get that it's not always financially viable for everyone fired by WWE to do this, but it would be nice to see from time to time.

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4 minutes ago, The Swanton825 said:

I can't speak for others, obviously, I mostly find it annoying because it's obvious that most of them are using AEW/TNA/WCW as a rebound until WWE comes calling again. Remember how Drew McIntyre went back to Scotland to headline ICW for a while and it wound up helping him completely reinvent himself? That's what I'd like to see more of from WWE castaways. Find a new place to do something different. It feels like that old joke of "What's [insert legally distinct ring name from their WWE that still sounds a lot like it] doing in the Impact Zone!?" has never stopped being relevant.

I get that it's not always financially viable for everyone fired by WWE to do this, but it would be nice to see from time to time.

Like who? Danielson, Cole, Swerve, Christian, Copeland, and Saraya aren't working AEW until WWE comes calling, and those are the ones at the top of the cards. 

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21 minutes ago, Dalton said:

Like who? Danielson, Cole, Swerve, Christian, Copeland, and Saraya aren't working AEW until WWE comes calling, and those are the ones at the top of the cards. 

Cole would absolutely drop AEW like a bad habit if WWE promised him a push and Saraya will work wherever lets her relapse like a female Jeff Hardy. But I was speaking generally about my thoughts on ex-WWE talent getting work elsewhere. AEW isn't quite to the TNA/WCW level of taking every single WWE castoff yet.

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To me the only problem with ex WWE guys is the same thing a lot of people do with TEW: sign every wrestler under the sun, bloat the roster and have big problems giving consistency to the stories and wrestlers. 

I don't even think that there are much rebound guys out there, just personalityless wrestlers that failed or been failed in WWE and are another JAG on the roster. I have a difficult time to see people with a ego and wanting to be in WWE besides the pretentious idiot Tommy End and Andrade, that's it. The other guys like Keith Lee and Co are just there occupying space without doing much fuss.

Edited by hollywoodshinebox
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It's been interesting reading everyone's takes on what is happening at AEW. I've been gradually losing interest in the product for about a year now. The actual wrestling is still great most of the time, but I find myself caring less and less about it. My main issues are these:

1. Too many cold, low stakes matches. Not every match needs a long build of course, but every match should have a reason for taking place. The old rankings system was a bit of a crutch, but at least everyone had a reason to fight. Tomorrow's Dynamite, for example, will have Kyle Fletcher v Kenny Omega, which I'm sure will be a very good wrestling match, but why is it happening? And, more importantly, why does it matter who wins?

2. Too much outside continuity. I'm sure Copeland and Cage's feud will be great, but it relies on 25 year-old history from another company. What if I'm new to wrestling or only watch AEW? Adam Copeland turning up will mean nothing to me. Same thing with Kota Ibushi. Who is he and why should I care? I don't watch NJPW, I have no idea about his history with Kenny Omega, so when Don Callis threatens Ibushi to get to Omega, I just shrug. Rampage this week has a big CMLL title v title match. Why!!?? I never even heard of CMLL. Why is this match happening on AEW television? I could go on and on here...

3. Adam Cole. This is more subjective, but nothing says indie-riffic to me more than this guy in the main event. I like him fine as a midcarder, but he doesn't look like an elite athlete who can deal out and absorb physical punishment. This guy could kick out of like four spinning avalanche piledrivers and be back on the attack in seconds. It's not just Cole, it's the Bucks, Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara etc. All good guys to have on the roster, but when they're presented as the best the company has to offer, it just takes me out of the suspension of disbelief. 

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Darby and the Bucks fight like you want a smaller guys fighting bigger ones - relentlessly and with speed. You know, like MMA and Boxing when you put the smaller and faster guy in a bigger division, like Roy Jones Jr against Ruiz and etc. Also, they are as tall as FTR and Matt Jackson right now isn't that slim to begin with, his muscles might not be defined, but he is on the bulkier side compared with Nick.

I think people see muscles and think "oh yeah this is guys is so strong", but going by logic and real life, big bulky muscles like a lot of wrestlers have per se don't do nothing a lot of times neither are that good to fight, on contrary. 

Edited by hollywoodshinebox
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1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

Comparing the Young Bucks, who are dorks who do flips to MMA fighters might be the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

Good reading comprehension, bravo.

I said "Darby and the Bucks fight like you want a smaller guys fighting bigger ones - relentlessly and with speed" and compared strategies in the abstract, I didn't say the it was a 1:1 comparison. 

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43 minutes ago, hollywoodshinebox said:

Good reading comprehension, bravo.

I said "Darby and the Bucks fight like you want a smaller guys fighting bigger ones - relentlessly and with speed" and compared strategies in the abstract, I didn't say the it was a 1:1 comparison. 

I just don't think there is anything comparable between the Bucks and any MMA fighter is all. They are two of the least threatening and least tough workers ever on a main stream wrestling product. I like them in small doses, but I just don't understand any connection between them and MMA is all. 

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11 hours ago, TheChef said:

It's been interesting reading everyone's takes on what is happening at AEW. I've been gradually losing interest in the product for about a year now. The actual wrestling is still great most of the time, but I find myself caring less and less about it. My main issues are these:

1. Too many cold, low stakes matches. Not every match needs a long build of course, but every match should have a reason for taking place. The old rankings system was a bit of a crutch, but at least everyone had a reason to fight. Tomorrow's Dynamite, for example, will have Kyle Fletcher v Kenny Omega, which I'm sure will be a very good wrestling match, but why is it happening? And, more importantly, why does it matter who wins?

2. Too much outside continuity. I'm sure Copeland and Cage's feud will be great, but it relies on 25 year-old history from another company. What if I'm new to wrestling or only watch AEW? Adam Copeland turning up will mean nothing to me. Same thing with Kota Ibushi. Who is he and why should I care? I don't watch NJPW, I have no idea about his history with Kenny Omega, so when Don Callis threatens Ibushi to get to Omega, I just shrug. Rampage this week has a big CMLL title v title match. Why!!?? I never even heard of CMLL. Why is this match happening on AEW television? I could go on and on here...

3. Adam Cole. This is more subjective, but nothing says indie-riffic to me more than this guy in the main event. I like him fine as a midcarder, but he doesn't look like an elite athlete who can deal out and absorb physical punishment. This guy could kick out of like four spinning avalanche piledrivers and be back on the attack in seconds. It's not just Cole, it's the Bucks, Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara etc. All good guys to have on the roster, but when they're presented as the best the company has to offer, it just takes me out of the suspension of disbelief. 

Very well said. Sometimes AEW feels like WWE lite. Meanwhile in the earlier Dynamites it was like watching the good parts of Nitro all over again. The wrestling is still good, specially on PPVs, but everything else is kinda missing.

Collision had a different feeling at first but in the past weeks it's basically a sequel to Dynamite.

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- Penta vs Jay was good. Cardblade for Champion!

- Max doesn't like scissoring.

- Emi vs Shida was great. Longer than usual women's match in the 1st hour with a hype video.

- Copeland interview was too long but I get it... casuals need to know their history but they can't use footage from the other company.

- RIP Hunk. Wardlow turning heel is what he needs.

- Roddy is a pain in the neck. Tony's hatred for Don lol. New Hobbs canon.

- Fletcher vs Kenny was my MOTN.

- Archer has been relegated to hometown squashes.

- Stang retirement tour is on. Half the wrestlers he mentioned don't deserve to be cheered.

- Nice to see RJ on TV. Gone with the Storm was a masterpiece and not PG.

- Nick Wayne is a bad son. Best Friends draped in gold.

- Diamond Battle Royale was OK with a few fun spots. Daddy says no lol. Over-run again!


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Apparently they sold 2,100 additional tickets (attendance was 4,457) to Dynamite/Rampage after Mistico was announced. This has started a twitter battle with people trying to dismiss that Mistico is a draw in Texas and that discounted tickets and walk-ins are the reason. According to Meltzer late discounts average 600 for AEW shows not 2000+ and they started selling fast after the announcement before AEW decided to capitalize with cheap tickets.

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2 hours ago, milamber said:

Apparently they sold 2,100 additional tickets (attendance was 4,457) to Dynamite/Rampage after Mistico was announced. This has started a twitter battle with people trying to dismiss that Mistico is a draw in Texas and that discounted tickets and walk-ins are the reason. According to Meltzer late discounts average 600 for AEW shows not 2000+ and they started selling fast after the announcement before AEW decided to capitalize with cheap tickets.

Despite his poor WWE run, Mistico is a hell of a talent and a star. When he's in the ring with the right people, he can have incredible matches. I can't watch Rampage until morning because I promised my son we'd watch together. But I am very excited for Rocky vs Mistico. 

He had never been exposed to pro wrestling before I came into his and his mom's life, but he's having a blast watching AEW with me and playing Fight Forever. He really likes Sting based on youtube highlights and the fact that he's undefeated in Fight Forever as Sting 😂

He got really worried when a worker bled recently and I had to explain gigging to him and that was a fun convo, but I explained how they're working together to tell a story. I didn't tell him the matches are predetermined, so there's still some magic for him. He's only 10, so it's very fun hearing his thoughts. 

Fatherhood is very new for me, but wrestling has become a good bonding tool. Eventually, I'll show him the rest of the big promotions from the US and Japan, but I don't want to overwhelm him. 

Edited by Jaysin
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1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

Despite his poor WWE run, Mistico is a hell of a talent and a star. When he's in the ring with the right people, he can have incredible matches. I can't watch Rampage until morning because I promised my son we'd watch together. But I am very excited for Rocky vs Mistico. 

He had never been exposed to pro wrestling before I came into his and his mom's life, but he's having a blast watching AEW with me and playing Fight Forever. He really likes Sting based on youtube highlights and the fact that he's undefeated in Fight Forever as Sting 😂

He got really worried when a worker bled recently and I had to explain gigging to him and that was a fun convo, but I explained how they're working together to tell a story. I didn't tell him the matches are predetermined, so there's still some magic for him. He's only 10, so it's very fun hearing his thoughts. 

Fatherhood is very new for me, but wrestling has become a good bonding tool. Eventually, I'll show him the rest of the big promotions from the US and Japan, but I don't want to overwhelm him. 

I'm not gonna tell you how to raise your son because it's not my place, but in my opinion, show him US based wrestling for his early life. Because while Japanese companies are enjoyable, US based are usually more accessible for kids to become fans.

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5 hours ago, FellaLibby said:

I'm not gonna tell you how to raise your son because it's not my place, but in my opinion, show him US based wrestling for his early life. Because while Japanese companies are enjoyable, US based are usually more accessible for kids to become fans.

Yeah that's the plan. When he understands the concepts more, I'll introduce him to the different styles. He doesn't appreciate the in ring portion as much as the character work at the moment so I don't think he'd really grasp Strong Style or King's Road.

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