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21 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

Apparently, he then immediately got into it with Miro, who, if reports are true, just asked what was going on?

Sean Ross Sapp from Fightful reports that the interaction between Punk and Miro did indeed happen, but that everything that was said happened in a joking manner ;) This includes Punk saying “you wanna take this outside” and Miro agreeing. 


14 minutes ago, Mootinie said:

Who do you think leaked the story about the glass to journalists?

Additionally, who leaked the story that nobody was at Heathrow Airport to pick up CM Punk when he landed in London?

I don't know that nor do I care tbh, but if you want we could talk about AEW wrestlers who leak stories to journalists now lol

Plus, how is this related to Perry's attitude, calling out Punk live on PPV for no reason at all? Fool around, found out 

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4 hours ago, PaperMachete said:

Who is in the right or wrong we'll probably never know, but this is the second big AEW event where "no one" talks about the actual events and "everyone" talks about some backstage drama.

To quote Bowling for Soup, high school never ends. It's some weird flaw of our psychology or something that even when we know better, drama gossip is like catnip. We're more interested to hear about how the quarterback got into it with the head cheerleader than if our team won.

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8 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

I don't know that nor do I care tbh, but if you want we could talk about AEW wrestlers who leak stories to journalists now lol

Plus, how is this related to Perry's attitude, calling out Punk live on PPV for no reason at all? Fool around, found out 

I think Jack Perry suspects that the reason the glass story has been reported is because CM Punk leaked it. I reckon he has a right to be annoyed that one of his co-workers has done this to him.

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1 hour ago, The Swanton825 said:

To quote Bowling for Soup, high school never ends. It's some weird flaw of our psychology or something that even when we know better, drama gossip is like catnip. We're more interested to hear about how the quarterback got into it with the head cheerleader than if our team won.

Britt Baker, she's the prom queen. Don Callis, Captain of the chess team. Orange Cassidy, the clown, MJF, the quarterback, seen it all before... I want my money back.

(sidenote: it was hard picking a clown lol)

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10 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

To quote Bowling for Soup, high school never ends. It's some weird flaw of our psychology or something that even when we know better, drama gossip is like catnip. We're more interested to hear about how the quarterback got into it with the head cheerleader than if our team won.

I agree, and I think AEW suffers more of this than example WWE because their fans are more inclined to be hardcore, terminally online fans who read every dirt sheet imageinable. I mean this is a nice way and not a slight on anyone 😃

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10 hours ago, PaperMachete said:

I agree, and I think AEW suffers more of this than example WWE because their fans are more inclined to be hardcore, terminally online fans who read every dirt sheet imageinable. I mean this is a nice way and not a slight on anyone 😃

Pro wrestling got a lot more fun when I stopped reading dirt sheets. I still see some news thanks to facebook, but man, wrestling is so much better when you ignore the dirt sheets. At least that's my experience. 

The worst is the people who don't even watch the shows. They just read someone's biased review. I'll never understand that mindset.

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Anyway, watching Dynamite. 

I love Roderick Strong and have since around 2005 when I saw him at an ROH show, but man, do not let him talk 😂 The Kingdom need a mouth piece badly. I've grown to tolerate Taven and Mike and even sometimes enjoy their matches, but they all stink on the mic. I imagine Taven and Mike's roles would be much better for O'Reilly and Fish.

Orange Cassidy's post match promo was quite good considering he rarely talks. I'll be shocked if he is beats Mox at All Out though.

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3 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Anyway, watching Dynamite. 

I love Roderick Strong and have since around 2005 when I saw him at an ROH show, but man, do not let him talk 😂 The Kingdom need a mouth piece badly. I've grown to tolerate Taven and Mike and even sometimes enjoy their matches, but they all stink on the mic. I imagine Taven and Mike's roles would be much better for O'Reilly and Fish.

O'Reilly is hurt still and Fish is in Impact. As far as a mouthpiece, Maria is RIGHT THERE! When the Kingdom came out, I thought, "... Where's Maria?"



Orange Cassidy's post match promo was quite good considering he rarely talks. I'll be shocked if he is beats Mox at All Out though.



If Mox wins, big deal. He wins most of his singles matches, and he doesn't need it. But Orange winning? THAT is a big deal. Aside from Jericho and Cole, he's never really been allowed to go over any of the big names in AEW. He's lost matches to Omega, Cody, MJF, etc.

I also find it curious that that Orange and Penta have to wrestle to determine who fights Mox. Since Cassidy is the champ, shouldn't Mox and Penta have to wrestle each other to determine who fights him?

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1 hour ago, Matt_Black said:

O'Reilly is hurt still and Fish is in Impact. As far as a mouthpiece, Maria is RIGHT THERE! When the Kingdom came out, I thought, "... Where's Maria?"




If Mox wins, big deal. He wins most of his singles matches, and he doesn't need it. But Orange winning? THAT is a big deal. Aside from Jericho and Cole, he's never really been allowed to go over any of the big names in AEW. He's lost matches to Omega, Cody, MJF, etc.

I also find it curious that that Orange and Penta have to wrestle to determine who fights Mox. Since Cassidy is the champ, shouldn't Mox and Penta have to wrestle each other to determine who fights him?

Maria would be a step up as a mouth piece for sure. I also knew that about Fish and O'Reilly, I just think they'd have been better in this angle. Most casual fans know Adam Cole from NXT with UE, a far better stable than the Kingdom ever was. 

Mox definitely doesn't need the win, but I also don't see Orange winning clean for some reason. I'd be ecstatic if OC wins though. He is so consistent in his entertainment. 

As for Penta, Mox, and Orange. From what I remember from the All In media scrum, Orange laid out a challenge for Dynamite because he didn't get to defend the title at All In and then Penta came out. Tony Khan had already booked Orange vs Mox at All Out, so they just added an extra match before the ppv. I think it might be leading to Orange losing the belt from being too much of a work horse. Getting wore out. 

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- Mox vs Kommander was solid.
- BCG on Dynamite again. Fun match booked for All Out.
- Love Toni's new character.
- Sammy needs to leave Jericho next week before he gets booed again.
- Yuta vs Kingston (c) was good.
- Workhorse MJF. Double Clizliz! Roddy the annoying stalker CAW. Kingdom are underrated. When's Kyle back?
- Statlander, Shida & DMD vs Emi, Nyla & Shafir was solid. Need a #1 Contender Ladder match at All Out for the Women's Championship.
- No offense to Shane Taylor but that's a Zero Hour match. Athena deserves a PPV match.
- Coach Don showing Takeshita how to destroy Kenny's body.
- Hot pink scissor belts for House of Ass lol. The replicas are going to sell like crazy.
- Women's matches announced much earlier than usual.
- Penta vs Cassidy (c) was my MOTN. Longest promo of OC's career.

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50 minutes ago, milamber said:

- Mox vs Kommander was solid.
- BCG on Dynamite again. Fun match booked for All Out.
- Love Toni's new character.
- Sammy needs to leave Jericho next week before he gets booed again.
- Yuta vs Kingston (c) was good.
- Workhorse MJF. Double Clizliz! Roddy the annoying stalker CAW. Kingdom are underrated. When's Kyle back?
- Statlander, Shida & DMD vs Emi, Nyla & Shafir was solid. Need a #1 Contender Ladder match at All Out for the Women's Championship.
- No offense to Shane Taylor but that's a Zero Hour match. Athena deserves a PPV match.
- Coach Don showing Takeshita how to destroy Kenny's body.
- Hot pink scissor belts for House of Ass lol. The replicas are going to sell like crazy.
- Women's matches announced much earlier than usual.
- Penta vs Cassidy (c) was my MOTN. Longest promo of OC's career.

I'd much rather see Shane Taylor any day over Athena. 

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I've not watched Dynamite this week and for the first time in about 2 years I don't really care about AEW at all. Up until All In from Wembley, I was into AEW and despite being a fan of selling (which none of todays wrestlers are capable of, so I let it slide) I watched Dynamite & Collision weekly but following that event in London I realised what a lazy, (or incompetent) booker Tony Khan really is. Why is he lazy? I'm glad nobody asked, it is because he thinks having your entire roster kick out of finishing moves constitutes "drama". How can I "pretend" these are contests when no one can sell a finishing move now? Adam Cole, MJF, That PoS Ospraey, Jericho... etc... were all just casually kicking out of finishers for "drama". Well, it's not drama when it's done every week on TV and in 90% of your PPV matches. Its pointless watching it. I now don't care if wrestler X hits a finisher because wrestler y kicked out of it the night before, wrestler z kicked out of it the week before etc... Its lost its impact and is just another move now. A  Canadian Destroyer for example should not be used as a set up move or a throw away move. Yes, wrestling is predetermined but that makes it even more egregious booking multiple matches with finisher kick outs. It shows TK is either lazy or just doesn't have a clue how to book the wrestlers to tell a story, instead just going "oh... let's have them kick out after being hit with a finisher. Fans won't expect it as I booked the last 6 matches the same way!" Idiot. I let some things go with AEW but this for me just kills my interest. I could not care less about their product any more because its broken by a billionaire playing TEW badly on a grander scale.

No one sells anything, referees are made to look like absolute clowns and the copy and paste match booking is now predictable and not worth watching. You know who is winning and how the match will unfold before the bell even rings.

Sorry for the negativity but it really annoys me when something I used to love is now so completely broken and unwatchable. I could probably be more diplomatic but it's 2am, I cant sleep and I'm a grumpy arse at the moment.

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6 hours ago, Jaysin said:

I'd much rather see Shane Taylor any day over Athena. 

One of the best female wresters of 2023 > solid midcard guy.

My issue is more with Joe, who holds the secondary ROH title being booked back-to-back on PPV while the ROH women's champion wasn't even on today's show. Plus Joe going from facing Punk to Taylor is a massive star power downgrade. Honor Club or Zero Hour worthy at best.

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Technically, she's fine. As far as in-ring persona, nothing about her wows me. She was underwhelming in WWE, she's been underwhelming in AEW. She's functionally little different than Toni Storm. By the way, am I the only one not impressed by Toni's new character? Everyone is saying, "Oh, wow, she's so much more interesting than what she was doing before!", and while technically that's true, watching paint dry was more interesting than what she was doing before, so not a high bar to clear.

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6 hours ago, milamber said:

One of the best female wresters of 2023 > solid midcard guy.

My issue is more with Joe, who holds the secondary ROH title being booked back-to-back on PPV while the ROH women's champion wasn't even on today's show. Plus Joe going from facing Punk to Taylor is a massive star power downgrade. Honor Club or Zero Hour worthy at best.

Looked at the card and wow you are right. All Out looks awful this year. So many random feud tag matches. This corroborates Fleich’s post about the bad booking of Khan. He’s playing TEW badly.  

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I decided to not watch Dynamite live and just now made some time for it. Ended up running through the whole show in like 3 minutes. Nothing really worth watching. All Out is looking atrocious too. Besides Omega vs Takeshita (should've done it in Wembley) and maybe Miro vs Hobbs, nothing else excites me.

I really hope the booking improves soon. It's time to stop trying to showcase as many people as possible and just focus on developing stories for the top guys. Omega shouldn't be on trios. The World Champion shouldn't be involved with Roderick Strong and the ROH guys. I already gave up on complaining about Cassidy and just turn the TV off when I see him. Statlander is completely lost since her return.

The Grand Slam is in three weeks. TK needs to book a really strong card for that.

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9 hours ago, milamber said:

One of the best female wresters of 2023 > solid midcard guy.

My issue is more with Joe, who holds the secondary ROH title being booked back-to-back on PPV while the ROH women's champion wasn't even on today's show. Plus Joe going from facing Punk to Taylor is a massive star power downgrade. Honor Club or Zero Hour worthy at best.

Athena has zero charisma. Shane looks like a bad ass and carries himself like a star. Athena is just bland and comes across like she's playing a character. She does zero for me. 

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So I guess no one caught that the program with AR Fox and the Mogul Embassy was scrapped because now Fox has heat for not being able to work Wembley? Because Fox can't work overseas and hasn't since 2016. But he is the one who has heat? How is it that TK's booking blunder is Fox's fault? Like, reports say that AR wasn't "forthcoming" about his inability to go out of the US, but one would think that since Fox hasn't wrestled on AEWs previous non US events, that there would be enough reason. Idk, but I'm putting this on Tony.

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19 minutes ago, FellaLibby said:

So I guess no one caught that the program with AR Fox and the Mogul Embassy was scrapped because now Fox has heat for not being able to work Wembley? Because Fox can't work overseas and hasn't since 2016. But he is the one who has heat? How is it that TK's booking blunder is Fox's fault? Like, reports say that AR wasn't "forthcoming" about his inability to go out of the US, but one would think that since Fox hasn't wrestled on AEWs previous non US events, that there would be enough reason. Idk, but I'm putting this on Tony.

Yeah, this seems weird to put any heat on Fox. I feel like if you hire someone, you should know where they can work. 

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