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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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<p>They've debuted an alien wrestler! Colour me intrigued. I want to learn more about the character. Too bad they didn't give her any promo time. Solid in-ring debut for TV, though. I really think they should have just given her the spotlight during the post-match and not have Brandi step on it. The recruitment and head-shaving could could easily have happened in a different segment. And I'm not really interested in Brandi's little stable. Why's she always the one getting mic time? I want me some alien promo.</p><p> </p><p>

Jericho and Cody as usual are flawless when it comes to the delivery part of the promos, although the premise for both is questionable, especially for Jericho. In Cody's case....how much power does he actually have? I thought that was the reason he made the stipulation to forfeit all future title shots, because he didn't want to be seen as someone who's abusing his position of power? Why is MJF allowed to "refuse to wrestle Cody"? I mean, sure, he <em>can</em> refuse, even if Cody goes ahead and make the match, but can't Cody just keep booking the match and then fine MJF his pay-cheque every time he refuse to do his contractually-obligated job? Admittedly, this is just a minor quibble, and the story they're having (Cody trying to entice MJF to agree to a match with baits and rewards instead of punishments) can be potentially very intriguing too. I'm still looking forward to how it goes.</p><p> </p><p>

Jericho, as mentioned, again with the flawless delivery. Moxley being the new substitute for ARMBAR is hilarious. And I love the idea of Jericho vs Jungle Boy. But...why the hell is Jericho trying to avoid a match with <em>Marko Stunt</em> of all people? I mean, the story is that he's contractually obligated to fight, even though he doesn't want to. If a lazy/cowardly heel HAS to fight someone in AEW, shouldn't Marko Stunt be his first choice of opponent? It would have made sense for Jericho to actively lobby for Marko to be his opponent just so he can get this contractual obligation over and done with with an easy opponent, only for Jurassic Express to somehow goad him into accepting a fight with Jungle Boy instead?</p><p> </p><p>

What do the ranking systems actually do? Moxley and Shida were officially "No. 1 contenders" due to their ranking....so if Jericho has to fulfill a title defense obligation, why would Moxley not get the shot? Is there a stipulated amount of time that they have to <em>stay</em> at No.1 in order to claim a title shot? There're a number of things that AEW introduced but haven't demonstrated much in the execution, and this is one of them.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Greylocke" data-cite="Greylocke" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>They've debuted an alien wrestler! Colour me intrigued. I want to learn more about the character. Too bad they didn't give her any promo time. Solid in-ring debut for TV, though. I really think they should have just given her the spotlight during the post-match and not have Brandi step on it. The recruitment and head-shaving could could easily have happened in a different segment. And I'm not really interested in Brandi's little stable. Why's she always the one getting mic time? I want me some alien promo.<p> </p><p> Jericho and Cody as usual are flawless when it comes to the delivery part of the promos, although the premise for both is questionable, especially for Jericho. In Cody's case....how much power does he actually have? I thought that was the reason he made the stipulation to forfeit all future title shots, because he didn't want to be seen as someone who's abusing his position of power? Why is MJF allowed to "refuse to wrestle Cody"? I mean, sure, he <em>can</em> refuse, even if Cody goes ahead and make the match, but can't Cody just keep booking the match and then fine MJF his pay-cheque every time he refuse to do his contractually-obligated job? Admittedly, this is just a minor quibble, and the story they're having (Cody trying to entice MJF to agree to a match with baits and rewards instead of punishments) can be potentially very intriguing too. I'm still looking forward to how it goes.</p><p> </p><p> Jericho, as mentioned, again with the flawless delivery. Moxley being the new substitute for ARMBAR is hilarious. And I love the idea of Jericho vs Jungle Boy. But...why the hell is Jericho trying to avoid a match with <em>Marko Stunt</em> of all people? I mean, the story is that he's contractually obligated to fight, even though he doesn't want to. If a lazy/cowardly heel HAS to fight someone in AEW, shouldn't Marko Stunt be his first choice of opponent? It would have made sense for Jericho to actively lobby for Marko to be his opponent just so he can get this contractual obligation over and done with with an easy opponent, only for Jurassic Express to somehow goad him into accepting a fight with Jungle Boy instead?</p><p> </p><p> What do the ranking systems actually do? Moxley and Shida were officially "No. 1 contenders" due to their ranking....so if Jericho has to fulfill a title defense obligation, why would Moxley not get the shot? Is there a stipulated amount of time that they have to <em>stay</em> at No.1 in order to claim a title shot? There're a number of things that AEW introduced but haven't demonstrated much in the execution, and this is one of them.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Jericho vs Jungle Boy isn't a title match, so Mox's ranking means nothing until next year. Riho is busy in Japan but I'm hoping she's back next week for the final show of the year. Failing that maybe a #1 Contenders match between Shida and Emi.</p>
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<p>Yeah, I agree on the Cody thing.</p><p> </p><p>

The episodes that were built around his feud against Jericho were stronger than the more recent episodes that do feel like they've lacked that story to bring everything together.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm aware of why they are keeping Cody at arm's length from MJF, to preserve the story until they're closer to a show where they can advance it further, but the energy the show was getting from Cody vs. Jericho has been absent recently and I don't think the holding pattern of the more minor challenges for Jericho, nor the Moxley rampage are doing much to alleviate it. </p><p> </p><p>

That's why I was hoping the Inner Circle were going to jump Mox after his match against Janela because I do feel like the inevitable Jericho vs. Moxley encounter needs accelerating if he's going to be the next serious challenger, just so the audience have something to invest in that will bring them back next week to see what the next chapter in the story is. Right now I don't feel like the show has that.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Jericho vs Jungle Boy isn't a title match, so Mox's ranking means nothing until next year. Riho is busy in Japan but I'm hoping she's back next week for the final show of the year. Failing that maybe a #1 Contenders match between Shida and Emi.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Point on Jericho/JB not being a title match....but it still doesn't explain why Jericho would bother to come up with excuses about not wanting to fight Marko Stunt, who has to be the easiest opponent he can probably find on the roster. Even the most cowardly heel champion shouldn't be ducking fights against Marko Stunt.</p><p> </p><p> And if there were a #1 contender for the Women's title, why would it be between Shide and Emi? I mean, I love both wrestlers, but <em>within kayfabe</em>, why Emi? She's not even No. 2! If Shida has to defend her No.1 position against anyone, shouldn't it be either against Statlander (who just beat her), or whomever the No. 2 is next week (not that I ever want to see Nyla Rose in another title match)? My main gripe about the ranking system is the lack of detailed explanation of how it's meant to be executed, and if they were to do what you suggest, it'd make even less sense.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Greylocke" data-cite="Greylocke" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Point on Jericho/JB not being a title match....but it still doesn't explain why Jericho would bother to come up with excuses about not wanting to fight Marko Stunt, who has to be the easiest opponent he can probably find on the roster. Even the most cowardly heel champion shouldn't be ducking fights against Marko Stunt.<p> </p><p> And if there were a #1 contender for the Women's title, why would it be between Shide and Emi? I mean, I love both wrestlers, but <em>within kayfabe</em>, why Emi? She's not even No. 2! If Shida has to defend her No.1 position against anyone, shouldn't it be either against Statlander (who just beat her), or whomever the No. 2 is next week (not that I ever want to see Nyla Rose in another title match)? My main gripe about the ranking system is the lack of detailed explanation of how it's meant to be executed, and if they were to do what you suggest, it'd make even less sense.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was assuming Emi would beat Big Swole before today's episode. Now Kris Statlander vs Britt Baker is set as a #1 Contender match next week to face Riho in January which some people on other forums have questioned. Here's my take on that:</p><p> </p><p> If Kris wins then she's undefeated and already beat #1 Shida. If Britt wins she is level with Shida in the rankings and just beat the woman who beat Shida. It makes just enough sense, although making it a triple threat with Shida would have been better. I think the plan for the next PPV might be Riho vs Shida.</p>
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<p>Dark 12/10:</p><p> </p><p>

- Avalon vs Havoc vs Scorpio was solid.</p><p>

- Beaver Boys vs Jurassic Express was solid.</p><p>

- Big Swole has an inspirational story. Oh hi Cedric.</p><p>

- Nice promo from Daniels</p><p>

- Sabian vs Omega was great.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Dynamite 12/11:</p><p> </p><p>

- Beaver Boys didn't stand a chance against Mox. Pitting him against The Inner Circle should be fun and I'm looking forward to the promos.</p><p>

- Butcher & Blade vs Cody & QT was solid but started a bit too slow for a TV match. QT got himself over. Darby's back!</p><p>

- MJF is dynamite on the mic... and you know it.</p><p>

- Dark Order now recruiting on BTE and Dynamite.</p><p>

- Big Swole vs Emi was solid. Big Swole with the big win. Nice continuity with Knox wearing tape from Nyla's powerbomb.</p><p>

- Sabian & Spears vs Page & Omega was good. LOL Janela. Interesting dynamic between Omega and Page.</p><p>

- Not sure about Brandi's stable gimmick but I liked her promo this week.</p><p>

- Sammy vs Luchasaurus was solid and Jericho was fantastic on commentary.</p><p>

- Young Bucks vs PnP Texas Street Fight was great. It started with a bang and never let up.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="b2btyBH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/b2btyBH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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At first I thought Cody was going to get the title from Jericho but now it seems like a great idea to keep Cody away from the title for now. It keeps the appearance from looking like his Dad, Verne Gagne, the Von Erichs. Then eventually the fans will demand he accept a match for the title which he wins more loved than ever. Never know how it’s going to go but I can see it playing out like that. Other prediction is Jericho drops the title at the PpV so he can go on tour with Fozzy in the spring. AEW has been great and gotten me back to watching wrestling on TV after 10years.
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Great show.


Loved the Jericho-Moxley segment, very much enjoyed the Cody tag which was a good moment for QT Marshall. MJF is money on the mic and the main event was great. Apparently Nick Jackson had flu heading into the match.


Hangman Page is definitely coming into his own, I liked the stuff with him and Omega and I wonder if that's the direction they're heading in. Page vs. Omega for the next PPV?


The next show looks stacked, I'm looking forward to seeing what Jungle Boy can do when he goes up against Jericho.

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I liked it. Had to watch it in 3 portions, because that's how my patience works these days.


They need to get better at recording the crowd noise. They were definitely reacting but it sounded really quiet. MJF's promo stood out for that, because he was reacting to things I couldn't hear. He talks really well, but I don't think this was his best promo. He's coming off a little fake to me. I don't buy that he's rich. I don't buy that him and Cody were friends. I like Cody when he's real, and there are elements that hurt that (Brandi's nonsense too).


Kip Sabian's good at working with his manager, but a terrible tag team wrestler. Was Spears legal at any point in the match?


Really enjoyed the main event. Goofy safe table bumps and all. Someone needs to take Nick Jackson's hair. If it doesn't happen soon it'll be a babyface pop and not heel heat.


Big Swole looked... okay. I think the long match with Emi hurt her. I also expected power moves, given... you know... Swole. Her forearms were really poor.


What is Joey Jannella? I mean, what made him popular enough for AEW to hire him? He doesn't have a good look, doesn't have a unique gimmick, he doesn't seem to do anything cool in the ring, a lot of his basics are sloppy, zero fire, Moxley carried him in their main event... Was it the promo? He had a pretty good one a few weeks ago, although nothing outstanding. It's not like Private Party where I can see flaws but they also have really impressive stuff. I feel like I missed some run he had somewhere, whenI wasn't watching, which explains him.


I'm ready to love the Hangman. I dug PAC's promo.


I'm looking forward to next week. Page/Omega vs Lucha Bros sounds cool. Hoping Bucks dethrone SCU (I find them so lame). I'm into Kris Statlander. She at leasts understands how to get the crowd into her stuff.

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They need to get better at recording the crowd noise. They were definitely reacting but it sounded really quiet. MJF's promo stood out for that, because he was reacting to things I couldn't hear. He talks really well, but I don't think this was his best promo. He's coming off a little fake to me. I don't buy that he's rich. I don't buy that him and Cody were friends. I like Cody when he's real, and there are elements that hurt that (Brandi's nonsense too)..


From what ive seen MJFs character has always come across that everything he does is fake and everything he owns is fake, but nobody knows who the real Maxwell Jacob Friedman is because esentially hes just this fake character all the time. (if that makes any sense) I think they main thing were meant to think when we see MJF is Fake.

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- Good Young Bucks promo. It reinforces why it was a good idea for the top talent to put over new talent early on and then earn their place at the top of the company in kayfabe. Vicki Guerrero LOL. She was pretty entertaining.

- Private Party vs SCU was great.

- Machiko vs Dr. Britt was a standard squash to keep The Dentist high in the rankings.

- Bea vs Statlander was good. Nice promo as well. Despite only 6 years experience between them they both have star potential. Nice shoutout to Beyond from Janela. AEW should consider a partnership with them to give some of the wrestlers more experience.

- TH2 & PAC vs Best Friends & OC was great. That pop for OC! We need a singles match against PAC on Dynamite.


Dark is in a good slot but if they moved it the weekend before the rankings are released they would make more sense. Holy crap, Janela was on fire during the main event. Blink 182 concert reference, Invisible Stan shoutout and a dig at Cornette's racist jake on NWA. Not to mention nicknaming himself Janella Nutella.

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Kip Sabian's good at working with his manager, but a terrible tag team wrestler. Was Spears legal at any point in the match?


He worked pretty well tagging with Iestyn Rees in WOS during the time they were together. Maybe we can just chalk this up to an unfortunate confluence of errors in the layout of this particular match?

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Absolutely. I was speaking less about the performer and more about the character, and yes, based on one match. Assuming it was scripted that way, Sabian had so many chances to tag out and would instead either go it alone or distract the ref to have his manager do a thing.


Not even necessarily an 'error'. Happy for this to become a character trait, because I know next to nothing else about him.

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- Lucha Bros vs Hangman & Omega was great. Everything after with Omega, Page and PAC was good.

- Butcher & Blade vs Darby & Cody was good. Villian name-drop?

- I'm surprised Miranda Alize never got signed to NXT after the 1st Mae Young Classic.

- An interview with the #1 contender before a title match. They should do it more often.

- Inner Circle commercial segment was funny. Jericho vs Jungle Boy was good. He did himself proud. Jericho was on top form as the sore loser heel. Merry Xmas Mox, Mox's lovely wife and Mox's mom!

- Statlander vs Dr. Britt was good. Kris's theme is growing on me. "I come in peace." Don't make fun of the alien Brandi.

- Young Bucks vs SCU © was great. I'm shocked SCU won clean. I predict they will drop the titles to PnP at the next PPV. Evil Uno sticking his hand in Matt's bloody mouth reminded me of free agent Killer Kross in Lucha Underground...


Dynamite finishes up for 2019 on a high note. Corpus Christi crowd was hot. Take note WWE.

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Really disappointed with opening tag. Page looked exhausted. Pentagon's shenanigans (which I love during the heat) were overly long and dumb, and he was cowering away from all of Hangman's offense. The key to a good chop is the guy getting his chest out there, and not turning away from it. Fenix was good except for the glaring botch. Omega's the only one who didn't seem lost.


It didn't help that I went back and watched Omega & Page vs Moxley & PAC earlier in the day. That match was excellant. Everything looked good. Solid heat. Strong comebacks. No botches. Also saw Moxley vs PAC from the week after, which was less exciting, but very professional and solid. Those two really are a step above most of the rest of the roster. For my tastes.


Still have most of this week's show to go.

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I love the main event last week. Best I've seen within the last month. And I think the best non-spotfest match I've seen from the Bucks (speaking of which, I think they really went too far overboard with the tables spots the previous week). A great match to end out 2019 for AEW.


I like the Butcher/Blade vs Cody/Darby match too, but the booking of the heel team looks really uneven. Butcher got all the highlights and Blade pretty much got nothing. I'm new to this team, so i don't know if that's how they've always worked, but this looks like a one-man team. Every time Blade gets in the match he gets owned the enemy gets the upper hand in less than a minute. He barely got any significant offense in. This is not the first team where the bigger powerhouse is booked as the big equalizer of the team, but they kind of took it to the extreme in that last match.


So did Jericho officially lose the match in the record books? He really should. He demanded the match to be restarted and they did restart the match, and then he just walked out. Logically that should give Jungle Boy a countout win over the champion. Even if it ended up not being counted in the record books, why would Jericho take that risk and walk out? The last time he lost a match he had to defend the title against the guy who beat him. It feels kind of weak that he would decide to walk out after dominating most of the match just because his opponent managed to string a few offense in.


Ugh @ Brandi again being the one getting more TV mic time. They might as well create a new Women's TV Microphone Championship and make Brandi the inaugural champion, since apparently only she has the privilege to talk on TV. Everybody else just gets interrupted when they try. Riho was getting an interview after her title win (supposedly in Japanese), and got attacked by Nyla. Jamie Hayter was getting an interview backstage and then got attacked Brandi with zero follow-ups. Allie was getting a random live interview, and gets destroyed by Kong. Statlander gets her post-match interview, and Brandi interrupts her. Britt Baker only got to say something when she was on commentary. Brandi is more annoying than Stephanie McMahon at this point. And it's not even like she's a manager cutting promos for actual wrestlers....Paul Heyman and Zelina Vegas are managers, and when they talk hype up the wrestlers they manage and promote their matches. Their promos revolve around their clients. Brandi's promos revolve around herself and her stable, and Kong and the new bald recruit are just..."there". She's being used like CM Punk in the SES, except CM Punk was the actual best wrestler and star of his group, and Brandi clearly is not.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Greylocke" data-cite="Greylocke" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> Ugh @ Brandi again being the one getting more TV mic time. They might as well create a new Women's TV Microphone Championship and make Brandi the inaugural champion, since apparently only she has the privilege to talk on TV. Everybody else just gets interrupted when they try. Riho was getting an interview after her title win (supposedly in Japanese), and got attacked by Nyla. Jamie Hayter was getting an interview backstage and then got attacked Brandi with zero follow-ups. Allie was getting a random live interview, and gets destroyed by Kong. Statlander gets her post-match interview, and Brandi interrupts her. Britt Baker only got to say something when she was on commentary. Brandi is more annoying than Stephanie McMahon at this point. And it's not even like she's a manager cutting promos for actual wrestlers....Paul Heyman and Zelina Vegas are managers, and when they talk hype up the wrestlers they manage and promote their matches. Their promos revolve around their clients. Brandi's promos revolve around herself and her stable, and Kong and the new bald recruit are just..."there". She's being used like CM Punk in the SES, except CM Punk was the actual best wrestler and star of his group, and Brandi clearly is not.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I don't know. Something is clearly up here and I'm curious to see what it is. The story world version of Cody and Brandi's marriage would seem to be far different from what it is when the camera goes off. There's a tale in why a married woman like Brandi is acting so vampy and devilish whenever she comes out. </p><p> </p><p> Could MJF be right? Could Cody not be what he appears and be a secret partner in this Nightmare Collective? Meaning he and Brandi are a more united front that it appears? There would almost have to be some in-character reason she's taken a part of his nickname and sown it into the name of her pet project. </p><p> </p><p> If it even is HER project. Could someone else, Kong for example, be pulling the strings and making Brandi present herself this way? Maybe thinking "pretty woman in a slinky dress is more likely to be heard." Not to mention deflect suspicion from the real mastermind. </p><p> </p><p> Regardless, I can't help thinking there are pieces to the puzzle we're not meant to see yet where Brandi and her? collective as concerned. Heck, maybe even the hair collection is a diversion from their real plan. All I know is I'm not ready to be as upset as you are about Brandi's mic time just yet. There's a grand scheme afoot with whatever she's doing or at least one would hope so. For now I say let it unfold or fail to do so. There were be plenty of time for consternation if the failure happens.</p>
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- Darby vs Cody was great. I love Darby's unique pre-entrance videos. Arn!

- Nyla vs Shida vs Britt vs Riho © was good. I hope Shanna returns soon to get revenge on Nyla. Britt heel turn soon?

- Trent vs Mox was good. Enjoyed Jericho's offer. LOL Sammy.

- Sammy vs Dustin was good.

- Hangman's downward spiral has spilled over from BTE to Dynamite... nice.

- MJF working the crowd like an old school heel. Strong promo.

- Lucha Bros & PAC vs Young Bucks & Omega was good.


AEW starts 2020 with a bang.




Full House starring Uncle Hangman:

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<p>Watched Dynamite over the weekend. Fun show with an interesting venue. Maybe not the best place for the hard camera, but I like seeing something different.</p><p> </p><p>

Main event was dumb. The story seemed to be that Fenix is a bad wrestler... unless you try to fight him 3-on-1, at which point he's unstoppable. Tags barely mattered, until they did. Weird flow. But holy cow, some of the moves were breathtaking. Really crisp, amazing stuff that thoroughly entertained me. </p><p> </p><p>

I'm glad they're leaning heel with Britt Baker. I keep hearing how she can be a babyface star, and I don't see it. She looks like a high school mean girl. She has resting sour face. She's a born heel. Just needs to be taught to work like it. Women's match was sloppy, but Nyla Rose looked good. Shida needs to ditch the knee strikes. In a promotion with Kenny Omega in it, they look really weak.</p><p> </p><p>

Dustin has resting sad face.</p><p> </p><p>

Digging the Hangman. Getting some personallity. </p><p> </p><p>

Tazz settled into commentary really quickly, and seemed to know more about the roster and their stories than the others. Seemed to love talking to JR too.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cappyboy" data-cite="cappyboy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't know. Something is clearly up here and I'm curious to see what it is. The story world version of Cody and Brandi's marriage would seem to be far different from what it is when the camera goes off. There's a tale in why a married woman like Brandi is acting so vampy and devilish whenever she comes out. <p> </p><p> Could MJF be right? Could Cody not be what he appears and be a secret partner in this Nightmare Collective? Meaning he and Brandi are a more united front that it appears? There would almost have to be some in-character reason she's taken a part of his nickname and sown it into the name of her pet project. </p><p> </p><p> If it even is HER project. Could someone else, Kong for example, be pulling the strings and making Brandi present herself this way? Maybe thinking "pretty woman in a slinky dress is more likely to be heard." Not to mention deflect suspicion from the real mastermind. </p><p> </p><p> Regardless, I can't help thinking there are pieces to the puzzle we're not meant to see yet where Brandi and her? collective as concerned. Heck, maybe even the hair collection is a diversion from their real plan. All I know is I'm not ready to be as upset as you are about Brandi's mic time just yet. There's a grand scheme afoot with whatever she's doing or at least one would hope so. For now I say let it unfold or fail to do so. There were be plenty of time for consternation if the failure happens.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Whether this particular story becomes something worthwhile or not in the long term, would it really have hurt them to let <em>other</em> women actually talk on TV? My sarcasm about the "Microphone Championship" stemmed from the complaint that they're <em>only</em> willing to give promo time to Brandi. It'd be also have been worth complaining if the only people in the men's division who get mic time are Jericho and Cody, even though they are legit the best at it in the company. Right now, there seems to be some unwritten rule that prohibits women from doing something other than having random matches. I've already given up trying to make sense of why 3 women who are not No.1 Contenders are randomly getting a title match with no build up.</p><p> </p><p> Although I guess they did finally let Riho speak one single word this past week. Yay! <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> And Britt Baker got another storyline now.....and it's apparently something similar to the kind of story they did in WWE where the bitter full-timers complain about part-timers like Brock Lesnar because he's not around every week but still holds the championship as the top guy. Which is a really weird angle to run when it's been noted that amongst the things that's supposed to make AEW more appealing than WWE is the fact that they allow the wrestlers to split their time between AEW and other companies and in the process encourage talent sharing and cross-promotion matches. Brock Lesnar was portrayed as the privileged guy who only works when he wants to, Riho being placed in a similar light for having to split her time working in other places (and being promoted as the champion of this company while working there) is just mind-boggling.</p><p> </p><p> ****</p><p> </p><p> There was some sort of implication that all the Elite members were in action this week to make a sort of comeback from their beatdown last week.....and apparently none of them are interested in going after the guys who beat them down last week? Not what I'd expect from babyfaces. In <em>some</em> cases they make sense. Dustin definitely should be more fixated on going after the Inner Circle for breaking his arm. And Cody I guess can justifiably said to be distracted by his issues with MJF. Why wouldn't the Bucks want revenge on the Dark Order asap though? And while Kenny has a sort of story with Page and PAC neither of them felt critical enough at the moment to distract from last week's attack. </p><p> </p><p> Guevara's silent promo w/ visual aids was great. This is the first time the show held my attention for the full duration of a commercial break without being distracted for even a few seconds. He's done the best character work in AEW thus far besides Jericho, Cody and MJF. Push him more.</p><p> </p><p> Christopher Daniel's midlife crisis story is somewhat intriguing. Looking forward to seeing more.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Self" data-cite="Self" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Watched Dynamite over the weekend. Fun show with an interesting venue. Maybe not the best place for the hard camera, but I like seeing something different.<p> </p><p> Main event was dumb. The story seemed to be that Fenix is a bad wrestler... unless you try to fight him 3-on-1, at which point he's unstoppable. Tags barely mattered, until they did. Weird flow. But holy cow, some of the moves were breathtaking. Really crisp, amazing stuff that thoroughly entertained me. </p><p> </p><p> I'm glad they're leaning heel with Britt Baker. I keep hearing how she can be a babyface star, and I don't see it. She looks like a high school mean girl. She has resting sour face. She's a born heel. Just needs to be taught to work like it. Women's match was sloppy, but Nyla Rose looked good. Shida needs to ditch the knee strikes. In a promotion with Kenny Omega in it, they look really weak.</p><p> </p><p> Dustin has resting sad face.</p><p> </p><p> Digging the Hangman. Getting some personallity. </p><p> </p><p> Tazz settled into commentary really quickly, and seemed to know more about the roster and their stories than the others. Seemed to love talking to JR too.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ever seen the Shida vs Aja Kong match? She's been holding back, which is no surprise considering most of the division is inexperienced.</p>
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Wrestlers don't need experience to sit there and get waffled. Lay those knees in, Shida! Or find another move. It's the only thing I don't like about her. Otherwise she's one of the few women who doesn't look green out there.


Although I guess they did finally let Riho speak one single word this past week. Yay! :rolleyes: And Britt Baker got another storyline now.....and it's apparently something similar to the kind of story they did in WWE where the bitter full-timers complain about part-timers like Brock Lesnar because he's not around every week but still holds the championship as the top guy. Which is a really weird angle to run when it's been noted that amongst the things that's supposed to make AEW more appealing than WWE is the fact that they allow the wrestlers to split their time between AEW and other companies and in the process encourage talent sharing and cross-promotion matches. Brock Lesnar was portrayed as the privileged guy who only works when he wants to, Riho being placed in a similar light for having to split her time working in other places (and being promoted as the champion of this company while working there) is just mind-boggling.


I'd say it's an good inversion. In WWE, working elsewhere is a terrible thing to be looked down upon. In AEW, travelling the globe should be an awesome thing to be celebrated. AEW is right, and as long as the commentary backs that up, Riho is the rightful babyface world-travelling star, while Britt is the entitled heel wanting special treatment because she isn't talented enough to go elsewhere.


Oddly, I've been watching for a little while now, and I feel like I've seen Riho as much as Britt. It's been the Statlander show.

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