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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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I really hope AEW signs Dani Jordyn and Tesha Price. Dani is a good worker and Tesha has a great personality and is constantly improving in the ring.


Also, OC vs Angelico was awesome.




Watching Dark now. Tay Conti vs Kilynn King was quite good. Huge fan of both ladies, but Tay might be my favorite female act in all of pro wrestling right now.

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- Cody vs QT strap match was solid. The spotlights were too bright on the hard cam.

- Enjoyed the Callis/Uno promos. Hangman's had enough! The Ego/Darby sit-down was good.

- Pinnacle vs Inner Circle was great. Hager was used perfectly.

- Beat up Jon Moxley! MJF laying down the gauntlet for Jericho. Dr. Britt crushed that promo. Blood money :o

- Andrade vs Sydal was good but both are capable of better. Andrade's NXT theme was way better.

- I thought the earlier black-out was staged but I wasn't expecting Black to debut this soon. I marked out along with the crowd.

- Starks promo! Sneaky Melissa Santos shoutout lol.

- Bunny & Blade vs Statlander & OC was good. I'm glad they played loose with the intergender rules.

- I don't follow MMA but Lambert cut a good promo and took a nice bump for Archer.

- Kingston & Penta vs Young Bucks © was my MOTN. Bucks' 90s-era street clothes lol.


Great start AEW on tour. The set looked nice.



Malachi Black backstory: https://youtu.be/dhexOmXrRuc

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Hell of a show. Another awesome main event and another great roster addition!


The mixed tag being the only women's match on the night was disappointing, and I hope with the addition of the new show they address these booking issues with the division.

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That was a fun show tonight.


Hell of a show!


The Elite/Dark Order segment was a bit confusing though. Hangman said he wanted a match tonight and then Kenny through out the 5v5 match idea and it sounded like the match was happening on tonight's show and then was never mentioned again and they never said when it was actually going to occur. Such a weird segment.

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I'm guessing Kenny forgot to add a line where he said when the match was meant to take place. But overall, I loved the show. Just finished watching and there was a great mix of angles and matches.... the fans were great again this week, it'll be interesting to hear how WWE crowds react given that AEW crowds are hot for everything just now. :)
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- Mox © vs Anderson was good. Champion should always come out last.

- Starks vs Cage © was great. Screwjob! The crowd were pretty hot for Ricky. Once Cage is done with Team Taz I'd love to see him take on Miro.

- Cody wearing all white for the feud. Black can finally put all that boiler room promo practice to good use.

- Cowboy s***! Callis is a heat magnet.

- Hardy vs Christian was good.

- Miro promos never disappoint. The new belt suits him. DMD fired up. Mox fired up.

- Yuta vs Sammy was good.

- Ford vs Yuka was good. Loved the crowd getting behind Yuka. Ford wearing Team Taz colors.

- Ego vs Darby coffin match was my MOTN. The Ego's Edge to the steps made me wince. Sounded like Darby and Sting got the loudest pops of the show.

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If we do get a take two on the exploding barbed wire death match I vote for Mox and Darby to be the guys to do it. I'm not sure what's more unbelievable, that he's willing to take some of these bumps or that he takes them and isn't getting injured every week.
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That was probably my favorite episode yet. I say that a lot, but last night was awesome. Just a super solid show. Watching other weekly wrestling shows can seem like a chore, but I actually am excited for every Wednesday night. So good.
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If we do get a take two on the exploding barbed wire death match I vote for Mox and Darby to be the guys to do it. I'm not sure what's more unbelievable, that he's willing to take some of these bumps or that he takes them and isn't getting injured every week.


I actually had the same thought process about Darby vs Mox. Darby said in an interview he's not planning on wrestling long so he's just throwing himself full force into it.


That was probably my favorite episode yet. I say that a lot, but last night was awesome. Just a super solid show. Watching other weekly wrestling shows can seem like a chore, but I actually am excited for every Wednesday night. So good.


Yeah I'm the same way. Dynamite is the most I've enjoyed wrestling since like 1999. I did love TNA and ROH to a lesser extent for many years, but nowhere near as much as I've enjoyed AEW.

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- Jericho vs Spears surpassed my expectations. MJF's commentary was great. Nick Gage WTF! Mox vs Gage should be happening in GCW soon.

- Gallows vs Kazarian was more of an angle than a match. Cowboy & Friends. Silver back in action.

- Yuta vs Darby was good. The Cassidy/Sting bit was hilarious. Smart hit & run from Blade.

- Nyla vs DMD © was good.

- Looking forward to PnP vs FTR. Tranquilo. Shame it couldn't be Zelina Vega but Chavo fits. With PAC back Andrade needs some backup.

- Blade vs Cassidy was good. Blade has improved lately. The turnbuckle gutwrench bomb was crazy. Painmaker!

- Archer vs Mox © was my MOTN. Holy fork! Happy for Archer getting the big win. Don't like the Champ coming out first.


Way better show than it looked on paper.

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Great show. I liked that they gave Nyla and Britt so much time but their match felt really clunky. They turned it around well for the finish but it really dragged at times and there were some pretty unfortunate miscues.


Nick Gage versus Jericho is one of the biggest wtf moments in a long time for me. Never thought I would see the day.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CQI13" data-cite="CQI13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Good for them. Hopefully they do more than Christian. But if they are getting paid boatloads of money, good for them regardless.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The 'star power'/name value with established wrestling fans alone is great for AEW. If everything comes together in the best case scenario, this sort of development really could bring some interesting fans back to wrestling. I've been in and out of watching AEW for some time but, knowing these guys were on the show would pull me in for sure.</p>
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Jericho vs Spears was pretty fun. Jericho's top rope Frankensteiner was picture perfect.


Not a death match fan or even a Nick Gage fan, but even I was flabbergasted by the idea of Jericho vs Gage.


Gallows and Kaz was fine for what it was. Both men are capable of better though.


Darby and Wheeler was fun, but Sting and OC overshadowed the match. Legitimately one of my favorite things I have ever seen on a wrestling program that wasn't a wrestling match. A legend like Sting going along with OC's antics is just amazing.


Baker and Nyla was sloppy and they had no chemistry whatsoever. I get they were trying to make Nyla look like she can hang with the champ, but the match felt far too long for her ability level and Baker despite how much she has improved, is not at a level where she can elevate other talent in my opinion.


Chavito is a HUGE upgrade for Andrade. I like Vickie, but she doesn't fit Andrade's character. Chavo is also a huge get for his backstage abilities. He was one of the lead producers/agents in Lucha Underground and a big part of why they had such a compelling in ring product. As much as I love Death Triangle, Fenix and Penta would make more sense with Andrade, but the Lucha Bros have seemingly done the Big Show special numerous times with their face/heel turns. It would be nice if Andrade gets some more bigger name luchadores. Not really sure who is available though.


Orange and Blade was really fun despite it's short length. I miss Butcher, but I'm glad Blade started getting used again.


I know it's cheesy, but the return of the Painmaker is a nice touch for Jericho. Just spit balling here, but it would be kind of neat if Jericho revisited his various gimmicks throughout the Labors of Jericho gimmick.


Archer and Mox tore the house down. Despite the start and stop aspect of Archer's AEW run, he has had consistent performances. So it's nice to see him be rewarded. Like I said earlier, not really a death match fan, but this was fun as heck. Mox and Archer both came out of the match looking like madmen.


Also, the crowd chanting "holy shit" at the Hikuleo/Archer face off was pretty neat. I'm a massive Meng/Haku fanboy and that passes onto his kids. Hikuleo has shown quite a bit of improvement so I'm interested to see how he and Archer work together.

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I think one of my favorite parts is when they had the backstage bit with QT Marshall and he promised to apologize to Schiavone next week, and when it cut back to ringside, someone said "**** him up, Tony!"


I can't believe I missed that. That's amazing.

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