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[USPW 2016] One More Time

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[One More Time Before TEW 2020]


Good evening to all of my readers. I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read this first post. As those of you who are reading know, I am angeldelayette and this is my diary focusing on my game with the promotion USPW in the default data. I have made some changes to the default data to make things a little bit different. Those changes will definitely become apparent at the very first show. I always try to make each of my diaries different from the other such that even though I have done many USPW diaries, none of them are the exact same.


I am a writer that some have called 'Mr. USPW' It is my favorite promotion to run with in the default data and I feel like I have a lot of different stories to tell. To make sure I am prepared, I have already run through several shows in the game. This makes sure that this is something I plan to stick with.


I wish to let everyone know that this does not mean the end of my 1991 WWF diary. That diary is located here. It is going to take a slight back burner right now as I get this diary off the ground. But both diaries will get the attention that they deserve.


Nearly one year ago today, I started another USPW diary. It didn't last very long. Sometimes that happens with diaries. But, once again, I recently celebrated a birthday so that gives me a little extra motivation. With that said, I would like to throw out some acknowledgements and inspirations.


Eisen-verse- Like me, I know that you have tried other diaries but come back to your promotion, SWF, because it is almost like your child. Your work has always inspired me to move my work forward. Your writing is definitely one of, if not the, tops on this board. Thank you for, also, listening in through pm. You're a great guy.


KnowYourEnemy- KYE, as I call you, you have always been right there whenever I made the decision to start a new diary. You are there with predictions and comments. Those comments are very important as diaries move forward. You've always stood up for me and, while I may not always acknowledge it, I am very grateful for the support.


Beejus- You are another that's always been right there with predictions and comments. Your support is very important to me in the past and as we move forward. You never seem to judge me on this board and, again, that is something that is important to me. I am very grateful for that and for you.


jhd1- My diary partner in crime. We have done multiple joint games with each other and that means that I trust you when it comes to trading the saves back and forth. I appreciate your support both in public and in private as we trade PMs. You have definitely become more than just a name on here. You've become my friend.


King Bison - I can honestly say that you are an amazing render artist. A lot of the renders that I will be using will have been created by King Bison. He definitely gives me a lot of support here on the board and in PM. I am grateful for his continued support.


Render Artists- There are many of you that I could mention by name. Artists like shipshirt, willr0ck and many more. You help the game come alive and help new ideas get developed through your artistry. I am grateful for your hard work and I will definitely be showing that off here in this diary for all to see.


All Of My Readers- I could spend all day giving praise to all of the people behind the scenes who read, predict and talk with me. I am sorry if I haven't mentioned you specifically but you should all know that your reading and predicting and commenting help move my diaries forward. You are all amazing. Thank you for coming on my journey.


Speaking of that...may the journey commence...

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Here at USPW.com, we would like to make the announcement that United States Pro Wrestling has begun employing Legends Contracts. What this means is that legends of the business can come to the company and get paid for being ambassadors of USPW and the professional wrestling. With that being said, we are proud to announce the first two Legends Contracts have been signed.


The first man to sign a Legends Contract with USPW is the 40 year old wrestler known as The Soviet Science Experiment
Marat Khoklov
. Khoklov has been in the wrestling business for 11 years and been employed with such companies as UCR, INSPIRE, SWF and BHOTWG. His last time in America was back in 2008-2015 when he was part of SWF. We welcome him now to USPW under this new legends role.


The second man to sign a USPW Legends Contract is the 44 year old former USPW World Champion
Bruce The Giant
. The retired Australian giant is also a former 2 time SWF World Heavyweight Champion and 2 time Burning World Champion. He began his wrestling career working for SWF and, also, worked in Japan for BHOTWG. The 7'4" wrestler is a 26 year pro. We welcome him back to USPW under this new legends role.

@USPW – #MaratKhoklov – #BruceTheGiant – #LegendsContracts


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Bob Brower here at Promotionwars.com. I am here to report that there will be some major contract negotiations in the three major United States promotions within the next year. Through my sources, I have learned that several of the top wrestlers in all three promotions have contracts coming up for negotiations.


, these include the former USPW World Champion and one of the most known wrestlers in the world,
Nicky Champion
. We have learned that negotiations will begin next month in February in regards to Champion and his written contract. Champion has been with USPW since August 2004 when he became one of the only graduates of USPW's Training Camp, a dojo that has recently re-opened.


Speaking of USPW,
Rich Money
's contract will be coming up for negotiation at the beginning of June. This could be a huge year for some of the other promotions in picking up some great talent from what is considered to be the number one promotion in the world.


, the current SWF World Champion
has a little over a month left in his contract. Negotiations should begin within the month when it comes to a man who has been with the company since 2000 when SWF grabbed him following his training to become a professional wrestler.


Also in SWF, we have learned that the developmental deal of
Matty Faith
is up for grabs right now. Faith, as everyone knows, is the son of former wrestler and former four time SWF World Champion
Christian Faith
. The 19 year old Matty Faith is one half of the RIPW Tag Team Champions.


Finally, in TCW,
Aaron Andrews
, the current TCW World Heavyweight Champion's contract will be coming due in September of this year. When it comes to wrestlers, TCW has been pretty strong in wrestlers that fit their wrestling focused style. Aaron Andrews was the first graduate of the TCW Training program back in 2006. He has been slowly built but will another promotion see more than they've seen in him before and go after him?


Also in TCW
's contract will be coming due soon. The powerhouse is currently one half of the TCW World Tag Team Champions along with Killer Shark. He has been with TCW since 2015 when he signed following being in FCW in Puerto Rico. Rumor has it that USPW might be looking to sign him to team him up with Atlas in the Gods Of Thunder team that worked in MAW.


We will give you more on these contract negotiations as we get the information.

@USPW – @SWF – @TCW – #ContractNegotiations


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Welcome to the very first edition of USPW American Wrestling in the year of 2016. We will be coming to you live from The Illinois State Park in Aurora, Illinois. Last week, we learned that Stars, Stripes And Slams will take place on Tuesday Week 3. On this night,
Nicky Champion
will receive a shot at the USPW World title against the current champion
Steve Frehley
. This will be Champion's last shot while Frehley is champion. But Champion has to survive this night as he will be teaming up with
The The Force
to take on The Force's top rivals
The Titans
. This will definitely be a tough test for Champion as we move forward toward Stars, Stripes And Slams.


Also on this night we have learned that our very own
Rich Money
will be calling out his rival
Chris Caulfield
for a very special 'This Is Your Life' segment. Money has told us that he has spared no expense when it comes to this special segment. We have learned that Caulfield has accepted to step in the ring with his rival so we will see what happens when this segment comes to pass.


In the Women's division, last month
won the USPW Women's title from
Tiffany Jade
. The Martial Arist female is invoking her rematch for that title at Stars, Stripes And Slams. But before we get to Stars, Stripes And Slams, she will be stepping in the ring against the former two time USPW Women's Champion
Raven Robinson
. The Girl-Next-Door has been a staple in the Women's division since 2009. A win over the number one contender could definitely propel her back into the top ranks of the Women's division.


Plus we will have other wrestlers in the building, including
Casey Valentine
defending the USPW Television title against veteran
Freddie Datsun
Jumbo Jackson
takes on
Running Wolf
, Local tag team
The Good Ol' Boys
step in the ring with the former six time USPW World Tag Team Champions
The Towers Of Power
is in the building and more. Remember, the live nature of USPW American Wrestling means that anything can happen. Make sure you BE THERE and, as always, Keep Pounding!


Predictions List:


USPW Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Casey Valentine defends vs. Freddie Datsun



Local Wrestlers The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm



Tiffany Jade vs. Raven Robinson



Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf



The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The Force



Comments on the diary in general:

@USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #KeepPounding – #TheTitansvChampionForce


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Ah shit, here we go again.


I'm strapped in and ready, sir.


Hey Sco xY2Jx! Thanks for the comment and I'm glad to have you back. I hope that I can continue to bring some enjoyment as we move forward.


Really excited for this. USPW never really interested me so it'll be cool to see your take on them


Hey tryker2710! Thanks for the comment. I know that USPW is not everyone's cup of tea. But I hope I can make this interesting enough for you to keep coming back for more.


Nice to have you back, Angeldelayette.


All of those Contracts coming up for Negotiations makes things interesting.


Hey Temes1066! Great to have you back as well. A lot of contract negotiations coming up does make things interesting. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite me, especially with Nicky Champion's contract coming up soon.


Certainly Rich Money, Aaron Andrews, or Matty Faith on their own is a big acquisition. Are you getting more than that? Titan too? Haha :D


Happy to follow you in this diary as well.


Hey Kijar! Great to have you here. Rich Money is already part of USPW. But he's another one that I have to worry about when it comes to contract negotiations. Will he stay here in USPW or head down south to Mexico or maybe north to SWF. As far as Andrews and Matty Faith go, they are definitely on my shortlist. As is Titan, simply because I can re-team him up with Atlas.

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USPW Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Casey Valentine defends vs. Freddie Datsun



Local Wrestlers The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm



Tiffany Jade vs. Raven Robinson

Comments: Not this close to a title shot, but Raven comes out of it looking good...


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf



The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The Force



Comments on the diary in general: Welcome HOME! I know it can be tough coming back to this project, and you've already had the dreaded one star. But I can see nobody complaining that you're back! You're a fantastic writer, and USPW are your favourite company to write for, and we're all along for the ride. Push Joss Thompson!! :D

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Glad to see this pulling together! I got the shout out so I gotta predict. Those are the rules! Looking forward to this man


USPW Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Casey Valentine defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Comments: Freddie Datsun will perform his primary function in USPW at this point in his career


Local Wrestlers The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm

Comments: I like the Good Ol’ Boys much better than natural Storm but identifying them as “local wrestlers” tells me they do the job here


Tiffany Jade vs. Raven Robinson



Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comments: I hope Wolf gets the win and the push here


The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The Force

Comments: I’ll go with the heels here but Force eats the pin

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Always game for a good read.



USPW Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Casey Valentine defends vs. Freddie Datsun



Local Wrestlers The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm



Tiffany Jade vs. Raven Robinson



Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf



The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The Force


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USPW Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Casey Valentine defends vs. Freddie Datsun



Local Wrestlers The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm



Tiffany Jade vs. Raven Robinson



Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf



The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The Force



Comments on the diary in general: Can't complain about another attempt at a USPW diary as I struggle to commit to any of mine and keep going, so props to you sir. Looking forward to it.

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Hey Kijar! Great to have you here. Rich Money is already part of USPW. But he's another one that I have to worry about when it comes to contract negotiations. Will he stay here in USPW or head down south to Mexico or maybe north to SWF. As far as Andrews and Matty Faith go, they are definitely on my shortlist. As is Titan, simply because I can re-team him up with Atlas.


Ah, Lloyd has taught me nothing! :p I'm a fan of Andrews, and the idea of Titan and Atlas back together is promising. Can't wait to see what happens. :D


USPW Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Casey Valentine defends vs. Freddie Datsun



Local Wrestlers The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm



Tiffany Jade vs. Raven Robinson



Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comments: Hmm..


The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The Force


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Right, so I actually have paid shockingly little attention to USPW on 2016 (just finding that out right now while doing these predictions as you see later) so I likely get few wrong early on but hopefully I´m able to hop onto things quickly and not make myself look too much like a moron (well not any more than what I normally do :p).


USPW Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Casey Valentine defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Comments: Going to use the no title change on first show rule.


Local Wrestlers The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm

Comments: Well, this one is easy, local guys on one-shot won´t go over recular tag team


Tiffany Jade vs. Raven Robinson

Comments: Never paid much attention to women division no matter what the company is so usually I have very little idea with how things go on those so I´m simply picking more familiar name here.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comments: Jumbo is one of those guys who I like and hope he does well but at the same time, I know he´s not very good and will likely fall down on pecking order when you start stealing talents from SWF and TCW. That said, I think he still have enough in tank to go over Running Wolf who I still need to adjust being something else than low popularity indy worker.


The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The Force

Comments: Actually took a second for me to realize who Titans were (yeah, I´m that out if touch with USPW :o). I would probably go with Titans here if not for the preview telling me that Champion is going to face Frehley for the belt (again, no idea that was one of the starting storylines (at least I assume it is) nor that Frehley was the current champ...) in which case he ain´t likely to lose here since number one contenders rarely lose to anyone but the current champ.

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USPW Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Casey Valentine defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Comments: You could be trying to pull a fast one and send this to a draw, but fisrtly I will never predict a draw, I prefer to look at things 50/50 instead of 33/34/33, because if im wrong and isnt a tie i lost a chance by not picking anyone, and second I feel that Valentines reign needs to be legitimized before all the other shenaningans begin to happen with this title, and Datsun is perfect to put Valentine over, a veteran probably in decline, I see him more as a gatekeeper than someone who will get a push in this game, also he is over enough as a wrestler that a win over him means something but his pop is low enough to actually not suffer from this loss, I think Datsun will play an important role, Upper Card Gatekeeper, losing to the stars but winning against the lower guys, so beating him should be a sign of a push, also Valentine is awesome and has written future stat all over the face.


Local Wrestlers The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm

Comments: I thought USPW had a big enough roster to no need local guys, but hey easier for me to get this one correctly, and in a barren tag team scene yo need to keep your recognisible tag teams strong, so lets see where Natural storm does go in the save, and Good Ol' Boys are decent enough to put a semi good match, lets hope they dont tank it.


Tiffany Jade vs. Raven Robinson

Comments: I would usually go for Robinson, because I simply love Raven, I dont care she is old, she still is awesome, but Tiffany Jade is the number one contender going into a rematch with Melody, so she needs all the time possible to be built as a credible challenger to possibly the champ, so Tiffany will go on a winning strak at least until the PPV.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comments: All independents would kill to have Running Wolf main eventing their shows, and he is an interesting prospect, he can grow well, maybe get him a tag team and push him in that, but lets not get over ourselves, he isnt comparable to Jumbo Jackson right now, he still a good veteran star and a good monster to build up creme de la creme babyface main eventers and dominate anyone that is lower than him, just get him a good manager to talk for him and I would believe enough in him to have a last World Title Run.


The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The Force

Comments: Nicky Champion is the figurehead, the chosen one, the prodigal son, he aint losing against this former rivals, even less if this is on the build to a world title match, so yeah Champion is going to help The Force face his rivals, at least until the world title becomes more important than helping a friend and leaves The Force to fend for himself against this two behemots, also what i said for Jumbo Jackson applies also to the titans, and also could apply to the towers of Power and to the cold warriors.


Comments on the diary in general: He is back, and better than ever, its awesome to see you return to USPW

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A new match has just been announced for Stars, Stripes And Slams. This match will be a one fall fatal fourway contest to determine a brand new number one contender to the USPW World title. One of these four wrestlers will take advantage of this night and earn a USPW World title match at Red, White And Blue next month. USPW.com has learned the identities of these four wrestlers and we are ready to reveal them right now.


The first man in this contest is former USPW World Champion
. Enygma was ranked #36 in the latest edition of the Power 500. The man in the green mask has been with USPW since November 2008 when he came to us from SWF. The last time and only time that he held the USPW World title was back in June 2009. Since then he has survived feuds with wrestlers like The Titans, Rich Money and others.


The second man in this contest is also a former one time USPW World Champion and that man is 'The King of the Dudes'
James Justice
. Justice was ranked #47 in the latest edition of the Power 500 and has been with USPW since June 2007. Justice defeated Bruce The Giant to gain his only USPW World title belt and lost it to T-Rex a little over a year later. Having wrestled for one of our rivals, Justice is also a former three time TCW World Heavyweight Champion.


The third man in this contest is
Jumbo Jackson
. Jackson was ranked #378 in the latest edition of the Power 500. He has been with USPW since September 2007. He is a former USPW National, Television and World Champion. The one time he held the World title he defeated Nicky Champion for the belt and lost it back to Champion less than a year later. Jackson has wrestled in several promotions, getting his start with New York City Wrestling.


The fourth and final man in this contest has been here the shortest amount of time of the four contestants and that man is 'The Complete Package'
Joss Thompson
. Thompson is the one wrestler of the four that has never held a title here in USPW. However, he was ranked #152 in the latest edition of the Power 500. Thompson has been with USPW since May of 2015, coming over after a long stint in the British Isles.

@USPW – #FatalFourway – #StarsStripesAndSlams


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Comments on the diary in general: Welcome HOME! I know it can be tough coming back to this project, and you've already had the dreaded one star. But I can see nobody complaining that you're back! You're a fantastic writer, and USPW are your favourite company to write for, and we're all along for the ride. Push Joss Thompson!! :D


Hey The Lloyd! Thanks for the predictions and comments. You're right in that I am headed home. This is my favorite promotion in the game world and I can never stray too far from it. The one star bandit just tells me I must be doing something right since even someone who seemingly doesn't like my work takes the time out of their lives to tell me. I appreciate the fantastic writer thing. I'm not so entirely sure but I appreciate the compliment. As far as pushing Joss Thompson goes, as you can see he's already getting a push right out of the gate here.


Glad to see this pulling together! I got the shout out so I gotta predict. Those are the rules! Looking forward to this man


Hey King Bison! Thanks for the predictions and comments. I'm always glad to see you making the predictions, whether I do the shout out or not. Glad you're looking forward to it and thanks for all the hard work when it comes to the renders. I really do love your work.


Always game for a good read.


Hey DevilofNG! Thanks for the predictions and comment. I hope that you will continue to consider this a good read as we move forward. I will do what I can to keep you and all the readers engaged. After all, that's why we do this here. It's the interaction that truly keeps this community alive.


Comments on the diary in general: Can't complain about another attempt at a USPW diary as I struggle to commit to any of mine and keep going, so props to you sir. Looking forward to it.


Hey Sco xY2Jx! Thanks for the predictions and comment. We all go through our times when we struggle to commit to diaries. It's just finding that right fit. I'm sure you'll find it one day.


Ah, Lloyd has taught me nothing! :p I'm a fan of Andrews, and the idea of Titan and Atlas back together is promising. Can't wait to see what happens. :D


Hey Kijar! Thanks for the predictions and comments. I think that I can do something with Andrews but I also think that TCW can continue to do things with him. It all depends on if I have room for him when the time comes. Titan I can definitely say that I am going after because I want to reunite the tag team. Glad you're looking forward to this one, my friend.


Right, so I actually have paid shockingly little attention to USPW on 2016 (just finding that out right now while doing these predictions as you see later) so I likely get few wrong early on but hopefully I´m able to hop onto things quickly and not make myself look too much like a moron (well not any more than what I normally do :p).


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf

Comments: Jumbo is one of those guys who I like and hope he does well but at the same time, I know he´s not very good and will likely fall down on pecking order when you start stealing talents from SWF and TCW. That said, I think he still have enough in tank to go over Running Wolf who I still need to adjust being something else than low popularity indy worker.


Hey Zergon! Thanks for the predictions and comments. I can understand the whole not paying attention to a specific company. There are a lot of companies, especially those outside the United States, that I would have no idea where to start. But I hope that this diary helps you learn a little bit about the company as we move toward TEW 2020.


Jumbo Jackson is one of those guys that doesn't get a lot of super pushes in a lot of diaries or games. But, especially with this render done by King Bison, I see him right now as more of a Brock Lesnar type of wrestler. He has more in the tank, though Running Wolf is definitely more of the future of USPW than Jackson.


Local Wrestlers The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm

Comments: I thought USPW had a big enough roster to no need local guys, but hey easier for me to get this one correctly, and in a barren tag team scene yo need to keep your recognisible tag teams strong, so lets see where Natural storm does go in the save, and Good Ol' Boys are decent enough to put a semi good match, lets hope they dont tank it.


Comments on the diary in general: He is back, and better than ever, its awesome to see you return to USPW


Hey XMultiGames! Thanks for the predictions and comments. I want you to know that I read all the comments and you're very insightful. I just wanted to respond to a couple of them in particular. USPW does have a big roster but the main place they are lacking is the tag team division. I hate just randomly putting two lower card guys in a tag team together to face an established team.


I'm glad that you're happy to see my return to USPW. I hope that you enjoy it as I move forward and make this one last.


You know I'm here for this!


Hey critical-23! It's great to see you around here. You know that, if his contract comes up, I will be all over Jared Johnson for you. Double J should be down south where he belongs. It's great to have you reading this, though.


I will be following along! Glad to see this materialize.


Hey Historian! I know you've been looking forward to this one as shown through our PMs. Welcome to the Legendary diary realm. I know you will do well there as we all know that you are an excellent writer. Glad to have another excellent writer following my work.

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Frederique Antonio Garcia, Joe Sexy and Paul Huntingdon defeated Jimmy Hernandez, Steven Parker and Justin Sensitive...B-

Squeeky McClean defeated Brett Biggins...C+

ANGLE: Skit involving Hannah and Remo...B

ANGLE: Pre-match interview with Captain Atomic...C

The Crippler defeated Captain Atomic...B

ANGLE: Skit involving Jack Bruce and Jessie...B+

Joey Morgan defeated Hollywood Bret Starr to retain the SWF North American title...B-

ANGLE: Pre-match interview with Jungle Lord, Valiant and Randy Bumfhole...B

Jungle Lord, Valiant and Randy Bumfhole defeated Huey Cannonball and The Pain Alliance...B-





The Behemoths defeated Devine Fortune to retain the TCW World Tag Team titles...C+

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Sammy Bach and Aaron Andrews...B

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Troy Tornado and Mighty Mo...C

Troy Tornado defeated Mighty Mo...B-

ANGLE: Brawl involving Ricky Dale Johnson and Eddie Peak...B-

Wolf Hawkins defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond...B+

ANGLE: Brawl involving Rocky Golden and Wolf Hawkins...A

ANGLE: Pre-match interview with Danny Fonzarelli...C+

Danny Fonzarelli defeated Brent Hill by DQ...B-

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Aaron Andrews and Ricky Dale Johnson...B-

Aaron Andrews defeated Ricky Dale Johnson by DQ...B

@TCW – @SWF – #TotalWrestling – #SupremeTV


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Wednesday, Week 1, January 2016


Live from The Illinois State Park...

Broadcast via Reverie at On Demand...

USPW presents...







[The show begins with a very familiar guitar riff and the arrival of the man known as the franchise of USPW. Nicky Champion comes out to the ring and begins talking about his upcoming match with Steve Frehley at Stars, Stripes And Slams. Champion receives a scattering of boos among the cheers. Being on top for so long does get your detractors after all. Champion talks about being a homegrown talent for USPW. He's been here since the beginning of his career unlike Steve Frehley. He calls Frehley a mercenary who took the highest dollar that was offered to him. But it's not all about money. Champion says that Frehley is a tough competitor in the ring. However, he cannot live without the title. He promises to prove that Champion is more than just a name. He is interrupted by the lights flickering and red smoke appearing at the top of the ramp. This leads to the arrival to the ring of The Titans. Tyson Baine says that Champion is not going to make it to Stars, Stripes And Slams. In fact, he is not going to survive tonight. Baine promises to set Champion on fire tonight like he's done to so many others. An argument leads to a brawl that The Titans use the numbers game to get the advantage. The Force comes running out and slides in the ring, helping Champion. Champion and The Force clear the ring and stand tall as the crowd cheers. A]




[At the announce booth, Danny Jillefski, Belle Bryden and Emily McQueen welcome everyone to American Wrestling. They talk about Stars, Stripes And Slams, which is coming in a few weeks. They hype the match where Steve Frehley defends the USPW World title against Nicky Champion. After their discussion, Jillefski sends us to the ring. B-]


Match #1


USPW Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Casey Valentine defends vs. Freddie Datsun


[in a decent match, Casey Valentine© defeated Freddie Datsun(C-) in 6:10 by pinfall with a Deep Impact. Casey Valentine makes defence number 4 of his USPW Television title.]


Winner: Casey Valentine (Via Pinfall @ 6:10)

Match Rating: C





[Enygma is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Joss Thompson. Thompson smirks and wonders just how ugly Enygma is under the mask. He says that Enygma must be pretty jealous looking at someone like The Complete Package. Enygma reminds Thompson that he is yet to even hold a single title here in USPW while Enygma is a former USPW World Champion. After some heated words, Thompson challenges Enygma to meet him in the ring for a match next week. Enygma accepts the challenge as the two go face-to-face. B+]


Match #2


The Good Ol' Boys vs. Natural Storm


[in a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Natural Storm(C+) defeated The Good Ol' Boys(D-) in 5:34 when D.C. Rayne defeated Thimbleby Langton by pinfall with a Storm Damage.]


Winners: Natural Storm (Via Pinfall @ 5:34)

Match Rating: C






[Natural Storm celebrate in the ring when they are attacked by The Cold Warriors. The USPW World Tag Team Champions hit D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard with several high impact moves. Krusher Karloff goes for the Kremlin Krush on D.C. Rayne but Rayne blocks it and catches Karloff with a dropkick. Suddenly, the brawl turns into a three team fight when The Towers Of Power join in. Former USPW World Champion Mick Muscles catches Petr Novak with a clothesline to the back of the head. All three of these teams will do battle at Stars, Stripes And Slams for the USPW World Tag Team titles. The fight goes up the ramp, ending only when security and referees step in to break things up. B-]





[backstage, Melody gives a promo where she talks about winning the USPW Women's title last month. She promises to be a fighting champion, defending against anyone who wants a match with her. She says it doesn't even matter if this woman is under contract with USPW. She will face whoever wants to challenge for the title. She is suddenly attacked from the side by Gorgon. Gorgon drops Melody with the Hydra Bomb on the floor. She grabs the USPW Women's title belt, raising it up before dropping it back on Melody and walking away. EMTs and officials step in to check on Melody. C+]


Match #3


Tiffany Jade vs. Raven Robinson


[in a poor match, Tiffany Jade(D) defeated Raven Robinson(C-) in 11:44 by pinfall with a Green Destiny.]


Winner: Tiffany Jade (Via Pinfall @ 11:44)

Match Rating: C-




[backstage, Trent Shaffer is shown leaning on crutches. He says that he was injured last week and will not be able to defend the USPW National title at Stars, Stripes And Slams against Rick Law. He does his best to look apologetic but at the same time he looks very insincere about being upset over getting out of his match at Stars, Stripes And Slams. He seems to be faking the pain as he leans on his crutches and moans in pain. He promises to fight his way back and become a defending champion yet again. He states that he hopes everyone still watches the show even though he won't be there. B-]






[Rich Money comes out to the ring and calls Chris Caulfield out. Chris Caulfield joins Money in the ring. He is definitely wary of being in the ring with his enemy but seems prepared for a fight. Caulfield asks Money what this is all about. Money tells Caulfield that this is his life. Money plays a video highlighting Chris Caulfield's history in USPW. The video shows The Force defeating Caulfield for the USPW Television title back in 2009. It also shows Tribal Warrior defeating Caulfield in 2012 and Casey Valentine defeating Caulfield in 2014. All three matches were where Caulfield lost the USPW Television title. At the end of the video, a young Rich Money is shown winning his first USPW World title from Captain USA back in 2003. The crowd boos the video in the background. When the video ends, Money looks a little bit fake sheepish. He says that he has no idea how that last clip got in the video. Caulfield looks angry and like he might be ready to strike Money. Money moves forward quickly and calls out someone from Caulfield's past: Bruce The Giant. Bruce comes down to the ring and attacks Caulfield. The two brawl until Money strikes Caulfield from behind. Money exits the ring and grabs a table. He slides it in and sets up the table in the middle of the ring. Bruce puts Caulfield through the table with a Giant Choke Slam. Money pays off Bruce as both stand over Caulfield. A*]





[We go to the backstage area where 'The King of the Dudes' James Justice has an interview with Brock Cornish. Cornish asks Justice about his upcoming match at Stars, Stripes And Slams. It is known that it will be a fatal fourway number one contender match. Justice begins hyping his upcoming battle with Jumbo Jackson, Joss Thompson and Enygma. He talks about each competitor, saying that any one of them could win this match but only one of them can. That man is going to be the King of the Dudes James Justice. Justice says that he knows that Jumbo Jackson has a match in just a few moments. He invites Cornish to stand with him by the monitor and watch the match. C+]


Match #4


Jumbo Jackson vs. Running Wolf


[in a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Jumbo Jackson(C-) defeated Running Wolf(D) in 5:49 by pinfall with a Jumbo Avalanche.]


Winner: Jumbo Jackson (Via Pinfall @ 5:49)

Match Rating: C-




[We go backstage where Steve Frehley has an interview stating that at Stars, Stripes And Slams Nicky Champion is going to go one on one with The Dark Destroyer. He says he beat Champion once and will do it again. But that's not all he's going to do. He's going to make sure that Champion cannot and will not face him for the belt again. He says he's going to turn Nicky Champion into Nicky Jabroni. That means that he's going to take his right hand and slap Jabroni across the face. Then, he's going to take his left hand and slap Jabroni across the face. Then Jabroni is going to ride Frehley's Comet all the way to the mat where he will be pinned with a 1-2-3. Then when Jabroni is looking up at the lights, he is going to know that he just lost to the most electrifying man in professional wrestling. At the end of the day there is no way and Frehley means NO WAY that anyone is going to walk away with his title and you better believe that. A*]


Match #5


The Titans vs. Champion Force


[in a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Nicky Champion(A) and The Force(C-) defeated The Titans(Baine-B-, T-Rex-D) in 19:50 when T-Rex got disqualified after going into a rage and refusing to stop assaulting Nicky Champion.]


Winners: Champion Force (Via Disqualification @ 19:50)

Match Rating: B-






[The match is over and The Titans continue an assault of Nicky Champion and The Force. Tyson Baine drops The Force with the Hades Bomb. Then, The Titans set Nicky Champion up for a Double Choke Slam through a table in the ring. The crowd is surprised when Steve Frehley comes running out from the back. On commentary, Danny Jillefski laments this moment as he expects The Dark Destroyer to join with The Titans and maybe put Nicky Champion out of action. Instead, as soon as he enters the ring, Frehley hits T-Rex with a Dark Destroyer Spear. The commentators and the audience are in absolute shock. He gets up and clotheslines Tyson Baine over the top rope to the floor. Frehley helps Champion to his feet and the two men go nose-to-nose as the show comes to an end. Why in the world did Steve Frehley save his opponent at Stars, Stripes And Slams? Maybe we'll get an answer next week. See you then everyone! A*]

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Here on USPW.com, we are hosting a prediction contest for all of the great fans. At the end of March, we will determine a winner and a prize will be given out to that winner.


The way that this contest will work is that whoever has the most correct predictions will receive a point/win. The most points/wins at the end of March will be the winner.


1. XMultiGames=1 Win

2. The Lloyd=0 Wins

King Bison=0 Wins

DevilofNG=0 Wins

Sco xY2Jx=0 Wins

Kijar=0 Wins

Zergon=0 Wins

@USPW – #AmericanWrestling – #KeepPounding – #USPWPredictionContest


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He is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment today, he is The Dark Destro...... no, he’s the people’s destroyer Steve Frehley lol. Is it wrong that I used Mighty Thor from the 97 database the same way in my mind? Steve Frehley just got a new number one fan and it’s all your fault. :)
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