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The East Coast Wars : Round Two!

The Death Of The Hardcore Revolution



The Tri-State area had always been a hotbed for pro wrestling, but in recent years it seemed that the fans in the Tri-State area were pining for the glory days. PSW had built an entire company around it – aiming to complete the hardcore revolution that DaVe had started. NYCW had been capatalising on this feeling for nearly 30 years. Many fans had hoped that the second round of The East Coast Wars would bring wrestling in the area back to its glorious pomp of the late 90's, and while the war had driven us to new heights in terms of show quality – it's fair to say the second round of The East Coast War hadn't hit the heights of the first.


For months there had been whispers around the Tri-State wrestling scene that Mitch Naess had driven PSW into debt, as he desperately tried to keep up in the second East Coast Wars. Given that Naess had contacted half of my roster offering them deals I had assumed they were just rumours, but now that I sat down and thought about it nobody had jumped... and that meant a lot in this industry. Naess may have had the appetite to stir things up, but he just didn't have the resources to do it. Naess had tried everything in the first quarter of 2018 to bring us down with him – he had to to raid my talent, he'd stolen Spencer Spade from under my nose. He'd even started March by spreading rumours to the local paper that NYCW was a front for a sinister Cult. Amazingly the paper had run the story! Still, it was with mixed feelings that I read the news that the SWF had swooped in and completed a hostile takeover of PSW.



Expanding the Eisen Empire


The strange thing was that the Eisen's hadn't taken anything – none of the workers, none of the title belts, the trademarks... nothing. It seemed they had done it just because they could, perhaps as some delayed revenge for Naess' part in the original East Coast Wars? Whatever the Eisen's reasons, they had cut short the second East Coast Wars and made us defacto victors. Having the Eisen's swoop in and buy PSW out did cheapen the victory somewhat. With the American economy at rock bottom perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised that PSW had built up so much debt. The problem wasn't isolated to America either – over in Japan SAISHO had closed their doors at the start of the month.


I poured myself a drink and pondered what legacy if any the second East Coast Wars would leave. There had been some early skirmishes – Naess signing Spencer Spade from under my nose, and PSW had tried some dirty tricks. But ultimately the second 'war' had never really gotten going and had not lived up to the legacy of the first. There's an old saying that the sequel is never as good as the original, and in this case that would appear to be the case.
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These delicious, delicious menace angle grades, eh?


I know... one of the benefits of having so many big guys about I guess. I've tried not to abuse them too much, but with Prisoner No. 6, Cahill and Jebediah all involved in storylines that revolve around them being big and menacing at the moment there are a few more than normal right now... :o


You won the war! Congratulations.


Thanks! It was a little bit out of the blue, as it was literally the day after the news story about the 'Cult' rumours showing up - which was the first time the AI had used Dirty Tricks. I had hoped that would be the spark that really got things going, but it actually signalled the end of the war! It was weird, PSW kept making offers to my guys but nobody jumped. Not sure if this was a bug, or just because they were in debt and couldn't afford them?

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NYCW March Creative Meeting



The March Creative Meeting had an odd feeling to it. As a staunch defender of the territories, Larry was against seeing the SWF empire swooping in and gobbling up another small territory – but on the other hand his hatred of Mitch Naess overshadowed this. Larry once again showed his pettiness as he tasked me with adding some mention of PSW's demise into our next show. Apparantly Larry Vessey has never heard of the term 'gracious winner'.



A gruelling schedule


Despite the demise of PSW, March wasn't all plain sailing for us. There was an article about Art Reed on TotalExtremeWrestling.com, debating whether “The Pure Athlete” had taken on too much with his current schedule. Touring with PGHW, working dates with us in New York and travelling around defending his COTT World Heavyweight Championship was a heavy schedule for any wrestler, and Art was 43 years old now. The article concluded that Art was akmost certainly heading for injury. I gave Art a call after reading the article, and he admitted he was feeling to toll of the schedule more than before. I'd have to keep an eye on him, once father time comes calling it's a slippery slope.


Outside of Art Reed, we had other problems. Since RIPW swept up all of the top indy stars at the start of the year, they had put on back to back C grade shows. So while our main rivals may have gone out of business, RIPW had now stepped up as a serious threat. We were still locked in a Regional Battle with the SWF feeder league, and for two months in a row had come up short. Their SWF funded production values were killing us, and I raised it again to Larry. We had more more than 10k a month in both January and February, surely he could splash out a little more? Larry said we'd see how this month came in now that PSW were gone and if RIPW beat us again he would consider upping our values. Even when he's happy, Larry was still a tight git.


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Thanks! It was a little bit out of the blue, as it was literally the day after the news story about the 'Cult' rumours showing up - which was the first time the AI had used Dirty Tricks. I had hoped that would be the spark that really got things going, but it actually signalled the end of the war! It was weird, PSW kept making offers to my guys but nobody jumped. Not sure if this was a bug, or just because they were in debt and couldn't afford them?


It could also be if they had less prestige or momentum than you. It can be harder to get people to jump when they are happy and the company is doing well. I know when I've been at war that's what I've noticed. If size is equal, it seems to come down to prestige, momentum and morale (and probably a bit of worker personality.)

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NYCW Presents March Madness

Live from A New York Arena

Saturday W2 March 2018


NYCW welcome you to 'March Madness'. The COTT World Heavyweight Championship returns to New York, as “The Pure Athlete” Art Reed looks to equal the record for most successful world title defences as he faces Masked Patriot for the World Heavyweight Title. The Masked Patriot character has a proud and storied history, but can the latest incarnation add the COTT World Heavyweight Championship to that legacy?


In the nights co-Main Event we have a triple threat tag team match up for the NYCW Tag Team Titles. The Ring Generals became five-time champions last month when they defeated The Atlantic Connection, equalling Old School Principals record for most title reigns. The Boys From Yukon had already been announced as number one contenders before The Ring Generals victory at 'Kings Of New York', but former champions The Atlantic Connection's request to be added to the match was approved by the NYCW booking committee – much to the disgust of Doctor O'Haire. Can The Ring Generals overcome two challengers to their NYCW Tag Team Titles, or will Haley Buck's clients fall at the first time of asking?


'March Madness' also sees a surprise appearance from “Constant Motion” Teddy Powell! Best known for his time in DaVe and latterly PSW, Teddy Powell sent a challenge to NYCW management, calling out the dangerous Prisoner No. 6! Powell has requested a No Rules contest, allowing the use of weapons – but will that be enough to even the odds against the violent and dangerous Prisoner No. 6?


'March Madness' will also include appearances from NYCW Empire Champion Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Man Mountain Cahill and Steve Flash. You'd be mad to miss it!


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Confirmed Matches:


Masked Patriot
“The Pure Athlete” Art Reed ©

[COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match]


The Atlantic Connection (Riley McManus & Curtis “CJ” Jenkins) w/ Sweet Tabitha
The Boys From Yukon (Howlin' Mad Mort & Whitehorse Whittaker) w/ Doctor O'Haire
The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


“Constant Motion” Teddy Powell
Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[No Rules Match]


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah ©
Ace Youngblood

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


The Canadian Connection (Philippe LaGrenier & Hugh Ancrie)


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside


Hawkeye Calhoun
“Glorious” Logan Diaz

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Masked Patriot [vs] “The Pure Athlete” Art Reed ©

[COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match]


there's a part of me that feels the patriot might pull this off, art's still a safer bet to me though


The Atlantic Connection (Riley McManus & Curtis “CJ” Jenkins) w/ Sweet Tabitha [vs] The Boys From Yukon (Howlin' Mad Mort & Whitehorse Whittaker) w/ Doctor O'Haire [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


I think this sets up Generals v connection 3


“Constant Motion” Teddy Powell [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[No Rules Match]


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah (C) [vs] Ace Youngblood

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


??? [vs] The Canadian Connection (Philippe LaGrenier & Hugh Ancrie)


depends on who the surprise is


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] ???


depends on who's behind those ???


Hawkeye Calhoun [vs] “Glorious” Logan Diaz

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Masked Patriot [vs] “The Pure Athlete” Art Reed ©

[COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match]


Battle of contrasts. Art should win here. Plus he was trained in Canada! Boo America! :p


The Atlantic Connection (Riley McManus & Curtis “CJ” Jenkins) w/ Sweet Tabitha [vs] The Boys From Yukon (Howlin' Mad Mort & Whitehorse Whittaker) w/ Doctor O'Haire [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


This could be one hell of a tag trio match. Ring Generals find a way to steal it. Maybe thanks to Haley.


“Constant Motion” Teddy Powell [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[No Rules Match]


Prisoner SMASH


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah © [vs] Ace Youngblood

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


Ace is a future Tri-State champion I think. Not now though.


??? [vs] The Canadian Connection (Philippe LaGrenier & Hugh Ancrie)


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] ???


Going with the squiggles to shake things up a bit.


Hawkeye Calhoun [vs] “Glorious” Logan Diaz


Logan gets a decisive win.

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[*]Masked Patriot

[vs] “The Pure Athlete” Art Reed ©

[COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match]

I think the COTT Championship Committee deemed that Art needed a break so Patriot becomes the new champ


The Atlantic Connection (Riley McManus & Curtis “CJ” Jenkins) w/ Sweet Tabitha [vs] The Boys From Yukon (Howlin' Mad Mort & Whitehorse Whittaker) w/ Doctor O'Haire [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]

I agree that the RG’s vs AC III is coming, but the Generals retain here


“Constant Motion” Teddy Powell [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[No Rules Match]


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah © [vs] Ace Youngblood

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


??? [vs] The Canadian Connection (Philippe LaGrenier & Hugh Ancrie)

Going with both ??? Teams as there are a lot of “new assets available with the demise of PSW


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] ???

Looking to see some new ream sending Fforde back to his jobber status


Hawkeye Calhoun [vs] “Glorious” Logan Diaz

Time for Logan to start getting a few wins

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NYCW March Madness

Live from A New York Arena

Saturday, Week 2 March 2018

Attendance: 2,900



Announce Team:

Rock Downpour & Ernie Turner


Rock Downpour
Ernie Turner
welcome us to 'March Madness'. Rock Downpour promises a blockbuster show, hyping the Triple Threat match for the NYCW Tag Team Titles and tonights Main Event which sees the COTT World Heavyweight Championship return to New York as Masked Patriot challenges “The Pure Athlete” for the gold. Downpour recaps the long and storied history of the Masked Patriot character, but despite all of that history no Masked Patriot has ever been crowned World Champion. Will we see that change tonight?


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A Generation Lacking An Identity

Involved: Art Reed & Masked Patriot


The show opens with the COTT World Heavyweight Champion Art Reed making his way down to the ring to discuss his opponent in tonights Main Event. Reed tells fans that his opponent tonight once again represents the very worst of Generation ME – a generation who thinks the entire world revolves around them, but have failed to develop any substance to their character to justify it. Take his opponent tonight, Masked Patriot had so little personality that he had to steal the character that someone else had built... and even then, the character was the kind of lazy, one dimensional character that would only connect with the lazy wrestling fans you get here in the United States. This riled up the patriotic American crowd, as Art Reed continued that lazy millenials like Masked Patriot wouldn't survive a week on the gruelling schedule out in Japan. Reed had proved over and over that this generation just don't have the guts to put the work in that's required to overcome “The Pure Athlete”, and tonight would be no different.


The World Champion looked like he had more to say, but at this point Prisoner No. 6 stomped down to the ring for his match – which was next. For a moment Art Reed looked insulted at the interruption, but quickly decided to hop out of the ring and head to the back – giving Prisoner No. 6 and Doctor O'Haire a wide berth. Not even the World Champion wanted to get involved with the violent inmate.


Segment Rating: B



Ernie Turner: “More harsh words from the World Champion on Generation ME Rocky...”

Rock Downpour: “Generation ME may love their nostalgia, with their Throwback Thursdays and Flashback Fridays, but Art Reed needs to remember where he is... NYCW is a company that was built on nostalgia! I think that Masked Patriot represents the very best of American Wrestling, and I hope he becomes World Champion tonight!”


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“Constant Motion” Teddy Powell [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[No Rules Match]


I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Teddy Powell. The man had found himself on the losing side of both rounds of the East Coast Wars, and the stark contrast between Powell's career trajectory and his former tag team partners (USPW World Heavyweight Champion Sammy Bach) only served to deepen the blow.


This match had been Larry's idea – bring in the man who embodied everything that PSW had stood for and feed him to our monster. I thought it showed a lack of class, but Larry was the boss and Teddy Powell was happy for the paycheck so here we were.


On commentary, Rock Downpour told us that Teddy Powell had requested this match be 'No Rules' as he believed he could take down Prisoner No. 6 in Powell's natural environment. The veteran played up to the stipulation, as he made his way down to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Powell swang the chair hard at Prisoner No. 6 at the opening bell, but the inmate was able to catch the steel chair in one hand. Teddy Powell looked shocked as Prisoner No. 6 ripped the chair from his grasp and threw it to ringside. From here this was a glorified squash match as Prisoner No. 6 dismantled his opponent. Prisoner No. 6 looked like he could have finished this at any time, but delivered a brutal beating to his opponent for around eight minutes before delivering the Jail Break for the victory.


Rating: C

Prisoner No. 6

Pinfall (Jail Break)



Ernie Turner: “Another brutal display from Prisoner No. 6...”

Rock Downpour: “Tedy Powell thought he could take out the prisoner in a hardcore environment, but he didn't consider that New York Penitentiary is a maximum security prison. The inmates there will have lived through worse than anything Powell could hope to experience in the streets of Pittsburgh...”


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Lack Of Control?

Involved: Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Prisoner No. 6


After Prisoner No. 6's victory, Doctor O'Haire grabbed a microphone to callout Bulldozer Brandon Smith. O'Haire reminds the crowd that his prisoner destroyed the Empire Champion in last months Main Event. Teddy Powell thought he could defeat his prisoner with the rules taken away tonight... that didn't work out too well for the veteran, but Doctor O'Haire wonders if Brandon Smith has the balls to do the same?


This draws out the Empire Champion, but Brandon Smith tells the doctor that he won't be accepting his challenge to a 'No Rules' match. The Bulldozer tells Doctor O'Haire that if his prisoner wants another shot at the title it will have to be under the normal NYCW rules. Smith tells the doctor that his Prisoner is powerful and dangerous... but can he be controlled for long enough to defeat the Bulldozer fair and square? The Bulldozer offers Prisoner No. 6 another shot at the Empire Championship next month at 'Spring Showdown', but asks the doctor if he can control his patient long enough to get the job done?


Doctor O'Haire looks unhappy with the way things have unfolded, but accepts the Bulldozers challenge. He tells the Empire Champion that the Boys From Yukon will reclaim their NYCW Tag Team Titles later tonight, and then his prisoner will finally win the big one next month at 'Spring Showdown'!


Segment Rating: A



Ernie Turner: “What a blockbuster announcement! Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Prisoner No. 6 for the Empire Title is our Main Event next month at 'Spring Showdown'.”

Rock Downpour: “There's no doubt that Prisoner No. 6 is big and powerful enough to defeat anybody on the NYCW roster, but Bulldozer Brandon Smith asks an interesting question... can he be controlled long enough to avoid disqualification before he can win?”


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The Heartbreakers (Jutsin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] The Canadian Connection (Philippe LaGrenier & Hugh Ancrie)


Doctor O'Haire stayed down at ringside in The Canadian Connection's corner for this match. The doctor had taken a special interest in the young Canadian's fortunes over the past few months, and it looked like an alignment was starting to blossom. Their surprise opponents were announced as The Heartbreakers! Justin Sensitive, best known for his four year stint with the SWF, led out his partner Raphael. The Heartbreakers hadn't teamed together in over five years, but the crowd were on their side against Doctor O'Haire's new project.


Justin Sensitive started the match off against Philippe LaGrenier and the two men looked incredibly even matched as the action went back and forth. LaGrenier tagged in his partner Hugh Ancrie, but a missed Clothesline allowed Justin Sensitive to take control. The Heartbreakers were quickly able to isolate Ancrie in their corner, much to the frustration of LaGrenier on the apron.


Doctor O'Haire and Philippe LaGrenier were soon deep in conversation, with the young Canadian looking doubtful as he stared across the ring at his struggling partner. Doctor O'Haire repeated his request, more forcefully this time and held out another of his calling cards for LaGrenier to take. The French Canadian hesitated for a moment, taking another glance across the ring, before accepting the card from O'Haire and hopping of the apron to walk to the back with the doctor. All three competitors in the ring stopped for a moment, shocked that LaGrenier had abondoned his partner. Hugh Ancrie called after the doctor and LaGrenier, but neither looked back as they pushed through the curtain. This left Ancrie two-on-one against The Heartbreakers and they made quick work of the young Canadian. Justin Sensitive hitting the Grace Landing to secure debut victory for his team.


Rating: D+

The Heartbreakers

Pinfall (Grace Landing)


Notes: Raphael was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

Raphael looked rusty out there.



Ernie Turner: “I can't believe what I've just seen Rocky! Philippe LaGrenier walking out on his partner...”

Rock Downpour: “It's the influence of Doctor O'Haire. Ever since he got involved with The Canadian Connection LaGrenier's attitude has got worse and worse!”

Ernie Turner: “You've got to think this is the end for The Canadian Connection. Where does Hugh Ancrie go from here?”


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Hawkeye Calhoun [vs] “Glorious” Logan Diaz


While Logan Diaz may have looked good in defeat in his first two matches in New York, this was the first match where the 22-year-old really got to show what he could do. The youngster dominated proceedings from the first bell to the last, showing off his impressive technical ability as he smothered any possibility of a Hawkeye Calhoun comeback. Diaz showed his disdain at Calhoun's happy-go-lucky attitude throughout the match, locking in his Boston Crab just past the five minute mark which Hawkeye tapped out to almost immediately.


Rating: D

“Glorious” Logan Diaz

Pinfall (Boston Crab)


Notes: Hawkeye Calhoun was really off his game tonight.



Rock Downpour: “An incredibly one sided contest between two of NYCW's hottest prospects.”

Ernie Turner: “Now that Logan Diaz has got the monkey of that first victory off his back, you've got to think he'll go from strength to strength!”


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“The Amish Brawler” Jebediah © [vs] Ace Youngblood

NYCW Tri-State Regional Title


Ace Youngblood showed a lot of heart in this one, as he faced off against a much larger opponent. However, the extra size and power of Jebediah soon came to the fore and the Amish Brawler quickly took control of proceedings against his Native American opponent. Ace fought hard, but couldn't stop the NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion from landing his Sundown Splash for another routine defence of his title.


Rating: D


Pinfall (Sundown Splash)


Notes: Jebediah makes defence number 6 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title.



Ernie Turner: “The big Amish brawler does it again! I'm telling ya Rocky, this mans gonna hold the gold for a long time!”

Rock Downpour: “After a performance like that, I'm not sure there's many in New York who could hope to take it off him!”


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Monster Stare Down

Involved: Man Mountain Cahill & Jebediah


Jebediah was handed his title belt by referee Jez McArthuer following another routine win, but his celebrations were soon cut short as Man Mountain Cahill came stomping out from the back. Jebediah interrupted Cahill's attempted post-match beatdown of Joffy Laine last month at 'Kings Of New York', so things were tense as the Man Mountain stepped into the ring. The two giants stood nose-to-nose, as neither the 6'9 320 lb Man Mountain or the 6'11 325lb Amish Brawler looked like they would give an inch. They held each others gaze, almost daring the other to back down, until the Man Mountain broke the tension with one of his big belly laughs and stomped back to the back. Jebediah didn't move an inch, as his eyes followed Man Mountain Cahill all the way to the curtain.


Segment Rating: B



Ernie Turner: “Could you feel the tension Rocky? You could cut it with a knife!”

Rock Downpour: “We were wondering who could take that NYCW Tri-State Regional Title away from him Ernie, but it looks like the Amish Brawler finds himself firmly in the Man Mountain's crosshairs!”


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@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


This was a real clash of styles as the high flying, instagram footage hunting @miller_fforde and Sonny Wildside faced off against the hard nosed street thugs Notorious. Carlos Barrera and miguel Rivera dominated the early proceedings of this match, as they used their fists to beat their high flying opponents to the mat. This didn't last long though, as Sonny Wildside was able to connect with an Enziguiri to begin their comeback. He tagged in @miller_fforde, and the Instagram sensation was able to hit his Fforde Flip Face Crusher (the flip is mostly unnecessary, but it makes for great footage), before tagging in Wildside to hit his incredible Fear Factor finisher for the win (a Moonsault Stomp that makes for even better footage).


Rating: D-

@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside

Pinfall (Fear Factor)



Rock Downpour: “I still can't get over how impressive that Fear Factor moonsault is Ernie. It seems to get better every time I see it!”

Ernie Turner: “A big win for @miller_fforde and Sonny Wildside – that's surely got to be worth a few new Instagram followers for @miller_fforde?”


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The Atlantic Connection (Riley McManus and Curtis “CJ” Jenkins) w/ Sweet Tabitha [vs] The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) w/ Haley Buck © [vs] The Boys From Yukon (Howlin' Mad Mort & Whitehorse Whittaker) w/ Doctor O'Haire

NYCW Tag Team Title Match


As was expected with these three teams involved, this match was absolute chaos from the first bell. The Boys From Yukon initially focused their attack on the Atlantic Connection, who defeated them for the titles at 'Throwback Thursday', but after their initial beatdown this opened them up to being jumped by new champions The Ring Generals from behind.


No one team were able to establish their dominance in this one, with every team having opportunities to showcase their offence before finding themselves overwhelmed by the numbers game. This trend continued for over ten minutes, until Curtis “CJ” Jenkins found himself alone in the ring with “Marvelous” Marv Statler. Jenkins was able to overpower Statler and dump him over the top rop to the outside, unfortunately for “CJ” he didn't notice The Boys From yukon slide into the ring behind him to deliver their Tiiiiiiiiiiimber finisher. Whitehorse Whittaker looked to make the pin, but Riley McManus appeared to make the save. The Boys From Yukon looked to whip McManus into the ropes, but the Georgian was able to hook his elbows to the top rope to stop his momentum. This didn't help him too much though, as Whitehorse Whittaker charged into McManus and his momentum took both men over the top rope to the outside. This left Howlin' Mad Mort alone with Curtis “CJ” Jenkins, who was still passed out in the middle of the ring. Sensing his chance to reclaim the Tag Team Titles for The Boys From Yukon, Howlin' Mad Mort made the cover. However at ringside Haley Buck had hauled “Deadly” Dean Waldorf back to his feet and rolled him back into the ring to break up the pin. Not wasting a moment, Waldorf pulled Howlin' Mad Mort to his feet and bounced him off the ropes to delvier a Waldorf Salad Toss (Pop-Up Powerbomb) directly onto Curtis “CJ” Jenkins. Howlin' Mad Mort rolled to the outside to recover from the impact, leaving Waldorf to cover Jenkins and retain the titles for his team.


Rating: C

The Ring Generals

Pinfall (Waldorf Salad Toss)


Notes: The Ring Generals make defence number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.

Howlin' Mad Mort & Riley McManus were really off their games tonight.



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This Was Your Fault!

Involved: The Atlantic Connection w/ Sweet Tabitha, The Boys From Yukon w/ Doctor O'Haire & Steve Flash


Following the match Haley Buck quickly leads her team away to the back with their retained titles, leaving The Atlantic Connection and The Boys From Yukon at the ringside area. Doctor O'Haire quickly pulled his Boys together, before grabbing a microphone and standing over the fallen Riley McManus. He yelled at McManus that this was all his fault! Howlin' Mad Mort and Whitehorse Whittaker hauled the Georgia native back to his feet, and rolled him into the ring. The Boys From Yukon slid into the ring themselves, and looked to be setting Riley up for their Tiiiiiiiiiiimber finisher... but were interrupted as Steve Flash came running out from the back! The Boys From Yukon and Doctor O'Haire quickly cleared the ring, leaving Flash to stand protectively over his allies in his war with the doctor. The doctor led his Boys to the back, having failed to both reclaim the tag team titles and then failed with their post-match attack.


Segment Rating: C



Rock Downpour: “Thank goodness for Steve Flash! Riley McManus was out for six months last time Doctor O'Haire set his goons on the Georgian. Flash may have just saved McManus from another serious injury.”

Ernie Turner: “O'Haire seems to have a way of building allies here in NYCW like we've never seen before. If Steve Flash wants to start a war with O'Haire, he's going to have to protect the few hes got on his side!”


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Masked Patriot [vs] “The Pure Athlete” Art Reed ©

COTT World Heavyweight Championship


The enormity of the occasion of this Main Event was played up on commentary. The champion Art Reed was looking for a record equalling tenth successful title defence, as the challenger Masked Patriot was looking to add a first World Heavyweight Title to the already long and storied history of the character.


Masked Patriot whipped a patriotic New York crowd into a frenzy as he walked out with an American flag to face the Canadian COTT World Heavyweight Champion. “USA” chants broke out around the arena, as the two men prepared to do battle. Art Reed was much more vocal than in previous contests, constantly shouting putdowns at Patriot in the early goings as he insulted his opponents country, his generation, his career. Art Reed took his frustrations out on his opponent, as Masked Patriot played the perfect babyface in peril in the early minutes of the match. However, Art Reed would get over aggressive and open up the opportunity for Masked Patriot's comeback. Reed looked to be in real trouble as a Backbreaker earned Patriot a two count, which he followed up with a Star Spangled Suplex that earned him another two. Reed was much less vocal now, as the champion resorted to an eye rake to break Patriot's momentum. This didn't slow down the challenger though, as he was roared on by the patriotic crowd. Patriot bounced off the ropes looking for a Clothesline, but it was ducked by Art Reed. Patriot turned back to the action... right into a Super Kick from the champion! Both men were down for a few seconds, before Reed hauled himself to his feet and looked to get Masked Patriot into position for his feared Dread Lock! There was a desperate scramble as Patriot looked to block the hold, but Reed delivered a series of elbows to the temple of the American... which finally allowed Reed to lock in his finisher. And everybody knows that once the Dread Lock is applied, everybody taps.


Rating: C

Art Reed

Submission (Dread Lock)


Notes: Art Reed makes defence number 10 of his COTT World Heavyweight title.



Ernie Turner: “What a match Rocky! I thought Masked Patriot had him there!”

Rock Downpour: “So did I and most of this 3,000 strong patriotic crowd! We can only hope that Masked Patriot knocked some humility into the World Champion!”

Ernie Turner: “Not much hope of that Rocky!”


Overall Rating: C-

Notes: This show received various penalties for production values.

This show increased our popularity in one area.

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Masked Patriot [vs] “The Pure Athlete” Art Reed ©

[COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match]


there's a part of me that feels the patriot might pull this off, art's still a safer bet to me though.

Masked Patriot [vs] “The Pure Athlete” Art Reed ©

[COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match]


Battle of contrasts. Art should win here. Plus he was trained in Canada! Boo America! :p

[*]Masked Patriot

[vs] “The Pure Athlete” Art Reed ©

[COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match]

I think the COTT Championship Committee deemed that Art needed a break so Patriot becomes the new champ


I really like the idea of an old school patriotic babyface in NYCW, I think it's a great fit. Having Masked Patriot come in for a one off gig is absolutely something I could see NYCW doing. His contrast with Art Reed made for a fun one night feud.


The match itself graded out much lower than I expected though, and was the second Art Reed match in a row to get a C grade. While this is still good for our size, it's a lot lower than he has been pulling previously. He has entered time decline (slippery slope note), but it seems a big drop off for this early stage. It's definitely something I'll be keeping an eye on.


The Atlantic Connection (Riley McManus & Curtis “CJ” Jenkins) w/ Sweet Tabitha [vs] The Boys From Yukon (Howlin' Mad Mort & Whitehorse Whittaker) w/ Doctor O'Haire [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


This could be one hell of a tag trio match. Ring Generals find a way to steal it. Maybe thanks to Haley.


I intended for the match to be complete chaos, with no team being buried or losing face in defeat. I have plans for all three teams, so want to keep them all strong over the next few months!


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Thank you to everyone who predicted on the latest show! Sorry it took a little longer than usual to post the show up this week, things have been incredibly busy with work this week and I haven't had a chance to sit down and write. Hopefully you enjoyed the show now that it is up!


No perfect scores again this month, with the surprise teams throwing a lot of people. Both Notorious and the Heartbreakers are not going to be one off appearances, so expect to see them making more appearances over the next few months! Congratulations toSIser187 who won this months contest with a score of 6/7.


Hope to see everyone back for the next show!


Prediction Results after Round Two


1 point = joshbrady91 & SIser187


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NYCW April Creative Meeting



April was a sad month for the wrestling community, as it was confirmed that Sam Strong has passed away at the age of 71. Sam had been out of the business for over four years, but the former nine time world champion was a true legend of the industry. All three of the major US promotions held memorial shows for the legend - the SWF where Strong was a four time World Champion, TCW where Strong was also a four time World Champion, and USPW who Strong's name value had taken for a regional player to turning the tradition 'Big Two' into a 'Big Three'. A true legend, and a Hall of Famer in all three companies, Strong's contribution to the American wrestling business cannot be overstated.


There was further bad news for USPW, as there World Champion Sammy Bach picked up an injury defending his World Title against Steve Frehley in the Main Event at USPW Freedom Fight! Bach suffered a Torn Abdominal, an injury that will see him miss at least a couple of months of action. No word yet if USPW will strip him of the title, or wait on their World Champion to return.



Trouble Brewing In The Mid Atlantic?


Back in the world of the COTT alliance, there was big new coming out of the Mid Atlantic as Nate DeMarcus sensationally quit MAW over allegations of not being payed. I had gotten to know Sam Keith well over the past few years, and not paying guys was hugely out of character for the man. I could only assume that things weren't going well for MAW right now. We had already seen three promotions shut their doors in 2018 so far, I just hoped MAW wouldn't be the fourth...


Closer to home, I read some worrying news as TotalExtremeWrestling.com published two articles about both COTT World Heavyweight Champion Art Reed and NYCW Empire Champion Bulldozer Brandon Smith both being in need of a break due to their heavy schedules. The articles talked about a high risk of injury, so I'd need to manage my use of both men. Losing either would be disastorous in our battle with RIPW.


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I know I haven't been as active in posting on this diary recently, but I'm still reading everything. I like how the world is developing and MAW better not close!


Glad to know you're still following along Historian! I had a quick look, and MAW aren't quite in debt yet - they have about $1500 in the bank so they're pretty close! The US economy has finally bottomed out though - it hit 0, so the only way was up! It's only sat at 4 currently, but it is finally rising! Hopefully MAW can weather another few tough months and things will turn around for them.

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NYCW Presents Spring Showdown

Live from A New York Arena

Saturday W2 April 2018


NYCW promise a 'monster show' at Spring Showdown! The Main Event sees a real clash of the Heavyweights, as Prisoner No. 6 challenges once again for Bulldozer Brandon Smith's NYCW Empire Title. Prisoner No. 6 manhandled the Empire Champion at 'Battle For New York', but took his beating too far and wound up disqualified. Can Doctor O'Haire control the violent inmate long enough for his most dangerous weapon to take his most valued prize?


In what will be a busy night for Doctor O'Haire, the doctor will also be at ringside as his latest patient, Philippe LaGrenier, challenges for Jebediah's NYCW Tri-State Regional Title. LaGrenier shocked everyone last month at 'March Madness' as he abandoned former partner Hugh Ancrie in the middle of their tag team match with The Heartbreakers at the behest of the good doctor. LaGrenier will be out to prove that he was right to abondon Ancrie by winning his first title in NYCW, but standing in his way will be the 6'11 325lb Amish Brawler.


Elsewhere NYCW Tag Team Champions The Ring Generals face monster challengers of their own, as they face off against The Night Terrors. Former Two Time IPW Tag Team Champions, SAISHO Destiny Tag Team Champions and SAISHO A-1 Tag Team Grand Prix winners, The Night Terrors are certainly no pushovers. Haley Buck will be hoping her clients can use the match to further their claims to being the best tag team in North America, and that the match won't be giving her night terrors going forwards.


COTT World Heavyweight Champion Art Reed has also promised a major announcement, while favourites including Steve Flash, Man Mountain Cahill and Riley McManus will also make appearances. Be sure not to miss out!


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Confirmed Matches:


Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©
Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]


The Night Terrors (Babau & Moroi)
The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah ©
Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


Steve Flash
The Masked Mauler


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael)
Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside


Animal Harker
Princeton Pryce

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]


not sure if it's time yet, gonna go for it.


The Night Terrors (Babau & Moroi) [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


love the Terrors, but I highly doubt the're winning this.


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah © [vs] Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


I think LaGranier's push is gonna be kicked up a gear here, though Hugh might change things


Steve Flash [vs] The Masked Mauler


Steve's got this one


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


probably the next contenders

@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] ???


as always depends on who's hiding behind those ???, but with heel champs Face teams tend to do well.


Animal Harker [vs] Princeton Pryce

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]


The Night Terrors (Babau & Moroi) [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah © [vs] Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


Steve Flash [vs] The Masked Mauler


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] ???


Animal Harker [vs] Princeton Pryce

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]


The Night Terrors (Babau & Moroi) [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah © [vs] Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


Steve Flash [vs] The Masked Mauler


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] ???


Animal Harker [vs] Princeton Pryce

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]


Gambling here, yeah.


The Night Terrors (Babau & Moroi) [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


Get me over tag title defense.


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah © [vs] Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


Could be the start of a feud here.


Steve Flash [vs] The Masked Mauler


I need a hero!


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


Raphael especially can turn into one hell of a worker.


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] ???


Hm...toughie. I'll just gamble on the babyfaces.


Animal Harker [vs] Princeton Pryce


I almost want to say Pryce is the replacement you got when you let Rick go. He puts Harker over.

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]


The Night Terrors (Babau & Moroi) [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah © [vs] Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


Steve Flash [vs] The Masked Mauler


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] ???


Animal Harker [vs] Princeton Pryce

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]

I Think it’s time


The Night Terrors (Babau & Moroi) [vs] The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]. The RG’s are the top Guns as long as they have Hailey


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah © [vs] Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match] With a distraction by the Man Mountain to set up their feud. Cahill doesn’t seem to get title shots (creative control issue?) so the only safe way to feud and not get stuck with him demanding a title change is to get it off Jeb


Steve Flash [vs] The Masked Mauler


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)

The Heel in me says Notorious but the booker in me says Heartbreakers


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] ???

I’ll take the mystery box for $1000


Animal Harker [vs] Princeton Pryce

Harker really is mired in mid card hell but he gets a win here

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NYCW Spring Showdown

Live from A New York Arena

Saturday, Week 2 April 2018

Attendance: 3,200



Announce Team:

Rock Downpour & Ernie Turner


Rock Downpour
Ernie Turner
welcome us to 'Spring Showdown'. The commentary team hype tonights 'monster' Main Event, which sees Prisoner No. 6 challenging for Bulldozer Brandon Smith's NYCW Empire Title. Rock Downpour and Ernie Turner recap the pairs recent clash at 'Battle For New York', which saw Priosner No. 6's aggression get him disqualified when on top of that match. Could Doctor O'Haire control his patient for long enough to see a conclusive result this time around, or would the prisoners violent tendencies get the better of him again?


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Forget Generation ME, it's time for Generation REED!

Involved: Art Reed


'Spring Showdown' opens with COTT World Heavyweight Champion Art Reed making his way to the ring. “The Pure Athlete” talks us through his past eight months as COTT World Heavyweight Champion, where he has demonstrated the laziness and entitlement of the so called “Generation ME”. Reed says that if what he's faced over the past few months is the best Generation ME has to offer, he would worry for the future of this industry.


Luckily however, Reed tells us that after months of searching he has finally found two young wrestlers who stand out against their Generation ME contempories. Reed tells the crowd he has found the two best young wrestlers in the world today. So it's is time to forget about Generation ME, because he had found the future of NYCW! And that future is “Generation REED”!


Reed then introduces to the two wrestlers that he will be taking under his wing. First he introduces recent NYCW signing “Glorious” Logan Diaz. Reed hypes Diaz's pedigree – his uncle Raymond Diaz was the first foreign wrestler to win the PGHW Elite Series Tournament. “The Pure Athlete” tells us that he sees enough of his uncle in Logan to know that Diaz has more to him than most of his generation. Diaz comes out to join Art Reed in the ring, and shakes the hand of the COTT World Champion to signify the forming of their alliance.


Reed then introduces the second member of “Generation REED”. A man who like himself headed to Japan to prove himself. A man who has proven he is willing to put in the hard yards. A man who recovered from a broken freaking neck! Ladies and Gentlemen, the second member of Generation REED – Greg Gauge!


Segment Rating: B



Rock Downpour: “Greg Gauge hasn't been seen on US soil in over two years! A former MAW Champion and two-time winner of the Rip Chord Invitational, Gauge is undoubtedly one of the top young talents in the world today!”

Ernie Turner: “Last I heard Gauge had moved out to Japan... I didn't expect to see him here in New York tonight!”


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@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside [vs] Generation REED (Logan Diaz & Greg Gauge) w/ Art Reed


Having introduced Generation REED, “The Pure Athlete” then invites two of the worst culprits of the Generation ME mindset to take them on in the ring. @miller_fforde and Sonny Wildside are happy to oblige and we have our opening match for the evening.


Generation REED are able to dominate the early proceedings of the contest, with Diaz and Gauge able to isolate @miller_fforde in their corner. However, a hot tag to Sonny Wildside changes the pace of the contest. “The Man Without Fear” flies around the ring, taking both Greg Gauge and Logan Diaz to the mat. Wildside takes Gauge down with an Enziguiri, and heads to the top rope signalling for the Fear Factor. Sensing his charges are in trouble, Art Reed jumps to the apron to distract Wildside. This buys Gauge enough time to recover and show off his athleticism by leaping to the top rope and sending Wildside crashing to the mat with a big Superplex. Both men take some time to recover, but Gauge shows his resiliency by being the first man back to his feet to lock in the Proton Lock (a move made famous by his father). Logan Diaz was able to keep @miller_fforde busy on the outside, leaving Sonny Wildside no choice but to tap out and give Generation REED a big debut win.


Rating: C-

Generation REED

Submission (Proton Lock) – Following interference from Art Reed



Ernier Turner: “Art Reed showing the cunning that made him World Heavyweight Champion there Rocky...”

Rock Downpour: “A great example to his young charges no doubt...”

Ernie Turner: “You look at the heritage of Logan Diaz and Greg Gauge... no guesses as to why they were the two men Reed chose to take under his wing.”


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“The Amish Brawler” Jebediah © [vs] Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire

NYCW Tri-State Regional Title


This was the first of two title challengers that Doctor O'Haire would be at ringside for tonight, and the therapist was instrumental in keeping his young charge in this contest. Jebediah's size and strength advantage proved too much for LaGrenier to cope with, and the young Canadian relied on timely interventions and distractions from his new manager to keep this contest alive.


Jebediah threw LaGrenier around the ring for much of this match, but some smart footwork from the young Canadian saw an attempted Splash from the Amish brawler miss it's target and saw the 6'11 325lb Tri-State Regional Champion collide with an unsuspecting Jez McArthuer. With the referee down, LaGrenier rolled out of the ring to regroup with the doctor on the outside. Jebediah looked like he was about to follow, when he was distracted as Man Mountain Cahill stomped out from the back. The Man Mountain stepped into the ring, and the two Bulky Heavyweights engaged in a tense staredown. Neither man broke eye contact, until an opportunistic Philippe LaGrenier tried to jump the distracted champion from behind. Jebediah was able to swat the Canadian away fairly easily, but the distraction was all Man Mountain Cahill needed to deliver an impressive Mountain Topper to the distracted Jebediah. With the Amish Brawler down, LaGrenier jumped into a cover as Doctor O'Haire furiously tried to resuscitate the unconcious referee. Jez McArthuer slowly came around and groggily counted the three as Man Mountain Cahill walked to the back with a huge grin plastered across his face, clearly happy with his nights work.


Rating: C-

Philippe LaGrenier

Pinfall (Following interference from Man Mountain Cahill)


Notes: Philippe LaGrenier wins the NYCW Tri-State Regional title.



Ernie Turner: “Doctor O'Haire's golden touch strikes again... It may not have been a classic title victory, but by hook or by crook he finds a way to get the job done for his clients.”

Rock Downpour: “Man Mountain Cahill may look happy with himself tonight, but come next month we'll see if he's quite as pleased with himself once Jebediah get's his hands on him!”



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The Heartbreakers (Jutsin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


This was a real clash of styles as the street wise Barrera and Rivera faced off against self-proclaimed pretty boys Justin Sensitive and Raphael. Raphael struggled to cope with Notorious' brawling style in the early stages, but Justin Sensitive proved to be the difference maker between the two teams once he was tagged in. Sensitive was able to turn the tables and deliver his Grace Landing to Carlos Barrera to confirm The Heartbreakers as a force to be reckoned with in the NYCW tag division.


Rating: D-

The Heartbreakers

Pinfall (Grace Landing)


Notes: Justin Sensitive carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.



Ernie Turner: “I thought The Heartbreakers were in trouble for a while there Rocky, but Justin Sensitive was able to turn things around for his team.”

Rock Downpour: “The Ring Generals have looked untouchable since taking on Haley Buck as their manager, but I wonder if The Heartbreakers may just be the team to topple them from the top of the pile? Justin Sensitive is as just as good between those ropes as either of Buck's clients.”


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Steve Flash [vs] The Masked Mauler


Having seen Doctor O'Haire successfully take the first of two titles he was looking to win tonight in controversial circumstances, Steve Flash was joined at ringside for this one by his allies in his war against the doctor and his patients – Riley McManus and Curtis Jenkins.


These two had shared the ring countless times over the past sixteen years, and that familiarity really showed through in their performance. Every transition between holds was crisp, every reversal looked seamless. It was like the two men could read each others mind to predict what their opponent would do next. The Masked Mauler used his size advantage to control the early stages of this one, but once Steve Flash began his comeback there was nothing that Mauler could do to halt the former World Champions momentum. Soon enough Flash was able to hit the Flash Bang and pick up the win.


Rating: C-

Steve Flash

Pinfall (Flash Bang)


Notes: Steve Flash & The Masked Mauler have great chemistry and it showed in their performance.



Rock Downpour: “Another big win for Steve Flash against his old adversary The Masked Mauler, but the veteran has bigger fish to fry.”

Ernie Turner: “Doctor O'Haire may have come up short in their challenge for the NYCW Tag Team Titles last month, but we've seen Philippe LaGrenier take the NYCW Tri-State Regional Title earlier tonight and Prisoner No. 6 has another shot at Bulldozer Brandon Smiths NYCW Empire Title tonight!”


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Righting a wrong

Involved: Steve Flash,The Atlantic Connection w/ Sweet Tabitha & The Boys From Yukon w/ Doctor O'Haire


After the match, Steve Flash jumped on the microphone to call out Doctor O'Haire and The Boys From Yukon. It didn't take long for Doctor O'Haire and his patients to appear. The doctor repeated his claim from last month that The Atlantic Connection had cost his patients the NYCW Tag Team Titles last month, and because of that he challenged The Atlantic Connection to face The Boys From Yukon in tag team action next month at 'Brooklyn Bash'. Riley McManus took the microphone and immediately accepted O'Haire's challenge. Steve Flash took back the microphone and told Doctor O'Haire that could see what Doctor O'Haire was trying to do, and the stable that he was slowly building up under the guise of taking wrestlers on as patients. Doctor O'Haire took offence to this, telling Flash that he was nothing but professional when it came to his practice as a licensed therapist. Steve Flash told O'Haire that his plan wouldn't work, not while Flash had the support of The Atlantic Connection and not while Bulldozer Brandon Smith was NYCW Empire Champion. Doctor O'Haire simply grinned and told Flash they'd have to see how long that was the case. Flash told O'Haire that his prisoner had tried to take the Empire Title away from the Bulldozer once before and come up short, and the veteran told O'Haire the same would happen tonight. The doctor told Flash that things would be different tonight, and once his prisoner had the NYCW Empire Title they would be unstoppable!


Segment Rating: C+



Ernie Turner: “Strong words from Doctor O'Haire there Rocky...”

Rock Downpour: “There's no doubt that Prisoner No. 6 is big and powerful enough to defeat anyone on the NYCW roster, just look at the way he manhandled Bulldozer Brandon Smith in their last contest... but it's his temprement that always come into question. Can he control that rage long enough to win by the rules? At 'Battle For New York' he couldn't, we'll have to see what happens in tonights Main Event!”


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Animal Harker [vs] Princeton Pryce


This match saw the NYCW debut of 22-year-old Princeton Pryce. The youngster had trained in the famous House Of Stone facility, and arrived with a solid reputation. With a bit of work he could potentially turn into a big player for us. However, for now he was completely unknown in New York so I used this match as a chance to look at what Princeton could do in the ring and give a rare win to NYCW favourite Animal Harker. Harker had got lost in the shuffle somewhat over the past year or so and needed building back up, but he was still over with the fans. Harker showed off some of the new striking ability he ahd picked up in Japan, before hitting his Stump Piledriver just before the six minute mark for the victory.


Rating: E+

Animal Harker

Pinfall (Stump Piledriver)



Ernie Turner: “Princeton Pryce arrived with a big reputation, but comes up short against Animal Harker tonight.”

Rock Downpour: “Pryce is only 22 and still learning. He showed glimpses of his obvious talent tonight, and I think with a bit of time to find his feet could do well here in New York.”



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The Night Terrors (Babau & Moroi) [vs] The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) w/ Haley Buck ©

NYCW Tag Team Title Match


Next up was the match for the NYCW Tag Team Titles. The Night Terrors certainly made an impact with their creepy entrance, as the normally calm and assured Haley Buck looked to be thrown off by the challengers theatrics. Her clients looked wary of their horror themed opponents in the early stages of the match, before slowly getting into their work. The Night Terrors showed they were more than just their gimmick, as Babau in particular was able to keep up with the Ring Generals in the ring. As the match wore on, Moroi became more and more interested in Haley Buck at ringside as she tried to encourage her clients from ringside. With Haley's attention focused solely on the in-ring action, Moroi spooked the manager as he jumped down from the apron. While this would normally be a heel move, such was the contempt the NYCW crowd had for Haley Buck that they cheered Moroi as he chased a screaming Haley Buck away from the ring all the way to the back. Unfortunately for Moroi's tag team partner, Babau had been left two-on-one with Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf... which is a place nobody wants to be. Isolated it didn't take too long for The Ring Generals to work an opportunity to deliver the Wheelbarrow Bomb double team finisher to pick up another win.


Rating: C

The Ring Generals

Pinfall (Wheelbarrow Bomb)


The Ring Generals make defence number 2 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.


Moroi was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.



Ernie Turner: “The crowd may have enjoyed it, but what was Moroi doing leaving his partner alone against The Ring Generals Rocky? It's hard enough facing them two-on-two, let alone two-on-one!”

Rock Downpour: “He must have got caught up in the crowds cheers Ernie. Not his finest moment, and I'm sure his partner Babau will have a few harsh words for him...”


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New Challengers?

Involved: The Ring Generals & The Heartbreakers


After making the pin on Babau, The Ring Generals looked like they were about to head to the back to look fro Haley Buck. However, before they could leave the ring The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive and Raphael) pushed through the curtain. Justin Sensitive had a microphone in hand, and addressed The Ring Generals in the ring. Sensitive said he was glad that Statler and Waldorf were finally alone, so they could stop hiding behind Haley Buck and they could finally talk men to men. Sensitive told The Ring Generals that he had been watching them over the past few years, and he couldn't deny that their record is impressive... however, he and Raphael were still unbeaten in New York and were former two-time RIPW Tag Team Champions. Sensitive laid out a challenge to The Ring Generals – The Heartbreakers vs The Ring Generals next month at 'Brooklyn Bash'... for the NYCW Tag Team Titles! Statler and Waldorf look unsure for a moment, until Sensitive asks if they need to go and find Haley Buck to ask for permission? This fires up Statler, and he grabs a microphone to accept the challenge! Statler tells Sensitive they'll see The Heartbreakers next week! Justin Sensitive leads Raphael to the back with a grin, clearly happy with how the exchange had played out.


Segment Rating: C-



Ernie Turner: “Wow! A huge announcement Rocky! The undefeated Heartbreakers to take on the best tag team in North America – The Ring Generals. And it's for the NYCW Tag Team Titles!”

Rock Downpour: “It's a huge match for sure. I've got to wonder how Haley Buck will react once she finds out...”


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“Bulldozer” Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

NYCW Empire Title Match


This was another knock down brawl between these two powerful Heavyweights. Having been overpowered in their last contest at 'Kings Of New York', Bulldozer Brandon Smith ensured he started this one off on the front foot using the heavy duty Suplexes and Slams he had become so well known for in Japan. Keeping Prisoner No. 6 quiet for too long is a difficult task though, and the inmates violent tendencies allowed his to burst back into the match with some elbows, knees and forearms. The two Heavyweights brawled back and forth for a few minutes, but eventually the sheer power and intensity of Doctor O'Haire's prisoner overwhelmed the champion.


Prisoner No. 6 continued his beatdown, and once again seemed to abandon all comprehension of the rules as he used his boot to choke out a prone Bulldozer Brandon Smith in the corner. Doctor O'Haire screamed at his prisoner from the apron, but Prisoner No.6 seemed to focused on his beatdown to hear him. It took Doctor O'Haire physically pulling the inmate off of the champion to break the referee's count at a very long 4. Prisoner No. 6 looked enraged as he towered over his therapist, but Doctor O'Haire didn't seem intimidated as he yelled at his patient that if he failed again he'd send him right back to the penitentiary. For a moment it looked like the prisoner was about to strike the doctor, but he eventually grunted and turned back to the action... right into a big Lariat from the Empire Champion!


With Prisoner No. 6 down, Doctor O'Haire was left in the ring defenceless with Bulldozer Brandon Smith. The Bulky Heavyweight towered over the licensed therapist, who desperately tried to reason with the Empir Champion. Quickly realising Brandon Smith was having none of it. Doctor O'Haire tried a cheap shot, but this seemed to have no effect on the Bulky Heavyweight. The doctor immediately began apologising and begging for mercy, but much to the delight of the New York crowd the Empire Champion hoisted the doctor up and delivered his Tombstone Piledriver in the middle of the ring. The crowd roared the move, but was cut short as a recovered Prisoner No. 6 jumped the distracted Bulldozer Brandon Smith from behind. Whether the doctors previous threat had reached the prisoner or not was hard to tell, but the inmate didn't waste any time in hauling Brandon Smith up into position for the Jail Break and planting the Empire Champion in the middle of the ring. Prisoner No. 6 made the cover and referee Jez McArthuer made the three count and we have a new NYCW Empire Champion!


Rating: B

Prisoner No. 6

Pinfall (Jail Break)


Notes: Prisoner #6 wins the NYCW Empire title.



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The dawn of a new era

Involved: Prisoner No. 6 & Doctor O'Haire


Prisoner No. 6 stands menacingly over the fallen former Empire Champion, the formerly so impressive Bulldozer Brandon Smith reduced to a crumpled figure at the feet of his conquerer. Referee Jez McArthuer meekly tries to pass the NYCW Empire Title to Prisoner No. 6, but the inmate doesn't pay attention to the referee and continues intently staring down at the former champion.


Luckily for Jez McArthuer, at this point Doctor O'Haire managed to peel himself off of the canvas and eagerly makes his way over to the referee and rips the title greedily from the referee's hands. Jez McArthuer looks like he's about to argue, before thinking better of it and getting out of dodge leaving O'Haire and his patient alone in the ring. The duo are quickly joined in the ring by the doctors other patients – The Boys From Yukon and Philippe LaGrenier.


O'Haire quickly demands LaGrenier's NYCW Tri-State Regional belt, which the Canadian youngster somewhat reluctantly handed over. O'Haire looked down ravenously at the two belts, before grabbing a microphone from ringside and telling the New York crowd that tonight they had witnessed the birth of a new era... but that tonight was just the beginning. They still had so much to look forward to, and with his patients around him nothing could get in his way!


Segment Rating: B



Ernie Turner: “I don't know if we've seen the birth of a new era Rocky, but we do have a new NYCW Empire Champion!”

Rock Downpour: “Another dominant performance from Prisoner No. 6, it's not often we see a performance like that against Bulldozer Brandon Smith! You've got to wonder what Doctor O'Haire means when he says that 'tonight was just the beginning'... he's been after the Empire title for nearly two and a half years, ever since he arrived in New York. What could he be after next?”

Ernie Turner: “I shudder to think Rocky. The real question is, whatever it is, who's going to stop him?”


Overall Rating: C

Notes: This show received various penalties for production values.

This show increased our popularity in one area.

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]

I Think it’s time

Bulldozer Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]


not sure if it's time yet, gonna go for it.

Bulldozer Brandon Smith © [vs] Prisoner No. 6 w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Empire Title Match]


Gambling here, yeah.


You all called it! We've been building towards this for over two years, and it's finally time to pull the trigger. Doctor O'Haire has worked his way into a position of real power, so the question now becomes what he will do with it.


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah © [vs] Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match] With a distraction by the Man Mountain to set up their feud. Cahill doesn’t seem to get title shots (creative control issue?) so the only safe way to feud and not get stuck with him demanding a title change is to get it off Jeb


I managed to get rid of his Creative Control clause about a year ago when his contract came up. The issue now is that he's so much more over than anyone else that he doesn't want to put anyone over. I'm working on that at the moment, trying to set him up with the right opponent.


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)

The Heel in me says Notorious but the booker in me says Heartbreakers

The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


probably the next contenders


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive & Raphael) [vs] Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)


Raphael especially can turn into one hell of a worker.


A lot of love for The Heartbreakers here. We'll see how they get on against The Ring Generals next month.


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Thank you to everyone who predicted on the latest show! We finally saw Prisoner No. 6 and Doctor O'Haire take their position at the top of the tree in NYCW. I'm looking forward to booking Doctor O'Haire at the top, and hope you guys enjoy that story.


Congratulations to Theheel for winning the predictions this month with a perfect score of 7/7. It was good to see Historian and joshbrady91 back for the predictions this show, and welcome to CreeperGav! Hope to see you all back next month.


Hope to see everyone back for the next show!


Prediction Results after Round Three


1 point = joshbrady91, SIser187 & Theheel


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NYCW May Creative Meeting



May started with a phone call from an old friend. Honest Frank called to let me know that as he hadn't been able to secure any bookings since leaving us in February, he'd decided that it was time for him to call it a day and hang up his boots. I congratulated him on a stellar career, and asked if he'd thought any more about my offer about coming back as a manager. Frank said he needed more time, but that he'd let me know.



Another one bites the dust


There was more sad news for fans of hardcore wrestling this month, as upstart promotion MHW (Mexican Hardcore Wrestling) closed it's doors for the final time. The promotion had only opened in August 2016, and despite good shows had struggled to gain a foothold in the traditional homeland of lucha libre. MHW were the fourth wrestling promotion to close in 2018, a worrying trend caused by a struggling world economy. There was likely more than a few other promotions looking over their shoulders, hoping not to be next.


Things kept chugging along for us in New York though. We'd made another profit of $9,729 for the month, and for the second month in a row had edged out RIPW in the Regional Battle. It was incredibly close between us every month though, as we continued to struggle against RIPW's Eisen funded production values. With all this money we were making every month, I'd have to suggest to Larry that perhaps it was time we started putting some of it back into the product...


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NYCW Presents Brooklyn Bash

Live from A New York Arena

Saturday W2 May 2018


At 'Sping Showdown', we saw Prisoner No. 6 and Doctor O'Haire make history, as the violent inmate overcame Bulldozer Brandon Smith to win the NYCW Empire Champion. After the win, Doctor O'Haire declared that 'this was just the beginning'. While Prisoner No. 6 is not in action at 'Brooklyn Bash', he will be in the building, and Doctor O'Haire has promised a further update on what he said at the end of 'Spring Showdown'.


Art Reed also made a declaration at 'Spring Showdown'. “The Pure Athlete” introduced Generation REED to the world, declaring that in Logan Diaz and Greg Gauge he had found THE two best young wrestlers on the planet to take under his wing. This declaration did not pass by unnoticed, with “The Supreme Star” Spencer Spade in particular taking offence at not being included in the conversation of the best young wrestlers in the world today. In an effort to prove that Art Reed had made a mistake, Spade sent out a challenge to face “The Pure Athlete” for the COTT World Heavyweight Championship. A challenge that Reed has accepted, “to once again prove the shortcomings of Generation ME”!


'Spring Showdown' also saw The Ring Generals accept the challenge of The Heartbreakers for their NYCW Tag Team Titles. While there has been no official comment from The Ring Generals or their manager Haley Buck, it is understood that this decision has not gone down well with Haley Buck. Will this discord open up an opportunity for The Heartbreakers to overcome the self-proclaimed greatest Tag Team in America, or will The Ring Generals overcome their new challengers and continue their run as Tag Team champions?


On top of all of this, we will also see the collosal clash between Man Mountain Cahill and “The Amish Brawler” Jebediah. Cahill took their rivalry up a notch last month, as he cost Jebediah his NYCW Tri-State Regional Title in his match against Philippe LaGrenier. With both men weight north of 300lb and standing at 6'9 and 6'11 respectively, this promises to be a clash of monster proportions!


Speaking of LaGrenier, he will be in action making his first defence of his new NYCW Tri-State Regional Title on a card that will also see The Atlantic Connection face The Boys From Yukon, Steve Flash will be in the building and Joffy Laine will be in action for the first time since his loss to Man Mountain Cahill back in February. Be sure not to miss it!


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Confirmed Matches:


“The Supreme Star” Spencer Spade
“The Pure Athlete” Art Reed ©

[COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match]


The Heartbreakers (Justin Sensitive and Raphael)
The Ring Generals (“Deadly” Dean Waldorf & “Marvelous” Marv Statler) © w/ Haley Buck

[NYCW Tag Team Titles Match]


"The Amish Brawler" Jebediah
Man Mountain Cahill

[Grudge Match]


@miller_fforde & “The Man Without Fear” Sonny Wildside
Generation REED (“Glorious” Logan Diaz & Greg Gauge)

[Number One Contenders Match – NYCW Tag Team Titles]


Freedom Eagle
Philippe LaGrenier w/ Doctor O'Haire ©

[NYCW Tri-State Regional Title Match]


Joffy Laine
Princeton Pryce


Ace Youngblood
The Masked Mauler

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