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I have been doing a real world October 2019 save with NJPW using Fleisch's mod and it is going great so far, running some awesome shows and enjoying setting up all the real life events.


However, i am losing around $1.5M every month for 3 months in a row now and i am not sure how to turn this around.


I have negotiated some written contracts into pay-per-appearance ones to save some money.


I have lowered the production costs to the minimum we are expected to have.


I have also activated a two hour weekly TV show so that we get more ticket money and other money (this has helped bring in slightly more income than the previous month).


I have signed some broadcasting deals (subscriptions) for the TV show in Japan, USA & Mexico.


I have now changed our product slightly so that we now favour sponsorship rather than not favoring sponsorship (again this worked and our sponsorship for the month was slightly higher than previously).


I am still losing between $1M - $1.5M per month though and I'm down to just $2M with lots of guys asking for pay rises and some stars running out of contract who need to be re-signed (Naito, Tanahashi), any ideas?

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Cut back on your roster. Fire everyone on PPA deals that you're not using, lower the number of matches you're putting on, use only one referee & road agent for the entire show (this will come with drawbacks in the next game, but it's a money-saver here) and really cut down on tag matches.


Running more shows will only help you if your ticket sales are going to make you more than the cost of the guys used. Written workers you can book as much as possible. Booking the wrong PPA's can make small shows into money losers.

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As someone who's played NJPW as realistically as possible, I can attest that the "game" aspect of TEW doesn't do a great job simulating NJPW.


There's two way to look at this - if you want to "play the game", you can do what is suggested above, even if it doesn't exactly mirror what NJPW does in real life.


For example, NJPW runs most of their tour event in small 1,000-3,000 seat buildings. These don't make money in the game, and you can easily sell out 10,000 seat venues for every show.


If you want to just run the game as an NJPW fantasy booking simulator, just go into the edit company menu and give yourself another $10 million or whatever you need. It's extremely difficult to run NJPW how NJPW is actually run.


I think my middle ground was running my big shows as PPVs on Samurai or whatever Japanese PPV broadcaster was in the database. Those shows drew in tons and tons of money for some reason, and I was able to keep running 2,000 seat arenas for my "Road to" style shows.

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NJPW has a gigantic roster, I would address this first.



Secondly you need to run more live events in large venues.


Instead of running a bunch of small shows(these lose money) and one big show, try running 4 or 5 big shows a month, you’ll make money then.


The MOD started with just 20 events per year. I have now added in a lot more events to mirror how many events NJPW put on per year, I currently have 35 a year and will add more of the "Road To" shows soon.


I have slightly altered the Product section so that we are more attractive to sponsors which has basically doubled our sponsorship income in this last month.


I made a mistake at the beginning of the game by signing lots of Legends & guys with high popularity in Japan such as Ultimo Dragon (2,100 PPA), Great Muta (3,000 PPA), The Great Sasuke (2,400 PPA), Tajiri (2,500 PPA), TAKA Michinoku (1,500 PPA), Sakuraba (2,240 PPA), Masakatsu Funaki (2,500 PPA), Tiger Mask (2,100 PPA) etc to PPA deals and literally went 3 months without using any of them. I also didn't know they all had guaranteed down payments which matched their PPA deals, so i was paying them all even though i was not using them. They have all been released now.

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You'll need to run them as specials rather than monthly or annual events for optimal £££.


Thanks for the information, i had no idea specials would provide more money than annual events. I shall change a few of the events to specials, such as the join events NJPW has with ROH & CMLL as well as the Anniversary Show.

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As someone who's played NJPW as realistically as possible, I can attest that the "game" aspect of TEW doesn't do a great job simulating NJPW.


There's two way to look at this - if you want to "play the game", you can do what is suggested above, even if it doesn't exactly mirror what NJPW does in real life.


For example, NJPW runs most of their tour event in small 1,000-3,000 seat buildings. These don't make money in the game, and you can easily sell out 10,000 seat venues for every show.


If you want to just run the game as an NJPW fantasy booking simulator, just go into the edit company menu and give yourself another $10 million or whatever you need. It's extremely difficult to run NJPW how NJPW is actually run.


I think my middle ground was running my big shows as PPVs on Samurai or whatever Japanese PPV broadcaster was in the database. Those shows drew in tons and tons of money for some reason, and I was able to keep running 2,000 seat arenas for my "Road to" style shows.


Thank you for the information Dean.


I am trying to stick to the way NJPW operates as closely as possible, i am using the 1 hour per week show which is shown on NJPW World and have also added Netflix (Mexico) & YouTube (USA) to subscriptions who will now watch the NJPW World weekly show and my popularity in USA and Mexico is slowly going up and TV revenue is increasing too.


In regards to attending fans, I guess it's because the TV show has "very low" prestige whereas the events have normal or higher prestige so more fans show up to the events. I like running the TV show because i can advance storylines and get smaller popularity workers on the card etc.


In regards to PPV broadcasters, none are interested in negotiating with NJPW so i cant run anything on PPV sadly.

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Cut back on your roster. Fire everyone on PPA deals that you're not using, lower the number of matches you're putting on, use only one referee & road agent for the entire show (this will come with drawbacks in the next game, but it's a money-saver here) and really cut down on tag matches.


Running more shows will only help you if your ticket sales are going to make you more than the cost of the guys used. Written workers you can book as much as possible. Booking the wrong PPA's can make small shows into money losers.


Good to know i can run a whole show with just 1 Ref and 1 Road Agent with no downsides, thanks for the information.

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