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This has been a pretty consistent issue with some of the current day real world mods. I converted the Over 9000 mod and it worked just fine.


So in time, that bug will likely get fixed.


Thank you for the heads up.


Guess I'll just wait for the full release/first mod to come out and get the game.

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Hint: real world mods aren't going to work properly unless properly setup. You can't just convert a database and expect the mod to work. They won't, but that is no reflection on the game itself. Try playing the default database for the time being.


Yep, real world mods aren’t the best way to beta test this game. Those are likely going to need touched up by the mod designer before they’re ready to be plugged into a game that’s build around a fictional universe.


Basically any complain about r/w conversions should probably be ignored until the mod artist has a chance to look over things.

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Sorry for the double post but holy crap, I'm shocked at the merger of NOTBPW and CGC but I probably shouldn't be given the state of CGC in 2016. I was planning on starting my first save with NOTBPW as I have done so with the last two incarnations of the game but I guess I shall go with the CWA now with the new changes.
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After playing through the game a bit today, I can say I'm excited for the full release. I find the new UI frustrating, mainly when it comes to not being able to use the scroll wheel or arrow keys on most pages, but there's a lot in the game now that feels like it could make the experience even deeper.


I do kind'a like the new perception mechanic, too! Not having workers complain about their pushes because I had them win without remembering to change their push is going to be a great quality of life thing for me.

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James Prudence Started a Stable!


James Prudence joined up with other underutilized talents in SWF to get ahead (this is an actual part of their bio, which I dig and gives them a nice origin story from afar). They called themselves The Cure. Also, a cool name.


A week later, James Prudence was kicked out of his own stable. It's disappointing, but I also recall the mess that became of Nexus, Nexus 2.0, and The Corre.


I'm hopeful that the stables see some patching, because I'm just a faction mark.

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Okay, now that I've loaded up the game about five times and had a bit of a play around with it, I have a few things to add:


1-a) I'm gonna echo what about 50% of the comments in this thread seem to be stating, and that is regarding the UI being utterly horrendous. There is some disagreement as to how bad it is, but you can put me in the camp of those who say it is simply unplayable in the current state. I mean, it really is. I've had to keep coming back to try again because I simply cannot look at that screen for more than 15 mins before I want to rip my eyes out. HOWEVER....


1-b) I don't think the issues with the UI are quite what people think, (although I could be wrong), and I think most of it could be solved with some minor tweaking. For example, using a softer grey colour (like the border of this text box) instead of having a jet black contrast to the text would make the it highly visible without it being jarring. Also, thinning the borders of each box would help, so that it doesn't draw attention away from the information you want us to see and otherwise confuse/blur our senses. Perhaps a change of font in places. These kinds of subtle changes can make a huge difference.


2) From what I've seen (getting past the above), everything else seems pretty much what I was hoping for, and is a massive improvement that I don't think people have been able to appreciate yet due to the novelty of it all. I'm loving the sheer amount of customization that's been added, and this brings me onto my final point.


3) I've heard a lot of complaints in this thread about things that have already been addressed if you read the manual. For example, you can turn OFF match/angle ratios altogether, if that bothers you. You can also scroll through lists with your mouse or keyboard if you turn off new-style coloured lists in 'Your Preferences' (options).

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It's absolutely insane. Playing as USPW you literally can't book a match longer than 10 minutes without being heavily penalized. Same thing with angles, also.



If you want to add to your rage about products, try playing as ACPW.


The default product has somehow been set so that the fans will turn on anyone without high aerial skills - which means they turn on half the starting roster!


Hopefully that'll be fixed soon, but that's a hell of a thing to slip through testing.

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The match or angle ratings are barely visible too imo. And the red font used on the dark background does not work quite well.


I let the AI auto book RAW since I couldn't do it myself and they managed to injure 2 wrestlers and offer a horrendous show. I'm assuming there still is a slow progression on ratings since no weekly show seems to go past 60 for any match ratings.

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3) I've heard a lot of complaints in this thread about things that have already been addressed if you read the manual. For example, you can turn OFF match/angle ratios altogether, if that bothers you. You can also scroll through lists with your mouse or keyboard if you turn off new-style coloured lists in 'Your Preferences' (options).


And if you'd read the complaints in greater detail, you'd know that a large number of lists are unable to be changed from the new-style list even if you do untick that box in the settings.

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The lack of being able to search for "good", "great", "excellent" workers is very disappointing. Same as searching for "draws", "well known", "icons" etc. Typing in the number ranges individually makes me feel like I'm in excel. TEW has always been a spreadsheet first and wrestling sim second. But at least 16 hid it. This just feels like I'm making spreadsheets and not playing a game.
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