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Just match:angle ratio. That's all I ask. Please 😭😭😭


There is an option in "Your Preferences" to turn the ratio off..... since it's fairly safe to assume that everyone would book within the ratio to avoid penalties, using that allows you to do whatever you want. And is also what is intended to be used for control of elements of a game. :)

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There is an option in "Your Preferences" to turn the ratio off..... since it's fairly safe to assume that everyone would book within the ratio to avoid penalties, using that allows you to do whatever you want. And is also what is intended to be used for control of elements of a game. :)


I was very relieved once I saw that. Except doing that removes a technique I use where I put the match to angle ratio at 40/60 then run 50/50 shows (since you have a 15% leeway in 2016). This allowed my shows to get slightly higher ratings (since as SWF I always manage one "A" angle but often times not an "A" main event). By turning that off I get rated on the actual ratio I produce, not the ratio my product is set for.


Aside from that though I'd just turn it off and book for my product. I understand that players can exploit that and have shows with wildly different ratios but the solution is if you don't like that or think its "cheap" then don't do that. And its not like real life shows don't vary in their ratio of angles to matches. They have a format but I think if you timed it out you'd find some weeks have more angle time (and hence less match time) than others.


The one place I'm seeing where not being able to set your own ratio would be bad is the pro mode since I think you have to enforce the angle to match ratio. I have no interest in pro mode (glad its there but I won't use it) so it doesn't affect me.


TL, DR: glad I can choose to click off angle/match ratio enforced. Hope Adam fixes it but not a huge deal for me.

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I was very relieved once I saw that. Except doing that removes a technique I use where I put the match to angle ratio at 40/60 then run 50/50 shows (since you have a 15% leeway in 2016). This allowed my shows to get slightly higher ratings (since as SWF I always manage one "A" angle but often times not an "A" main event). By turning that off I get rated on the actual ratio I produce, not the ratio my product is set for.


Aside from that though I'd just turn it off and book for my product. I understand that players can exploit that and have shows with wildly different ratios but the solution is don't do that. And its not like real life shows don't vary in their ratio of angles to matches. They have a format but I think if you timed it out you'd find some weeks have more angle time (and hence less match time) than others.


The one place I'm seeing where not being able to set your own ratio would be bad is the pro mode since I think you have to enforce the angle to match ratio. I have no interest in pro mode (glad its there but I won't use it) so it doesn't affect me.


TL, DR: glad I can choose to click off angle/match ratio enforced. Hope Adam fixes it but not a huge deal for me.


Pro mode has nothing whatsoever to do with that. Adam mentioned in the dev journal that he was iffy on the name, and I really think he should have changed it. But pro mode does nothing but stop you from reach max-level scouting so there's always a level of ambiguity to stats.

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I was very relieved once I saw that. Except doing that removes a technique I use where I put the match to angle ratio at 40/60 then run 50/50 shows (since you have a 15% leeway in 2016). This allowed my shows to get slightly higher ratings (since as SWF I always manage one "A" angle but often times not an "A" main event). By turning that off I get rated on the actual ratio I produce, not the ratio my product is set for.


I believe the game always rates a show based on the ratio your produce, no mater what your product says.

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There is an option in "Your Preferences" to turn the ratio off..... since it's fairly safe to assume that everyone would book within the ratio to avoid penalties, using that allows you to do whatever you want. And is also what is intended to be used for control of elements of a game. :)


Yes but that was a preference when I could set the ratio myself so that still doesnt explain why it got lumped in with the preset products and also was never mentioned that it was being lumped in in the Dev journal post about preset products.


Edit: I also dont appreciate being spoken to as if I haven't looked at the preferences or dont know they exist. I've been playing these games since 2015 and I would appreciate voicing my opinion at wishing a mechanic wasnt changed not being met with one of the moderators replying in a condescending manner.

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Where in the database editor?


The only thing that's close to it is now under "Eras", but the options available are dealing with generated worker types, habits, sexuality, etc. which were themselves a relatively minor part of the old Game World menu. And there's nothing there regarding starting area economy or industry level, worker loyalty, etc.

As I said, Game World is gone. But you can setup area economy and industry level, it's on database details

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Pro mode has nothing whatsoever to do with that. Adam mentioned in the dev journal that he was iffy on the name, and I really think he should have changed it. But pro mode does nothing but stop you from reach max-level scouting so there's always a level of ambiguity to stats.


Sorry, I misunderstood the feature.


I believe the game always rates a show based on the ratio your produce, no mater what your product says.


Oh ok lol. I thought I was "gaming" the system.


These being the case then until there's a fix I'll just turn the ratio off. I'm not saying its the best solution but its workable until there is a fix.

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Finally got time this weekend to spend with the game. In it's current form. I'd give the game a 7 out of 10 if it were to release today how it is.


I like a bunch of the changes to the game. However, The weird omissions like the "view roster" button not being on the screen where you start a storyline, also not being on the tournament screen. Instead I need to click all the way out of the tournament screen. Go to the view roster button on the main screen & go through from there. Adding notes in the notepad up top. Then moving all the way back to the tournament screen. way more clicking BTW.


The fact that in the angle booking screen we have no quick buttons to refine a search. Something that was in 2016 that for some reason has been completely left out. Instead, I need to click way more times by going to the "view roster" button then hitting the search feature that's on that screen. This right here alone is such a weird thing to leave off.


They had done an excellent job with reducing the "Ugg, I want to change the angle/match so I need to click out & find a new angle/match" factor on the match & angle booking screens. But they made the angles way more annoying to book at the same time.


I also don't like how I can't seem to find a "auto-PUSH" option. I get that the game doesn't have defined pushes anymore, but now I have road agents & people that are supposed to be commentators showing up as wrestlers.

I would prefer to not to have to go through & change that, BTW I don't know how to change their roles anymore. I feel like this is more of an issue on my side, but still annoying!


Thankfully Adam is adding scroll wheel & arrow controls to more screens but honestly it should be the entire game. I'm not a programmer, but I don't see what would be so hard about making it to when you click on a section of the screen, then you can scroll & use the arrows on that section you clicked on.

In the default settings. If you open the roster screen then scroll down with your mouse. It will move the stats of the wrestler on the right side of the screen, instead of moving the wrestlers on the left side. This is such a small but weird choice. I should be able to left click on whatever section I want, then the scroll & arrow keys should work on that section. Again, I'm not a programmer, but this doesn't seem like the hardest thing to implement.

I think full scroll & arrows control should be in the entire game.

I don't know if Adam is aware of this, but removing those features has actually increased my clicks by a huge amount. Instead of being able to go through my pictures with the ease of the arrow keys, now I need to click on EACH. AND. EVERY. PICTURE. as I decide which one I want to use.

It's annoying in other sections that I can't recall off the top of my head.


I should have written down a list of small issues the game has, unfortunately I didn't.


These issues are small but unnecessary issues that I really hope get addressed with those extra weeks he pushes the game back. I worry it won't be though. Such weird things to leave out of the game that it's predecessor had in it doesn't make sense to me. I really want to stress that I enjoy the good things he's added to the game. I just know that now is the time to mention these issues as it's in beta.


I'm honestly shocked these issues managed to get past the testing phase too. I feel like someone should have mentioned, "Hey, make sure to add those search features into the angle screen. Pretty sure people will be needing those!"

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I was very relieved once I saw that. Except doing that removes a technique I use where I put the match to angle ratio at 40/60 then run 50/50 shows (since you have a 15% leeway in 2016). This allowed my shows to get slightly higher ratings (since as SWF I always manage one "A" angle but often times not an "A" main event). By turning that off I get rated on the actual ratio I produce, not the ratio my product is set for.


Aside from that though I'd just turn it off and book for my product. I understand that players can exploit that and have shows with wildly different ratios but the solution is if you don't like that or think its "cheap" then don't do that. And its not like real life shows don't vary in their ratio of angles to matches. They have a format but I think if you timed it out you'd find some weeks have more angle time (and hence less match time) than others.


The one place I'm seeing where not being able to set your own ratio would be bad is the pro mode since I think you have to enforce the angle to match ratio. I have no interest in pro mode (glad its there but I won't use it) so it doesn't affect me.


TL, DR: glad I can choose to click off angle/match ratio enforced. Hope Adam fixes it but not a huge deal for me.


You were always rated on the actual ratio you booked, not the preset number. That just gave you the rough number to aim for and you had some wiggle room for what they would accept without penalty. For example, if you set the ratio to 50/50 but booked 40/60 your show would be rated 40/60. And if you tried to book a 30/70, you'd be rated like that THEN be hit by a penalty for being too far from what your audience would accept.


So you're not losing anything, just giving yourself more flexibility and maximising what you can do with the game. :)

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I'm honestly shocked these issues managed to get past the testing phase too. I feel like someone should have mentioned, "Hey, make sure to add those search features into the angle screen. Pretty sure people will be needing those!"


Look, it is what it is. There's devs who prefer small testing teams and there's those that go full open beta. Adam seems one of the former, but honestly there's negatives to both extremes. The danger here is that you get some "groupthink" going on, where some testers start being super-optimistic and it's catching on and everyone just assumes the other features are working as well. It also makes sense to take the most experienced players to test, but then you're not catching some problems like the one you mentioned.


What surprised me was that the communication was super-positive, which tricks me and probably lots of other people into believing it was going to be the smoothest launch ever. Imo the issues now aren't that critical (but I haven't played more yet), but something must surely be amiss if these measures are being taken. I'm sure it's scaring some people, but I can't grasp exactly what is so game-breaking to so many people. Maybe because these critical voices get shut down all the time? I've seen some delusional people who expect something completely different. Some are just impatient, which may have been avoided by calling it an open beta instead of a "demo", which implies you're demoing the full game.

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Look, it is what it is. There's devs who prefer small testing teams and there's those that go full open beta. Adam seems one of the former, but honestly there's negatives to both extremes. The danger here is that you get some "groupthink" going on, where some testers start being super-optimistic and it's catching on and everyone just assumes the other features are working as well. It also makes sense to take the most experienced players to test, but then you're not catching some problems like the one you mentioned.


What surprised me was that the communication was super-positive, which tricks me and probably lots of other people into believing it was going to be the smoothest launch ever. Imo the issues now aren't that critical (but I haven't played more yet), but something must surely be amiss if these measures are being taken. I'm sure it's scaring some people, but I can't grasp exactly what is so game-breaking to so many people. Maybe because these critical voices get shut down all the time? I've seen some delusional people who expect something completely different. Some are just impatient, which may have been avoided by calling it an open beta instead of a "demo", which implies you're demoing the full game.


I don't think the game is in a critical breaking point or anything like that. The lions share of the game is perfectly fine for what I've played so far.


I've been on the side of "This is a demo." I can't recall now what Adam labeled it in the beginning, but either way. This was supposed to be how the game was released. Excluding some bugs, the game wasn't going to be radically changed in just one weeks time, anyone who thinks differently is nuts!

I am in no way insulting or trying to run down anyone that was a tester for the game. I'm sure they did a fantastic job & for the most part, it shows with how I feel the game plays. The oversights are things that maybe when you're focusing so hard on getting the gameplay to work right, other important features to work as well. Maybe you miss things that are small. I know for a fact some testers had mentioned to Adam about the masses not liking the scroll wheel & arrow situation during testing.


Anything that I talk about with the game is from my own experience. I don't like the idea of pilling on because someone else dislikes something. That's why you won't see me mention anything about the main U.I that people were taking about so much other than "could be a little more organized, other than that, it's fantastic!" My issues aren't the fact that people consider it "disorganized" it just needs some more buttons on the screens I've mentioned.


I don't know what the process is like in terms of testing a game like this, but I sort of feel like it wouldn't have been a bad idea to just show some screenshots or give out actual beta versions to the fans over the last 6 months. If he would have shared a screenshot of the main screens, people defiantly would have said something about it! Then they could have made adjustments accordingly. I feel people could have easily said "Hey, I noticed on the angle screen, it didn't have any refinement buttons, will those be added later?" Then they could have caught it! No harm, no foul.

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Sorry, that's a complete mistake on my end. I mean't "auto-push" as in give the people their best position to work in the company. Completely my mistake!


Pushes don't exist anymore and with the perception system this is all done automatically. so people will always fall into their expected perception level as far as non wrestlers you can edit their jobs by click on their name above their roster photo and make them available in other positions.

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Pushes don't exist anymore and with the perception system this is all done automatically. so people will always fall into their expected perception level


I know, I mentioned that in my long post. I still wish there was some variant of it in the game so I could assign my non-wrestlers a position without needing to go & assign them myself. Like I said in the long post, I have commentators, road agents & personalities showing up as wrestlers & have no clue how to stop that.

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Sorry, that's a complete mistake on my end. I mean't "auto-push" as in give the people their best position to work in the company. Completely my mistake!


Think of perception as an always on auto-pusher at least for wrestlers. If you don’t like where someone is at, push or bury them until the audience agrees.

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So the one thing that I noticed while doing some testing (kept running the same show over and over again by exiting out and not saving) is that the angle variance can be really hefty at times. For example: I had Rocky and Scythe have a 6 minute angle. The scores were 84, 79, 85, 95, 83. None of the angles had any red negatives in them, and they all had a green positive about Rocky doing good (freedom of not having a script or something like that). While I do appreciate some variance, this just seems a little steep. It's not a deal-breaker or anything, just something I noticed.


On the other hand, matches seem to be pretty consistent with some wiggle room being a point or two in either direction unless somebody is off their game which makes sense.

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I'm temporarily locking this as forum rules are being broken and I need to tidy things up a bit. Expect some posts to be removed soon, hopefully won't be closed for long and we can get back to being constructive about TEW20. I appreciate the passion people have for the game overall, it shows you really care, but follow the rules and channel that passion into being helpful. :)


EDIT: Thread is open again after about 10 minutes. I'm going to send out a few PMs to people, some will get a warning. No one will be banned, I understand that we're all wanting to get the best game possible and that we have all been looking forward to TEW20. Lots of thigns are under review and being worked on, hence the release date being pushed back. So keep making suggestions, especially for products if you are one of the many people who don't currenty like new Product system, and let's all focus our passion on making thing better. :)


What were the negative posts? Was it just people saying they didn't like things? Is that not allowed?

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I know, I mentioned that in my long post. I still wish there was some variant of it in the game so I could assign my non-wrestlers a position without needing to go & assign them myself. Like I said in the long post, I have commentators, road agents & personalities showing up as wrestlers & have no clue how to stop that.


I mean all you should have to do is deselect the roles you don't want them to work in that same menu and they should only show up as the specific role you want them in.

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The main problem is, everyone wants this game to be their version of perfect... because let's face it, what else is there like it? There is no AEW, Impact, NJPW, or AAA to TEW's WWE. If we don't like changes, we can't go anywhere else. So people are going to get extremely up-in-arms about things they don't like.


We all have to accept that not everything will be 'perfect' for us. If we want something changed, be nice about it, because somebody, somewhere, likes it how it is, and there's no point in getting other people angry.

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Sorry, that's a complete mistake on my end. I mean't "auto-push" as in give the people their best position to work in the company. Completely my mistake!


It takes some getting used to. Now you merely see who the fans think is the biggest deal. In theory (as I haven't tested properly) I like this change a lot, but others probably either need to "get it" first or adapt their play style accordingly. Actually, I still kinda treat the mega stars as main eventers, and the stars as upper midcard. It's just that, especially nowadays, this terminology is outdated imo. So for me, it's kind of the same thing. Now I hope no one comes in to write an essay on how it's not. :p


Imo it has similarities with the "declining workers" tab being removed. The information is still there, just not as accessible. One of this game's themes seems to be that it's less easy to "game the system". In the past, I could sign someone as a "main eventer" to cut off a lot of $ from the contract, only to set him as such, exempt him from the auto-pusher and just book him like a midcarder. I just needed to use him all the time, which was my intention anyway. You could set an opener as a midcarder for one show just so you could circumvent the penalty of getting openers. You can't anymore. Makes sense to me. I don't really see how this restricts the player so much. I assume 95% of the players used the auto-push anyway.


And the personalities don't really show up as wrestlers, they just partake in the "perception" of fans. But maybe that could be reworked somehow, as generally people barely know road agents.

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There is an option in "Your Preferences" to turn the ratio off..... since it's fairly safe to assume that everyone would book within the ratio to avoid penalties, using that allows you to do whatever you want. And is also what is intended to be used for control of elements of a game. :)


Yeah, but we cannot do that with the match length penalty thing :p


Some of the products expect matches to be very short, which means you cannot get talented in ring workers over. If we could "turn that off" as well, then great. End of the day, it would be easier to give us just customization options.

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The main problem is, everyone wants this game to be their version of perfect... because let's face it, what else is there like it? There is no AEW, Impact, NJPW, or AAA to TEW's WWE. If we don't like changes, we can't go anywhere else. So people are going to get extremely up-in-arms about things they don't like.


We all have to accept that not everything will be 'perfect' for us. If we want something changed, be nice about it, because somebody, somewhere, likes it how it is, and there's no point in getting other people angry.


I agree that things can't be perfect. I know I for sure don't look for perfection. I'm just looking for a couple of buttons in key places that used to be in 2016.


I'll keep repeating this because it's true. I love the game from what I've seen so far. It's just missing some small things that should have included & by not having them in the game. It hurts the overall experience. Can I live without a "view roster" button on the screen when setting up new storyline? Yes, yes I can. Do I want to live without it? No, not really. It would be an unnecessary omission


However! Can I live without the refinement buttons on the angle set up screen? I mean.... I suppose, but that would be a serious issue with the game. Practically handcuffing me from getting into a groove while booking angles for storylines! It's kind of like saying I can live without my middle toe, but I'd really prefer to have it. It helps me balance myself. Much like the refinement options help me balance my gameplay experience.

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I know, I mentioned that in my long post. I still wish there was some variant of it in the game so I could assign my non-wrestlers a position without needing to go & assign them myself. Like I said in the long post, I have commentators, road agents & personalities showing up as wrestlers & have no clue how to stop that.


Click on their name on your roster page (I play with colored lists, so it's yellow for me). That brings up their worker page. You should see check boxes of all of the roles they can do for you. Uncheck any roles you don't want them to do there and you should be good to go.

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Yeah, but we cannot do that with the match length penalty thing :p


Some of the products expect matches to be very short, which means you cannot get talented in ring workers over. If we could "turn that off" as well, then great. End of the day, it would be easier to give us just customization options.


Here's my question as I've seen several people comment about the short matches thing and in my playing, it didn't bother me because that's how I would have booked the company anyway. What's inherently wrong with having a company where its fans say "we want short matches and the show to keep moving?" I can fully understand anyone not wanting to USE that product but I don't know why that product existing in a company is a bad thing as a whole even if it isi not how you want to book them.

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