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How do I choose (or disable) when generated workers start entering the game? It used to be in the settings page, now it's got "new worker highlights" but no option to set a date or disable new workers entirely.


Feel like this must be somewhere else and I'm just missing it. If not how do we choose whether or not generated workers are added and how often? Can see this being an issue for real world players in the full version.

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How do I choose (or disable) when generated workers start entering the game? It used to be in the settings page, now it's got "new worker highlights" but no option to set a date or disable new workers entirely.


Feel like this must be somewhere else and I'm just missing it. If not how do we choose whether or not generated workers are added and how often? Can see this being an issue for real world players in the full version.


I think the only way to do this is to close all dojos.

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This doesn’t seem like a helpful observation. As a few others have said, I’ve been playing and lurking since the EWR days but just never felt compelled to setup an account until now. Don’t think using how many posts someone has on a message board to separate where someone’s opinion might be coming from is that helpful.


Big, big fan of this game and think it’s the best in the series so far.


Yeah, this observation is just as ignorant as the original claim. Both new and old players have varied opinions on the changes. I don't know why it's a new/old player problem when almost everyone has stated their prior experience with the games. Do you think they are lying? Who would do that? (Aimed at RatedRKO16)

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Regarding product style and it being preset...


Shouldn’t it be ‘perceived product’ just like perceived push for your workers? So you are perceived by your core audience to put on 15 minute main events and you get penalties at first for offering 30 minute main events, however, after doing 30 minute main events for weeks on end the audience will now be conditioned for 30 minute main events and you will no longer get penalties for it.


Would add a nice dynamic to product styles. Take punishment at first whilst you condition your audience to a slightly different product and then after a while it becomes the norm.


You can do it for risk as-well. Not perceived as being risky? Smack first blood matches on all the time and your perceived risk goes up. Not seen as t&a? Bra and Panties every week will left that category up. With greater risqué comes harder sponsorship so be careful with one. A schmozz ending every week and the fans will soon get conditioned to no clean finishes and vice versa, you get my point.


Dynamic Product Styles would be so much more flexible.

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Has anybody had workers feeling isolated?


Playing SWF, literaly the first thing that pops up is that Krissy Angele "feels isolated". She knows the english language, is supposedly "irreprisable". She's not the only manager, not the only woman, not the only retired wrestler. She split up from two co-workers, but should that be a reason? What am I missing?


Not worrying, as supposedly negative morale has no effect on them (we shall see), but weird... The handbook doesn't specifically mention "feeling isolated" except for language.

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Has anybody had workers feeling isolated?


Playing SWF, literaly the first thing that pops up is that Krissy Angele "feels isolated". She knows the english language, is supposedly "irreprisable". She's not the only manager, not the only woman, not the only retired wrestler. She split up from two co-workers, but should that be a reason? What am I missing?


Not worrying, as supposedly negative morale has no effect on them (we shall see), but weird... The handbook doesn't specifically mention "feeling isolated" except for language.


She has negative relationships in the backstage environment. At least in TEW2016 it didn't take many negatives at that.

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This doesn’t seem like a helpful observation. As a few others have said, I’ve been playing and lurking since the EWR days but just never felt compelled to setup an account until now. Don’t think using how many posts someone has on a message board to separate where someone’s opinion might be coming from is that helpful.


Big, big fan of this game and think it’s the best in the series so far.


You can`t read in the forums without an account since a few weeks, so i guess that happens a lot.

The game seems to be best so far AI-wise and with a lot of possibilities. But the UI is a bit confusing and with a few mistakes. Experienced TEW-Players need to get used to it. Happened to me too, when i jumped directly from 05 to 16, now its an even bigger gap, but it was necessary imho.

And while a lot of criticism is correct, it`s still only a beta. Nowadays pretty common to do it that way.

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Regarding product style and it being preset...


Shouldn’t it be ‘perceived product’ just like perceived push for your workers? So you are perceived by your core audience to put on 15 minute main events and you get penalties at first for offering 30 minute main events, however, after doing 30 minute main events for weeks on end the audience will now be conditioned for 30 minute main events and you will no longer get penalties for it.


Would add a nice dynamic to product styles. Take punishment at first whilst you condition your audience to a slightly different product and then after a while it becomes the norm.


You can do it for risk as-well. Not perceived as being risky? Smack first blood matches on all the time and your perceived risk goes up. Not seen as t&a? Bra and Panties every week will left that category up. With greater risqué comes harder sponsorship so be careful with one. A schmozz ending every week and the fans will soon get conditioned to no clean finishes and vice versa, you get my point.


Dynamic Product Styles would be so much more flexible.


This 100% Products really should be dynamic or based on perception. After all when you look at reap world WWE, yes there are fans that love 15 minute matches between good in ring workers, but the majority of fans don't hence there low ratings right now, Depending on what style you use, the fans that like that style should in theory watch, so I would love a more dynamic product system, Its my biggest issue with the game currently.

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The WWE is a bad example to use in the product discussion imo since WWE is a special case where the product is technically aimed at kids, but the average WWE consumer is like 40+ or something. My point being that they're all over the place with their "product". They have the target demographic of X, but really their consumer demographic is Y. They can just get away with being a mess because of who they are.
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She has negative relationships in the backstage environment. At least in TEW2016 it didn't take many negatives at that.

Not entirely true... in TEW2016 it means she’s got negative relationships without a single positive one. All you needed to do was make them one friend to make this note disappear.


I’m assuming TEW2020 is the same?

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She has negative relationships in the backstage environment. At least in TEW2016 it didn't take many negatives at that.


That doesn't make sense to me. If if was a "BAD breakup" it would result in a negative relationship like hatred as well. Now it just impacts the backstage somewhat because of awkwardness. But she's a grown person. I'm sure you can talk to the the 50 other people without your ex-bf's being around. Come on...


Not entirely true... in TEW2016 it means she’s got negative relationships without a single positive one. All you needed to do was make them one friend to make this note disappear.


I’m assuming TEW2020 is the same?


Thx, I didn't know that. Sounds a bit weird. I thought the wrestling world worked with cliques like...well... pretty much any traditional work place environment. You don't feel isolated because there's somebody you hate, though it will potentially have an effect on a person's mental state. But not because they feel "isolated". That's only when the person in question is a master politician and can turn the workplace against you. When they're a... well... Bumfhole, it shouldn't matter. :p


In any effect: a break-up is not by definition a "bad" relationship. It's awkward, and usually stops there. There should definitely be some personality types where this would be a factor though, like "needy" people.

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That doesn't make sense to me. If if was a "BAD breakup" it would result in a negative relationship like hatred as well. Now it just impacts the backstage somewhat because of awkwardness. But she's a grown person. I'm sure you can talk to the the 50 other people without your ex-bf's being around. Come on...




Thx, I didn't know that. Sounds a bit weird. I thought the wrestling world worked with cliques like...well... pretty much any traditional work place environment. You don't feel isolated because there's somebody you hate, though it will potentially have an effect on a person's mental state. But not because they feel "isolated". That's only when the person in question is a master politician and can turn the workplace against you. When they're a... well... Bumfhole, it shouldn't matter. :p


In any effect: a break-up is not by definition a "bad" relationship. It's awkward, and usually stops there. There should definitely be some personality types where this would be a factor though, like "needy" people.


It seems like it's trying to simulate her, reputation, for lack of a nicer phrase lol. She's on a roster with two ex's which might give other people on the roster a certain perception of her. .

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The WWE is a bad example to use in the product discussion imo since WWE is a special case where the product is technically aimed at kids, but the average WWE consumer is like 40+ or something. My point being that they're all over the place with their "product". They have the target demographic of X, but really their consumer demographic is Y. They can just get away with being a mess because of who they are.


Let’s use WWF as an example for where dynamic product style would work.


1996: WWF is losing their audience to WCW. Russo comes in and the WWF throughout the next couple of years gradually change their product and WWF 1999 is quite a different product to 1996. Its risker, bloodier and shorter matches in general geared towards brawls (Austin as their main star had to change his style to brawling due to injuries and his character etc so it made sense from an in-ring style to favour brawling).


That’s one change. But then...


Austin retires and Angle, Benoit, Guerrero etc take centre stage and I’d argue that their style was geared a little more to technical wrestling and longer matches in 2004. There’s still a bit of t&a but not as much as 1999. Hell, even 2000 was slightly different to 1998/1999 due to the booker Russo leaving, PTC and the more technical midcard.


Cena then takes centre stage and they decide to go a bit more PG dropping certain risqué things.


Get to today and women are featured more in-ring as to where a women’s match main evented their major show.


These weren’t straight changes, the WWF conditioned their fans over time to adjust to the changes.

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Let’s use WWF as an example for where dynamic product style would work.


1996: WWF is losing their audience to WCW. Russo comes in and the WWF throughout the next couple of years gradually change their product and WWF 1999 is quite a different product to 1996. Its risker, bloodier and shorter matches in general geared towards brawls (Austin as their main star had to change his style to brawling due to injuries and his character etc so it made sense from an in-ring style to favour brawling).


That’s one change. But then...


Austin retires and Angle, Benoit, Guerrero etc take centre stage and I’d argue that their style was geared a little more to technical wrestling and longer matches in 2004. There’s still a bit of t&a but not as much as 1999. Hell, even 2000 was slightly different to 1998/1999 due to the booker Russo leaving, PTC and the more technical midcard.


Cena then takes centre stage and they decide to go a bit more PG dropping certain risqué things.


Get to today and women are featured more in-ring as to where a women’s match main evented their major show.


These weren’t straight changes, the WWF conditioned their fans over time to adjust to the changes.

Yea, that's a neat idea. But if I were to make a TEW, I'd throw products by the wayside entirely, and replace the product concept by populating the game world with different demographics. Age groups, genders, etc. All with their strengths and weaknesses in terms of what advertisers they attract, what their level of disposable income is, etc, etc. You would be told which demos like what, and you'd choose a target demo to attract, and book accordingly. The likes and dislikes of the demos in the game world could be dynamic and would be changing with the game.

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You can`t read in the forums without an account since a few weeks, so i guess that happens a lot.

The game seems to be best so far AI-wise and with a lot of possibilities. But the UI is a bit confusing and with a few mistakes. Experienced TEW-Players need to get used to it. Happened to me too, when i jumped directly from 05 to 16, now its an even bigger gap, but it was necessary imho.

And while a lot of criticism is correct, it`s still only a beta. Nowadays pretty common to do it that way.


As hard as it is, I'm trying to understand the situation and think ahead. I see huge potential in this UI but we all agree it needs some heavy work. This is the most barebones it will ever be and it's already quite fleshed out compared to the evolution of the last. Now that we have a new skeleton, we can begin to work out and build the muscles. This is not an excuse for those who are letdown, merely me trying to find a positive in negatives. I'm sure Adam was sick of building on top of the same code and this year may be the martyr the series needed to move forward.


It's a long way away but TEW 2024 will have a full years' development cycle of new features and revamped mechanics. Until then with that understood, I'll be a happy camper once all the outstanding UI issues are tolerable. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm sucking up, I just know that whenever games in series rebuild the engine we always end up with a bit of a shallow installation the first time around.


EDIT: Please don't take this as me trying to sway those on the fence into buying a flawed product. The final purchase is your decision. I am just trying to make best light of our situation is all!

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Yea, that's a neat idea. But if I were to make a TEW, I'd throw products by the wayside entirely, and replace the product concept by populating the game world with different demographics. Age groups, genders, etc. All with their strengths and weaknesses in terms of what advertisers they attract, what their level of disposable income is, etc, etc. You would be told which demos like what, and you'd choose a target demo to attract, and book accordingly. The likes and dislikes of the demos in the game world could be dynamic and would be changing with the game.


You might be on to something here! Trying to attract from a list of demographic and age types depending on your timeslot could be really interesting. It'd have to be quite deep to replace products, though.

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Let’s use WWF as an example for where dynamic product style would work.


The current product settings do allow you to set both a Core Product and Current Product, so nothing is set in stone - WWE would be able to adapt their product when necessary, just as in real life, and products are intended to be organic and to evolve over time.

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It seems like it's trying to simulate her, reputation, for lack of a nicer phrase lol. She's on a roster with two ex's which might give other people on the roster a certain perception of her. .


That would be the "horndog" attribute, which she doesn't have.


Fun fact: out of the 23 people that do have it, only 1 is female (Emma Bitch). Not that I saw it as an inherently female attribute, but I assumed an even split would be more suitable. But the women in the C-verse are all such angels, aren't they. :p


Fun fact 2: RAW is full of horndogs. Might be fun to play, perhaps. :p

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Fun fact: out of the 23 people that do have it, only 1 is female (Emma Bitch). Not that I saw it as an inherently female attribute, but I assumed an even split would be more suitable. But the women in the C-verse are all such angels, aren't they. :p


Known people who have it. If you use the "allseeingi" code to reveal hidden attributes, the ratio is 5:40. Still extremely skewed, but less so than 1:22. And considering there are a lot more men than women, it might not even be that skewed.

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Man, after playing this game for a few days, there are so many things I like about this game.


-Perception is a great idea. It may need a little tweaking but I think it makes more sense than the old push system.


-Contract negotiations are better.


-Talking to workers is such a good edition.


-The AI is vastly improved and the game feels so much more alive.


That said, these additions are nearly ruined by the UI/UX. We were sold the idea that there would be less clicks. Does anyone feel that is the case?


Why do I have to click 700 times to move a segment from the top of a card to the bottom? Why change the old system of doing that?


As someone who works in advertising and has to run websites, apps, and other ideas through UX multiple times, I'd be shocked if Adam actually hired someone to work on UX. Not only does it seem to be not a concern from this team, but there are changes to previous UX ideas that are actively worse.


I want to love this game but it is SO SO hard with this UX.

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That would be the "horndog" attribute, which she doesn't have.


Fun fact: out of the 23 people that do have it, only 1 is female (Emma Bitch). Not that I saw it as an inherently female attribute, but I assumed an even split would be more suitable. But the women in the C-verse are all such angels, aren't they. :p


Fun fact 2: RAW is full of horndogs. Might be fun to play, perhaps. :p


I've never watched an episode of Love Island, but I assume that if I hired all the horndogs and used the scripted reality product, I'd be 99% of the way there.

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I've never watched an episode of Love Island, but I assume that if I hired all the horndogs and used the scripted reality product, I'd be 99% of the way there.


That would actually be hilarious. Throw some wrestling matches in to move stuff along...I'd actually die laughing to fantasy book a gameworld like that with all the penalties and stuff turned off and just watch things go crazy.

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