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Public Beta Reaction Thread

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I get that we all love this game but some of the replies and the ways people talk about Adam and his work are nothing short of entitled. Compare this to WWE’s 2K series. You can tell Adam truly cares about the quality of the product and I have faith that he’s doing all he can to make it as good as possible as quickly as he can. I’m not saying we can’t make requests and give feedback but surely we can all remember this is mainly one dude making a computer game that gives so many people lots of happiness and enjoyment. Especially in the current circumstances, a little bit of kindness and consideration of the human behind the game would go a long way I reckon!


You're not wrong. I keep asking myself "Does this sound too rude, or like weird complaining." But I feel if I don't try to mention my issues, they may be overlooked because they are indeed small problems.

Like one of the people said to me in a private message "People are looking at the pattern on the plate and ignoring the meal on the plate." I keep repeating that the main game is absolutely great! I will keep praising those aspects. I care deeply about the game because for the last 7 years it has (And I know what I'm about to say will sound really lame & stupid) really changed my life! Something about playing TEW has always helped with my nervous energy & anxiety issues. Gave me a feeling of control that no other game or thing ever really could. It sounds stupid but this is in no way be just slagging a game because I want to be a jerk. I want the game to be the best it can be.


I try to be as fair & balanced with what I say, but I also sometimes just type it out & don't think if it sounds like TOO much.

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I'm sorry about bringing up product again and my issue probably isn't even just with TEW 2020, but rather one when it comes to realism. I am not sure if this correction can even be made without a total overhaul of the code but maybe something Adam can consider in future installments if he is going for authentic and realistic experience.


I understand what he is going for in the penalty for an eye candy match in most products or fan's rejecting risky angles or violent matches or risky bumps in many products. I actually think in most cases that all those things would be very effective in extreme moderation.


For example, the first time Sable took on Luna Vachon in an evening gown match at the Unforgiven PPV, it was without a doubt one of the major draws of the PPV and the crowd was very into it. Sable without much wrestling talent was one of the top rating draws throughout 1998. But she also wasn't over exposed and instead they built to the big sex appeal stuff like the Fully Loaded bikini contest. But when they overdid the T&A stuff in the upcoming years, then it stopped drawing. I think occasional T&A should actually pop a score but if you use it more than a few times a year then the penalty should surface.


Even for a family product, SummerSlam 88 has Elizabeth show some leg and it popped a crowd, but that was like one of the few times they used eye candy, so it was effective.


Speaking of 1980s WWF, Hulk Hogan bleed in the main even of Wrestlemania 5 and then did it again at Wrestlemania 7 (okay, early 90s), because it was so rare, it was effective to add drama in those matches. This would be considered Family Sports Entertainment, but since it was every few years, it was very effective. I also think an audience of any product is more willing to accept risque material when it is PPV rather than TV.


Plus you had the famous boot camp matches between Pat Patterson and Sgt Slaughter and then a few years later Slaughter and Iron Sheik. They were huge draws in the more family WWF because there were no other matches like it on the cards.


Same thing with two angles that I still remember now that I witnessed when I was younger. Outlaw Ron Bass cut up Brutus Beefcake's face with spurs and he juiced. Then the famous Rocker break-up when Shawn Michaels threw Marty Jannetty through a Barbershop window and Jannetty bleed. In both cases, it was a family product, but since we saw blood only every few years on free TV, they were super effective angles that are remembered.


When Shawn Michaels took the big bump in the first Hell in the Cell it was huge and same with Mankind in his Hell in the Cell, It was because those bumps were rare. I think, a high risk bump every few years would be effective with a crowd and the problem is when it is over used that it harms a product that isn't demanding them (like family or modern sports entertainment).


My point is that I don't think there should be a penalty the first time a company uses a risque or controversial angle/match that doesn't fit a product (but also isn't too extreme -- death match is too far), Actually, instead it should pop a score because it is so different than what the crowd is used to seeing. But then if it keeps on being used after then it should start having the negative deductions. I am not sure what kind of hell that would do with programming or if it is even feasible. I feel as if, it does take away the realism not being able to do an occasional controversial angle as in real life, it would probably draw money if done in small doses.


Anyway, just an idea.



I like your idea but just wanted to point out those boot camp matches where done prior to the family focused product of the mid 80s Hulkamania era. Prior to that WWWF/WWF was a place where you would see blood and things of that nature.

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You're not wrong. I keep asking myself "Does this sound too rude, or like weird complaining." But I feel if I don't try to mention my issues, they may be overlooked because they are indeed small problems.

Like one of the people said to me in a private message "People are looking at the pattern on the plate and ignoring the meal on the plate." I keep repeating that the main game is absolutely great! I will keep praising those aspects. I care deeply about the game because for the last 7 years it has (And I know what I'm about to say will sound really lame & stupid) really changed my life! Something about playing TEW has always helped with my nervous energy & anxiety issues. Gave me a feeling of control that no other game or thing ever really could. It sounds stupid but this is in no way be just slagging a game because I want to be a jerk. I want the game to be the best it can be.


I try to be as fair & balanced with what I say, but I also sometimes just type it out & don't think if it sounds like TOO much.


I totally feel that man - this game has helped me in similar ways and I know everything people are saying only comes from a good place and wanting this awesome series to be even more awesome. It’s really important we mention issues and share our concerns, I just sometimes worry about the tone we drift into (often accidentally) and the fact there’s one dude with all of this on their shoulders. I’m just so grateful this game even exists ha! Take care man.

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I've seen the complaints. I get where you guys are coming from on that, but I am a really boring booker. I do very basic products so it doesn't really hit me like I'm sure it hits you. In 2016 I always just made it as generic as possible, because I didn't want to deal with anything. In 2020 I like the NJPW & AJPW products, WWE & WCW are pretty chill for me as well. I totally understand why he removed them, but he really shouldn't have. He should have kept the ability to make your own product, then also included his new products. If he did program both options into the game. I could easily see myself using his pre-made products more than making my own though.


Edit: To add to what you said, the new gimmick system is fantastic! Easy & give me everything I want. It's not stupid or overly complicated. It is what gimmicks should have always been.


See this is my whole thing. I love the new products/product system. I think it adds a lot of challenge and gameplay to the game overall. My whole issue is the removal of being able to make our own products. When I make my own company, I have a pretty specific product I like to run, and in this game it doesn't fit anything that is currently in the database. So these current products are really great if I wanna do a cornelleverse run, or challenge myself playing as one of the presets, but if I wanna play my own company that worked really well in 2016, I can't.


I've found a product in the system that is... close, but still not really what I had going for myself in the previous game.


Now one of the suggestions I see to this is just "oh, head over to the product suggestion page and suggest it" and that leads to just another problem. First, I submit it. Then Adam and the other users decide if the product is different enough to warrant being added to the game. During this process, I'm still forced to play the product that doesn't fit me, or just not play that save at all. And then Adam might say the product doesn't fit with the game.


So now here I am, everytime I wanna add a new product or experiment, I have to make a suggestion, hope it gets accepted, and live in limbo until there is a yes or a no, and if there is a no, then I don't get to play my product.


It's terrible design choice and it flies directly against the sandbox nature of the game.


So yeah. New product system = good. Lack of custom products = bad.

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I haven't even booked a tournament yet, I think about it, get annoyed I don't have a "view roster" button on the tournament booking screen, then say forget it! I could not even begin to know your pain!


They're pretty much useless the way they're implemented now, I'd never use it over Challonge

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Originally Posted by franticloser[/b

]I like your idea but just wanted to point out those boot camp matches where done prior to the family focused product of the mid 80s Hulkamania era. Prior to that WWWF/WWF was a place where you would see blood and things of that nature.


Fair enough. I do think my other examples are valid and show there is a history of doing things a little outside of a product definition that actually increases viewership and draws money. Also the Slaughter and Sheik bootcamp matches were happening when Hulk Hogan was champ and they were about to introduce Cyndi Lauper to launch Rock and Roll Wrestling, so I think that applies some even if it was a transition period but they were starting to appeal to kids.

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Not to pile on, but I just remembered something that it awful!


When trying to move segments around while booking a show. It has those tiny little arrows, I HATE IT!

It sucks & it is annoying trying to move them around.

Try booking WM or WK, or even one of those ungodly 3 hour Raw's.

Trying to move a segment is just so stupid. You have to click the arrow, then move to the section that your segment moved to, then click it again, then repeat the process until you get the segment where you want it. WHY?

2016 & even 2013 had a nice big button for "move segment up" & "move segment down" why was this changed to that stupid WMMA style?


You know how annoying it is when you accidentally click the wrong segment? Then you've got post match angles going on before your actual matches, you mess up your flow, all because you didn't realize you accidentally hit the wrong arrow while trying to move something. Why is this a thing? What was so terrible about those boxes we had before? I feel like I'm talking about a Pokemon game at this point. Removing great features for worse ones!


Just another thing that may seem small but keeps getting pilled to the mountain of "small" issues.


I get it's a one man job. But the issues I get mad about are things that 2016 had in it that were completely fine.

Removing the wheel & arrows on a bunch of sections of the game, making me CLICK each picture I want to look at.

Moving the "fire worker" button somewhere hidden.

Not having a "view roster" button when you are starting a storyline.

Not having a "view roster" button when staring a tournament, so I first need to go to my roster screen through the main screen & make notes using a notepad I never needed before, but now I do because they widened the ratio of the game so I don't have my nice section of the computer screen to use for whatever I may need.


A bunch of other TINY omissions or changes that continue to pile onto what should be the best TEW game ever made.


100%. This might be the single worst change. For a game that was about "less clicking" who could possibly think that this could be that?

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I think occasional T&A should actually pop a score but if you use it more than a few times a year then the penalty should surface.


I actually often think about something similar, but not just with T&A or blood.


I think TEW reflects lots of aspects of wrestling brilliantly, but the one thing that I'm not sure exactly how it can reflect is the value of novelty, shock, and surprise. As things are, there is no real benefit to holding back performers for big shows. The Undertaker is no more special at Wrestlemania if he hasn't wrestled for months, than if he has been on every TV show. Tommy Cornell walking out to the ring and cutting a promo will get the same rating if he's been in the company for years, or if he's making a shocking epic return to TCW after years away. A TLC match is the same whether it's the company's first one ever, or they're featured on every PPV. I could hold a Royal Rumble every month, and people would get no more bored of it than if I hold one once per year.


I know that there are workers who get bonuses on their debut match in a new promotion (or there were in TEW 16), but this is more an individual worker motivation issue than a crowd response.


I certainly wouldn't advocate giving bonuses to every debuting worker, or every novelty match type. Heaven knows they can all flop. However, I wonder if - perhaps in TEW 2030 - it might be possible for this to work with some kind of overness requirements, or some way to create a novelty rating.


To echo what some posters were saying above, I've gained a lot of happiness from TEW over the years, and TEW 2020 looks to be a great game. However, I'm a selfish, greedy person who can never have enough nice things handed to me - so my mind has already started racing thinking of even more features that I want.


My friends and family thank Adam and everyone at GDS for another great game to keep me occupied and stop me bothering them.

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100%. This might be the single worst change. For a game that was about "less clicking" who could possibly think that this could be that?


Very true, the game went from being "some clicks but I don't really mind or notice it." To now where I feel like I'm constantly clicking on things.


Trying to select a picture has become somewhat of a nightmare for me. In one of these threads, someone mentioned how they have like 200 pictures of shawn michaels. Could you imagine needing to click on all of those to find the one you like? On a much smaller scale, say I want to find a picture from Gendai's mods. He always has like 5 to 15 pictures of a worker. The super popular ones tend to have a bunch of pictures. That is anywhere from 5 to 25 more clicks just to look through the picture folder.


That my friend, is not "less clicks!"

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Very true, the game went from being "some clicks but I don't really mind or notice it." To now where I feel like I'm constantly clicking on things.


Trying to select a picture has become somewhat of a nightmare for me. In one of these threads, someone mentioned how they have like 200 pictures of shawn michaels. Could you imagine needing to click on all of those to find the one you like? On a much smaller scale, say I want to find a picture from Gendai's mods. He always has like 5 to 15 pictures of a worker. The super popular ones tend to have a bunch of pictures. That is anywhere from 5 to 25 more clicks just to look through the picture folder.


That my friend, is not "less clicks!"


I would love to hear from Adam on whether there are ANY UX or QOL changes being made. I know he said a complete overhaul would not be possible but does that mean that the look can't be changed? Does it mean nothing can be changed? I look forward to clarification.

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I see some posts that are worried the positive aspects of the game are being overlooked because of the sheer amount of criticism and errors being found, in fact I don't think I've seen as much in any other generation of any of Adam's games. I also think some of it is people are worried the appreciation of Adam doing another generation of TEW isn't being acknowledged.


I also know most of you... and most of you know Adam doesn't have thin skin, he can take constructive criticism as you have all seen in the past, no matter if you were active posters or long time lurkers, you have surely seen this and know that I am correct.


While the Beta is out is the biggest time for criticism and error pointing, it's the reason a beta is released. A developer (no matter if Adam or someone else) releases games in beta "it means that it's still in a pre-release, not-quite-complete stage. You might expect more bugs and problems than usual, and perhaps some somewhat broken features, but the game will generally be playable and recognisable"...even with the layout being totally revamped, it's still recognisable and still playable.


Now is the time to find out whatever might be broken or missing and even small things that won't really effect anyone if they will or won't buy the game. Realize that when people are pointing things out it is because they love the game and want the game to succeed just as badly as you do. Everyone see's the good in the game, and I promise you that all comes out after the release of a final product. Yes, normally when Adam has a product ready for Beta, it feels more polished and I've never seen as many errors and complaints overall as this one. I have never seen as many people testing and being as Proactive (yes, that is what they are doing when pointing out flaws-it sounds oxy-moronic but as I stated, that is why the beta is released).


So please quit saying stuff that sounds like "oh, that's not such a big deal, I'm buying it today if he lets me" as it's not helping us get out of beta stage. Want to buy it as soon as possible, join in on pointing out flaws and errors (especially game errors).


We all expected this thread to be a "Thank you Adam, the game is great! Can't wait to buy it next thursday!!" with very little errors. This time didn't go as smoothly as most, so let's help the team (once in beta mode... We are all part of that team) get through it until Adam is happy enough to release the game.


Realize we are all fans of Adam's work, or we wouldn't be here and would NOT be as passionate on what we like or don't like.


Stay safe, I know Covid-19 has affected each and everyone of us, and so none of us are 100% ourselves right now. Another reason why we would want the release to be sooner than later when so many are basically on house arrest.


Thanks to anyone getting through my mess of a post, I truly mean it to be a positive post to all sides of any debate going on in any thread.




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I see some posts that are worried the positive aspects of the game are being overlooked because of the sheer amount of criticism and errors being found, in fact I don't think I've seen as much in any other generation of any of Adam's games. I also think some of it is people are worried the appreciation of Adam doing another generation of TEW isn't being acknowledged.


I also know most of you... and most of you know Adam doesn't have thin skin, he can take constructive criticism as you have all seen in the past, no matter if you were active posters or long time lurkers, you have surely seen this and know that I am correct.


While the Beta is out is the biggest time for criticism and error pointing, it's the reason a beta is released. A developer (no matter if Adam or someone else) releases games in beta "it means that it's still in a pre-release, not-quite-complete stage. You might expect more bugs and problems than usual, and perhaps some somewhat broken features, but the game will generally be playable and recognisable"...even with the layout being totally revamped, it's still recognisable and still playable.


Now is the time to find out whatever might be broken or missing and even small things that won't really effect anyone if they will or won't buy the game. Realize that when people are pointing things out it is because they love the game and want the game to succeed just as badly as you do. Everyone see's the good in the game, and I promise you that all comes out after the release of a final product. Yes, normally when Adam has a product ready for Beta, it feels more polished and I've never seen as many errors and complaints overall as this one. I have never seen as many people testing and being as Proactive (yes, that is what they are doing when pointing out flaws-it sounds oxy-moronic but as I stated, that is why the beta is released).


So please quit saying stuff that sounds like "oh, that's not such a big deal, I'm buying it today if he lets me" as it's not helping us get out of beta stage. Want to buy it as soon as possible, join in on pointing out flaws and errors (especially game errors).


We all expected this thread to be a "Thank you Adam, the game is great! Can't wait to buy it next thursday!!" with very little errors. This time didn't go as smoothly as most, so let's help the team (once in beta mode... We are all part of that team) get through it until Adam is happy enough to release the game.


Realize we are all fans of Adam's work, or we wouldn't be here and would NOT be as passionate on what we like or don't like.


Stay safe, I know Covid-19 has affected each and everyone of us, and so none of us are 100% ourselves right now. Another reason why we would want the release to be sooner than later when so many are basically on house arrest.


Thanks to anyone getting through my mess of a post, I truly mean it to be a positive post to all sides of any debate going on in any thread.




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I could not agree more! I would love if all of my small issues were addressed. It's not like I'm asking him to retool massive sections (except the search feature for angles) I'm just pointing out the issues that should be addressed. The small stuff that could have been overlooked!


Also, Gendai's Box being full is the true issue we need resolved!

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The problem being that some of the things being cited as "big problems" by the people throwing around insults like the Product system are some of the things that actually work best in 2020.


It was offputting at first, but 2020's product system actually makes booking for different companies feel really different. 2016 never escaped a certain drear sameyness. In 2020 21CW and SWF feel wildly different in a way that means they need to be learned and studied.


So if we allow only negative feedback what are the chances that we lose that feature so that someone can "set Comedy to medium." Especially when we know that no one has had time to explore all the products yet.

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The problem being that some of the things being cited as "big problems" by the people throwing around insults like the Product system are some of the things that actually work best in 2020.


It was offputting at first, but 2020's product system actually makes booking for different companies feel really different. 2016 never escaped a certain drear sameyness. In 2020 21CW and SWF feel wildly different in a way that means they need to be learned and studied.


So if we allow only negative feedback what are the chances that we lose that feature so that someone can "set Comedy to medium." Especially when we know that no one has had time to explore all the products yet.


I haven't seen anybody saying to get rid of the preset products, so that's a straw-man argument if I've ever heard one. All that people are asking for is some way of tweaking the products ourselves (whether in the editor or in-game). Which is perfectly sensible, because it's how the game has always operated.

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The problem being that some of the things being cited as "big problems" by the people throwing around insults like the Product system are some of the things that actually work best in 2020.


It was offputting at first, but 2020's product system actually makes booking for different companies feel really different. 2016 never escaped a certain drear sameyness. In 2020 21CW and SWF feel wildly different in a way that means they need to be learned and studied.


So if we allow only negative feedback what are the chances that we lose that feature so that someone can "set Comedy to medium." Especially when we know that no one has had time to explore all the products yet.


I understand your concern, but your concern is already in the game. Honestly no one wants to take away any part of the game, and in that particular area, they just want to be able to tweak products like they were able to before, not take away what is already there. Understand that you have what you want already, I've never seen presets taken out during or after beta.

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I downloaded the beta and began playing around with it almost immediately. The UI was a surprise and at first gave a sour taste in my mouth. But, my desire to want to play the game with all the new features kept me poking away at it.


I've encountered very few errors and the ones I did, were patched within a couple of days. Much faster than I would have expected.


I play primary real world historical mods, so when importing a TEW2016 database, I did run into some snags such as gimmicks not being rated properly, or drug use being through the roof. I booked my first event, WWF RAW is WAR in 1997 - I pulled a 52 rating. I was frustrated because 2020 wasn't working the same was as 2016 with the product changes.


Fast forward a couple days and I've learned a lot about the new products and brought that RAW show up to an 82.


Ultimately, I'm excited for this game and to get to work on a long-term save. The UI is no longer a negative point for me (though I did grab a skin to soften some of the rough contracting colors) and I'm finding myself navigating around quite smooth. Some things, like scrolling, or lack-there-of, are taking longer for me to get used to, but they aren't deal-breakers.


Despite some colorful feedback here in the forums at times, overall, I'm grateful for this community and their passion. Looking forward to awesome things.

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Too bad your product cant be organic and evolve over time into something that you created or isn't an existing pre-set.


Exactly. I really like the idea of products and it being what the fans want/expect to see. But if I start booking 30 minute main event matches instead of the perceived product of 15 then the fans will eventually grow to accept it. I may get poorer ratings for a while and lose popularity whilst the fans adjust, however, the fans that remain should see it as the new norm.


Basically, if you book the same way for any sustained period of time (6-18 months) then that should be your perceived product and you should no longer get punished for it. You may lose a lot of popularity (bad ratings) and sponsorship money (too risky) but at least it will be your own style of product you’d be putting out.

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Exactly. I really like the idea of products and it being what the fans want/expect to see. But if I start booking 30 minute main event matches instead of the perceived product of 15 then the fans will eventually grow to accept it. I may get poorer ratings for a while and lose popularity whilst the fans adjust, however, the fans that remain should see it as the new norm.


Basically, if you book the same way for any sustained period of time (6-18 months) then that should be your perceived product and you should no longer get punished for it. You may lose a lot of popularity (bad ratings) and sponsorship money (too risky) but at least it will be your own style of product you’d be putting out.


You knida can do that in tew2020 if you change your curent product halfway through, it will say something like it will take 3 months, 6 months 1 year etc (depending on how different the product is to your current product) to change product in this time your pop gains will be slower or something along them lines (havent got the game loaded to check the actual wording)

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Regarding product style and it being preset...


Shouldn’t it be ‘perceived product’ just like perceived push for your workers? So you are perceived by your core audience to put on 15 minute main events and you get penalties at first for offering 30 minute main events, however, after doing 30 minute main events for weeks on end the audience will now be conditioned for 30 minute main events and you will no longer get penalties for it.


Would add a nice dynamic to product styles. Take punishment at first whilst you condition your audience to a slightly different product and then after a while it becomes the norm.


You can do it for risk as-well. Not perceived as being risky? Smack first blood matches on all the time and your perceived risk goes up. Not seen as t&a? Bra and Panties every week will left that category up. With greater risqué comes harder sponsorship so be careful with one. A schmozz ending every week and the fans will soon get conditioned to no clean finishes and vice versa, you get my point.


Dynamic Product Styles would be so much more flexible.


This is a great recommendation that I would LOVE to see implemented either in this game in an update or a future release. Because what you're talking about is what old school bookers in the business called "training your audience".


And every audience had to be trained over time, with initial pushback before things caught on.


Example: a lot of folks seem to think WWF, once Vince took over from his dad, was always "cartoony". But when you look back at the shows from '82 (when Vince took over), they're very much in line with what his dad was doing before him. Slowly, over time, it became "cartoony". But here's the thing: one may think that coincided with "Hulkamania" in WWF...but it didn't. Even after Hogan started that run the product was a bit more "grounded" than it became later when that run transitioned into the early '90s (I'd say it became out and out cartoony by '90/91). Even the in-ring product changed a bit, with the then-new (in '88 or '89 iirc) no blading policy (even Hogan bladed prior to that). Prior to that, fans wouldn't be "shocked" to see blood flow during that era.

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Exactly. I really like the idea of products and it being what the fans want/expect to see. But if I start booking 30 minute main event matches instead of the perceived product of 15 then the fans will eventually grow to accept it. I may get poorer ratings for a while and lose popularity whilst the fans adjust, however, the fans that remain should see it as the new norm.


Basically, if you book the same way for any sustained period of time (6-18 months) then that should be your perceived product and you should no longer get punished for it. You may lose a lot of popularity (bad ratings) and sponsorship money (too risky) but at least it will be your own style of product you’d be putting out.


I'm in no way a programmer or know how the true baseline of TEW works from a mechanical standpoint. But I don't even know if programming a game to learn to grow around you brute forcing something into existence is even possible. I totally get where your mindset is & thinking how in real life, this kind of thing can happen. I just don't know from a programming side how that could work.


Maybe it can, I just don't know how that would look.

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