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Public Beta Reaction Thread

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First, your USPW example:

I just booked a show with USPW and intentionally only furthered one story. From the match and angle ratings the show should have gotten a rating between 75 and 76, not sure which way the game rounds the numbers. Ultimately, due to the storyline penalty (I didn't get any other penalties) it got an 74. That's not what I would call game breaking.


In that case there's a huge difference between penalties for not advancing enough storylines, which as you say seem fairly minor, and penalties for not having enough hot storylines. I booked a 21CW card with a main event getting 94 and a best angle 99, with second best getting 82 and 86 (21CW use regular focus, so the others barely matter) - storyline penalties dragged it down to 82.


I experimented and added a couple of hot storylines before rerunning the card - Main event went down to 91 but without the storyline penalty the overall score went UP to 89.


As much as I like the game, I agree with lazorbeak that with that penalty for storylines not being hot enough, having the second biggest fed start in a place where, if you don't know what you're doing, you're incredibly likely to get the penalty, is a strange decision.

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In that case there's a huge difference between penalties for not advancing enough storylines, which as you say seem fairly minor, and penalties for not having enough hot storylines. I booked a 21CW card with a main event getting 94 and a best angle 99, with second best getting 82 and 86 (21CW use regular focus, so the others barely matter) - storyline penalties dragged it down to 82.


I experimented and added a couple of hot storylines before rerunning the card - Main event went down to 91 but without the storyline penalty the overall score went UP to 89.


As much as I like the game, I agree with lazorbeak that with that penalty for storylines not being hot enough, having the second biggest fed start in a place where, if you don't know what you're doing, you're incredibly likely to get the penalty, is a strange decision.


It could come from a story standpoint that they are struggling. USPW is still number one and the gap is growing, the whole IRS scandal with Tricky Dick putting them even further behind. Basically you're playing catch up in every sense of the phrase. . It's a difficult start certainly, but not one you can't book your way out of with a little strategy, or if you prefer a simpler approach just some liberal disabling of the stricter penalties lol.


and as another alternative just bring ol' Jacky Bruce back in and spam the ever loving hell out of him :p


It would absolutely be difficult for someone unfamiliar though for sure. .

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It could come from a story standpoint that they are struggling. USPW is still number one and the gap is growing, the whole IRS scandal with Tricky Dick putting them even further behind. Basically you're playing catch up in every sense of the phrase. . It's a difficult start certainly, but not one you can't book your way out of with a little strategy, or if you prefer a simpler approach just some liberal disabling of the stricter penalties lol.


and as another alternative just bring ol' Jacky Bruce back in and spam the ever loving hell out of him :p


It would absolutely be difficult for someone unfamiliar though for sure. .


Your doing that thing where you are stepping in and saying what you think the developer of the game is doing, when there is no evidence of that being the case.


I have never seen this so bad before, Someone comes in and says hey, I think the sky being orange might be a mistake. Someone else comes in and says, well, it can happen if this and that happens, then why would it not be orange?


OH, and I know your half joking, but before someone piggy backs onto this I wanted to say something. Forgot to say in my original post, I know you mean well Bull.


Why do people keep doing this. It's especially annoying in the suggestions area.. That is a suggestion forum, not a knock out your fellow players idea forum.


Is it because people think if something else changes the game will be even later?

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Your doing that thing where you are stepping in and saying what you think the developer of the game is doing, when there is no evidence of that being the case.


I have never seen this so bad before, Someone comes in and says hey, I think the sky being orange might be a mistake. Someone else comes in and says, well, it can happen if this and that happens, then why would it not be orange?


Why do people keep doing this. It's especially annoying in the suggestions area.. That is a suggestion forum, not a knock out your fellow players idea forum.


Is it because people think if something else changes the game will be even later?


Ok, I don't see where what I said was presented as a statement of fact. . if people think it's an issue cool, I was just giving my opinion for why it might not be. .


Forgive me for having an opinion, I'll just keep it to myself from now on. .

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Your doing that thing where you are stepping in and saying what you think the developer of the game is doing, when there is no evidence of that being the case.


I have never seen this so bad before, Someone comes in and says hey, I think the sky being orange might be a mistake. Someone else comes in and says, well, it can happen if this and that happens, then why would it not be orange?


OH, and I know your half joking, but before someone piggy backs onto this I wanted to say something. Forgot to say in my original post, I know you mean well Bull.


Why do people keep doing this. It's especially annoying in the suggestions area.. That is a suggestion forum, not a knock out your fellow players idea forum.


Is it because people think if something else changes the game will be even later?


I thought SWF being in decline is mentioned in there bio? A rough few years capped by the owner being run off.


I think SWF being hard is pretty spelt out. They have tons of young talent to make up for it though so its not all bad.

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Your doing that thing where you are stepping in and saying what you think the developer of the game is doing, when there is no evidence of that being the case.


I have never seen this so bad before, Someone comes in and says hey, I think the sky being orange might be a mistake. Someone else comes in and says, well, it can happen if this and that happens, then why would it not be orange?


OH, and I know your half joking, but before someone piggy backs onto this I wanted to say something. Forgot to say in my original post, I know you mean well Bull.


Why do people keep doing this. It's especially annoying in the suggestions area.. That is a suggestion forum, not a knock out your fellow players idea forum.


Is it because people think if something else changes the game will be even later?


If Adam did want this, he could just use the ignored narratives feature.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sons of Kohral" data-cite="Sons of Kohral" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Are you referring to ICW in a mod or IPW? If it's IPW (anti-establishment hardcore), it calls for either 1 wild brawl OR 1 hardcore match (which if you're not putting on a hardcore match in IPW or ICW, is it really a hardcore promotion?). Alternatively, you could always turn match aims off since I've noticed those get in the way of booking shows more often than not. <p> </p><p> Otherwise, my statements on min/maxing apply.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I actually didn't even know you could. I should root around with settings more.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Makhai" data-cite="Makhai" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I actually didn't even know you could. I should root around with settings more.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Check out user preferences. There are a lot of small options you can turn on or off. I tend to turn some of the more annoying things off, like match aim, minimum roster and "leaving off show".</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bull" data-cite="Bull" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I wonder if anyone would be willing post some of their custom products from 2016? Just to get an idea of what's missing from 2020. I imagine with as many people who want this feature back that they had a number of products that they put together in 2016 that they feel can't be properly replicated in 2020. . Could give a better idea of exactly why it's an issue.</div></blockquote>You can totally replicate it if you "know" what it is that you want. I found a way to share some photos (I haven't done in years so took me a bit, and not sure if it's going to work yet). Here a couple of standards (out of about 20) I use whenever I am making a database, or just making new promotions to open whenever in someone else's database. Ignoring the things we can control (womens division/etc.) I will play with all the little drop downs and sliders and create dozens of different ones from one model. I'll let the game decide which one opens generally, but I will tweak little things considerably to add flavor, and sometimes barely, like 3 and 4 ways. On top of that, I would/will tweak any promotion from any database, the minute I take it over. I'll change match ratios, intensity, etc. <p> </p><p> I always like new workers constantly spawning so I always have every option on until the world gets so full it starts slowing my game down considerably. Then I will let it go for a while til' people die off, etc. I normally play 10 to 15 years (before stuff seems to go wonky, which I figure is fixed in 2020).</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="x0KUU6SK_mlD_P2jinOMQFTdDC82cWkNtwkpV-Uz4S7Zo_XKqDjIBBn1C7OQbJbCu-4XxdMpwHD5T8Zt6GlRlkTWVDx_C3Sma9PYAQl2jSj5xouNdXS0baCKftBjuNlEOKb_WBz1U566FtGlxtL16XyVPi-eekT_lcFW2m9bcGKR2ZltCP999QVgSWW-ysg5c7KOfKa6kGZZ4ZfOm8kqBm40p5oXhWSd37Mp4YYbZvYBf3-WB5n9UdvrHJYdQLQA3j_T6a4a1nVpJiFLafY0Mj6AJ1frdaSd6dIi3LqEbF-Jx6vKoj-x8G5TSSNV-2rr0BcjyP_NRRV8rHoTizVOLEC94ZIFtCNZFAk1GuYqQmXyMZl0lvyYwEsCoSTCKwYSDag5WkTeSfUZ3syv7ACVdY0oHcSo0-eW2wxLqC_Duvc6D3IZykweAb5la9fkVICS3jloYW0H-qR0yEBFUAPlwIFB5_CgsVZq1NynxqYfvAs-putZ7moOYk4vXSu-H3KiEUq8kPs8YEq-8hn_G-HyvdG5N4FPnbZ_MdSdsBcHad6vZhyCM2FnPV6Mnl3NGOeVtl9giPoYFUM9WatmH0hg8jvrhuexFEOVZrjkK1AWt-BCtmzaT8tmOinU9nm5lvq_dI84NaVGS7AALzG8FDCVUf5xJEMXxzv51Oh8Ba-WicHzgW7o3O4mvcT9mHYlbw=w982-h735-no" 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alt="n9UYSX84MPUCmsApwHCb42YXyGlUXeoaQbiNcphL_QzQH--dyAveGfhZPG34X58txrioR4330IaiI6Sw0T1KLb5exTMTnKASkHrReci8iqUzDm3xO9kaCoDuRetpcFReN3hMvX5KS0evxiJ8wK2DCyBd2xRQea2zBbKJLsUQ73X-HTn0dlbs6ekSY3tlLH3m3GL3Rfq_Z-70Vl0DeMV5ms_tz4yc1U5cUMznXchLNI-boJ4AgkdKX9k7bgrMc0cn2dNHMXFmWVCso-4U_3hfvyLZiQFkquFfz6_uJYrIt6YvY4n5bz1EwWVGU0hU1u0sMcGg9aZP9lsB9dagzE8GS9WaP6jGvYKuqsIEOh_L_m6Rmg8qxKZAQB3T1K9FJVkHyKDQe5HMiRdCTwfslq-6AT2tOvInr-tag9mitC2UnVxAqFM92dm_ZmanlUnoKadyDqCPlIybNkwrB-YweLLrur90qS0Zw5OV9bwdgDTWAQKTbMb5le0K9_X9kRvY_NXjT8SNQD5UiNgPHNRqa9QGe6L-pKfJ8tInCAi1kTlp9eSvABb4E7OOMF7wzmNNewOCau0PRVB32CuJTA4iqo2vE1kvhcAKfMKs8KIKDNBtyWDQn0M2M8IAWOOH2FxJaHUBtdZOvRpnEmZCuhVlAXD190W-whuVlFB9Eh5NlUoaCWoJMjVBJG9hG58AZOYRLw=w958-h729-no" data-src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/n9UYSX84MPUCmsApwHCb42YXyGlUXeoaQbiNcphL_QzQH--dyAveGfhZPG34X58txrioR4330IaiI6Sw0T1KLb5exTMTnKASkHrReci8iqUzDm3xO9kaCoDuRetpcFReN3hMvX5KS0evxiJ8wK2DCyBd2xRQea2zBbKJLsUQ73X-HTn0dlbs6ekSY3tlLH3m3GL3Rfq_Z-70Vl0DeMV5ms_tz4yc1U5cUMznXchLNI-boJ4AgkdKX9k7bgrMc0cn2dNHMXFmWVCso-4U_3hfvyLZiQFkquFfz6_uJYrIt6YvY4n5bz1EwWVGU0hU1u0sMcGg9aZP9lsB9dagzE8GS9WaP6jGvYKuqsIEOh_L_m6Rmg8qxKZAQB3T1K9FJVkHyKDQe5HMiRdCTwfslq-6AT2tOvInr-tag9mitC2UnVxAqFM92dm_ZmanlUnoKadyDqCPlIybNkwrB-YweLLrur90qS0Zw5OV9bwdgDTWAQKTbMb5le0K9_X9kRvY_NXjT8SNQD5UiNgPHNRqa9QGe6L-pKfJ8tInCAi1kTlp9eSvABb4E7OOMF7wzmNNewOCau0PRVB32CuJTA4iqo2vE1kvhcAKfMKs8KIKDNBtyWDQn0M2M8IAWOOH2FxJaHUBtdZOvRpnEmZCuhVlAXD190W-whuVlFB9Eh5NlUoaCWoJMjVBJG9hG58AZOYRLw=w958-h729-no" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> It's all the little sliders and drop downs that I play with, minimizing or maximizing what would still be considered using that product.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Astil" data-cite="Astil" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I thought SWF being in decline is mentioned in there bio? A rough few years capped by the owner being run off.<p> </p><p> I think SWF being hard is pretty spelt out. They have tons of young talent to make up for it though so its not all bad.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Being hard yes, not having the proper starting story lines, questionable.</p>
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WCW didn’t have the required storylines at the end of their run either.


Yeah, I see your point, and SWF giving the SWF heavyweight title to David Arquette really let me know how serious they were hurting.


I'm just agreeing that anyone (new or veteran) not knowing how critical it is to find this information right off the bat is going to fail on their first show from something that could be easily fixed. It's sort of hidden, but hey, I'm not the one that pointed it out, and if the developer don't care, why should I?

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You can totally replicate it if you "know" what it is that you want. I found a way to share some photos (I haven't done in years so took me a bit, and not sure if it's going to work yet). Here a couple of standards (out of about 20) I use whenever I am making a database, or just making new promotions to open whenever in someone else's database. Ignoring the things we can control (womens division/etc.) I will play with all the little drop downs and sliders and create dozens of different ones from one model. I'll let the game decide which one opens generally, but I will tweak little things considerably to add flavor, and sometimes barely, like 3 and 4 ways. On top of that, I would/will tweak any promotion from any database, the minute I take it over. I'll change match ratios, intensity, etc.


I always like new workers constantly spawning so I always have every option on until the world gets so full it starts slowing my game down considerably. Then I will let it go for a while til' people die off, etc. I normally play 10 to 15 years (before stuff seems to go wonky, which I figure is fixed in 2020).



This made me chuckle out loud a bit. Adam said the game was running smoothly with his testers during the developer's journal and look how that turned out. And as beta testers, we can only test 2 months, then have to start all over. But, 10-15 years down the line, the game is going to work correctly? :o


Maybe that was sarcasm. If so, I apologize. :D

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I thought SWF being in decline is mentioned in there bio? A rough few years capped by the owner being run off.


I think SWF being hard is pretty spelt out. They have tons of young talent to make up for it though so its not all bad.


They're not in decline at all though, USPW has just grown further beyond them. Jacky Bruce popped huge numbers on the way out and stabilized them. They're not really a company on the way up, or down in my eyes. They're stagnant at where they were. It's just over the last decade USPW went from a land of ancient redwoods with bad knees and crow's nests to a global superpower with the biggest draw in the history of the business and an innovative distribution platform headed up by a genius.

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This made me chuckle out loud a bit. Adam said the game was running smoothly with his testers during the developer's journal and look how that turned out. And as beta testers, we can only test 2 months, then have to start all over. But, 10-15 years down the line, the game is going to work correctly? :o


Maybe that was sarcasm. If so, I apologize. :D


I see how it can be sarcasm, and I share your concerns more than you obviously know. I was actually serious.


Every game since 2005 has had issue's with long term games. TEW2016, if you turn everything on, almost fixes the new worker issues... but it doesn't help the promotions. The promotions in 2020 are supposed to be "lightyears" ahead of TEW2016, and I'm thinking it has to be because the product settings were taken away from the players. I can't think of any other reason that would have been thought of as a good idea. I refuse to believe it's because Remi figured out how to make an unbeatable setting.... as I purposely play with settings I think are hard quite a bit, just to make it more interesting in the long run (You play long enough for enough years, you win, no matter what your settings are, playing around to make it harder prolongs that obvious conclusion). I can't be the only one.

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I see how it can be sarcasm, and I share your concerns more than you obviously know. I was actually serious.


Every game since 2005 has had issue's with long term games. TEW2016, if you turn everything on, almost fixes the new worker issues... but it doesn't help the promotions. The promotions in 2020 are supposed to be "lightyears" ahead of TEW2016, and I'm thinking it has to be because the product settings were taken away from the players. I can't think of any other reason that would have been thought of as a good idea. I refuse to believe it's because Remi figured out how to make an unbeatable setting.... as I purposely play with settings I think are hard quite a bit, just to make it more interesting in the long run (You play long enough for enough years, you win, no matter what your settings are, playing around to make it harder prolongs that obvious conclusion). I can't be the only one.


That's an interesting take. If the product settings being taken away from the users makes my competition a lot better, that would change my position on it completely (I'm one that loves to tinker and get the exact product I want/knows what works for me). So, yeah, I wish Adam would come out and say that if that were the case. It would probably sway a lot of people to understand why it was implemented.




We had the development journal, which was a list of features and what was being done and sometimes we got the "why?" it was being done, but a lot of times we weren't (and still aren't). I feel because of the lack of transparency, a lot of people chalk things up to "change for change sake" instead of their actually being a solid reason something was changed from the way the game was in '16.

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I see how it can be sarcasm, and I share your concerns more than you obviously know. I was actually serious.


Every game since 2005 has had issue's with long term games. TEW2016, if you turn everything on, almost fixes the new worker issues... but it doesn't help the promotions. The promotions in 2020 are supposed to be "lightyears" ahead of TEW2016, and I'm thinking it has to be because the product settings were taken away from the players. I can't think of any other reason that would have been thought of as a good idea. I refuse to believe it's because Remi figured out how to make an unbeatable setting.... as I purposely play with settings I think are hard quite a bit, just to make it more interesting in the long run (You play long enough for enough years, you win, no matter what your settings are, playing around to make it harder prolongs that obvious conclusion). I can't be the only one.


This has always been my strata here. No Leaderboards, No Online Servers. Let people break it if they want. But I really wish finances and random outside factors had more effect on the player to force fail states that the players have to survive through. Things are never straight forward as they are in this game. People wanting to leave, aggressive AI, Wars, Plague, Famine. Something.

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We had the development journal, which was a list of features and what was being done and sometimes we got the "why?" it was being done, but a lot of times we weren't (and still aren't). I feel because of the lack of transparency, a lot of people chalk things up to "change for change sake" instead of their actually being a solid reason something was changed from the way the game was in '16.


I don't know if I 100% agree here. I think we just misunderstood some things.

Here's the link to the announced feature for products (for example): http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2354758&postcount=44


It's like that other poster all upset because you have to run it in admin mode, but... I mean the application is able to change picture files while making a database, in your programs folder. Are there programs that do that without admin mode? I realize that's a cheap come back, but I mean, it's there and not really new.


For me, I misunderstood the whole thing, and most of the time I wasn't even around while the dev journal was going. Under the "norm" it's no where near as long, and I can keep up with it, but this time around there was lots of skimming in between visits here. I was just waiting, maybe tried to play a few mafia games while waiting, until the beta come out to actually voice an opinion. Trouble is, way too late. Just looking at the first statement, I 100% disagree with Adam there... I play other mods, but I also add my own stuff, my own products, I change it up quite a bit for reasons I said in the other post. Plus, any real world mod maker is going to use what is considered "Standard" on purpose, not necessarily in their game, but in a mod they release, because those standards are for real world mods... It's silly not to use them with only a few changes here and there. They were made to simulate the real world products.


Then there is this statement from the journal: "Firstly, I've set it up so that adding new products is pretty easy, so if there is anything missing then it's really easy for me to patch it in after release."


I read that all wrong, thinking pretty easy meant we could add products, not him. Now I guess it's way too late.


So hopefully the plus is that the AI is lightyears ahead, and if you become the biggest company, you did more than just play a really long game:)

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This has always been my strata here. No Leaderboards, No Online Servers. Let people break it if they want. But I really wish finances and random outside factors had more effect on the player to force fail states that the players have to survive through. Things are never straight forward as they are in this game. People wanting to leave, aggressive AI, Wars, Plague, Famine. Something.


I've done all kinds of things to liven it up, but the funnest is Kenny deaths.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="esteel20" data-cite="esteel20" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Agreed. It's probably my favorite change so far.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> We went all the way back to an updated 2005 version. I don't see how anyone can be happy about that.<img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />:mad:<img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />:mad:<img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>So I do have a question that is minor, but it also is a reaction at the same time...so here goes. </p><p> </p><p>

As far as brand splits go, is there a way to customize what color each brand is? If not, then is it possible to lighten the blue in future releases? I ask because that blue is really hard to see.</p><p> </p><p>


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RatedRKO16" data-cite="RatedRKO16" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This made me chuckle out loud a bit. Adam said the game was running smoothly with his testers during the developer's journal and look how that turned out. And as beta testers, we can only test 2 months, then have to start all over. But, 10-15 years down the line, the game is going to work correctly? <img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, that's my biggest concern. The supposedly improved AI roster management is a big selling point for me, but there's no way I'm taking that at face value with some of the things which got through testing. </p><p> </p><p> Hopefully some people will post detailed reports from watcher games soon after release.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Makhai" data-cite="Makhai" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This has always been my strata here. No Leaderboards, No Online Servers. Let people break it if they want. But I really wish finances and random outside factors had more effect on the player to force fail states that the players have to survive through. Things are never straight forward as they are in this game. People wanting to leave, aggressive AI, Wars, Plague, Famine. Something.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is why I like things like the stupid overpowered movie star effect that I think everyone complained about. TEW is never going to match something like Football Manager on the AI roster side, or the "matchday," or even the processing speed, but because it's depicting something as naturally ridiculous as the wrestling world and it doesn't have to deal with licenses it can do way, way better than FM does on the random, game-changing events side.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's like that other poster all upset because you have to run it in admin mode, but... I mean the application is able to change picture files while making a database, in your programs folder. Are there programs that do that without admin mode? I realize that's a cheap come back, but I mean, it's there and not really new.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think the complaints about having to run in admin mode are less directly to do with running in admin mode itself (although it is a touch annoying) and more than it's a sign of how... I guess "old fashioned" is just about accurate... TEW currently is. No, other programs (and games in particular) can't change picture files while making a database in your programs folder without being in admin mode but that's because they don't need to change picture files while making a database in your programs folder to begin with; they generally use the Documents folder for things like that and have for years. It can be seen in the same light as the complaints about things that can't be changed due to limitations in the programming language.</p><p> </p><p> My take is that people had too high expectations about what TEW 2020 being rebuilt from the ground up meant and represented. I think people made the assumption that it meant it would be rebuilt in a more modern way using a more modern method and thus have a more modern back end and modern functionality when the reality is while it was rebuilt it was rebuilt using the same language and thus has those same limitations and limits. Pretty much every complaint or question where the answer is "sorry, we simply can't do or change that" fundamentally comes back to that point. People have to decide whether that's a dealbreaker for them or not. It's not for me; yes, so far TE2020 has limitations and is probably an inherently less satisfying user experience then you might expect from a 2020 release but nothing that wrenches me out of it or really impacts on my overall enjoyment. If nothing else, while someone being harsh may pejoratively call it "Stockholm syndrome", once you play enough and get used to all the little quirks they end up being second nature.</p>
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