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There's two very different booking styles that I have - I have the game mode, where I just optimize everything and can get cards done in mere minutes. Then there's the diary booking, which is very time consuming but at least the cards are logical. Somewhat :o
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Eh, I think that's more because any criticism tends to result in attacks from the defenders, and things degenerate from there.


Case in point - the "Will you buy" thread where critics have been dismissed as "ridiculous", unable to deal with change, "entitled" etc.


I think those responding in such a fashion should be forced to play the unpatched beta without skins for a week. Then they might appreciate the value of criticism.


I've heard people making that argument too much.


If I have a problem with the game. You have no right to call me entitled. Just because you blindly want to pay for a game that you haven't even played the demo of yet. That doesn't mean the people that have already sunk considerable amount of time & found flaws, don't want to see the sheer shocking amount of problems fixed before we shell out money for a clearly unpolished & in some places incomplete game!


I've even told people in the past that I better never see you complain or comment on the game in any way other than glowing reviews or I'll call you entitled.

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I didnt realize the kind of state the boards were in, banning topics and the like


This game should be called Wall of Text 2020, because thats what it feels like to play it. Getting blasted in the face with 80 text boxes on each screen makes me feel as terrible as getting blasted with a wall of text.

I bravely returned to this game last night to test it out after all these patches, nothing has changed.


How did this get so off the rails? Its ugly, and its terrible to navigate. If you don't know how to do something specifically, its literally sickening to find out! I wanted to release a wrestler from his contract. Which of the 100 menus do that? NONE of them, after 20 minutes of headache inducing searching I finally found to go to your roster and click on the *wrestler* icon. Didnt even know that was clickable. What a mess this game is


Autobooker booked a mid atlantic show with 8 lingerie matches, all ended clean with wrestlers being stripped. thats just hilarious i guess


But the major problem is with the way this game looks and how aggrivating it is to play it. Its like 1000 steps back from 16. Its the worst text based game I could ever imagine. This needs to go back to square one and start a major re-design with peoples sanity in mind. I wont be learning to play it, because I don't like stress and headaches. Been playing every game since EWR, this one is a huge misfire.

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I didnt realize the kind of state the boards were in, banning topics and the like


This game should be called Wall of Text 2020, because thats what it feels like to play it. Getting blasted in the face with 80 text boxes on each screen makes me feel as terrible as getting blasted with a wall of text.

I bravely returned to this game last night to test it out after all these patches, nothing has changed.


How did this get so off the rails? Its ugly, and its terrible to navigate. If you don't know how to do something specifically, its literally sickening to find out! I wanted to release a wrestler from his contract. Which of the 100 menus do that? NONE of them, after 20 minutes of headache inducing searching I finally found to go to your roster and click on the *wrestler* icon. Didnt even know that was clickable. What a mess this game is


Autobooker booked a mid atlantic show with 8 lingerie matches, all ended clean with wrestlers being stripped. thats just hilarious i guess


But the major problem is with the way this game looks and how aggrivating it is to play it. Its like 1000 steps back from 16. Its the worst text based game I could ever imagine. This needs to go back to square one and start a major re-design with peoples sanity in mind. I wont be learning to play it, because I don't like stress and headaches. Been playing every game since EWR, this one is a huge misfire.


I don't think the banning stuff Is real.


What is real is how awful 2020 is with it's layout. That's a very real issue. We can hold out hope that they big U.I update saves us, but only time will tell.


I have low expectations, would love to be proven wrong.

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I think he might have meant deleting threads or posts. Either way, I get the point. I really didn't mind the other thread that got locked, pretty harmless compared to some other things that were said right in this thread, and it never was locked (deleted posts a bit, sure). I think that other thread might have been a bit more honest in a way.


Please don't kink shame


I've had this quoted for a while. I guess there are other reasons to NOT drink coffee while reading this thread. I think one of my keys are dead, and it's a laptop, so anyone know where I can get a replacement "ctrl" key?

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Another thing I like that I don't feel has been discussed enough- the removal of Regional Importance. There are so many times in 2016 where I was on the cusp of going up in size and turning a profit but I didn't because I was terrified the Importance of the region would suddenly and inexplicably drop, knocking me back down and then locking me out from growth for 6 months.
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Just wanted to add my voice to the "reduce the size of the Database Maker's Whiteboard, please" calls.


I'm biased, as I make all my notes in external programs, and I totally get that some people will not do that. However, if the whiteboard was half as big, and in that new space there was a "preview" of the highlighted worker/company/whatever you were on (or most recently selected if you're selecting multiples) that would be super useful and save people a lot of clicking. You could fit the Picture, Biography, Born/Debut dates, Gender, Game Status, and a few other commonly referred to fields in that spot.


Or if this were to be a dream world, the option to select a full Whiteboard OR preview as an option. Then maybe you could fit a summary of the workers skills.


Also rooting for the return of Track Worker Progress! That was definitely one of the most satisfying parts of the game for me!

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i quite like this game, i think the thing that has now put me off is the trial being 3 months, i would have rather paid and keep updating and downloading as and when


its been a long road, and i think if it doesn't get released tomorrow its a case of moving on, i don't want to keep playing again and again for 3 months of game time, its a shame as i genuinely love this series and i have got right into this game, but it is frustrating, as now instead of me wanting more with the trial, i am now frustrated that if i play again its back to January for the time being


its like TEW 20: Groundhog day

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I've been critical of this version of TEW, but for what it's worth, I'm sure that the wait is worth it, considering the reason for the wait is Adam addressing all the feedback - as well as the artist creating the new UI that has been asked for. The end result, I'm sure, is a better game. I'm also convinced it's worth the few days. That said, of course it's understandable that some people find it a bummer.
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i would have rather paid and keep updating and downloading as and when


Know that V1 will always be the default game, no matter what updates you release.


Reviewers are kinda forced to take that version as a base as well. Right now, it the game were to release, I'd be forced to give it a mediocre review (if I was a reviewer), which would be a pity.


In practice, it indeed doesn't matter as I'll probably be using a skin anyway and the updates will fix it. But those mediocre reviews will linger on forever. Might as well get it right before releasing.


Several games right now, for instance Arkham Knight for PC, are great games imo. But the reviews will be forever horrible, as it was apparently a mess.

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There's two very different booking styles that I have - I have the game mode, where I just optimize everything and can get cards done in mere minutes. Then there's the diary booking, which is very time consuming but at least the cards are logical. Somewhat :o


That is a much simpler way to put it. I don't do diaries, but in the games I'm most interested in, I'll book like I'm doing one. It takes a lot of time to properly plan how to get to WrestleMania 10 to Wrestlemania 11,as I write down my aimed matches for my next big show next year. Then it's time to book backwards and see if there is a logical way to get there. Go to the Rumble, who needs to win, then SummerSlam, who needs to win, King of the Ring. Then, many times, end up right back where I started editing the result of WM 11. Do it again. And again. Come up with new thoughts. Ideas. Book the whole thing. A month goes by someone gets hurt or suspended. Re do everything I just mentioned.


Its a process if you want to make something make "sense". If you're booking just to play a game, I totally see how it could take 5-10 minutes with the autobooker.

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That is a much simpler way to put it. I don't do diaries, but in the games I'm most interested in, I'll book like I'm doing one. It takes a lot of time to properly plan how to get to WrestleMania 10 to Wrestlemania 11,as I write down my aimed matches for my next big show next year. Then it's time to book backwards and see if there is a logical way to get there. Go to the Rumble, who needs to win, then SummerSlam, who needs to win, King of the Ring. Then, many times, end up right back where I started editing the result of WM 11. Do it again. And again. Come up with new thoughts. Ideas. Book the whole thing. A month goes by someone gets hurt or suspended. Re do everything I just mentioned.


Its a process if you want to make something make "sense". If you're booking just to play a game, I totally see how it could take 5-10 minutes with the autobooker.

I mean. That's what I do, too, but I have the plans in my head already, so I don't count that towards "booking time". I usually come up with stuff when I'm walking my dog, or at the gym and whatnot. Well, for obvious reasons, one doesn't really go to the gym as things are right now, but you get the point. And I don't use the autobooker myself, either. But in 2016, the mechanics are so simple and I'm so used to them that booking a single TV show really doesn't take more than a few minutes.


But I mean, it's all about how you process things. I usually just put guys in an angle and autoname the segment. I don't really go for angle titles that explain what takes place since it's just in my head. If it's something special, sure, but most of the time it's just "In Ring Interview with Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior", etc. Or "The Big Boss Man Attacks So and So After the Match".


I think a lot of it comes down to having your angles easily findable, and using the autoname feature.

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I personally think Adam is pulling all nighter after all nighter to get this game done in time to release by tomorrow. Something tells me he’s going to give us an update and tell us it’s all ready for our Thursday release. I sure as hell hope I’m right.
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I personally think Adam is pulling all nighter after all nighter to get this game done in time to release by tomorrow. Something tells me he’s going to give us an update and tell us it’s all ready for our Thursday release. I sure as hell hope I’m right.


I see you gave the game a second chance? I'm very happy to see that.

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I see you gave the game a second chance? I'm very happy to see that.


Yeah I kept cranking away and cranking away and I can’t get enough. Once I learned to readjust to the new mechanics, booking became as much of a breeze as 16.


Soon as I get an official release date on the game, I can do my giveaway properly.

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Yeah I kept cranking away and cranking away and I can’t get enough. Once I learned to readjust to the new mechanics, booking became as much of a breeze as 16.


Soon as I get an official release date on the game, I can do my giveaway properly.


back on the 2K20 tournament? :)

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Yeah, mouse wheel or down arrow are pretty necessary for the long database/search fields. I also think the "whiteboard" for database makers is too big and kinda ugly, what was wrong with the old notepad thing?


I mean, what was wrong with all the old “?” help buttons next to items? There were so many things changed for seemingly no reason.

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That is a much simpler way to put it. I don't do diaries, but in the games I'm most interested in, I'll book like I'm doing one. It takes a lot of time to properly plan how to get to WrestleMania 10 to Wrestlemania 11,as I write down my aimed matches for my next big show next year. Then it's time to book backwards and see if there is a logical way to get there. Go to the Rumble, who needs to win, then SummerSlam, who needs to win, King of the Ring. Then, many times, end up right back where I started editing the result of WM 11. Do it again. And again. Come up with new thoughts. Ideas. Book the whole thing. A month goes by someone gets hurt or suspended. Re do everything I just mentioned.


Its a process if you want to make something make "sense". If you're booking just to play a game, I totally see how it could take 5-10 minutes with the autobooker.




I do exactly the same. I plan from Mania to Mania or Starrcade to Starrcade.

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Yeah I kept cranking away and cranking away and I can’t get enough. Once I learned to readjust to the new mechanics, booking became as much of a breeze as 16.


I feel like more people need to do this.


Like I said, there have been a lot a valid criticisms, but I think some of them can be solved with user familiarity, which comes with time.

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It will be done when it's done, and not a moment sooner.


Adam will let us know when he wants to.


Pick up a book. Or play another game. Or take a (socially distant) walk outside. This isn't the only thing to do in the world, and I'm embarrassed for people acting like it is.

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So what's the percentage that we're gonna get TEW2020 on the 14th? sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I didn't want to make a new thread for it.


Only Adam will be able to determine this. He'll update when he can going by yesterday's update post so the only thing to do is wait for another update. :)

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