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SWF: The Evolution of Supreme

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Just a friendly reminder that round 1 of voting for "The World is Watching" will be complete in 9.5 hours from now!


So far, we've had a great turnout with 33 voters. This group has produced some really cool outcomes (four Supreme Superstars are close to becoming Remo's challenger at the PPV and 3 for the North American Championship). Anyone who votes from here could potentially break everything wide-open!




"The World is Watching" is a really fun PPV to book. Instead of me coming up with the card, you (the reader) are given the opportunity to shape the event that YOU are most interested in. Want Mikey Lau to finally get 'his shot'? Think that Matt Faith should skyrocket up the card and take on Davids? The power is in YOUR HANDS!


I will keep the first round of voting open until Monday (7/20) - 8 PM CST.


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Thank you to everyone who voted in the 1st round of "The World is Watching!" Ultimately, we had 36 voters during the few short days and we have our new #1 contenders. You'll find out who these people are on the upcoming episode of SupremeTV!


I will be booking that show in the next day or so. From there, I'll have a card for everyone to predict on shortly thereafter.


Commenting to let you know that I will be reading through the entirety of this over the next day or so! I checked in every so often and absolutely love the format, but haven't dove too deep.


That's awesome, Dalton! I'm excited to have you on board!

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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]
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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]

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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


My gut is telling me in this situation Randy needs the win just that little bit more.


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


Tempted to go the other way but...I think the face side in the tag division could use this.


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


I'm a Hernandez mark.


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]


Hm...I'm gambling on the younger guy here.


Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


DQ if it is a certain member I'm hoping for? That is a possibility.


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]



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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]

Randy needs the momentum and Z-Dub has picked up enough wins for this loss not to matter.

Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]

Neither team is that far up the totem pole but Fame & Money seem to be on the fall.

Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]

Never bet against Undeniable

The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]

Crippler is higher on the card and is just better than Lenny

Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]

Give the contender some momentum and humanize Des a bit

Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]

How did Morgan get a main-event? Well enjoy being a sacrifice.

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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]

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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]

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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]

Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]

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<p>Randy Unleashed <strong>vs.</strong> Z-Dub</p><p>

[No Disqualification Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dallas Cowboys</strong> vs. Fame & Money</p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Hawaiian Crush vs. <strong>Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)</strong></p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

The Crippler vs. <strong>Lenny Brown</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Des Davids</strong> vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship</p><p>

[Non-Title Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remo</strong> vs. Joey Morgan</p><p>

[Non-Title Match]</p>

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<p><strong>Randy Unleashed</strong> vs. Z-Dub</p><p>

[No Disqualification Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Dallas Cowboys vs. <strong>Fame & Money</strong></p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Hawaiian Crush vs. <strong>Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)</strong></p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Crippler</strong> vs. Lenny Brown</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Des Davids vs. <strong>#1 Contender to the NA Championship</strong></p><p>

[Non-Title Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remo</strong> vs. Joey Morgan</p><p>

[Non-Title Match]</p>

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<p><strong>Randy Unleashed</strong> vs. Z-Dub</p><p>

[No Disqualification Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dallas Cowboys</strong> vs. Fame & Money</p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Hawaiian Crush vs. <strong>Undeniable</strong> (Hernandez & Spade)</p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Crippler</strong> vs. Lenny Brown</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Des Davids vs. <strong>#1 Contender to the NA Championship</strong></p><p>

[Non-Title Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remo</strong> vs. Joey Morgan</p><p>

[Non-Title Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Great PPV man! The design and layout is so smooth and visually appealing, one of the best on board. Fav part for me would have to be me leading the Prediction contest and then the cinematic match between Scythe and Golden. You’ve hit the nail on the head with Scythe and how to book him - it’s a pleasure to watch</p><p> </p><p>

I also like the fact Z-Dub lost. It gives you a lot more time to build him back to that top tier and flesh out his character more. I see him gaining a bit more an edge in the coming weeks.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall man, I thoroughly enjoy coming on the board and reading your stuff. With work being back full time for me, I can’t do my own stuff and it pains me but it’s so good to see you going through with this and it’s such an entertaining read. Though... is Fame and Money still a team?!</p>

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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]

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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]

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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]

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Randy Unleashed vs. Z-Dub

[No Disqualification Match]


I think this match is just to throw salt into the wound of Z-Dub being screwed, the fact this match is no DQ, gives Rogue the perfect opportunity to interfere without being punished, and give Randy that upper hand he didnt have when facing his brother earlier in the year, this alliance I predict will give new life to Randy Unleashed, hell I could even see them win the tag titles, but is not likely because Rogue has more important things to do like to cash in his NYR Contract, but this union is benficial for both, thats why it would be somewhat counter intuitive to have Randy lose this match when his team just formed up, also a longer term prediction, Rogue and Randy will keep this advantage for a little while, then Z-Dub will get a new tag partner to take them on fairly two on two, but for now he will be outnumbered.


Dallas Cowboys vs. Fame & Money

[standard Tag Team Match]


I feel that if fame and money were ever pushed this diary its simply because they were the first champions, but we have moved past that a long time ago, Paul Huntington is a decent midcarder, Monty Trescade is closer to a jobber, meanwhile Ranger and Marshall Dillon are two young guys looking to make a name for themselves, and seems logical, as the tag champs are now heel, that a few face teams, begin making a name for themselves to always have credible challengers, I also most mentioned I am biased in this match as Marshall Dillon is one of my favorites, just to be transparent with my predictions.


Hawaiian Crush vs. Undeniable (Hernandez & Spade)

[standard Tag Team Match]


I think the tension between the former tag champs could have somthing to do with this, but for me this isnt even the deciding factor for me in this match, is simply the hact Hernandez and Spade are that good that they dont even need their opponents to be infighting to win, also Undeniable is in a more important position on the card than Hawaiian Crush, so more likely to win, also just wanted to leave here an interesting idea, if Hawaiian Crush ever split up I hope Ekuma becomes the heel, and joins Undeniable like a way to replace Primus Allen, and be able to return the booking plans to almost normal, and build up to that inevitable confrontation between Allen and his former teammates that has been implied, it would be a lot more interesting if Spade, Hernandez and Starr had an "insurance policy" to match Allen, like having another strong guy.


The Crippler vs. Lenny Brown

[standard Singles Match]


I feel crippler is a gatekeeper now, mostly as he has been seen more recently on RISE pretty consistently, and Lenny is still getting the positive vibes from Fro, so Lenny continues his comeback getting another win this time against a reliable gatkeeper.


Des Davids vs. #1 Contender to the NA Championship

[Non-Title Match]


I didnt came in time to vote, so I will reveal I would have voted Kurt Laramee to face Des Davids, so it would be pretty funny if it was actually him, but right now it does not matter who the contender is, even if the contender is to win the title on PPV, Davids first singles loss will be when he drops the title, or at least on a bigger stage, it seems like it would have no purpose to have Davids lose his first match on free TV, the challenger still can seem strong a loss does not mean weakness, theres a lot of ways to book like that, but for the result of this match I pick Davids.


Remo vs. Joey Morgan

[Non-Title Match]


If I had been able to vote I admit I would have voted for Morgan, because Morgan deserves better, I know Morgan can get better, and I hope he gets better for you and begins giving good grades again, I feel he deserves a World Title Run before retiring, and I think he would be one who could benefit from leaving SWF, and going to another company to be more important there, this is not a criticism of your booking, is more me realizing with the type of stars and youngsters with potential that you have he seems to have been left on second plane, and other companies would kill to have someone like him main eventing their shows, but as you booked this match it seems he isnt challenging Remo at the PPV, so I see this as just another competitive Remo match, not a squash but never stopping his domination.

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Episode #11 of SupremeTV is ready!
With "Awesome Impact 2020" behind us, we're now moving ahead with the development of some new storylines. A week or so ago, I gave you the opportunity to complete the 1st round of voting for "The World is Watching." On this show, you'll find out who was chosen to be the NEW #1 contenders to both belts.


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Finally, someone who can shut Emma up! She seems so sure she knows who to market, yet she picks the unwashed, foul-smelling Rogue over Gen-Z's favorite megastar Z-Dub? It's like she wants to lose money. Maybe this is all a ploy to tank the companies value and buy it out from under Eric with a mystery consortium of investors.


GREAT to see Mikey in the main event. I don't think he'll win, but you just never know...

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LaEstrella... You are awesome. :) Thank you so much for reading these shows & your overall support. I really appreciate it!


Finally, someone who can shut Emma up! She seems so sure she knows who to market, yet she picks the unwashed, foul-smelling Rogue over Gen-Z's favorite megastar Z-Dub? It's like she wants to lose money. Maybe this is all a ploy to tank the companies value and buy it out from under Eric with a mystery consortium of investors.


Emma certainly has her hands full at this point. :)


That said, the "Power Couple" will no doubt have a response to everything that's happened. They feel their influence fading and, in turn, I'm sure they'll become much more... dramatic/desperate... in regaining control.


GREAT to see Mikey in the main event. I don't think he'll win, but you just never know...


I really love Mikey Lau in this spot. It allows me to further his character (as I have a direction in mind). It'll make for an interesting match!

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You have a smasher and a Dragon challenging Remo. That sounds like a different kind of challenge.


Also RDJ coming in, a legitimate Total legend working with people who are essentially his build. I almost expect fun vignettes where they're drinking in bars and beating people's asses with RDJ coaching them on the finer points of how to punch someone in the face. Ha. Sounds like fun to me though.


Also...maybe next time for my boy Mainstream for the North American Title. Maybe next time.

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Really enjoying the shows and story progression so far.

Between this diary, and those by Lloyd and historian (+others) I might never get around to launching my own diary in the future as enjoying reading yours too much.


Looking forwards to where this goes. Still really enjoying the graphical presentation too.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SIser187" data-cite="SIser187" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47607" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also RDJ coming in, a legitimate Total legend working with people who are essentially his build. I almost expect fun vignettes where they're drinking in bars and beating people's asses with RDJ coaching them on the finer points of how to punch someone in the face. Ha. Sounds like fun to me though.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> EXACTLY! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> You literally just pegged how I plan to book RDJ along with The Boys. It's going to be a lot of fun to work with/write for.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SIser187" data-cite="SIser187" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47607" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also...maybe next time for my boy Mainstream for the North American Title. Maybe next time.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He was REALLY close to getting there!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="smw88" data-cite="smw88" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47607" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Really enjoying the shows and story progression so far.<p> Between this diary, and those by Lloyd and historian (+others) I might never get around to launching my own diary in the future as enjoying reading yours too much.</p><p> </p><p> Looking forwards to where this goes. Still really enjoying the graphical presentation too.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you, smw! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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This is our 3rd ranking, so far! As you can see, we there continues to be a log-jam near the top.

As stated before, you need to predict on 75% of the matches in which to be viable for the 'top 3' by the end of all of this.

So, if you have not predicted yet, don't worry about jumping in on the next show (SupremeTV #12).

All in all, thank you to everyone who predicted and I hope you enjoy the show!

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