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SWF: The Evolution of Supreme

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Post Show Comments week 2


Joey Morgan and Steven Parker, I LOVE!!!!! that idea, mostly given the gimmick because I have always been neutral to Parker, but putting a youngster with a veteran is a classic concept for a good tag team, I pray to the lord Joey Morgan starts getting better grades before you get tired of him, but I will admit this is an exciting prospect and the best thing that could have happened to Morgan right about now, honestly when I was reading this I literally blurted, just give them the tag titles already, alone in my room, so at least you can guarantee that at least someone like this idea, and them being the midcard team, maybe not directly fighting against the authority, but more of an ideological battle than a personal one, they can have decent programs with the lesser memebers of the authority like Paul Huntington.


Talking about Paul, with him joining Eisen, what happens with Trescade? are they done? in a pause? is he also a member?


About the main event, Im glad I made the decision I made, I have never predicted a draw before, and it wasnt obvious so it was risky, but something inside me told me to make that call.


Jack Bruce, Im not the biggest fan personally, he isnt bad, but i dont like him in a personal way, maybe because in real life he would be my polar opposite, I dont like chaos, I like order and tidyness, and always try to bring that with me, but I will admit he brings the ratings, he has earned being named a star and a legend, is just his segments dont appeal me so i wont be talking a lot about them here, i will just say good use of your resources.


High Flying Hawaiian, Maybe is only the picture but I think the missing piece for him to realize his potential is a heel turn, that cocky smirk he has in his picture screams heel to me, I know his stats say he plays better a babyface, but I have seen wrestlers turn and begin pulling better grades in TEW, and its not like he is an awful heel, he could be pretty good as one, and is something the random number generator sometimes does have one wrestler be better with one disposition than with the other, but even if its not HFH turning heel, I see Hawaiian crush not lasting much longer, someone needs to be the break out star, and if HFH isnt taking full advantage of those opportunities Im sure Ekuma will, but I hope since this week was the best performance by HFH, that he has finally passed her rough patch, and now he can soar to the skies.


Rise, not a lot to say pretty good B show, every week is interesting to see what the lower card guys are doing and how they can flesh out as characters when given a chance, my question is only, I have seen a lot of guys who begin in RIPW in there, are they already on the main roster, or you just borrow them for a night, and also like to ask, how full do you keep your developmental, everytime i played in 2016 I always ended up with a bloated developmental because I always hired a lot of guys I like, so I would like to know if you set rules to yourself, or if you already have an idea of who you want before beggining.


Lucha Suprema, as a Guatemalan by birth, this plays completely to me, I grew up watching Lucha Libre on tv and going to shows, obviously not as big or good as the ones on mexico, but i think saying im exited is an understatement, im euphoric at these, I just want to know, will it be booked with lucha rules, like australian tags and 2 out of 3 falls, or will it be an americanized version of lucha, also something I wanted to touch on, is the fact that in the news stories, I read that SWF is working with mexican companies to get their talents, does this mean they are talent trades, or work in both rosters?, its not bad to do that, I just dont see it in the cannon i hold of SWF, they dont seem the type of company that works with anyone, I feel that reallistically they would raid the mexican companies rosters with exclusive contracts to the luchadors, instead of being a cooperative effort, in the end I hope you run shows in Mexico too and not only on southern US, I dont know how the popularity size works this year, but I think it could help to boost those mexican numbers you have somewhat lower than Canada and the US, I would also like to propose the idea of hiring a spanish announce team for this show, to actually give it that authentic lucha feel, and differentiate it from RISE as they have the same function, you already have Franklin Fulmier and Ana Garcia who are already employed to you and both are fluent spanish speakers who can take up that roles, or maybe if you want someone from outside steal alfonso garcia from QAW as the announcer, and J-Ro as the colour and you have a pretty good team.

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Joey Morgan and Steven Parker, I LOVE!!!!! that idea, mostly given the gimmick because I have always been neutral to Parker, but putting a youngster with a veteran is a classic concept for a good tag team, I pray to the lord Joey Morgan starts getting better grades before you get tired of him, but I will admit this is an exciting prospect and the best thing that could have happened to Morgan right about now, honestly when I was reading this I literally blurted, just give them the tag titles already, alone in my room, so at least you can guarantee that at least someone like this idea, and them being the midcard team, maybe not directly fighting against the authority, but more of an ideological battle than a personal one, they can have decent programs with the lesser memebers of the authority like Paul Huntington.


I love the pairing as well (and there is a little more to this coming...). The crazy thing is, Steven Parker isn't necessarily 'young' anymore. He's 35 which, I suppose by wrestling lore, is not that bad. That said, in that regard, I see them as equals in a way (only with one of them having more of a 'name' than the other).


They will be major players in the tag team division, that's for sure. I'm actually quite happy with how the division is building up as a whole. If I can establish the vibe/feel of a few more teams, then I feel we'll be well and set. It's a focus of mine these days.


Talking about Paul, with him joining Eisen, what happens with Trescade? are they done? in a pause? is he also a member?


I'm not high on Monty, whatsoever. You could say it is a 'pause' right now. That said, if they never come back together again, then I would be okay with that. ha.


About the main event, Im glad I made the decision I made, I have never predicted a draw before, and it wasnt obvious so it was risky, but something inside me told me to make that call.


It was our first major SE main event ending (which is pretty good seeing how we are in April now). That said, I feel the booking allowed us to have an 'explosive moment' without someone having to take the brunt of a loss leading into a big PPV.


Jack Bruce, Im not the biggest fan personally, he isnt bad, but i dont like him in a personal way, maybe because in real life he would be my polar opposite, I dont like chaos, I like order and tidyness, and always try to bring that with me, but I will admit he brings the ratings, he has earned being named a star and a legend, is just his segments dont appeal me so i wont be talking a lot about them here, i will just say good use of your resources.


100% understandable.


I see Jack as polarizing for many. Whenever someone makes it THAT far in their career, becoming a LEGEND of the sport, there's always going to be a large crop of people who don't 'see it.' I actually found myself feeling the same way about Stone Cold during his heyday. As a teen, I found myself more interested in HBK and HHH. Knowing this, Austin always felt like '2nd rate' to me. Now, with age, I've come to really appreciate Austin and, in turn, would see something like this happening for many as it pertains to Jack Bruce.


High Flying Hawaiian, Maybe is only the picture but I think the missing piece for him to realize his potential is a heel turn, that cocky smirk he has in his picture screams heel to me, I know his stats say he plays better a babyface, but I have seen wrestlers turn and begin pulling better grades in TEW, and its not like he is an awful heel, he could be pretty good as one, and is something the random number generator sometimes does have one wrestler be better with one disposition than with the other, but even if its not HFH turning heel, I see Hawaiian crush not lasting much longer, someone needs to be the break out star, and if HFH isnt taking full advantage of those opportunities Im sure Ekuma will, but I hope since this week was the best performance by HFH, that he has finally passed her rough patch, and now he can soar to the skies.


The challenging thing about a heel turn is that I believe he is '100% babyface' in his skills. He COULD play heel but it would be a tough sell. I know we've seen this work for someone like Hollywood Hogan but I'm not sure how well TEW would allow something like this to happen (game-wise)?


With a 93 for SQ (If I remember right), I don't want to kill any sense of momentum and bury him in hopes of turning him heel (only to have it totally backfire). That said, I feel like I could give him more of a cocky persona as a babyface. Right now, he is more of an underdog figure, if anything. That said, for this to happen, a shift is going to be necessary -- something that pushes him to think/feel/act this way.


Rise, not a lot to say pretty good B show, every week is interesting to see what the lower card guys are doing and how they can flesh out as characters when given a chance, my question is only, I have seen a lot of guys who begin in RIPW in there, are they already on the main roster, or you just borrow them for a night, and also like to ask, how full do you keep your developmental, everytime i played in 2016 I always ended up with a bloated developmental because I always hired a lot of guys I like, so I would like to know if you set rules to yourself, or if you already have an idea of who you want before beggining.


Great question.


I borrow developmental talent each week so they can appear on RISE. I thought about bringing them up to the main roster but I like the feel of having them down there (as my roster doesn't feel so bloated -- yet I can give them some quality in-ring/TV time). To this point, I don't think I have officially called anyone up from RIPW just yet. I just borrow them whenever I need them.


I haven't added too many people to RIPW thus far. From what I can remember, I have Mutant, Fro Sho, and a few others. Nothing too crazy. That said, I always look for people with strong SQ or mic skills and pull them in over time.


Lucha Suprema, as a Guatemalan by birth, this plays completely to me, I grew up watching Lucha Libre on tv and going to shows, obviously not as big or good as the ones on mexico, but i think saying im exited is an understatement, im euphoric at these, I just want to know, will it be booked with lucha rules, like australian tags and 2 out of 3 falls, or will it be an americanized version of lucha, also something I wanted to touch on, is the fact that in the news stories, I read that SWF is working with mexican companies to get their talents, does this mean they are talent trades, or work in both rosters?, its not bad to do that, I just dont see it in the cannon i hold of SWF, they dont seem the type of company that works with anyone, I feel that reallistically they would raid the mexican companies rosters with exclusive contracts to the luchadors, instead of being a cooperative effort, in the end I hope you run shows in Mexico too and not only on southern US, I dont know how the popularity size works this year, but I think it could help to boost those mexican numbers you have somewhat lower than Canada and the US, I would also like to propose the idea of hiring a spanish announce team for this show, to actually give it that authentic lucha feel, and differentiate it from RISE as they have the same function, you already have Franklin Fulmier and Ana Garcia who are already employed to you and both are fluent spanish speakers who can take up that roles, or maybe if you want someone from outside steal alfonso garcia from QAW as the announcer, and J-Ro as the colour and you have a pretty good team.


That's awesome what you're really loving the idea of Lucha Suprema!


I will say that the product will be a little more Americanized than straight Lucha. My real introduction to Lucha wrestling came with Lucha Underground (which I love, BTW). In that vein, I feel my shows will follow suit with that sort of approach. Right now though, as the roster is somewhat limited, I went with more of a simpler approach.


My announcing team, as it is set right now, is Alfonso Garcia & Plague.


I DO have working agreements with some of the smaller Mexican companies. The big ones won't accept such. In my mind, I agree with you that the lore of SWF would say 'no mutually beneficial relationships.' That said, I feel like that COULD have gone away with Richard Eisen no longer being around. I see Jerry Eisen as being MORE open to the idea, especially when: A) the SWF is NOT the top company in the world anymore and B) they are creating a brand new brand that could fail (which you don't want to be on the hook for too many contracts). With this in mind, I see the 'evolution of the SWF" taking many shapes.

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Comments on Lucha Suprema:


First of all I loved the show, it has an aestethic that makes it unique, you can immediately notice is different from anything ever tried by the SWF before.


I dont know what kind of grades are you expecting from this shows, but I must admit I was surprised to see this show with a very low grade in the 30s, I know is a B show so it won't hurt your popularity but it seems a bit harsh, even with some of the low popularity of most of the wrestlers, I think just on ability alone it should have been higher.


One thing I could observe from the roster, is that you are building for the near future, wrestlers that will be called up to supreme, when they build their popularities and skills in this B show, before battling the established stars, mostly because you went with talent that can be built up with an average age of 30 rather than exploiting the older guys popular in mexico that could be more of an instant hit, but you couldnt get more time out of them.


In general good show, this first show more than a story driven show was more of a Showcase of the talent, probably my biggest complain is a nitpick in the grand scheme of things, and thats Babau and Stuntman teaming, even though I assume you have moroi on the roster, and Acid II wrestled in the following match, so it seemed like an odd pairing, but if that was my biggest critique you can see really it was an excelent choice, the only thing I can see went wrong was Makutsi promo bombing, mostly because he doesnt speak spanish, so doing it in Mexico was bad for him because no one understood him, but it wasnt a killer of the character, he bounced right back with his segment and match with Masked Cougar,


And with Makutsi we finally see the debut of the final wrestler of the RIPW golden generation, intersting to see him in Lucha Suprema rather than RISE, but I hope not having to compete fot time with Spade, Allen and Brown, Makutsi can grow, and make Lucha Suprema his playground and then ascend to supreme and dominate.

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As always, great Supreme TV. Particular interested in the Morgan/Parker pairing. Two of my favourites, that I find really hard to book, so looking forward to seeing your twist on the “purest” gimmick.


Your booking of Remo is starting to get on my nerves a little bit, and obviously being a heel - it is doing its job. But I just can’t see him being Emma’s henchman for too long. Having Huntingdon as another member of the authority faction is great though, he’s another one that’s good enough to be a player in a major storyline.


I’m still plugging away at the prediction contest, but if one of these punks will limited guesses pips me at the post - imma be MAD! :p


RISE and Lucha Suprema were cool too. I’m a fan of how you’ve given us an insight into both brands. I’m not a huge Lucha fan, but I’m a fan of how you’re giving SWF a new identity via your brands - I think that showcases your second-to-none thought process when you go about creating stories and narratives beyond a storyline on the show.


Random question of the week - any members not seen for a while such as Avalanche, Chill, Charger Siaki moved on? Any plans for them? I find them interesting characters but lacklustre in the ring and outside (stats-wise). However, they are the sort of players that I want to get behind in game. Looking forward to getting an idea of any of these sort of guys that are still in your pipeline of thinking.

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Thank you to LaEstrella, XMultiGames & IgnitedFlame for interacting so much and being really engaged in this project! I am so very appreciative of you and your comments!


Really loving the background, graphics and font choices. Some good selections for talent there as well, with one notable absence of course.


Your notable absence could be coming sooooon enough... ;)


Comments on Lucha Suprema:


First of all I loved the show, it has an aestethic that makes it unique, you can immediately notice is different from anything ever tried by the SWF before.


That's what I was hoping for. I don't want the Lucha Suprema brand to really feel or look ANYTHING like the SWF. That's where it will be successful (I.e. feeling like its own company, separated from the SWF).


I dont know what kind of grades are you expecting from this shows, but I must admit I was surprised to see this show with a very low grade in the 30s, I know is a B show so it won't hurt your popularity but it seems a bit harsh, even with some of the low popularity of most of the wrestlers, I think just on ability alone it should have been higher.


I thought so, too. That said, the first show did take place in Mexico (where some of these guys have little to no overness). I think it'll be better with the next show, as we will root ourselves in the South West.


One thing I could observe from the roster, is that you are building for the near future, wrestlers that will be called up to supreme, when they build their popularities and skills in this B show, before battling the established stars, mostly because you went with talent that can be built up with an average age of 30 rather than exploiting the older guys popular in mexico that could be more of an instant hit, but you couldnt get more time out of them.


I have a different view of Lucha Suprema. Where RISE is all about moving people up to the main roster in time, LS is its own stand-alone product. I, honestly, don't want much interaction between the two brands at all. In a perfect scenario, I'd love to build LS up to the point where it can be its own self-serving brand. While one or two wrestlers MAY make the jump to the main roster, that's not my overall goal. In this vein, it's less of a 'feeder program' for the SWF and more of a 'this is Lucha Suprema!" kind of feel.


In general good show, this first show more than a story driven show was more of a Showcase of the talent, probably my biggest complain is a nitpick in the grand scheme of things, and thats Babau and Stuntman teaming, even though I assume you have moroi on the roster, and Acid II wrestled in the following match, so it seemed like an odd pairing, but if that was my biggest critique you can see really it was an excelent choice, the only thing I can see went wrong was Makutsi promo bombing, mostly because he doesnt speak spanish, so doing it in Mexico was bad for him because no one understood him, but it wasnt a killer of the character, he bounced right back with his segment and match with Masked Cougar,


I actually do not have Morai on the roster thus far. With time, most likely though.


Realistically, Lucha Suprema is most likely the initial introduction of Lucha wrestling to the American public (in my cannon, at least). Knowing this, they wouldn't know all of the connections these guys have prior to the show. You, on the other hand, being a 'smark' within that world (at least with knowing about those connections), would probably be like "Hey... what's going on here?" but it wouldn't sink the ship. Over time, those connections may come out but, for now, we were moreso showcasing what the program will look & feel like early on.


The Centro region did say that there were English speakers as well. I think Makutsi just didn't have much overness and isn't all that 'amazing' on the mic. That said, I feel he fits Lucha Suprema well; speed and athleticism.


As always, great Supreme TV. Particular interested in the Morgan/Parker pairing. Two of my favourites, that I find really hard to book, so looking forward to seeing your twist on the “purest” gimmick.


If you're a fan of that kind of wrestler, then you're going to love what happens next (most likely)! :)


Your booking of Remo is starting to get on my nerves a little bit, and obviously being a heel - it is doing its job. But I just can’t see him being Emma’s henchman for too long. Having Huntingdon as another member of the authority faction is great though, he’s another one that’s good enough to be a player in a major storyline.


As the booker, I'm hoping people start to hate Remo in a new way. He's always been a dominant heel, bulldozing through everyone (Fan favorites, as well) and looking like an unstoppable athlete. In this case, I want fans to hate him for another reason -- he cares more about his money versus competing. That's a new wrinkle for him and, in turn, would start to have fans salivate in thinking WHO could knock him off (possibly putting him in his place in the process).


RISE and Lucha Suprema were cool too. I’m a fan of how you’ve given us an insight into both brands. I’m not a huge Lucha fan, but I’m a fan of how you’re giving SWF a new identity via your brands - I think that showcases your second-to-none thought process when you go about creating stories and narratives beyond a storyline on the show.


Thank you! :)


I really wanted to create brands that are self-functioning. I don't want them to just feel like "SWF Lite." Instead, they can carry a brand of their own and peak the interest of other wrestling fans (i.e. Lucha wrestling fans and those who love underground, less known wreslters looking to 'make it').


Random question of the week - any members not seen for a while such as Avalanche, Chill, Charger Siaki moved on? Any plans for them? I find them interesting characters but lacklustre in the ring and outside (stats-wise). However, they are the sort of players that I want to get behind in game. Looking forward to getting an idea of any of these sort of guys that are still in your pipeline of thinking.


Great Question! Let's go over that!


Avalanche: I've grown fond of him as of late. He's got a decent menace and psychology. Plus, he's only 29. That's a really BIG plus, as well. With some tie, he could be a great person to focus on on RISE!


Charger Siaki: Decent menace (not as good as Avalanche). Decent SQ at 68. Could play a really cool character. No entertainment skills but could do well with a manager. Plus, he's only 23! He'll get some time on RISE very soon (as he was injured to start the game).


Chill: Very... little... redeemable qualities. No entertainment skills and doesn't possess a 'look' from an in-game perspective (54 SQ and 55 SA). If he sticks with us, he'll most likely become a 'curtain jerker' even on the RISE show.


Dominic DeSexy: Working with Joe Sexy. Doesn't get much TV time right now, expect for losing. Great look (87 SA) and decent entertainment skills. Still VERY green in the ring. He's better booked as a personality alongside Joe Sexy. Could have a career ahead though if he can build his in-ring skills.

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]
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<p>Lenny Brown vs. <strong>Randy Unleashed</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Prophetic Justice vs. <strong>Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)</strong></p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Hollywood" Bret Starr</strong> vs. Robbie Retro</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "<strong>The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ekuma</strong> vs. The Crippler</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Looking forward to the show as always! Think Lenny Brown May cause an upset here to initiate a character shift for Randy... but sticking to my guns here.</p>

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<p>Lenny Brown vs. <strong>Randy Unleashed</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Prophetic Justice vs. <strong>Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)</strong></p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Hollywood" Bret Starr </strong>vs. Robbie Retro</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. <strong>"The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Ekuma vs. <strong>The Crippler</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p>

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<p>Lenny Brown vs. <strong>Randy Unleashed</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Prophetic Justice vs. <strong>Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)</strong></p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Hollywood" Bret Starr</strong> vs. Robbie Retro</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. <strong>"The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Ekuma vs. <strong>The Crippler</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p>

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<p>Lenny Brown vs. <strong>Randy Unleashed</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Prophetic Justice</strong> vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)</p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

"<strong>Hollywood" Bret Starr</strong> vs. Robbie Retro</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "<strong>The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Ekuma vs. <strong>The Crippler</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p>

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<p>Lenny Brown vs. <strong>Randy Unleashed</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Prophetic Justice vs. <strong>Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)</strong></p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Hollywood" Bret Starr</strong> vs. Robbie Retro</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs.<strong> "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ekuma</strong> vs. The Crippler</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p>

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


I'm almost tempted to go the other way but...Randy might be an angry boy with no back up.


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


Let's see how good these two are as a unit.


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


RIP Retro.


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Z-Dub feels like he's a future top guy sooner or later.


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]


The Crippler feels like he's settled into that angry elder statesman role well enough. 'These physiques don't make you a WRESTLER! I AM A WRESTLER!' I can hear him in absolute disgust screaming out.

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Lenny Brown has been losing on Supreme and winning on RISE, lets see if the pattern continues, I have no celar view of what is next for Randy but for what I can tell he is important in the plans.


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


The debut of a new alliance of two midcarders to upper midcarders, facing part of the lower card that see more of their action on B shows, I see this as a good debut win.


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


Starr is a future main eventer, closer than we believe, Robbie is a Jobber, I would be surprised to see this one go any other way.


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Im not really a fan of either one of them, but Zimmy is in the build up to a rematch against Rogue, and Hocking has had neutral booking, seems most bets are in favour of Zimmy.


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]


A cautionary pick, I dont see Ekuma as the leading part of this story, this is only to continue the beef with HFH, and a good way to give crippler some wins after he lost a lot before this feud.

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]

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Lenny Brown vs. Randy Unleashed

[standard Singles Match]


Prophetic Justice vs. Knights of Wrestling (Parker & Morgan)

[standard Tag Team Match]


"Hollywood" Bret Starr vs. Robbie Retro

[standard Singles Match]


"Shocking" Matt Hocking vs. "The Showstoppin' Superstar" Z-Dub

[standard Singles Match]


Ekuma vs. The Crippler

[standard Singles Match]

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