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<p>I got lucky with USPW letting Killer Kass go. Decent but his good enough popularity to help elevate the other girls who need pop (which for me is all of them minus Higa and Becca Barton).</p><p> </p><p>

I went after Justin Sensitive because I've always thought he was underrated and could become a solid third tier guy. SWF let go of Steven Parker, who I love and couldn't resist. I just managed to take Gino from EILL. Another guy I couldn't resist even as I try not to bloat the roster.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lo-Drew" data-cite="Lo-Drew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> I'm curious as to who you guys are coveting from the other big companies..</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm aggressively going after guys as their contracts come up. Even if i don't want the worker, I'm going to at least make it cost more for the competition. So far I've snagged Zimmy Bumfhole and High Flying Hawaiian from SWF, Wade Orson from 21CW, Roger Cade (forgot where I stole him) and a guy whose last name is Malone from USPW.</p><p> </p><p> I plan to let a few people go, too. Tana is already gone, Courtney will be allowed to go, Human Arsenal, One Man Army, Chance Fortune, Devine all need to make way for a great group of young guys I have in development. Nick Booth is on thin ice. If he pops up in a backstage incident, I'm probably gonna fire him. </p><p> </p><p> Thomas and Hocking are becoming pet projects of mine. I've got Thomas teamed up with T-Bone and Hawaiian as my Trios champs at the moment. Hocking is at about 62 pop, looking for a regular tag partner to take the belts off Arsenal and Army when their contracts expire....</p>
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I'm a firm believer in working with what you have. There are great things you can do with almost anyone in TCW (maybe with the exception of Courtney). Make Tana Mo's manager, give Devine a singles push, team up Arsenal and Army, or have them passing the torch to younger guys... I feel like it makes it so much more challenging than just signing up everyone that is already established.
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I'm a firm believer in working with what you have. There are great things you can do with almost anyone in TCW (maybe with the exception of Courtney). Make Tana Mo's manager, give Devine a singles push, team up Arsenal and Army, or have them passing the torch to younger guys... I feel like it makes it so much more challenging than just signing up everyone that is already established.


I would agree with this. As much as there's a lot of 40 year olds, Foxx, Benson, Fonz, Johnson, One Man Army, Triple D, Doc are all pretty solid. Don't know about anyone else but Doc has been amazing for me. I'm in February of 2021 and he's a 78 across the board in popularity. I've pushed him as a prototype second tier guy--beats everyone but not the tippy top guys (Andrews.) I know people seem to be iffy of his position in the Syndicate but I like the idea of a guy that's always been good who turned because he sees this as his final opportunity to be a top guy and with his experience, he has an upper hand. I like that he's a vet with a lot to prove and again, him and Wolf together have been awesome. I gave them the Tag straps because I'm trying to establish that title as something I can main event shows with and I made Doakes coin them the "Death Star" because they're unbeatable as a team. Tuning out quality tag matches. I'm turning Wolf face and they're going to face each other in the semi main event of Total Mayhem.


Tornado is also still good. Not as great as he used to be, but he just produced an 85 with T-Bone (who's been great but still.) I've had him "mentor" Remus while also acting as an occasional partner for Chord (same with Remus.) I've portrayed him as somewhat of a cowardly vet; trying to find every shortcut possible to still succeed.


Funny you mentioned turning Devine heel because I did that and he's doing well on the mic. In ring is still alright but I'm encouraged by the pop he's gaining for me. Right now i see him as a third tier, maybe second tier guy but I've always liked him.

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T-Bone is pretty good right away. There are things he can work on, but plenty of teachers.


Troy Tornado and Titan are actually assets at the start for sure. Doc is hyper consistent and one of the few 40-year olds still pulling his weight.


In my game I just signed Tommy Cornell for 3 years! That is going to be a HUGE boost for my main event.

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<p>I am in a position where I legit do not know what to do.</p><p> </p><p>

So Sammy Bach has not been hit with physical decline in my save. I have been keeping his feud with Chord fairly even sided and non-decisive in order to stretch it out. Chord is hovering around 80-81 pop and Bach around 77 pop. We just hit size big right before the 3rd PPV.</p><p>

For now their tally is 1-1. Bach won the first through intentional DQ and Chord won the 2nd No DQ match where he kayfabe badly injured Bach and keeps him off TV for a month. At the 3rd PPV Chord will be facing Andrews (84 pop) for the title where Bach will cost him the match. The plan is for Bach to go the distance (time limit draw) in the 4th PPV with the blow off planned for Mayhem where Bach puts his career on the line in order to prove he can still hang with the top and beat one of the biggest stars in the company.</p><p>


Now most people will use this feud to put Chord over. However Bach is perfect figurehead material and I think it makes perfect sense to have him win the feud, concurrently have Wolf win the title off Andrews so Bach has a massive heel champion with momentum to fight and have Bach win the title 3-4 months post Mayhem.</p><p>

However.... his contract is expiring and USPW and SWF are going apeshit to sign him. We are one-upping each other to the point the salary on the table is 120k a month + 30% event bonus + 40% merchandising for 4 years and I expect that to go even further up.</p><p> </p><p>

I made a point not to do any ridiculous contracts in order to keep TCW's profit margin high so we can build up our finances to SWF's level at least + i don't really want to be stuck with a contract like that on a guy who can be hit with time decline any day now. However I REALLY don't want to lose Bach either since my entire future storylines revolve around him.</p><p> </p><p>

What would you guys do in this case? Is this financial effort worth it to get a perfect figurehead? Will those earnings outweigh the costs here?</p>

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On the Jeremie Courteny front, I brought in Findlay O'Farraday as his muscle, let the trust fund kid buy himself some assistance. The two operate both as singles and as a tag team. They're still mostly jobbing, but at least it gives him someone regular to work with who can teach him a thing or two.


In other news, USPW didn't want to renew the contracts of Atlas, or Tyson Baine, so my Sinner Society got an injection of new life, as SWF signed Eddie Peak away from me. Tyson Baine is now BLZ Bubb once more, and leader of the Sinner Society, basically filling Peak's role, and wrestling rarely. Killer Shark is starting a singles run, the Gods of Thunder are their tag team, and Nick Booth... is basically eating the pinfall in multi-person matches for them.

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I'm a firm believer in working with what you have. There are great things you can do with almost anyone in TCW (maybe with the exception of Courtney). Make Tana Mo's manager, give Devine a singles push, team up Arsenal and Army, or have them passing the torch to younger guys... I feel like it makes it so much more challenging than just signing up everyone that is already established.


I agree. I dont really intend on letting many of the oldies go. Many have room to work as road agents, personalities & managers after they call it a day.


Aside from the big four, here are guys I'm loosely trying to keep strong right now:


Freddy Huggins - Could be in line for a single world title reign

Joshua Taylor - Always been a big fan, right with Huggins


Greg Gauge - Hes got a gimmick where hes going to defend the Television title for 52 straight total wrestling episodes against 52 different opponents. Only way I dont let him do it is if he gets a serious injury. Hes working with a bruised eye right now. Guaranteed future world champion.

Killer Shark & Titan - I dig this duo, especially Titan. Could get a push depending on performance

Matt Hocking - Not involved in big stories yet but as the old guys get out of the way, he will get more opportunities.

Mighty Mo - He should be up there with Chord but this Sinner Society feud is preventing his push, after Total Mayhem, we will re-evaluate him. I just signed him to a long term contract after no one wanted to counter offer.

T-Bone Bright - He's getting really good and everyone wants to put him over


Benny Benson & The Foxx - I'm actually separating them but they'll be facing off in the finals of a Cruiserweight title for the belt at Total Mayhem.

Chris Flynn - He will become the #2 in the Syndicate and eventually will join Wolf's Wolf Pack

Edd Stone - I like him but he's not making the cut for the big stories at the moment, eventually I'd like to elevate him up the card

Marc Speed - Soft spot for him because he was great for me on 16. Hes got low morale because of an injury at the moment though :(

Roderick Remus - Good memories from MAW. Id love to have him feud with Greg Gauge on/off again throughout their careers. He will be Sammy Bach's 2nd man if I can keep him


Nick Booth - I like Sinner Society. He's still the lost post but I like to give him wins on Showcase


I still use all of the veterans whenever I can. Im not force pushing anyone down unless they offer to put someone over.

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Edd Stone surprised me by moving up to Star on his own. He's putting on 78 as the lead performance in matches now! He won a feud with Doc and has not looked back.


As an aside, there are some workers who will rise to the occasion when wrestling with people above them and others who seem to just coast in those matches and work hard when they are the main guy in a match. Seems like a rare few that actually just turn in a consistent performance. Which seems about right.


My plan is to do my "WCW" type save where I start a Lightweight Division and run that a few years.


In that, both Elliot Thomas and Jeremie Courtney are future midcard talents according to Creative. I have them feuding to build both up.


Tommy Cornell is coming back as a babyface because when you bring Ric Flair back that is what the crowd wants. Just a matter of time until Aaron Andrews finds out that Tommy plays second fiddle to no one. And a Tommy/Wolf feud sounds like all kinds of fun. Also, Tommy will be teaming with Des Davids to help Des work on improving.


Speaking of Aaron Andrews, he's beaten Wolf and is working on Jay Chord. Wolf cut off at an 81 pop, Jay (who is somehow better overall) at 82. Greg Gauge just hit an 84, so he is next for Aaron. Once Aaron runs the table on them it seems like an opportune moment to turn Tommy Cornell for a run at Andrews.


Fro Sure was marked as a future superstar and he is currently my TV champ. Trying to bring him along slowly, will be taking losses to bring people up in tags while maintaining momentum and winning TV title matches. He will shore up the babyface side of things well.


Joffy Laine was also marked as a future superstar and is a babyface. He's getting the slow push up the card as well.


I hired Jack Bruce to come in and be the Commissioner and help put lower end feuds over with his mic skills.


My intention is to come back and use some of the guys I found I liked (Titan, Doc, Benny, Joshua, Troy) and work in fewer new guys in a different save as well.

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52 in 52 is a sick idea!


Might have to borrow that for a TV title, whether it be Gauge or another.


Let me know how it goes if you do it. I went with Gauge since its an excuse not to give him a legit push & he can carry anyone to a good match.






Here's The War to Settle the Score. Unfortunately, my main event had a slightly burned out crowd which disappointed me a bit. My fault for playing with crowd management on, I guess.


I'm not very satisfied with this show all around but it was always going to be a tough card to do going all 1 v 1 and I imagine next card will be tough too.


I havent 100% settled on my plans for Battleground. My two options atm are: a) Aaron Andrews grabs Champagne Lover & probably Bach & Chord to face off with the Syndicate. My other option is Aaron Andrews & Champagne Lover each assemble a team for an all-star TCW main event. With Running Wolf & Jefferson Stardust arriving, and Lover originally being from EILL, it wouldnt be hard to assemble a credible main event team.


Gonna have to sit down & assemble that Battleground card. Once we are past Battleground, I can go full throttle with Hawkins & Ace. Based on my calculations, Bach's contract expires the night after Total Mayhem so thatll be real intriguing. Chord's contract is the night after Summer Showdown so hes pretty much guaranteed a Summer Showdown headlining match vs. Ace (who wont be losing the belt to Hawkins at Mayhem).

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How do you guys the TV title? I've always struggled with them because while the holder is getting a push, it's hard for me to build programs with a payoff since the gimmick is that the belt is defended on free tv, not PPV.


I guess I'll end up making it a small or tertiary title once Gauge drops it and do that gimmick, but I want some other ideas.

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How do you guys the TV title? I've always struggled with them because while the holder is getting a push, it's hard for me to build programs with a payoff since the gimmick is that the belt is defended on free tv, not PPV.


I guess I'll end up making it a small or tertiary title once Gauge drops it and do that gimmick, but I want some other ideas.

I switched it early on to be a prestigious secondary title that was defended at events too.

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Generally every two weeks there's a TV title match. I'll have the title defended on PPV if the storyline lends itself to it. I had Gauge hold it for a while before losing it to T-Bone in April of 2020. Since then, it's been the T-Bone title. He lost it Remus (who I've developed as a long standing rivalry) in a triple threat match in which Remus cheated. T-Bone won it back in September and is still champion as of now (March 2021). He's made 18 defenses combined through both reigns and I've used his run to offer more opportunities (was in King of Kings tournament, received a World title shot on the first Total of 2021 against Andrews).
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Just reached May, which means the buildup to Total Mayhem is coming to an end. This has truly proven to be the most fun TCW in years.


The TCW World Heavyweight championship feud between Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins, that started in November, is drawing to a close, and I have to say I loved this long buildup. I had Wolf taunt Aaron after every title defense, reminding him of his impeding doom in May, as Aaron tried playing it off. His first defence at Malice in Wonderland was a three way match involving Sammy Bach and Jay Chord, who drew twice during the buildup to the payperview on their #1 contender matches, once by double countout and once by time limit. As a result, Andrews took the both of them head on at Malice, with him winning after pinning Sammy. The next month, heading to The War to Settle the Score, Jay Chord asked for a 1 on 1 rematch, as he was not pinned, which he was granted; during this, Wolf formally asked Chord to join the Syndicate, which he promptly refused. Despite the looming threat of a Syndicate interference, Andrews took the win home. Heading into Battleground, I considered not hosting a title match, as the event is set for the AI to host all 4v4 matches, but drcided to have a match anyway, with Andrews taking on Freddy Huggins, who was on fire throughout the year, not losing a singles match; Andrews took the win, and with one final month looming, The Syndicate decided to take matter into their own hands, and Andrews' next challenger was set as Doc Hammond. After 4 brutal weeks with Syndicate attacks on him, Andrews beat Doc at Where Angels Fear to Thread, in a match marred with interferences from both the Syndicate's Chris Flynn, and Alexander Banks and Spiffy Stan Standish (who had replaced The Elite in March) on Hammond's behalf; and The Elite on Andrews' side, as revenge for being expelled, and as their brawl headed backstage, Andrews was finally able to take the win, after which Wolf ran to the ring, leading to a staredown. Now, on the final countdown to Total Mayhem, I'm thinking about possibly having one more title defense, but as I don't have anyone ready to fit the bill, I think I'll pass on it. Wolf is probably going to win the championship.


Further down the card, we have more feuds brewing for the card: the Television championship is still Greg Gauges' - for now. Greg Gauge, after racking up successful title defenses almost every week, helped by his stable, the Atlantic Standard, made up entirely of MAW alumni (Greg Gauge, Roderick Remus, The Architect, and the tag team of Seth Whitehead and Harvey Robbinfield, along with Sam Keith himself managing), announced a coronation ceremony to take place at Total Mayhem as the greatest Television championship in history, during which he'd officially start his World championship pursuit, but those plans will be thwarted this week, as T-Bone Bright is beating him for the championship with a shock rollup. This will lead up to another match between them at Total Mayhem, probably a multi man tag match.


Sammy Bach also started his own stable, the Rock Gods, with himself, Edd Stone, and the American Cobras; they find themselves in a weird spot now, though, as they've been denounced by the Priest of Pain himself, Pablo Rodriguez (my user character) as false prophets, and along with his underlings, Aldous Blackfriar and the Night Terrors, challenged the Rock Gods to a Total Mayhem cage match.


Bitter about his loss, Jay Chord went on decline after February, heading into Total Mayhem with a poor record. He's possibly turning face and starting a feud with Joshua Taylor now, as I'll need face challengers if Wolf does indeed win.


Mighty Meaty beat the Behemoths to win the Tag Team championships at Malice in Wonderland, but they'd lose the title back to them in April, after Tana the Mighty, now Crusher Tana, betrayed his partner to join Sinner Society as their co-leaders (due to Eddie Peak only working PPVs). This will lead to a singles match between Mighty Mo and Crusher Tana, to kickstart Mo's main event push.


The Tag Team championship is held by the Behemoths as stated above, and their opponents will be the Wild Cats, who won a tournament to decide the challengers.


I have holes to fill up down the card, but this is my current basis for the show

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How do you know when someone is on physical decline? Because I am pretty sure Eddie Peak is on one. He lost a massive amount of overness in only two losses.


Anyway, what about those offers to put someone over....do everyone just pick a guy or is it random? Because in my save EVERYONE wants to put over T-Bone Bright. He is already a "star" after I worked a 3-way feud for Laura Huggins love if you will, between T-Bone, Freddy and Troy Tornado. The idea was that T-Bone and Troy were trying to date her and Freddy was defending her honor, but siding with Troy since he didn't want "that kind" (yes, the racist card) of man dating her. This after both Freddy and Troy offer to put him over. So both did, with Troy turning babyface at the end when Huggins turned on him after they lost a tag match to T-Bone and the debuting Fro Sure. But now, Joshua Taylor and Aaron Andrews both want to put over T-Bone! Even after T-Bone became the TV Champ by stopping Greg Gauge's consecutive defense streak, they all want to put him over. Should I keep riding this train even if I end up scripting every match?


Now if someone could offer to put one of the youngsters over....


Oh yeah, Andrews and Hawkins have terrible chemistry. Should I risk it? I have invested so much into making this the Total Mayhem main event only to see this shitty chemistry note 2 weeks before the PPV. How bad could the ratings be?

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Oh yeah, Andrews and Hawkins have terrible chemistry. Should I risk it? I have invested so much into making this the Total Mayhem main event only to see this shitty chemistry note 2 weeks before the PPV. How bad could the ratings be?


Well, you can always edit chemistry. If that's too gamey, then you can always do the tried and true tactic of adding someone into it and making it a triple threat.

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How do you know when someone is on physical decline? Because I am pretty sure Eddie Peak is on one. He lost a massive amount of overness in only two losses.


Go look at their physical stats, (like stamina, sex appeal or, SQ), and see how it's progressed over the past few months.


Oh yeah, Andrews and Hawkins have terrible chemistry. Should I risk it? I have invested so much into making this the Total Mayhem main event only to see this shitty chemistry note 2 weeks before the PPV. How bad could the ratings be?


I would go for it anyway. It's really all you got until you build up new major stars (like Jay Chord and Mighty Mo). I think fans would be annoyed if you didn't (if this was reality), with not getting the blow off match for that feud on the big stage.

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My first King Of Kings Tournament is done and dusted and I've got to say I LOVE the new tournament feature! I set it up as a G1-style round-robin with two groups of 6 and then the final at the King Of Kings pay-per-view.


Group A ended in a three-way tie as Titan got an upset win over Wolf Hawkins in the very first match of the tournament and then continued to win until finally losing to Rock God Alvarez. Alvarez was undefeated leading to the final Group A match - against Wolf Hawkins. Hawkins defeated Rock God and then won a three-way between himself, Alvarez and Titan to head to the finals.




Group B featured Aaron Andrews, Chris Flynn and Jack Hunter (Ernest Youngman) all going through undefeated until facing each other in the final matches. Flynn defeated Andrews to set up Flynn vs. Hunter for a finals spot, which Hunter won. Jack Hunter had been in my developmental fed and was World Champion there and had skyrocketed in popularity so he's come in with a huge push. He did eventually lose the King Of Kings Final to Wolf Hawkins but he's now at 77 pop. and established as a top-tier guy.




So am into December now. Am not going to lie, I feel like this save has turned a little bit into Easy Mode as I established a Network and a Development fed in January. The development fed has been airing on the Network (with Big exposure in the USA) and so some of the talent there is getting/has gotten REALLY over without me having to do anything, meaning I can bring them straight in as big players. This is realistic, I guess, in that it simulates what happens with NXT when, say, a Kevin Owens jumps to the main roster ready for a main event-level feud but it still feels slightly cheaty, haha.


Champions currently are:


WORLD: Jay Chord (won off Andrews in September)


TV: Gino Montero (just won off Spencer Spade who won the belt in his TCW debut a few months earlier)


TAG: The Rising Sons (Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith are united with Jay Chord as a second-generation stable out to forge their own legacy.)


WOMEN'S WORLD: Missy Masterson. Signed her from USPW to headline the women's division while I build other stars. She's about to drop the title to Fuyuko Higa who has been bulldozing opponents and getting very popular.


Looking ahead to 2021 I'm basically putting a kibosh in signing anyone else. I poached Gino Montero, Rock God Alvarez, Missy Masterson, Casey Valentine, Spencer Spade, Matthew Keith and KC Glenn this year and those acquisitions, along with all the people in development should be enough for a long while so I'd like to just focus on building my own stars now. Over the year I've let Human Arsenal, Darryl Devine, Chance Fortune and Eddie Peak go - with Troy Tornado and Nate Johnson not far off also leaving. Have been trying very hard not to completely stack the roster because that's a problem I always run into and it ends up overwhelming me and leading to me abandoning saves.


Who are the TCW main-stays that people have had fun/good luck with pushing so far? Titan went from 60 pop. to 70 just by being in the King Of Kings Tournament. I have Chris Flynn around 75, T-Bone and Mighty Mo at 70, Gauge in the 80s, likewise with Chord. I think 2021 is going to be the year of T-Bone, Titan and maybe a big underdog run for Flying Foxx if he can keep up his good performances.


Oh and also, Remo is IN THE MONEY. He's had a crazy destiny roll and is 100 over everywhere SWF has exposure. His contract came up and I had a nibble but then watched as 21CW, EILL, USPW, BHOTGW and SWF all bid for him and he eventually re-signed with SWF for $660,000 a month! Biggest contract I've ever seen in TEW.

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In that position, I'd be reluctant to keep him but no time decline is big. Maybe set yourself a limit and don't breach it. In the meantime, maybe try to stack the deck in your favour and meddle some positive relationships for him?


So he signed with USPW for pretty much the same terms I offered him. Asshole! :p


He is so going to be buried in the next three TV shows where I still have him. USPW can enjoy that monster contract on a 41 year old guy for whom I will be going out of my way to get his pop down as low as possible.

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My first King Of Kings Tournament is done and dusted and I've got to say I LOVE the new tournament feature! I set it up as a G1-style round-robin with two groups of 6 and then the final at the King Of Kings pay-per-view.


Group A ended in a three-way tie as Titan got an upset win over Wolf Hawkins in the very first match of the tournament and then continued to win until finally losing to Rock God Alvarez. Alvarez was undefeated leading to the final Group A match - against Wolf Hawkins. Hawkins defeated Rock God and then won a three-way between himself, Alvarez and Titan to head to the finals.




Group B featured Aaron Andrews, Chris Flynn and Jack Hunter (Ernest Youngman) all going through undefeated until facing each other in the final matches. Flynn defeated Andrews to set up Flynn vs. Hunter for a finals spot, which Hunter won. Jack Hunter had been in my developmental fed and was World Champion there and had skyrocketed in popularity so he's come in with a huge push. He did eventually lose the King Of Kings Final to Wolf Hawkins but he's now at 77 pop. and established as a top-tier guy.




So am into December now. Am not going to lie, I feel like this save has turned a little bit into Easy Mode as I established a Network and a Development fed in January. The development fed has been airing on the Network (with Big exposure in the USA) and so some of the talent there is getting/has gotten REALLY over without me having to do anything, meaning I can bring them straight in as big players. This is realistic, I guess, in that it simulates what happens with NXT when, say, a Kevin Owens jumps to the main roster ready for a main event-level feud but it still feels slightly cheaty, haha.


Champions currently are:


WORLD: Jay Chord (won off Andrews in September)


TV: Gino Montero (just won off Spencer Spade who won the belt in his TCW debut a few months earlier)


TAG: The Rising Sons (Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith are united with Jay Chord as a second-generation stable out to forge their own legacy.)


WOMEN'S WORLD: Missy Masterson. Signed her from USPW to headline the women's division while I build other stars. She's about to drop the title to Fuyuko Higa who has been bulldozing opponents and getting very popular.


Looking ahead to 2021 I'm basically putting a kibosh in signing anyone else. I poached Gino Montero, Rock God Alvarez, Missy Masterson, Casey Valentine, Spencer Spade, Matthew Keith and KC Glenn this year and those acquisitions, along with all the people in development should be enough for a long while so I'd like to just focus on building my own stars now. Over the year I've let Human Arsenal, Darryl Devine, Chance Fortune and Eddie Peak go - with Troy Tornado and Nate Johnson not far off also leaving. Have been trying very hard not to completely stack the roster because that's a problem I always run into and it ends up overwhelming me and leading to me abandoning saves.


Who are the TCW main-stays that people have had fun/good luck with pushing so far? Titan went from 60 pop. to 70 just by being in the King Of Kings Tournament. I have Chris Flynn around 75, T-Bone and Mighty Mo at 70, Gauge in the 80s, likewise with Chord. I think 2021 is going to be the year of T-Bone, Titan and maybe a big underdog run for Flying Foxx if he can keep up his good performances.


Oh and also, Remo is IN THE MONEY. He's had a crazy destiny roll and is 100 over everywhere SWF has exposure. His contract came up and I had a nibble but then watched as 21CW, EILL, USPW, BHOTGW and SWF all bid for him and he eventually re-signed with SWF for $660,000 a month! Biggest contract I've ever seen in TEW.


Besides Doc, Flynn is another guy that's around 70 for me. I've tried to keep him around 60 because I'm not pushing him yet but because he's part of segs with Wolf at Doc and even Higa, he keeps rising.


Devine is at a 72 and honestly before the turn, I had gotten him to a 64. Could absolutely become a second tier guy.


Everyone's apparently seeing Foxx climb in popularity without trying heh so I'll mention Remus. From beginning of the game to now (March 21) he went from like 48 to 66 thanks to the mentorship with Tornado and occasional tag work with Chord. He's a guy that has extremely good performance stats. I think he's around 80s in both Basics and Pysch. His push isn't coming yet but like Flynn, he keeps rising because of his associations.

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How do you guys the TV title? I've always struggled with them because while the holder is getting a push, it's hard for me to build programs with a payoff since the gimmick is that the belt is defended on free tv, not PPV.


I guess I'll end up making it a small or tertiary title once Gauge drops it and do that gimmick, but I want some other ideas.


I'm still doing the Greg vs Benny (and Jimmy Foxx) feud, with Greg having beaten Benny, then they beat him in a tag match at Malice, and are now looking for another shot. Doing the pay-off on tv is a little strange, but it allows for feud to begin and end in the middle of the month which can be nice for signing a new guy.


I think most of the time, the TV Champ will either be in a tag match on PPV, or have a highlight video of his defenses for the month. Or I'd consider something like Ring of Honor does, where it's a multi-man match, if the champion wins, whoever lost can't challenge for the title while they're champ, if the champ doesn't win, whoever does win gets the next shot.

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Thought I'd jump in on this thread instead of lurking like i have been since the game came out.


So I'm only into February, cause I don't want to get to ahead of the Diary I'm writing on the Dynasty Forums. But so far..............


Malice In Wonderland saw Aaron Andrews defend against the other top three in the company in Sammy Bach, Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins in an Elimination match. Wolf and Sammy where eliminated leaving Aaron Andrews versus Jay Chord as the final two. Aaron Andrews picked up the win but his celebrations were cut short by debuting Angry Gilmore (Now TA Gilmore) and Casey Valentine from SWF and USPW respectively. They had attacked Wolf and Sammy backstage, but only attacked Aaron Andrews in the ring as Jay Chord ran away.


On the next Total Wrestling Ricky Dale Johnson is announced as the Sheriff of Total Wrestling, brought in by the board of directors in reaction to the debut of TA and Casey. G.o.D. (TA and Casey) are seemingly being led by a mysterious figure that is hacking the broadcast, similar to the storyline in WWE on Smackdown. Aaron Andrews has stepped up to the threat, but in the main event when he faces Jay Chord, again he is attacked and Jay Chord isn't. But this time Jay didn't run, G.o.D. just ignored him.


Sammy Bach has accused Jay Chord of being behind G.o.D. to continue their feud.


Greg Gauge has beaten Benny Benson, even on PPV, first time the TV title was defended on PPV storyline wise. He has now also beaten just after Malice Flying Jimmy Foxx, ending that feud. A feud with Danny Fonzarelli is up next.


The Behemoths beat Mighty Mo and Tana, as Mo and Tana have terrible chemistry. Meanwhile Devine Fortune beat The Elite, meaning they get the next shot at the Behemoths. They've been suggesting that Killer Shark is responsible for all of Sinner Society's success, trying to stir the pot.


Also the TCW International Title was reinstated at Malice and Freddy Huggins won a four man tournament to be named International Champion beating Human Arsenal in the final.


Right now not sure what to do with Freddy, Wolf and The Syndicate and a few other people that I do want to start storylines for. Top of the card is very heel heavy.


Reading how over some of your lower recognized wrestlers have become seems very interesting so looking forward to getting there.

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