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willr0ck's 2020 Graphics Thread

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Oh not at all. That wasn't aimed at you or anyone in particular. I just have always found it a bit ridiculous that TCW has had both an All Action belt and Cruiserweight belts. It's like everyone on the roster gets a title belt.


They weren't active at the same time to my recollection. As far as I remember, the cruiserweights were an afterthought in TCW and then they retired the belts. The All Action belt replaced them months later I believe and had an upper limit of middleweight where as the Cruiserweight topped out at lightweight. At least that's what I remember, but it's been over a decade :p

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I don't think I knew you did events too, or I just forgot! Those two are especially good but they all look amazing!


I'm going to be annoying one last time (sorry!) but is there any chance you could make a trophy dedicated to Jason Azaria? In my mod he died and they created the Azaria Cup as a tribute.


I won't be offended if you don't want to, especially with four other trophies already made lol

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You are singlehandedly bringing me back to TEW. Great work as always


Glad to hear it!


I don't think I knew you did events too, or I just forgot! Those two are especially good but they all look amazing!


I'm going to be annoying one last time (sorry!) but is there any chance you could make a trophy dedicated to Jason Azaria? In my mod he died and they created the Azaria Cup as a tribute.


I won't be offended if you don't want to, especially with four other trophies already made lol


Oh I don't do events normally. I just did them since TCW is so popular on the boards. You guys don't get too used to that.


Yeah I will look and see if I can find a trophy I like. Trophies are easy honestly.


Willr0ck, these event logos are out of this world! You are killing it, my dude! :)


Thank you! Glad you like them!


Those TCW Logos, Events and Belts look amazing! Could I cheekily ask for extra event logos for events relating to the trophies you've created pleaseeeee?:D


Thanks, yeah I can put something together for the tournaments. Probably won't be anything crazy detailed but it should work.

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Oh I don't do events normally. I just did them since TCW is so popular on the boards. You guys don't get too used to that.


Yeah I will look and see if I can find a trophy I like. Trophies are easy honestly.



Nah you've played your hand now, we know you're good at events and it is what we will expect from you going forward...haha


Thank you!

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Nah you've played your hand now, we know you're good at events and it is what we will expect from you going forward...haha


Thank you!


Don't hold your breath, lol. It really just depends on how much I'm feeling the project.


I want to get used to it though!


You might get some more, like I said, if I'm into the project I'll probably make some. I just probably won't do them for every set I do, unless I get super inspired.


loving this sneak peak of all the graphic's that'll end up in TEW 2023 :p


Lol, I did have quite a bit of stuff make it into the last release. That would be cool with me.

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You're so close! Where Angels Fear to Tread.


I really would love to understand the thought process or original gimmick behind the TCW event names. Like what the heck is 'Just Another Day' supposed to be about?...


You'd have to ask Adam where he came up with them

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You'd have to ask Adam where he came up with them


Raising the bat signal for Adam to deliver on some C-verse lore.


Wouldn't 'Just Another Day' be in place of 'Hollyweird' that was originally under HGC but obviously wouldn't fit TCW anymore


It was one of their 12 events up until the current version, so it outlived HGC

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You're so close! Where Angels Fear to Tread.


I really would love to understand the thought process or original gimmick behind the TCW event names. Like what the heck is 'Just Another Day' supposed to be about?...


Just Another Day is their annual PPV with nothing but squash matches that have absolutely no impact on storylines or any creative direction what so ever. I think the event is 30 minutes long. Basically it's a typical WWE payperview other than the 30 minute long part.


will you a legend



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Just Another Day is their annual PPV with nothing but squash matches that have absolutely no impact on storylines or any creative direction what so ever. I think the event is 30 minutes long. Basically it's a typical WWE payperview other than the 30 minute long part.


lol And you claim that you don't run with TCW ever? I never even considered that angle for that PPV.

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lol And you claim that you don't run with TCW ever? I never even considered that angle for that PPV.


I swear I haven't but I have seen my fair share of sh%tty wrestling.


Fantastic work Willr0ck, and thank you for the cup and event


You're a TEW legend lol


Glad you like them!






I made this Total Wrestling logo to go with your set if anyone wants it, hope you don't mind me posting it in your thread.


That is fantastic! I will add it to the set, thanks for posting that.

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