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The "Booking Committee" Thread, 2020 Edition

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I'd switch the CHAOS team to be Goto, Ishii and YOSHI-HASHI since they are statistically the greatest Never Openweight Six Man champions in NJPW history and since Okada has bigger fish to fry than showing up in a tournament like that. Much like in real life, I'd leave him to show up like an end of game boss fight and pretty much win every time. There's a long term story to be written that parallels Kenny Omega vs Kazuchika Okada where Hangman just can't beat the best.... he was nothing compared to Okada in NJPW, left to go to AEW, overcame his demons in an epic story and now there's a long term story to be told where Hangman's new demon to beat is Okada.... a man known as the greatest in the world (and rightfully so) vs the Anxious Millenial Cowboy. I'd start that with Hangman getting beaten clean in about five minutes, because seeing Okada do that would cement his status and begin Hangman's next journey, one where he'd literally have to enter the G1 or something to even get another shot at Okada, who would be very unimpressed. :)
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I need some inspiration for booking Roderick Remus, gang. In my TCW save. I like him a lot and he's got great skills but he's just treading water right now, effectively a jobber to the stars. The TCW midcarsd is so chock full of young, talented heels - almost all of them doing a cocky heel gimmick - that I'm finding it hard to get them to stand out in the crowd, Roderick in particular.


I'm open to turning him face. Anything. I just need to find an angle with him.

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I need some ideas for silly/fun face gimmicks for the newly debuting Donte Dunn and a Tsurayuki Kamachi, who was on excursion in my CGC 2010 game.


I was thinking of make them a pair of Anime superheroes, but I kinda want to see what you guys can come up with.


The three rules for ideas:

  • They must have family-friendly/sports entertainment gimmicks.
  • Neither of them are to be bland young blue-chippers.
  • They must be something I can tag team, as I am lacking in Face Tag Teams (stupid, Zeus and Stevie having no chemistry)

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To me, Roderick is a great example of a guy who needs a manager. He’s good but not great in and out of the ring, with little pizzazz to set him apart from Matt Hocking or Greg Gauge. This manager should be urging Roddy to ‘get more serious’ about his career, making him less cocky and more of a genuine competitor - present him with UFC-inspired vignettes that emphasize his technical offense. I have seen a long-term WWE Ruthless Aggression save where this storyline was done with Rene Dupree and Paul Heyman. In under a year, Dupree went from a middling tag team guy to a convincing main event-adjacent Intercontinental Champion. The trick is to find a manager with really strong entertainment skills to boost Roddy up.


Not a manager per se but I have been toying with the idea of giving Marc Speed his own Team Angle/Blackpool Combat Club style crew. Originally I thought of it as a way of bringing the tough young grapplers Guillotine and Seth Whitehead onto the main roster but I wonder if Roderick could also fit in Speed's camp, having Speed mentor him and give him the competetive edge to take the next step up. Albeit Speed won't gas Roddy's entertainment stats up any but it does at least give me a way into booking him with purpose

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I need some ideas for silly/fun face gimmicks for the newly debuting Donte Dunn and a Tsurayuki Kamachi, who was on excursion in CGC 2010 game.


I was thinking of make them a pair of Anime obsessed weirdos, but I kinda want to see what you guys can come up with.


The three rules for ideas:

  • They must have family-friendly/sports entertainment gimmicks.
  • Neither of them are to be bland young blue-chippers.
  • They must be something I can tag team, as I am lacking in Face Tag Teams (stupid, Zeus and Stevie having no chemistry)


Honestly I love the anime idea


what about having the stoic Japanese stalwart Kamachi with his ultra solid wrestling and striking skills and team him up with "Rising Sun" Donte Dunn. Give Dunn the Karate Kid gimmick, some fun vignettes with him trying to catch a fly with chopsticks, doing the standing on the logs stuff, trying the Crane Kick in matches and it never working. Meanwhile Kamachi is constantly unimpressed and just gets on with being a workhorse with his nose to the grindstone. Eventually Dunn wins him over, they start tagging, Kamachi does all the donkey work in the bouts while Dunn hot dogs, pick up some unlikely wins and actually become a good unit and good friends, Kamachi starts to lighten up yadda yadda. You can even have Kamachi do the "wax on/wax off" on Dunn or something. Gives them a little bit of a story as opposed to just packaging them as a gimmick right out the door

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Honestly I love the anime idea


what about having the stoic Japanese stalwart Kamachi with his ultra solid wrestling and striking skills and team him up with "Rising Sun" Donte Dunn. Give Dunn the Karate Kid gimmick, some fun vignettes with him trying to catch a fly with chopsticks, doing the standing on the logs stuff, trying the Crane Kick in matches and it never working. Meanwhile Kamachi is constantly unimpressed and just gets on with being a workhorse with his nose to the grindstone. Eventually Dunn wins him over, they start tagging, Kamachi does all the donkey work in the bouts while Dunn hot dogs, pick up some unlikely wins and actually become a good unit and good friends, Kamachi starts to lighten up yadda yadda. You can even have Kamachi do the "wax on/wax off" on Dunn or something. Gives them a little bit of a story as opposed to just packaging them as a gimmick right out the door


I do like your idea, but the need for face tag teams is kind of immediate, with the immanent Zeus & Stevie implosion (damn chemistry). The only face tag teams I have left are: Party Central (aka. Natural Storm) who have no pop in Canada and The Rock City Stars (Stan Manna is in the proverbial dog-house for injuring Vin Tanner).


I also wouldn't reunite Youth Energy or Whippy and Quibble (those teams were broken up in game so I can't just reunite them, plus Whippy and Shane are busy). In a couple of months Joey Poison is suppose to start teaming with Brett Fraser, but that will take some time as they are currently feuding.

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I do like your idea, but the need for face tag teams is kind of immediate, with the immanent Zeus & Stevie implosion (damn chemistry). The only face tag teams I have left are: Party Central (aka. Natural Storm) who have no pop in Canada and The Rock City Stars (Stan Manna is in the proverbial dog-house for injuring Vin Tanner).


I also wouldn't reunite Youth Energy or Whippy and Quibble (those teams were broken up in game so I can't just reunite them, plus Whippy and Shane are busy). In a couple of months Joey Poison is suppose to start teaming with Brett Fraser, but that will take some time as they are currently feuding.


Could always debut them immediately as a "master and student" combo. The fact that they're so similar in age is all part of the gimmick

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I need some ideas for silly/fun face gimmicks for the newly debuting Donte Dunn and a Tsurayuki Kamachi, who was on excursion in CGC 2010 game.


I was thinking of make them a pair of Anime superheroes, but I kinda want to see what you guys can come up with.


The three rules for ideas:

  • They must have family-friendly/sports entertainment gimmicks.
  • Neither of them are to be bland young blue-chippers.
  • They must be something I can tag team, as I am lacking in Face Tag Teams (stupid, Zeus and Stevie having no chemistry)


Canadian Super Fans. Two young foreigners who love Canadian culture, dressing up as mounties and hockey players every week. Vignettes of them visiting local landmarks. Going to Hockey games. Maybe they first meet in a Tim Hortons. Heel teams don't like it. They don't think Canada is only for 'real' Canadians. Challenge the duo to gimmicky contests and matches. Penalty Box match. Maple Syrup from a Pole match. Politeness contest.


Or, the more cartoony idea? Literal Hockey Players or Mounties. Only the heels mention that they're foreigners.

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That sounds good to me too. It also gives you a good young tag team, which TCW sorely needs. Also, if you want a third man, that’s a fine way to debut Ernest Youngman.


I'm staying away from Ernest cos I'm coming off a PSW save so I don't wanna book the same guys again. Which is a shame cos he, Logan, Ash Campbell and Nelson Callum would fit TCW like a glove (and indeed most of them for stolen by TCW on my older save)

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Here are some quick ideas.


LIJ: Naito, Shingo, SANADA

CHAOS: Okada, Goto, Ishii

BC: Jay White & GOD/Good Brothers

HOT: EVIL, Yujiro, SHO

SG: Minoru, Taichi, ZSJ

UE: Ospreay, Cobb, O-Khan


GOD are no longer Bullet Club. They were kicked out of BC along with Jado. You could use those 3 together. GOD have had matches teaming with Master Wato and Taguche, as well. Master Wato would be a good pairing to boost his status. Naito, Okada, Jay White, ZSJ, and Will Ospreay are a little too big for a trio tournament

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've brought up Cameron Grimes to main roster as a heel and I've stalled on what to do with him already. Current day WWE. I'm not 100% knowladgeable on his character irl.


I had plans to get him in a stable along with Rollins but I struggle for ideas to write about Rollins as I'm unsure what his character motiviations are with his current gimmick.


I would really like to end up with a clique of Rollins, Becky, Grimes and Doudrop, but I've hit a brick wall in terms of how to get there.


Doudrop has kind of been hovering around with Becky like an enfrcer atm, and they took out ASUKA and Io Sharai last PPV (with Shirai being injured for a year lol)

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Okay, I've got a bit of an issue in my NYCW save, and I wanted to bring it here to see what should be done about it.


It's one-and-a-half years into the game, and Sal DiMeo is looking like an absolute star. He's having a great run with the Tri-Regional Title, and he's looking like a future main eventer for sure. The fact that Larry Vessey has taken him on as a protege only furthers his upside. I have no doubt that unless he gets poached, he is going to be a major player for NYCW. He's already scoring match ratings in the 40s, better than most of the roster.


However, the rest of his stable is languishing in the undercard with very little visible upside. Luca and Vito struggle to reach the upper 20s in match rating, and I'm pretty sure that Marino scored straight 22s for a full year. Granted, they don't wrestle as often as Sal, but I feel like I should be seeing more progress from them. To make matters worse, some of the rookie and near-rookie wrestlers that I brought in are already either surpassing them or threatening to do so.


So what should I do? Should I keep them with Sal in hopes that they will eventually kick into gear and start impressing, or should I either cut them loose or repackage them while turning Sal into a solo act?

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Okay, I've got a bit of an issue in my NYCW save, and I wanted to bring it here to see what should be done about it.


It's one-and-a-half years into the game, and Sal DiMeo is looking like an absolute star. He's having a great run with the Tri-Regional Title, and he's looking like a future main eventer for sure. The fact that Larry Vessey has taken him on as a protege only furthers his upside. I have no doubt that unless he gets poached, he is going to be a major player for NYCW. He's already scoring match ratings in the 40s, better than most of the roster.


However, the rest of his stable is languishing in the undercard with very little visible upside. Luca and Vito struggle to reach the upper 20s in match rating, and I'm pretty sure that Marino scored straight 22s for a full year. Granted, they don't wrestle as often as Sal, but I feel like I should be seeing more progress from them. To make matters worse, some of the rookie and near-rookie wrestlers that I brought in are already either surpassing them or threatening to do so.


So what should I do? Should I keep them with Sal in hopes that they will eventually kick into gear and start impressing, or should I either cut them loose or repackage them while turning Sal into a solo act?


Have a look in the Dirt Sheet why they are scoring so low, they might be getting penalised for something that you are unaware and changing that might get them to be a lot better.

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I'e been building up Legado del Fantasma as a fairly legit threat, with Santos taking on a kind of Pablo Escobar leader of a cartel/thinks he's the Mexican people's champion gimmick.


For an upcoming Survivor Series match I want to do LdF (Raw) v Mysterios (Raw) v Lucha House Party (SD) v Angel/Humberto (SD).


I want the end up to be Angel/Humberto siding with LDf and having the cartel run across both shows.


The question I have is how should I achive it during the match - get Angel/Humberto elimated first, then come back in for the final fall to get LdF the win? Or just lay down for the LdF win at the last fall? The latter is far more anti climatic to me an doesn't make much sense. Maybe as I type it out if I make the match for a title shot it would have a bit mre weight behind it. Thoughts on how to achive this?


Then, once they are aligned, how to best spread a stable over 2 shows while sticking to a brand split as much as possible? Make Angel the deputy and have him run it on SD, and then in joint PPVs they can combine and have joint promos and matches?

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The question I have is how should I achive it during the match - get Angel/Humberto elimated first, then come back in for the final fall to get LdF the win? Or just lay down for the LdF win at the last fall? The latter is far more anti climatic to me an doesn't make much sense. Maybe as I type it out if I make the match for a title shot it would have a bit mre weight behind it. Thoughts on how to achive this?


Then, once they are aligned, how to best spread a stable over 2 shows while sticking to a brand split as much as possible? Make Angel the deputy and have him run it on SD, and then in joint PPVs they can combine and have joint promos and matches?


I'm not sure which road agents notes would be suited for this, but the way I'd go for the match is that right from the start, Angel/Humberto are shown helping LdF the way some heels ally during the Rumble (but without the inevitable betrayal, of course). It goes to a near fall on one of the face teams (the other being eliminated before), but instead ends up with Angel/Humberto being eliminated themselves and staying in ringside acting like they can't believe their plan didn't work. They then just cheat behind the referee's back to help LdF win, and because of that, are welcome into LdF.


As for what to do after, I'd say have whoever you want as the deputy be the one in most matches , but have Santos Escobar show up for angles and every once in a while as a "manager" ringside/a guest announcer so it's still clear he's the one in charge. The angles however can just be him being in his villa or something and playing the Cartel boss you want him to be, cutting the promos before the match where Angel will represent him (although, as much as I like Angel Garza, I'd argue you could use someone with an enforcer role too, since Garza would be more the weasely heir who hides behind his goons then pick up the victim to kick him).

(By the way, I totally don't have a very similar stable planned in my own save, only with Andrade as the leader :D)

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I'm not sure which road agents notes would be suited for this, but the way I'd go for the match is that right from the start, Angel/Humberto are shown helping LdF the way some heels ally during the Rumble (but without the inevitable betrayal, of course). It goes to a near fall on one of the face teams (the other being eliminated before), but instead ends up with Angel/Humberto being eliminated themselves and staying in ringside acting like they can't believe their plan didn't work. They then just cheat behind the referee's back to help LdF win, and because of that, are welcome into LdF.


As for what to do after, I'd say have whoever you want as the deputy be the one in most matches , but have Santos Escobar show up for angles and every once in a while as a "manager" ringside/a guest announcer so it's still clear he's the one in charge. The angles however can just be him being in his villa or something and playing the Cartel boss you want him to be, cutting the promos before the match where Angel will represent him (although, as much as I like Angel Garza, I'd argue you could use someone with an enforcer role too, since Garza would be more the weasely heir who hides behind his goons then pick up the victim to kick him).

(By the way, I totally don't have a very similar stable planned in my own save, only with Andrade as the leader :D)


Thanks man that's good stuff, yeah an enforcer for the smackdown side sounds good. Not sure who in current WWE would suit. Maybe Corbin with a slight repackage, though I have him on raw but hes not doing anything.

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Depending on how open you are to sign someone, and if you want/need every worker to fit the Cartel gimmick, I'd just go with someone who is not on the roster currently, to be honest, as Corbin would feel weird. Damian Priest could kinda work, but in my opinion he would naturally be higher on the card than Santos already so it wouldn't be the best pick.

Maybe someone like Jeff Cobb or Jonah Rock, who aren't hispanic but could look the part somewhat, and be talented enough to eventually turn against Santos if you wanna go that way ?

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I'm running a Stardom game, and in addition to a core of Stardom talent, I rotate lots of other joshi talent from other promotions. So think like Hikaru Shida, Miyu Yamashita, Emi Sakurai, Riho, etc. My title scene is mainly focused around my stardom core. And frankly, the other promotions aren't always giving title runs to those talents. (At least not to my liking.)


I've been thinking of creating a secondary or tertiary single and or tag title to give these outsiders some occasional runs. I've kept the usual Stardom titles, though I don't use the SWA World title because I don't really book much foreign talent. So these titles would probably be exclusively be amongst these "outside" talents.


Does anyone have any thoughts about what I could call these titles? In keeping with the pre-existing stardom title names or even possibly an alteration of the SWA title? I have literally zero ideas on what I could call them. Thanks.

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Okay, I've got a bit of an issue in my NYCW save, and I wanted to bring it here to see what should be done about it.


It's one-and-a-half years into the game, and Sal DiMeo is looking like an absolute star. He's having a great run with the Tri-Regional Title, and he's looking like a future main eventer for sure. The fact that Larry Vessey has taken him on as a protege only furthers his upside. I have no doubt that unless he gets poached, he is going to be a major player for NYCW. He's already scoring match ratings in the 40s, better than most of the roster.


However, the rest of his stable is languishing in the undercard with very little visible upside. Luca and Vito struggle to reach the upper 20s in match rating, and I'm pretty sure that Marino scored straight 22s for a full year. Granted, they don't wrestle as often as Sal, but I feel like I should be seeing more progress from them. To make matters worse, some of the rookie and near-rookie wrestlers that I brought in are already either surpassing them or threatening to do so.


So what should I do? Should I keep them with Sal in hopes that they will eventually kick into gear and start impressing, or should I either cut them loose or repackage them while turning Sal into a solo act?


I'd say pull in new talent in the DiMeo family like Brutus Milano or even Happy Elwood. Luca & Vita I'd keep 1 for the muscle part of stable. Id see who you have more plans longevity for. Machine Gun Marino is solid lackey. I think Stable needs a strong #2 behind Sal.

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If you had to keep Goldberg in your roster, no matter what, in January 2022, what would you do with him ? As I've mentioned plenty of times already, I'm starting a WWE save with a loooong list of rules, one of which is a group of people I have to keep in the roster.


While for most they're part of the roster anyway, and for others I've found an use, I have no clue what to do with Goldberg.

He only has 3 appearances left and I'm struggling with what to do with him:

- I could have him re-sign as a full-time roster member (since that is also a rule, no more Occasional wrestler outside of the Rumble), which would require editing him back into a Wrestler role. But then, how would I use him, since I can't see him becoming a midcarder, and I sure as hell won't put him in the Main Event all the time ?

- I could use the 3 appearances left to build a storyline on him wanting to fight someone for a specific reason, and if he loses, he retires. I already know exactly who would retire him and why, but then what ? Goldberg would be terrible as an announcer, and I'm not sure he'd fit the role of a GM, let alone a manager. As for road agent, he doesn't have the right skills for it either.


So yeah, any idea would be welcome, or even just arguments towards one of the possibilities I've listed already. Thanks !

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Protege storyline may work with a twist after his retirement. An underdog babyface is bullied by group of heels. Somehow that group of heels was caught in front of Goldberg. Now Goldberg won't fight the heels due to his retirement but he won't let heels bully the babyface either - he wants the young underdog babyface to show his true skills without the fear of Heels. His presence is enough to deter the group of heels.


Goldberg already stated he came back to wrestling so that his kids could see him do his things. So him being a supporting mentor-esque babyface manager fits with real life too.


Menace angles, few on-screen angles, training montages- it also gives you a chance to put over people due to association with a ME level guy in angles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playing the 1997 TWRO Mod as WWF and am now in 1998


Managed to sign Sting who I had debut in the Royal Rumble and enter into a feud with Lex Luger who I also signed around that time, however Luger ended up getting a written contract elsewhere which I didn't want to commit too.


In true Vince McMahon fashion I had Kane go over Sting in February and have had Sting off TV ever since.


Have just held KOTR and kept largely to the same script as real life by having Kane take the title off Steve Austin.


Now.... do I have Sting return and aid Austin getting the title back, possibly leading to a feud with Kane and further down the line Taker


Does Kane hold the title for longer and do something else with Sting, maybe bring him back a little later and have him take the Title?


Have also just signed William Regal who I really wanna push


Looking for ideas from the committee?

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I'm in the process of introducing a new division and title to one of my games. I've got what I think is a unique idea but I also feel like maybe I'm overcomplicating things. Figured I'd see if anyone had thoughts.




The International


Secondary title


Center plate has an interchangeable slot for the flag of wherever the champion is from.

Side plates have slots for flags (4-6?) If successfully defended in another country, or against a designated representative of a specific nation, one flag is added. Each flag can only be collected once per title reign, so you can't just beat six Americans to fill the slots. When enough flags have been collected, the title can be traded for a world title shot, if the champion desires. They can use this option at any point after collecting the flags, but can also choose not to. The belt is then vacated, to be awarded in a later match.


The title can be defended, won, and lost like any other title, and not all matches are for flags. If a new champion is crowned, all flag plates are removed and the collection begins again.


I was also toying with the idea of match stipulations, like using European rules in Europe countries, that sort of thing.

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