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EWA Discussion Thread

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EWA really looks like it has a ton of potential.

The young ladies in the division seem to have a ton of potential, but I'll keep the belt on Thea through the All Stars event, hopefuly I'll manage to make Blair well known until then.

Petey Barnes of Future X seems to be doing great all around, I already put the Universal Title back on Bam Bam and think of having Petey slay him at All Stars, with a Future X tag titles defense against The Johannsons at the prior event.

Demolition Drebin seems the perfect guy to take the IC title off Kruge.

And hopefuly Bret turns out to be as good as Byron and less of an egomaniac. It feels like Adam decided it's time for EWA to go Medium and even National

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  • 3 weeks later...

In 2016 I usually strarted in EWA and after some time I always got fired (mor or less intentionally) .

But I´ve had time to build a little Reputation, experiance and popularity that I could join dome other promotion eventually.


Curios how it will work now

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having taken a poke at this roster it seems like an incredibly slept on company. Probably because 2016's version of EWA was a hopeless mess with Byron in peak douche-mode.


Here though, he's nowhere near the title picture. Egomanic isn't half as bad if you keep him happy, and fed, and Gandolfini seems like someone who could carry the company for the moment, the Johansson's are excellent top heels here, and the ladies are... amazing. Half of them could carry a Large company by the end of the year if you pushed them correctly.


At start, I have 4 Next Big Things and 3 of them are girls. So you could build the company around the women if you wanted. And there is a core of fresh faces on the undercard for you to play around with. They also have a trading deal with VWA, which helps greatly with the fact that there's basically nothing on the indies under 40 so the first few years will be rough until it's repopulated with regens.


Overall, it's very playable for those looking for a familiar product in a less played region. They're about a year away from TV/PPV and there's a ton of flexibility with the presentation. Europe may actually be a thing in 2020.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just took the reins of EWA and it's going to be interesting. Bryon wants me to be medium sized in 2 years, but no broadcast deal yet. He also wants to make $150,000 in 27 months so I can't make my own broadcaster just to get some tiny coverage. I'm probably going to go for the financial goal and risk losing out on the size one, because I feel like that's almost impossible for an inexperienced player like me. Hell, that seems like a tough goal for anyone.


The roster is...interesting. Much older than I'm used to, but we'll see how it goes.


Because of the Masters of Evil, I opted to have Byron head up a new stable, the Union of Heroes, and use that as one of my big storyllines.


This is my first try at a Europe fed. Looking forward to ti!

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I just took the reins of EWA and it's going to be interesting. Bryon wants me to be medium sized in 2 years, but no broadcast deal yet. He also wants to make $150,000 in 27 months so I can't make my own broadcaster just to get some tiny coverage. I'm probably going to go for the financial goal and risk losing out on the size one, because I feel like that's almost impossible for an inexperienced player like me. Hell, that seems like a tough goal for anyone.


The roster is...interesting. Much older than I'm used to, but we'll see how it goes.


Because of the Masters of Evil, I opted to have Byron head up a new stable, the Union of Heroes, and use that as one of my big storyllines.


This is my first try at a Europe fed. Looking forward to ti!


At 40 pop I'm averaging about $10,000 a month in profit. It's a very sponsor favorable product, so the money goal is achievable as long as you don't go crazy on spending. The pop goal is a little tougher, but it's very doable. 59 isn't too hard and spillover will get you most of the way. Short term focus on developing your next big things, The girls are your path to early stability. Zofia, Karen, and Thea can all be 50 grabbers pretty quickly if you handle it right. Develop Cassie and Massie as they are pop magnets that just need experience and basics/psychology gains to become stars. This should get you building momentum.


Then focus on your completely shambolic mid-card situation. You've got 4 stable pillars in my opinion in Byron Paolo and Herc and Jerk. But after that it's Kruge, and then you're in absolute free fall. Moon shove Magnus. And try to find a diamond in all those undercards. Fish for chemistry, check gimmick bonuses. Figure out who you can get into Intercontinental competition by All-Star Bash. Another piece of advice is. Take advantage of the VWA deal ASAP they seem to end it by the second or third week. So pull some swaps to get in guys like Snowman and a vet who can work your young guys and get them improving. Your babyface side in particular is... bleak IMO. So riding the foundation and building from top to bottom is the challenge with them.


Long term: You've got to beat VWA to exclusive contracts. Or you're going to get raided. Try like hell to keep on their good side. Because they can easily beat you here. And a great relationship can save you a lot of pain later.

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Figured it was a good time for an update, since I'm just on the other side of a really fun Oktoberfest.


I think I'm finally figuring out how to manage a sports entertainment fed, so my pop should start increasing now. I'm less worried about that, anyway. This was to see how I handled a "larger" fed, since I always gravitate to the small ones and one day, I want to play as one of the top dogs.


Money is doing just fine, I'll easily hit the goal. And Byron has been surprisingly okay with how I'm using him--as a guy who wins a lot, but not when he's in a title match. He seems to enjoy heading up a stable and winning a lot of tag/3-man bouts.


The current scenario has the Johansson Brothers taking control of the Fed and doing whatever it takes to keep the UC and IC belts, and possibly the tag belts, too, if they can manage it. They're pushing Byron and Crusher into a potential alliance just to beat them back. That'll be the big fight over the course of 2020-2021 and I'm not sure how it will end exactly yet. Eventually, I plan to have the Union of Heroes betrayed from within by Kruge. But first they all have to push the monsters out of the way. Given their stamina issues, I'll likely move the Brothers to a "threat but not winners" status starting next year, then give them a tag run in 2022 if they are still with me/I am still with EWA.


The Brothers convinced (the amazing) Zofia Jankovic to agree to basically throw the UC match on Night 3, with Bam Bam rolling over her, only to have Herc come out and grant her the Women's title without a fight, since Thea is out long-term with an injury and I'd temporarily retired the belt. (I am REALLY proud of this little twist, which came to me mid-booking!)


Viper has retired and is a road agent/manager. She's great as a road agent, but I don't think she has the Mike skills to be good as a manager. In her absence, I'm doing a storyline where the women jostle for top of the heap. Right now, that's Zofia, but wow these are some great women wrestlers.


I still have the belt on Future X, and they're playing as faces who might be getting too big for their tights in their storyline, which mostly involves other face teams. I need to find some good chemistry to buff the tag ranks, with Viper and the Nigerian Hit Squad leaving active competition. I'd turn them, but Petey is better as a face.


And just to have one more going that's a little silly, Magnus Cage pulled a prank on the always angry (at least in my game) Lothar Prime. In other words, it was a Prime Rib. (I'll show myself out.)


No idea if Byron will can me for not reaching Medium in time, since that's still unlikely, but if not, I can see myself playing this one for a few years of game time, and then maybe try a game in a different database. We'll see.


How's everyone else's games going?

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I've got a mostly diary centric question, for you all know that we have 17 more products to play around with. I'm looking to evolve the product off boring but decent Classic Sports Entertainment into something more fitting to what I'm envisioning for the company. The idea is I want to book it sort of like KSW, the Polish MMA promotion that built around Mariusz Pudlowski for a while, only as a pro-wrestling show. That's the idea. Ridiculous over-the-top entrances, larger than life characters, 80s WWF on top, with a Women's division that can go, still with characters and presentational flair, but a work rate focus that is floating in-and-out of the Main Event depending on who is more over. That's the idea.


With that in mind, No-Style Style looks interesting, the 30/70 will be great for the boys and the 70/30 will be awesome for the girls. But it has its issues with match length and match styles that would prevent me from doing some of the lighter fare stuff. Then there's Three Ring Circus, which seems like it could be interesting, with 40/60 60/40 and NO RESTRICTIONS to match type or presentation at all. In one match I could have the Trouser Raiders steal pants on the opener and potentially a 20 min technical masterclass and then a pose off between Byron and a debuting heel right in a row. Very Appealing


I'm torn here, anybody else give EWA a whirl with these products yet? Have you changed the product at all? Classic SE is solid, but I think both of these meet my needs more.

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Looking at dipping my toe in EWA and three immediate thoughts while looking things over.


1) Byron... is... extremely positive backstage?!? Did he get replaced by a Pod Person, or something?


2) Unlike some companies, the face/ heel divide isn't as nearly unbalanced. If I'm counting right, you need to hire one babyface for the men's side of things and one heel for the women's division to even things out. Compare to other companies where you start out with an imbalance of 10 or more.


3) Looking at the TV options, or lack thereof, the best tactic might be to just raise up money until you can launch an internet broadcaster.

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