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(2 points) Who will win the Battle Royal? Swoop McCarthy, Captain Wrestling II, Maurice Jackson, Luke Steele, Loxley Robbins, Blake Belushi, Nathan McKenzie, Kerry Wayne, Will Beaumont and Monty Croft


(1 point each) In RAW fashion, nothing is ever simple and 2 of the above won't end up competing in the match, which two will it be?


Will Beaumont and Loxley Robbins


(1 point each) But a 10 man battle royal must have 10 men, who will the replacements be? Kal Wayne, Kian Wayne, Sky LiberTeen, JT Ace, JoJo Silver, Tombstone, Pip McCarthy or Rod Sullivan


This is hard to predict as the all of the picks could be interlinked and relate to one story. We know Kerry Wayne is out first, so I imagine he'll go a long way waiting for Will Beaumont to enter so he can get his hands on him. However, there'll be shenanigans and Sky LiberTeen will take his place. Meanwhile MEM want to ensure victory so they'll take out Loxley so JT Ace can enter and the 3 of them will team up to get the win for Jackson (and this might cause some dissent in the group?)

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<p><strong>(2 points) Who will win the Battle Royal? </strong>Loxley Robbins</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>(1 point each) In RAW fashion, nothing is ever simple and 2 of the above won't end up competing in the match, which two will it be?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Swoop McCarthy & Will Beaumont</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>(1 point each) But a 10 man battle royal must have 10 men, who will the replacements be?</strong> JoJo Silver, Tombstone</p><p> </p><p>

Need a reason as to why Swoop doesnt win, and Tombstone has been gone for so long. So a surprise return would be great. Feel as though Will doesnt want or get a chance to make it to the ring. JojoSilver a wildcard who ends up helping Loxley to the title scene.</p>

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(2 points) Who will win the Battle Royal? Swoop McCarthy, Captain Wrestling II, Maurice Jackson, Luke Steele, Loxley Robbins, Blake Belushi, Nathan McKenzie, Kerry Wayne, Will Beaumont and Monty Croft


We'll say Swoop. He's mega over, and only one or two could realistically beat him in the game mechanics.


(1 point each) In RAW fashion, nothing is ever simple and 2 of the above won't end up competing in the match, which two will it be?


Damn it. Okay. I'll hedge my bets and say Swoop! :D I think Beaumont too. Because he's a chicken s**t heel. Might be Kezza Wayne, but I'll go Swoop and Will.


(1 point each) But a 10 man battle royal must have 10 men, who will the replacements be? Kal Wayne, Kian Wayne, Sky LiberTeen, JT Ace, JoJo Silver, Tombstone, Pip McCarthy or Rod Sullivan


Okay, Will gets chased away by Kal and Kian... in my head... so maybe, they stay? and go into the Battle Royale?! Yeah... let's do that. Also. I read their names first.


Just a note that I'm taking a week off asking for questions, the battle royal will be quite long but I like keeping the shows fairly quick to read. I've written the segments for all your great Swoop and Steele questions but if the show gets too long they will be pushed to next week and I don't want a backlog of questions as I think part the appeal is asking the question and not waiting long for a response.

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Episode 34: A Costume ain't just for Haloween</span></strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></strong></span></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">

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<strong></strong></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong></strong><div style="margin-left:25px;"><strong>Spoilers for the show: </strong></div><strong></strong></div><strong></strong><a href="https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VTNBMP8" rel="external nofollow"><strong></strong></a><div style="margin-left:25px;"><a href="https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VTNBMP8" rel="external nofollow"><strong></strong></a><div style="margin-left:25px;"><a href="https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VTNBMP8" rel="external nofollow"><strong>Vote for the RAWard: Best Costume of the Spooky September Battle Royal</strong></a></div><a href="https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VTNBMP8" rel="external nofollow"><strong></strong></a></div><a href="https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VTNBMP8" rel="external nofollow"><strong></strong></a></div><p></p>

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I don't often get to pop on here to predict or comment, but I do read everything you're doing here and I just wanted to say keep up the good work. It's nice to see this diary keep pushing with RAW -- as I think RAW is a very interesting company. Plus you got Lloyd to change how he presents his workers so there's something there.
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What a show. Every time you do something like this I have to take a step back and marvel at your creativity and wit. From top to bottom I enjoyed this. Particular highlights for me were the appearance of Gandalf with Blake Belushi's hair and the seismic toss from Pip Ketchum!
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I don't often get to pop on here to predict or comment, but I do read everything you're doing here and I just wanted to say keep up the good work. It's nice to see this diary keep pushing with RAW -- as I think RAW is a very interesting company. Plus you got Lloyd to change how he presents his workers so there's something there.


I appreciate you checking it out. I'd always be interested in hearing any opinions/critiques you got.


I can completely understand the way I, and Lloyd, present the workers might not be to everyone's liking. There's definitely something to be said for using the great renders people make and having that instant recognition. Someone coming onto this might find it tricky to link my pictures with the actual C-verse character. Personally I just like the flexibility it offers me with being able to change it, I don't have the graphical skills to make loads of alts for each character (or at least it would take me a long time). This last episode really is the perfect example.


Bro Captain Ned Wrestling might be the greatest moment in GDS Diary History!!!!


In my mind I couldn't have done it without a Simpsons character.


This episode was something special. Its up there with the Game of Thrones episode for me. So many little and fun things and such varied costume ideas


Thank you! In general I prefer writing a mixture of short segments, the ones where it's one long story (GoT, Swoop kidnapping, Paintball, Battle Royal) tend to take me longer to write so it's definitely great to hear when these are often the ones that go down best.


One small note, I must admit most the costumes I downloaded so I can't take full credit for that side of things. I had a list of like 30 I could/wanted to use and half the fun of it all was whittling that down to a group that might be fun to see interact. There's definitely lots that didn't make the cut that I'd like to use in the future though.


What a show. Every time you do something like this I have to take a step back and marvel at your creativity and wit. From top to bottom I enjoyed this. Particular highlights for me were the appearance of Gandalf with Blake Belushi's hair and the seismic toss from Pip Ketchum!


That's really nice of you to say, thanks man. It's tricky because someone like say Shrek. Even if you haven't seen Shrek it would be pretty instantly recognisable to 99% of people. Pip Ketchum I suppose if you didn't watch/play pokemon would just seem weird. So this gives me more faith that for future ones I can go more niche and if people don't get it they don't get it.



The predictions for next week will be posted real soon but I just wanted to go through the results of last show.


Willsky: 1/6

HiPlus: 0/6

The_Lloyd: 1/6


Doesn't surprise me the low scores, it would have been pretty miraculous for anyone to get many right. But I liked doing it this way as by picking who would miss it and who would replace them you were all essentially writing mini versions of how the whole show could go so it was interesting for me anyway! Lloyd was spot on that Swoop (and Maurice) couldn't be in the match in game. Swoop has creative control and would have blocked it, MJ would have at least gotten very angry. Luke Steele and Blake Belushi did actually get annoyed but Will has been able to slowly climb in pop. He's now a major star.


So a point to both Willsky and The_Lloyd


Current Scores


The Lloyd: 2

Willsky: 2


HiPlus: 1


Luke Steele and Swoop will answer your questions from the other week in the next episode which I think will also give some people some points (you get a point whenever you have a question answered in two episodes).


P.S The survey at the bottom of the last show I'll keep open until I have to write the segment it links to.

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Episode 35: Commencing Countdown, Engines On


The focus this week will be on the upcoming title fight between Frogue Element and Will Beaumont. But there's plenty of other questions being asked... What exactly happened to Nicky Gilbert? What's the future for the broken belt? Are the Cluesome Twosome over? How will Swoop react to the brutal attack at the hands of Big Mac? All of this and more on this next episode of RAW.


(Out of 4)


RAW's often eschews the more traditional wrestling tropes. But there's one staple of the wrestling show that seems inescapable; the title match contract signing! But when Will Beaumont and Frogue Element meet to discuss the terms of their fight which one will end the show standing tall in the ring?


Nicky Gilbert vs Luke Steele


Artemis E-Y vs Brodie Lachlan


Loxley Robbins vs Bret Heartbreak





<div style=" border: 2px solid black";">

Prediction Contest


Current Scores


The Lloyd: 2

Willsky: 2


HiPlus: 1



1 point goes to the person with the most correct points each week.

These points can be saved up or cashed in. 1 Point is also given to anybody who has one of their questions answered in 2 different shows.


1 Point: A request for a certain worker to receive new merchandise

1 Point: A minor cosmetic change (small change of haircut.. change of clothes colour, small tattoo etc)

2 Point: A specific request for new merchandise (pick what is it/what it looks like)

2 Point: A medium cosmetic change (Major tattoo, New hairstyle, dye hair, attire change etc.)

4 Point: A major cosmetic overhaul (All of new hair style, new attire, etc)



You're also welcome to suggest something and I can let you know how many points that would cost. I would say though that unless perhaps you save up lots of points a change still has to be at least partly in fitting with the character, for example if you ask me to put Swoop McCarthy in a dog costume I'll probably just say no...



La Estrella used up 3 points for a full makeover of Alexander Banks

HiPlus used up 3 points for a full makeover of Loxley Robbins

The_Lloyd used up 2 points for a medium cosmetic change of...
to be revealed



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RAW's often eschews the more traditional wrestling tropes. But there's one staple of the wrestling show that seems inescapable; the title match contract signing! But when Will Beaumont and Frogue Element meet to discuss the terms of their fight which one will end the show standing tall in the ring?

Tricky, but I'm going to get behind Will Beaumont. I can see him getting his comeuppance from the Waynes pretty soon, but I think that waits for the match itself. Here he stands tall and looks a real contender!


Nicky Gilbert vs Luke Steele

A tough opponent for Nicky, but his newly found insights will get him through this one.


Artemis E-Y vs Brodie Lachlan

I'll admit, I'm not overly familiar with either of these guys, but I'll go for Lachlan.


Loxley Robbins vs Bret Heartbreak

I can't see Bret winning this unless it's through serious shenanigans. Loxley can build some momentum here.

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RAW's often eschews the more traditional wrestling tropes. But there's one staple of the wrestling show that seems inescapable; the title match contract signing! But when Will Beaumont and Frogue Element meet to discuss the terms of their fight which one will end the show standing tall in the ring?


Agree with Willsky that Beaumont will get his comeuppance, but it won't be here in a contract signing... Maybe they cost him the Title match, maybe he wins it and they go after the title. The possibilities, are endless.


Nicky Gilbert vs Luke Steele


Artemis E-Y vs Brodie Lachlan


Loxley Robbins vs Bret Heartbreak


Such a talented roster. I like all six of the guys in matches, and Will, and Frogue. Gonna be a good show!

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I'm still intrigued to see what happens with Nicky Gilbert, although it doesn't seem like he's gained superpowers from the belt!


He sort of has, but nothing that will give him an immediate super push. Saying that he bulked up pretty early on in game and now his star quality is 99. Thing is he's definitely not close enough to Swoop as a figurehead so in some ways I'm reluctant to push him into major stars unless he starts to hurt Swoop.


His power is that he's essentially seen the future of RAW. But he can't change it in any way. It sounds like a pretty horrific power really as he's just stuck acting out a predetermined path. What that will mean for him in the long run I'm not fully certain but I enjoyed using it as another hint about Swoop's future.


I'm toying with doing something a little different presentation wise (as a one off) for the next episode. I want to get that right before posting predictions but will hopefully be up soon.

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Episode 36: Showcase of Shocks and Shenanigans


It's time for the RAW TV Title to take center stage as Frogue Element will look to defend his belt against Will Beaumont. But that's not all as Swoop McCarthy hopes to gain vengeance for the attack he suffered at the Spooky September Battle Royal.


(Out of 3)


Bad luck seems to follow Swoop McCarthy around ever since he set his targets on a fifth TV Title. This week it strikes again... Who will be responsible? Big Mac, Alexander Banks, Spiffy Stan Standish, Rod Sullivan, Luke Steele or Brodie Lachlan?


RAW TV Title: Frogue Element © vs Will Beaumont

(If a Wayne interferes, Frogue loses the belt, if a LiberTeen interferes Will loses)


Beautiful Heartbreak (Blake and Bret) vs Heath & Horton





<div style=" border: 2px solid black";">

Prediction Contest


Current Scores


The Lloyd: 3

Willsky: 2


HiPlus: 2

Rhysrob: 1



1 point goes to the person with the most correct points each week.

These points can be saved up or cashed in. 1 Point is also given to anybody who has one of their questions answered in 2 different shows.


1 Point: A request for a certain worker to receive new merchandise

1 Point: A minor cosmetic change (small change of haircut.. change of clothes colour, small tattoo etc)

2 Point: A specific request for new merchandise (pick what is it/what it looks like)

2 Point: A medium cosmetic change (Major tattoo, New hairstyle, dye hair, attire change etc.)

4 Point: A major cosmetic overhaul (All of new hair style, new attire, etc)



You're also welcome to suggest something and I can let you know how many points that would cost. I would say though that unless perhaps you save up lots of points a change still has to be at least partly in fitting with the character, for example if you ask me to put Swoop McCarthy in a dog costume I'll probably just say no...



La Estrella used up 3 points for a full makeover of Alexander Banks

HiPlus used up 3 points for a full makeover of Loxley Robbins

The_Lloyd used up 2 points for a medium cosmetic change of...
to be revealed



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Bad luck seems to follow Swoop McCarthy around ever since he set his targets on a fifth TV Title. This week it strikes again... Who will be responsible? Big Mac, Alexander Banks, Spiffy Stan Standish, Rod Sullivan, Luke Steele or Brodie Lachlan?

Big Mac took him out of the Spooky Battle Royal match, probably looking to make a name for himself by taking out the top guy. I can see him doing it again, although any of the other guys could try the same thing. That's the trouble with being the top guy - everyone's after you.


RAW TV Title: Frogue Element © vs Will Beaumont

(If a Wayne interferes, Frogue loses the belt, if a LiberTeen interferes Will loses)

Usually I'd go with the champion as he hasn't had the belt for all that long, but I see Will Beaumont getting even more heat here, perhaps as a result of a certain female Wayne interfering???


Beautiful Heartbreak (Blake and Bret) vs Heath & Horton

Always go for Blake Belushi!

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Bad luck seems to follow Swoop McCarthy around ever since he set his targets on a fifth TV Title. This week it strikes again... Who will be responsible?


Big Mac, Alexander Banks, Spiffy Stan Standish, Rod Sullivan, Luke Steele or Brodie Lachlan?


RAW TV Title: Frogue Element © vs Will Beaumont

(If a Wayne interferes, Frogue loses the belt, if a LiberTeen interferes Will loses)


Beautiful Heartbreak (Blake and Bret) vs Heath & Horton

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Predictions (Out of 3)


Alexander Banks. Why? Because the pimp Daddy is money and he needs to prove that.


RAW TV Title: Frogue Element © vs Will Beaumont

(If a Wayne interferes, Frogue loses the belt, if a LiberTeen interferes Will loses)


Will wins the big one, even though I am a fan of Frogue being built up long term for an eventual series that ends with Swoop finally catching the title for his fifth reign.


Beautiful Heartbreak (Blake and Bret) vs Heath & Horton


Beautiful Heartbreak are on the up and up.


No questions?

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<p>Wooooooowwwwww we got some amazing graphics going on right here!!! I can't imagine how long it took you to put that title match together and it was totally worth it. You're really taking it to another level.</p><p> </p><p>

And in terms of the story, I thought I'd figured it out, but twist after twist and we've got a Lucha Monkey! This whole episode put a big grin on my face. Can't wait for the next to find out where the Waynes go and what happened to Swoop!</p>

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