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Give Me Rules For A Game - Re-Rebooted

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Not super familiar with the roster, but I figured I might give it a go nonetheless:

The Age of Naoya: Have Naoya Nomura get a top title run in the coming 12 months.

One legendary mask, please: Have your best young lion (either current or future if none has the talent for it in your mind) become the first holder of a new legendary mask that will rival Tiger Mask in the heart of Puro fans one day.

Four/Five of a Kind: If there's enough smaller companies wiht similar product in the mod you're using (or, if they are in the mods set as freelancers), have the four aces of small Japanese companies become a stable in AJPW. By "smaller", I mean companies like Osaka Pro Wrestling, Dove Pro, etc.
For a similar, have Ace Austin be the leader of the stable, just for the pun.

Euroresu: There was never a European wrestler with the Triple Crown belt. This must change in the next 3 years.

With Slapjack and bookers !: NJPW has the Forbidden Door, you'll have your own alliance too ! Try and create and alliance with a company from each region (including a joshi company to represent Japan along you).

Joshi's New Island: Become the first big Japanese company to have an actual women division rather than just a match here and there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, James The Animator said:

A Loyal Crew: You are only allowed to sign unemployed workers until you reach Small size. Loans and talent trades do not count.

Change The Face: Your product must be unique from all the other companies at the start of the database.

Gauntlet of Glory: You must book at least one tournament each year.

Ahead of The Curve: You must add a women’s division to your company.

Fools and Their Money: You can only sign one worker departing from a promotion size Medium or greater each year. When you reach Small, you can sign two. Medium and above, this cap is gone.

Hopefully that gives you some ideas and guidelines.

oooooh that is all good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I am teetering on possibly starting a TCW diary but I want to have some rules set for myself because I always end up signing a million people and have to split the roster into brands and I want to hold off on that. I'm thinking of doing a TCW2021 diary and use everyones rules for the 1st year and it will set up the roster going forward and I'll go through all the changes during the 2020 year.

In my head a few rules I think I want to set for myself are hire no one over 30, also thinking of maybe not signing anyone from SWF and USPW. Also no TCW network for at least a couple years as once you get a network it's pretty much easy money. Any other cool rules for my possible diary would be awesome. Thanks to whoever throws out any suggestions

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1 hour ago, James The Animator said:

Good choice! TCW is in an interesting spot to start 2020, and there are a few cool distinct directions you can take the company. Some of these rules are longer-term, but I hope you appreciate them:

Ace is The Face Who Runs This Place: Rocky Golden didn’t get to the top by taking a backseat to Joey Minnesota. Aaron “Ace” Andrews must hold the WHC for at least part of each year until his contract comes up.

Budget Control: You have invested a tidy sum in the new contracts of Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins. Therefore, BriCo has handed you an edict: you cannot pay any other wrestler more than $40,000 a month until Andrews’ contract runs out in four years. If SWF and USPW get into a bidding war for Jay Chord or Sammy Bach, bye-bye!

Cream of the Crop: Speaking of Wolfie, when he says the Syndicate is the best of the best, he’s not kidding. If he doesn’t win the WHC in 2020, he’ll step down as leader of the group.

Generation Shift: TCW needs to remain relevant in the 2020s, and you’ll take any help you can get. If any wrestler offers to put over another wrestler using the “Promises” system, you have to book all the suggested matches within the timeframe given.

Keeping The Peace: In this precarious era, one asset you need is a stable locker room. You must put at least six points each into your UC’s Leadership and Diplomacy stats. Also, if a match result makes one competitor “unhappy” or angrier, you have to change it.

Marketing Progress: As BriCo keenly reminds you, girls buy action figures too. You must start a women’s division with a championship and at least eight competitors in 2020.

Warrior Push: Wrestling companies never have two top babyfaces at the same time for long. Mighty Mo can win the WHC, but he can not hold it for longer than six months as long as Aaron Andrews is actively competing in TCW.

Hopefully you’re inspired by some of these. I did a TCW save earlier this year and ruined it by loading up on free agents. These rules should help you avoid following in my stead!

Wow, thank you. I actually like a lot of those. Like you said at the end loading up on free agents has really killed every save I've ever had. It's just too fun to sign people haha. The Generation Shift I absolutely love. Sometimes I do the promises but sometimes a young wrestler I'm not super high on someone wants to put over and I'm like eh I'll pass but I love the idea of anytime it happens I have to do it. The women's division is absolutely happening but I might put it off until I start the diary for 2021. Budget control I like as well. 

As of now my rules will be no one over 30. Can't sign anyone from USPW or SWF. Must keep my roster under 40 wrestlers unless my size makes it over 40 then I can only have 2 to 3 over the roster size minimum. That will keep my roster under control. Also I won't make a network at any point and will just continue to sign TV deals and PPV deals. If you have anymore cool ones I would love to see them. Thanks again for the response.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playing TEW 2016 but posting here because its more active 😏

A few months into a 1998 game as WWF. Just had Wrestlemania 14 with notable events being Owen Hart beating Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship, avenging Bret and retiring Michaels in the process and Steve Austin defeating Mike Tyson. Would love some rules to shake up the next WWF calendar year. Thanks!

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It's who you know, y'know ?: Whoever has a close relationship with any of the McMahons (friendship, dating, married, etc) gets a push, and if suitable, wins/hold a title. You can of course try to influence that by meddling so you break and make their relationships.

This is Spartaaaa: According to cagematch, in 1998 there was a total of 300 workers had a match with WWF. Pick 3 of those who had less than 5 matches (randomly or not): they must stay in your roster at all cost, and be featured in a big storyline that will conclude at the next Wrestlemania (if your next Mania is next month, obviously the Mania after that) at the very least. By big, I don't mean "Main Event" big, but big enough that in real life people would be interested in the storyline (so, for instance, something like the Mandy Rose/Otis lovestory would work: it wasn't deserving of a Main Event spot, but wasn't just "Random guy A and B have a fight because we need to fill the show").

This is Odd: Give the Oddities (if you have them in your roster) a leader that can successfully win a World title match. If you don't have them in your roster, and never used them, bring them in with only 3 workers allowed to be replaced with better, more talented choices.

I'm tired of your BS, pal: The next person caught in a negative backstage incident, even something as small as "forgot to shake hands", is immediately fired, never to return.

The Fates have spoken: You know the picture of a worker that pops up when you're pressing Advance ? Well, Fate, Destiny or whatever you want to call it has decided that you have to hire the first one you'll get the next time you advance, and keep them forever while using them to the best of their abilities (meaning that if it's a wrestler who's absolutely awful, you can use him as a jobber whenever you need one).


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3 hours ago, MidKnightDreary said:

Gonna start modern-day STARDOM, with little familiarity of the product, though I'll research as I go. That said, challenge me!

You've got a friend in me: Instead of fighting with your direct competitors (TJPW, and to a lesser degree Ice Ribbon, Gatoh and Seadlinnng), create a friendship with them. As such, you can't steal their workers unless they get fired/leave by themselves without the company offering them a new contract. However, the first one who tries to steal your workers and you can "avenge" yourself.

Free as a bird: For a period of 2 years, you're not allowed to hire under an exclusive contract any of the freelancers.

Colours of the Rainbow: In the newt two years, you must have at least a "main event"-ish match that features two black women, one with two hispanic women, one with two lesbians (bisexuals count), and one with two non-binary/transgender persons. They don't have to be the actual main event, but be just as hyped.

Long Distance Relationship: Over the years, STARDOM has done shows, or title defenses, in foreign countries, and had ties with companies all over the world. To celebrate that, if one of those countries (or regions, for any of the countries divided in regions in the game) has a wrestler worth hiring, add them to your roster so they can bring pride to their native country.

What are you doing here ?!: At least one member of your roster must not make any sense as a recruit in real life. Whether it's Charles Robinson becoming your new referee, Orange Cassidy showing up as an authority figure, or Shane Douglas becoming someone's manager, I don't care as long as it's unexpected and something people would scratch their head at.

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Need rules for a PGHW game in the default database, as I am really hungry for a Puro company but it seems like it would be too easy to have great shows but they're the one company I am leaning towards (huge fan of the Ring Generals and Bussho Makiguchi).


I hope the terrible structure of the last sentence highlights my predicament.

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5 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:


Colours of the Rainbow: In the newt two years, you must have at least a "main event"-ish match that features two black women, one with two hispanic women, one with two lesbians (bisexuals count), and one with two non-binary/transgender persons. They don't have to be the actual main event, but be just as hyped.

I like this, except I'm not sure on the one about lesbians. Finding the sexualities of all wrestlers may be a little weird

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1 minute ago, MidKnightDreary said:

I like this, except I'm not sure on the one about lesbians. Finding the sexualities of all wrestlers may be a little weird

Yeah, my bad, I forgot that while the info is in the database, you can't search for it during gameplay or in the editor. You could probably get by with a google search, or just hire those whose sexuality is openly known (Sonya Deville, Mercedes Martinez, etc) but that's a bit more work and I can see why you'd feel weird about searching for the info online !

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2 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

Yeah, my bad, I forgot that while the info is in the database, you can't search for it during gameplay or in the editor. You could probably get by with a google search, or just hire those whose sexuality is openly known (Sonya Deville, Mercedes Martinez, etc) but that's a bit more work and I can see why you'd feel weird about searching for the info online !

Wikipedia keeps a list that I can certainly start with. Otherwise feel free to add another challenge to make up for this one.

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Please, give me rules for TNA 2013 game as Booker.

Changes I have made = given them a SONY SIX deal so that it reduces a bit of financial pressure and a bit of added realism, considering it kept them alive. I am still losing a huge amount of money, though. Everything else is default. 

The default rule I am following already - Dixie wants me to be vindictive with AJ Styles, and he can't grow in popularity.

For realism purposes, I am not signing anyone for WWE's main roster (untill I am making a profit) unless WWE releases them. NXT is fair game, though.


Edited by SanX
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Who do you take me for, Vince McMahon ?: Regardless of whether they are money maker or not, anyone caught in a serious scandal (so not "they cheated on their partner" or "sex workers" ones, as they aren't that scandalous for fans) gets fired. And yes, that means you can fire Joey Ryan and Austin Aries even if technically it was only known much later than 2013.

Team Knock-Out: Give your women division a revamp by hiring the best indy talents that would realistically accept an exclusive contract.

Back to the roots: before the Hogan era was a thing, TNA was known to try and give a chance to young talents rather than push old WWE guys. As such, every wrestler who'll win "Independant Wrestler of the Year" and, when suitable (aka "Not in WWE or an exclusive contract"), "Young Wrestler of the Year", "Tag Team of the Year" and "Women Wrestler of the Year" get a one year contract to prove themselves worthy of the future best company in the world.

Our own identity: You can't go through multiple "ECW revival", or bring back legends from WWE (Hogan/Flair/etc) nor WCW for cheap pops. If you do sign one of them, it has to be because they can serve you for a good 5 years as full-time wrestlers that can still give great matches (in other words, you can sign people that would be used like Sting was, not like Hogan was).

World Cup seeason is upon us: Make the World Cup an annual PPV in any shape or form you'd like. However, Team USA can't win every year.

Total Non-Stop All Elite: At least 5 members of what will eventually become AEW must get a world title reign one day. Ex-WWE guys do not count, nor do people currently in your roster like Samoa Joe.

Praise thy father: James Mitchell must lead one stable to eternal glory by having its members hold every title available at the same time.

Age of Hardcore: A wrestler with at least 70 in Hardcore must hold the World title for at least 6 consecutive months.

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11 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

Our own identity: You can't go through multiple "ECW revival", or bring back legends from WWE (Hogan/Flair/etc) nor WCW for cheap pops. If you do sign one of them, it has to be because they can serve you for a good 5 years as full-time wrestlers that can still give great matches (in other words, you can sign people that would be used like Sting was, not like Hogan was).

Thanks. These are awesome. They aren't restrictive, at the same time offer a lot of creative freedom and a bit of challenge as well.

Only thing is, since this is peak ace's and eight era of TNA, I already have Hogan on the roster. Should I let him go after his contract expires or renew (if he agrees ofc, ig it's going to be tough.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

People Are Strange: One of the workers known for their strange persona must win a title before a whole year has passed. So, either Abadon, Luchasaurus, Luther, or Danhausen (unless I've forgotten someone) must hold a title for at least a month, either solo or tag/trios.

Lucky Draw: Putting all your unused solo workers in a randomizer, you have to pick two people that will then team up for the rest of their carreer in AEW. That team must make some amount of sense, and get a fair shot at shining (although you don't have to force it: if for instance you end up with two jobbers that are too weak to ever win some gold, you can just fire them at some point).

World Premiere: A wrestler (of any gender) coming from a country who has never had a representant win anything in a big company on TV must finally break that negative streak by becoming the very first wrestler of their country to do so. Think countries like Denmark, Brazil, etc.

Intergender at its finest: The next (and only) title you're allowed to create without retiring one must be an intergender one, either mixed teams or plain 1v1 intergender matches.

Hold on, I know you !: The first star you sign (or, if you sign more than one, one of them) must debute masked and only lose it in a big dramatic way.

Voice of the Voiceless: Have CM Punk take protegees in the talented in-ring workers who can't speak to save their life, and use him to hype them up (kinda like Yuta with BCC, if you will).

Those will soon be memories: One of the people who have already won a title in AEW before you arrived must never win a title ever again.

Dark Souls: House of Black must introduce at least two new members, none of which can end up replacing Malakai as the leader.

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The Circus Is In Town: You have to set the venue and location of all of your Pay-Per-View events at least 3 months in advance. You cannot change venue even if you realize on the night of booking that it's too small or too big.

It's Wednesday Night. You know what that means...: You have to set the venue and location for all of your TV shows at least 4 weeks in advance.

Entertain Me: All of your ticket prices have to be set to premium, thus making your high paying crowds more difficult to please and smaller in numbers.

Rule #1 Get Over: Any worker with a gimmick rated as Poor or below after appearing on 3 shows must be released or have their gimmick changed, regardless of the 'Too Soon' penalty. If the 2nd gimmick also fails to get over you must release that worker.

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Not your usual Samoan: Vince, remembering the late Umaga, wants to give a chance to another Samoan. As such, hire Samoa Joe and push him as a mega-star.

The age of midcarders: Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Chris Masters, Paul Burchill. One of them (randomly selected) turns into a main-eventer (unless you're unlucky), one a deluxe midcarder who'll get multiple midcard titles, one gets fired never to be seen again in WWE. The others you do what you want with.

Welcome to the family !: Using the cagematch list of people who had matches in WWE in 2010/11/12, pick three of the people who had less than 5 matches and no contract and hire them as the new protegees of a heel who'll lead a stable.

Yes Steph, whatever you want Steph: Aware of her father's infidelities, Stephanie McMahon has blackmailed her father into a women's revolution, years before it was cool in his mind. As such, and without firing more than 3 women and hiring more than 5, make the women's division into one WWE can be proud of.

Colours of the Wind: For the next three years, you can't make an "ethnic" stable nor a new tag team (unless they're the same family). Any stable/tag team you create must have at least two ethnicities represented.

We want managers: Create the new generation of famous managers by either hiring some of the indy managers that (in real life) never got the chance to shine in the big league, or recycle some of your legends into the role.

This one might not be feasible in game, but I'll write it nonetheless: Supporting change: In real life, Tyler Reks has decided in 2021 to transition to a woman to reflect how she felt. As such, use her as a woman (including if you can by changing her picture) so she can become a pioneer in wrestling trans representation. For added realism, give her a one year hiatus so the change happens smoothly and doesn't feel like a trashy storyline with someone faking being transgender for easy wins or something like that.

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Three's Company - Every year, you must attempt to hire one person that participated in CHIKARA King of Trios

Missed Opportunity - Have 3 "dream matches" that never happened in real life. Suggestions:

  • Taker vs Sting
  • Bryan vs Angle
  • AJ Styles vs HBK

Stable Emotions - Book a stable to the level of DX or the Shield, with a maximum of one person who ever won the WWE world title.

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