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APW - Australian Pro Wrestling - Keith Goggin's Story

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<p>Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way</p><p>

<strong>Tyrant</strong> - Felix Harding - Warren Lydecker - Chuck</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Scottie Hamstead </strong>vs SubUrban Legend</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dexter Mattell</strong> vs Barney Mason</p><p> </p><p>

APW Tag-Team Championship #1 Contender Match</p><p>

<strong>The Apocalypse</strong> vs The Duo</p><p> </p><p>

APW Australian Championship Match</p><p>

Nighthawk vs <strong>Massacre ©</strong></p>

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APW - Australian Pro Wrestling









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Booking Notes:


I really rate Chuck. I feel Harding could win this' date=' but I'll go with my heart.[/quote']


But why?


I always do this. Bring the guy who just lost on the PPV out' date=' let him win one [/quote']


Win=Murder. Actually an amazing match though which is awesome to see. Best match in company history by some margin at the moment.


Tyrant's the most interesting guy here.


Indeed he is, the guy is a monster.


Legend has a great future' date=' but too soon to be beating Hamstead.[/quote']


Yeah, this month solidified that due to how well this match and angle went.


I just don't think Barney is very good.


Agreed. I really don't like him. I don't like how he looks, I don't like him in the ring and I don't like his gimmick.


I'll gamble on a draw to set up a Triple Tag Team match.


Well you gambled well, I like the idea of the triple threat. These guys are the only stray candidates.


Massacre's gotten a lot of big wins lately' date=' so he's probably too over for what's meant to be a midcard belt. I'll take Nighthawk to get the upset win.[/quote']


He definitely is above the title, but I am not ready for him to drop it just yet. But I will be lining up someone to pick up the title in the future.




Tiberous - 25/30 (83%)

Satyr24 - 20/30- (66%)

The Lloyd - 18/30 (60%)

Herrbear - 15/25 (60%)

Christmas_Ape - 14/25 (56%)

BHK1978 - 16/30 (53%)

Portlius - 10/20 (50%)




Historian - 5/10

DaveFan 7/10

Hitman74 - 7/10

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Match Card


Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

Tyrant vs Chuck vs Hack the Hunter vs Donovan Boon


Massacre – Reggie Tate vs Christopher Gerard – Nighthawk


Lothar Prellinger vs Dingo Devine


Samoan Demolition vs Barney Mason & SubUrban Legend


APW Commonwealth Championship

Monday Next vs Scottie Hamstead

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Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

Tyrant vs Chuck vs Hack the Hunter vs Donovan Boon


Massacre – Reggie Tate vs Christopher Gerard – Nighthawk


Lothar Prellinger vs Dingo Devine


Samoan Demolition vs Barney Mason & SubUrban Legend


APW Commonwealth Championship

Monday Next vs Scottie Hamstead

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<p>Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way</p><p>

Tyrant vs Chuck vs <strong>Hack the Hunter</strong> vs Donovan Boon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Massacre – Reggie Tate</strong> vs Christopher Gerard – Nighthawk</p><p> </p><p>

Lothar Prellinger vs <strong>Dingo Devine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Samoan Demolition</strong> vs Barney Mason & SubUrban Legend</p><p> </p><p>

APW Commonwealth Championship</p><p>

<strong>Monday Next</strong> vs Scottie Hamstead</p>

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Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

Tyrant vs Chuck vs Hack the Hunter vs Donovan Boon

Interesting choices here since Donovan Boon is probably the best worker and most over, but he's already tied up in the tag title scene so I see the Apocalypse taking him out of this match.


Massacre – Reggie Tate vs Christopher Gerard – Nighthawk

I imagine you want to keep Gerard strong, though in my game the jerk handed in his notice right as I was about to put the title on him.


Lothar Prellinger vs Dingo Devine

I like Lothar, but not enough to expect him to beat your 3rd best babyface.


Samoan Demolition vs Barney Mason & SubUrban Legend

I see we've ran out of proper teams for them to face so now it's just a thrown together tandem.


APW Commonwealth Championship

Monday Next vs Scottie Hamstead

I'd be surprised if Next lost it back to Hamstead so quickly.

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Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

Tyrant vs Chuck vs Hack the Hunter vs Donovan Boon


I think its HACKS time for the push that befits his unique render.


Massacre – Reggie Tate vs Christopher Gerard – Nighthawk


This is a slobbaknocker! I'm going for REGGIE TATE - MASSACRE A future world champ and deserving of a big win is reggie. Massacres a beast and aint going to take a loss. Hopefully reggie isn't too!


Lothar Prellinger vs Dingo Devine


LOTHAR. Great gimmick' enough said.


Samoan Demolition vs Barney Mason & SubUrban Legend


SAMOAN DEMOLlTION continue to be dominant but perhaps their biggest test yet.


APW Commonwealth Championship

Monday Next vs Scottie Hamstead

MONDAY NEXT sticking to up to RAW and given a chance to carry APW further for the time being.


Really enjoying the diary with one of my fave companies: )

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Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

Tyrant vs Chuck vs Hack the Hunter vs Donovan Boon

Hack's got some skills. You asked me why I rate Chuck? There's two reasons. One is for a young man, he has a good level of entertainment skills. I can see him being really good in 3-5 years! And also, Shipshirt made an awesome render of him. I'm all about the aesthetics :D


Massacre – Reggie Tate vs Christopher Gerard – Nighthawk

This would be a good way to have Massacre lose. I'm thinking I'm wrong though.


Lothar Prellinger vs Dingo Devine


Samoan Demolition vs Barney Mason & SubUrban Legend

A reward for that awesome match with Hamstead


APW Commonwealth Championship

Monday Next vs Scottie Hamstead

It has to be, right?

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Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

Tyrant vs Chuck vs Hack the Hunter vs Donovan Boon


Massacre – Reggie Tate vs Christopher Gerard – Nighthawk


Lothar Prellinger vs Dingo Devine


Samoan Demolition vs Barney Mason & SubUrban Legend


APW Commonwealth Championship

Monday Next vs Scottie Hamstead

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Match Card


Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

Tyrant (2-Time Winner) vs Alyx Macquarie vs Dexter Mattell vs Whirlwind Lee Wilkes


Lone Shark vs White Wasp


Positive Energy vs R & R


Leon Nameth vs Local Talent


Samoan Demolition vs The Apocalypse vs The Duo

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Booking Notes:


I imagine you want to keep Gerard strong' date=' though in my game the jerk handed in his notice right as I was about to put the title on him.[/quote']


I have been unlucky and had Mitch Y. Bronson leave early on. Now Sean Quatermainne and Debonair David Peterson are leaving my ship as well. Struggling with backstage guys but neither Quartermainne of David were doing wonders so Lanny is our sole Road Agent.


I like Lothar' date=' but not enough to expect him to beat your 3rd best babyface.[/quote']


He is the third best babyface but there is such a divide at the top. I don't have many babyface guys established so Gerard and Next will carry the company for now.


I'd be surprised if Next lost it back to Hamstead so quickly.


I wish I didn't sign Monday. The guy is great an all, but Gerard, Hamstead, and Massacre have done so well I would have liked to see how I went without a massive "RAW" guy coming over.


I think its HACKS time for the push that befits his unique render.


I really want to push him, he has been working pre-show and hasn't impressed but will be getting a mini-feud despite the loss here.


This is a slobbaknocker! I'm going for REGGIE TATE - MASSACRE A future world champ and deserving of a big win is reggie. Massacres a beast and aint going to take a loss. Hopefully reggie isn't too!


Spot on the monster duo aren't taking the loss.


MONDAY NEXT sticking to up to RAW and given a chance to carry APW further for the time being.


Funny you mention that he is sticking it to RAW, but yeah he is the guy carrying the company at this stage.


Really enjoying the diary with one of my fave companies: )


I appreciate it, they are my favourite company so I want to keep this rolling.


This would be a good way to have Massacre lose. I'm thinking I'm wrong though.


Yeah Massacre is being built incredibly strong lately, when/if he drops the Australian title it will be hard, and probably cost me money.


A reward for that awesome match with Hamstead


Not a winning reward for Urban, but he had a great mic display and then match. He is going to be getting a lot more opportunities.





I will update this later.

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Tyrant (2-Time Winner) vs Alyx Macquarie vs Dexter Mattell vs Whirlwind Lee Wilkes


Lone Shark vs White Wasp


Positive Energy vs R & R


Leon Nameth vs Local Talent


Samoan Demolition vs The Apocalypse vs The Duo


Too quick for me.

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I have been unlucky and had Mitch Y. Bronson leave early on. Now Sean Quatermainne and Debonair David Peterson are leaving my ship as well. Struggling with backstage guys but neither Quartermainne of David were doing wonders so Lanny is our sole Road Agent.


Yeah not a fan of these random people leavings, In one of my games the champion handed in his notice, just annoying

Lossing Mitch Y. Bronson must have hurt he was one of the top 5 in your regional battle for some reason :D


Too quick for me.

I saw an update :D

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<p>Tyrant (2-Time Winner) vs Alyx Macquarie vs Dexter Mattell vs <strong>Whirlwind Lee Wilkes</strong></p><p>


Lone Shark</strong> vs White Wasp</p><p> </p><p>

Positive Energy vs <strong>R & R</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Leon Nameth</strong> vs Local Talent</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Samoan Demolition</strong> vs The Apocalypse vs The Duo</p>

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<p>Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way</p><p>

Tyrant (2-Time Winner) vs <strong>Alyx Macquarie</strong> vs Dexter Mattell vs Whirlwind Lee Wilkes</p><p>

<em>I like all four of these guys, as I often do with the Lucky Chance Matches!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lone Shark</strong> vs White Wasp</p><p> </p><p>

Positive Energy vs <strong>R & R</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Leon Nameth</strong> vs Local Talent</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Samoan Demolition</strong> vs The Apocalypse vs The Duo</p><p>

<em>This should be a fun one!</em></p>

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Sorry I did not pick during the last show. It was one of those things where I saw it and said, "I will do it later, then I thought I did do it later and I had not."


Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

Tyrant (2-Time Winner) vs Alyx Macquarie vs Dexter Mattell vs Whirlwind Lee Wilkes


Lone Shark vs White Wasp


Positive Energy vs R & R


Leon Nameth vs Local Talent


Local Talent FTW!


Samoan Demolition vs The Apocalypse vs The Duo

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Booking Notes:


Yeah not a fan of these random people leavings, In one of my games the champion handed in his notice, just annoying

Lossing Mitch Y. Bronson must have hurt he was one of the top 5 in your regional battle for some reason


I don't get it because it wasn't like they had negative relationship with me or the company that I noticed. Mitch did move over to ZEN who have signed Blake Belushi in a massive move for them. (Someone I may consider grabbing)


I like all four of these guys' date=' as I often do with the Lucky Chance Matches![/quote']


I am glad you are enjoying the concept. As I look to have a weekly show next year. I will keep it around on the weekly show, I like that it gives everyone a crack on the main roster and when I pull the trigger on someone to win 3 or 5 matches it gives them good momentum.


This should be a fun one!


It was fun in my mind. I don't recall the wrestlers (I think one was Tomko maybe) just two massive dudes exchanging an endless amount of fists as they made their way through the crowd to a no contest.


Sorry I did not pick during the last show. It was one of those things where I saw it and said' date=' "I will do it later, then I thought I did do it later and I had not."[/quote']


I do that all the time.



Tiberous - 29/35 (82%)

Satyr24 - 27/40- (67%)

Herrbear - 19/30 (63%)

The Lloyd - 23/40 (57%)

Christmas_Ape - 20/35 (57%)

BHK1978 - 19/35 (54%)

Portlius - 10/20 (50%)




Historian - 5/10

DaveFan 7/10

Hitman74 - 7/10

Hurri - 3/5

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I don't get it because it wasn't like they had negative relationship with me or the company that I noticed. Mitch did move over to ZEN who have signed Blake Belushi in a massive move for them. (Someone I may consider grabbing)



That's crazy, have they actually let him go or does he work for both? Surely he'd be your most guy by a decent margin?


Another good show, I liked the Reggie Tate promo and the Monday Next/Gerard one.

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Match Card


Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

Dexter Mattell (One Win) vs Chuck vs Warren Lydecker vs White Wasp


The Duo vs Wilkes & Lydecker


Monday Next vs Tyrant


APW Australian Championship Match

Massacre vs Richie Fox


Winner gets a Commonwealth Championship Match

Christopher Gerard vs Scottie Hamstead

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That's crazy, have they actually let him go or does he work for both? Surely he'd be your most guy by a decent margin?


Another good show, I liked the Reggie Tate promo and the Monday Next/Gerard one.


Yeah I agree Belushi would be a massive hike for the roster, but I don't really want to end up in the same position where Monday is now and no one can really beat him on an event.


Belushi to Zen?! :o


I know right. Damian is killing it over there too he has like 4 matches with 70+ rating that don't involve Blake. He is also ruining ZERO's life as he had an affair with Molly and is now dating her resulting in ZERO and Molly Cuddle being divorced. Then 1 month later he won the ZEN Master Championship from ZERO.



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