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Managers Gaining Way More Pop Than Workers

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Assuming this is potentially a bug? In a 2 month watcher sim, in USPW, Kirk Jameson's popularity across the US went down from 38 to 37; his manager Maryam Vega's went up from 34 to 45.


Similarly, Dawn Gemmell went from 71 to 82 while her client Rick Law went from 75 to 72.


In 21CW, Emmett Askey's UK pop went from 19 to 35 with client Gorilla Lee going from 21 to 19 and Vicky Company's from 48 to 60 while husband/client Mark Misery went from 50 to 49.


Is this working as intended, Adam?


Edit: Sorry, should have mentioned - game was using patch 4, as it was a game I ran yesterday before the new patch came out today.

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What are their SQ values etc., there are multiple managers that are far more over than the wrestler they manage. Although a wrestler could lose popularity easier I guess, manager's popularity is all about angles and storylines. Hmm.


Good point, but Maryam has 31 SQ and 62 charisma compared to Kirk's 86 SQ and 76 charisma. Dawn has 95 SQ and 76 charisma compared to Law's 86/74 so slightly more understandable there, I guess, but still seems VERY high rate of progress.

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Hmm. I don't necessarily see this an issue. It really depends on the manager and stuff. If they have the skills to pull it off, a manager absolutely can get more over than the worker. I'd argue that Heenan was ultimately more over than, say, Haku. And a more modern example is Heyman when he briefly tried to manage the likes of Mr. Perfect's son and Claudio. I think it's a good feature.
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I think it's a refreshing change from earlier editions of the game where managers couldn't get over at all unless they moonlit as colour commentators.


Yeah, I like it, but as the OP suggested, it might be a little too fast.


Yup - I definitely prefer this to the previous version but it seems slightly turbo-charged. Having said that, hard to know without longer-term simming, so I'm glad Adam's going to look into it.

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Just as an addition to that, as a test of various things, I spammed a show a day alternating between two brands, upgrading PPV carriers whenever I could afford to. I hired J-Ro as a colour commentator for one of my two brands and used her in an angle a show on both brands, two angles occasionally.


After 6 weeks, this is her popularity.




I'd be intrigued to know if this is just because of the show spamming, or if she could get there normally in 42 cards. (Which would be around 5 months in SWF or USPW with a B-show.)

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It also has to do with the exposure she is getting (Broadcaster). So considering color commentators, Announcers and managers do not easily lose pop, we get this result.


Maybe having non-wrestlers pop gain reduced, makes sense. It should probably be a reduced formula.

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