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MAW Charm City Collision 2021

Sat, Wk 2, Mar 2021

Attendance: 955

Viewers: 34,464



The show began with Lisa Bowen standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone, “I’ve realised something these last few weeks,” she began, “I’ve realised I’m at my best when I’m behind a group who knows how to get it done in the ring. Let’s be real The Heartbreak Express had its time in the sun, but this company needs new faces to push it forward, and in my hands, what was old is new again. I got talking to a man, and we saw eye-to-eye, that this company was being taken over by outsiders. Joey Fili? Jaylon Martins? I mean come on, has anybody checked if that dumb fox has rabies? So let me introduce you to the first member of the Baltimore Protection Agency, Josh Jacobs!”


Josh Jacobs came out to the ring and hugged Lisa Bowen and made a spectacle of presenting her with a “Protector of Baltimore” t-shirt before she continued. “Of course it wouldn’t be much of an agency with only one member, so let me introduce you to the rest of our little team, all those who have been slighted by management, who have seen opportunities taken away in favour of those kids from TCW or the ‘indie darlings’ you people are so quick to drool over.”


Ade Nelson, Deuce Deadline, Jonah Pilgrim and Two Man Riot came down the ramp and joined Jacobs and Bowen in the ring, all wearing “Protector of Baltimore” t-shirts.

“We are the B.P.A and we are going to rid Baltimore of her invaders.”


Rating: 49


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Two Man Riot stuck in the ring and awaited their opponents, Kyle Diamond and Gordon Shearer, Lionhearts.

• Diamond started in the ring with Copperhead and the size difference between the two men made the difference in the early stages of the match. Diamond bullied both Copperhead and Trix Triumph, while Shearer wowed the crowd with his high-flying offence.

• Things took a turn when Two Man Riot showed their willingness to cheat by raking the eyes of Kyle Diamond on the outside and then throwing him, shoulder first, into the ring post.

• Two Man Riot worked Shearer over with a series of double team moves before Copperhead put him away with the Copper Bottom

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Two Man Riot defeated Lionhearts in 7:50 when Copperhead pinned Gordon Shearer with a Copper Bottom.


Rating: 30


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Cheetah Boy looked very confident heading into his match with Jaylon Martins, who has seemed incapable of building momentum since losing the JHU Championship to Sandman Winks.

• Martins brought the fight to Cheetah Boy, shocking the veteran slightly who came into the match expecting an easy win.

• Unfortunately for Martins he ran out of steam and was easily picked off by the Flying Cheetah Pounce.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Cheetah Boy defeated Jaylon Martins in 10:03 by pinfall with a Flying Cheetah Pounce.


Rating: 34


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• “Bump Machine” Ben Williams made his Mid Atlantic Wrestling Debut here against “The Nine-Tailed Fox” Ho Tinh.

• Ho Tinh hit most of his most impactful moves, spending much of the match’s runtime standing in the ring, waiting for Dreadnought to come down to fight him.

• Seemingly satisfied that his match was going to go uninterrupted, Ho Tinh sent Williams flying with a Dam Lao backfist, and then finished him with the Strong Blockbuster.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Ho Tinh defeated Ben Williams in 6:16 by pinfall with a Strong Blockbuster.


Rating: 28


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Blaze and Guillotine came out from the back brawling while Blaze was being introduced by the ring announcer and fought around the ringside area before the match got started.

• When they got into the ring and the bell rang, Guillotine took control by hitting Blaze with a big boot.

• Guillotine worked Blaze down with hard strikes in the corner, and the former Mid Atlantic Champion looked to be on the ropes for much of the match.

• Blaze found a window of opportunity by avoiding a Sideswipe Knee, he capitalised with a series of big clotheslines followed by the Dallas Drop.

• In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Bradley Blaze defeated Guillotine in 9:56 by pinfall with a Dallas Drop.

• Blaze and Guillotine don’t seem to click.


Rating: 40



After the match, Blaze and Guillotine continued to brawl, fighting out of the ring and even into the crowd at ringside. The brawled up until they fought in the precarious production area overlooking the interview stage. Guillotine rocked Blaze and it looked as if the Cowboy was about to fall until he fired back with a right hand that sent Guillotine tumbling through the stage, sending sparks flying into the air and leaving many in the venue agape at the spectacle they had witnessed.


Rating: 47



Sam Keith was joined in the ring by Acid II and Simon Ice of Devil May Care and Sean Noggin and Sione Tokoeka of The Wolf Pack. “Now boys, I want things nice and clean you hear me? Put pen to paper and then you’re off for the night.”


Simon Ice pulled the contract over to himself and smiled at Noggin and Tokoeka, “I nearly beat these two by myself last year, with Acid by my side this’ll be easier than getting a Tory elected”, said the Brit.


Tokoeka snatched the contract from Ice and signed without saying a word, only snarling at Devil May Care.


Tokoeka passed the contract to his partner, Noggin put pen to paper then threw it to Acid II. “I think we can all agree we want a good, clean contest, right gentlemen?” Noggin asked.


Acid II signed his name then asked “Of course, why wouldn’t we?”


Noggin and Tokoeka smiled at each other, then leapt from their chairs and pounced on both members of Devil May Care, knocking Sam Keith to the floor in the process. The pair pummelled Simon Ice into the mat, threw him from the ring and then finished things off by delivering a double powerbomb to Acid II through the table.


“Because you’ll be lucky to make it to the match, that’s why.” Noggin said before dropping the microphone on Acid’s lifeless body and departing the ring with Tokoeka.


Rating: 73


Main Event

Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


• Legendary luchador Pablo Rodriguez was making his first appearance in MAW here against fan favourite Miller Fforde, coming off the back of back-to-back defeats to Seth Whitehead.

• Rodriguez has slowed down considerably over the last year, but his knowledge of how to wear an opponent down through the classic rudo style is second to none, and he put Miller Fforde through the wringer during this match.

• Fforde started strong but found himself on the receiving end of a series of holds and strikes designed to take him out at the knees, to stop his own athletic style.

• Fforde did battle back, fighting out of an STF and hitting a big spinning heel kick before landing his springboard moonsault on Rodriguez.

• Fforde hit a series of high impact moves before landing the Fforde Flip Face Crusher, extending Fforde’s winning streak over middle aged men to 3.

• In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Miller Fforde defeated Pablo Rodriguez in 19:07 by pinfall with a Fforde Flip Face Crusher.


Rating: 56


Show Rating: 56


A/N: A show fairly light on matches, and heavy on angles to set things up moving into the Summer.


On the prediction side of things we had nobody get less than 3 which I did expect just because this was something of a transitional show for me. So we had newcomer shawn_waters, 1PWfan, and kjarvs score the perfect 5/5. lieon02 and Theheel score 4/5 while Historian and EpicCorey took home 3/5 scores.


Keep an eye out for next month's show in a few days as that is where I will be doing an update on the standings for the Jan-June prediction competition!

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Yeesh, TWO heel stables now? Your babyfaces have got their work cut out for them!


Great show again, it was a little predictable, but that's par for the course on "B" Events. I think high prediction scores are indicative of good storytelling and strong characters, as opposed to just swerving your audience for the sake of it :) Keep doing what you're doing, still loving the diary.

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Video Exclusive for WrestleWorld Subscribers



In a video made exclusive to viewers on WrestleWorld, Cheetah Boy was seen approaching Lisa Bowen backstage and insinuating that he would make a good addition to the Baltimore Protection Agency thanks to his experience and time spent in two of the “Big 3” companies in America. Bowen gave Cheetah Boy a polite smile and told him she would get back to him on it, then hurried away before he could get another word in.Cheetah Boy hints at joining BPA


Rating: 37


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TopRopeElbow.com: MAW Super Showdown 2021 Card Revealed


The card for Super Showdown 2021 has been revealed and it is one of the most stacked cards the company has presented all year with no less than 8(!) matches being presented by the company featuring stars such as Cheetah Boy, DeMarcus & Gray and The Past Masters! We also will see the debut of Nobuyo Hikichi after his departure from TCW who will be competing in the main event alongside The Wolf Pack!


MAW Super Showdown 2021

Sat, Wk 4, Mar 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit

The Past Masters vs Former MAW Tag Team


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jaylon Martins vs War Piece


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit

The Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot


Singles Grudge Match

20-Minute Time Minute


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs Two TCW Graduates


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond


Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack

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MAW Super Showdown 2021

Sat, Wk 4, Mar 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Past Masters vs Former MAW Tag Team


They're The Past Masters for a reason...the blast from the past coming in to take the fall and earn a paycheck.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jaylon Martins vs War Piece


J-Mart could definitely use this win and probably fits in to your plans more than War Piece.


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot


I'm blanking on who Canadian Daredevils are (if we've met them), but Two Man Riot are just established as part of a stable so give them a bit of a build.


Singles Grudge Match

20-Minute Time Minute


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs


Win number two for the BPA tonight.


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs Two TCW Graduates


Aaaaaand a nice clean sweep for the new group. We can sleep easy knowing Baltimore is protected for another month.


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell


Strong former champs against mish mash team...yeah.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond


Cheetah Boy will start losing on his way out...but it's not quite that time yet. (Not till he faces our boy Ho Tinh.)


Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack


Tough one to call this. But I see some classic wrestling build 1.01 here. Challenger gets a victory over champion before the title clash to show they can beat them. Whether the same will happen when the titles are on the line is a different story. The extra men here are a bit of a wildcard...

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MAW Super Showdown 2021

Sat, Wk 4, Mar 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Past Masters vs Former MAW Tag Team


Love me some Past Masters


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jaylon Martins vs War Piece


Kinda up in the air on this one tbh


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot


Seem to be bigger names for you.


Singles Grudge Match

20-Minute Time Minute


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs


Fili is a Reigns knockoff ;)


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs Two TCW Graduates


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell


These guys are STARS


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond


Cheetahs are fast


Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack


Another one I'm not sure on. I like the Wolf Pack members more though. Again, could go either way.





Really enjoying this tryker, keep it up!

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The Past Masters vs Former MAW team

Love love love this use of The Past Masters' gimmick, hope they go on a long streak of beating up middle aged men


Jaylon Martin vs War Piece

Don't have much of a sense of War Piece yet, so I'll edge in favour of Jaylon


Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot

TMR have been a good second tier tag team so far, so I'll back them to pick up another win here


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs

Big Win for Captain Charisma here to celebrate the new stable


BPA vs TCW Graduates

Deuce & Jonah haven't picked up many wins, but I reckon the new stable effect, coupled with the fact they're facing rookies makes them a fairly sure bet here


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell

Zippy is one of my favourite indie guys...but there'sno way DM&G slip up here, barring shenanigans


Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond

This kinda depends on how early you're gonna start jobbing Cheetah Boy. I think he's got a few more wins left in him so he can keep his gate in the upper midcard for another year


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack

Toughest match on the card to call tbh (as your main events have tended to be) I think one of the DMC boys pins Nobuyo to give them a win leading into a tag title clash whilst keeping The Wolf Pack strong


This card very much looks like "The B.P.A. show, which I guess is to be expected after a stable debut. Very much a B event feel, but I can sense more exciting cards brewing

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Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Past Masters vs Former MAW Tag Team


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jaylon Martins vs War Piece


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot


Singles Grudge Match

20-Minute Time Minute


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs Two TCW Graduates


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond


Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack

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MAW Super Showdown 2021

Sat, Wk 4, Mar 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Past Masters vs Former MAW Tag Team


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jaylon Martins vs War Piece


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot


Singles Grudge Match

20-Minute Time Minute


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs Two TCW Graduates


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond


Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack

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Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Past Masters vs Former MAW Tag Team


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jaylon Martins vs War Piece


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot


Singles Grudge Match

20-Minute Time Minute


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs Two TCW Graduates


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond


Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack

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MAW Super Showdown 2021

Sat, Wk 4, Mar 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Past Masters vs Former MAW Tag Team

I'm betting it is The RCS coming in, but I can't vote against the Past Masters!


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jaylon Martins vs War Piece


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot

The guest team does the favors for the hometown team.

Singles Grudge Match

20-Minute Time Minute


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs Two TCW Graduates

Two graduates come in and lose in their first match to some established MAW talent.


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell

You have me torn here! I love Zip the Lip and love bringing him in here, but I also think that DeMarcus & Gray are an established team and should win.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond

Cheetah Boy is an established star and this seems like a good way for Kyle to get in the ring with a vet and get some experience.


Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack

I don't think you're going to debut Hikichi in a loss -- even though Devil May care could probably use the win. I also hate Kid Fantastic and have only ever used him to job (despite having a character who was a Kid Fantastic regen in '16 when Fantastic died in my first year -- Wesley Browning -- but I just can't get behind KF.


How big is your roster at this point? Any big roster moves?

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How big is your roster at this point? Any big roster moves?


With the newest crop of TCW graduates the roster is 36 workers deep at the end of March, with two road agents in the form of Sam Keith and Tamara McFLy and two refs with Jay Fair and Andy Gordy (formerly of 4C). Plus there's the likes of Quentin Queen and Remmy Honeyman who I bring in often enough that I'm going to be referring to them by name rather than just Local Talent, despite them not currently being signed to the roster full time.


In terms of big moves very little of note has happened on my roster since Guillotine got called up and Frankie-Boy is the only guy who's been poached but I didn't really consider him "mine" since in my mind he was a CZCW guy just helping flesh out the main event scene while I built Seth and Alphaville as a whole.


BUT there is something very big coming up in mid-April just after the first April show so keep your eyes peeled for that.

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The Past Masters vs Former MAW Tag Team

Unless it's The Aces of Mayhem there's no real reason for the former team to go over


Jaylon Martins vs War Piece

Have we even met War Piece? He doesn't sound familiar


The Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot

Two heel stables seems like a lot but Two Man Riot should be kept strong


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs

Josh is great, Joey...not so much


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs Two TCW Graduates

No idea who they'll be but it seems reasonable for the developmental guys to go over


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell

Proper team wins out


Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond

Neither of Lionhearts seems like an established name yet, so Cheetah Boy goes over


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack

This could go either way but I prefer The Wolf Pack

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Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Past Masters vs Former MAW Tag Team

Wondering who might be making a return, this could be big or it could be just jobbing nostalgia.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Jaylon Martins vs War Piece

Not sure who War Piece is lol


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Canadian Daredevils vs Two Man Riot

These guys might have a little more legs that I thought


Singles Grudge Match

20-Minute Time Minute


Joey Fili vs Josh Jacobs

Mr. Vanilla Josh Jacobs might be getting the push with his alignment with a much better heel manager in Lisa Bowen


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs Two TCW Graduates

Going with the grads as Pilgrim hasn't seen much light of day.


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Quentin Queen & Zippy Deverell



Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Kyle Diamond


Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic & Devil May Care vs Nobuyo Hikichi & The Wolf Pack

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MAW Super Showdown 2021

Sat, Wk 4, Mar 2021

Attendance: 1,158

Viewers: 42,401


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• After a few moments to build suspense, Stan Manna and Rockin’ Ryan Turner came out to the delight of long-time MAW fans who hadn’t seen the duo in years.

• Manna and Turner looked as if they hadn’t lost a step since the closure of 4C as they took the fight right to The Past Masters, who were beginning to regret having a match against opponents they couldn’t have prepared for.

• An expertly timed eye rake from The Historian on Ryan Turner turned things back in favour The Past Masters.

• After what felt like an eternity of being worn down, Turner managed to make the tag to Manna who jumped into the ring like a man possessed and laid into both Past Masters.

• Things went back and forth, and when it looked as if Manna was about to tap out to the Deep Sleep, the time limit expired and the referee signalled for the bell.

• In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Rock City Stars drew with The Past Masters in 15:00 when the time limit expired.


Rating: 37


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Jaylon Martins came into this match looking highly motivated coming off the back of a disappointing loss to the veteran Cheetah Boy.

• War Piece charged Martins at the bell but found himself totally outmatched as J Train tossed him around the ring as if he weighed nothing.

• The match came to an end when Martins showcased his athleticism by nailing a Flying Forearm for the win.

• In an extremely short match, Jaylon Martins defeated War Piece in 3:03 by pinfall with a Flying Forearm.


Rating: 17



Two men joined DeAnna Desire on the staging area, one wore sunglasses and threw what appeared to be hundred-dollar bills into a crowd who cheered until they realised the bills had his face on them rather than Benjamin Franklin. The other wore a suit with a dice motif.


“So gentlemen, welcome to Mid Atlantic Wrestling, could you tell us who you are and what you’re doing here?” DeAnna asked them.


The man with the sunglasses took the microphone first and spoke with the kind of implied disdain for humanity that can only be heard in some of the world’s most charismatic tech moguls. He smiled and said “My name honey, is Don Dollars, and I’m here with my associate Snake-Eyes to announce to you all that the greatest team in pro wrestling has just been signed to Mid Atlantic Wrestling, and we haven’t even wrestled a match yet. I hold the money, and Snake-Eyes here takes the risk. The money world is a high-risk business and it’s important I have the world’s best gambler by my side.”


Don then handed the microphone off to Snake-Eyes who said “The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavour upon the business known as gambling.”


DeAnna looked at him, more confused than she has appeared at any other point in her run with MAW before Snake-Eyes said “What I mean by that is, we are The Sound Invest, and if you think you can beat us, don’t bet on it.”


Rating: 27


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Jayson Van Pelt and Kamikaze came into this match looking to put away Two Man Riot who had been on a roll since coming together as a team a few months ago.

• This match was very different from usual tag team affairs in MAW as the referee struggled to maintain control for large stretches, which saw all four men battling around the ring and the ringside area which featured Kamikaze hitting a cannonball senton off the announcers desk on to both Trix Triumph and Copperhead.

• Once back in the ring The Canadian Daredevils looked to have things finished up until Copperhead knocked Kamikaze off the top rope to the floor, which looked like a bad landing form any angle.

• This distracted Van Pelt just long enough for Trix to hit the Triumph-Plex and get the victory for his team.

• In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Two Man Riot defeated The Canadian Daredevils in 9:31 when Trix Triumph pinned Jayson Van Pelt with a Triumph-Plex.


Rating: 45



The now four members of Alphaville came out to the ring together, Seth Whitehead had a microphone in hand, and he began to speak slowly in a cold tone.


“Bradley, Bradley, Bradley. Can I call you Brad? Brad your little crusade isn’t fooling anyone. There’s a reason I lead Alphaville. There’s I’m a reason I’m the Alpha-60 around here. The top dog. You can’t beat me. Whenever we stand on opposite sides of the ring you lose. In two weeks, you’re going to face Paris Burnett. If you can beat him, you’ll face Duke Freeman. Then maybe, if you cry and beg enough, I’ll let you have a title match. And Sam Keith, if you don’t do it the way we want it, consider your company forfeit.”


Rating: 38


Singles Grudge Match

20-Minute Time Minute


• Joey Fili and Josh Jacobs wasted no time in this one, running at each other as soon as the bell rang.

• Jacobs controlled much of the early portions of the match until Fili hit a pounce on the Protector of Baltimore to turn things back in his favour.

• Fili looked like he was going to hit Jacobs with a flying headbutt, until Lisa Bowen got up on the ring apron to distract him.

• After being admonished by the referee Bowen dropped back down just in time to see Jacobs knock Fili down onto the top turnbuckle.

• Jacobs hit Fili with a running knee strike to the back of the head, then put him away with the Baltimore Backdrop.

• In a decent match, Josh Jacobs defeated Joey Fili in 8:14 by pinfall with a Baltimore Backdrop after Lisa Bowen interfered.


Rating: 38


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Paul Jurkiewicz and Samson Elwes started in the ring after a brief intermission and were joined by Deuce Deadline and Jonah Pilgrim of the Baltimore Protection Agency.

• The muscle of the B.P.A looked impressive here, controlling most of the match, save for a brief flurry of offence from Elwes, whose strikes look very crisp for a man making his professional debut.

• Jurkiewicz was tagged in just to take more of a beating, being mercifully pinned after taking the Deadliner from Deuce Deadline.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Deuce Deadline and Jonah Pilgrim defeated Paul Jurkiewicz and Samson Elwes in 5:59 when Deuce Deadline pinned Paul Jurkiewicz with a Deadliner.


Rating: 28



The live feed cuts halfway through Deadline and Pilgrim’s celebrations as we are given a view of a backstage brawl between Ho Tinh and Dreadnought. The two big men threw each other into walls, pallets and into every piece of equipment they come across. The chaos only comes to an end when over a dozen members of security stormed the scene to keep the two apart, although some members of the team were thrown around during the melee.


Rating: 38


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• This match began with Deverell and Queen taking control early on, working over Tyrone Gray in their corner.

• Queen was allowed to look particularly good in this match, managing a series of near falls on his high-flying opponent.

• Gray managed to roll over Queen and made the tag to Nate DeMarcus who ran wild on his opponents hitting shoulder tackles and belly-to-belly suplexes on each of them, throwing them across the ring each time.

• DeMarcus & Gray then hit Zippy Deverell with the Rocket Launcher to put him away.

• In a decent match, DeMarcus & Gray defeated Quentin Queen and Zippy Deverell in 5:40 when Nate DeMarcus pinned Zippy Deverell with a Rocket Launcher.

• Zippy Deverell was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Rating: 36



After their match Miller Fforde came down to the ring and offered his hand to DeMarcus & Gray. He raised their hands in victory and put an arm over each of their shoulders, talking into their ears as they went backstage.


Rating: 42

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Kyle Diamond tried to shake Cheetah Boy’s hand at the start of the match, and after much urging from the crowd, did eventually accept the handshake.

• Diamond’s near inhuman combination of athleticism and power gave him the advantage in the early stages of the match, as he outperformed the veteran.

• Cheetah Boy worked the leg of Diamond, chopping him down and slowing his high pace style considerably.

• The writing was on the wall for Diamond as soon as he failed to get Cheetah Boy up for a vertical suplex as the veteran slid down the back, chopped the leg of Diamond and then hit him with the Flying Cheetah Pounce.

• In a bout that had good heat but sub-par wrestling, Cheetah Boy defeated Kyle Diamond in 10:28 by pinfall with a Flying Cheetah Pounce.

Rating: 34



After his match Cheetah Boy grabbed the microphone from the hands of the ring announcer and shouted “Lisa! Josh! I want in! You’ve just seen me wipe the floor with this outsider, you know I’m the real deal you need me! You need a veteran presence!” But before he could continue the microphone was cut off and he left in frustration.


Rating: 38


Main Event

Six-Man Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


• The high-flying antics of Kid Fantastic and Devil May Care went up against the knockdown-drag out style of Nobuyo Hikichi and The Wolf Pack.

• Hikichi and Kid Fantastic started the match off and went hell for leather, knocking lumps out of each other with stiff strikes and big springboard attacks from each.

• This set the tone for the entire match as all six men involved seemed intent on causing as much damage as possible to the other side.

• Things began to fall apart between Hikichi and The Wolf Pack as Hikichi caught flack from his partners for refusing to tag them in.

• This led to their demise as their disagreements allowed their opponents to clear the ring, allowing Acid II to nail Hikichi with the Acid Rain Bomb.

• In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Kid Fantastic and Devil May Care defeated Nobuyo Hikichi and The Wolf Pack in 11:37 when Acid II pinned Nobuyo Hikichi with an Acid Rain Bomb.


Rating: 47


Show Rating: 45


A/N: Welcome to the end of March and the halfway point of the Jan-June predictions!


So for this show there was another prediction record at NINE(!) so thank you all so much! No perfect scores as nobody predicted the opening match draw, which I didn't expect anyone to tbh but the Stars are going to be around for a little while to sure up the tag ranks for the time being. So we had lieon02, kjarvs and shawn_waters pick up 7/8 scores. Historian, Dalton and 1PWfan score 6/8. Theheel score 5/8. ohiodevil score 4/8 and Herrbear score 3/8. The winner of the predictions for the whole month of March is Kjarvs with a very good 12/13 correct, only missing on the Past Masters vs Rock City Stars draw!


So for the half-year, only counting those who have predicted on at least 3 shows so far the rankings are such:

1. Kjarvs - 82.93% correct

2. 1PWfan & Theheel - 78.95%

3. Historian - 75.61%

4. lieon02 - 70.73%

5. Herrbear - 60%

6. EpicCorey - 40.74%


Also brief honourable mention to lieon02 and Hitman74 who created the gimmicks for Snake-Eyes and Don Dollars respectively.

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The Missing Piece



The problem with living in the age of social media. Aside from the constant surveillance form employers, state apparatus and peers. Is that kayfabe is dead. This was a problem for Danny Hagman. This was a problem because everybody knew he was War Piece. Or rather, somebody posted a picture of him arriving at the venue for his first ever independent show, with his mask hanging out of his gym bag, that was captioned “Hey, have we ever seen this guy before?”


Everyone’s a critic. And when everyone’s a critic and everyone with internet access can post their criticism for the whole world to see, it makes it difficult to keep the act going. Something has to give. In Mexico there was a code, that if you accidentally saw a luchador with their mask off, you looked the other way and pretended you saw nothing. In Pittsburgh you posted it online for your six followers to see. Danny didn’t have a social media account. Not really. He had a Twitter profile that directed people to his work email, and an old Linkedin a teacher made him set up in high school. “You’ll never know when it’ll come in handy” he said.


As much as he shunned social media, Danny did occasionally let himself browse. To make sure he wasn’t missing any big news in the world of wrestling. He read that Mid Atlantic Wrestling were apparently looking to hire some rookies from the surrounding area. He wondered who they would be, until he checked his email that night and saw one from a J.Fair@maw.com. “Oh, it’s me,” he said to himself.


The day Danny arrived in Baltimore to meet with the owner and agents of MAW he met Gordon Shearer, the other man being signed on to the company. Gordon told him how he was hoping to train with CZCW but couldn’t afford Coastal Resort money, so he trained with WWA and would be flying up from California for every show until he found a place closer. Danny was impressed with the dedication. What he wasn’t impressed with was when Sam Gauge shook his hand and said “You’re the War Chest kid, right?”


“War Piece. It’s a board game thing.” Danny replied.


“Oh, yeah well, glad to have you on board.”


That was one of the few times Sam ever spoke to Danny. Between him and Gordon, it was obvious who was the favourite. Not that Danny resented Gordon for that, it wasn’t his fault. Gordon happened to make a great pairing with Kyle Diamond. Danny happened to make other guys look like a million bucks. He knew he had to pay his dues.


Working his way up the ladder in MAW would take time, Danny knew that, but he promised to himself by the end of the year, he wouldn’t be a face anyone could forget.

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TopRopeElbow.com: MAW April is The Cruellest Month Card

Mid Atlantic Wrestling are back again with another mid-month show, and while this one doesn't appear to be on the level of their usual offerings, it provides very interesting matchups such as the rematch between The Past Masters and Rock City Stars following last shows time limit draw, and a main event pitting high flying wonderkid, Kid Fantastic up against former TCW man Nobuyo Hikichi in a matchup that we got a small taste of last month. On top of all that we're going to see the in-ring debut of The Sound Investment.


MAW April Is The Cruellest Month 2021

Fri, Wk 2, Apr 2021


Opening Match

Six-Man Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Josh Jacobs, Ade Nelson & Deuce Deadline) vs Johnny Needham & Lionhearts


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs War Piece


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Harvey Robbinfield vs Joey Fili


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ben Williams & Remmy Honeyman vs The Sound Investment


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Paris Burnett


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Gregory Tully & Samson Elwes vs The Wolf Pack


Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit

The Rock City Stars vs The Past Masters


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Lug Phelan (IPW)


Main Event

Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic vs Nobuyo Hikichi

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B.P.A. vs Needham & Lionhearts


Dreadnought vs War Piece


Harvey Robbinfield vs Joe-man Reigns


Corn on the Job vs The Sound Investment


Bradley Blaze vs Paris Burnett


Tully & Elwes vs The Wolf Pack


Rock City Stars vs The Past Masters


Ho Tinh vs Lug Phelan


Kid Fantastic vs Nobuyo Hikichi


As you acknowledged, not the most exciting of cards, but with two heel stables on the lose, there's always the looking possibility of "Shenanigans"

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B.P.A. vs Needham & Lionhearts


Dreadnought vs War Piece


Harvey Robbinfield vs Joe-man Reigns


Corn on the Job vs The Sound Investment


Bradley Blaze vs Paris Burnett


Tully & Elwes vs The Wolf Pack


Rock City Stars vs The Past Masters


Ho Tinh vs Lug Phelan


Kid Fantastic vs Nobuyo Hikichi


It's a mid-month show so really anything could happen so let the picks be wild and see what comes of it.

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MAW April Is The Cruellest Month 2021

Fri, Wk 2, Apr 2021


Opening Match

Six-Man Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Josh Jacobs, Ade Nelson & Deuce Deadline)vs Johnny Needham & Lionhearts


Baltimore will remain safe for another show!


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs War Piece


I feel like the 15 minute time limit is almost mocking War Piece. Big man to win it in 5.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Harvey Robbinfield vs Joey Fili


It’s TCW vs TCW and that might come into play in this story. But Fili is outnumbered and out skilled, surely. Bit torn on this one...


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ben Williams & Remmy Honeyman vs The Sound Investment


They have a name, were advertised before the show and aren’t the C-Verse Job Squad.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Paris Burnett


Brad beats Burnett, basically continuing his hot streak back to the top.


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Gregory Tully & Samson Elwes vs The Wolf Pack


Keep the champs strong.


Tag Team Match

20-Minute Time Limit


The Rock City Stars vs The Past Masters


Tough and potentially risky pick, but I think you can do a bit more with the Stars in this feud. Plus someone pinning Sandman sets up a future title match (or gives you a one off tag title challenge.)


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Lug Phelan (IPW)


Yeah Ho Train leaving the station choo Choo. Keen for a big Vietnamese man and a big Irishman to let loose.


Main Event

Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic vs Nobuyo Hikichi


Not quite sure where Hikichi is rated in your eyes but since he lost last time out, I’m going for the bounce back win here.

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B.P.A. vs Needham & Lionhearts


Dreadnought vs War Piece


Harvey Robbinfield vs Joe-man Reigns


Corn on the Job vs The Sound Investment


Bradley Blaze vs Paris Burnett


Tully & Elwes vs The Wolf Pack


Rock City Stars vs The Past Masters


Ho Tinh vs Lug Phelan


Kid Fantastic vs Nobuyo Hikichi


Won't catch me missing out lol.

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