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MAW Wrestling Classic 2021

Fri, Wk 4, Feb 2021


Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Harvey Robbinfield


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Duke Freeman w/Guillotine vs Johnny Needham w/Lisa Bowen


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer

Dreadnought's going to kill him.


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Two Man Riot


John Hopkins University Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


The New York Doll vs Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©

While you have two heel singles champions, I don't see NYD taking the strap.


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Miller Fforde vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield ©

While Fforde just won the RCI, Whitehead is also new into his title reign and I don't see him dropping it so soon.

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Bradley Blaze vs Harvey Robbinfield


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Duke Freeman w/Guillotine vs Johnny Needham w/Lisa Bowen


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Two Man Riot


John Hopkins University Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


The New York Doll vs Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Miller Fforde vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield ©

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<p>MAW Wrestling Classic 2021</p><p>

Fri, Wk 4, Feb 2021</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bradley Blaze</strong> vs Harvey Robbinfield</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duke Freeman w/Guillotine</strong> vs Johnny Needham w/Lisa Bowen</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dreadnought </strong>vs Gordon Shearer</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DeMarcus & Gray</strong> vs Two Man Riot</p><p> </p><p>

John Hopkins University Championship Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

30-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

The New York Doll vs <strong>Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Mid Atlantic Championship Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

30-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Miller Fforde vs <strong>Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield ©</strong></p>

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Bradley Blaze vs Harvey Robbinfield

I could see this going the other way but I figure Brad's the better of the two, and with a heel champ you need as many strong face challengers as possible


Duke Freeman w/Guillotine vs Johnny Needham w/Lisa Bowen

Developmental prospect vs. former tag guy


Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer

Because he's better and definitely not because I had to double-check who Gordon was


DeMarcus & Gray vs Two Man Riot

Because it's just such a cool tag name


The New York Doll vs Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©

I'm almost certainly wrong but I just can't root against Doll


Miller Fforde vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield ©

Instinct says Seth gets a nice long run with the belt

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<p><strong>Bradley Blaze</strong> vs Harvey Robbinfield</p><p>

<em>Bradley had a dream.</em></p><p><em>

When he was 17.</em></p><p><em>

He had nobody so he made his way on his own.</em></p><p><em>

He fights for the strap,</em></p><p><em>

Puts MAW on his back.</em></p><p><em>

He's Bradley Blaze,</em></p><p><em>

AND HE'S ON HIS WAY BACK!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Duke Freeman</strong> vs Johnny Needham</p><p>

<em>Freeman is in a hot new stable, Johnny just lost to Deuce Deadline...</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dreadnought</strong> vs Puny God</p><p>

<em>Hulk Smash</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DeMarcus & Gray</strong> vs Two Man Riot</p><p>

<em>I really thought DM&G were gonna win the COTT titles. Tough to predict when they're just treading water until the Sam Keith Classic</em></p><p> </p><p>

New York Doll vs <strong>Sandman Winks</strong></p><p>

<em>NYD is definitely better now than he was in '16 but I don't think you'll stick the strap on somebody who isn't over in the mid-Atlantic</em></p><p> </p><p>

Miller Fforde vs <strong>Seth Whitehead</strong></p><p>

<em>I think Seth's run has got a fair ways to go yet, but there is always that threat of a call-up necessitating a quick switch. And </em><em><strong>if</strong></em><em> that was the case, Miller would probably be the guy to drop it to. Almost talked myself out of it, but I choose to believe that Seth is not going anywhere yet and retains his title here. </em></p>

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Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Harvey Robbinfield


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Duke Freeman w/Guillotine vs Johnny Needham w/Lisa Bowen


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Two Man Riot


John Hopkins University Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


The New York Doll vs Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Miller Fforde vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield ©

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Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Harvey Robbinfield


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Duke Freeman w/Guillotine vs Johnny Needham w/Lisa Bowen


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Two Man Riot


John Hopkins University Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


The New York Doll vs Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Miller Fforde vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield ©

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I have to say this is a really good MAW diary and I’m sorry I didn’t start reading it sooner. I’m only 4 shows in so far but they have been really enjoyable. Looks like your about 9 shows ahead of me but I’ll be catching up today/tomorrow. If I get closer to where your at I’ll start predicting.


Got some reading to do but just wanted to say well done.

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I have to say this is a really good MAW diary and I’m sorry I didn’t start reading it sooner. I’m only 4 shows in so far but they have been really enjoyable. Looks like your about 9 shows ahead of me but I’ll be catching up today/tomorrow. If I get closer to where your at I’ll start predicting.


Got some reading to do but just wanted to say well done.


I'm glad you're enjoying things, MAW is a company I really enjoy, although it does feel strange booking a product that I really don't think I would have any interest in watching myself, and some of the new products added in 1.12 have certainly gotten me thinking about other directions I may want to take things in the future.


Also, this is a last call for any predictions for the show, I'm hoping to have it up some time tonight GMT

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Ok did so fast reading (for me) and have caught up, so guess I’ll jump in the prediction pool


Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Harvey Robbinfield

Blaze might need a win here just to stay in the title hunt


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Duke Freeman w/Guillotine vs Johnny Needham w/Lisa Bowen

Writing is on the wall that Lisa Bowen is going to dump little Johnny and turn heel


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer

Size sometimes matters


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Two Man Riot

The better more established team, continues to roll. That said Nate has the makings of a potential singles star so wondering if he breaks away soon


John Hopkins University Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


The New York Doll vs Sandman Winks w/The Historian ©

NY Doll has always been one of the 3 headed NYCW job squad, that doesn’t change here


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


Miller Fforde vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield ©

No title change here but definitely see an ending with a DQ shenanigans

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MAW Wrestling Classic 2021

Fri, Wk 4, Feb 2021

Attendance: 910

Viewers: 31,252

Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Blaze came out looking all business to go up against the ever-cocky Harvey Robbinfield, who as far as the record books are concerned holds a victory over the former Mid Atlantic Champion.

• The two got the show off to a roaring start, with Blaze’s hard strikes a good march for Robbinfield’s technical style and athleticism.

• The crowd jeered everything Robbinfield did, especially after hitting Blaze with a big dropkick and shouting “You’ll never be this good!” at the downed cowboy.

• Robbinfield’s cockiness became his downfall as his showboating between moves allowed Blaze enough time to catch his breath and make a big comeback before hitting Robbinfield with the Dallas Drop.

• In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Bradley Blaze defeated Harvey Robbinfield in 8:26 by pinfall with a Dallas Drop.


Rating: 43



Bradley Blaze threw Harvey Robbinfield out of the ring and called for a microphone. He stood in the ring and held the mic up to address the crowd. “Some of y’all out there, watching at home are probably wondering what happened two weeks ago between me and Miller Fforde. Some of y’all are probably even thinking I’ve got some sour grapes because he beat me in the semi-finals of the Rip Chord Invitational. The truth is, yeah, I lost. I’m human. Miller’s a quick thinker. He saw an opportunity and he took it and I’m not taking anything away from him. But the fact of the matter is I won’t fall for the same trick twice, and if Miller Fforde ever steps to me in this ring again I’ll drop him on his head and pin him just like I did to win the Mid Atlantic Championship.”


Blaze received a mixed reaction at his claims from a crowd that love both he and Miller Fforde in equal measure before continuing. “But on to more pressing matters. December 2020 was a hard one for me. I lost the Mid Atlantic Championship. I fought off three guys and Seth Whitehead before one man, the only man in Alphaville who could take me down struck. Guillotine! You’re one mean son of a b*tch and you better be ready for Charm City Collision because I’ve had a word with Sam Keith and you and I are going to be having a match now that I’ve done away with Mister Omega.”


Rating: 50


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Lisa Bowen walked to the ring with Johnny Needham, staring at her phone the whole time. This was in stark contrast to Guillotine who followed Duke Freeman to the ring with a quiet intensity rarely seen in Mid Atlantic Wrestling.

• The two locked up and worked a very even match, with Johnny Needham feeding off the support of the crowd to counteract the technically superior Duke Freeman.

• Guillotine climbed onto the ring apron to argue with the referee over what he felt was a slow count on a cover by Freeman. While this was going on Needham managed to pull himself to his feet only to be hit with a low blow from behind by Lisa Bowen.

• Needham doubled over and was then pulled into the centre of the ring and locked in the Texas Cloverleaf and forced to tap out.

• After the match Bowen got in the ring and spat on her now former charge before strolling backstage by herself.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Duke Freeman defeated Johnny Needham in 8:16 by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf. During the match we also had Lisa Bowen turn on Needham.


Rating: 28



Sam Keith came out to the top of the entrance ramp and announced for the crowd that at Charm City Collision he will be hosting a contract signing between Devil May Care and The Wolf Pack for a Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match at Americana in April.


Rating: 59


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Gordon Shearer came to the ring accompanied by his Lionhearts partner Kyle Diamond, but sent him to the back intent on having a clean contest with the mountainous Dreadnought.

• The opening minutes of the match, one would struggle to call even, as Shearer bounced off the ropes and into Dreadnought who merely shrugged his shoulders at everything his smaller opponent threw at him.

• Once Dreadnought responded the result was a foregone conclusion. Shearer was thrown around like a ragdoll and then pasted to the canvas with a big Dread Bomb.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Dreadnought defeated Gordon Shearer in 4:26 by pinfall with a Dread Bomb.


Rating: 7



A video began to play on the big screen at the top of the ramp after the bell rang. Dreadnought looked furious that his celebrations were being cut short. The video faded in and viewers could see Ho Tinh, in his blue and yellow training uniform and wearing the white and orange mask that covers the top half of his face. His expression was stoic as usual and the man of few words began to speak.


“Dreadnought. I know your father Dreadnought; I have done my research and the archives have revealed that your father was a man of great evil. I do not believe evil is hereditary, you could have broken the cycle of evil which has plagued your family. But you chose to embrace the path your father blazed for you. Make no mistake Dreadnought, I hold no personal grudge, but it is the duty of Ho Tinh to stomp out evil in all its forms. Beware, I will strike.”


Rating: 51


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Copperhead and Trix Triumph came to the ring wearing the Evil Intent they wore at ringside two weeks ago when they cost DeMarcus & Gray the COTT Tag Team Championships.

• Contrary to how things usually begin, DeMarcus & Gray attacked before the bell and the action spilled outside the ring almost straight away.

• This fell in favour of Two Man Riot, who worked meaner than ever and punished their opponents by throwing them into the guard rails, ring steps and even over the announce table and onto Marvin Earnest.

• Triumph rolled Tyrone Gray into the ring and went for an early cover but the former Mid Atlantic Tag Team champion managed to get a shoulder up.

• Two Man Riot kept control for much of the match until Gray managed to tag in Nate DeMarcus who came turned things around completely as he threw his smaller opponents around with ease before he and Gray hit the Rocket Launcher.

• In a decent match, DeMarcus & Gray defeated Two Man Riot in 12:25 when Nate DeMarcus pinned Copperhead with a Rocket Launcher.


Rating: 37



Sandman Winks and The Historian joined DeAnna Desire on the staging area before Winks title defence. “So Past Masters you have had a strong run in Mid Atlantic Wrestling for the last few months, and you have teased a big announcement, so may I ask what it is you two have to announce?”


Winks took the microphone and nodded to DeAnna, “Well if you must know DeAnna, Historian and I, as you all should know brought Dreadnought to Mid Atlantic Wrestling. We looked back to the past and found wrestling’s future. But if there’s one thing that holds true, it is that the past failings of this company are a blight on the wrestling industry. For every legendary Vessey or Keith who has come through this place, there has been failures abound. So Historian and I are vowing, from this point on to accept any and all challenges from MAW alumni, to prove to you all that we are masters of the past, and the present of wrestling.”


Rating: 45


John Hopkins University Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit

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• The New York Doll received a warm welcome from the Baltimore crowd, having made a decent name for himself appearing on the NYCW events broadcast on the WrestleWorld streaming service.

• The Doll proved a good match for Sandman Winks, his high-octane brawling style kept him out of the clutches of his Floridian foe.

• Once Winks managed to slow the pace of the match down things took a bad turn for The Doll as he was worn down and eventually succumbed to the Deep Sleep sleeperhold.

• In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Sandman Winks defeated The New York Doll in 11:57 by submission with a Deep Sleep. Sandman Winks makes defence number three of the John Hopkins University Championship title.

• The New York Doll and Sandman Winks have good chemistry as opponents.


Rating: 42



Marvin Earnest announced on commentary that next month Josh Jacobs and Joey Fili will be going one-on-one.


Rating: 38


Main Event

Mid Atlantic Championship Match

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit

A2rKr7a.jpgvsdIN9Hsc.jpgw/UfvEqMG.jpg ©

• Miller Fforde and Seth Whitehead locked up on the opening bell and worked a relatively straightforward championship encounter in the opening stages of this match.

• Whitehead claimed on social media that he could beat Miller Fforde without on his own without cheating and he looked to be doing that as he managed to outwrestle Fforde at every turn of the opening few minutes.

• Fforde battled back, hitting high risk moves including a tornado DDT that saw Whitehead land right on the top of his head.

• The champion showed great resilience to kick out of every big move Fforde threw at him, and even managed to avoid Fforde’s now trademark Moonsault spot, which allowed him to take the advantage back in the match.

• Whitehead ground Fforde down, locking in a series of submission holds, including a sharpshooter which seemed to go on endlessly as Fforde writhed in pain on the canvas, desperately scratching and clawing until he got his fingertips to the ropes.

• Fforde battled back, but when he went to run off the ropes, Harvey Robbinfield snagged his ankle. Fforde turned around and that small distraction was all Seth Whitehead needed to land a brainbuster and transition straight into the Minnesota Stretch, forcing Miller Fforde to tap out for the second time in February.

• In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Seth Whitehead defeated Miller Fforde in 22:09 by submission with a Minnesota Stretch after interference from Harvey Robbinfield. Seth Whitehead makes defence number one of the Mid Atlantic Championship title.


Rating: 51


Show Rating: 50


A/N: So we have another show and the end of another month, we had a record EIGHT(!) predictions so thank you all so much, and five perfect scores. This was a relatively predictable show but since these off-peak shows (the Feb-Jun period) are lower importance in my mind than the rest so I think it makes sense to keep them a little simpler.


So final scores were Historian, lieon02, Kjarvs, MisterRomanini and Theheel with 6/6, Herrbear with 5/6, 1PWfan with 4/6 (The one time you bet against The Past Masters ay?) and then EpicCorey with 3/6.


I'm going to leave the half-year scoreboard off this show and the next show, update at the end of March and then the end of each month going forward!


Best of luck with predictions in the future and congratulations to Historian for winning the competition this month with only 1 incorrect prediction across the two shows!

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<p>Catching up on all of this. The shows are great man! Very fun to read and easy on the eyes. Seth Whitehead as MAW Champion is something I never would've thought to do myself, so bravo for thinking outside of the box! </p><p> </p><p>

I'll be following a lot more often now!</p>

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<p><em>Main Event</em></p><p><em>

Mid Atlantic Championship Match</em></p><p><em>

Singles Match</em></p><p><em>

30-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Miller Fforde</strong></em><em> vs Seth Whitehead w/Harvey Robbinfield ©</em></p><p><em>

No title change here but definitely see an ending with a DQ shenanigans</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Wish I did get a perfect score but in all honesty I missed this one as I went out on the DQ ledge. </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Great show though. Looking forward to the journey continuing </strong></p>

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Catching up on all of this. The shows are great man! Very fun to read and easy on the eyes. Seth Whitehead as MAW Champion is something I never would've thought to do myself, so bravo for thinking outside of the box!


I'll be following a lot more often now!


Thanks! I had the idea for the TCW stable headed by Seth the moment I saw the MAW roster and I figured there was no better way to make him a real threat than to put the belt on him, plus he's the most ready of the TCW guys for it right now.

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Lost II


“I’m telling you they’re real man, they’re out there”


“The… aliens?”


“That’s right, and I’m not talking about little green dudes with big eyes, I’m talking creatures beyond our comprehension. They’re watching us, making sure if we ever discover space travel that they’re there to blow up the planet so we can’t go colonizing other worlds.”


“And they’re going to blow us up because?”


“They’ve seen all of human history man, they know what humans do to each other, do you think they’d let us loose on the galaxy? They’re letting us live as long as we remain in isolation.”


“Y’know Duke, when you said you wanted to hang out, I really didn’t think it would be to talk about your alien conspiracies.”


“But it’s not a conspiracy! Look, I intercepted a transmission a couple of months ago I intercepted a deep space transmission. I haven’t been able to decode it, but if I can figure this thing out it could be huge, it could blow this whole thing wide open.”


“What does your deep space transmission sound like?”


“Well, like static mostly, but I feel good about this one, there’s something to this I’m telling you.”


“Last time you intercepted a deep space transmission wasn’t it just like, scrambled police radio?”


“That’s not the point! This is real, I can feel it.”


“If you say so man, but I don’t think this is good for you. I mean, are you focusing on your wrestling? How is that going for you?”


“Yeah, yeah. Wrestling is fine, I’m good.”


“And you’re focusing on it, properly right? You’re dedicating more time to training that you are to this alien stuff, right?”


“Oh yeah, definitely.”


“And that isn’t a lie?”


“Not a lie.”


“So, what’re you going to do when you get home?”


“Oh, you know, maybe watch a documentary, eat something.”


“What kind of documentary, Duke?”




“A wrestling documentary?”


“Yep. Wrestling documentary.”


“Okay man, I’ve got to go, I have work in the morning. Really, take your mind off this alien stuff, before it starts affecting you.”


“Yeah, okay, okay. No more aliens, got it.”

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TopRopeElbow.com: 5 New TCW Graduates Join MAW Roster


Five men have joined the Mid Atlantic Wrestling roster from the class of seven School of Pro Wrestling graduates who have been promoted by TCW. It has been said that all seven were vetted my MAW owner Sam Keith, but two of the men were not a good fit for the backstage atmosphere of MAW, we will go through each here to allow you to get acquainted to the men who will be debuting on WrestleWorld soon.




First, we have Edwin McKing, a young high flyer whose Daredevil style may remind some fans of MAW’s own Simon Ice. At 24-years-old he is the oldest man to graduate from the School of Pro Wrestling, and at 5-feet-5-inches he is by far the shortest graduate to join the MAW roster, but his natural charisma may see him becoming a leading man in a few years.




Secondly is a man the near opposite of Edwin in every way. Gregory Tully is a Nevada native, standing 6-feet-9-inches, with what some have described as a “charisma deficiency”. Although men of his size usually play monster heels, Tully appears adept at getting a crowd on his side and his eye catching Ice Crunch finisher, a kind of inverted DDT where he lifts his opponents off the ground before planting them, will set him apart in MAW, even if he does struggle on the bigger stages of the industry.




The third man on our list is Luis Azaria, who seems to have a great understanding of working the crowd on the microphone, backed up by a brawling style reminiscent of a young Rich Money, the young man from Cameron, North Carolina may be able to overcome his total lack of star quality. Early reports suggest he is a complete heel and will struggle to ever carry a company as a figurehead due to this.




Paul Jurkiewicz is a man with a proud heritage. The New Yorker is descended from both Polish and Mexican immigrants and wears that history on his sleeve. Although he appears to be lacking somewhat in in-ring fundamentals, his ability to play either a heart-on-his-sleeve underdog, or a slimy heel will at least give him a solid character to build upon as he progresses.




Finally, is Samson Elwes, who appears to have a solid grasp of every aspect of professional wrestling without particularly excelling at any one thing. Unfortunately, like Tully, his natural predisposition to playing the face is tempered by a lack of charisma and that elusive ‘it’ factor that could see somebody make it as a star at the top of the industry.

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">TopRopeElbow.com: MAW Charm City Collision Card</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> The second new show added to the MAW calendar is Charm City Collision, which while lacking in big blow-off matches features a few potentially great encounters, including Bradley Blaze taking on the man who cost him the Mid Atlantic Championship, and lucha libra legend Pablo Rodriguez faces this year's RCI winner Miller Fforde.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48443" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MAW Charm City Collision</strong></p><p><strong> Sat, Wk 2, Mar 2021</strong></p><p> </p><p><em> Opening Match</em></p><p><em> Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Lionhearts vs Two Man Riot</p><p> </p><p> <em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> Cheetah Boy vs Jaylon Martins</p><p> </p><p> <em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Ho Tinh vs Local Talent</p><p> </p><p> <em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Bradley Blaze vs Guillotine</p><p> </p><p> <em>Main Event</em></p><p><em> Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 20-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Miller Fforde vs Pablo Rodriguez</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Call</strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

In a small home in Baltimore, Maryland Jay Fair stood with his back to the living room door. The entrance to the small living room where his wife sat, knitting a scarf for donation and absentmindedly listening to the evening news. Jay was on the phone, on the other end was a man who Jay respected and resented in equal measure. Kyle Rhodes, acting CEO of Total Championship Wrestling was pulling strings that Jay wasn’t ready to let go of, and he was happy to let Kyle Rhodes know.</p><p> </p><p>

“You’re screwing me here Kyle, you know I have plans for the kid. And you’re calling him up? I thought these guys were down here for seasoning? And now you’re telling me he’s over enough for the TCW roster? What’s the meaning of this?”</p><p> </p><p>

“It’s just business, Jay. Sam Keith knew the circumstances of our agreement when it was made. Guys would go down, guys would come back up. He doesn’t complain, you’re the only one who’s causing an issue here Jay.”</p><p> </p><p>

Jay knew he had to bite his tongue, one wrong move could bring a good deal </p><p>

for Mid Atlantic Wrestling crashing down, “Just tell me why, Kyle?”</p><p> </p><p>

“BriCo were on to me. They said we needed an edge, to appeal to that much needed 18-49-year-old male demographic. Like I said Jay, just business. Consider this your formal warning, his last appearance with Mid Atlantic Wrestling will be your Charm City Collision show.”</p><p> </p><p>

Jay went to hang up the phone out of frustration before Kyle’s voice piped up again from the other end, “Oh and Jay?”</p><p> </p><p>

“Yes?” He answered.</p><p> </p><p>

“Good luck.”</p>

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<p><strong>Lionhearts</strong> vs Two Man Riot</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cheetah Boy</strong> vs Jaylon Martins</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ho Tinh</strong> vs Local Talent</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Bradley Blaze vs <strong>Guillotine</strong></p><p><strong>


Main Event</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

20-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Miller Fforde</strong> vs Pablo Rodriguez</p>

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MAW Charm City Collision

Sat, Wk 2, Mar 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Lionhearts vs Two Man Riot


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Jaylon Martins


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Local Talent


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Guillotine


Main Event

Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Miller Fforde vs Pablo Rodriguez

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MAW Charm City Collision

Sat, Wk 2, Mar 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Lionhearts vs Two Man Riot


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Jaylon Martins


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Local Talent


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Guillotine


Main Event

Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Miller Fforde vs Pablo Rodriguez

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Caught up with this over the past few days and I love it. Always been a fan of MAW and I love how you’re booking it. Ho Tinh is my boi and I’m all aboard the Ho Train. Can’t wait to see how the TCW invasion culminates. I’m assuming Sethy boy or Guillotine are getting called up with kinda stinks but you’ve got enough depth there to cover a pretty big loss.



MAW Charm City Collision

Sat, Wk 2, Mar 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Lionhearts vs Two Man Riot


Lionhearts are freshly established and while this could be a way to get them rolling, I think Two Man Riot are still the better team and need to be a strong challenge to your babyface teams.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Jaylon Martins


Cheetah still has legs and while I dig J-Mart, I think you’re pretty content on having him chill in the mid card for now.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Local Talent


Choo Choo Ho Train leaving the station!


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Guillotine


Toughie. I think Blaze needs to come out on top but I could see him getting DQed out of anger. This new edge he has could be explored with a rage DQ.


Main Event

Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Miller Fforde vs Pablo Rodriguez


Pablo’s gotta be pushing 50 now right? No way he wins over one of your premier talents. It’ll be a nice notch on Fforde’s belt to have a win over a legend of the business though.

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<p>Lionhearts vs <strong>Two Man Riot</strong></p><p>

<em>Two Man Riot seem like the bigger deal</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cheetah Boy</strong> vs Jaylon Martins</p><p>

<em>Cheetah's the bigger star, though a win here would definitely make sense to Jaylon to the top</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ho Tinh</strong> vs Local Talent</p><p>

<em>JOBBER!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bradley Blaze</strong> vs Guillotine</p><p>

<em>I'm assuming Guillotine is the one going upstairs, in which case he can go out on his back</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Miller Fforde</strong> vs Pablo Rodriguez</p><p>

<em>To set up a COTT title shot</em></p>

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MAW Charm City Collision

Sat, Wk 2, Mar 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Lionhearts vs Two Man Riot


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Jaylon Martins


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Ho Tinh vs Local Talent


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bradley Blaze vs Guillotine


Main Event

Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Miller Fforde vs Pablo Rodriguez

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