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Custom Graphics Request Thread

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Would love to see someone's take on an Avatar family crest or just a stable logo for an all Avatar stable. (Jack, K.P. etc.)


Thanks to anyone that takes this one.




This isn't really what you asked for, but for most family stables I tend to use this Heritage logo:



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I might be able to work with this. I like it.


Might have to make a slight change to it, but yeah.






Saw yr post and did a quick edit to the logo




Was wondering if someone would be able to make a logo for a thing I'm doing with ZEN. I've been using the pre-show time as a sort of 'developmental' league in that it's a training ground for rookies to have small storylines and matches with one another. It started out as the ZERO League as a sort of personal fiefdom for the then ZEN Master Lord ZERO but now that he's been ousted I'm interested in turning into the more benign Dojo League overseen by the new champion Pumpkin Jack. I'd be grateful for any help with this.


Pumpkin Jack seems like he'd still want the colour scheme to match his but also he'd not want a flashy logo (and that's my excuse for my lack of skills. :p)



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I'd be very appreciative if somebody could take a shot at a couple of company logos for me.


1. Rainbow Action League (RAL). Preferably not something too bright and campy; they're a LGBTQ heavy company but it's more inclusive than it is flamboyant.


2. Aussie Women's Grappling (AWG). Three ring circus style of company, so any design that isn't completely brutalist or over the top would be suitable!

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Reposting this because I still need it. If no one wants to do it, that's fine but I just wanna make sure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.


Could someone work up a logo for me? The promotion is Pro Wrestling Revival it's an ROH-sized promotion that runs a sort-of "modern throwback" style with modern style matches but old school booking and angles.


I don't really have anything specific in mind other than the color scheme should be black and yellow with silver, blue, and red thrown in if you wish.


Thanks in advance!

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Reposting this because I still need it. If no one wants to do it, that's fine but I just wanna make sure it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.


Could someone work up a logo for me? The promotion is Pro Wrestling Revival it's an ROH-sized promotion that runs a sort-of "modern throwback" style with modern style matches but old school booking and angles.


I don't really have anything specific in mind other than the color scheme should be black and yellow with silver, blue, and red thrown in if you wish.


Thanks in advance!







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Hello everyone, I'd love a logo and a banner for this company I have made in the CVERSE world :


Ligue de Lutte Professionnel



(In english it means Professional Wrestling League)


I'd like it to be in black and red please! The company is based in Montreal, Qc, Canada.


Thank you very much



uXfkIaw.png - Main File


CW4OmHJ.png - 150x150 C-Verse version


RiNZS0S.jpg - Banner

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So I'm bringing the King of Fighters back as a tournament title. This is the belt:




I'd like a trophy based on it.


I'd also like two stable logos: Line in the Sand (incorporating the Burning Hammer color scheme) and GuiltyKill (whatever you think that phrase invokes.)

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