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Custom Graphics Request Thread

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Hoping to get a couple TV logos made using willr0ck's TCW logo. I know a couple have been posted in willr0ck's thread that are very good but I'm looking for something a bit different. Complete creative freedom.


TCW Total Wrestling

TCW Saturday Night Showcase





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I'd like to request a few event logos, please. My custom promotion is Summit Pro Wrestling and it's a North Western American company with a Rocky Mountain/Winter theme (because the summits of mountains have snow, plus I like snow, lol) The one's I'd like, in order of importance, are:


SPW Avalanche (weekly TV A show)

SPW Blizzard (supplementary weekly show, think Rampage to Dynamite)

SPW Everest (promotion's Wrestlemania/All Out equivalent)

SPW Wrestler of the Year Tournament (one night tournament with all the most over wrestlers, equally important as Everest in terms of prestige, held every December on New Year's Eve)

SPW Spring Thaw (first show of the spring, lots of new feuds happening)

SPW Hailstorm (normal PPV)

SPW Glacial Drift (normal PPV)

SPW Ice Age (normal PPV)

SPW Polar Vortex (normal PPV)


Feel free to be as creative as you want. Thanks in advance for anyone who takes a crack at it ^_^

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I'd like to request a few event logos, please. My custom promotion is Summit Pro Wrestling and it's a North Western American company with a Rocky Mountain/Winter theme (because the summits of mountains have snow, plus I like snow, lol) The one's I'd like, in order of importance, are:


SPW Avalanche (weekly TV A show)

SPW Blizzard (supplementary weekly show, think Rampage to Dynamite)

SPW Everest (promotion's Wrestlemania/All Out equivalent)

SPW Wrestler of the Year Tournament (one night tournament with all the most over wrestlers, equally important as Everest in terms of prestige, held every December on New Year's Eve)

SPW Spring Thaw (first show of the spring, lots of new feuds happening)

SPW Hailstorm (normal PPV)

SPW Glacial Drift (normal PPV)

SPW Ice Age (normal PPV)

SPW Polar Vortex (normal PPV)


Feel free to be as creative as you want. Thanks in advance for anyone who takes a crack at it ^_^


Let me know if you like it. If you do I'll look to take a shot at the rest this week. If not no worries.



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Here's some stuff I made for my RWC AEW game:



Julia Hart, Toa Liona, Stephon Smith, Jose The Assistant





Battle of the Belts, Forbidden Door, Halloween Mayhem





Blackpool Combat Club, Jericho Appreciation Society


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Does anyone in here make trophies? Would like some for the following tournaments if anyone is willing:


TCW Key to the Future - G1 Style Tournament

TCW Royal Rumble - Obvious

TCW Larry Vessey Memorial Tag Team Tournament - 32 team tournament in Larry Vessey's honor

TCW Trios Tournament

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More of my cool shit for RWC:




Evie, Demi Bennett, Adam Cole, Britt Baker, Salina De La Renta, CJ Perry, Priscilla Kelly, Wardlow, MJF, Avery Taylor, Toni Storm, Io Shirai, Bryan Danielson




Undisputed Elite, House of Black, La Facción Ingobernable





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Does anyone have RWC gif cuts of Brandon and Brent Tate in their "The Boys" gimmick, with the mask and all ?


Re-asking just in case someone didn't see it the first time, and on the same vein, if anyone also has RWC gifs for Jake Tucker/Channing Lorenzo, Xtina Kay/Kiana James, Notorious Mimi/Sloane Jacobs, and Tatum Paxley, I'd be grateful for those as well !


(And if someone also happens to have a pack of free pictures for masked luchadors and Japanese style ones, it isn't impossible I'll build a statue of them in toothpicks or sell them my first born, just saying :p)

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Hi all,


I'm wondering if anyone would be so kind as to create some stable logos for me.



La Declaración

The Pact


Full creative freedom on any and all that are attempted, but more information can be provided if required.



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