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[HYPE] CVerse Women's Revolution

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Here is the last yet to debut company I'm adding in as of now. I may go back and some more as an update but I think there is a good mix of products and options if anyone wants to start a fed from scratch.


(If you know your UK Punk music history then you will pick up on the reference pretty quick and I'll give you tons of props for being as big of a music nerd as I am!)














And what the hell, here are a few more worker previews. Let's make this an all UK update...





Mad Millie Morgan



Being the daughter of one of the few true shooters remaining in the business, it's perhaps no surprise Millie Morgan is turning into an intimidating, hard nosed competitor herself. She has been trained by her father Walter Morgan and his tag team partner Thomas Morgan (no relation) in the Wigan school of hard knocks. Like her mentors, Millie is as tough as they come, shown by her willingness to compete in bloody brawls and hardcore matches. Her finisher is a nasty Electric Chair Facebuster she calls "In The Mouth Of Madness".




Joan Blond



Joan "Platinum" Blond is the top superspy in wrestling and also probably the only one. A somewhat talented high flyer, her main strength lies in her charisma, strong character work and superb selling. It takes a very talented actress to get a wrestling audience to buy into such a silly gimmick in serious matchups (especially when wearing a shiny platinum jumpsuit that looks straight out of the 70s) and Blond does exactly that. A surprisingly shy person outside of the ring, the most use she gets out of her social media is posting cute pics of her cats.








Porsche (surname unknown) is the infamous winner of Chav Resort, Britain's least watched reality show, who became a massive meme on UK social media for a brief moment in 2017 when the internet discovered the show and Porsche's goldmine of unintentionally hilarious quotes. As there is no justice in this world, the Essex native parlayed her memedom into talk show appearances, a #1 hit single and is now looking to become a wrestler. With next to no talent, zero passion for the sport, rampant legal issues and who knows what else, she would be dead in the water if she wasn't attractive. Knowing the insane luck this woman has, she'll probably end up the female Sam Strong.











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Really looking forward to this mod. Haven't been playing much TEW20 lately but I reckon this mod will get me back in for a new save. Looking forward to starting out a new game (did a fairly lengthy TCW save to start with) with this, the Indy Booster mod and the Indian expansion mods all going to have a REALLY fleshed out C-Verse.


Thanks for putting the work in!

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Finally the release is upon us!



A link to the graphics folder and data is below...



Currently unfinished:


-renders for refs, a few workers in Europe and 10 workers in AusOceaniastralia

(I will provide an updated graphics folder as I finish these but since the DB was complete I felt like it was unfair to make you guys wait for me to bang out 25 or so renders)


What's not included:


-India - since their are two really good India expansion mods out I decided to not add any workers for India. I don't want to step on the creators of those mods toes in any way so add those mods to your DB is you haven't already. I'll add India in a future expansion.


-Announcers/Color - Rendering 100 original characters is taxing enough on me on top of doing all the graphics, belts etc myself so I decided to not add any announcers/color this go round. But I will include some in a future expansion


WMMA Renders - VBigV was nice enough to let us use some of his converter WMMA renders and Blackman was nice enough to put together a file with these renders so if you want to port any custom characters over or just want to make some more MMA based workers their is a picture folder included in the people folder with those renders.



A special thanks to Dr_Avalanche, The Swanton 825, southside_hitmen and Historian for their contributions!





Data: https://www.mediafire.com/file/luked0uzn27j6jf/TEW2020.mdb/file


Graphics: https://www.mediafire.com/file/kqv1f109od33ng0/Graphics.zip/file




Please post any feedback itt, or if you are just really enjoying the characters, certain companies let me know.




*Also a special message for Dark_Raider - I know how much you love those legacies so we made sure their were plenty of legacies in the mod. You're welcome!

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Thank you so much for this<3

Off to sink my teeth into the data, will return with feedback and a WQ2020 diary :D


P.S. I'm not against legacies, as evidenced with the likes of Furusawa and Toshusai in my current BCG diary. I'm against that fact being their entire gimmick. It's nepotism I'm against :rolleyes:

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Great! Thanks.


Just a couple things I noticed, the BGOW tag titles and LFF tag titles weren't attached to their respective companies.

Can confirm, got errors for those two while importing data.


Also, the last word in the company description for Bad Girls of Wrestling should be "seen" instead of "scene".

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Several portraits seem to be missing, unless we're supposed to use the WMMA portraits provided in a separate folder. Is this an error or intentional? Are these portraits coming in a future update?


Also, another thing that caught my eye, Tara Kilpatrick is a non wrestler whose bio describes her as a referee, but she hasn't been assigned any prefered roles (as in, the Referee icon doesn't "light up" when she's selected)

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Great! Thanks.


Just a couple things I noticed, the BGOW tag titles and LFF tag titles weren't attached to their respective companies.


Can confirm, got errors for those two while importing data.


Also, the last word in the company description for Bad Girls of Wrestling should be "seen" instead of "scene".


I'll get those errors corrected, thanks


Okay this looks great, I've never really been able to get into the cverse before but some of the new additions here look fantastic. NeoTokyo Joshi very much has my interest!


Glad to hear it!


Several portraits seem to be missing, unless we're supposed to use the WMMA portraits provided in a separate folder. Is this an error or intentional? Are these portraits coming in a future update?


Also, another thing that caught my eye, Tara Kilpatrick is a non wrestler whose bio describes her as a referee, but she hasn't been assigned any prefered roles (as in, the Referee icon doesn't "light up" when she's selected)


I posted this in the release post above but I know tl/dr. There are 25 or so workers without pics. I need to finish up their renders but since the DB was complete I didnt want to keep you guys waiting so I'll release those as I finish them.


For Tara, that is probably an error or my part. She should be a ref so I'll get that fixed.

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Hey man, been looking briefly through this as I don't have time to really appreciate your work right now but at the same time I didn't want to wait lol


Been loving the renders and the characters I have seen so far, some really good stuff! I now it's personal tastes on what people like but for me it's a great mix of interesting backstories, but nothing so insane it seems out of place, if that makes sense? Dr. Yumaniac is an especially great write-up, the sort of random stuff that is great and fleshes out a worker, with a nice pun and a platypus thrown in for good measure.


Bonnie Bogan - Australian Session Moth Martina? or ODB? lol


Just a couple of small things I noticed, obviously not meant as a criticism just little typos and stuff


London SS - Bio says Carper Pisser, I guess this should be carpet? Although there is a chance it's just a term I have never heard of lol


Project Eve - bio " EVE focuses on developing young up and coming wrestling talent" extra space between "young" and "up"


Project Eve - bio "With old school wrestling product" guessing should be "with an old school..."?


Quite a few workers have 100 physical condition for every body part


Akari Kawashima - experience 10 high for 1 year pro (unless intentional as she's a legacy) first sentence in bio has a space between the full stop at the end, and last sentence has extra space "they make a"


Brianna Riot - controversy spelt "controversie"


Villana Dos - "wherever" spelt "whereever"


The other thing I would say, and again hope this comes across as friendly advice as I honestly mean it that way. I have been converting my 2018 c-verse mod so been looking a cverse quite closely. I haven't looked fully as I said but I noticed a couple of workers with really low menace, I think one of them had menace of "1". I had a few workers I created for TEW 2016 with the same sort of stats, but on TEW2020 I noticed even the smallest none-wrestlers who's bio specifically say they are geeky looking or not intimidating etc. tend to have around 7-9 menace, and just normal chubby small announcers(usually men to be fair) have in the double figures. But year I'd say your average none-wrestler female valet would have 8 menace, so might be worth just looking at that. I know I have been editing some of my created workers to match the game.


Like I say could be just that one I saw as haven't looked fully, but a menace of 1 would literally be lowest I have seen of any worker in whole of C-Verse


The other thing is I noticed popularity is like 2016 version, where it covers the whole of a country, so for example "15" in every area of Japan. Again in 2020 they tend to have home regions now, so a lot of these workers who've never been with a name promotion of featured on TV will now be some pf the highest earners in a lot of C-Verse companies as now you tend to see people with like "15" Mid Atlantic, 0 everywhere else. Even top OLLIE workers for example in default data have like "50" in area OLLIE is based but 2 or 3 everywhere else in Mexico.



Just something worth considering as a lot of these women might end up on too high wages at smaller debuting company's you've created and the balance might bankrupt those companies a bit quickly, from what I can see 2020 small companies is very much based in workers being unknown nationally to keep their wages down. When I have been looking at the workers I've made I've had to now add them to certain regions in a company and just make them local people, rather than 2016 way of "guy who only ever wrestling in CZCW is 40 popularity in Hawaii"




Again, I hope you don't mind me saying, but I would rather say it and potentially help than say nothing out of worrying I'll offend haha. and despite what I have put I can tell you now from what I see this is a fantastic addition to the C-Verse, and really needed. I love the bio styles, I can guarantee if people added the characters to the C-Verse people who played that data wouldn't know what was your work what was default, in a good way, as the style of write-ups matches the data so much, flawlessly.

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The renders and the companies all look amazing, excited to try them out, especially Neo-Tokyo, since they are in the business of making new stars certain people like Spider Isako might find a home here (currently the only place I use her is QAW after messing with her availability), especially with or feuding against some of the new additions in this mod.


Another quick grammar pickup, London SS you have 'like they're Japanese counterparts', needs to be 'their'.

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Hype! What's the best order to import everything into the default db?


EDIT: Also, are the companies meant to be unopened? I figured some places like Pro Wrestling EVE would be open already, seeing as how Ashley Keith has already debuted. Either way, great work. Just wanted to see what the word was.

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Again, I hope you don't mind me saying, but I would rather say it and potentially help than say nothing out of worrying I'll offend haha. and despite what I have put I can tell you now from what I see this is a fantastic addition to the C-Verse, and really needed. I love the bio styles, I can guarantee if people added the characters to the C-Verse people who played that data wouldn't know what was your work what was default, in a good way, as the style of write-ups matches the data so much, flawlessly.


Nope, don't mind at all. That is why I released the thing early, to correct any errors. Thank you for the feedback. Spelling errors have been fixed and I did adjust the menace. Haven't taken a look at pop yet but I will once I get the motivation to go back through every worker. (I might even leave it if it doesn't seem to be effecting everyone's saves. I'll keep my eye on it.)


Oh and yes, it's supposed to be The Carpet Pissers for sure. Just a little Big Lebowski reference I had to slip in their.



Yes been ready for this, thanks to you and your team


Thank you and I'm glad you downloaded it!


The renders and the companies all look amazing, excited to try them out, especially Neo-Tokyo, since they are in the business of making new stars certain people like Spider Isako might find a home here (currently the only place I use her is QAW after messing with her availability), especially with or feuding against some of the new additions in this mod.


Another quick grammar pickup, London SS you have 'like they're Japanese counterparts', needs to be 'their'.


Thanks, the spelling error has been corrected. I had a feeling NeoTokyo would be a popular promotion.



Hype! What's the best order to import everything into the default db?


EDIT: Also, are the companies meant to be unopened? I figured some places like Pro Wrestling EVE would be open already, seeing as how Ashley Keith has already debuted. Either way, great work. Just wanted to see what the word was.


Looks like the order thing has been answered. I had no idea honestly.


As far as the companies not being opened. That was purposeful as I wanted them to be options for you guys to open as you wanted to or to use as your own company. The Keith's are set to found EVE and Mirai Kajahara is set to found WQ2020.



All errors have been fixed that have been noted so far, the DB link is the same as I just saved over the old file.

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I don't know if it is intentional or if I have done something wrong in importing (first time I have imported something into a copy of the default database) but none of the feds have rosters or staff.


Not that this is a bad thing mind you, I've just started a Neo Tokyo run with one of the recent retirees of 5SSW that managed to snag J-Ro as colour commentator and have built stables. My favourite stable is my main heel stable comprising of Spider Isako, Onryo, the three Weird Sisters and, from Thunderverse, Otohime and All Hallow's Eve (one of my few older hands), Otohime is there to further the dark mistress and weird sisters gimmicks as a captive face who is the sworn sister of one Himari Miwa, the leader of the main face stable and will be one of my biggest storylines for the first year or so. If I get it written coherently as I go I might dynasty it. (Though I still have some way to go before I even run my first event but all part of the fun). The only thing I would say against this is if someone wants to start in January they need to be very quick getting all of the staff if they want to run a tour schedule, I lost the first week of January getting my staff and will likely start with a title tournament, with a round robin in the tour dates, in February now.


The legacy characters I have seen are also very nicely put together, you couldn't tell them apart from regular cverse.


Some pointers on the brief run I have had with it.


If there are rosters in mind or at least some stars who are intrinsic to the existence of some feds (someone mentioned Ashley Keith in EVE) it might be worth adding contracts (this is assuming I didn't screw up the import, mind).


The Weird Sisters of Skuld, Urd and Verdani, you might want to put the names of the other two members in the bio of each of them, or at least the Weird Sisters link in all three bios. Urd you specifically mention the relationship, Skuld doesn't mention the link but I got the connection through Aud Valkyrie as a trainer, Verdani you don't even give that, I had to get it from general look, that she was younger than Urd which I used to narrow the list down and confirmed it with her having the Weird Sister gimmick since I had only seen two with it when I had put my initial roster, which I had trimmed from a shortlist to twenty so I am over that but eh it works better in fairness, together.

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I don't know if it is intentional or if I have done something wrong in importing (first time I have imported something into a copy of the default database) but none of the feds have rosters or staff.


Not that this is a bad thing mind you, I've just started a Neo Tokyo run with one of the recent retirees of 5SSW that managed to snag J-Ro as colour commentator and have built stables. My favourite stable is my main heel stable comprising of Spider Isako, Onryo, the three Weird Sisters and, from Thunderverse, Otohime and All Hallow's Eve (one of my few older hands), Otohime is there to further the dark mistress and weird sisters gimmicks as a captive face who is the sworn sister of one Himari Miwa, the leader of the main face stable and will be one of my biggest storylines for the first year or so. If I get it written coherently as I go I might dynasty it. (Though I still have some way to go before I even run my first event but all part of the fun)


The legacy characters I have seen are also very nicely put together, you couldn't tell them apart from regular cverse.


Some pointers on the brief run I have had with it.


If there are rosters in mind or at least some stars who are intrinsic to the existence of some feds (someone mentioned Ashley Keith in EVE) it might be worth adding contracts (this is assuming I didn't screw up the import, mind).


The Weird Sisters of Skuld, Urd and Verdani, you might want to put the names of the other two members in the bio of each of them, or at least the Weird Sisters link in all three bios. Urd you specifically mention the relationship, Skuld doesn't mention the link but I got the connection through Aud Valkyrie as a trainer, Verdani you don't even give that, I had to get it from general look, that she was younger than Urd which I used to narrow the list down and confirmed it with her having the Weird Sister gimmick since I had only seen two with it when I had put my initial roster, which I had trimmed form a shortlist to twenty so I am over that but eh it works better in fairness, together.



Please do start a dynasty w/NeoTokyo, or at least post updates as you progress in the thread. I love to here how eveyone's games are doing.


In regards to the companies, they are all yet to debut. The ones that are linked to characters have the correct people set as founders. The companies were added for you guys to use or just remain set to open randomly to provide the game world with more women's companies.


The errors in the Weird Sisters bios have been noticed and I'll get those fixed shortly.

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