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Any issues importing 2016 databases?

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The only real issues I've noticed with converted DBs are that company owners might need their preferred roster size edited to something smaller in order to avoid big companies signing EVERYONE in the first week, and that the new experience stat for workers can be a bit wonky in freshly-converted DBs. A quick fix for the latter is to do a bunch of mass edits, setting all workers with (X) number of years in the business to (Y) experience, based on where most CVerse workers with the corresponding number of years seem to fall.


Undebuted: 0

Rookie year: 0

1 years: 2

2 years: 4

3 years: 6-7

4 years: 25-40

5, 6 years: 40-60

7 years: 50-65

8 years: 70-80

9 years: 75-90

10 years: 82-90

11 years: 90-100

12+ years: 100

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In the game I’ve converted I’ve had a lot of problems with most of my roster becoming negative personalities who weren’t previously.


Seems to be an issue that’s affected other users of the forum too, but it doesn’t seem to be everybody. I wonder what the “trigger” is here.


I’ve got a mod I’d LOVE to convert but basically can’t figure out a way to do it without having to edit the personalities of 60 odd workers manually.


Would love some help here from someone.

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Anyone who says they converted a mod without issues should take a look at their worker stats (I bet everyone's experience is 0), stables (they will not have changed to Gang/Alliance/ cult etc...), broadcasters (There are so many more types), and several other things. If you claim to be playing a mod straight from conversion, you will struggle when every worker has 0 wrestling experience!


You cannot just convert a mod without any issues. Did you check that all the touring companies have their tours and schedules set up? Did you ensure all your worker attributes were correct? Unless you spent a good few hours editing, the mod you are playing is going to have so much wrong with it.

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Anyone who says they converted a mod without issues should take a look at their worker stats (I bet everyone's experience is 0)


While I agree with your main point (that it's a lot more work converting a mod from 2016 to 2020 than it was converting from 2013 to 2016), this doesn't match my experience. I've seen many workers convert with significant experience. I have no idea how it rates said experience (best guess is that it's some combination of time in the business and size of companies worked with), and there is definitely a discrepancy where some workers who have been around for a few years still have 0, but by-and-large, I see workers converting to have experience.

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One thing I've noticed when importing the old Thunderverse database is that the game tends to set most nonstandard products to "Classic Balanced". I've also had the mentioned problems with bad personalities.



The biggest issue for me is that the new gimmick effects have to be put in manually into the contracts, or they just won't show up in the game, but this is less an issue with conversion and more an issue with the editor's interface.


The only real issues I've noticed with converted DBs are that company owners might need their preferred roster size edited to something smaller in order to avoid big companies signing EVERYONE in the first week, and that the new experience stat for workers can be a bit wonky in freshly-converted DBs. A quick fix for the latter is to do a bunch of mass edits, setting all workers with (X) number of years in the business to (Y) experience, based on where most CVerse workers with the corresponding number of years seem to fall.


Undebuted: 0

Rookie year: 0

1 years: 2

2 years: 4

3 years: 6-7

4 years: 25-40

5, 6 years: 40-60

7 years: 50-65

8 years: 70-80

9 years: 75-90

10 years: 82-90

11 years: 90-100

12+ years: 100

This would be great if we could filter workers by year in the business in the editor.

Unfortunately, we can't, so you still have to enter these numbers manually, or trust the converter to do it for you.

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I've noticed playing an updated 2010 mod anything more than 5 minutes says the segment went on too long, which for WWE is highly unrealistic. Also am getting action angles get the "lack of anything interesting happening" note. Possibly the wrong product status set but also the lack of being able to have custom products, I think it might need more refining when databases are converted.
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Also am getting action angles get the "lack of anything interesting happening" note.


This is an issue of angles not being properly defined. A lot of angles have the roles mistakenly set as Overness, which basically means they're just standing there. Neither the converter nor the game itself has any idea what the angles are about, they can only work with what they're given.

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Anyone who says they converted a mod without issues should take a look at their worker stats (I bet everyone's experience is 0), stables (they will not have changed to Gang/Alliance/ cult etc...), broadcasters (There are so many more types), and several other things. If you claim to be playing a mod straight from conversion, you will struggle when every worker has 0 wrestling experience!


You cannot just convert a mod without any issues. Did you check that all the touring companies have their tours and schedules set up? Did you ensure all your worker attributes were correct? Unless you spent a good few hours editing, the mod you are playing is going to have so much wrong with it.


Now that you put that way, i found a problem in the mod. Dave Finlay has been transformed into a 100% heel, when he should do good as a face as well,... it's the tip of the iceberg.

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You cannot just convert a mod without any issues. Did you check that all the touring companies have their tours and schedules set up? Did you ensure all your worker attributes were correct? Unless you spent a good few hours editing, the mod you are playing is going to have so much wrong with it.


I did convert the mod I said i did, I'm playing it, and I am not having any issues with it. Apparently your mileage varies.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Nickman" data-cite="The Nickman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49322" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is 100% my biggest problem. If I could figure out what to adjust in the TEW2016 Mod before making the conversion to offset this, I'd be well on my way!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> When you convert a mod from 2016 it picks the highest personality slider and matches an appropriate attribute.</p><p> </p><p> For example if a worker personality slider in 2016 is high towards mercenary it will give them the mercenary attribute</p>
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In the game I’ve converted I’ve had a lot of problems with most of my roster becoming negative personalities who weren’t previously.


Seems to be an issue that’s affected other users of the forum too, but it doesn’t seem to be everybody. I wonder what the “trigger” is here.


I’ve got a mod I’d LOVE to convert but basically can’t figure out a way to do it without having to edit the personalities of 60 odd workers manually.


Would love some help here from someone.


I had this issue as well. After one show moral dropped to 0.

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Anyone who says they converted a mod without issues should take a look at their worker stats (I bet everyone's experience is 0), stables (they will not have changed to Gang/Alliance/ cult etc...), broadcasters (There are so many more types), and several other things. If you claim to be playing a mod straight from conversion, you will struggle when every worker has 0 wrestling experience!


You cannot just convert a mod without any issues. Did you check that all the touring companies have their tours and schedules set up? Did you ensure all your worker attributes were correct? Unless you spent a good few hours editing, the mod you are playing is going to have so much wrong with it.



I don't even do any modding besides personal use but I tried CV2016 just to see and it was a mess. Basically any "new" feature or anything that was a big tweak did not translate well, which is to be expected anyway.

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I had this issue as well. After one show moral dropped to 0.


When you convert a mod from 2016 it picks the highest personality slider and matches an appropriate attribute.


For example if a worker personality slider in 2016 is high towards mercenary it will give them the mercenary attribute

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