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EMLL: Strange Lucha Things

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Ha Ha, Eggplant losing his pants. Another funny episode of Lucha Lore. I am loving this Aprendiz segments.


I'm glad you like them :) They're a bit of a change of pace from the tone of the Antivenom segments, but I'm enjoying the freedom of getting to try out different things using the LuchaLore.


And that is how the eggplant emoji started its career...


We only tell the important origin stories here on EMLL: Strange Lucha Things










EMLL: Tales From The Multiverse





Scorpion vs. Screamer



Calavera vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma



Cobra vs. Goblin Prince

[Hardcore Match]



Blue Wolf vs. Purple Viper



Delirium vs. La Estrella



Captain Lucha vs. Death's Head

[Winner Gets Possession of Pyromaniac's Mask]





Scorpion vs. Screamer

Calavera vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

Cobra vs. Goblin Prince

Blue Wolf vs. Purple Viper

Delirium vs. La Estrella

Captain Lucha vs. Death's Head

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Scorpion vs. Screamer

Calavera vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

Cobra vs. Goblin Prince

Blue Wolf vs. Purple Viper

Delirium vs. La Estrella

Captain Lucha vs. Death's Head


Another good LuchaLore, good to see Jackruit staying in. It's a shame to see Eggplant fired for following rule number 3 but that's how it goes sometimes!

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<p><strong>Scorpion</strong> vs. Screamer</p><p>

Calavera vs. <strong>El Hijo Del Fantasma</strong></p><p>

<strong>Cobra</strong> vs. Goblin Prince</p><p>

<strong>Blue Wolf</strong> vs. Purple Viper</p><p>

Delirium vs. <strong>La Estrella</strong></p><p>

<strong>Captain Lucha</strong> vs. Death's Head</p>

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<p><strong>Scorpion</strong> vs. Screamer</p><p> </p><p>

Scorpion as actually really good, screamer not so much, not yet.</p><p> </p><p>

Calavera vs. <strong>El Hijo Del Fantasma</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Calavera is fodder for Guerrero, Fantasma has a lot of upside</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cobra</strong> vs. Goblin Prince</p><p> </p><p>

Goblin Prince is surprisingly good you just dont really have anything going on for him.</p><p> </p><p>

Blue Wolf vs. <strong>Purple Viper</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Blue Wolf is a jobber, Viper it part of one of your biggest stables.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Delirium</strong> vs. La Estrella</p><p> </p><p>

This is a tough one but last show you seemed to have been starting somthing up with Delirium</p><p> </p><p>

Captain Lucha vs. <strong>Death's Head</strong></p><p> </p><p>

It isn't time for Death's Head to lose</p>

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<p><strong>Scorpion</strong> vs. Screamer</p><p>

Calavera vs. <strong>El Hijo Del Fantasma</strong></p><p>

<strong>Cobra</strong> vs. Goblin Prince</p><p>

<strong>Blue Wolf</strong> vs. Purple Viper</p><p>

<strong>Delirium</strong> vs. La Estrella</p><p>

<strong>Captain Lucha</strong> vs. Death's Head</p>

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Scorpion vs. Screamer - this was 50/50 for me

Calavera vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma - Calavera isn't there yet, just Fantasma's first lackey to deal with

Cobra vs. Goblin Prince - Cobra is super underrated imo.

Blue Wolf vs. Purple Viper - all the snakes have been dominant this is no different.

Delirium vs. La Estrella - Estrella gets back on track

Captain Lucha vs. Death's Head - pyromaniac's mask isn't as important as the rings are and Death's Head is due for a loss.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="https://docdro.id/mUdooli" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="Huvjvle.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Huvjvle.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';">Click The Image To View or Click the Link Below</span></span></strong></p><p>

<a href="https://docdro.id/mUdooli" rel="external nofollow">https://docdro.id/mUdooli</a></p><p>


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Another good show, solid from top to bottom. Like the stories, matches, angles and characters.


Thanks :) Glad to have you on board as always.


Great show. Skull- Spitter in EMLL? This would be good.


Yeah, he seemed like an appropriate fit for the Kingdom of Blood ;)





I said this in the DOTM thread, but I just want to take a quick moment to thank all of the readers of this diary. There are many who comment and quite a few who don't, but I appreciate everyone reading and engaging with the diary and I hope it continues to be entertaining :). Thank you to all who voted for the diary. It was a surprise to win, but it only motivates me to try and outdo myself moving forward :p

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Currently away so going to wait till I get back to laptop to read show. But congrats on the well deserved win!


Great to see it going strong as its very much the type of diary that the deeper we get into your lore the better.


Thanks a lot, I appreciate your support. The lore's the reason I started the diary in the first place, so the more we get into it, the more I'm having fun as well :)


Another great show. Really like the Kingdom of Blood growing.


Thanks :) Me too. Death's Head couldn't ride solo forever.

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I just realized, one of the things I love about Lucha Lore is how it sets up stuff for the shows and pays off in the ring, first with Nachash/Cobra/Viper joining the roster and now with two new faces fighting it out to be the next Aprendiz. LuchaLore is like what Being the Elite has been for RoH/NJPW/AEW, in a way. Well played.
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It's Apple & Jackfruit then. I don't like Jackfruit so i will stick with Apple.


Solid choice, go with the fruit that works for you.


I just realized, one of the things I love about Lucha Lore is how it sets up stuff for the shows and pays off in the ring, first with Nachash/Cobra/Viper joining the roster and now with two new faces fighting it out to be the next Aprendiz. LuchaLore is like what Being the Elite has been for RoH/NJPW/AEW, in a way. Well played.


Thanks, that's a pretty big compliment. What happens won't always translate directly to a match or a new worker debut, but I'm really looking to flesh out the characters using LuchaLore. That's a goal of The Aprendiz as well, without giving too much away. I'd say we're about halfway done with The Aprendiz, but pt. 4 was the end of the "first half". The second half is a bit of a shift.



People need to respect the threat the Kingdom Of Blood truly is before it's too late. Could be a good spot for Aztec Prince in the future.


Absolutely, the Kingdom of Blood are a favourite of mine. More to come :)










EMLL: Tales From The Multiverse





Charron vs. Rey Soldado



Aprendiz Jr. vs El Orgulloso



Anarchist vs. El Serpiente



Ajax The Skull-Splitter vs. Jose Flamenco



La Bestia Morada vs. Samael The Accuser

[Hardcore Match]



Cyclops vs. Guerrero Muerto





Charron vs. Rey Soldado

Aprendiz Jr. vs. El Orgulloso

Anarchist vs. El Serpiente

Ajax The Skull-Splitter vs. Jose Flamenco

La Bestia Morada vs. Samael The Accuser

Cyclops vs. Guerrero Muerto

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Charron vs. Rey Soldado


Mostly cause Charron will actually be a little bitch about losing to him. Trust me I've tried.


Aprendiz Jr. vs. El Orgulloso


Aprendiz has that fun story going on, on the EMLL MeTube channel. But El Orgulloso is part of a big and important faction.


Anarchist vs. El Serpiente


The embodied deity continues to grow in power


Ajax The Skull-Splitter vs. Jose Flamenco


First match, big win over effectively a jobber


La Bestia Morada vs. Samael The Accuser


This is a tough one but I think you want to keep Samael as a monster


Cyclops vs. Guerrero Muerto


I actually love Cyclops but he's not on Muerto's level in storyline or in work rate. And there is no reason to have Muerto to take what could be a big overness hit for losing to him.

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