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Do u have to use everyone every show?

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<p>Nothing.</p><p> </p><p>

If you leave them off a lot of shows, then it looks like their momentum will suffer, but one show? Nah. You're fine. I've been running a 1 hour long TV show per week with a rotating cast (each worker appears on 2/4 per month) and my roster seems fine.</p><p> </p><p>

Workers above Unimportant tend to complain if they're left off of Events, but this might depend on personalities.</p>

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<p>Yeah, one or two TV shows here and there is no problem at all, especially for lower perception guys.</p><p> </p><p>

The only thing you really need to worry about is really important events. If you have a Historic event, everyone's going to want to be on it. If it's Highly Regarded, your more popular workers are going to be upset if they're not involved, etc.</p>

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For some reason, Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Booker T are all mad about being left off shows, despite them not being wrestlers anymore.


I guess it's because they are popular personnalities. Or perhaps it's a problem within the mod you are using.

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For some reason, Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Booker T are all mad about being left off shows, despite them not being wrestlers anymore.


They're still considered Stars and want to be on shows, what you can do if you're not using them and have no interest in using them then just send them on holiday for a year

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One thing you can do is use the road agent note “at ringside” for matches, or “cameo” for angles. Could be a cameo, or a guest commentator spot, or just accompanying someone. This at least gets them on the camera and will shut them up.
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<p>To be clear: No, you don't have to use every worker in every show but consider the following</p><p> </p><p>

1) At high levels with written contracts you're probably paying a fixed salary whether you use them or not.</p><p> </p><p>

2) If you don't use them in angles/matches then the workers don't develop. The general idea is that you should be pairing experienced workers with raw talent. This is the "paying the dues" that young talent goes through where they get jobbed out to the experienced guys but are picking up the skills needed to cary the show 5-10yrs down the road.</p><p> </p><p>

3) Angles are your friend, especially for non-workers. Angles in Sports Entertainment shows are absolutely vital in generating popularity. Think of popularity as a currency. Normally in a match you can only trade it between workers. One worker loses gives some of their pop to the worker that wins. It's not quite that simple because very good matches improve both people but in general it's a trade off. One person goes up, the other person goes down. Angles let you "print money". So with Vince McMahon during the Attitude era you saw this all the time. Vince would cuts some angles with his "bodyguards" getting them popularity. Then the face would come in, beat the guard and take that popularity for themselves.</p><p> </p><p>

The other great thing about angles is they don't have downsides. Workers don't get wear & tear or injuries or exhaustion from angles so putting people in angles is a great way of keeping them in the spotlight and keep them getting popular without wearing them down. Especially with house shows and multiple TV shows you can really beat a worker down if you are just throwing them into matches.</p><p> </p><p>

4) Based on their perceived position in your company workers expect to be on more shows. Major Stars want to be used frequently while "Unimportant" workers can go long periods of time without showing their face. You should look at using Major Stars weekly. Maybe a little less but they should be at least cutting angles. Remember, you're probably paying them their full salary no matter what so use them to boost your shows or help others get over.</p>

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<p>Does anyone know if worker role makes a different to whether they get upset or not?</p><p> </p><p>

As an example, does an Occasional Wrestler expect to be used as much as a Wrestler?</p><p> </p><p>

Will a Personality get as annoyed at not being used as an in ring competitor?</p><p> </p><p>

Or does it entirely come down to personality type and/or perception to whether or not they’ll get upset?</p>

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I try to use everybody on written exclusive contracts on every show, including the preshow time. As noted above, I'm paying them anyway so may as well give them a shot at improving something. Guys on a pay per appearance deal are just pin me/pay me talent anyway, so they only get used as needed.
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For some reason, Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Booker T are all mad about being left off shows, despite them not being wrestlers anymore.


Sounds like a mod problem. Vince and Steph should be set to no role if they are not being used for your shows.


If you like how the mod is set up then you can always just send them on vacation.

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