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Unimportant wrestlers

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Any tips on how to get a unimportant workers further up the card?


I'm with CZCW and have just hired around 10 workers from CWA after it went bankrupt. Obviously they are all very good in ring but problem is their popularity in USA is only around 20's and my current company popularity is in the 68 so their perception is unimportant.


I also seem to have a massive split of around 25 workers who are major stars and Stars vs 25 who are unimportant.

This means my stars are pissed off if I ask them to lose to my lowly Canadian imports. However I get an uninterested crowd if I put two unimportants together.

This problem has also led to most of them having really bad momentum as they've been losing to stars on shows but also been producing bad match ratings when put together due to their low popularity.


I've got an A show, B show and monthly event

All shows are on wrestleWorld (for now) so my coverage is not to bad in USA.

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Having just one recognisable worker in a tag match stops the penalty. Could use the alliance loan feature to bring in a few midcarders with decent perception to job to your new guys (or unemployed workers with some pop). And just using a few of them on the pre-show will get their south-west popularity up; once one is recognisable, then tag matches. 🤷*♂️ That’s one suggestion at least. If they’re good workers, they’ll get over enough on match quality until they’re more viable to use on the main card.
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You could try pairing up the better ones with your established stars in tag teams. Make it a sort of Nxt thing (back when Nxt started) with your stars "mentoring" the newcomers. That should prevent your matches tanking too much. Anyone who is losing too much momentum you can stick in dark matches or on your B show against local jobbers. Try using your B show to build up their pop (if that works - I've never run a B show).


Or if you have enough cash create a developmental fed and send them all there so they gain pop in the South West - which will increase their perception when you bring them up (but not who they can safely beat, as that is based on National popularity, I believe). I did that with my women's fed and a bunch of Mexicans I wanted to "invade". When they did it I had to make someone in my company their leader so they could win in 3,4 or 5-woman tags. Then I had them win their way up the card. It took about a year to get them up to the level they "should" be at. It's a lot easier if you have your own broadcaster as they can gain pop thoughout the US instead of just in the SW.

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I would rather have a few matches per show where the fans are "uninterested" than immediately job out my new talent to established workers. One builds for the future. The other doesn't. Especially if you have a B-Show. That's what B-Shows are for.


I'd hire a couple of guys with popularity 35-45, maybe older guys, and let the newbies squash them. Just enough to get positive momentum, and become Recognizable.

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Cheers guys.


I've started to use the loan system a bit more and it seems to be working as my established guys are starting to help put over the newer guys.


Using the agent notes like keep strong/open match and protect also seems to help with this. Not sure how much this limits pop growth but gradually keeping everyone happy is better than pissing people off so they leave haha.

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I loved pushing a Main-eventer, Upper-midcarder, Midcarder, Lower-midcarder, Opener- Enhancement talent, Occasional wrestler.


I liked being able to do it like that. It was more aesthetically pleasing to me.


Feels like I'm booking a wrestling show, instead of some weird popularity contest.


I don't know, just my opinion.

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The only thing I could suggest is using your new workers in angles with your established workers. Think of how Jericho debuted in WWE. He wasn't on The Rock's level when he debuted but with creative use of angles, they gave the fans the impression that he was (or would be soon). Yes, the angle isn't going to rate very high in the TEW sense because of the disparity in popularity. However, you can do it on the B show or you can do it in the dark on shows held in your fortress area(s) (South West/North West/Mid South, I'd guess for CZCW).


Another way to go about it is the Evolution route where an Aaron Knight type is added to a stable with an established star. The angles revolving around the stable will get the new worker over fairly quickly. As an example, I added Bizarro to Raven Nightfall's goth stable (as a Pennywise type of clown) and she went from 'unimportant' to 'recognizable' in 3 TV shows (2 A, 1 B) and an event. Zero matches, all angles.

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