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owner/ceo renews worker contracts

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I did a search and couldn't find anything with the information I was looking for. I have had this happen a few times. Playing as TCW I wanted to let some of the aging workers who I had no use for go. Rather than fire them I simply intended to siphon their popularity onto the rising talent. This of course angered them. Then when it hit 7 days remaining, the website loads up and I see that "wrestler x has renewed their contract with TCW."




Oviously I didn't do that. So I then see two emails. 1) Wrestler X signed a new contract. 2) TCW CEO Kyle Rhodes has stepped in and renewed Wrestler X's contract.



The first time it happened I thought maybe it was a a relationship thing, perhaps strong friendship or loyalty, but there was nothing. So why would an owner want a roster full of grumpy old men with rapidly declining popularity? Does anyone know what causes this or has anyone else come across it?

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The first time it happened I thought maybe it was a a relationship thing, perhaps strong friendship or loyalty, but there was nothing. So why would an owner want a roster full of grumpy old men with rapidly declining popularity? Does anyone know what causes this or has anyone else come across it?


Do these workers show up on any of your lists in the Creative section? Even with declining popularity, if a worker is listed as a Ring General (for example), Rhodes might think them more valuable than you do. I don't think their morale would have much to do with his decision though because that's a problem you created. Check their contracts to see what terms he gave them. Sometimes when this happens, the worker gives a bit of a discount but it's also not uncommon to have the owner/CEO give them dreaded clauses (creative control, wage matching, etc) or bonuses.


But just like they can block you from signing someone, they can similarly re-sign someone you didn't want back. I don't necessarily think there's a single reason why though.

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This happened in 2016 too. It happened to me all the time. I'd be thinking I'd let a workers contract expire instead of firing him and then bam the owner rehires. The challenge is working around it. So your CEO/Owner likes this guy what would you do in a real life situation where you're owner tells you, oh no this is our guy. Would you then start pushing him.
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Do these workers show up on any of your lists in the Creative section? Even with declining popularity, if a worker is listed as a Ring General (for example), Rhodes might think them more valuable than you do. I don't think their morale would have much to do with his decision though because that's a problem you created. Check their contracts to see what terms he gave them. Sometimes when this happens, the worker gives a bit of a discount but it's also not uncommon to have the owner/CEO give them dreaded clauses (creative control, wage matching, etc) or bonuses.


But just like they can block you from signing someone, they can similarly re-sign someone you didn't want back. I don't necessarily think there's a single reason why though.


I signed Savage Fury (as TCW) who both have dismal skills at this age. Rhodes stepped in and extended Java on his own. I only had them on a handshake so I could easily fire them, but they offered legitimately nothing tangible by that point. Sub 50 top row skills and barely any performance skills. Unless he was signing off menace alone (hiring rule for no powerhouses this save too) I don’t know why he’d want him back.

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