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TITANS Need Not Apply: A 1991 WCW Diary

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TITANS Need Not Apply: A 1991 WCW Diary

Extremely frustrated with the company's recent performance, and tired of playing second fiddle to Vince McMahon and the WWF, WCW Owner Ted Turner made two moves in the early morning hours of New Year's Day, 1991.


The first was to fire Jim Herd from his job as Executive Vice President of WCW and replace him with Jim Ross. It was no secret that practically no one involved with WCW cared much for Jim Herd, and when you pair that with the fact that business had been on a steady decline since the spring of 1990, replacing Herd with the well-liked and more than qualified Jim Ross was a no-brainer.


The second was to go back to the last thing that showed any semblance of actually working, and reinstall Ric Flair as head booker of WCW, a job he had just resigned from in February 1990. So why would Flair agree to go back to a job he had just quit less than a year earlier? Because the only reason he quit that job in the first place, despite business almost immediately trending up once he had it, was because he absolutely could not get along with then WCW Executive Vice President Jim Herd, who ultimately had final say on any decisions Flair made.


Convinced he'd made the two best decisions he possibly could've made for the future of the company, Turner wrapped up the first day of 1991 by giving Jim Ross and Ric Flair one "rule" they must follow as a condition of their new jobs:




Turner: Oh, I can't believe I almost forgot this. I don't want you to hire any Titans.


Ross: Titans, sir?


Turner: Yeah, you know Titans. As in Titan Sports. You know, McMahon's guys. I don't want any of 'em here. I'm sure some of 'em are great guys or gals, but I want to build our own thing here. And just so we're clear, I mean wrestlers, referees, announcers, managers, agents, interviewers, the lot of 'em. If they're McMahon guys, I don't want 'em.


Flair: Uh, that's not gonna be easy, Ted.


Turner: I'm confident you two can handle it! Don't let me down!





So first things first, I want to make it clear that I know this scenario is a bit ridiculous. It makes no sense from a business standpoint to refuse to employ people who can help your company improve and grow. Especially if those are your exact goals. But I was looking for a way to shake things up a bit and this is what I settled on.


So you're probably wondering what qualifies someone as a McMahon guy, or "Titan", for the purposes of this diary? Well that's actually really simple, if not a mouthful to explain. A worker will be considered a McMahon guy, or "Titan", if they meet one of the following three criteria:


1.) They're employed by the WWF when the save starts on January 1st, 1991. A few examples of workers who fit this criterion are Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. Please click "spoiler" for a complete list of workers who meet this condition.


<details> <summary>SPOILER</summary>



Animal (LOD)

Big Bossman

Boris Zhukov

Bret Hart

Brian Knobbs (Nasty Boys)

Brooklyn Brawler

Brutus Beefcake

Bushwhacker Butch

Bushwhacker Luke

Crush (Demolition)

Dino Bravo


General Adnan

Greg Valentine


Hawk (LOD)


Hulk Hogan

Jake Roberts

Jerry Sags (Nasty Boys)

Jim Duggan

Jim Neidhart

Jim Powers

Jimmy Snuka

Kato (Paul Diamond)

Koko B. Ware

Marty Jannetty

Mr. Perfect

Nikolai Volkoff

Pat Tanaka

Paul Roma

Randy Savage

Rick Martel

Roddy Piper

Sam Houston

Sgt. Slaughter

Shane Douglas

Shane McMahon

Shawn Michaels

Smash (Demolition)

Ted DiBiase

The Barbarian

The British Bulldog

The Mountie

The Texas Tornado

The Ultimate Warrior

The Undertaker

The Warlord

Tito Santana

Tony Atlas






Bobby Heenan

Brother Love

Gene Okerlund

Gorilla Monsoon

Jack Tunney

Jimmy Hart

Lord Alfred Hayes

Mike McGuirk

Mr. Fuji

Paul Bearer

Sean Mooney

Sensational Sherri


The Genius

Vince McMahon




Danny Davis

Earl Hebner

Jack Doan

Jimmy Korderas

Joey Marella

Mike Chioda

Tim White




Chief Jay Strongbow

Gerald Brisco

Jack Lanza

JJ Dillon

Pat Patterson

Rene Goulet

Tony Garea



2.) They're a free agent or otherwise available to sign, but were most known for their time in the WWF prior to the diary start date of January 1st, 1991. A few examples of workers who fit this criterion are King Kong Bundy, The Iron Sheik, Andre The Giant and The Honky Tonk Man. Please click "spoiler" for a complete list of workers who meet this condition.


<details> <summary>SPOILER</summary>



Andre The Giant

B. Brian Blair (Killer Bees)

Bad News Brown

Bam Bam Bigelow

Big John Studd

Bill Eadie (Ax of Demolition)

Billy Jack Haynes

Blackjack Mulligan

Bob Backlund

Bob Orton Jr.

David Sammartino

Don Muraco

Dynamite Kid

Hillbilly Jim

Honky Tonk Man

Iron Mike Sharpe

Ivan Putski

Jim Brunzell (Killer Bees)

Judy Martin


Ken Patera

King Kong Bundy

Leilani Kai

Miss Elizabeth

Moondog King

Moondog Spot

Mr. T

One Man Gang (Akeem)

Owen Hart

Paul Orndorff

Rick Rude

Rockin Robin

Rocky Johnson

S.D. Jones

Samoan Savage (Tonga Kid)

The Fabulous Moolah

The Iron Sheik

Tiny Lister (Zeus)

Wendi Richter




Frenchy Martin

Jesse Ventura

John Tolos

Lou Albano

Raymond Rougeau




Dave Hebner

Dick Kroll

Dick Woehrle




Afa (Wild Samoans)

Bruno Sammartino

Buddy Rogers

Johnny Rodz

Killer Kowalski

Pedro Morales

Sika (Wild Samoans)

Superstar Billy Graham



3.) This final criterion isn't realistic at all, since Ted Turner can't predict the future and therefore workers who meet the first two criteria would be the only workers in 1991 that would be "WWF" guys to him. However, this one was added purely for an additional challenge were I to make it far enough into the future for most of these guys to debut. Anyway, onto the third and final criterion:


- Male wrestlers, whether active at save start or yet to debut, who fit neither of the first two criteria, but who would go on to hold at least 2 WWF/E World, World Heavyweight(Big Gold Belt) or Universal Championships.


- Female wrestlers, whether active at save start or yet to debut, who fit neither of the first two criteria, but who would go on to hold at least 2 WWF/E Divas, Women's, Raw Women's or Smackdown Women's Championships.


*****Workers who worked for WCW before working for the WWF will be exempt from this criterion, e.g., Steve Austin and Triple H. Also, prior work as a jobber is not considered for this criterion, which allows for both Mick Foley's exclusion from the list, and Edge's inclusion on it, for a couple examples.*****


Please click "spoiler" to see a full list of workers who fit this criterion.


<details> <summary>SPOILER</summary>

AJ Lee

Alberto Del Rio

Alexa Bliss




Becky Lynch

Beth Phoenix

Bray Wyatt

Brock Lesnar



CM Punk

Daniel Bryan


Eve Torres




Jeff Hardy

John Cena


Kurt Angle





Michelle McCool

Mickie James

The Miz



Nikki Bella


Randy Orton

The Rock

Roman Reigns

Sasha Banks

Seth Rollins


Trish Stratus





My goal with these restrictions is threefold:


1.) To make the game a bit more challenging.


2.) To force myself to use some different workers than I otherwise would, because without these restrictions there's little doubt that I would sign all the usual suspects away from the WWF at the first opportunity. And if I add Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Undertaker, Ted DiBiase, Jake Roberts, Mr. Perfect and Shawn Michaels to my WCW roster, then I might as well have just started a WWF save.


3.) To keep my roster size from getting out of control, which should directly increase the likelihood of this diary lasting longer than my 1991 WWF diary did on TEW 2016. Because what happened there was I burned myself out trying to manage a huge roster of all the great WWF guys I already had, and the absurd amount of WCW workers that I also signed. And that just led to a save that ended up being way more work than fun. And when a save is more work than fun I lose interest in a hurry, and that save and it's accompanying diary are out the window. I don't want that to happen here.








**Due to a change in format, it is highly recommended for anyone just starting to read this dynasty to follow the links in this show index in order until you at least get to "The Build to Clash of the Champions XIV." Otherwise there's no flow to the replies since almost the entire first month of shows and one of the shows in the second month have been moved from their original posts and combined into later posts.**



Mod Info, Initial TV & Event Schedule, and Diary Posting "Schedule"

Roster Breakdown as of 1-1-1991

The Build to WCW Superbrawl

WCW SuperBrawl


Roster Breakdown as of 2-1-1991

The Build to WCW Clash of the Champions XIV

WCW Clash of the Champions XIV


Roster Breakdown as of 3-1-1991

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  • Replies 113
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Other Diary Info and Show Index



1991 Peaking Tides by Jamhead - THANKS Jamhead!



User Character

Ric Flair







Initial Event Schedule




Diary Show Posting Schedule


Shows will only be posted on weekdays between 11 am and 6 pm EST. No shows will ever be posted outside those time frames, so if it's a potential posting day and it's past 6 pm EST with no new show posted, then you can be sure that nothing will be posted until at least the next weekday. This keeps me from having to give constant updates about potential posting times on the occasions where I've fallen behind, and prevents other diaries with actual show updates from being "bumped" down from the top of the board unnecessarily. I will sometimes post other stuff outside of these scheduled hours though, such as feedback requests and prediction contest related info.

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Roster and Champions


Champions as of January 1st, 1991



WCW World Heavyweight Championship









WCW United States Championship





Lex Luger - 4 x Champion




WCW World Tag Team Championship





DOOM w/ Teddy Long



WCW United States Tag Team Championship





The Steiner Brothers




WCW World Television Championship





Tom Zenk





Roster as of January 1st, 1991"Jobbers" Not Listed

Faces in Blue and Heels in Red

Major Stars



Lex Luger

Ricky Steamboat

Terry Funk


Ric Flair

Arn Anderson

Barry Windham

Tully Blanchard






Rick Steiner

Scott Steiner

Ricky Morton

Tommy Rich


Bobby Eaton

Larry Zbyszko

Sid Vicious

Stan Hansen




Well Known


Brian Pillman

El Gigante

Junkyard Dog

Robert Gibson

Ron Garvin

Tom Zenk


Big Van Vader

Buddy Landel

Butch Reed

Dan Spivey

Jimmy Garvin

Kevin Sullivan

Michael Hayes

Michael Wallstreet

Ron Simmons

Terry Taylor






Brad Armstrong

Dustin Rhodes

Steve Armstrong

Tim Horner

Tracy Smothers


Dutch Mantell

Mr. Hughes

Steve Austin






Chris Youngblood

Jeff Jarrett

Mark Youngblood


Lt. James Earl Wright

Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker






Magnum T.A.


Diamond Dallas Page

Paul Heyman


Alexandra York

Teddy Long






Jim Ross

Jim Cornette

Tony Schiavone

Gordon Solie

Eric Bischoff

Missy Hyatt






Nick Patrick

Randy Anderson

Mike Atkins

Mark Curtis




Road Agents


Dusty Rhodes

Harley Race

Dick The Bruiser


Creative Meeting

Franchise Players

1.) Sting

2.) Ric Flair

3.) Ricky Steamboat

4.) Dusty Rhodes

5.) Stan Hansen


Next Big Things

1.) Scott Steiner

2.) Steve Austin

3.) Art Barr

4.) Brian Pillman


Hot Prospects

1.) Steve Austin

2.) Dustin Rhodes

3.) Brian Pillman

4.) Brad Armstrong

5.) Art Barr


Talk The Talk

1.) Ric Flair

2.) Dusty Rhodes

3.) Jim Cornette

4.) Sting

5.) Paul Heyman


Show Stoppers

1.) Sting

2.) Ric Flair

3.) Ricky Steamboat

4.) Brian Pillman

5.) Bobby Eaton


Ring Generals

1.) Ric Flair

2.) Ricky Steamboat

3.) Sting

4.) Arn Anderson

5.) Bobby Eaton


Hidden Gems

1.) Chris Jericho

2.) Ray Gonzalez

3.) Ken Shamrock

4.) Tony Norris

5.) Rey Misterio Jr.

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I absolutely love booking this time. The idea of crowning the first WCW World Heavyweight champion is just too exciting to not pass up. Can't wait to see this evolve :)


Thanks, Munit! I just hope I can do it justice. I rarely missed WCW growing up, but generally preferred the WWF, so I'll have to do a bit more research than usual for this one to ring true.


What a unique ruleset/game world. Have fun.


Thanks, Texasrangers13! I really wanted to try something different to mix things up a bit and it's definitely gonna be a bit tricky. But there's still so many great workers I can sign that I should never be short on talent even without the WWF guys.


Loved your 91 WWF diary and can't wait to see what you do here!


Thanks, Element! Glad to have you back!





WCW Saturday Night Predictions Card:



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship


Lex Luger © vs. Barry Windham



WCW World Tag Team Championship


Doom w/ Teddy Long © vs. Ricky Morton & A Mystery Partner


**Robert Gibson is out 3 months with an injury.**



WCW World Television Championship


Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton



Dustin Rhodes vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker


Terry Funk vs. Dutch Mantell



Note: First round of the prediction contest will run through the Clash of the Champions event in March.

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Just started a WWF 1991 diary myself, so REALLY looking forward to this! Best of luck, dude!



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship


Lex Luger © vs. Barry Windham

Team Luger, forever and always!



WCW World Tag Team Championship


Doom w/ Teddy Long © vs. Ricky Morton & A Mystery Partner


**Robert Gibson is out 3 months with an injury.**



WCW World Television Championship


Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton

Thinking a DQ or something. Eaton seems like he’d be a great Tv champ right now, but you can’t take the belt off Z-Man right away. The man deserves a fair chance lol



Dustin Rhodes vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker



Terry Funk vs. Dutch Mantel

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WCW Saturday Night Predictions Card:



WCW United States Heavyweight Championship


Lex Luger © vs. Barry Windham



WCW World Tag Team Championship


Doom w/ Teddy Long © vs. Ricky Morton & A Mystery Partner


**Robert Gibson is out 3 months with an injury.**



WCW World Television Championship


Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton



Dustin Rhodes vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker


Terry Funk vs. Dutch Mantel

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Some thoughts:


I firmly believe that Big Boss Man, Road Warriors, Roddy Piper, Shane Douglas, Ted DiBiase and Texas Tornado would be fine to hire. They might be ‘Titans’ now, but they’re all have NWA history, Mid-Atlantic history or JCP history.


As for the free agents… Bad News Allen is Canada / Japan for me, Blackjack Mulligan is a southern name, Kamala is from Georgia, One Man Gang worked in the South and Wendi Richter is kind of useful if you’re going to do anything with women’s wrestling. None of those mean much to WCW though in the long term so, so its whatever.


The third section is mostly fine. Jacqueline did work for WCW, and Ivory was an indie girl for years on end so I’d relent on those if women’s wrestling matters to you at all.

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WCW United States Heavyweight Championship


Lex Luger © vs. Barry Windham


WCW World Tag Team Championship


Doom w/ Teddy Long © vs. Ricky Morton & A Mystery Partner


WCW World Television Championship


Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton


Dustin Rhodes vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker


Terry Funk vs. Dutch Mantel

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Just started a WWF 1991 diary myself, so REALLY looking forward to this! Best of luck, dude!


Thanks, Trevor! I had a really good time writing a 1991 WWF dynasty for TEW 2016 and I expect you will too. With the right free agent signings you could easily assemble one of the best rosters in wrestling history. Thanks for your predictions and good luck with your diary!


WCW Saturday Night Predictions Card:


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship


Lex Luger © vs. Barry Windham


WCW World Tag Team Championship


Doom w/ Teddy Long © vs. Ricky Morton & A Mystery Partner


WCW World Television Championship


Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton


Dustin Rhodes vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker


Terry Funk vs. Dutch Mantel


Thanks for giving this one a look, Jaysin! Hopefully I can make it worth your while.


Not going to predict just yet. But i want to see the Battle Bowl pushed to the moon!


Thanks, Historian! And don't worry, Battle Bowl is one of my all-time favorite wrestling events so it will be done justice! Hopefully!


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship


Lex Luger © vs. Barry Windham


WCW World Tag Team Championship


Doom w/ Teddy Long © vs. Ricky Morton & A Mystery Partner


WCW World Television Championship


Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton


Dustin Rhodes vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker


Terry Funk vs. Dutch Mantel


Thanks for predicting, Element!


Some thoughts:


I firmly believe that Big Boss Man, Road Warriors, Roddy Piper, Shane Douglas, Ted DiBiase and Texas Tornado would be fine to hire. They might be ‘Titans’ now, but they’re all have NWA history, Mid-Atlantic history or JCP history.


As for the free agents… Bad News Allen is Canada / Japan for me, Blackjack Mulligan is a southern name, Kamala is from Georgia, One Man Gang worked in the South and Wendi Richter is kind of useful if you’re going to do anything with women’s wrestling. None of those mean much to WCW though in the long term so, so its whatever.


I don't really disagree with anything you said in principle, and yes, I think you could easily justify taking quite a few workers off my exempt lists. However, I put a lot of thought into who should or shouldn't be "eligible" to be hired, and decided that if I wasn't going to be really strict, then there didn't seem to be much point in having any restrictions at all. Which I understand is an entirely different conversation in and of itself.


The third section is mostly fine. Jacqueline did work for WCW, and Ivory was an indie girl for years on end so I’d relent on those if women’s wrestling matters to you at all.


Well, the third section is really it's own thing that has nothing to do with who they did or didn't work for and when. Like I mentioned in the opening post, it was kinda just tacked on at the last second for a bit of an added challenge.


Anyway, I do appreciate the feedback and thanks for checking out my diary!

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I don't really disagree with anything you said in principle, and yes, I think you could easily justify taking quite a few workers off my exempt lists. However, I put a lot of thought into who should or shouldn't be "eligible" to be hired, and decided that if I wasn't going to be really strict, then there didn't seem to be much point in having any restrictions at all. Which I understand is an entirely different conversation in and of itself.


Well, the third section is really it's own thing that has nothing to do with who they did or didn't work for and when. Like I mentioned in the opening post, it was kinda just tacked on at the last second for a bit of an added challenge.


Anyway, I do appreciate the feedback and thanks for checking out my diary!


I mean, don't get me wrong: I'm even more interested now in seeing who you're going to try and pick up, push and make stars out of. I'm thinking there might be a few guys from Japan and Mexico who you'll be considering...

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I do love this time of year in both WCW and WWF. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it, especially with the restrictions you put on yourself. It would be so difficult for me to live up to them.


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

Lex Luger © vs. Barry Windham

The Total Package just beat Stan Hansen at Starrcade. His momentum continues


WCW World Tag Team Championship

Doom w/ Teddy Long © vs. Ricky Morton & A Mystery Partner

I assume that Morton's partner will be Wildfire Tommy Rich as he was in real life. Either way, I see Morton and Partner winning by disqualification.


WCW World Television Championship

Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton

I go back and forth on this one. So when that happens, why not pick a time limit draw? Of course, that's a staple ending for Television title matches. It might lead to a future rematch.


Dustin Rhodes vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker

The Natural is just getting started here. He begins with a win against the State Patrol member.


Terry Funk vs. Dutch Mantel

Two veterans of the ring. Funk is way more valuable than Mantel at the moment.

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WCW United States Heavyweight Championship: Lex Luger © vs. Barry Windham


WCW World Tag Team Championship: Doom w/ Teddy Long © vs. Ricky Morton & A Mystery Partner

I'm likely wrong, but my assumption is you might run with a "they aren't as experienced together" excuse due to the mystery partner.


WCW World Television Championship: Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton


Dustin Rhodes vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker


Terry Funk vs. Dutch Mantel

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I mean, don't get me wrong: I'm even more interested now in seeing who you're going to try and pick up, push and make stars out of. I'm thinking there might be a few guys from Japan and Mexico who you'll be considering...


For sure, but they may be a ways away. I'm certainly gonna sign some guys and use them right away, but I'm not gonna replace the entire roster in 3 or 4 months either. Although it is very tempting because that's a fairly top-heavy roster in that third post above.


I do love this time of year in both WCW and WWF. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it, especially with the restrictions you put on yourself. It would be so difficult for me to live up to them.


While there's definitely no shortage of great workers available for me to sign, so many of them aren't really a "fit" for WCW and many others need a lot of work from where they are when the save starts, so it's gonna be tricky for sure.


WCW World Television Championship

Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton

I go back and forth on this one. So when that happens, why not pick a time limit draw? Of course, that's a staple ending for Television title matches. It might lead to a future rematch.


Yeah, it's crazy how often they used that ending, but I thought it worked well for the more "sports-based" feel they were going for at the time.


Thanks for reading and predicting, angeldelayette! Hope you'll follow along!


WCW United States Heavyweight Championship: Lex Luger © vs. Barry Windham


WCW World Tag Team Championship: Doom w/ Teddy Long © vs. Ricky Morton & A Mystery Partner

I'm likely wrong, but my assumption is you might run with a "they aren't as experienced together" excuse due to the mystery partner.


WCW World Television Championship: Tom Zenk © vs. Bobby Eaton


Dustin Rhodes vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker


Terry Funk vs. Dutch Mantel


Thanks for predicting Gorilla Monsoon! Hope you'll follow along!



Important Note:

Okay, so I intended to start posting shows in this diary this week, but in my haste to get started I overlooked a bit of an issue with the mod I'm using and fixing it has got me a few days behind. So the first show will now be posted Monday, assuming no more mod problems arise. I apologize for a delay right off the bat, but better I found the problem now than 2 or 3 months into the save.

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This looks interesting I'm in, can't wait to see who you hire to push

But you've already broken your rules Moondog Rex is on your list for rule 2 :D


Also, I know you said you're going to be strict but I feel like it needs to be said Bam Bam Bigelow is WCW

He spent more time with WCW then WWF though its close

Won 3 titles in WCW 2 Tag Teams and 1 Hardcore the only thing he won in WWF was Slammy Award for Best Head :eek: and he drew with Gene Okerlund

Go Team WCW

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51515" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Good first week!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, Jaysin! I was pleasantly surprised with the Funk vs Mantel and Doom vs Morton/Blanchard matches. They both scored way better than expected.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CPBHBK" data-cite="CPBHBK" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51515" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm liking what I'm seeing keep it up dude! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, CPBHBK! Happy to have your readership!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Element" data-cite="Element" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51515" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is Steiner gonna be the Ultimate Warrior of this diary? Constantly talking crap about everyone in the locker room? I'm gonna guess yes!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Decent chance with his personality.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Trevor Belmont" data-cite="Trevor Belmont" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51515" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>For some reason, the images aren't coming up for me. Is anyone else having the same problem or is it just some dumb shit I'm missing? lol<p> </p><p> Anyways, great start. Happy you put over The Z-Man. Long may he reign!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, Trevor! Pics are loading fine for me on multiple devices, both signed in and not. If anyone else is having this problem please let me know.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Satyr24" data-cite="Satyr24" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51515" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This looks interesting I'm in, can't wait to see who you hire to push<p> But you've already broken your rules Moondog Rex is on your list for rule 2 <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> Thanks, Satyr24! Happy to have your readership! But actually, the mistake is Moondog Rex being on the exempt list in the first place, as he's already on my roster when the game starts. I didn't notice him when going through my roster because I sorted by the "wrestler" role and he's listed as an "occasional wrestler" so he didn't show up. I've now taken him off the exempt list due to this error. However, I appreciate you pointing it out to me because I probably wouldn't have caught it otherwise.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Satyr24" data-cite="Satyr24" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51515" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also, I know you said you're going to be strict but I feel like it needs to be said Bam Bam Bigelow is WCW<p> He spent more time with WCW then WWF though its close</p><p> Won 3 titles in WCW 2 Tag Teams and 1 Hardcore the only thing he won in WWF was Slammy Award for Best Head <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> and he drew with Gene Okerlund</p><p> Go Team WCW</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Remember though, Bigelow is on the second list, which is for being most known for his WWF career <em>prior</em> to the save start date of January 1st, 1991. Yes, he was with both companies before that date, but he wrestled a lot more for WWF and was featured far more on WWF TV.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51515" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nobody really remembers Bam Bam for fighting Goldberg or Stasiak though. <strong>Lawrence Taylor was a much bigger deal.</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Definitely!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW Saturday Night Predictions Card:</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;">Ricky Steamboat vs. Buddy Landel</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> Butch Reed vs. Tracy Smothers</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> Stan Hansen vs. Ron Garvin</span></p><p> </p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p>
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