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What Stats must a Worker have to get a Push from you?

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I want push a 19 year old but his skills aren't moving as fast as the other 19 year old on my roster. I don't want to push when he can't hold his own yet. which numbers mean decent?


Star quality, psychology, and decent fundamental and entertainment skills.


They have to be able to cut a promo... I also like to make sure they have a good personality type and such. Maybe they're marketable etc.

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I want push a 19 year old but his skills aren't moving as fast as the other 19 year old on my roster. I don't want to push when he can't hold his own yet. which numbers mean decent?


It depends on the company's product. In my case technical, puroresu and psychology are the main ones, but thats because i run a performance based company. If you run one based more on popularity then i would focus more on charisma, microphone and then technical. Other skills to take into consideration are consistency, basics and star quality.

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Since im running Stardom I dont care about Star Quality, Charisma and Mic work.


They need good fundamentals, good psychology and good poruresu or technical.


If they're not getting 70s or 80s in match rating they're not getting pushed. But I have some wrestlers that I put in a lot of matches that eventually develop into good in ring workers and then they get pushes.

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which numbers mean decent?


Depends on the level of promotion for some non-in-ring skills, but for in-ring skills...


Psychology: =>60

Basics: =>40


Experience: =>20

Consistency: The higher the better, no minimum


For midcard pushes:


Brawling/Puroresu/Aerial/Technical/Hardcore: =>50


For Main Event:


Brawling/Puroresu/Aerial/Technical/Hardcore: =>60


This is merely from a "would they put a stinker of a match, or can they at least produce a watchable match even if it's not the best match ever and give the grades necessary to advance my promotion?"


Otherwise, it's dependent on the level of the promotion and the product. Example: A 54 SQ/CHA is more than good enough for regional (Small or lower) promotions for a regional star, but this person is unlikely to rise beyond a midcarder at Medium or higher (though it's still possible).


A 54 Stamina might be good enough in a "light" (example, Family Friendly Pro Wrestling) promotion with 10 minute matches, but is probably too low for a high impact promotion prefer long matches (Royal Puroresu).


(Final note: This is obvious, but just to be thorough, higher = better for any stats no matter what promotion, directly or indirectly).

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I usually run perf > pop promotions so I tend to value Psychology and one top row stat being high enough to get good match ratings. Good Star Quality and Charisma give boosts so these can really help. Consistency and Safety are extremely big once you get to main event level guys.
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I usually run perf > pop promotions so I tend to value Psychology and one top row stat being high enough to get good match ratings. Good Star Quality and Charisma give boosts so these can really help. Consistency and Safety are extremely big once you get to main event level guys.


I agree. However, I just want to add, this advice applies to any promotion (though this applies particularly to Performance focused promotions).

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I like to run pop over perf companies, and I look for star quality and entertainment skills first. After that, I want someone who can put on a decent match. These things will get a worker to the upper mid-card, however, to be pushed as a main eventer with the possibility to win a world title, the worker has to have good chemistry with at least a few members of my roster. I want my champion to put on good matches, so good chemistry is my barometer for that.
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There's no stat necessarily I look for. I'll change my match focus if whoever I'm pushing can't carry match grades so I'll still get good show grades. But the priority for me is what does the worker look like and what is the character's bio. Do I draw inspiration from either? Do either give me ideas for a push or a story?


I just don't find min/maxing fun on a booking simulator. I prefer to play in a way that gets me invested in my game, and ratings don't do that for me.

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There's no stat necessarily I look for. I'll change my match focus if whoever I'm pushing can't carry match grades so I'll still get good show grades. But the priority for me is what does the worker look like and what is the character's bio. Do I draw inspiration from either? Do either give me ideas for a push or a story?


I just don't find min/maxing fun on a booking simulator. I prefer to play in a way that gets me invested in my game, and ratings don't do that for me.


A quick question about Match focus. I'm using Regular but, is there any disadvantage to using Tight Focus over Regular?

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I agree with people who said the picture is important. As ridiculous as it sounds I try to envision what the shows would look like in real life. If there is no worker picture I won't even sign the person. Thanks to all the hard work of the mod makers though I have a plethora of pictures to look through because even if I don't end up using the database I hold onto the picture folder.


Entertainment skills aren't hugely important to me because I generally have a few managers to circumvent that.


Safety is a big one. If they're unsafe they aren't going to work a program with anyone. If safety is absurdly low they aren't getting signed.


I prefer them to have a 70 in a style area but if they're just below I'll push them and match them with people who are better than them in that. So say a worker has a 65 in Technical I'll push them but have them work with people who are 70 or above in technical.


If I'm on the fence I'll look at Star Quality as a defining characteristic.


Their personal life stuff also comes into play. If someone is known to have issues with drugs or alcohol or whatever they're likely going to just be used to put other people over. I don't want to put someone into a program or be building them up just to have to send them to rehab part way through.

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