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ECW97: Survival on Swanson and Ritner

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I don't honestly remember iwrestling, I was probably afraid of viruses or ruining someones computer at that time. I remember being oddly afraid of certain websites (namely any with more than one pop-up ad...)...


I digress, enjoy the story about copying Meltzer. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


Dr. Death vs. Terry Funk will make Barely Legal a fun one!


The Sandman on the Simpsons, awesome.


Thank you man! I had to do the Sandman on Simpsons thing for a few reasons. 1) I'm trying to get the story to be about ECW trying to fit into the mainstream and 2) it was too good a picture to not post haha. Thanks for the responses, I am super happy to read them - and you're doing great with your Collective series.

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You are pretty much nailing every show. Quality stuff out there.


The lack of Bam Bam Bigelow in his hometown is very disappointing... I'm sure at least one fan with a skull tattoo left disappointed.


Loved the show; Taz was such a beast in this time period.


Guys this post from me is record-breaking (for me) as I've learned how to take two people's comments and respond at the same time. *flair strut*


Kanegan- Thank you man, seriously appreciate that. From someone with little confidence in himself (me), I thank you. It helps a bunch. Also been checking out your GCW stuff as well. I am hoping for Richard Holliday, (putting a plug in there for him, on my journal haha)


Texasrangers13 - I agree on Bam Bam as he and Douglas were two of my favorite wrestlers back in the day (obvs triple threat was up my alley). Bam Bam (in game) signed with WWF or he'd be for sure on my roster. Funny how I thought the same thing holding the show in A-Park.

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I just read through this whole thread and I must say this has been phenomenal so far. As a huge ECW fan back in the day I can't help but love this roster and presentation. I'm just hoping you are better with your finances then Paul was.


Thank you so much for the kind words.. as far as finances.. don't count on it. haha

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Uh Oh! Dirty doctor! Candido leaving, Heyman thinking about switching product types. Big news cycle. Should make for an interesting couple months!


The Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission..even in this game...bugging me and not letting me live my best life, haha. I'm trying to make the backstage life just as important as the storylines. I see it as almost as important as what goes on television


Don't know how I missed this, its great and looking forward to following.


Thank you! I appreciate the comments and kind words. Welcome in. Hope to not lose you :)


amazing diary, this style is probably my favorite ever. I love clean looking graphics, this hits it for me


Thank you Parker! In real life I handle the social media/marketing for a professional wrestling company, so this has kind of filled the void in my life with doing that since COVID. I appreciate the comments and kind words, thank you!

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Smothers, Rich and Guido now that's a stable of misfit toys. Love the attitude Raven is taking towards Stevie, rightfully so too. Fun show; looking forward to Barely Legal... The RVD/Sabu tension is fun too.


Brian Lee intrigues me to see what you'll do (if anything) with him. Feels like he's a bit miscast in ECW (as he was in reality). Though the Killdozer gimmick/concept is intriguing to me (I just looked at his wikipedia, I don't recall the Killdozer). I suppose he is coming off the 1996 feud with Dreamer; so there is some standard for him being a big-monster type. Maybe like Mike Awesome-esque?!

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I just wanted to say I am extremely humbled to be nominated for a Diary of the Month this month. It is my first nomination in nine years of being on this site and I am extremely happy to be nominated along with so many other amazing entries that I will now have to decide which one is the best, (can we vote 5 times for different people?)


It is a dream for me to get one response on here, but an active chat about what is happening in this story makes it so much more fun for me to do and since realizing the added value in entertainment now try to comment on other people's stories as much as I can too (instead of before just reading them).


This is a long-winded way of telling you guys sincerely, thank you. Thank you for the comments, thank you for reading and I appreciate all of you.




Another great show. Your presentation is top notch.


Thank you so much. I have a lot of fun doing both the graphics for this and piecing out the puzzle storyline wise. Graphically I listen to some smooth listening like Dave Matthews or Boards of Canada and when I'm doing stories I'm listening to my own brain repeatedly say "It's been going good so far, do not mess this up." It's a bit of a difference haha.


Smothers, Rich and Guido now that's a stable of misfit toys. Love the attitude Raven is taking towards Stevie, rightfully so too. Fun show; looking forward to Barely Legal... The RVD/Sabu tension is fun too.


Brian Lee intrigues me to see what you'll do (if anything) with him. Feels like he's a bit miscast in ECW (as he was in reality). Though the Killdozer gimmick/concept is intriguing to me (I just looked at his wikipedia, I don't recall the Killdozer). I suppose he is coming off the 1996 feud with Dreamer; so there is some standard for him being a big-monster type. Maybe like Mike Awesome-esque?!


I agree on the misfit toys. For some reason that group worked for me. Do you remember.. "And from Nashville......Italy.... Tracy Smothers" hahaha


THANK YOU on Brian Lee. I have ALWAYS felt I was in the minority on that opinion and I totally agree. It's something my head has been keeping in mind, my goal is to try and use him somewhere but right now because of television time and because of not being sure yet, he sits in the midcard.


This is just amazing!! Keep up the great, great work!!


I appreciate this and the comments you left on the nominations page. Happy you're liking it so far.

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Barely Legal poster incredible; love the House of Hardcore ad at the end.


No blood... damn!


Predictions just for the fun of it...

I'm going with Taz capturing, Taz is the main image and the face.. Raven has a feud with Richards that can be next or perhaps Richards costs Raven the title.


Dreamer wins too; it's his turn!


Funk vs Williams; oh man... I'll go Dr Death; but that's a toss-up.


RVD wins; but Sabu snaps more


Eliminators defend.


This is going to be great.

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<p>Great stuff as always!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

1. Taz (It's time, perhaps Stevie costs Raven somehow)</p><p>

2. Douglas (Dreamer as TV Champ, it even sounds weird saying it)</p><p>

3. Dr. Deeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttthhhhhhh</p><p>

4. RVD </p><p>

5. Eliminators (I'm assuming New Jack is still in the dog house)</p>

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I'm going to say what has already been said but... Maaaaan these are some sweet graphics! Love the Barely Legal hype!


My predictions:


Eliminators def. Gangstaz

Sabu def. RVD, art imitates life and RVD doesn't shake Sabu's hand post match. This might lead to the Sabu/RVD team and I LOVE IT

Funk def. Williams / Funk is my all-time favourite, can't pick against him

Douglas def. Dreamer / Dreamer with gold in ECW seems kinda odd, I hope he never wins anything!

Taz def. Raven / Somehow Stevie is going to be involved, RIGHT?


Keep up the good work man, this rules!

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