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ECW97: Survival on Swanson and Ritner

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Great comeback for Juventud Guerrera. Juvi vs. RVD is a match that I never realised that I wanted to see until now! According to Cagematch Database, they've never faced off in reality, which I find quite a surprise.


Loving the interactions between Raven/Jake Roberts also. Oh what could've been if only Jake wasn't so self destructive in reality during this era. Hopefully problems don't arise with Jake (or Raven) that mean you cannot take this story to its natural conclusion.


I'm always fond of reading a good ECW dynasty and you're doing great things with this, both from a storytelling perspective and with the outstanding visual presentation. You've got the balance of keeping ECW true to its real 1997 self while slowly putting your own stamp on the product. It'll be interesting to see just what ECW looks like by the time you're done with this.

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I hope "The Juicy One" cuts some of his signature promos :p


If I can get WCW to let me have him another night, he may.


Loved the Jake promo, really realistic and well written

Lee & Williams vs Dreamer & Funk should be a smobberknocker!


Thank you on the Jake promo. I felt a bit of extra pressure.


Dreamer/Funk vs Brian Lee & Steve Williams... oooh, I smell a hell of a match here. Also, I loved that Roberts promo.


Thank you on the compliments. Happy to have Jake in the company as well. When I seen he got released from his WWF contract my ears went up.


Nice surprise return (and win) for Juvi! I like the midcard/uppermid development here that could play into a fun TV title feud. Lots of good stuff for the DOTM!


I wanted to get RVD a good match that wasn't played out. I thought this was a fresh match so I brought Juvi back for a night. Hoping to bring him back more, but that's up to WCW I suppose.


Great comeback for Juventud Guerrera. Juvi vs. RVD is a match that I never realised that I wanted to see until now! According to Cagematch Database, they've never faced off in reality, which I find quite a surprise.


Loving the interactions between Raven/Jake Roberts also. Oh what could've been if only Jake wasn't so self destructive in reality during this era. Hopefully problems don't arise with Jake (or Raven) that mean you cannot take this story to its natural conclusion.


I'm always fond of reading a good ECW dynasty and you're doing great things with this, both from a storytelling perspective and with the outstanding visual presentation. You've got the balance of keeping ECW true to its real 1997 self while slowly putting your own stamp on the product. It'll be interesting to see just what ECW looks like by the time you're done with this.


Thank you for your comments. I also agree with your assessment on Roberts in real life. I think he would have fit ECW pretty well. I appreciate your compliments as well, thank you and hope you continue to enjoy it.

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I voted for you and The Collective in DOTM, because to me you're the two best that I'm reading

You should have MAJOR confidence dude, your shows have been constantly entertaining and enjoyable, keep up the good work, you're awesome!


Thank you, appreciate it. It's weird. Tommy Dreamer winning the title I think was the most "off the deep end" moment I had and you guys accepted and trusted me, now it's about showing why I wanted him to win the title. I also thought New Jack getting fired was the end of this journal. I was sure people would leave, you guys didn't. I appreciate it. (I pondered New Jack for days, literally not one mention of it from anyone. You guys hate him as much as I do I guess haha)

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Good show, man. RVD's paycheck compared to the one Nash will get is such a headscratcher, like you really don't have to take the risks in the ring to be paid handsomely... pulling for Rob to stay home and slowly rise to the very top.


I agree on the pay. It's always interesting what people view. If we're going on ability to wrestle, guys like Dean Malenko and many others should have been paid a whole lot more. Thank you for the kind words.

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Oh, man, the cancellation of ECW's Syndication deal is tough, but glad to see you still have the events deal; that might be a good way to go for a bit as the company rebuilds. As usual, great stuff visually!


Thank you for the compliments. I think the Request TV deal is saving us financially at the moment. Two PPV's in Buffalo this month helped ECW profit this month (first two months lost roughly $80K)


Wow, that's a hard blow. The real survival on Swanson and Ritner starts now. Interesting situation with Juvi, but I can imagine that happening in real life given how often he was in trouble


I agree on the survival part, it'll be tough with no television. Thank you for saying what I should have in the update. I forgot to put that Juvi had reasoning for them wanting him to leave at the time. I'm playing this out like they let him go due to problems because at the time he was a problem and one of 1 million contracts.


More good stuff, but the cancellation is a rough one.


Agree! It's not what I expected to come into, but this is why I like the game. It's full of twists and turns to get out of, and that helps writing content as well. :)


Come on Paul E! Pull off some magic and keep ECW alive!


With that one mind, huge fan of what you’re doing here!


Thank you! I am so happy you checked this out. I am a huge, huge fan of your journals as you know. Excited to see where your next one goes :)



Oof that is a big blow! I hope you find a way around it, this is way too much fun!


Yes, the plan is for sure to keep this going and figure out a way. I'm having way too much fun here for this to be a send off. What a tough couple months though, haha.

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Maaan that's rough!

Sometimes the game just kicks you in the balls on doesn't stop when you're down

Have you maybe considered sticking on 2 ppvs a month and no TV Show to get some cash? That seriously modify how you have to book your stories and may hinder your pop growth, but I recall it saved me quite a few times doing ECW Diaries back on tew2016

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Maaan that's rough!

Sometimes the game just kicks you in the balls on doesn't stop when you're down

Have you maybe considered sticking on 2 ppvs a month and no TV Show to get some cash? That seriously modify how you have to book your stories and may hinder your pop growth, but I recall it saved me quite a few times doing ECW Diaries back on tew2016


It was nothing I expected, I can say that for sure. One of the best parts of the game though is kind of having these episodes or incidents happen and having to adapt to them. This isn't what I thought I'd be dealing with, but here I am haha.

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You've been dealt a terribly tough hand with the show cancellation. ECW has no choice but to go down a very different path now. I've got confidence that you can make this work in the long term however. It's going to be real interesting to see how this situation plays out for the Promotion in the months and (hopefully) years ahead.
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© Taz vs. Shane Douglas

Match only happens with a win from Williams and Lee over Dreamer and Funk



© Eliminators vs. Dudley Boys


© Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk vs. "Dr Death" Steve Williams and Brian Lee


Raven vs. Stevie Richards


The Sandman vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts


RVD vs. Sabu

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<strong>© Taz</strong> vs. Shane Douglas</p><p>

Match only happens with a win from Williams and Lee over Dreamer and Funk</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>© Eliminators</strong> vs. Dudley Boys -- Bubba's constant issues make him a risk as a champion, and I love Saturn... Realistically, I could see Dudleys taking this one though.</p><p> </p><p>


© Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk vs. <strong>"Dr Death" Steve Williams and Brian Lee</strong></p><p>

--With limited "real" TV, it's ok for the title to turn here. Dreamer doesn't get pinned, but Williams beats Funk and earns the title for Triple Threat.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raven </strong>vs. Stevie Richards -- I've always LOVED Raven and especially around this time period. I think this is a good way for him to put Stevie away.</p><p> </p><p>

The Sandman vs. <strong>Jake "The Snake" Roberts</strong> -- The Snake is a real threat and this solidifies that.</p><p> </p><p>

RVD vs. <strong>Sabu </strong>-- I go back and forth with this but I think we are about to see Fonzie and Sabu.</p>

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<strong>© Taz</strong> vs. Shane Douglas</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>© Eliminators </strong>vs. Dudley Boys</p><p> </p><p>


© Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk vs. <strong>"Dr Death" Steve Williams and Brian Lee</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I am only doing this due to the stipulation later on in the night. I like Dr. Death just fine but I was never a fan of Brian Lee.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raven </strong>vs. Stevie Richards</p><p> </p><p>

The Sandman vs. <strong>Jake "The Snake" Roberts</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This would be one of my father's dream matches as he was a huge fan of both of them. </p><p> </p><p>

RVD vs. <strong>Sabu</strong></p>

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