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ECW97: Survival on Swanson and Ritner

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Oh man, I hope you don't end it.


This is surely the best ECW diary ever on the forum. But if you choose to wrap it up, you did a remarkable job. 3 DOTMs in a row is quite an achievement too, with so many talented writers here!


You know I'm a big fan of your work, so I'll keep an eye on any other projects you put out.


Also guys above me offered some great advice, I have noted some things.

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Been there, hate when it feels like work! Sometimes you can't fix the things your head says are wrong with your save as well. You have created a beautiful thing here, though, those DOTMs are no joke, but this fanbase you have follow exactly what you've crafted here for a reason.

It's you. Not every part of the diary all at once. Whatever you need to do to make it work, that'll work for us, 'cause it'll still be you. If that isn't even in the cards, that's okay too.


I'd read anything you write, so just please let me know in case I miss the thread.


This has definitely been a great niche for me to follow, as 94-98 ECW is essentially what I gravitate toward in terms of wrestling before I could watch wrestling.

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We're not done yet.


Thank you all for the words of encouragement, advice, and tips on continuing. It humbles me beyond belief the amount of encouragement and support this community has. My story got a little out of wack to be honest, and I wasn't feeling it. This is (believe it or not) my first trip doing a journal this long. Usually, they get to two or three shows and I lose it, but this one has kept me entertained until the story started falling off.


I do wish to continue this, and over the past few days, I have spent booking the next three PPV's and leaving the television to a week-by-week thing to give myself a little fun in-between. I'm fairly confident with the storylines moving forward and to be honest, that is a big perspective change.


Please excuse this one hiccup in this story and know we're not fast-forwarding anywhere. We are kind of just resetting in current time if you will on SOME stories, but not all.


If you ever wanted to get into this journal but felt the past history was too much to read up on – this may be a good time to start following along.


Again, thank you so much to everyone. I am working on the next PPV which is where we will begin which is Born to Be Wired and should be out this week.


Oh and also – I will be taking a slower approach to my journals now with my job picking up in the summer and my commitments being elsewhere – I will produce one show a week for a while. I am sorry if this isn't enough content or if this is too far in-between shows.. (I'm still learning the rules here), but I believe doing this will space out shows so I can think about what to do next, have time to produce quality (to me) content, and be proud of this while not rushing down the calendar so to speak.


Either way, if you've been here from the beginning, getting in now, or will never read anything after this message – thanks for everything and I cannot wait to continue with this renewed energy I have after getting all these great tips and applying a lot of them.,


Now, let's continue..

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="tobin834" data-cite="tobin834" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52246" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="1xODPMU.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1xODPMU.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm really interested to see where you have this going with Raven and Jake Roberts. Roberts has to turn on Raven eventually. You can't trust The Snake!!!</p>
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Excellent news! :D


Thank you, means a lot coming from you and congratulations on everything!!!


Now that you've decided to continue... I lied I super didn't want it to end, just being considerate of your feelings. :p Thank you for keeping it going, I'm glad you see how much all of us are genuinely craving more from these stories. :D


HAHA thank you so much for your words man, super appreciate it.


Honestly once a week is great. I always look forward to Kimberly's Monday Nitro. Excited to see this continue


Yes, I think I am finding it to be more on pace with what I am trying to do here and how much time I'm looking to spend here as well.


Super happy to see this continue!!!!


Thanks Dalton!!!

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Oddly enough even though I watched ECW on a regular basis, I cannot for the time of me remember Steve Corino there. I don't know if I blocked it from my memory or what. I mean I know he was really there, I just don't remember it.


I hated Fonzie with a passion back then. I could picture him saying exactly what you had him say in the promo.

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