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Grimm SoCal Wrestling: Keep their heads ringnin'

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><img alt="hz7Sa0o.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hz7Sa0o.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

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The episode began showing Brother Grimm in his office, wrapping up a call with no clue of who was on the other end of the line. Grimm said he's "eager to do business" when E-Soteric burst into the office, enraged about not being on the (main) card of Gangsta's Paradise. E said he's willing to face anyone, which brought a smile to Grimm's face: he had just the man for tonight and he would arrange for E-Soteric to meet him in the main event. (Rating: 50)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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Cut to the ring and the brand new GSW American champion, who made his entrance. Fro Sure had the belt around his waist and a smile on his face as he high-fived fans on his way to the ring. He even took the chance to drop some bars to the beat of his entrance music, firing up the fans before cutting his promo. Fro praised Cali Slick for being a tough opponent and a great champion, before adding that he aspires to be even greater and take GSW to new heights. (Rating: 74)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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Backstage, Deaf Touch caught up with Foxxy LaRue. For the convenience of fans watching at home without knowing sign language, DT's gestures were translated into subtitles, but that's not the case in the real world and apparently he was in need of LaRue to help him relay a message. Unfortunately, the self-proclaimed "Baddest Bitch in the Business" shot his request down saying she was busy as she had a match coming up, before she turned her attention to her would-be teammates: Black Diamond and Jo Baker. The two rookies didn't seem thrilled with the whole LaRue-Miss Jones situation, but given Foxxy's resume, they at least agreed to give it a shot. (Rating: 48)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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The addition of Foxxy LaRue added some much needed fire and intensity to her two rookie teammates, with all three standing their ground against the battle-hardened champions. Los Guerilleros went all out with their use of weapons and the environment as such and although their opponents did try to keep this a straight wrestling match, they weren't afraid to get hardcore themselves.</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="H0CMqVY.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/H0CMqVY.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Of course, if there's one thing Los Guerilleros like more than hardcore brawls, it's having the numbers advantage and it was no different on this occasion as Hector Galindo showed up to smash a bunch of taped-together light tubes on the back of LaRue's head. This was the turning point in the match that took away the leader and top fighter of the challenger trio, with the champions ganging up on their two remaining opponents to put them down until Finest chokeslammed Baker with the Hard Times for the pin. (Rating: 42)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="6233564105fc03c4246b12819b8491f8.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210908/6233564105fc03c4246b12819b8491f8.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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A pre-taped message from Hustle Muvva aired next, in which the new GSW West Coast champion mocked Raheem Stash, saying he pulled the ultimate hustle on him: he took away his valet, his title and even his tough big man aura by defeating him. What was interesting though was Kandii's new risque attire and her mannerisms, a move that's bound to add more fuel to the online fires of speculation about what's going on with Muvva and Cindy's real life marriage. (Rating: 30)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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Two men on opposite trajectories clashed in this match, Stash having just lost the West Coast title while Dolla was able to put Magwitch through a table to win his match at Gangsta's Paradise. This dynamic made for a surprisingly competitive match, as Stash seemed to be a bit off (and maybe too concerned about a potential Muvva run-in) while Dolla used his own speed and recklessness for some big aerial spots. His big balcony dive backfired though as Stash caught him mid-air and held his ground before powerslamming him, a big spot that popped the crowd for the finish of the match. (Rating: 44)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="bad561bcc41a27ddf136f09b08d21313.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210908/bad561bcc41a27ddf136f09b08d21313.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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Back at Grimm's office, the Long Beach Crew were in the middle of a meeting with the man in charge of GSW. Besides Slick losing the title, the tension between him and Aces was tangible, but Grimm instead told them to work out their differences the way one does in professional wrestling: next week, LBC against Brown Pride for the Tag Team titles! (Rating: 53)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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E-Soteric looked like he'd seen a ghost when Frantic Ali ran out to join him in the ring, but the barrage of punches that followed quickly brought him back to reality as fans made a ton of noise for the 6 time IPW Champion. Ali's opening salvo set the tone of the match and given how both men are known for their high octane brawling, they quickly ended up trading blows in the audience. Their fight went literally all around the Warehouse before referee Dwight Kumas managed to lead them back inside the ring, where each man started hitting his bigger moves, a sequence that ended with Ali's spine crunching Death Valley Driver and the cover for the pin. Way to make a first impression, welcome to GSW, Frantic Ali! (Rating: 46)</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Prediction results</p><p>

smw88: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)</p><p>

CageRage: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)</p><p> </p><p>

Overall results</p><p>

1. smw88: 20/27 (74% Accuracy)</p><p>

2. kanegan: 12/19 (63% Accuracy)</p><p>

3. Blodyxe: 8/15 (53% Accuracy)</p><p>

4. CageRage: 7/13 (53% Accuracy)</p><p>

5. Historian: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)</p><p> </p><p>

Quick Predictions for The Next Episode</p><p>

1. GSW Tag Team titles match: Brown Pride © vs Long Beach Crew</p><p>

2. Tavon Blake Jr vs a debuting wrestler</p><p>

3. Motor City Made (Deaf Touch & LaRue) vs BPLM (Diamond & Baker)</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Ah if I had known it was Frantic Ali my pick would have been different</p><p> </p><p>

1. GSW Tag Team titles match: <strong>Brown Pride ©</strong> vs Long Beach Crew</p><p>

2. Tavon Blake Jr vs <strong>a debuting wrestler</strong></p><p>

3. <strong>Motor City Made (Deaf Touch & LaRue)</strong> vs BPLM (Diamond & Baker)</p>

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<p>Quick Predictions for The Next Episode</p><p>

1. GSW Tag Team titles match: <strong>Brown Pride ©</strong> vs Long Beach Crew</p><p>

2. Tavon Blake Jr vs <strong>a debuting wrestler</strong></p><p>

3. <strong>Motor City Made (Deaf Touch & LaRue)</strong> vs BPLM (Diamond & Baker)</p>

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Brown Pride burst into the office of Brother Grimm as a pre-taped vignette opened this episode, complaining about the man putting them on the spot all the time: last week they had to defend their Hottest Crew titles and now their Tag Team titles. And it's not even in one of the big monthly shows! Grimm's response was that he wants to make weekly TV something people will want to watch and not just skip in favor of the big events, plus it comes with the territory; if you hold more than one title, expect to be in title matches more often defending them. (Rating: 52)




LaRue's divided attention between her allegiance to Deaf Touch and wanting to replace Miss Jones at the helm of BPLM came to play in this match, with the two rookies looking to take out their frustrations on her for losing their title match last week. Deaf Touch was the unknown factor here, teasing whether he'd stand with Foxxy as a team or turn on her for shooting him down last week when he needed her. For all the storytelling though, there was little elegance in telling the tale and a lot more intensity in using all the passion involved to incite a crazy fistfight, in and out of the ring. What really caught the fans' attention however was a Belly to Belly Suplex from Diamond to DT onto the guardrail, which she clearly miscalculated, leading to "you ****ed up" chants and Touch looking like he was in legitimate pain. Still, he's called "The Unbreakable" for more than just his stamina and it's more than just a gimmick: DT continued the match and even pulled off a Crooked Moonsault while in obvious pain, getting the pin over Baker and a big ovation from the audience. (Rating: 37)




In a pre-taped message, E-Soteric cut a promo about how the rug was pulled under his feet last week when he was forced to face a new arrival in Frantic Ali, an opponent he couldn't have possibly prepared for. E said he's wiser now, he knows what Ali's deal is and when they'll meet again, because they will, he'll "show him real frantic". (Rating: 47)




Blake's surprise opponent turned out to be Onslaught, a former CZCW wrestler known for his fast, lucha-inspired style full of flips and dives. For all the spectacle, Onslaught caught a lot of static from the unimpressed fans and Blake was cheered for ending things with his Black Plex shortly before the ten minute mark. (Rating: 44)




Raheem Stash was shown next, conversing with someone in the shadows that wasn't visible on camera. From the voice though, it was clear this was a woman. The mysterious figure claimed to know Hustle Muvva all too well and offered to help Stash defeat him, but the big Jamaican turned down the offer saying he's had his share of betrayals, before walking away. (Rating: 44)




Main event time and Brown Pride defending their tag team titles against the LBC. Between the champions still recovering from last week's match and the mistrust among their opponents, this was a pretty compelling and competitive match with neither side holding back when it came to violent, hardcore action. A match straight out of the old dark days of GSW and its classic tag team division, this one revisited several of the classic spots in the two teams' history to excite the audience. And as if that wasn't enough...


Mexican Hardcore Killers showed up to shock everyone at the Warehouse, from the fans to the wrestlers and announce team. The surprise appearance distracted the champions just enough for the challengers to mount a comeback and control the match, but poor communication when going for the High and Low caused LatiNoFear to escape the predicament and kick Slick out of the ring, before MexiCain joined him to deliver the Border Toss on Aces. (Rating: 50)




After the match, MexiCain grabbed a mic and proceeded to cut a promo on the newcomers, saying they're welcome to join Los Guerilleros despite defecting to IPW in the past; to them, it's all about La Raza. Sanchez Villano turned down the offer, saying this is about business, not heritage: the Killers are here in GSW and they're gunning for those Tag Team titles! (Rating: 31)



Prediction results

kanegan: 3/3 (100% Accuracy)

smw88: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)

CageRage: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)

Blodyxe: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 22/30 (73% Accuracy)

2. kanegan: 15/22 (68% Accuracy)

3. Blodyxe: 10/18 (55% Accuracy)

4. CageRage: 9/16 (56% Accuracy)

5. Historian: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)


Quick Predictions for The Next Episode

1. Frantic Ali vs Tavon Blake Jr

2. Los Guerilleros (Mexico's Finest & Hector Galindo) vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

3. State of Destruction vs Onslaught & Devyn Retribution

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The episode began with Fro Sure in Grimm's office, American title resting on his lap like a baby. The champion brought up the appearances of Frantic Ali and the Mexican Hardcore Killers, wanting to know if it was Grimm who signed them or if this is the start of an IPW invasion. The owner of GSW was dodgy in his response, saying of course they all want to come over since GSW is way hotter than IPW, but what he did say is he needs his champion to be on the frontlines and he expects Fro to hold the fort against all these new guys. (Rating: 67)




Following Onslaught's reception last week, it should come as no surprise he got paired with Devyn Retribution against State of Destruction. What also shouldn't come as a surprise was the fact that this was an absolute squash of a match for about 8 devastating minutes before BB took out the former CZCW star with his Avalanche to end it. (Rating: 33)




Motor City Made were arguing in a vignette that followed, a somewhat funny segment since they were communicating in sign language and it was all subtitled for the viewers. DT blamed LaRue for prioritizing BPLM over him and their partnership, but LaRue retorted saying this isn't the case and he's obsessing with this deal, almost as if he's jealous or something. (Rating: 53)




In another short video, Hustle Muvva was shown getting in his car when he noticed a slip of paper on the windshield. Initially thought to be perhaps a parking ticket, Muvva's expression changed to a much more worried one when he actually picked it up. For a split second, the camera caught that it was a hand written note, but what it said, only Muvva could tell. (Rating: 57)




E-Z and Villano made their in-ring return against Finest and Galindo, looking like they never missed a beat since they'd jumped ship from GSW to IPW. Every bit the hardcore match one would expect from these four, the blood and weapons-full action was elevated by Galindo and E-Z's death defying aerial stunts. It all came to a sudden halt though, as E-Z managed to surprise the big ex-con and hold him down for three with an inside cradle. (Rating: 38)




Another pair having their (perpetual on and off) issues is the Long Beach Crew and losing their main event match to Brown Pride last week didn't help the situation. Aces and Slick argued back and forth about who was to blame, until they noticed the camera prying on their internal affairs and united to chase away the person shooting the scene. (Rating: 54)




Ali was set to get tested by one of GSW's best straight technical wrestlers in the main event, but even so he managed to turn the match into a wild fistfight. Blake was not only able to keep up, he displayed surprising chemistry with his opponent's style, leading the fans to start a "fight forever" chant. Still, Ali is a much better brawler than Blake and eventually hit his opponent with the Death Valley Driver on the apron for a big spot, before rolling him in to make the pin. (Rating: 53)




After the match, Ali got on the mic to cut a scathing promo on E-Soteric, calling him "a crying b*tch" and berating him about coming up with excuses for his loss. Ali asked if "this is the high energy brawler of GSW" and added he's called Frantic for a reason; soon enough, the two men's paths would cross again and when that happens, E will have no excuses so he'd better start preparing. (Rating: 57)



Prediction results

smw88: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)

CageRage: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 24/33 (72% Accuracy)

2. kanegan: 15/22 (68% Accuracy)

3. CageRage: 11/19 (57% Accuracy)

4. Blodyxe: 10/18 (55% Accuracy)

5. Historian: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)


Congratulations to CageRage for climbing up to the third position in the ratings. Coming up is the final TV show for 2020, then Game of Death and the numbers will reset.


Quick Predictions for The Next Episode

1. Long Beach Crew vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

2. Hustle Muvva vs Raheem Stash (non-title match)

3. LaRue's Open Challenge: Black Diamond vs ??

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Brother Grimm opened the episode with an in-ring appearance, addressing the recent rising tensions between E-Soteric and Frantic Ali, who he called out. Once the two men joined him inside the ring and went back and forth on the mic for a bit, Grimm broke it up and confirmed he will be giving them a one on one match at Game of Death, but to make things more interesting (and violent) this was going to be a Dog Collar match! (Rating: 52)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="68184e82b74a1384bb0d13ae938f1a55.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210913/68184e82b74a1384bb0d13ae938f1a55.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

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Foxxy LaRue came out next, with Black Diamond by her side. The self-proclaimed Baddest Bitch in the Business officially announced she will be helping Diamond and Jo Baker around, to the point where she was ready for an immediate display, challenging anyone to come out and face Diamond with Foxxy coaching her from the sidelines.</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="xezELU1.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xezELU1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

The crowd reaction, as well as the expression on LaRue and Diamond's faces told the story here: no one expected the challenge to be answered by none other that Lil' Henry! (Rating: 42)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="e982ee63950f5162f0a12052934fc2e2.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210913/e982ee63950f5162f0a12052934fc2e2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="JDVenoH.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JDVenoH.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="7039c7cc1e06568ab06afaf44384bb85.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201221/7039c7cc1e06568ab06afaf44384bb85.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="xezELU1.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xezELU1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

There was no mistaking this, LaRue's mouth wrote a check her protégé couldn't cash and Lil' Henry proceeded to bully Diamond around in an absolute squash of a match. Coaching or not, there's no accounting for size and Diamond just couldn't hope to deliver her Belly to Belly Suplex on the big 375lb powerhouse, who made a statement when he dropped the Double-Handed Choke Bomb to beat her. (Rating: 29)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="16f34e7e59ed7b1929461655ac578244.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210913/16f34e7e59ed7b1929461655ac578244.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="c0A4HO1.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/c0A4HO1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="koi6P3f.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/koi6P3f.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

With his arm around Kandii and the West Coast title around his waist, Hustle Muvva made an appearance to cut a promo on Raheem Stash. After his usual mockery, Muvva said he's willing to give Stash a chance, if nothing else because he's tired of all the social media mess and wanted to prove he can beat him without a shadow of a doubt: Muvva would send Kandii to the back and if Stash was able to come out and beat him in a match, he would be giving him a title shot at Game of Death. (Rating: 33)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="954a46bad02f3e96eda0937055d0d96d.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210913/954a46bad02f3e96eda0937055d0d96d.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="c0A4HO1.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/c0A4HO1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="7039c7cc1e06568ab06afaf44384bb85.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201221/7039c7cc1e06568ab06afaf44384bb85.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="1zCxav3.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1zCxav3.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Stash was all too happy to answer the challenge and without Kandii to worry about, he unleashed his full power against the West Coast champion, leading to an intense brawl inside and out of the ring. Still, Muvva did have some tricks (read: cheats) up his sleeve to turn things around against the big Jamaican, but nothing could prepare him for what would come next...</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span></p><p><img alt="UASJzkA.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/UASJzkA.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Cindy! His manager in IPW and, as is a well known fact, actual wedded wife. Fans got a "you f**ed up" chant going and it wasn't about Muvva's wrestling, as the man himself looked like he'd seen a ghost. The couple met in the middle of the ring, with Cindy looking angry but in control of the situation while Muvva tried to bullshit his way around what's going on, only for Stash to get back in the ring unnoticed and scoop him up for the Standing Powerslam and pin. (Rating: 43)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="fbf83de681d51c1fd7fa9104bec7aa2d.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210913/fbf83de681d51c1fd7fa9104bec7aa2d.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="R28fWdY.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/R28fWdY.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="CnAns7p.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/CnAns7p.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="7039c7cc1e06568ab06afaf44384bb85.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201221/7039c7cc1e06568ab06afaf44384bb85.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="OffjN9U.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OffjN9U.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="tFO9aJT.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tFO9aJT.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

Another classic hardcore tag team match straight out the early days of GSW, LBC and MHKs delivered a bloody spectacle to the rowdy audience and viewers at home. Although Aces and E-Z were able to match each other in terms of death defying stunts, this wasn't the case for Villano against the dominating Slick. Long Beach Crew had the power advantage and delivered a beatdown, so the Killers had to smarten up and counter with cunning, which they did via another roll up when Villano caught Aces about to slingshot himself to the outside and cradled him back with a schoolboy for the pin. (Rating: 45)</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';"> </span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="4bd8e8a7ac513aba9e5d141d57cb883b.png" data-src="https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210913/4bd8e8a7ac513aba9e5d141d57cb883b.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="wI7LhLH.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wI7LhLH.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="TRt0WJ4.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TRt0WJ4.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="hyz1kXm.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hyz1kXm.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="H0CMqVY.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/H0CMqVY.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

</span></span><img alt="OffjN9U.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OffjN9U.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="tFO9aJT.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tFO9aJT.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;"><span style="font-family:'Courier New';">

E-Z and Villano may have won the match, but Los Guerilleros hadn't forgotten and as soon as the bell rang, they swarmed the ring like a pack of sharks, baseball bats in hand. Fortunately for the Hardcore Killers, they were on edge and didn't bother to celebrate, so they had the opportunity to leave the ring and jump the guardrail to escape through the crowd as Los Guerilleros stood in the ring and mocked them for their cowardice as the episode went off air. (Rating: 39)</span></span></p></div><p></div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Prediction results</p><p>

smw88: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)</p><p>

CageRage: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)</p><p>

Theheel: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)</p><p> </p><p>

Overall results</p><p>

1. smw88: 26/36 (73% Accuracy)</p><p>

2. kanegan: 15/22 (68% Accuracy)</p><p>

3. CageRage: 13/22 (59% Accuracy)</p><p>

4. Blodyxe: 10/18 (55% Accuracy)</p><p>

5. Historian: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)</p><p>

6. Theheel: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)</p><p> </p><p>

Quick Predictions for Game of Death</p><p>

1. Grudge match: Aces High vs Cali Slick</p><p>

2. GSW Tag Team titles match: Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers</p><p>

3. Dog Collar match: E-Soteric vs Frantic Ali</p><p>

4. GSW West coast title match: Hustle Muvva vs Raheem Stash (managers banned from ringside)</p><p>

5. Lil' Henry vs Public Enemy #1</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>1. Grudge match: Aces High vs<strong> Cali Slick</strong></p><p>

2. GSW Tag Team titles match: Brown Pride vs <strong>Mexican Hardcore Killers</strong></p><p>

3. Dog Collar match: E-Soteric vs <strong>Frantic Ali</strong></p><p>

4. GSW West coast title match:<strong> Hustle Muvva</strong> vs Raheem Stash (managers banned from ringside)</p><p>

5. <strong>Lil' Henry</strong> vs Public Enemy #1</p>

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<p>1. Grudge match: Aces High vs <strong>Cali Slick</strong></p><p>

2. GSW Tag Team titles match: Brown Pride vs <strong>Mexican Hardcore Killers</strong></p><p>

3. Dog Collar match: E-Soteric vs <strong>Frantic Ali</strong></p><p>

4. GSW West coast title match: <strong>Hustle Muvva</strong> vs Raheem Stash (managers banned from ringside)</p><p>

5.<strong> Lil' Henry</strong> vs Public Enemy #1</p>

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Quick Predictions for Game of Death

1. Grudge match: Aces High vs Cali Slick

2. GSW Tag Team titles match: Brown Pride vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

3. Dog Collar match: E-Soteric vs Frantic Ali

4. GSW West coast title match: Hustle Muvva vs Raheem Stash (managers banned from ringside)

5. Lil' Henry vs Public Enemy #1

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Pre-show: Tavon Blake Jr defeated Busta Capp (Rating: 45)




Brother Grimm opened the show once more with a fiery in-ring promo, welcoming fans and praising his company while burying IPW. Grimm pointed out that GSW has been delivering killer television and monthly shows, tonight being no exception and starting next year, things will only get bigger. (Rating: 71)




The opening contest saw Public Enemy #1 bring his fiery brawling against the newcomer Lil' Henry, scrappy brawler against big powerhouse for an exciting fistfight. Enemy showed plenty of fire and his intensity allowed him to stay in the fight against his larger opponent, but he made the rookie mistake of taunting his opponent and roaring to the crowd in anger instead of finishing Henry off, which allowed the more experienced ex-IPW star to get back in the match and deliver a beatdown.


Just as Henry was building up to a Double-Handed Choke Bomb, Magwitch rolled out from underneath the ring with a barb wire baseball bat in hand to slam it onto his back while cackling like a madman before running away. The spot allowed Enemy to make a comeback for a bit, but Henry is no stranger to pain, blood and hardcore action so he was able to push on and eventually deliver the Double-Handed Choke Bomb for the three count. (Rating: 26)




Kandii's betrayal allowed Muvva to beat Stash for the title originally and ever since, they've both been a thorn on the big Jamaican's side but having managers banned from ringside this time, this rematch felt like it would finally be free of shenanigans. Between the heat in this rivalry and Muvva trying to eliminate his opponent's size advantage, the match quickly devolved into a bloody weapons brawl, Stash looking more than happy to play ball and respond in kind, whacking Muvva with anything he could lay his hands on and when there was nothing available, his hands alone.


Cindy did make an appearance amidst this chaos, catching referee Dwight Kumas' attention but arguing that she could totally be there, as she is not technically a manager or managing anyone. Her presence though did seem to upset Muvva and Stash was quick to capitalize, amping up the violence in hopes of a win. This sudden burst of offence had Muvva wearing the crimson mask before long and during a short break from the ref so he could check up on him, Cindy climbed the apron and whacked Stash from behind with an unprotected shot to the head. This had him staggering for the briefest of moments and seeing his chance, Muvva rushed in for the Hustler's Headbutt and the cover, which saw him successfully retain his title against Stash. (Rating: 50)




E and Ali may not have had the time to develop a rivalry like Muvva and Stash, but theirs was just as intense and the stipulation of the match only served to guarantee another bloodbath. Indeed, as soon as the bell rang, fists started flying in a wildly paced match, before a lariat sent E-Soteric over the top rope. This wasn't enough to slow the former West Coast champion down though and he used the opportunity to pull on the strap with all his weight, essentially choking Ali on the top rope before the move was escaped by him also going over the top rope to release the pressure on his throat. The two fighters proceeded to brawl outside the ring and use the strap to pull each other onto hard parts of the environment, while E-Soteric also wrapped it around his fist for some heavy punches that had his opponent bleeding. When the bout got back inside the ring though, Ali showed a lot of inner fire in his comeback and even paid his opponent back by using the strap to deliver a lashing that cut E's back open, then hitting him with a Death Valley Driver for the three. (Rating: 49)




After he had his hand raised in victory (and the Dog Collar removed), Frantic Ali grabbed a microphone and declared his intention to go for the top prize in GSW, the American title. These words brought out none other than the American champion himself, Fro Sure, who promptly talked Ali back into his place as a newcomer way out of his mind, much to the aplomb of the live audience. (Rating: 65)




Ever since their shock return to GSW, the Mexican Hardcore Killers have been building momentum and consistently outsmarting Los Guerilleros, all leading up to this title match between the two Latino tag teams. Mexico's Finest and Hector Galindo were conspicuously absent, though whether because they had something else cooking or because this was an honor thing of not tainting title matches, no one could tell. This cleared the scene for another great hardcore contest, one more in what fans and critics have began calling a return to the glory days of GSW's tag team division.


Of course, Finest and Galindo would eventually show up to assist their allies, but once again the MHKs had this scouted; Villano dodged a blow from Galindo that ended up hitting MexiCain while E-Z hit a suicide dive onto Finest, clearing the ring for Villano to knock Galindo off the apron and deliver a Curb Stomp onto MexiCain for the pin, meaning the Mexican Hardcore Killers are the new GSW Tag Team champions! (Rating: 46)





As you would expect, the outcome did not sit well with Los Guerilleros and once again, they used the numbers advantage for a post match attack on the newly crowned champions. The beatdown however came to a screeching halt when State of Destruction's music came on the speakers and the two behemoths made an appearance. If that was enough to stop the attack, seeing them walk to the ring sent Los Guerilleros scattering. (Rating: 47)




The main event was a classic situation of friends and tag partners turning on each other after a series of repeated failures, arguments and prolonged disappointment. Building on the intensity of their matchup, the two fighters went balls to the wall from bell to bell, a pace not unlike the one E-Soteric and Frantic Ali's brawl had earlier, albeit without the strap and ringside brawling. That's not to say there weren't strikes or weapons involved, but given the familiarity of the two opponents, some surprisingly great chain wrestling was also on display as they dodged and reversed each other's arsenal of moves while showcasing great chemistry on top of their familiarity and skill. Aces being the smaller and less established wrestler tried to counter his disadvantage by taking more risks than his calmer, stronger opponent and this not only made for some great stunt spots, it also played into the finish of Aces missing a dive off the top for Slick to capitalize and deliver the Slick-Back. (Rating: 54)


Prediction results

smw88: 5/5 (100% Accuracy)

CageRage: 5/5 (100% Accuracy)

Theheel: 3/5 (60% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 31/41 (75% Accuracy)

2. CageRage: 18/27 (67% Accuracy)

3. kanegan: 15/22 (68% Accuracy)

4. Blodyxe: 10/18 (55% Accuracy)

5. Theheel: 5/8 (63% Accuracy)

6. Historian: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)


Congratulations to smw88 and CageRage for getting all of their Game of Death predictions right. This first round of the prediction is over and smw88 is the winner (congratulations again). A PM has been sent and the prize has been cashed in, with a hiring/firing decision affecting my management of GSW, as I figured offering a storyline or title run for a prize would offer an unfair advantage in predictions going forward. The numbers will reset, so if you arrived late for the first round, this is your chance to join the predictions. Thank you all for reading, commenting, participating in the prediction contest and nominating/voting for this diary on the DotM polls!

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">"Told ya we'd be kickin' em in the dirt, CJ. Keep doing your thing, I'll keep doing mine and we'll be done in no time."



*Grimm's office, The Warehouse. First few days of 2021*


With one hand placing the phone down, Brother Grimm used the other to pull open a drawer in his desk. The momentum of the move had a joint roll across and for a brief moment, Grimm was tempted. It had been quite some time since he last had one. Since he'd decided to quit so he could steer the ship now that Weston and Big Magic were gone. The situation called for celebration, after all.


With a final snort, Grimm reached into the drawer and popped open a cigar case instead. This one, he would allow himself. A rare treat, for just every once in a while. Just as he was going through the motions of preparing said treat, there was a knock on the door.




A glass of Hennessey in each hand, Foxxy LaRue walked into the office and sat down opposite Grimm, offering him one of the drinks.


"Isaiah told me you called in for a drink. Figured I'd bring it to you, grab one for myself as well while I'm at it" LaRue said with a wry smile. Grimm prolonged the first taste of his lit cigar, buying himself a few precious seconds to think. Foxxy wasn't the flirty type. Hell, she wasn't the one to have any taste in men to begin with, she'd been dating Devyn Retribution of all people, for f*ck's sake. So what was this all about, the smile, the drink, the visit?


"Might as well have some company to celebrate" Grimm responded, raising his glass to meet LaRue's before they both took a sip. "I assume you've heard the news? GSW won Most Improved Company of the Year award. Rated 13th in the world now, with them IPW f*cks sitting at 23."


"I have" LaRue said with a nod of her puffy haired head. "Did you happen to notice who's on top?"


Grimm leaned back and furrowed his eyebrows in surprise. As if there was anyone who could knock USPW out of nowhere without anyone noticing.


"They've been growing rapidly too." Foxxy continued. "Got a second TV show rolling since February and it's doing well. TotalExtremeWrestling.com rated them as Titanic by the end of the year."


Grimm was starting to see where all this was headed. Packer needed bodies for his media machine, fresh faces.


"I got a call from Parsons" LaRue finally spit it out. "Rich Money, as most people know him. Seventy two hundred a month for four years, plus 15% of the merch. Then he threw a whole year's worth of wages on top, as a signing bonus."


"That's one hell of a deal" Grimm conceded, before taking another sip from his cigar. "And you know I can't possibly hope to match it. I don't have Packer's money or exposure... yet. So why are you telling me?"


"I wanted you to know" Foxxy answered, once she'd downed some of her own drink. She was having it faster than Grimm, but clearly it wasn't out of stress. LaRue was like that, too much of a party animal to slow down and enjoy the finer layers of taste in a quality drink. "I wanted to tell you myself, face to face. And I wanted to tell you ahead of time, so you can plan how you want to write me off. I'd like to do the honors and put someone over on my way out. You've been as important as Farrah's Texas gig in getting me over, putting my face on WrestleWorld all the time for people from coast to coast to see. You deserve as much."


"You're one of the good ones, Fox" Grimm said with a smile. "You did this yourself, we just gave you a platform to showcase your sh*t. Want you to know, you were on top of my list when I decided to have women wrestling in GSW, word is bond. You were probably gonna be the first female American champion too. And I appreciate you for having the guts to say this to my face, I really do."


Foxxy raised her glass, probably one last sip left in her glass by this point. Grimm responded in kind, thinking this had gone surprisingly well.


"You go get 'em, girl. Show 'em the power of street knowledge."


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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Alright, new in-game year, new prediction contest!


The Next Episode #41

Airing Friday, Week 1 of January 2021


1. Raheem Stash vs Tavon Blake Jr.


Game of Death is over and Raheem Stash ended his year with another failed attempt to beat Hustle Muvva and reclaim the GSW West Coast title. Tavon Blake Jr wasn't even on the card for that show. Both men have been having a hard time and Grimm jumped at this like a shark that smells blood on the water, seeing opportunity to have them face off against one another. If either man wants to take steps forward, it will come at the expense of the other.


2. Foxxy LaRue vs Jo Baker


Ever since BPLM caught LaRue's attention, she's been somewhat obsessed with the idea of assuming leadership of the group, with Deaf Touch even accusing her it's done at the expense of their Motor City Made team. Even though LaRue managed to defeat Miss Jones and end her career to take her place at the helm of BPLM, results since have been underwhelming: the trio missed their shot at the GSW Hottest Crew titles, LaRue's open challenge fed Black Diamond to the debuting bulldozer Lil' Henry and none of the three women were even booked for Game of Death. Now Jo Baker has had enough, but can LaRue stamp out this little rebellion inside the group or has everything -including the injury Deaf Touch sustained- taken too much of a mental toll on her?


3. Busta Capp vs Lil' Henry


The heart and soul of Grimm SoCal. A GSW original. A former champion and a man who's been there for some of the company's biggest moments. It should come as no surprise that Busta Capp took exception to the sudden recent influx of IPW talent and requested a match against one of them. What he got was a one on one date with Lil' Henry, so Capp will need to muster all of his experience, tenacity and heart to pull through this one.


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Airing Friday, Week 1 of January 2021






After a shot of the L.A. streets by night, Los Guerilleros are shown hanging in the parking lot of The Warehouse. Mexico's Finest is leaning against the wall, arms crossed in front of his chest and not looking too happy. LatiNoFear and Hector Galindo are squatting down to the ground and shooting dice, while MexiCain is pacing left and right.


MexiCain: "The hell, yo? We lost the tag titles and you just chillin', rollin' bones?"


Galindo: "Relax, we'll get 'em back."


MexiCain: "You shut yo mouth esse, you're the reason we lost the gold in the first place! You 'n' Finest were supposed to help us and you f**ked it up!"


Galindo shoots up and within a split second, has MexiCain by the collar as a shoving contest begins, with LatiNoFear trying to play peacemaker.



The ambient light is drowned by the shadows of two large men who show up to the scene. Their presence is enough to stop the fight and Los Guerilleros rally up to stand together against them.


BB: "You n***az are lucky you lost those titles before we could get our rematch. D'you think we forgot?"


Boneyard: "We still in the game. We out for gold."


Boneyard points a finger to Galindo, then slowly towards Mexico's Finest.


Boneyard: "We'll see yo b*tch asses in the ring next week."

(Rating: 38)






Back inside The Warehouse, Ice Cube's "Hello" hits the speakers and Busta Capp gets a hero's welcome as he returns to GSW, opening the main part of the show on a high note. Unfortunately, that's about all the high he's getting tonight: Henry completely no-sells his offence and fires back with some big hits and a powerbomb that rocks Busta, who rolls out of the ring to rethink his strategy. Capp returns with a chair and takes a swing, but Henry again no-sells it and answers with his Double-Handed Choke Bomb, on the chair. Instead of going for a cover though, Henry leaves the ring and introduces a table and some light tubes into the ring. This buys Capp enough time to recover, but he just can't get any proper offence in; Henry simply batters him with a bunch of items looking to completely destroy him, toying with the veteran for a few ultraviolent minutes, before he hits another Double-Handed Choke Bomb onto the shattered glass of the tubes, this time making the cover to win the match.

(Rating: 34)






Backstage, the Long Beach Crew are in the middle of a heated argument. Well, mostly on Aces' part, since Slick is his usual cool self.


Slick: "Look, A... I got nothin' against you, but this sh*t ain't gonna work."


Aces: "Ain't gonna work? Motherf*cker, we're THREE TIME tag team champions!"


Slick: "That was then and now's now."


Aces: "The hell's that supposed to mean, Slick?"


Slick: "Means I've moved on, A. Won the American title, twice. You've been what, West Coast champion some four or five years ago?"


Aces: "Cause I had to watch yo b*tch-ass, n***a! Every time I wasn't with you holding the tag titles, I had your back so you could remain champion!"


Slick: "Well I'm not champion now, so that worked out fine, right? Sh*t, I beat yo ass at Game of Death, A. You... just ain't on my level, that's all."


Aces: "Son of a!"


Aces jumps Slick and a brawl between them ensues, as the camera retreats and fades out.

(Rating: 51)






Baker and Diamond come out first, well aware that the former is the underdog in this fight so they attack LaRue before she can make her way to the ring. This 2 on 1 situation triggers a crazy brawl in the audience until Foxxy manages to DDT Diamond onto the unprotected floor. The playing field is levelled after that, but the damage has been done and Baker has a fighting chance against her much more experienced opponent. The fists keep flying and its only after five or six minutes they end up inside the ring and some semblance of a proper match. Baker presses her advantage but at one point gets caught up in her enthusiasm and walks straight into a Flash Head Kick with Foxxy collapsing on top. Diamond rushes to break up the pin but she's a split second too late and LaRue wins the match.

(Rating: 41)









Hustle Muvva is shown driving his lowrider to the front of the HUSTLER Casino in Gardena, with Cindy riding shotgun. A valet walks up to open the door for her, then grabs the keys Muvva tosses at him as the couple come together in front of the entrance.


Muvva: "Damn it feels good to be a hustler! This sh*t literally can't get any better. Got my hot wife, got the championship, got the whole world in my hands and luck on my side, let's go in and make some money, I'm feelin' it!"


Cindy: "I still can't believe everyone bought that crap about you and that Kandii b*tch, baby."


Muvva: "Yeah, I played her and I played Stash too. As if I'd give you up for some low-down sk*nk from The Warehouse... but hey, a man's gotta hustle and it got me thus far. Let's get to work."


Muvva wraps an arm around Cindy's waist and the two of them walk through the double doors as the camera fades out.

(Rating: 61)






The two men come out and face each other, with Blake offering his hands for a test of skill. It's a struggle, but Blake wins it and takes the big man down. The competitors reset to a standing position and with his confidence up, Blake calls for a test of strength. It's a bad idea though as there's no chance Stash is losing that and he ends up scooping him up for a bodyslam to re-assert his dominance. This opening exchange sets the tone for the rest of the match, with Stash looking to power his way through and Blake attempting to eliminate the size disadvantage through technique. A surprisingly clean-cut contest for GSW's hardcore standards, this one is also surprisingly long, especially for a televised match, going almost fifteen minutes before Stash is able to knock Blake's lights out with a Buckle Bomb followed by the Standing Powerslam for the pin.

(Rating: 49)







Kandii is shown going about The Warehouse, managing administrative details as she gives out pointers to the bar staff. It's difficult to say whether this is in preparation before the club opens its doors or if this is wrapping up in the after hours, but she looks to be completely in the zone until she runs into some man. His back is turned to the camera, but he speaks with a heavy Hispanic accent.


Man: "Ah, I've been looking for you, seniorita. I am told you are in the business of managing luchadores, si?"


Kandii: "Used to. I'm taking a break, actually. Had a rough time and I need to recollect myself. I'm sorry, who are you?"


Man: "I am a man in need of representation."


Kandii: "I told you, I'm done with that for a while."


Man: "All I'm asking for is you introduce me to senor Grimm. I can make it worth your while."


The man passes a check to Kandii, with the camera catching a glimpse of a considerable amount written on it.


Man: "After all, in Hollywood, stars are only as good as their managers set them up to be, no?"

(Rating: 20)



Prediction results

smw88: 1/3 (33% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 1/3 (33% Accuracy)


Quick Predictions for Episode #42

1. GSW West Coast title match: Hustle Muvva © vs Frantic Ali

2. State of Destruction vs Los Guerilleros (Finest & Galindo)

3. G Force vs a debuting wrestler

Bonus: Who is the new debuting wrestler? (it's the same that was in the final segment with Kandii)

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