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Grimm SoCal Wrestling: Keep their heads ringnin'

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Airing Friday, Week 2 of February 2021




The camera fades in as Fro Sure is walking in the Warehouse, headed straight for Brother Grimm's office. The GSW American champion bursts into the room, where Grimm is overseeing Ali as the latter is flipping through a stack of papers.


Grimm: "The hell n***a, how about a knock?"


Fro: "Imma knock alright, knock this guy's head off!"


Ali raises his head, a confident smile on his face. Knowing the man, it's not the confidence of a man protected by regulations or Grimm's shadow; it's the smile of a man who knows he can get violent, even murderous, in a moment's notice if need be. In way, it's almost as if he's daring Fro to start a brawl.


Grimm: "You might be the champion, but I'm the boss here, ya dig? You come to my door, you knock, no exceptions. Now calm the f**k down."


Fro: "F**k calm, that cat jumped me last week!"


Ali: "You done crying? This ain't yo mamma's kitchen, boy, this is hardcore."


Grimm: "Cut this sh*t, both of you. Fro, I feel ya bruh. But, in a way... serves ya right for what you did to Stash. And Ali..."


Grimm casts a glance at the paperwork in front of Sayeed Ali. Smile still on his face, Ali flips to the last page, picks up a pen from Grimm's office and places his signature.


Grimm: "There ya go. Welcome to the roster. Now we can settle this the way it should be settled: in the ring. Speaking of which, I got your first match lined up next."


Ali stands up and walks past a stunned Fro, out of the office.

(Rating: 48)






Ali's first official match is against the head honcho of Los Guerilleros and it turns out to be exactly like what somebody would expect of these two, a hardcore streetfight with violence galore. The rabid GSW fans eat up every spot, especially those involving weapons and it doesn't take long for both men to get cut up, blood flowing as they continue fighting in and around the ring. After some minutes of back and forth action, Finest grabs Ali's throat looking for the Hard Times chokeslam, but a defiant Ali spits right in his opponent's face, blinding him temporarily to escape the predicament and hit his own finisher, the G.B.H. Driver to get the pin.

(Rating: 37)






Black Diamond and Jo Baker are in the middle of a discussion in the locker room when La Estrella struts in.


Estrella: "Buenas noches, senioritas!"


Baker: "The f**k's wrong with you, this is the women's locker room!"


Estrella shrugs, apparently unphased.


Estrella: "Si, si... Listen, I'm headed out of here after the show, movie release party and all. I will be, of course, in the VIP lounge and I can get you in with me if you want. You can meet some big names of the industry and of course hang around a true Hollywood star like me, have a good time."


Black Diamond walks up to Estrella, standing a few inches taller than the luchador and instead of an answer, punches him right in the face. Estrella stumbles back in shock to crash against a locker, then puts his hands on his face.


Estrella: "My face! My beautiful face!"


Diamond: "We ain't yo whores and escorts, lucha boy. Now get out!"

(Rating: 36)








What started as Magwitch attacking Henry now seems to have grown into a full blown faction war after each man brought reinforcements in. There's nothing elegant about the new Hottest Crew title holders who bring size, power and intimidation to the table. On the other hand, the clowns are violent and unpredictable, Pierrot adding a bit of muscle alongside Magwitch while Hellech utilizes his speed and high flying offence to keep their opponents guessing.


Speaking of reinforcements and unpredictability, the clowns just keep coming and this time it's a female one with a rather distinctive and demented look that storms in, introducing a blueberry pie right into Henry's face before trapping him in a Stump Puller. The confusion and distraction has BB Colossus rush to the save, leaving Boneyard on his own, a grand opportunity for the rest of the clowns to gang up on him. Magwitch strikes first, delivering a Stump Piledriver, followed by a flying Hellech for the Double Foot Stomp and then, Pierrot with a Doom Spiral and the pin for the count of three.

(Rating: 43)






Sayeed Ali is backstage, removing the tape from his fists after his match when E-Soteric walks up to him, clapping slowly.


E-Soteric: "Well done, well done indeed... I can see why you're called the East Side Assassin."


Ali pauses and turns his head, giving E-Soteric a tired look.


Ali: "Lot o' dick waving around here... You got something to say, say it and be done with it."


E-Soteric: "Ooooh, the realness. Alright tough guy, I get it, you want a real challenge instead of an aging ex con. Unfortunately for you, that's gonna have to wait. See, I'm championship material and next week, I'm booked to be in a Three Way Ladder match for the GSW West Coast title, so you're gonna have to wait if you wanna go toe to toe with the Golden Gloves Boxer."


Ali: "I can wait. Don't think I'm tired of kicking your West Coast phony asses just yet. Got plenty more to keep me busy before you too feel what it's like to get hit with the G.B.H. Driver."

(Rating: 49)






Just over a month since main eventing Game of Death, Aces and Slick find themselves on opposite sides and once again, they throw down in and outside of the ring in a hard hitting fistfight. What's different this time is Slick's apparent confidence after winning the first match in December, while Aces on the other hand seems extra motivated to score the equalizer, his offence getting more and more reckless, a sense of urgency into everything he does. The turning point comes when Aces places his opponent on the barricade, a leg on each side of the fence; in theory, the move should hurt the groin but Slick ends up landing on his ass and struggles to walk afterwards, an opening Aces is able to exploit to get firm control of the match and eventually win it, though just to be on the safe side, he also holds onto Slick's trunks.

(Rating: 43)






Hustle Muvva comes to the ring next, accompanied by Cindy.


Muvva: "Frantic Ali... Last week, you beat me and took the West Coast title from me. And although your ways were questionable, I ain't here to argue or complain, you pinned me clean in the middle of this ring. What I can't forgive however, is the way you treated my wife. So I decided to come out here and let you know, this ain't over between us and it's all your fault. You made it personal."

(Rating: 41)








As promised, the Mexican Hardcore Killers put the tag titles on the line since Los Guerilleros did the same with the Hottest Crew trios belts and it's another Game of Death rematch as the two teams clash one more time. What should be a great match though is let down by the length of the bout, which officially clocks in 16 minutes and 17 seconds. There's no doubt the main event outstays its welcome and it slowly becomes apparent that for all the high flying of E-Z and LNF, Villano and MexiCain are better talkers than wrestlers, to the point where they start to feel repetitive. By the time E-Z hits the Curb Stomp on MexiCain for the win, fans are less excited for the finish and mostly relieved the bout is finally over. Mexican Hardcore Killers retain.

(Rating: 42)



Prediction results

christmas_ape: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

smw88: 2/4 (50% Accuracy)

Theheel: 2/4 (50% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 13/20 (65% Accuracy)

2. Theheel: 11/17 (64% Accuracy)

3. CageRage: 5/9 (56% Accuracy)

4. Blodyxe: 4/6 (66% Accuracy)

5. kanegan: 4/7 (57% Accuracy)

6. christmas_ape: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

7. Mitch: 3/7 (42% Accuracy)


Quick Predictions for Episode #47

1. GSW West Coast title Ladder match: Frantic Ali © vs E-Soteric vs Hustle Muvva

2. Sayeed Ali vs Tavon Blake Jr.

3. Black Diamond vs La Estrella

4. Public Enemy #1 vs A Debuting Wrestler

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1. GSW West Coast title Ladder match: Frantic Ali © vs E-Soteric vs Hustle Muvva

2. Sayeed Ali vs Tavon Blake Jr.

3. Black Diamond vs La Estrella

4. Public Enemy #1 vs A Debuting Wrestler


Not all easy picks that's for sure.


Gonna enjoy watching Ali go through the roster, and happy to see a 4th clown added. Way I see it is the clowns could keep being added each show and it would take me a long time to think 'this might be too many clowns'!

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Airing Friday, Week 3 of February 2021




The scene is a street, outside a liquor store. MexiCain is listening to something on a set of headphones, while LatiNoFear is counting dollar bills when Mexico's Finest walks up to them, a hoodie covering most of his head and tattooed arms. It's an unusual appearance, but still doesn't cover the ex con's massive size.


Finest: "What up?"


MexiCain: "What up?! I'll tell ya what up, we gettin' our asses whooped, that's what up! Trios titles, lost. Tag titles, lost. Rematch, lost. And where the f**k Hector at?"


LatiNoFear: "Puerto Rico"


MexiCain: "Shit... Listen, we all need a break to pull it together. We got no match this week, so take a break and think shit through. Same time, same place, one week."

(Rating: 41)






Back inside the Warehouse, the GSW Hottest Crew champions are in Grimm's office.


Grimm: "Gentlemen... what can I help you with?"


Boneyard: "Quit clownin' around, G. What's with all the clowns lately?"


Grimm: "What about 'em?"


BB: "We rough one up, another pops in."


Grimm: "What can I say, Coulrophobia is one hell of a team and they finally saw the light to leave that IPW dump."


Henry: "Yeah? What about that b*tch that showed up last week?"


Grimm: "She got a match tonight, I'll decide if she sticks around. Meanwhile, I'd advise you to worry about yourselves and those titles instead of questioning my hirings."

(Rating: 48)






Switching to the ring, Harlem Haynes makes his surprise GSW debut to a mixed reaction, some fans glad to see the legendary brawler and others simply giving him flak for being from New York. Public Enemy #1 lays into him with strikes and any weapon he can get his hands on, but the big veteran pulls through the match and uses his experience to regain control again and again, until he hits the Harlem Hustle for the pin to start off with a win.

(Rating: 34)






Aces High hits the ring and a new, beautiful female joins him for an interview. The woman does little besides hold the mic for him, but her looks alone are enough to get a pop out of the crowd.


Aces: "Last week, I proved a point. Slick, you wanna say we're not on the same level, blood? Well guess what, I beat yo ass in this ring and guess what, I wanna do it again. You beat me twice. To me, that sounds like unfinished business, so you best protect yo neck, bruh. Aces, out!"

(Rating: 40)






GSW's clown crew is gathered around a hobo fire burning inside a barrel on the streets. The flickering light offers an eerie effect, shadows dancing on their painted faces. For a moment, it seems as though Magwitch is about to say something, but instead, he bursts into a mad cackle. The laughter quickly spreads among the group who snicker and leer over the flames, except the towering Pierrot who remains expressionless, arms crossed in front of his chest as he stares dead center down the camera lens.

(Rating: 36)




Building upon last week's segment, Black Diamond meets La Estrella inside the ring, the Hollywood Luchador's damaged ego fuelling him in his search for victory and redemption. The intensity makes for a spectacular match that showcases his high flying as well as Diamond's athleticism, but time and again, Estrella's obsession to humiliate his opponent instead of just pinning her gets the best of him and allows Diamond to get back in the fight. Just as it seems she's about to take it home...


...Deaf Touch's music starts playing and the former American champion comes out to a thunderous ovation! Returning from an injury caused by Diamond and with a documented history of how his partnership with Foxxy LaRue fell apart once she got tangled up with the whole BPLM situation, Touch walks down the ramp with a purpose and nails Baker with a Mafia Kick. The distraction is enough to throw Black Diamond off her game and Estrella is all too happy to take the opening and roll her up from behind for a surprise pinfall win!

(Rating: 40)






Sayeed Ali is backstage when Fro Sure walks up to him.


Fro: "Whoa, easy there 'Assassin', I ain't looking for no trouble. Listen, I know you're eyeing my American championship and Grimm's out to get me, but you can't just show out of nowhere and get a shot at the top prize. That's not how things work. You gotta earn your shot"


Ali: "Yeah, and?"


Fro: "Well, you gonna have your chance tonight. Because you're up next and you're set to face one hell of a grappler in TBJ. Good luck."


Fro pats Ali on the shoulder and walks away, the East Side Assassin cracking his knuckles.

(Rating: 47)






After the initial exchange of tentative blows, it quickly becomes apparent this is going to be all about who is able to impose the style that suits them best in order to win the match, with Ali looking to brawl and take things into hardcore territory while Blake tries to keep it clean and technical. Initially, Ali is in control but Blake is all too comfortable throwing down (he does, after all, possess some of the slickest looking punches in the business) so he slowly turns the match in his favor. However, this allows Ali to also showcase his underrated pure wrestling skills and he ends up surprising TBJ with his versatility, to the point where he counters a Black Plex into the G.B.H. Driver for the pin.

(Rating: 49)






E-Z and Sanchez Villano are chilling in the VIP area of the Warehouse with drinks and some attractive female company as Villano addresses the camera.


Villano: "Ey yo, Brown Pride, Guerilleros, whatever the f**k you call yourselves... It don't matter, 'cause you're still losers anyway. We living in your head rent free, yo. You so out there, you lost both the Hottest Crew and Tag titles. We rule the tag division here. Salud!"


E-Z and Villano laugh, before downing a shot of tequila.

(Rating: 37)






GSW fans get treated to a hot main event, a three way Ladder match that would normally be reserved for one of the big monthly shows. All three competitors have a documented history between them so it's no surprise the match immediately bursts into a wild free-for-all fistfight that inevitably spills out of the ring as well. A rather even, competitive bout with every man getting his fair share of shine and offence, things only get wilder once ladders begin to be used as weapons. No one really bothers to go for the belt or set up a ladder for some high flying spot, they're either used as a clubbing weapon or a rough surface to drop somebody onto. Eventually, this ends up taking E-Soteric out of the fight when he finds his arm trapped in a ladder right before Muvva lands on it with a senton, almost chopping off a couple of fingers. From there, it's down to Muvva and Ali who inevitably end up trading punches on top of the ladder. Muvva attempts to land an unexpected headbutt, but Ali knows to expect it and blocks the move, slamming Muvva's head to the top of the stair instead. This knocks Muvva back, hanging upside down from the ladder with his legs trapped in the steps, leaving Ali to go all the way to the top and retrieve the GSW West Coast title.

(Rating: 52)



Prediction results

christmas_ape: 4/4 (100% Accuracy)

smw88: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 16/24 (67% Accuracy)

2. Theheel: 11/17 (64% Accuracy)

3. christmas_ape: 7/8 (87% Accuracy)

4. CageRage: 5/9 (56% Accuracy)

5. Blodyxe: 4/6 (66% Accuracy)

6. kanegan: 4/7 (57% Accuracy)

7. Mitch: 3/7 (42% Accuracy)


Congratulations to christmas_ape for getting all the predictions right, ascending from 6th to 3rd in the overall rankings!


Quick Predictions for Episode #48

1. Tables match: Coulrophobia vs State of Destruction

2. Busta Capp vs Harlem Haynes

3. Bizarro vs Sheila Maivia

4. Black Diamond vs Deaf Touch

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'Congratulations to christmas_ape for getting all the predictions right, ascending from 6th to 3rd in the overall rankings!'


TheHeel, SMW88... The numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you in this prediction contest.


Quick Predictions for Episode #48

1. Tables match: Coulrophobia vs State of Destruction

2. Busta Capp vs Harlem Haynes

3. Bizarro vs Sheila Maivia

4. Black Diamond vs Deaf Touch

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Airing Friday, Week 4 of February 2021




Brother Grimm is in his office going through some paperwork. After a knock on the door, Fro Sure steps in.


Fro: "You wanted to see me, G?"


Grimm: "Sure did. Take a seat, I'll be with you once I'm done with this bit"


Fro glances over the papers on Grimm's office.


Fro: "You ain't signing Ali for a title match there, are ya?"


Grimm makes a frustrated pause, then raises his gaze to meet Fro, staring daggers at him so much so that the GSW American champion recoils in his seat.


Grimm: "Not yet I ain't. But make no mistake, that match is going down sooner or later."


Fro: "Just like that? Listen, I know he's kind of a big deal in the East Coast, but what's he done in Cali to be getting such an opportunity?"


Grimm: "Didn't ya tell 'im last week he needs to prove himself? Well, he proved himself. He beat TBJ. And if you must know, these are Stash's medical bills I'm looking through."


Fro readjusts his shades, trying to not show his reaction.


Grimm: "You took one of my workers down. Sent a fellow wrestler to the hospital. Intentionally too, wasn't an accident. I should fire you for that shit, but I ain't firing the champion. That'd make GSW look weak. I thought about suspending you with no pay, but I came up with something better."


Fro raises a curious eyebrow at the sound of that.


Grimm: "I'm fining your black ass. You put Stash in the hospital, you pay for his treatment."


Fro: "What?!"


Grimm: "Ya heard me, son. Oh, and when that title match with Ali does take place... I'm banning that shit you pulled on Stash too. You do that again, you lose your title, am I clear?"

(Rating: 71)






After his surprise return from injury last week during Black Diamond's match, Deaf Touch returns to wrestle proper against her and it is every bit the intense, chaotic brawl one would expect. With Jo Baker absent from ringside, the bout is free from interference and both competitors able to show what they're about. Between DT being absent for a while and Diamond's growth, both as a wrestler and in popularity, the match is hot and quite competitive from bell to bell and the finish sees Diamond try to set up a Belly to Belly Suplex only to get kicked in the head with a Mafia Kick, laying her down for Touch to hit the Crooked Moonsault for the pin.

(Rating: 46)






Backstage, Jo Baker's absence is explained when she's shown walking up to La Estrella.


Estrella: "You and your friend seem to have some sort of obsession with me, chica."


Baker: "Maybe, but not the way you think. You got lucky against Diamond last week, but we still got unfinished business. Next week, we finish it in the ring, you and me, one on one."


Estrella: "Let me check if I'm available..."


Estrella pulls out a moleskine agenda and flips through a few pages, Baker snorting in frustration before she turns her back and walks away.


Baker: "Yo ass better be available, chico!"

(Rating: 37)






Bizarro the clown makes her in-ring GSW debut next and it turns out her style is just as crazy as her looks and antics; despite being a Mexican luchadora, she leaves all the high flying to Maivia and seems to enjoy torturing her opponent with submissions as she tries to twist her in extremely uncomfortable angles. For all the solid action between the ropes, neither woman is quite over with the fans and it all falls flat in the silence of the usually raucous crowd before Bizarro catches Maivia in a Stump Puller to start her GSW career with a victory.

(Rating: 28)






Sayeed Ali is shown hanging out in a park at New York City. He walks around, high-fives some shady types and takes a seat on a bench, turning to address the camera.


Ali: "See, Fro, the thing between you and me is more than just the East Coast Assassin versus the King of California. You drive around sunny L.A. in your car, from your big house to some fancy studio to record your stuff, or to The Warehouse every time GSW has a show on. And I don't blame you for any of that. I'm sure you had to work hard for what you got. But make no mistake about it, you had a headstart, n***a. I grew up in some shitty flat in the projects. I had to take the bus to go wrestle in some dinghy basement in order to break into the business. I had to fight for every little thing. And that fire is what brought me thus far. This kind of toughness you don't get in a gym. It can't be taught. You gotta live through it, take the hits and keep going. That's what I'm about to bring when you and me meet for the GSW American title. You can't compete with that. So when it's all said and done, I'll be the one standing tall with the strap and you'll be staring at the lights, son."

(Rating: 41)




Ali's promo sets the tone for the next match, as the returning Harlem Haynes takes on Compton's very own Busta Capp. Fans are consistently behind the GSW original and Capp takes it unto himself to introduce his opponent to an oldschool GSW hardcore bout. Having had his fair share of bloody weapons brawls in Puerto Rico, Haynes is more than comfortable in such a setup and the two proceed to butcher each other, much to the fans' excitement, with Haynes getting the best of the exchange as he manages to hit the Harlem Hustle and drive Capp onto some thumbtacks for the pin.

(Rating: 40)






GSW's beautiful new interviewer is standing by backstage with E-Soteric.


E-Soteric: "Frantic Ali... Hustle Muvva... you n***as got lucky last week."


E-Soteric raises a hand with some heavily bandaged fingers in front of his face.


E-Soteric: "You two had a chance to go for the belt, but only because I was trying not to lose a finger outside the ring. Now I'm all taped up and ready to go. Next week, me, Muvva and Deaf Touch in the main event. Winner gets a shot at the GSW West Coast title. This time you'll have to chop my f***ing head off to stop me!"

(Rating: 32)






After weeks of interference, attacks and frustration, State of Destruction finally get to have Coulrophobia in the ring and to up the violence, only way to win the match is to drive someone through a table. BB and Boneyard are their usual selves dominating through sheer power, so it's up to Coulrophobia to be faster and smarter to compete. This quickly turns into a case of how much high flying Hellech can pull off without risk of getting caught or accidentally going through a table. The answer is quite a lot, as the match goes on for nearly ten minutes, but ultimately Hellech finds himself perched on the top rope as BB Colossus charges the corner with a Colossus Avalance and even though it's essentially just BB throwing his full weight into the corner pads, the shockwave is enough to mess with the high flying psycho clown's balance and knock him to the outside, through a table that had been set up earlier.

(Rating: 46)






Mexico's Finest is shown hanging out near the same liquor store that Los Guerilleros met during last week's opening segment. The ex convict is looking around, implying whoever he was supposed to be meeting is running late. Moments later, a lowrider carrying MexiCain and LatiNoFear turns around the corner. Finest takes a step forward and is about to say something, when something stops him dead in his tracks. Cut back to Brown Pride and both men got guns drawn out. The feed cuts to the glass front of the liquor store as the shots start to rain down and everything is shown through the reflection, before the sound of guns going off is replaced by that of screeching tires.

(Rating: 44)



Prediction results

smw88: 4/4 (100% Accuracy)

Theheel: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

Blodyxe: 2/4 (50% Accuracy)

christmas_ape: 1/4 (25% Accuracy)


Congratulations once again to christmas_ape for summoning Scott Steiner, not just that in math promo but also in how that Sacrifice match turned out for him :D


Overall results

1. smw88: 20/28 (71% Accuracy)

2. Theheel: 14/21 (67% Accuracy)

3. christmas_ape: 8/12 (67% Accuracy)

4. Blodyxe: 6/10 (60% Accuracy)

5. ageRage: 5/9 (56% Accuracy)

6. kanegan: 4/7 (57% Accuracy)

7. Mitch: 3/7 (42% Accuracy)



Quick Predictions for Episode #49

1. Deaf Touch vs E-Soteric vs Hustle Muvva

2. Magwitch vs Sayeed Ali

3. Jo Baker vs La Estrella

4. Harlem Haynes vs Tavon Blake Jr

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Airing Friday, Week 1 of March 2021




The episode begins with Brother Grimm and Frantic Ali inside the ring. Fans are already hot and cheering but eventually die down so the two men can talk.


Grimm: "I'll keep this short and sweet so we can get to the action. It's March and that means Beneath the City is closing in. I'm gonna need the GSW West Coast champion on that show, aye?"


Ali: "I ain't ever dodged no challenger, Grimm. I'm a fighting champion. You name the man, I'll fight 'em at Beneath the City."


Grimm: "Well, you know both E-Soteric and Hustle Muvva are still after your gold..."


Ali: "And you know I beat 'em both. Hell, I even beat 'em at the same time two weeks ago at that Ladder match! You people wanna see more of the same?"


Ali's question gets a mixed reaction from the fans, but Grimm motions for everyone to calm down.


Grimm: "I know you did and you all know GS-dub ain't about same ol' sh*t all the time like them IPW p***ies. But there's no denying both those men are great wrestlers and legit contenders. So I've decided to add another man into the mix, shake things up. Tonight, in the main event, it'll be E-Soteric, versus Hustle Muvva... versus Deaf Touch in a Triple Threat match! Whoever wins that will be named the #1 contender for the title and go one to compete for the gold at Beneath the City!"

(Rating: 50)






Despite the hot opening, the first match sadly isn't up to par. Fans are still warming up to Harlem Haynes and TBJ's shaky win/loss record doesn't help in generating much interest. To make matters worse, the two competitors' styles don't seem to mesh that well and it brings the final outcome even lower for ten underwhelming minutes before Haynes hits the Harlem Hustle for the pin as he continues to establish himself in GSW.

(Rating: 35)






Backstage, the GSW Tag Team champions are in position for an interview.


Interviewer: "Mexican Hardcore Killers, Beneath the City is coming up and everyone wants to know, will we be seeing you defend those titles and who are going to be your opponents?"


Villano: "That's a great question, 'cause me and E-Z here, we haven't just beaten Brown Pride again and again, we've embarrassed those clowns. Speaking of clowns, this place seems to be full of them, so Coulrophobia... you guys know us, we've fought each other countless times but never inside a GSW ring. We kicked your ass in IPW and we'll kick your ass again. Whaddya say?"

(Rating: 29)






The rivalry between BPLM and La Estrella continues in this match, the luchador confident as ever while Baker seems hellbent on defeating him, especially after Black Diamond failed to do so two weeks ago. The action takes a back seat here in favor of storytelling, with Baker looking to embarrass her opponent, at one point even attempting to rip his mask off, the ultimate insult in lucha libre culture. It's this lack of focus towards pinning or submitting Estrella that allows the Hollywood Luchador to capitalize and reverse an attempted bodyslam into a small package, holding on the tights to ensure he comes away with a second victory over BPLM, much to the frustration of Baker and Diamond after the bell.

(Rating: 35)






Fro Sure is shown inside a studio as he takes a break from recording to walk out of the booth into the producer's room and address the camera.


Fro: "So I'm fined to pay for the big Jamaican's hospital expenses... That's alright, 'cause it's a minor setback; when you're the GSW American champion and a successful rap artist, you make more money than you can spend. I can afford the expense and I do not regret what I did to Stash. You know what else is just a minor setback? A stipulation where I'm gonna lose my title, not if I get pinned or submitted, but if I use the same move to defend it against Sayeed Ali at Beneath the City. Know why? 'Cause I'm not a one trick pony. I'm the champion. Ali wants to flash his street cred, but this ain't the streets, brother. This is wrestling. And banned move or not, you'll never be half the wrestler that I am. Sure thing."

(Rating: 72)




Could this be anything else but a bloody hardcore brawl? Not when Magwitch can have a say and Ali is all too comfortable in that world, leading to a brutal contest bell to bell. Despite having the advantage, Ali has to be constantly on guard and look over his shoulder for potential interference from other clowns, which in turn allows Magwitch to get back in the match more than once, even while wearing the crimson mask from all the hits he's taken. Still, no one ever shows up to interfere in the match and the finish comes in a big way, with Ali putting Magwitch through a table via his G.B.H. Driver for the pin.

(Rating: 46)







Cut to outside the Warehouse, where State of Destruction and Lil Henry are blocking the door just as the rest of Psycho Circus were trying to enter, thus explaining why there was no interference in the previous match. Tension is rising and each side stares daggers at the other, but the build up never delivers the brawl teased, as Coulrophobia and Bizzaro eventually decide to walk away.

(Rating: 35)






Cali Slick hits the ring next, mic in hand.


Slick: "Yo Aces... You beat me alright, but we still at 2 wins for me against your lucky one. You wanna get even, I say we raise the stakes: Double or nothing, winner takes all. At Beneath the City, you and me, one last time... in a Long Beach Streetfight!"

(Rating: 44)






As announced at the start of the episode, tonight's main event is a three way match to determine who will be next in line to challenge for the GSW West Coast title. Still, it plays out more like a singles bout between DT and Muvva, as E-Soteric gets taken out early and ends up spending most of the time recuperating at ringside, only occasionally jumping back into the action as he picks his spots. While it does cause some disappointment compared to what was promised, all three men are popular and talented enough to make up for it and having the #1 contendership on the line adds enough drama to detract from E's limited involvement. Cindy ends up getting knocked out with a Mafia Kick that Muvva barely dodges and that shifts the balance in favor of Deaf Touch, who completes the match with a Crooked Moonsault and his comeback from injury with a date for a title match.

(Rating: 49)






Before the episode fades to black, we get a quick glimpse of Los Guerilleros at the Warehouse parking lot.


Galindo: "Yo, you seen Finest lately? He ain't answering my texts or returning my calls."


MexiCain: "MF's disappeared, left us down... again. I suggest you stop worrying about his ass and focus on the task ahead. We've been getting our asses handed to us, Killers called us clowns tonight and instead of jumping in to bust their heads, we had to wait back here for f***ing Finest! Well f**k Finest!"

(Rating: 31)



Prediction results

smw88: 4/4 (100% Accuracy)

christmas_ape: 4/4 (100% Accuracy)

Bigelow Cartwheel: 1/4 (25% Accuracy)

Theheel: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)


Seems christmas_ape really did move away from last episode's predictions, scoring a perfect 4/4 this time! Also, not sure if Theheel had picked E-Soteric or Hustle Muvva to win the main event, but neither of them did so no harm done there.


Prediction scores will reset after Beneath the City, so 3 more episodes and the Pay Per View to go, can anyone upstage smw88 or is he headed towards back to back prediction victories?


Overall results

1. smw88: 24/32 (75% Accuracy)

2. Theheel: 17/25 (68% Accuracy)

3. christmas_ape: 12/16 (75% Accuracy)

4. Blodyxe: 6/10 (60% Accuracy)

5. ageRage: 5/9 (56% Accuracy)

6. kanegan: 4/7 (57% Accuracy)

7. Mitch: 3/7 (42% Accuracy)

8. Bigelow Cartwheel: 1/4 (25% Accuracy)



Quick Predictions for Episode #50

1. Deaf Touch & Frantic Ali vs Fro Sure & Sayeed Ali

2. Aces High vs Cali Slick vs Harlem Haynes

3. Los Guerrilleros (LatiNoFear, MexiCain and Hector Galindo) vs Mexican Hardcore Killers & ??

4. G Force vs Lil' Henry

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Love the way you present this. Right down to little details like calling the matches 'tracks.'


I'm a huge fan of Magwitch but he needs his clowns. This one looks like it's brewing nicely.


1. Deaf Touch & Frantic Ali vs Fro Sure & Sayeed Ali

2. Aces High vs Cali Slick vs Harlem Haynes

3. Los Guerrilleros (LatiNoFear, MexiCain and Hector Galindo) vs Mexican Hardcore Killers & ??

4. G Force vs Lil' Henry

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Love the way you present this. Right down to little details like calling the matches 'tracks.'


I'm a huge fan of Magwitch but he needs his clowns. This one looks like it's brewing nicely.

Calling the matches 'tracks' is an idea I cherrypicked from Poet Justice's short-lived GSW diaries. As for Magwitch, I too am a huge fan and hate it when most people immediately fire him, but you saw that his clowns ran into a meaty roadblock when trying to come in and help him. Love how I've ended up building an entire clown stable around him tho.

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Calling the matches 'tracks' is an idea I cherrypicked from Poet Justice's short-lived GSW diaries. As for Magwitch, I too am a huge fan and hate it when most people immediately fire him, but you saw that his clowns ran into a meaty roadblock when trying to come in and help him. Love how I've ended up building an entire clown stable around him tho.




Yeah, when I've used him before he's generally been dreadful but that's kind of the point. He's unlikely going to make you any money but he must be fun to write for.

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Airing Friday, Week 2 of March 2021




Brother Grimm is in his office with LatiNoFear, MexiCain and Hector Galindo looking none too happy.


Grimm: "Any of yo Mexican asses got a clue where the f**k Mexico's Finest at?"


All three men shrug, some more genuinely unaware than others.


Grimm: "Well, guess I need to alter my plans regarding you vatos and Mexican Hardcore Killers..."


MexiCain: "Hold up there, what plans?"


Grimm: "Does it matter now that Finest ain't showing up? No. So you three shut your mouths and get ready for a trios match tonight."


MexiCain: "Us 'gainst the Killers and who else?"


The question brings a smile to Grimm's face, though it's more intimidating than pleasant.


Grimm: "Guess you'll find out when you do. Serves you right for throwing surprises my way, I say it's only fair you get one thrown back, blood."

(Rating: 38)






The dreadlocked rookie knows he's at a disadvantage here so he dives out of the ring just as Henry's making his entrance to start the match early and in control. G Force plays to his speed and agility, but his high risk offence quickly backfires and Henry regains control. The big man seems to be looking over his shoulder at all times, likely expecting a clown (or more) to show up, his lack of focus allowing G Force to fight back and prevent the match from being an absolute squash. Still, no one ever interferes and Henry drops the Double-Handed Choke Bomb for the pin to win, a predictable outcome saved by unusual execution.

(Rating: 33)






Backstage, GSW's mysterious new and good looking interviewer is hanging out with La Estrella.


Interviewer: Everyone wants to know, what's next for La Estrella after defeating both Black Diamond and Jo Baker?"


Estrella: "What La Estrella wants to know is the name that goes with such a lovely seniorita, ai que rico!"


The interviewer tries to resist Estrella's advances and the segment comes to an abrupt early end.

(Rating: 29)






Raheem Stash is shown delivering big haymakers to a punching bag as the announcing team comment that he looks to be back in shape and wonder whether he'll be making an appearance at Beneath the City.

(Rating: 59)






The mystery man hinted at the opening of the episode is revealed to be Top Dolla! Not seen since December, the reckless high flyer makes his GSW return and the initial cheers turn to boos when he teases his signature balcony suicide dive but doesn't deliver. Dolla works a much more grounded style than his usual antics and plays the heel in this match alongside MHKs, but the change doesn't pay off for him as Galindo manages to go up high and hit a Shooting Star Press to pin him.

(Rating: 44)







The feed quickly cuts to the outside of the Warehouse where Psycho Circus are brawling with State of Destruction. The two big men hold their ground for a bit, but the numbers quickly catch up to them as the clowns introduce a nearby trash can into the fight, leaving them in a bloody heap on the ground, Magwitch cackling madly over the slaughter.

(Rating: 37)






Black Diamond and Jo Baker are standing by in a dilapidated scenery that looks like some old abandoned boxing gym.


Diamond: "Me an' Jo, we're sick of that slimy Estrella guy, but we came to a realization after last week's match. The more we concern ourselves with that scum, the more exposure he doesn't deserve we give him."


Baker: "Besides, it's clear he couldn't beat either of us clean."


Diamond: "So we decided to focus on what we think needs a spotlight in this company, women's wrestling."


Baker: "We done with that clown, so now we wanna get down to business with the other, Bizarro. Any time, any place, any of us."

(Rating: 36)






Aces and Slick have their big match set, but throwing the undefeated Harlem Haynes in the mix sure kept things interesting in this triple threat contest. The Long Beach Crew brought back some of that tag team magic to take down the big New Yorker but the alliance was short lived and they immediately locked horns as soon as Haynes was out of the ring. Fans got a preview of what they can expect, blood flowing as Aces repeatedly hit Slick with unprotected chair shots to the head, only for the former GSW American champion to no-sell the last one and chokeslam his former partner onto the very same chair for a near fall that Haynes broke up. Things only got more violent from there, with Slick using a cheese grater to slice Aces open and Haynes laying waste to everybody using a branded Yankees baseball bat. Things were even and the match could have ended at any moment with either man as the winner, though the finish saw Haynes hit with a Slick-Back for the pin, ending his undefeated streak as Slick stood tall.

(Rating: 45)






Hustle Muvva is shown playing cards with Cindy in the VIP area of the Warehouse.


Muvva: "Y'know... hustling is an art form. Kinda like pro wrestling. You can't explain it and you sure as hell can't teach all of it. A hustler is a predator, preying on your false sense of confidence. The trick is to lure your target into thinking they're in control... that they know all there is to know... until you pull back the curtain and reveal your master plan. Only then..."


Muvva lays down his cards on the table, revealing four aces.


Muvva: "...it's too late for them."

(Rating: 61)






Things are tense in the main event, each team comprised of a champion and their scheduled challenger. It doesn't take long for everything to fall apart as all four brawl in and out of the ring, but it slowly becomes apparent that Deaf Touch and Frantic Ali have a plan. Slowly, there's more double teams and tag moves on display from them, their offence focused on the skinnier Fro Sure. The GSW American champion takes the beating and keeps kicking out, showing there's a lot of fight in his scrawny frame and after one missed chance too many, Sayeed Ali rushes back into the match with a killer double clothesline, followed by a G.B.H. Driver that stacks one of his opponents on top of the other to set them up for a three count. Referee Dwight Kumas delivers the third slap and just like that, Sayeed Ali has pinned a former GSW American champion in Deaf Touch!

(Rating: 58)







As soon as the match is over, E-Soteric and Tavon Blake Jr run down to the ring, chairs in hand. There's a sense of uncertainty about what they're here to do as they stare down the winning team, but this only serves as a distraction for Deaf Touch and Frantic Ali to attack Fro and the East Side Assassin from behind! E-Soteric and TBJ toss the chairs aside and join in the beating, the four men leaving Fro and Ali a bloodied mess in the middle of the ring as the episode fades to black.

(Rating: 52)



Prediction results

smw88: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

Theheel: 3/4 (75% Accuracy)

christmas_ape: 2/4 (50% Accuracy)

Bigelow Cartwheel: 1/4 (25% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 27/36 (75% Accuracy)

2. Theheel: 20/29 (68% Accuracy)

3. christmas_ape: 14/20 (70% Accuracy)

4. Blodyxe: 6/10 (60% Accuracy)

5. ageRage: 5/9 (56% Accuracy)

6. kanegan: 4/7 (57% Accuracy)

7. Mitch: 3/7 (42% Accuracy)

8. Bigelow Cartwheel: 2/8 (25% Accuracy)



Quick Predictions for Episode #51

1. GSW Tag Team titles match: Mexican Hardcore Killers vs Coulrophobia

2. La Estrella vs ??

3. Hustle Muvva vs ?? vs Top Dolla

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