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Old Gods, New Tricks: Immortal Wrestling Olympia (CVerse)

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And now for something completely different.


Disclaimer: This diary is a side project. My main diary is the Prestige Wrestling League, but I wanted to try something different.


I've had the idea of using the ancient Greek gods in a wrestling diary for a long time. There's so much mythology reflected in pro-wrestling, from the over-the-top archetypal characters, rivalries, heroic battles, deceit, family feuds, drama... for a lot of fans, wrestling fills the void of a certain style of storytelling that we all need and love. Wrestlers are portrayed as heroes, monsters, even deities.


The problem was, I couldn't work out a way of presenting the mythology in an engaging way while keeping a grip on reality. Months ago, I attempted it, but found the magical side of things too much to explain, so I changed course and Plymouth Sound Productions was created with a 17th century pirate theme. With that diary, I made the mistake of presenting the wrestling as a serious, cinematic show. Matching the conventions of wrestling with the "reality" of that world meant it was trying to be a wrestling show and an adventure series at the same time. It failed at both.


So the idea went on a backburner for a long time. Then, christmas_ape returned with his brilliant RAW diary and flicked the switch in my head. This kind of product had to be goofy. Nobody's going to buy attempts to do deep, psychological storytelling when what they're watching/reading has little basis in reality.


The Greeks worked this out thousands of years ago. The satyr play was a light-hearted performance related to comedy and tragedy - serious stories wrapped up in a joke. That's what this is. Soap opera storylines, silly magical nonsense, and an emphasis on entertainment over workrate.


So, if that sounds like something you're interested in, please give it a go. I've made it colourful and bright, avoiding walls of text and extensive descriptions. I'll also keep the shows short and sweet so they're a breeze to read through and will hopefully put a smile on your face.


My aim is to post shows weekly. This may vary a little depending on how busy I get. As for predictions, it'll be limited as there will only usually be a couple of matches per show. I'm thinking of ways to include reader participation and any suggestions are welcome.

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What an opening! I really enjoyed that. I think I agree about the tone and you got it right in the show. I'd say the most important is you just write it however you enjoy doing so, I'm sure it's possible to write a serious mythological wrestling show but it would certainly be hard.


The back story is great though, I've often toyed around with the idea of like a British Lucha Libre style promotion, where there's strict kayfabe with supernatural style characters but it's more a mish mash of British lore than Mexican. So they'd be like witches/kings/knights/dragons/monsters. So instead of say Snake King in EMLL you'd have someone based off Loch Ness Monster or something like that. But one of the main barriers in my mind, was why/how are all these characters fighting in a wrestling ring. Your backstory really answered that question well so that I'm ready to believe (or at least suspend my disbelief) that Greek God's are opening a wrestling promotion in DC.


Introducing them all one by one as they arrived was great as introducing 12 new characters is quite an aim but they already each have their own feel. I think the formatting helps with that, each having their own background/font/colour does make it a lot easier to learn/recognize 12 tricky names. The smaller bordered pictured by the dialogue is good too I might end up stealing that if I'm honest whenever I get time to make them!


Looking forward to seeing who in the c-verse Zeus ends up being and also how an actual show looks and feels. I think Hades might be my favourite so far.


I guess you're lucky that whilst it's super hard to have two diaries running at the same time, the format of PWL means that if you take breaks in between seasons that seems natural.

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Introducing them all one by one as they arrived was great as introducing 12 new characters is quite an aim but they already each have their own feel. I think the formatting helps with that, each having their own background/font/colour does make it a lot easier to learn/recognize 12 tricky names. The smaller bordered pictured by the dialogue is good too I might end up stealing that if I'm honest whenever I get time to make them!


Looking forward to seeing who in the c-verse Zeus ends up being and also how an actual show looks and feels. I think Hades might be my favourite so far.


I guess you're lucky that whilst it's super hard to have two diaries running at the same time, the format of PWL means that if you take breaks in between seasons that seems natural.


Thanks! Yeah, the names are gonna take some getting used to, especially as half of them begin with A.


As for Hades, you've gotta believe if Frankie Perez is playing him he's gonna be a great character!

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Well, this looks fun. Loved the opening, and looking forward to seeing the next part.


Also, if Zeus isn't played by Zeus Maxmillion we're gonna have some problems:p


Zeus Maxmillion is a false pretender - he could never live up to the burden of being the true King of the Gods! In reality, I wanted to use all independent stars and Maxmillion is tied down elsewhere, so unfortunately the suntan superman will not be playing Zeus.


Glad you liked the opening, though!

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Nice show, I like the feel that they are all scheming and vying for power behind the scenes. It's also going to be interesting when new people not part of this original group are added.


There's definitely lots of politics going on. It's quite fun to drip-feed new characters throughout the year - it means they get a bit of spotlight and can shift the balance of power between the Gods.


This is really interesting and original. I'm digging it.


Thanks! I'm always looking to try something new and sometimes the ideas work and sometimes they don't, so it's great to hear you like it.

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Haven't gotten to reading the latest show yet, but I thought I'd go ahead and throw my thoughts in here. This is some very good stuff. It's a light read and a very original idea. I'm digging it.


As has been mentioned, the scheming is absolutely awesome. I think the angles are the best part here. Can not wait to see Zeus and some of the others from Greek mythology you decide to bring in. Go Athena! She's a powerhouse!


EDIT: Alright, just finished the show. Couldn't wait lol. Great job getting to those three for the finale. It's very fitting that it ended up being those three children of Zeus. The winner was also very fitting for reasons I won't spoil for anyone else. I thought you'd go with a different first hero than him, but he's a good choice nonetheless. Will the heroes be facing the Gods in this? If so, he's definitely one who can take some of those Gods down a peg. Great show!

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Damn it I did click and see the predictions but I was on my phone and then forgot to come back to predict, my first thought definitely was Hercules so that's a shame!


It was done well though the build up and the reveal itself.


No worries, there's always next time!


Haven't gotten to reading the latest show yet, but I thought I'd go ahead and throw my thoughts in here. This is some very good stuff. It's a light read and a very original idea. I'm digging it.


As has been mentioned, the scheming is absolutely awesome. I think the angles are the best part here. Can not wait to see Zeus and some of the others from Greek mythology you decide to bring in. Go Athena! She's a powerhouse!


EDIT: Alright, just finished the show. Couldn't wait lol. Great job getting to those three for the finale. It's very fitting that it ended up being those three children of Zeus. The winner was also very fitting for reasons I won't spoil for anyone else. I thought you'd go with a different first hero than him, but he's a good choice nonetheless. Will the heroes be facing the Gods in this? If so, he's definitely one who can take some of those Gods down a peg. Great show!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, they are much appreciated. I wanted to make it quick and light to read, so I'm glad it comes across that way.


As for the Heroes facing Gods, at this stage, Heroes will generally face Heroes and occasionally go up against Gods, but not being deities, they can't challenge for the Throne of the Gods... yet.

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Man I am really enjoying this. Love the title's name and the names of these events. Why aren't more people reading this?!?


Demeter vs. Hades (Persephone permanently joins the winner)

Calling a draw here. I just think it's too early to send Persephone one way or the other.


Apollo vs. Athena (for the Throne of the Gods)

God of Heroes, eh? Athena retains and brings in another of her heroes.


Bonus point: Who will request a match for the Throne at the next show? Poseidon

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Another great show. You're really keeping it up with each backstage segment being short but adding lots of character to them all. Ares and Aphrodite are a very hateable duo. So almost a clean sweep with the predictions.


Thanks! And oops, I forgot to post the predictions results



christmas_ape: 2/3

DevilofNG: 1/3

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Another good one. I agree, the angles are killing it here. That smile from Aphrodite would've gotten me but I LOVED Poseidon's response.


Artemis vs. Hera

Aphrodite vs. Athena © for the Throne of the Gods

Bonus point: Which Hero will be summoned at the end of the show? Adonis?


Athena should win this one but I've just got a feeling Aphrodite's cunning and seductiveness is gonna get her the upset win.

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