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Travel Costs

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No idea, but I think if you are running a large company and paying for travel expenses it should cost more.


You have flights

Car Rentals



If I'm paying for travel expenses for a worker, it should cost more. Add on house show loops.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zero" data-cite="Zero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52617" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>No idea, but I think if you are running a large company and paying for travel expenses it should cost more.<p> </p><p> You have flights</p><p> Car Rentals</p><p> Hotels</p><p> </p><p> If I'm paying for travel expenses for a worker, it should cost more. Add on house show loops.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Large companies don't pay for car rentals and hotels. Using WWE as the model (and WCW), wrestlers have always paid for their own trans/lodging outside of plane tickets -- which is what you're agreeing to under travel costs -- that you'll pay to fly them to you.</p><p> </p><p> The locker room rules have options to pay more money because you can organize travel/accomdations and spend more that way, but on the base, all you're paying for is flights which is all WWE pays for unless it's Wrestlemania weekend or something like that.</p>
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I’d be happy with this suggestion. I’ve never struggled with money in any iteration of TEW, and always turn on paying the costs of everything in my Backstage rules because of this fact.


Would be good if turning on paying for travel felt like it made an actual difference.


Saying that, the financial aspect of the game is so minor to me that it doesn’t really bother me either way.

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If I'm running the WWE.


We need to balance that against the costs for smaller promotions. Maybe there could be a multiplier of x% that the travel costs go up by after a certain promotion size (Big seems like the right size in my mind)?


I agree with what was said earlier that you can turn on some of the additional costs in the backstage rules if you want to offer more to your talent, and take a bigger dent out of your pocket book.

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Large companies don't pay for car rentals and hotels. Using WWE as the model (and WCW), wrestlers have always paid for their own trans/lodging outside of plane tickets -- which is what you're agreeing to under travel costs -- that you'll pay to fly them to you.


The locker room rules have options to pay more money because you can organize travel/accomdations and spend more that way, but on the base, all you're paying for is flights which is all WWE pays for unless it's Wrestlemania weekend or something like that.


Besides the game having a really out of balance Expenses vs Income, from my understanding checking travel accommodations in the locker room rules covers all travel expenses. Unless I read it wrong, not paying for travel expenses only covers flight hence the money you pay to wrestlers to travel to you. From what I gathered from the OP and agree, paying for all travel expenses is too low and it should increase with company size.


...But I could be wrong, I haven’t played the game in months. A part of that is fantasy booking gets boring after awhile. I would actually like to “play” the game and having finances be a part of my decision making is a part of that.

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Why would it increase in size? Business class tickets? :rolleyes:


The manual explains the costs. They are rather low, given an oversees plane ticket is 200$? 100$ for a flight seems like an obscenely low amount (after COVID, you can dream about getting that price). Given I've paid nearly as much for a flight of mere hours, it does seem unrealistic.


But as mentioned, you have to find a balance to not screw the small companies. But then again, they shouldn't employ oversees workers, or non-local workers in general.


I'm also in the camp where the finances are too way easy. Plus the people who have trouble can just turn on sandbox mode or just give themselves a financial injection.

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Why would it increase in size? Business class tickets? :rolleyes:


The manual explains the costs. They are rather low, given an oversees plane ticket is 200$? 100$ for a flight seems like an obscenely low amount (after COVID, you can dream about getting that price). Given I've paid nearly as much for a flight of mere hours, it does seem unrealistic.


But as mentioned, you have to find a balance to not screw the small companies. But then again, they shouldn't employ oversees workers, or non-local workers in general.


I'm also in the camp where the finances are too way easy. Plus the people who have trouble can just turn on sandbox mode or just give themselves a financial injection.



First-class? Private jet costs, 5-star hotels, luxury car rentals? If I’m the largest possible size company in the game with an infinite amount of money to have nothing else to spend it on, it’s not out of the possibility to overpay for travel expenses. Whether it increases with size or treated the same as production quality, it wouldn’t even matter for small companies because they are small in size or someone can just not have the option selected and don’t have the benefit of the moral boosts of having travel covered.

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First-class? Private jet costs, 5-star hotels, luxury car rentals? If I’m the largest possible size company in the game with an infinite amount of money to have nothing else to spend it on, it’s not out of the possibility to overpay for travel expenses. Whether it increases with size or treated the same as production quality, it wouldn’t even matter for small companies because they are small in size or someone can just not have the option selected and don’t have the benefit of the moral boosts of having travel covered.


I do like the idea of having more to spend money on. The production values, merchandising levels, etc. of recent iterations have been welcome, particularly given the fairly forgiving financial balance running bigger companies.


Choosing to pay for a star to fly in a private jet, or be collected in a luxury car might boost their morale or likelihood of signing a contract, at both a financial cost and a small chance of increasing their ego (perhaps depending on personality). It might be nice to see this decided for an individual worker (maybe a "luxury transport" clause in their contract?) rather than being a flat cost for all workers at a particular company size.

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Just like merchandise levels, there should be travel levels


0 - I pay nothing

1- I pay gas to the event (50$ per show)

2 - I pay gas/motel (100$ per show)

3 - I pay gas/hotel (150$ per show)


You can see where I am going with this. Something like this

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It could also be popularity based. Travel expenses for a low level indy worker would be cheaper than travel expenses for a top superstar who is expecting first class treatment.


Maybe it's scaled based on pop?


The locker room rules have options to pay more money because you can organize travel/accomdations and spend more that way, but on the base, all you're paying for is flights which is all WWE pays for unless it's Wrestlemania weekend or something like that.


But wouldn't following the WWE/WCW model be not checking travel/hotels are paid for? So by agreeing to pay for travel and lodging we are going above and beyond WWE's crap model (that won't survive the increased scrutiny it's getting)?

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It could also be popularity based. Travel expenses for a low level indy worker would be cheaper than travel expenses for a top superstar who is expecting first class treatment.


Maybe it's scaled based on pop?




But wouldn't following the WWE/WCW model be not checking travel/hotels are paid for? So by agreeing to pay for travel and lodging we are going above and beyond WWE's crap model (that won't survive the increased scrutiny it's getting)?


I don't disagree -- I was merely pointing out the default in wrestling. It's not exclusive to WWE but that's a separate conversation about the economics of wrestling in general that's not meant for the suggestions thread.


I also think that travel costs should be higher and that more investments/ways to spend money as larger companies to keep your finances from growing exponentially would be nice -- but I also recognize that at the upper levels of wrestling, they have an abusrd amount of money. WWE's 2020 Cash on Hand was something like half a billion dollars.


Being able to stipulate in a worker's contract the kind of travel for a worker you're going to pay for would be interesting. Worker A gets a bus -- which costs x amount, but I'll only pay for worker C's flight, etc could add a nuanced layer to the game.

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