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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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And starting a promotion from complete scratch vs something like the remnants of the AWA isn't even comparable as they start with some fans this way along with having a 30-year history to give it legitimacy. They need Verne almost as much as Verne needs them even if the old coot can't figure that out. Do you want it to die or live, Verne?

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10 hours ago, smartman said:

And starting a promotion from complete scratch vs something like the remnants of the AWA isn't even comparable as they start with some fans this way along with having a 30-year history to give it legitimacy. They need Verne almost as much as Verne needs them even if the old coot can't figure that out. Do you want it to die or live, Verne?

Agreed. Even though it's a dwindling fan base, better to start with something to build on than trying to build from the ground up.

Verne's being stubborn as he can be.

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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson 

(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping Re-cap)

In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to the program:


WINNER GETS AN AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Sam Houston vs. Jonnie Stewart

Another PWHC Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter

NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (w/ Valerie) vs. Velvet McIntyre

Tommy Jammer sees action

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring Vegas.

HANDICAP MATCH: Kokina Maximus (w/ Mgr. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey & The Masked Doctor) vs. Bill & Randy Mulkey

Shot of two stretchers at ringside.

The Mulkeys were in the ring and announced and got a decent pop from the fans.

Marshall: Say what you will about the Mulkeys. They may not win most of the time; but they're a team that works hard inside the squared circle.

Blears: The Mulkeys have a lot of heart, Lee. But my guess is Kokina will be too much for them.

Loud rumbling sound billowed through the p.a. system.

Kokina, Kaissey and The Masked Doctor came down the heel aisle to strong boos. The Doc was in a suit and tie and carrying his medical bag. The three men climbed into the ring. Kaissey talked to Kokina and he and the Doc then left the ring for the floor.

Ref called for the bell.

Mulkeys charged out of their corner and fired away on Kokina with punches. The pair then tried to hoist Kokina up for a double suplex but didn't succeed in getting Kokina up. Kokina slapped each Mulkey hard across the face and then slammed the Mulkey's heads together. Kokina threw Bill Mulkey into the corner and then threw Randy into BIll in the corner. Kokina moved in and proceeded to back into the Mulkeys repeatedly. Mulkeys sagged in the corner. Kokina whipped Randy into the opposite buckles and charged over and nailed Randy with an avalanche. Randy crumpled to the mat. Kokina moved in and popped Bill with a head shot and whipped Bill into the opposite buckles and charged in blasted Bill with an avalanche. Bill crumpled to the mat. Both Mulkeys down in the ring.

Marshall: This is already getting ugly.

Kokina stomped Randy and picked Randy up and nailed Randy with a front powerslam.

Blears: The referee needs to stop this carnage right now.

Bill was getting to his feet and Kokina moved in and Kokina grabbed Bill, hoisted Bill across his shoulders and obliterated Bill with a Samoan drop. Both Mulkeys flatlined. Kokina snapped Randy up, whipped Randy into the ropes and caught Randy coming off with a savate kick. Randy slammed to the mat. Referee yelled for Kokina to just end the match. Bill managed to pull himself up with the aid of the ropes and Kokina moved in and popped Bill with a brutal headbutt. Kokina held Bill's hair and would not let Bill go down. Kokina repeated the move and this time let Bill's hair go and Bill crumpled to the mat. Kokina then nailed Bill with a running legdrop. Ref pleading with Kokina to just end the carnage. Kokina ignored the ref. Randy to his knees and begging for mercy. Kokina kicked Randy in the chest and Randy toppled over and was laying face down in the ring. Kokina hit the ropes and came off with a diving splash on Randy's back. Crowd popped as Jerry Blackwell charged down the face aisle in his ring attire and carrying a white towel. Blackwell quickly climbed up on the ring apron and threw in the towel, Ref called for the bell. Kokina glared angrily at Blackwell. Fans buzzing. Kaissey and the Masked Doc immediately climbed into the ring. Kaissey talked to his man Kokina and gestured for him not to do anything to Blackwell. The two big men continued glaring at one another.

Larry Nelson climbed up on the apron with mic in hand. Ref raised Kokina's hand in victory.

Nelson: The referee has stopped the match! Your winner... Kokina Maximus!

Blackwell and Kokina continued glaring at one another as Kaissey kept Kokina at bay.

Nelson climbed into the ring. Masked Doc was checking on the pulverized Mulkeys.

Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, may I have a word with you?!

Kaissey: Infidel Blackwell! You had no business coming out here and stopping the match!

Crowd booed.

Nelson: But Kokina had destroyed the Mulkeys. Why not just put them out of their misery and end the match?!

Kaissey: Sometimes, too much destruction is never enough! Kokina doesn't just win matches! He also sends a message to the entire AWA roster that this is the hell they will face when they step into the ring with him!

And Jerry Blackwell, everything in due time! You also will be destroyed by Kokina when the time is right and we will dictate when that time has come!

More boos from the fans.

Kokina and Blackwell locked in a death stare.

Nelson moved over to Blackwell.

Nelson: Jerry Blackwell! You saved the Mulkeys from further damage by coming to the ring and throwing in the towel for them!

Blackwell: I'm tired of seein' what Kokina does to each of his opponents! Pro wrestling is about winning matches! Kokina goes to the extreme and hurts people for the sheer pleasure of it!

And let me tell you this! You go ahead and name the time and the place! I'll be there! And Kokina, you listen and listen good!

I know that you're gonna try and end my career when we meet in the ring!

Well, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire! You're gonna try and end me and I'm gonna try and end YOU!

Blackwell pointed at Kokina as the fans cheered.

Nelson: When they meet, it will truly be a clash of the titans! It's...

Nelson jumped out of the way as Kokina charged over and attacked Blackwell on the apron and Blackwell fought back.

Crowd into it.

Blackwell and Kokina were locked up with each other and each man was gettng some shots in.

AWA officials and wrestlers from both locker rooms poured into the ring to try and separate the warring behemoths. After a brief struggle, a bunch of men were finally able to separate the two.

Shot of the Mulkeys being stretchered out up the face aisle on the two stretchers.

Marshall: We'll let you fans know if anything happens during the commercial break.

WINNER: Kokina - Stoppage - 4:10

Pic aired of Women's Champ Mimi with manager Valerie with the caption: NEXT... THE LADY IS A CHAMP!


Back from commercial, announcers said that the ring was finally cleared and said Blackwell-Kokina promises to be quite the clash when it happens.

Non-Title: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Velvet McIntyre

McIntyre was already in the ring and announced.

Mimi and Valerie came to the ring to pretty strong boos.

In the ring, Mimi strutted around holding the belt aloft to more boos as Valerie applauded the champ.

Announcers pointed out that McIntyre is a solid veteran wrestler and a former champion in her own right.

Match started out with McIntyre stunning Mimi  with an offensive explosion before Mimi fought her way back into the match.

Mimi took control but could not put Mcintyre away, failing to pin McIntyre on two occasions.

At the end of the match, Mimi was still on the offensive when McIntyre was whipped into the ropes and Mimi looked to catch McIntyre with a backdrop but McIntyre turned it in to a sunset flip for the pin. 1...2,,,thr... Mimi kicked out. Crowd groaned. McIntyre came alive and a few moves later, after a brief back-and-forth, McIntyre caught Mimi from behind, ran Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi in a roll-up for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out again. Valerie concerned at ringside. The two up and McIntyre popped Mimi with a dropkick that sent Mimi crashing to the mat. McIntyre snapped Mimi up and slammed Mimi's head into the top buckle. McIntyre whipped Mimi into the opposite buckles and charged in but Mimi moved and McIntyre slammed front-first into the buckles. McIntyre staggered off and Mimi  clubbed McIntyre from behind with a two-fisted backsmash. McIntyre spun around and Mimi popped McIntyre with a dropkick and McIntyre crashed to the mat. Mimi snapped McIntyre up and hoisted McIntyre up and blasted McIntyre with a sitout powerbomb. Mimi for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed.

Mimi up and had her hand raised in victory as Valerie climbed in the ring and congratulated the woman she managed.

WINNER: Mimi - Pinfall - 5:13


Nelson: Magnificent Mimi, you just got quite the battle from the wily veteran Velvet McIntyre. She pushed you hard. You really had to fight for that victory.

Mimi: What this match showed tonight was that, no matter who you put in the ring with me, even someone like Velvet McIntyre, they flat out can't beat me!

Let this be a lesson for all the women wrestlers out there!

No matter who you are! No matter your standing in this sport! No matter how hard you try! You can't beat the Magnificent One!

I'm gonna be your Women's Champion for a long time to come!

So, feel free to sign on the dotted line to wrestle me! The end result for you will be the same as it was for Velvet!

Valerie: Mimi's a winner, Larry. She is the best there is in women's wrestling today. And no one...no one can stop her!

More boos.

Pic aired of the PWHC title with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update


Intro for the PWHC Tournament Update.

Bill Apter of PWI was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit with mic in hand.

Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.

This is Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament takes place on Saturday, February 17, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.

The tournament will be held over two sessions in one day. The first session features the opening round matches of the tournament and has a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session, which will feature the quarter-finals,semi-finals and final of the tournament has a bell time of 7:30pm.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1812. One ticket gets you in to both sessions.

The tournament is shaping up to be a great event with several non-AWA wrestlers vying for the new championship.

Here are the entrants already in the tournament: Riki Choshu from Japan; Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico; Perro Aguayo from Mexico, Tully Blanchard from the United States; Chris Adams from England; Bruce Hart from Canada and The Iron Sheik from Iran.

The AWA entrants are: Jonnie Stewart and Jake Milliman, plus two new qualifiers.

Those qualifiers are: Chief Wahoo McDaniel and Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.

And we have a new entrant this week. This is the final non-AWA wrestler who will be wrestling in the tournament.

He hails from Japan. He is well known to AWA fans. He is...Mr. Saito.

Let's take a look at Mr. Saito in action.

(Just pretend the first 60 seconds you see are what you'd see on TV.)


Apter: The tournament has a truly international flavor and is not confined to being an AWA-only event.

Fans, this is shaping up to be one of the wrestling events of the year. Wrestlers from every part of the globe contacted the AWA about being part of this historic event.

And Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. There's everything from the warm weather to the beaches to Disneyland and lots in between to partake in in Anaheim and Orange County in general. Plus, there are plenty of good restaurants to eat at and plenty of hotel rooms you can book for your stay.

Be a part of history. Be a part of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17 in Anaheim.

I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped the tourney and told fans we are just a month away from crowning a new champion.

Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Las Vegas.

Tommy Jammer won a squash match over John Belushi with the Jammer Slam (whip opponent into the corner, opponent bounces out into a powerslam).

Split-screen pic aired of Sam Houston and Jonnie Stewart with the caption: NEXT... TITLE SHOT AWAITS!


WINNER GETS AN AWA WORLD TITLE SHOT: Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) vs. Jonnie Stewart

Stewart came to the ring to loud boos.

Houston came to the ring to a good response from the crowd with his coach Dick Murdoch.

Once in the ring, Houston briefly acknowledged the crowd.

Murdoch gave final instructions to Sam and then left the ring.

Stewart went over and demanded the ring mic from Nelson and got it.

Stewart: What a start to the 1990's for the Wrestler of the '90s!

Crowd booing.

Stewart: Not only did I win my qualifying match to punch my ticket to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament!

But tonight, I'm gonna end Sam Houston's undefeated streak here in the AWA and go on to face Stan Hansen for the AWA World Title!

More booing.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Stewart got in on Sam and caught him with a knee to the gut. Stewart popped Sam with a couple of elbows to the back of the head and whipped Sam into the corner. Stewart charged in and popped Sam with a running back elbow to the chest. Sam staggered out of the corner. Stewart locked Sam in an arm bar. Stewart grabbed the back of Sam's hair and yanked Sam down to the mat.

Murdoch picked up on a mic.

Murdoch: Hair, ref! Watch the hair!

Sam up still locked in the arm bar. Once again Stewart grabbed the back of the hair and yanked Sam back down to the mat still in the arm bar. Sam suddenly did a kip up still locked in the hold and caught Stewart with a series of forearm shivers to the side of the head that drove Stewart back against the ropes. Sam freed from Stewart's grasp. Sam whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a dropkick. Stewart crashed to the mat. Stewart up and charged at Sam and Sam caught Stewart with a hip toss. Stewart up and lunged at Sam and Sam caught Stewart with another hip toss. Stewart up again and Sam caught Stewart with an arm drag and locked Stewart into an arm bar. Stewart slowly made it to his feet. Sam cinched up on the hold and Stewart responded by poking Sam in the eye. Ref reprimanded Stewart as Stewart freed himself form the hold.

Murdoch picked up on a mic.

Murdoch: Sam, keep an eye on his hands! Make sure you know where they are at all times!

During the match, announcers discussed Sam's undefeated streak in the AWA and whether or not Stewart loaded his knee pad for his finisher.

Stewart caught Sam with some left jabs to the face and solar plexus. Stewart grabbed Sam in a wrist lock and did the wrist burn and the popped Sam in the shoulder with a couple of elbows. Stewart whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a clothesline. Sam down. Stewart stomped on Sam, snapped Sam up and drove Sam into the corner. Stewart backed up in the other corner and charged in looking to hit Sam with a running shoulder block but Sam moved and Stewart slammed shoulder-first into the post. Crowd cheered. Sam quickly regained his bearings and pulled Stewart out of the corner and nailed Stewart with a belly-to-back suplex. Sam for the quick cover. 1... Stewart kicked out. Sam snapped Stewart up and Stewart responded by driving Sam hard, back-first into the corner, Stewart drove a series of knees into Sam's gut. Stewart went to whip Sam into the opposite buckles but Sam reversed and sent Stewart crashing into them. Sam moved in on Stewart and started popping Stewart with punches. Stewart suddenly reached down and pulled Sam's legs out from under him and Sam crashed to  the mat. Stewart for the pin. 1... Stewart placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Sam got a shoulder up. Stewart took his feet off the ropes just as the ref looked over. Stewart went for the pin again. 1... Stewart again placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. Fans yelling for the ref to pay attention. ...2...

Mudoch picked up on a mic.

Murdoch: Feet on the ropes! Watch his feet, ref! Dammit!

Ref looked over and saw Stewart's feet on the ropes and ordered a break.

Stewart took his feet off the ropes and snapped Sam up and shoved Sam into the corner. Stewart caught Sam with elbow strikes to the side of the head. Sam limp in the corner. Ref checked on Sam as Stewart adjusted his left knee pad behind the ref's back. Fans yelling for the ref to turn around but ref turning is not in the script. As Stewart adjusted the pad, a little piece of what looked like metal was sticking out from under the pad. Stewart quickly moved in and popped Sam with punches and whipped Sam into the opposite buckles. Stewart charged in and Sam got both feet up and caught Stewart in the face with them. Stewart turned facing away from Sam and holding his face. Sam mounted the middle rope in the corner and came off with his bulldog finisher that connected. Crowd popped big-time. Sam turned Stewart over, covered Stewart and hooked the leg. Crowd counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell to a huge pop from the fans.

Sam up and started jumping up and down in celebration. Ref went over and raised Sam's hand in victory as Murdoch climbed into the ring and congratulated his student.

WINNER: Houston - Pinfall - 6:02


Nelson: Sam Houston! You've got a date with World Champion Stan Hansen and chance to make history and become the new AWA World Champion!

Sam: It's exciting, Larry! I can't wait for the chance to face Stan Hansen for the biggest belt in wrestling!

Nelson: Coach Dick Murdoch, what are you thinking right now?

Murdoch: I'm thinking I'm proud of all the hard work this young man has done and it's really starting to pay off in a big way now.

Nelson: Sam's still undefeated here in the AWA. But Stan Hansen's a real tough customer.

Murdoch: I know Stan very well. He's as tough as a $2 dollar steak. This is gonna be a tall order for Sam. But I believe he can get the job done.

Since we're in Vegas, we know he'll be the heavy underdog against Hansen. But sometimes David does slay Goliath and it can happen when the two collide with everything on the line.

Sam: Larry, Coach Murdoch is not only my mentor; I also consider him a good friend. It's great to have someone like him in my corner as I face my biggest challenge to date.

Nelson: Sam Houston, everybody! He's got a chance to become the new AWA World Champion!

In-Studio: Nelson said that next week on the AWA on ESPN, the World Title match between champion Hansen and challenger Houston will go down!

Split-screen shot of DeBeers and Muraco with the caption: NEXT... QUALIFIER!



Muraco came to the ring to a strong ovation.

Once in the ring, Muraco saluted the fans.

Announcers said DeBeers has not been seen since losing the coal miner's glove match to Tom Zenk on Christmas night.

DeBeers came out to loud boos but also had his fans.

DeBeers stood on the apron and twirled his mustache before stepping into the ring.

Muraco turned and pulled on the top rope to get loose and DeBeers pounced.

Ref called for the bell.

DeBeers hammered away on Muraco and then slammed Don's head into the top buckle. DeBeers pulled Muraco out of the corner and raked Muraco's eyes across the top rope. Muraco blinded. DeBeers took Muraco over with a snap mare and caught Muraco in a rear chin lock. DeBeers cinched up on the hold and had his knee in Don's back to inflict further pain. DeBeers then drove a knee into Muraco's back and snapped Muraco up and went to whip Don into the ropes but Don reversed and caught DeBeers coming off with a press slam to the delight of the crowd. DeBeers scooted on his ass into the corner. Muraco moved in and grabbed DeBeers' legs. DeBeers grabbed the top rope with both hands. DeBeers desperately hung on to the top rope as Muraco pulled DeBeers into the air and yanked DeBeers. DeBeers lost his grip on the top rope and crashed to the mat. Muraco snapped DeBeers up and popped DeBeers with a gut drop across the knee. Muraco for the pin. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. DeBeers started to get up and Muraco caught DeBeers in a front facelock and rode DeBeers down to the mat. Muraco with the front facelock firmly locked in. Muraco to his feet with DeBeers still locked in the hold. DeBeers, in the hold, was able to drive Muraco against the ropes. Ref ordered a break. After the break, DeBeers immediately stunned Muraco with a trio of gut kicks and threw Muraco out of the ring through the top and middle rope down to the floor. DeBeers climbed out on the apron and did a jumping stomp from the apron to the floor on Muraco. Muraco in a bad way. Ref counting. DeBeers snapped Muraco up and slammed Muraco's head into the apron. He tried the move again and Muraco stiffened his arms on the apron and resisted having his head slammed into the apron once more. Muraco caught DeBeers with an elbow to the side of the ribs, freed himself from DeBeers' grasp and slammed DeBeers head into the apron. DeBeers staggered off. Muraco quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10- count. Muraco stalked DeBeers on the floor, raised his arms and went to hit DeBeers with a double sledge but DeBeers turned and caught Muraco with gut shot. DeBeers caught Muaco with a couple of head shots and sent Muraco crashing shoulder-first into the ring post. Muraco staggered off holding his shoulder. Ref counting. DeBeers quickly climbed into the ring to break the 10-count. Muraco climbed back up on the apron. DeBeers grabbed Muraco on the apron and went to bodyslam Muraco back into the ring but DeBeers lost his footing and crashed to the mat with Muraco on top of him for the cover. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Crowd urging on Muraco.

Marshall: These fans really want to see DeBeers lose!

DeBeers up and bent over and Muraco nailed DeBeers with a knee lift. DeBeers fell back into the corner. Muraco nailed Debeers with some head shots and whipped DeBeers into the opposite buckles. Muraco charged in on DeBeers and DeBeers moved and Muraco slammed front-first into the buckles. Muraco slowly extricated himself from the buckles as DeBeers backed up. Muraco turned and DeBeers charged at Muraco and hit Muraco with a running punch to the face. Muraco stunned. DeBeers bodysammed Muraco and then hit Muraco with a knee drop to the head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Muraco kicked out. Fans cheered. Fans started chanting Muraco's name. Muraco started getting up and DeBeers caught him with a boot to the side of the head followed by a gutwrench suplex. DeBeers stomped Muraco and then arrogantly walked on Muraco's stomach. DeBeers snapped Muraco up and whipped Muraco into the buckles. DeBeers moved in and pounded Muraco with a stiff series of forearms to the chest. Muraco hurting. Crowd still urging the big Hawaiian on. DeBeers pulled Muraco out of the corner and bodyslammed Muraco and looked to repeat his knee drop to the head but Muraco rolled out of the way and DeBeers crashed knee-first to the mat. Most of the crowd popped. Both men down. DeBeers grabbing his knee. Ref started the 10-count. Both men made it to their feet before the count of 10. DeBeers caught Muraco with a couple of punches and went to whip Muraco into the ropes but Muraco reversed and caught DeBeers coming off with a clothesline that sent DeBeers crashing to the mat, Fans roared. DeBeers managed to get up and walk right into Muraco's waiting arms. Muraco pulverized DeBeers with a Samoan Drop. Crowd went into orbit (not the gum). Muraco for the cover.

Blears: Muraco didn't hook the leg, Lee. That could prove costly.

1...2...thr... DeBeers got a shoulder up. Loud groan from the fans. Muraco snapped DeBeers up and  whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a powerslam. Crowd got louder. Muraco positioned and stomped DeBeers and went to the corner and mounted the middle rope and came off with a slingshot splash but DeBeers got his knees up and Muraco crashed into them. Both men down. Muraco holding his gut. Ref started the 10-count. Muraco made it to his feet as DeBeers got to his knees. Muraco moved in and grabbed DeBeers and DeBeers popped Muraco with a throat thrust out of view of the ref. DeBeers up, kicked Muraco in the gut doubling over Muraco and then hoisted Muraco up and blasted Muraco with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers turned Muraco over for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3!

Ref called for the bell as most of the fans booed.DeBeers up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 10:26


As DeBeers left the ring after the match, Larry Nelson ran over with mic in hand to get an interview with Col. DeBeers.

Nelson:  Col. DeBeers, can I get a word with you?

About the loss in the coal miner's glove match...

DeBeers abruptly cut Nelson off.

DeBeers: The only thing I've got to say is: I'm back! Mad as hell! And people are going to pay just like the decadent American Muraco did!

More boos.

DeBeers turned and walked off as Nelson looked on as the program ended.



Sam Houston | A Wrestler Coming to Terms With His Past

Edited by piperrulz
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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears
(# means aired on a previous AWA show.)
(Before the 3rd taping: Announcer Larry Nelson told the crowd that Wahoo McDaniel had won his PWHC qualifier last week on AWA on ESPN.)
(3rd Taping Re-cap)
In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.
From Portland Wrestling: Rip Oliver vs. Billy Jack Haynes
A look back at Sarge's shocking statement about retiring if he can't beat Stan Hansen and re-claim the World Title in a re-match
Candi Devine sees action
Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament update with PWI's Bill Apter
Wahoo McDaniel sees singles' action
Jake Milliman grapples
Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond.
Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Kiko Garcia via pinfall with a German suplex into a bridgeout
Nelson: Brad Rheingans. The fans are wondering if you and Ken Patera have split up after your tough loss to the tag champs the Destruction Crew on Christmas night?
Brad: The answer to your question, Larry, is a simple 'no'. Ken and I have just decided to take a break from tag team wrestling and go our own way for right now in singles' competition.
It's like when members of a rock group split up for a period to pursue solo careers and then get back together down the road.
Nelson: What are you hoping to accomplish as a single?
Brad: Looking to win and get into the title picture. The AWA has a new title that's coming into play. Plus, you've got the World Title out there for the taking as well.
I'm really looking forward to this run as in singles' competition. It's gonna be an exciting time.
Nelson: But it's gonna take a lot of work to climb that ladder and get into the championship mix.
Brad: Most definitely, Larry. I've been training hard for wrestling as a single again. When you've been in a tag team for as long as I have and hardly wrestled any singles' matches during that time, you lose a little of your edge for one-on-one competition.
One-on-one is what I trained for as an amateur, an Olympian and also as a professional. Tag team wrestling is unique. You really have to adjust to it if you want to be successful in the tag team division.
Nelson: Brad Rheingans, everybody.
Nice response from the crowd to Rheingans.
Pic aired of Candi Devine with the caption: NEXT... WOMEN'S ACTION!!!
Candi Devine won a squash match over Dana Plato via submission with the Boston Crab
Nelson: Candi Devine, a strong win over Dana Plato.
You really had that Boston Crab locked in.
Devine: Every win I have is a strong win. You're looking at the best looking, toughest, best female wrestler in the sport today!
Mixed crowd reaction.
Nelson: You don't seem to care who you wrestle.
Devine: That's right. You put them in the ring with me and I'll take 'em down.
I don't care who it is. You can put me in the ring with a fan favorite like Wendi Richter or someone the people despise like the current champion Magnificent Mimi.
I'll take on any and all comers as long I wind up where I belong...which is the top of the women's division here in the AWA!
Mixed crowd reaction.
Nelson: Candi Devine, everybody!
She's coming for...well...everyone!
Pic aired of the PWHC title with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Intro for the PWHC Tournament Update.

Bill Apter of PWI was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit with mic in hand.

Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.

This is Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament takes place on Saturday, February 17, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.

The tournament will be held over two sessions in one day. The first session features the opening round matches of the tournament and has a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session, which will feature the quarter-finals,semi-finals and final of the tournament has a bell time of 7:30pm.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1812. One ticket gets you in to both sessions.

The tournament is shaping up to be a great event with several non-AWA wrestlers vying for the new championship.

Here are the entrants already in the tournament: Riki Choshu from Japan; Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico; Perro Aguayo from Mexico, Tully Blanchard from the United States; Chris Adams from England; Bruce Hart from Canada and The Iron Sheik from Iran.

The AWA entrants are: Jonnie Stewart and Jake Milliman, plus two new qualifiers.

Those qualifiers are: Chief Wahoo McDaniel and Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine.

And we have a new entrant this week. This is the final non-AWA wrestler who will be wrestling in the tournament.

He hails from Japan. He is well known to AWA fans. He is...Mr. Saito.

Let's take a look at Mr. Saito in action.

(Just pretend the first 60 seconds you see are what you'd see on TV.)


Apter: The tournament has a truly international flavor and is not confined to being an AWA-only event.

Fans, this is shaping up to be one of the wrestling events of the year. Wrestlers from every part of the globe contacted the AWA about being part of this historic event.

And Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. There's everything from the warm weather to the beaches to Disneyland and lots in between to partake in in Anaheim and Orange County in general. Plus, there are plenty of good restaurants to eat at and plenty of hotel rooms you can book for your stay.

Be a part of history. Be a part of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17 in Anaheim.

I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped the tourney and told fans we are just a month away from crowning a new champion.

Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Hammond.

Jake Milliman won a squash match over Gordon Gekko via pinfall with his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher

Jake came out to a strong positive response from the crowd.

Once in the ring, he did his t-shirt shredding and tossed the shirt into the crowd.

After the match, Jake struck a couple of bodybuilder poses.


Nelson: Jake Milliman! You are going to Anaheim to take part in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament after your big win  recently over Tommy Rich in the qualifying round.

And these fans out here are on board with 'Milkmania'!

Crowd cheered.

Jake: I am preparing for the tournament like I've never prepared before in my career, Larry!

I've been working out and drinking lots of wholesome milk! My bones are stronger than they've ever been and I owe it all to the white stuff!

Crowd cheered Jake.

Nelson: You ever live dangerously and drink chocolate milk?

Jake: Not me! If chocolate's your thing then more power to you! But it's only white milk for the 'Milkman'!

Nelson: Anything you'd like to say before we wrap this up?

Jake: Just one thing.

2 percent forever!

Crowd cheered for their newest hero.

Larry: 'Milkmania' is runnin' wild in the AWA!

Jake 'Milkman' Milliman everybody!

More cheers for Jake.

Pic aired of Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... RETIREMENT???!!!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from the end of Sgt. Slaughter's interview from BISP 2 after Sarge lost the World Title to Stan Hansen.

VIDEO (From Brawl In St. Paul 2):

A dejected Sarge and Eric Bischoff were sitting in the locker room after the match.

Eric: There will obviously be a re-match between you and Hansen at some point down the road. What are your thoughts about the new AWA World Champion right now?

Sarge dabbed more blood off his forehead.
Sarge: At the moment, I don't think very highly of Mr. Hansen. He said that he's been obsessed with winning the AWA World Title a second time since he lost it in 1986. Tonight, he showed the level he would stoop to to make his dream of being a 2-time AWA World Champ a reality.
Eric: Anything you would like to directly say to Stan Hansen?
Blood trickling down Sarge's face.
Sarge: Stan Hansen, enjoy it right now. Go ahead and bask in your victory tonight.
But know this. I'm coming for you Hansen. We're gonna meet again.
And I promise the result will be different...or I will retire from wrestling.
Eric: What?! Retire?!
Sarge: That's all I've got to say.
Sarge stood up, tossed the bloody towel on the chair and walked off as a puzzled Bischoff looked on in disbelief at what he just heard.

In-Studio: Larry Nelson spoke of the shock of Sarge saying he would retire if he could not beat Hansen in their re-match. Said Sarge will be putting it all on the line the next time he and Hansen and meet.

Nelson wondered if Sarge should backtrack on the statement since he said it right after losing the belt to Hansen on Christmas night and may have let his emotions get the best of him.

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Hammond.

Wahoo McDaniel won a squash match over Vince Kennedy via pinfall with his big chop finisher


Nelson: Chief Wahoo McDaniel, you defeated Akio Sato recently in a qualifying match to advance to the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in Anaheim in a few weeks.

Wahoo: Larry, it's great to make it into the tournament. But the win over Sato is just the first step on the long road to the title.

I'll have to win four matches in one day to be the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion ever. And winning that many matches in one day is a tall order for anybody.

But I want the fans to know that I'm gonna fight with everything I've got to win it.

Fans cheered.

Wahoo: This sport is built on championships. This new belt, the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship, is dedicated to the legacy of this great and wild sport.  It may be a new belt, but what it already represents is wrestling history.

It would be an honor to be the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.

Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel, everybody!

More cheers.

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd the special feature match from Portland Wrestling pitting Billy Jack Haynes against long-time rival Rip Oliver.

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Hammond.

In the ring, Larry Nelson announced the special feature match from Portland Wrestling.

Rip Oliver made his way to the ring to a mediocre response as many fans didn't seem to know who he was.

Once in the ring, Oliver demanded the mic from Larry Nelson and got it.

Rip: Driving here to this arena in Hammond, Indiana, was one of the most god-awful experiences of my life.

Crowd booed.

Rip: I had to drive down some hick road to get here.

I drove past a trailer park. And let me tell you, the stink coming from the trailer park all the way out to the road was one of the worst things I've ever smelled. Do you Indianans bathe with limburger cheese or something?

More boos.

Rip: My opponent, Billy Jack Haynes, would fit in perfectly here in Hammond because he has the two qualities you Hammond-ites admire the most: he's big and stupid.

I can't wait until this match is over so I can get the hell out of the armpit of America.

More boos as Rip handed the mic to Nelson and Rip briefly played to the crowd.

Boos turned to cheers as Billy Jack Haynes made his way down the face aisle to the ring. Most fans knew Haynes from his time in the WWF. Billy slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.

Billy climbed into the ring and walked up to Larry Nelson.

Billy: Rip, you come out here and insult the people of Hammond, Indiana!

Well, let me tell you something, buddy boy. A town like this is truly the heart of America!

Crowd cheered.

Billy: We have a long history with each other, Rip!

And tonight, right here, I'm gonna make you eat those words you said about Hammond and its folks!

More cheers. Haynes handed the mic off.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men out firing and tore into each other with punches. Rip got the upper hand and whipped Billy into the buckles. Rip charged in and Billy moved and Rip slammed front-first into the buckles. Rip turned and walked right into more punches from Billy. Billy whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a clothesline. Rip crashed to the mat. Billy snapped Rip up and and bodyslammed Rip and went for an elbow smash but Rip rolled out of the way and Billy crashed to the mat. Both men down. Rip got up next to the ropes. Billy up and charged at Rip and Rip backdropped Billy over the top rope down to the floor. Ref ordered Rip to stand back and Rip did so. Ref started the 10-count. Billy getting up next to the apron. Rip stomped Billy in the head through the ropes. Ref reprimanded Rip. Rip made a fist like he was gonna punch the ref. Ref again reprimanded Rip. Billy up next to the apron and Rip went over, leaned over the top rope, grabbed Billy's hair and slammed Billy's head into the apron multiple times. Billy turned facing away from the ring holding his head. Ref ordered Rip back and Rip instead left the ring for the floor. Billy had just started to walk away from the ring when Rip jumped Billy from behind and pounded away on Oregon's favorite son who has serious mental health issues.  Ref counting. Rip grabbed Billy by the hair and slammed Billy's head into the ring post. Billy went down on the floor. Rip quickly climbed back into the ring and briefly played to the crowd to boos. Rip left the ring as Billy got to his hands and knees. Rip kicked Billy int the side of the ribs and snapped Billy up. Billy now bleeding. Rip went to whip Billy into the opposite post but Billy reversed and sent Rip slamming head-first into the post. Rip down on the floor. Ref counting. Billy quickly rolled in and out of the ring. Billy snapped up Rip by the hair and now Rip was bleeding. Billy slammed Rip's head into the ring apron three times and then threw Rip back into the ring.

Marshall: What's this?! Valerie's coming down to ringside! And she's carrying a notepad again!

Blears: She has to be scouting wrestlers.

Crowd booed as Valerie made her way down the heel aisle to ringside to watch and take notes.

Billy climbed in. Rip to his knees. Rip tried to beg off, but Billy ignored his plea and popped Rip with a couple of head shots. Billy started to snap Rip up when Rip caught Billy with an eye poke the ref didn't catch. Rip to his feet and caught Billy with some deliberate head and body shots and then started choking Billy on the top rope. Ref counting. Rip broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Rip repeated the move and again broke it at 4. Billy's neck rested on the top rope. Rip yanked the top rope and Billy snapped back and crashed to the mat. Rip went over and put the boots to Billy as Valerie calmly took notes at ringside. Rip raked his laces across the side of Billy's bloody face, snapped Billy up and whipped Billy into the corner. Rip moved in with  punches and then started biting Billy's bloody forehead. Ref counting. Oliver broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Billy looking weak in the corner. Rip with a knee to the gut and then pulled BIlly out of the corner and went for a suplex but Billy twice blocked the move and suplexed Rip instead to the delight of the crowd. Both men down. ref counting. Both men up and Rip walked right into a bodyslam from Billy. Rip up and Billy bodyslammed Rip again. Billy snapped Rip up and slammed Rip's head into the top buckle. Rip spun around in the corner and Billy battered Rip with a barrage of punches. Billy then returned the favor and bit Rip's forehead as the fans popped. Billy broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Billy pulled Rip out of the corner, whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a press slam. Rip slammed to the mat. Billy maneuvered around behind Rip. Rip up and Billy came up behind Rip and locked him in the full nelson. Crowd eating it up. Rip trying desperately to escape Billy's finisher. Billy with it firmly locked in. After a brief struggle, Rip was able to make it close enough to the ropes to get his leg out over the middle rope to force a break in the hold.  Rip climbed out on the ring apron. Ref ordered Billy to stand back. As Billy had words with the ref, Rip, facing the crowd, reached into his tights and brandished a foreign object in his right hand. Rip cllimbed back into the ring and went hit Billy with a foreign object-laden right hand, but Billy ducked the punch try. Rip swung so hard he spun himself around and Billy hoisted Rip up for a belly-to-back suplex. Once Rip was in the air, he hit Billy in the head with the foreign object. Billy crumpled to the match and  Rip covered Billy for the pin. Rip had the foreign object hidden in his right hand down by his right thigh out of view of the ref.  1...2...thr... Billy got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Rip on the back and Rip got up thinking he'd won. Rip started strutting around the ring. Rip had thrown his fists in the air. Ref went over and yanked down Rip's right hand. The jerk of Rip's arm led to Rip dropping the weapon. Ref picked it up and looked over at Rip. Rip gesturing he did not use a foreign object. Ref gestured with a fist into an open hand that Rip struck Billy with the object. Rip continued to protest. Ref called for the bell.

Larry Nelson climbed up on the apron and the ref went over to talk to Nelson. Rip tried to argue his case come more with the ref.

Nelson: The referee has disqualified Rip Oliver for using a foreign object on his opponent! Your winner of the match...Billy Jack Haynes!

Crowd cheered.

Valerie turned and left the ringside area and headed back up the heel aisle.

Billy was recovering in the ring. Rip continued to argue with the ref and then dropped the ref with a cheap shot to the jaw.

Billy up, came up behind Rip and locked Rip in the full nelson to the delight of the crowd. Billy cinched up on the hold and Rip couldn't escape. Rip weakened in the hold and became limp. Billy let go and a dazed and confused Rip crumpled to the mat. Billy threw his hands in the air in a defiant gesture of victory as the fans cheered. Ref made it to his feet and was holding his jaw and raised Billy's hand in victory as the segment ended.

WINNER: Haynes - DQ - 8:38

Pic aired of the PWHC Title with the caption: NEXT... QUALIFIER!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson hyped the final two qualifiers for next week:

AWA On ESPN: Manny Fernandez vs. Ken Patera

All-Star Wrestling: Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper

Nelson sent it back to the ring in Hammond.


Jack came to the ring to strong boos but also had his fans.

Jack came into the ring and briefly played to the crowd to more boos.

Zenk came to the ring to a good crowd reaction.

Zenk climbed into the ring and acknowledged the fans.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Jack gained the advantage and caught Zenk in a side headlock. Zenk struggled to free himself from the hold. Zenk was finally able to shove Jack off. Jack hit the ropes and came back and Zenk nailed Jack with a shoulder tackle. Jack crashed to the mat. Zenk snapped Jack up, whipped Jack into the ropes and looked to catch Jack coming off with a dropkick but Jack grabbed the top rope and Zenk crashed to the mat. Jack moved in on Zenk as Zenk was getting up and caught Zenk with a kick to the gut. Jack whipped Zenk into the corner. Jack moved in and nailed Zenk with head shots and then started biting Zenk's forehead. Jack broke the illegal move at ref's count of 4. Jack repeated the move and once again broke at 4. Zenk staggered out of the corner by the ropes holding his head. Jack came up behind Zenk and hammered away on Zenk. Zenk leaned next to the ropes. Jack backed up and charged in and nailed Zenk with a running clothesline that sent both men hurtling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Jack to his feet with a weird smile on his face.

Marshall: I think Jack loves being in pain as much as loves inflicting it!

Jack snapped up Zenk and bodyslammed Zenk on the floor. Jack quickly climbed into the ring to break the 10-count. Ref tried to keep Jack from leaving the ring but that was pointless as Jack climbed out on the apron. Jack ran and jumped off the apron and hit Zenk with a flying elbow smash. Jack then covered Zenk on the floor. Ref counting the 10-count.

Marshall: Sometimes I wonder if Jack even knows what planet he's on!

Blears: I ask myself that all the time. Lee. He's out there.

Jack snapped Zenk up and threw Zenk back into the ring. Jack stomped on the downed Zenk's back and slammed Zenk's head into the mat multiple times. Jack snapped Zenk up and went to hoist Zenk up for a pulling piledriver but Zenk twice blocked the move and backdropped Jack to the mat. Crowd cheered. Zenk down to a knee regaining his bearings. Jack up and reached down to grab Zenk but Zenk stunned Jack with a series of gut shots. Zenk to his feet and fired away on Jack with more punches. Zenk whipped jakc into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a dropkick. Jack crashed to the mat. Jack up and walked right into a bodyslam from Zenk. Tommy Rich charged down the heel aisle and jumped up on the apron. Ref went over and ordered Rich off the apron and the two had words with one another. While they were distracted, Jack slowly made his way to his feet and Zenk nailed Jack with a superkick. Jack crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Zenk pulled Jack into the ring. Rich still arguing with the ref. Zenk  covered Jack. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Zenk, frustrated, slapped his own hand to the mat three times. Zenk looked over and saw Rich on the apron arguing with the ref. Zenk went over and had words with Rich. Ref in between the two. Ref facing Rich when Jack recovered enough, came up behind Zenk and nailed Zenk with a low-blow. Zenk stumbled back and crashed to the mat holding his jewels. Rich suddenly stopped arguing with the ref and dropped back to the floor. Ref turned and saw Zenk down in great pain and looked over at Jack and pointed at Jack.

Jack picked up on a mic.

Jack: I didn't do nothin'! He fell down!

Marshall: Well, give Jack points for creativity in the b.s. department.

Jack moved in and stomped on Zenk, snapped Zenk up and sent Zenk slamming into the buckles. Zenk stumbled out of the corner and Jack caught Zenk with a couple of deliberate head shots followed by a discus clothesline. Zenk crashed to the mat. Jack for the cover. 1...2...thr... Zenk kicked out. Crowd popped. Sociologists still wondering why that happens (fans cheering for Zenk). Jack went to whip Zenk into the ropes but Zenk reversed and blasted Jack coming off with a dropkick. Jack crashed to the mat. Jack up and Zenki hit Jack with a second dropkick. Jack slammed back-first into the buckles, bounced out and crashed to the mat. Crowd into it. Rich again climbed up on the apron and the ref went over and ordered Rich off the apron. Zenk saw what was happening and went over and tried to get at Rich with the ref between them trying to keep them apart. Jack recovered enough to sneak up behind Zenk and roll Zenk up for the pin. Rich gestured at the ref to turn around. Ref quickly over and dropped down. 1... Jack grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...thr... Zenk kicked Jack off. Crowd popped. The two men got to their feet and Jack caught Zenk with a kick to the gut. Zenk stumbled back against the ropes holding his gut. Rich had not dropped off the apron and Rich grabbed Zenk from behind. Ref ordering Rich off the apron to no avail. Jack backed up and charged at Zenk but Zenk escaped Rich's grasp and Jack slammed into Rich. Rich crashed to the floor as the crowd roared. Zenk rolled the dazed Jack up from behind for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and the fans were ecstatic (Why? It's Tom Zenk).

Zenk up and the ref raised a happy Zenk's hand in victory as the program ended.

WINNER: Zenk - Pinfall - 8:47


(OK, I have no idea how one of my brackets keeps appearing as a sad face emoji. I didn't do it,)





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While you wait for the next episode of the AWA on ESPN, I thought it would be fun to take a reader poll.

Just leave a post here with your pick.


Who do you think is the best big man in pro wrestling history?

1) Andre The Giant

2) Vader

3) Sid Vicious

4) King Kong Bundy

5) Big John Studd

6) The Big Show/The Giant

7) Giant Baba

7) Jerry Blackwell

9) Yokozuna

10) Kevin Nash

11) Other (Please list who you think it is if 'other' is your pick)

Happy voting!!!

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8 hours ago, DHK1989 said:


Agreed. I think Vader was the best big man of all-time because he was a good worker who always had good matches. He was very agile for his size and did some mind blowing moves for a big man. His matches with Sting were classics and the Flair SC'93 match also comes to mind. RIP, Leon White. They fumbled the ball with him in WWF, thanks in large part to that ass Shawn Michaels. Also remember the assault on Monsoon on RAW.

8 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Pre-WMIII André, although he was starting to show signs of physical decline as early as his Giant Machine gimmick in 1986.

The thing that has most stuck in my mind about Andre is I read he once worked a 1-hour draw with Bockwinkel for the belt. Imagine the stress put on his body in a 60-minute match. Did he work other 1-hour matches?

Only time I ever saw Andre live was in '86 at the Tacoma Dome when he was the Giant Machine. It was a six-man tag. The Machine (Big, Super, and Giant Machine vs. Bundy, Studd and I forget the third wrestler on their team. Match was built around trying to unmask the Giant Machine to prove it was Andre and end his career.

He was indeed quite agile and a good worker for his immense size for much of the '70s and '80s. 

Also, know I'm in the minority here, but I didn't think his WM3 match was all that bad. Not a classic. But not bad by what Hogan had to work with either.

Sad that, as he got older, he always had to wonder when his time on earth would be up because of his condition. Probably a very sad person behind the scenes. Explains the heavy drinking.

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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(4th Taping Re-cap)
(Before the 4th taping: Larry Nelson announced to the Showboat crowd that Greg Valentine won his qualifying match against Greg Gagne on All-Star Wrestling.)
In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to the program:
AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) - Can Sam keep his undefeated streak alive?
PLUS! Pre-recorded comments from Hansen and Houston
Another PWHC Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter
A look back at Jerry Blackwell's confrontation with Kokina Maximus on last week's AWA on ESPN
The Top Guns see action
And more!
Greg Valentine won a squash match over Goose Gossage via submission with the figure four leglock
Valentine held the figure four on for a few seconds after the match to inflict further pain on his hapless opponent.
Valentine was mainly booed by the fans as he came to the ring down the heel aisle for his match but also had his fans.
Nelson: Greg Valentine, you are headed to  the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament after beating Greg Gagne in a qualifying match recently.
You've been impressive since arriving in the AWA so far. You have to be one of the favorites to win it all on February 17th in Anaheim.
Valentine chuckled.
Greg: One of the favorites, huh?
I should be THE favorite to be the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion in history!
More boos.
Greg: When you look at the list of wrestlers, Nelson, there are some real top-notch names competing in this tournament.
Nelson: There are some big names coming in from around the world.
Greg: But all of them are missing one thing.
Nelson: What's that?
Greg: They're NOT Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!
You've got to win four matches in one day!
That means you've got to have strong wrestling skills, wrestle any style and be able to absorb a lot of punishment as well as dish it out!
You've also got to have great stamina and I have that in abundance! Just ask the ladies!
Nelson rolled his eyes.
Greg: There may be other wrestlers competing in the tournament who have those things! But they just don't have them on the level of yours truly!
And that's what is gonna separate me from the rest of the pack in Anaheim on February 17th!
More boos.
Nelson: Greg Valentine, everybody!
Marshall: Valentine may be cocky, Lord James. But he has the skill, reputation and excellent track record in this sport to back up what he says.
Blears: I wouldn't bet against him, Lee. He's one of my picks to win the tournament.
Pic aired of Blackwell and Kokina struggling with each other with the caption: NEXT... BEHEMOTHS COLLIDE!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's AWA on ESPN between Jerry Blackwell and Kokina Maximus after Kokina destroyed the Mulkeys in a handicap match.
# Randy (Mulkey) to his knees and begging for mercy. Kokina kicked Randy in the chest and Randy toppled over and was laying face down in the ring. Kokina hit the ropes and came off with a diving splash on Randy's back. Crowd popped as Jerry Blackwell charged down the face aisle in his ring attire and carrying a white towel. Blackwell quickly climbed up on the ring apron and threw in the towel, Ref called for the bell. Kokina glared angrily at Blackwell. Fans buzzing. Kaissey and the Masked Doc immediately climbed into the ring. Kaissey talked to his man Kokina and gestured for him not to do anything to Blackwell. The two big men continued glaring at one another.

Larry Nelson climbed up on the apron with mic in hand. Ref raised Kokina's hand in victory.

Nelson: The referee has stopped the match! Your winner... Kokina Maximus!

Blackwell and Kokina continued glaring at one another as Kaissey kept Kokina at bay.

elson climbed into the ring. Masked Doc was checking on the pulverized Mulkeys.

Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey, may I have a word with you?!

Kaissey: Infidel Blackwell! You had no business coming out here and stopping the match!

Crowd booed.

Nelson: But Kokina had destroyed the Mulkeys. Why not just put them out of their misery and end the match?!

Kaissey: Sometimes, too much destruction is never enough! Kokina doesn't just win matches! He also sends a message to the entire AWA roster that this is the hell they will face when they step into the ring with him!

And Jerry Blackwell, everything in due time! You also will be destroyed by Kokina when the time is right and we will dictate when that time has come!

More boos from the fans.

Kokina and Blackwell locked in a death stare.

Nelson moved over to Blackwell.

Nelson: Jerry Blackwell! You saved the Mulkeys from further damage by coming to the ring and throwing in the towel for them!

Blackwell: I'm tired of seein' what Kokina does to each of his opponents! Pro wrestling is about winning matches! Kokina goes to the extreme and hurts people for the sheer pleasure of it!

And let me tell you this! You go ahead and name the time and the place! I'll be there! And Kokina, you listen and listen good!

I know that you're gonna try and end my career when we meet in the ring!

Well, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire! You're gonna try and end me and I'm gonna try and end YOU!

Blackwell pointed at Kokina as the fans cheered.

Nelson: When they meet, it will truly be a clash of the titans! It's...

Nelson jumped out of the way as Kokina charged over and attacked Blackwell on the apron and Blackwell fought back.

Crowd into it.

Blackwell and Kokina were locked up with each other and each man was gettng some shots in.

AWA officials and wrestlers from both locker rooms poured into the ring to try and separate the warring behemoths. After a brief struggle, a bunch of men were finally able to separate the two.

Shot of the Mulkeys being stretchered out up the face aisle on the two stretchers.
In- Studio: Nelson then intro'd post-confrontation comments from Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and Jerry Blackwell.
Shot of Kaissey, Kokina and the Masked Doctor standing in the locker room. Kaissey had a mic.
Kaissey: Infidel Blackwell! How dare you stick your nose in our business!
Kokina's match had nothing to do with you and yet you decided to interrupt his demolition of the Mulkeys! We decide when to end the torture! We decide when Kokina's opponents have had enough!
You are going to pay and pay dearly for what you have done, Jerry!
You are going to know what destruction is all about when you collide with Kokina in a match!
You must suffer for your actions earlier tonight! You must feel great pain! You will be begging for the referee to stop the match!
Kokina is going to show you no mercy!
And remember this, Blackwell! I managed you before! I know all your strengths and weaknesses in the ring!
Jerry Blackwell! You have made the worst mistake of your entire life!
Prepare to be destroyed!
Pic flipped and Blackwell was standing in the locker room still in his ring attire with mic in hand.
Jerry: Sheik and Kokina! Listen up!
I just got done talking with Verne Gagne!
He knows both of us want a match with each other! And we want it sooner rather than later!
Verne told me that we will have the match!
And the match will take place on February 17th at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament!
So, Kokina, all you have to do is sign on the dotted line and I'll see you in Anaheim, boy!
Blackwell tossed the mic and stormed out of the picture.
In-Studio: Nelson said they'd have a major announcement about Kokina vs. Blackwell on next week's program.
Pic aired of the PWHC Title with the caption: NEXT... TOURNAMENT UPDATE!
Commercials/AWA Tour Update
Intro video for the PWHC Tournament Update.
Bill Apter was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit with mic in hand.
Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.
This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.
The tournament takes place in just three weeks on Saturday, February 17th, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
The tournament will be held over two sessions in one day. The afternoon session, which will feature the opening round matches of the tournament, has a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session will feature the tournament quarter-finals,semi-finals and final with a bell time of 7:30pm.
For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714)-555-1212.
One ticket gets you in to both sessions.
We've already got a fantastic group of entrants into the tournament. They are: Riki Choshu from Japan; Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico; Perro Aguyao from Mexico; Tully Blanchard from the United States; Chris Adams from England; Bruce Hart from Canada; The Iron Sheik from Iran and Mr. Saito from Japan.
The current AWA entrants into the tournament are: Jonnie Stewart; Jake Milliman; Wahoo McDaniel; Greg Valentine; Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk.
The final two entrants into the 16-man tournament will also be coming from the AWA.
This week, we have comments from three of the participants.
First, let's hear from Chris Adams from England.
Shot of Chris Adams in street clothes and standing in front of the Union Jack with mic in hand.
Adams: For those who don't know me, and it's shocking that there are people out there who don't know who I am because of my reputation in this sport, I'm 'Gentleman' Chris Adams.
I've had great success in my career in the United States. I've won many championships across the Atlantic. I'm looking to add one more championship to my trophy case and that title is the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.
I'm going to show you lowly Americans how an Englishman does it in the ring. I'm going to enjoy beating American wrestlers on my way to the top of the mountain.
And when I become the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion in history, they should deck out all of Anaheim in flying Union Jacks to celebrate my English superiority in the squared circle.
It's fitting, Disneyland is right down the road from the Anaheim Convention Center. Because I'm going to show all of America what a bunch of Mickey Mouse clowns all the American wrestlers are and what a joke all the other foreign wrestlers are on February 17th.
Apter: The next wrestler we're gonna be hearing from hails from Japan. He is Riki Choshu.
Choshu was in street clothes standing in front of the flag of Japan with a mic in hand.
(An English-speaking narrator spoke over Choshu's promo, which was in Japanese.)
Choshu: I am very excited to be partaking in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in Anaheim.
16 of the best wrestlers in the entire world will be challenging for this prestigious new title.
When I heard about this tournament a few months back I knew I wanted to be a part of it.
And looking at the wrestlers already announced for the tournament, it's going to be a real challenge to win the belt.
But I know I'm up for the challenge. Wrestling in Japan prepares you to face great obstacles in this sport. You have to know how to overcome those obstacles to win.
I'm ready. And I hope to do my nation of Japan proud in the tournament.
Apter: Our final message this week comes to us from a former WWF World Heavyweight Champion. From Tehran, Iran, it's the Iron Sheik.
Iron Sheik was in his ring attire standing in front of the flag of Iran with mic in hand.
Sheik: You American bums!
Sheik spat on the ground.
Sheik: The Iron Sheik is coming to Anaheim, California, on February 17th with one mission: to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!
I can't wait to see the looks on the Americans' faces when they hand me that belt after I outlast 15 other wrestlers to become the champion!
America is not like Iran! Iran is beautiful country! We have great leaders and our people take great pride in their national heroes!
Our people believe in respect, which is more than I can say for Americans!
A great celebration is already being planned in Iran for my championship victory! There will be a great parade, a feast with the elite of Iran's society and much more! It will be declared a national holiday for the Iron Sheik!
I will bring honor and glory to Iran while the Americans suffer the agony of defeat just like when I took down Bob Backlund to end his almost six-year run as WWF Champion!
The war between America and Iran is about to heat up once again!
IRAN #1!
Apter: Fans, what a tournament it is promising to be! This is a truly international wrestling event.
And we're just three weeks away from the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament taking place Saturday, February 17th, in Anaheim, California.
Also, Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. From the warm weather to the fabulous restaurants to the beaches, Disneyland and everything in between, Anaheim has it all. There are also plenty of fine accommodations for your stay as well.
Also, there are rumors of a major announcement about the tournament next week, so you'll want to tune in to find out what it is.
Be a part of history. Be a part of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17th in Anaheim, California.
I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.
Split-screen pic aired of AWA World Champion Stan Hansen and Sam Houston with the caption: NEXT... SAM & STAN SPEAK!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from AWA WC Stan Hansen and challenger Sam Houston and Coach Dick Murdoch as they prepare for their title tilt in tonight's main event.
Shot of Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch, both in street clothes and holding mics, standing in front of the AWA logo.
Sam: It's not often that a chance to challenge for the World Championship comes along.
And now that I've got that chance, I intend to grab the proverbial bull by the horns and make the most of it and give it my all to become the new AWA World Champion.
I've had a very good run here in the AWA up to this point. I'm still undefeated. But, I know that winning streak can end at any moment. And Stan Hansen is, without a doubt, the biggest threat to my remaining undefeated so far.
But with coach Dick Murdoch by my side, I know I have a better than fighting chance of winning this match.
Dick put his hand on Sam's shoulder.
Dick: Sam, you've been a great student to train. And I firmly believe that you can get the job done against Stan Hansen.
We both know he's a tough hombre' in that ring and this will not be an easy task.
But, you've listened to what I've told you and you've done what I've trained you for in the ring. You've used my knowledge and experience to help you improve your skills. I take great pride in your accomplishments so far.
And you're right, Sam, this is your biggest challenge to date.
But it's something that was eventually going to happen. Your undefeated streak was impossible to ignore. The AWA had to give you a
chance to win the World Title and that day is here, Sam.
Let's make the most of it.
Sam: You got it, coach.
Pic flipped and Stan Hansen was standing outside in front of a big Cadillac with longhorn horns on the front of the hood. He was in street clothes, cowboy hat and had a mic.
Stan (tobacco spittle flying everywhere as he spoke): You see this Cadillac right here?! You know what paid for it?! It was being the World Champion that paid for it!
After I beat Sgt. Slaughter on Christmas night to win the AWA World Title for a second time, I went to the nearest Cadillac dealer in Minneapolis and plopped down the cash and said: Give me the biggest Caddy you've got! No flying back home for Stan! No, sireee! I drove this baby back to the ranch in Borger, Texas!
Now, I'm facin' undefeated Sam Houston with the World Title on the line!
Sam, let me be right up front with ya!
You're gonna have a '1' in the loss column when I get through with ya, son!
You may have a legend like Dick Murdoch coachin' ya! But in the end even that's not gonna be enough!
This title brings me too much prestige and too much money to let it go without one helluva fight! And I damn sure don't intend to lose it just one month after winning it!
I'll see you in Vegas, Houston!
Prepare for the agony of defeat for the first time since you've been in the AWA!
In-Studio: Nelson hyped the World Title main event coming up later in the program.
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.
The Top Guns won a squash match over Bob and Doug McKenzie via pinfall when Dukes pinned Doug after a double dropkick
Nelson: Ricky Rice. We know that Verne Gagne has demanded that Dallas Page return the $50,000 dollars he stole from you after winning the Christmas Night Battle Royal at Brawl In St. Paul 2. What's the word on that situation right now?
Rice: Page still has not returned the money. Verne said he's going to hit Page with a heavy fine if Page doesn't return the cash soon.
Nelson: Knowing Dallas, he'll try and keep from paying a dime in fines while at the same time scheming to keep the $50 grand.
Rice: That sums up Dallas in a nutshell, Larry Nelson. He's the used car salesman of wrestling managers. He's so low he could slither under an ant's belly with room to spare.

But, I have great confidence I'm going to get that money one way or another.
Nelson: Derrick, what say you?
Dukes: Badd Company and Dallas Page! You guys just keep making things worse for yourselves!
This whole affair is coming to a head! And the Top Guns aim to leave this feud the victors!
Crowd half-assed cheered.
Nelson: The Top Guns, everybody!
Pic aired of the PWHC Title belt with the caption: NEXT... QUALIFIER!
Manny came down the heel aisle to the ring to pretty strong boos.
Patera came to the ring down the face aisle to a solid response.
Ref called for the bell. The men circled one another and engaged in an collar-and-elbow tie-up. Good back-and-forth struggle to gain the advantage as Patera drove Manny into the ropes. Ref ordered a break. Break was clean. The two men circled one another again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and this time Manny drove Patera into the corner and the ref again ordered a break. Break was clean. The two men came back out to the middle of the ring and circled one another and Manny put his right hand in the air. Patera locked up with Manny. Manny put his second hand up and Patera locked hands with Manny. The two engaged in a in a test-of-strength struggle. Manny gained the advantage and was able to drive Patera down to a knee. But Patera powered up and got back on his feet. After a brief struggle for the advantage, Patera got the upper hand on Manny and drove Manny to his knees and placed Manny's hands on the mat and Patera stomped Manny's hands. Crowd cheered as Manny got to his feet grabbing his hands. Patera grabbed Manny and whipped Manny into the buckles. Patera moved in and caught Manny with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut and then whipped Manny into the opposite buckles. Patera charged in on Manny but Manny got a foot up and Patera slammed face-first into it and crashed to the mat.
Marshall: What the... It's Valerie again!
Blears: She's really scouting the talent here in the AWA, Lee. Clearly looking to add another wrestler or wrestlers to her roster.
Valerie came down the heel aisle to boos. She was carrying a notepad. Valerie took notes during the match.
Patera got up facing away from Manny and Manny clubbed Patera from behind. Manny whipped Patera into the corner, charged in and nailed Patera with a running back elbow to the chest. Manny with some head shots, pulled Patera out of the corner and bodyslammed Patera. Manny then hit Patera with a fist drop to the head and went for the cover. 1... Patera kicked out. Manny with another head shot on Patera. Manny snapped Patera up, whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a punch to the jaw. Patera stunned. Manny went to whip Patera into the ropes but Patera reversed and blasted Manny coming off with a big clothesline. Crowd popped as Manny slammed to the canvas. Patera mounted the middle buckle behind Manny as Manny got up. Manny up and Patera came off the middle rope and nailed Manny with a double sledge to the back. Manny stumbled forward and went down. Patera for the cover. 1... Manny kicked out. Patera reached down and started to pull Manny up when Manny caught Patera with a jab to the throat out of view of the ref. Patera holding his throat. Ref reprimanded Manny. Manny moved in with head and body shots. Manny whipped Patera into the buckles and charged in and nailed Patera with a running knee to the gut. Manny yanked Patera out of the corner and threw Patera down on the mat and mounted the middle buckle behind Patera. Patera to his feet facing away from Manny. Manny blasted Patera with a dropkick to the back from the middle rope. Patera crashed back down to the mat. Manny turned and looked over at Valerie with a smug smile on his face.
Marshall: Is she scouting Fernandez?!
Manny went over and stomped on Patera and yelled for Patera to get up. Patera up and Manny went to punch Patera but Patera blocked the punch try and fired away on Manny with punches. Manny staggered but still managed to get in on Patera with a knee to the gut. Manny went to whip Patera into the ropes but Patera reversed and caught Manny coming off in a bearhug. Crowd popped. Manny struggling not to submit in the hold. Patera cinched up on the hold. Manny really struggling. Manny, in desperation, caught Patera with an eye rake. Patera lost his grip on the hold. Manny grabbed Patera and slammed Patera's head into the top buckle three times. Patera spun around in the corner. Manny choked Patera with his boot because back then heels were heels. Manny broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Manny then drove a series of knees into Patera's gut. Manny backed up and charged in on Patera but Patera charged out of the corner and blasted Manny with a running clothesline. Manny crashed to the mat. Loudest pop of the match so far from the fans. Patera looked over and saw Valerie and was distracted for a moment.
Blears: By looking over at Valerie, Patera is giving Fernandez time to recover. Pouncing on your opponent when he is reeling on the defensive is paramount in this sport.
Marshall: Is she scouting Patera?!
Blears: Probably both men.
Manny up and walked right into a bodyslam from Patera. Patera up and dropped an elbow on Manny and went for the cover. 1...2... Manny kicked out.
Blears: Being distracted by Valerie probably cost Patera the pin there.
Patera snapped Manny up and whipped Manny into the corner. Patera backed up, charged in and nailed Manny with a running shoulder block to the gut. Manny grabbed his gut and staggered out of the corner by the ropes. Patera with elbows to the back of Manny's neck. Patera whipped Manny into the ropes and looked to catch Manny coming off with a back drop but Manny instead drop down and clubbed Patera in the back of the neck. Patera shot up and stumbled back grabbing his neck. Manny moved in with some head shots, whipped Patera into the ropes and nailed Patera with a backhand to the face. Patera crashed to the mat holding his face. Valerie furiously taking notes because campy over-acting is a hallmark of pro wrestling. Patera to his feet and Manny moved in and locked Patera in the sleeper. Patera desperately trying to escape. Crowd urging Patera on. Patera maneuvered around in the hold, charged towards the corner, dropped down and Manny's head hit the top turnbuckle. Patera freed from the hold. Patera grabbed Manny, whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Manny crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron. Ref ordered Patera back and Patera did as ordered. Ref started the 10-count. Manny feigned climbing back into the ring. This led to Patera breaking the count and coming over to Manny and Manny nailed Patera with a shoulder block through the top and middle rope. Manny repeated the move. Patera stumbled back holding his gut. Manny back into the ring stunned Patera with a head shot and reached down and pulled Patera's legs out from under him for the pin. 1... Manny put his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Patera got a shoulder up. Manny took his feet off the rope just as the ref looked over. Manny went for the pin again. 1...2...thr... Ref looked over and saw Manny's feet on the middle rope and ordered a break. Both men up and Manny clubbed Patera, whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with another backhand to the face. Patera stunned. Manny went for the small package for the win. 1...2... Patera reversed the small package. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell. Patera up and the ref raised his hand in victory.
Valerie immediately left the scene after the match.
WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - 8:33
In-Studio: Nelson discussed Patera qualifying for the PWHC Tournament in Anaheim in three weeks.
Nelson said the World Title match was next.
Pic aired of the AWA World Title belt with the caption:  NEXT... FOR THE GOLD!
Stan Hansen (WC) vs. Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch)
Houston and Murdoch came to the ring down the face aisle to a good reponse from the crowd.
The pair stepped into the ring and Sam briefly played to the fans.
Stan Hansen came down the heel aisle to mostly boos but also had his fans.
Hansen made his way to the ring thrashing his bullrope around and also carrying his cowbell and the World Title.
Hansen climbed into the ring and kept the bullrope thrashing going and Larry Nelson again had to evade the rope.
Hansen waved his cowbell in the air and let out a gutteral yell.
Announcers wondered if Houston could keep his undefeatd streak going in the AWA.
Announcers pointed out that ESPN will allow this match to air to completion.
Blears: Lee, Hansen has a 100-pound weight advantage on Sam Houston. Power wrestling, big moves favor the champion. But quickness, speed and stamina favor Sam. The longer the match goes, the better for Houston because Hansen will tire quicker. He needs to try and avoid Hansen's power moves.
Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one-fall with a 60-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship!
Crowd cheered.
Neslon: Introducing first, the challenger! He hails from Waco, Texas! Weighing in at 229 pounds...Sam Houston!
Crowd cheered.
Nelson: And Houston's coach...Dick Murdoch!
More cheers.
Nelson: And his opponent!
Crowd turned from mainly cheers to boos.
Nelson: He hails from Borger, Texas! Weighing in at 321 pounds...he is the reigning AWA World Champion...Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen!
Crowd booed as Hansen stepped out of the corner and gave the 'hook 'em horns' sign with his right hand.
Nelson: Your referee is Gary DeRusha!
Hansen walked up to Larry Nelson and held the belt up.
Hansen: Take a long, hard look at this belt, Houston! Because it's as close to the World Championship as you're gonna get!
More boos. A buzz in the crowd (or is that a buzzed Showboat crowd).
DeRusha took the belt from Hansen and held it up for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson, who took it and placed it on the timekeeper's table at ringside.
DeRusha called the two men to the middle of the ring. Murdoch came out with Houston.
DeRusha laid down the ground rules and patted both men down and sent each man back to his corner.
Ref called for the bell and it was on...
Two men came out of their corners and Hansen went to punch Sam but Sam blocked the punch try and fired back on Hansen with a barrage of punches. Sam whipped Hansen into the ropes and caught Hansen coming off with a dropkick. Hansen crashed to the mat. Hansen up and Sam nailed Hansen with a second dropkick. Hansen crashed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor and slammed his fists on the apron in frustration as the fans roared. Hansen climbed back into the ring and went to punch Sam but Sam ducked the punch try and fired away on Hansen with more punches and then whipped Hansen into the corner. Sam charged in and went to monkey flip Hansen out of the corner but Hansen wrapped his arms around the top rope and Sam monkey flipped himself and crashed to the mat. Sam getting up and Hansen came out of the corner and kicked Sam in the chest. Hansen bodyslammed Sam and dropped an elbow across the chest and went for the cover. 1... Sam kicked out. Hansen snapped Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Sam crashed to the mat. Hansen stomped Sam, snapped Sam up and lifted Sam up in the press slam position and dropped Sam throat-first across the top rope. Sam crumpled next to the ropes.
Murdoch picked up on a mic.
Murdoch: Come on, Sam! Shake it off!
Stan then started choking Sam on the middle rope and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Hansen snapped Sam up and slammed Sam's head into the top buckle. Sam leaned front-first against the buckles. Hansen caught Sam with a punch to the side of the ribs, spun Sam around in the corner and hit Sam with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Hansen whipped Sam into the opposite buckles and charged in looking to nail Sam with a running shoulder block to the gut but Sam moved and Hansen slammed shoulder-first into the post and crashed to the floor. Crowd popped. Sam regaining his senses in the ring. Ref started the 10-count. Hansen got to his feet on the floor and looked over and yelled at Murdoch.
Hansen picked up on a mic.
Hansen: You're next Murdoch!
Crowd booed as Murdoch glared at Hansen.
Hansen climbed up on the apron. Sam came over, caught Hansen with a head shot and suplexed Hansen back into the ring. Sam hit Hansen with a leg drop from the standing position and went for the pin. 1...2... Hansen kicked out. Sam snapped Hansen up, whipped Hansen into the ropes and looked to catch Hansen coming off with a high backdrop but Hansen caught Sam with a kick to the chest instead.  Sam shot up and stumbled away. Hansen caught Sam with a belly-to back suplex, grabbed Sam's legs and, after a brief struggle, turned Sam over into the Brazos Valley backbreaker (Boston Crab). Crowd and  Murdoch urging Sam not to give up.
Murdoch picked up on a mic.
Murdoch: Fight through the pain, Sam! Fight through the pain!
Sam inched his way towards the ropes and stopped.
Blears: Hansen's really got that Crab locked in, Lee. The immense pressure on Sam's legs and lower back may be too much for the young man to withstand.
After a bit more struggle, Sam was able to scoot close enough to the ropes while locked in the hold to drape his arm out over the bottom rope to force a break in the hold.  Hansen let go of the hold and got up and started stomping on Sam's back. Hansen snapped Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and looked to catch Sam coming off with a clothesline but Sam ducked the move and came back with a flying crossbody for the pin. 1...2... Hansen kicked out. Crowd urging on Sam. Hansen up as Sam was favoring his back. Hansen reached down to pull Sam up but Sam fired away with a series of gut shots on Hansen that stunned the champ. Sam to his feet and blasted Hansen with a series of forearms to the side of the head, whipped Hansen into the ropes and blasted Hansen coming off with a dropkick. Hansen crashed back down to the mat. Sam backed up as Hansen got to his feet and Sam charged in and hit Hansen with a flying clothesline. Hansen crashed back to the mat. Crowd popped.
Murdoch: That's it! That's it! Keep fighting through the pain!
Sam climbed out on the apron, briefly favored his lower back and mounted the top buckle as Hansen got to his feet and walked right into a sunset flip  off the top rope from Sam for the pin. 1...2... Hansen clapped his legs against the sides of Sam's head to escape the pin try. Both men slowly to their feet.
Marshall: The kid's showing a lot of fight!
Blears: The longer the match goes, the more the match starts to favor the lighter, quicker Houston.

Sam up bent over and Hansen booted Sam in the side of the head and Sam fell through the top and middle rope down to the floor. The ref ordered Hansen to stand back and began the 10-count. Murdoch over on the floor to check on his man.
Hansen picked up on a mic.
Hansen: Get your boy back in here, Murdoch! He's got a match to lose!
Crowd booed.
Sam up next to the apron and climbed back up on the apron. Hansen broke the 10-count and punched Sam and bodyslammed Sam back into the ring. Hansen went for an elbow across the chest but Sam rolled out of the way and Hansen crashed to the mat.
Blears: When you're as big as Hansen and miss a move like that it's really painful because of all the weight behind it.
Both men to their feet and Sam popped Hansen with a dropkick that sent Hansen crashing into the corner. Sam mounted the middle buckle over Hansen and popped Hansen with 10 punches to the head as the crowd counted along. Hansen found the strength to grab Sam around the waist on the middle buckle and pop Sam with an inverted atomic drop out of the corner. Sam crashed to the mat in serious pain. Hansen for the cover. 1...2...thr... Sam kicked out. Crowd popped.
Murdoch picked up on a mic.
Murdoch: Keep fighting!
Hansen snapped Sam up and whipped Sam into the corner. Hansen charged in and Sam managed to get his feet up and Hansen slammed face-first into them. Hansen turned away from Sam. Sam mounted the middle rope in the corner.
Marshall: Sam's about to use the second rope bulldog that he beat Stewart with last week!
Sam came off the middle rope and nailed Hansen with his flying bulldog from the middle rope. Crowd went into orbit. Murdoch let out a loud 'YES'. Sam briefly grabbed at his lower back, still feeling the effects of the earlier Boston Crab. Sam rolled Hansen over. Crowd rose to its feet. Sam for the cover. 1...2...thr... Hansen kicked out. Super loud groan from the crowd. Sam popped Hansen in the head with a couple of head shots, snapped Hansen up and went whip Hansen into the ropes but Hansen reversed and caught Sam coming off with a scoop powerslam. Sam down and hurting. Hansen to a knee. Hansen snapped Sam up by the hair, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with his Lariat finisher. Sam crashed to the mat. Hansen for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed but some were happy.
Marshall: Houston's undefeated streak in the AWA is over.
Blears: But what a fight from young Sam Houston. Sometimes, you can learn a lot more in defeat than you can in victory, Lee. We'll be hearing more from him in the future.
Shot of Murdoch helping Sam out of the ring.
Nelson climbed up on the ring apron with mic in hand. Ref went over and talked to Nelson and Nelson handed the ref the title as Hansen got to his feet in the ring. Ref went over and handed the title to Hansen and raised Hansen's hand in victory to more boos.
Nelson: in a time of 10 minutes, 15 seconds, your winner...and STILL AWA World Heavyweight Champion...Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen!
Nelson made his way into the ring as Hansen defiantly threw the 'hook 'em horns' sign in the air.
Nelson: Stan Hansen, you retain the AWA World Title. But what a fight Sam Houston gave you.
Hansen: He may have given me a battle, Larry Nelson! But I won the match! I retained the title and will be taking home the winner's share of the purse!
Sam Houston, how does it feel knowing that you now have a one in the loss column, son!
Shot of Murdoch helping Hansen back up the face aisle. They did not turn to look back at Hansen.
Hanasen: I waited too damn long to win the AWA Championship a second and there's no way I'm letting go of it this soon!
So, all you pretenders line-up! Stan Hansen's coming to knock you down and keep you in a state of permanent contender status!
Crowd suddenly popped as Sgt. Slaughter, in his ring attire and DI hat, made his way down the face aisle to the ring. Roar got louder as Sarge walked up the steps and stood on the apron. Hansen and Nelson were facing the camera as Sarge climbed into the ring behind them.
Hansen: This title reign is gonna be even better than my first one! This one will be for the...
Nelson suddenly saw Sarge out of the corner of his eye and was shocked. Nelson inadvertently pulled the mic away from Hansen.
Hansen: What are you doin', Nelson?! Do your job and keep that mic where the fans can hear me!
Hansen then turned to see what Nelson was looking at. Hansen flinched when he saw Sarge standing behind him.
Sarge got face-to-face with Hansen.
After a brief staredown, Nelson held the mic up between the two wrestlers.
Sarge: Stan Hansen! I want my re-match! And I want it February 17th in Anaheim!
Crowd roared as the two ring combatants stood glaring at one another as the program ended.
Wendi Richter and Candi Devine wrestled to a 15-minute time-limit drawBoth women bled because it was that time of the month! 😂
AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH (2/3 FALLS): The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Jake MIlliman & Greg Gagne - Destruction Crew retained the titles 2 falls to 1 - FALLS: 1 - Milliman pinned Enos - 5:32 - 2 - Enos pinned Milliman - 8:01 - 3 - Bloom pinned Gagne - 10:48
TAG TEAM GRUDGE MATCH (To make sure Dallas Page doesn't interfere, he's handcuffed to The Crusher!): Top Guns vs. Badd Company - Top Guns won when DDP tried to interfere but the Crusher punched his lights out and Dukes pinned Tanaka after a running clothesline - 14:37
Paid: 2,692
Comps Given Out: 589
Comps Used: 377
TOTAL ATTENDANCE: 3,069 (Capacity: 5,500)

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Edited by piperrulz
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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears
(# means aired on a previous AWA show.)
(Before the 4th taping: Ring announcer Larry Nelson said that Col. DeBeers had beaten Don Muraco in a PWHC qualifying match in Las Vegas.)
(4th Taping Re-cap)
In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.
PLUS! Pre-match comments from The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko
More on the Sgt. Slaughter retirement situation
SHE TAKES ON ALL CHALLENGERS: Candi Devine vs. Debbie Combs
Wendi Richter sees action
Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Update with PWI's Bill Apter
Akio Sato wrestles
Col. DeBeers laces 'em up
And more!!!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond, IN.
Tommy Rich (w/ Cactus Jack) destroyed Roy Clark and pinned Clark with the Thesz Press
Rich was extremely violent during the match in the ring and out with Clark. Rich stomped away on the downed Clark after the match.
Nelson: Tommy Rich, that was some angry wrestling...
Rich: You bet it was angry wrestling, Nelson! It was also really violent!
Nelson: Why go so hard like that on an old veteran like Clark? I mean, in the guy's free time, he just likes to sit on his front porch and play his banjo.
Rich: I'm not gonna show mercy to someone just because they're an old veteran! I'm a veteran of this sport, too!
What I just did was take out my frustrations on my opponent! I'm still angry...
Nelson: Over losing to Jake MIlliman in your qualifying match for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament?
Rich: That's right! And I've still got more anger and frustration to pour out on other wrestlers!
It's a disgrace that a wrestler like Milliman is in the tournament and I'm not! I am a former NWA World Champion! I should have automatically qualified for the tournament because of that!
Crowd booed.
Rich: Oh! You people boo! But my reign as the World Champion...it was the five greatest days of my life!
Nelson rolled his eyes.
Rich: And me and Catus here, we're comin'! And we're gonna be takin' names and kickin' ass all over America! The Brothers of Destruction are just getting started!
More boos.
Nelson: Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich!
Pic aired of Wendi Richter with the caption: NEXT... WENDI IN ACTION!
Wendi Richter won a squash match over Tara Reid via pinfall with her powerbomb finisher
Nelson: Wendi Richter, it's 1990 and you're hot on the trail of one particular wrestler.
Richter: That's right, Larry. It's no secret I'm on the march against the champion Magnificent Mimi! It's a new year and I want to win that title back!
Crowd cheered.
Richter: The people saw how Valerie interfered in the match where I lost the title to Mimi! So now, I'm not only wrestling Mimi; but it also feels like I'm wrestling Valerie, too!
And I gotta tell you, Larry! I would love to step into the ring with Valerie!
Crowd cheered.
Richter: She's wrestled before when her name was Sunshine! So, Valerie! Why don't you lace 'em up and step into the ring with me one night!
But, and here's the catch, it needs to be just me and Valerie in the ring! There can be no other wrestlers at ringside! And that includes Mimi!
More cheers from the crowd.
Richter: But Mimi, know this! I'm comin' to re-claim that title! I can accept losing when it's fair! It happens!
But to be cheated out of something that means so much to me, well, it's a disgrace to the belt itself! Championships are supposed to be carried with honor and integrity!
But as we've seen with Valerie and Mimi, the words 'honor' and integrity' are not in their vocabulary! They want to win by any means necessary!
And I'm gonna do everything in my power to put a stop to them in 1990!
More cheers.
Nelson: Wendi Richter, everybody!
Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... HE'S BACK! HE'S MAD!
Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Col. DeBeers won a squash match over George Costanza via pinfall with his face-first piledriver finisher
Nelson: Col. DeBeers. You're obviously still reeling from losing the coal miner's glove match to...
DeBeers: There will be no talk about the match on Christmas night between me and Tom Zenk! It's beneath my dignity to say anymore about it!
So, henceforth, the subject is verboten! Understand?!
DeBeers shot an angry glance at Nelson and Nelson was clearly uneasy.
DeBeers: I want to make it perfectly clear that from now on I will only wrestle Americans. The exception to that rule will be if I face non-Americans in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament! Other then that, foreigners are off the table for me inside the squared circled.
Crowd booed.
Nelson: Why is that?
DeBeers: Because my aim is to pummel and humiliate as many stupid, shallow, decadent, perverse, twisted Americans as possible!
Some in the crowd started chanting: USA! USA!
DeBeers: You red, white and blue idiots can take that chant and stick it where the sun don't shine!
Boos grew louder. A fan decided to send Col. DeBeers a beer via air mail. The beer crashed into the mat and flew everywhere
DeBeers: Stay classy, America! What a ship of fools you are!
DeBeers walked off, left the ring, looked out at the booing crowd, twirled his 'stache and headed back up the heel aisle with some garbage tossed in his direction.
Nelson: Col. DeBeers, everybody!
More boos.
Split-screen pic aired of The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko with the caption: NEXT... WORDS BEFORE WAR!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-match comments from The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko before their qualifying match in the show's main event.
The Trooper was standing in front of the AWA logo in his ring attire, cop hat and sunglasses and holding a mic.
The Trooper: Larry Zbyszko, tonight we meet with a lot on the line!
You have disrespected law enforcement! You have disrespected the people! And you've disrespected me!
Well, when I get my hands on you in our match, I intend to teach you some respect for the law!
Your hatred of police work, where would this country be without police officers walking the thin blue line, needs to be dealt with!
I can't tell you the number of law enforcement officers who've asked me what in the world is wrong with Zbyszko! They ask: Trooper, why does he seem to hate the police so much? My answer: Because he's Larry Zbyszko! Anyone he doesn't like gets treated bad by him!
He's like a spoiled brat! He needs to be taken out to the woodshed and taught a lesson he'll never forget!
See you in the ring, Zbyszko!
Pic flipped and Larry Zbyszko, in street clothes and holding a mic, was standing in front of the AWA logo.
Zbyszko: I wanted to clarify something. I don't hate all police. The five percent that do their jobs properly I've got no problem with.
But the other 95 percent, you bet I have a problem with them and their outlaw behavior.
The Trooper represents the 95 percent of cops that are crooked. He's not a good man.
That's why, in our qualifying match, I'm going to take great pleasure in taking down The Trooper because of what he stands for.
The Trooper stands for abuse of power. Yet you fans cheer for police corruption. How stupid are you people?
You support cops roughing up and jailing people for no valid reason?! If you support The Trooper that's what you're cheering for!
I'm looked at as the bad guy here because I stand for truth, justice and the American way!
Some of you need to get your priorities straight! Some of you need to see the light! If a cop pulls you over, you better worry and be prepared for a possible manhandling by the boys who wear the badge!
Tonight is a match for real social justice: The 'Living Legend' vs. Cop bad behavior embodied in The Trooper!
In-Studio: Nelson hyped the qualifying match for later in the show.
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Hammond.
Candi Devine won a hard-fought match against ring veteran Debbie Combs via submission with the spinning toe hold - 4:46
Pic aired of the PWHC Title with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Intro video for the PWHC Tournament Update.
Bill Apter was standing in front of the PWI logo in a suit with mic in hand.
Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.
This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.
The tournament takes place in just three weeks on Saturday, February 17th, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
The tournament will be held over two sessions in one day. The afternoon session, which will feature the opening round matches of the tournament, has a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session will feature the tournament quarter-finals,semi-finals and final with a bell time of 7:30pm.
For tickets, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714)-555-1212.
One ticket gets you in to both sessions.
We've already got a fantastic group of entrants into the tournament. They are: Riki Choshu from Japan; Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico; Perro Aguyao from Mexico; Tully Blanchard from the United States; Chris Adams from England; Bruce Hart from Canada; The Iron Sheik from Iran and Mr. Saito from Japan.
The current AWA entrants into the tournament are: Jonnie Stewart; Jake Milliman; Wahoo McDaniel; Greg Valentine; Col. DeBeers and Tom Zenk.
The final two entrants into the 16-man tournament will also be coming from the AWA.
This week, we have comments from three of the participants.
First, let's hear from Chris Adams from England.
Shot of Chris Adams in street clothes and standing in front of the Union Jack with mic in hand.
Adams: For those who don't know me, and it's shocking that there are people out there who don't know who I am because of my reputation in this sport, I'm 'Gentleman' Chris Adams.
I've had great success in my career in the United States. I've won many championships across the Atlantic. I'm looking to add one more championship to my trophy case and that title is the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.
I'm going to show you lowly Americans how an Englishman does it in the ring. I'm going to enjoy beating American wrestlers on my way to the top of the mountain.
And when I become the first Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion in history, they should deck out all of Anaheim in flying Union Jacks to celebrate my English superiority in the squared circle.
It's fitting, Disneyland is right down the road from the Anaheim Convention Center. Because I'm going to show all of America what a bunch of Mickey Mouse clowns all the American wrestlers are and what a joke all the other foreign wrestlers are on February 17th.
Apter: The next wrestler we're gonna be hearing from hails from Japan. He is Riki Choshu.
Choshu was in street clothes standing in front of the flag of Japan with a mic in hand.
(An English-speaking narrator spoke over Choshu's promo, which was in Japanese.)
Choshu: I am very excited to be partaking in the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament in Anaheim.
16 of the best wrestlers in the entire world will be challenging for this prestigious new title.
When I heard about this tournament a few months back I knew I wanted to be a part of it.
And looking at the wrestlers already announced for the tournament, it's going to be a real challenge to win the belt.
But I know I'm up for the challenge. Wrestling in Japan prepares you to face great obstacles in this sport. You have to know how to overcome those obstacles to win.
I'm ready. And I hope to do my nation of Japan proud in the tournament.
Apter: Our final message this week comes to us from a former WWF World Heavyweight Champion. From Tehran, Iran, it's the Iron Sheik.
Iron Sheik was in his ring attire standing in front of the flag of Iran with mic in hand.
Sheik: You American bums!
Sheik spat on the ground.
Sheik: The Iron Sheik is coming to Anaheim, California, on February 17th with one mission: to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship!
I can't wait to see the looks on the Americans' faces when they hand me that belt after I outlast 15 other wrestlers to become the champion!
America is not like Iran! Iran is beautiful country! We have great leaders and our people take great pride in their national heroes!
Our people believe in respect, which is more than I can say for Americans!
A great celebration is already being planned in Iran for my championship victory! There will be a great parade, a feast with the elite of Iran's society and much more! It will be declared a national holiday for the Iron Sheik!
I will bring honor and glory to Iran while the Americans suffer the agony of defeat just like when I took down Bob Backlund to end his almost six-year run as WWF Champion!
The war between America and Iran is about to heat up once again!
IRAN #1!
Apter: Fans, what a tournament it is promising to be! This is a truly international wrestling event.
And we're just three weeks away from the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament taking place Saturday, February 17th, in Anaheim, California.
Also, Anaheim is a great place to visit in the winter. From the warm weather to the fabulous restaurants to the beaches, Disneyland and everything in between, Anaheim has it all. There are also plenty of fine accommodations for your stay as well.
Also, there are rumors of a major announcement about the tournament next week, so you'll want to tune in to find out what it is.
Be a part of history. Be a part of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on February 17th in Anaheim, California.
I'm Bill Apter. See you next week.



Pic aired of Sgt. Slaughter with the caption: NEXT... SLAUGHTER UPDATE!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson was sittinG at the studio announcer's desk with a special guest.
Nelson: I've got a special guest with me to give us an update on if Sgt. Slaughter is still planning to retire if he can't beat Stan Hansen.
He's AWA reporter Eric Bischoff. Welcome, Eric.
Eric: Thank you, Larry. It's great to be here.
Nelson: Do you have some news on the Sgt. Slaughter retirement situation?
Eric: I do. I was able to get Sgt. Slaughter on the phone and ask him about the matter. He said that he's sticking by his threat to retire if he can't beat Stan Hansen in a re-match for the title.
Nelson: So, he's not backing off the retirement threat?
Eric: Not at all. He spoke with such earnestness on the phone that I could tell he's serious about this. He didn't just make a statement in the heat of the moment about retirement in our interview after he lost the belt to Hansen on Christmas night. He sounds like a guy who, if he loses to Stan Hansen again, he's gonna call it quits.
Nelson: This great sport of pro wrestling would continue. But there would be a big hole left in the wrestling world if Sgt. Slaughter walks away.
Eric: Without a doubt, Larry. He's a man of his word. Take what Sgt. Slaughter says at face value.
Nelson: Thank you for the update, Eric.
Eric: Thank you.
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Hammond.
Akio Sato actually won a match, albeit a squash, when he pinned Michael Bolton after a knee drop to the chest from the top rope
Pic aired of the AWA logo: NEXT... QUALIFIER MAIN EVENT!
Zbyszko came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos but also some cheers.
Zbyszko climbed into the ring and walked around and soaked in the negative crowd reax.
The blare of police sirens filled the arena and The Trooper made his way to the ring down the face aisle to mostly cheers.
Trooper handed out souvenir speeding tickets to fans on the way to the ring.
Trooper climbed up on the apron and made the mistake of turning to look out at the crowd.
Zbyszko charged up behind The Trooper and clubbed him in the back. Trooper crashed to the floor and his hat fell off.
Zbyszko left the ring for the floor and stomped away on The Trooper. Zbyszko snapped The Trooper up in a side headlock and went to ram the top of Trooper's head into the post but Trooper shoved Zbyszko off and Zbyszko slammed head-first into the post and staggered off as the fans popped like zits. Trooper grabbed Zbyszko and threw Zbyszko back into the ring and Trooper followed him in.
Ref called for the bell to officially start the match.
Zbyszko up and Trooper moved in and popped Zbyszko with punches. Trooper whipped Zbyszko into the ropes and caught Zbyszko coming off with a high backdrop. Zbyszko slammed to the mat. Trooper went to grab Zbyszko but Zbyszko was able to climb out on the apron. Ref ordered Trooper to stand back. Ref started the 10-count. Zbyszko turned to face the crowd and started yelling at hecklers as the count grew. Zbyszko then turned and started to climb back into the ring when Trooper came after him. Zbyszko bailed and immediately dropped to the floor to more boos. Ref ordered the Trooper to stand back and Trooper reluctantly did so. Ref started the 10-count as Zbyszko paced around on the floor. Fans getting ticked at the stalling game. Zbyszko smarted off to the fans and some of them smarted right back at him. Count rising.Zbyszko back up on the apron. Zbyszko hastily climbed back into the ring. Trooper went after Zbyszko and Zbyszko again bailed back to the floor. Ref again intercepted Trooper and ordered him to stand back. Fans getting more heated at the stalling. Zbyszko again started having words with fans as the count grew. While Zbyszko was distrascted with hecklers, Trooper ignored the ref, left the ring and dropped to the floor. Trooper came up behind Zbyszko, spun Zbyszko around and fired away on Zbyszko with punches. Trooper slammed Zbyszko's head three times into the ring apron and threw Zbyszko back into the ring. Trooper just beat the 10-count. Zbyszko to his knees and begging off. Trooper raised his fists and looked out at the crowd for approval. They gave it. Trooper grabbed Zbyszko by the hair to pull him to his feet when Zbyszko caught Trooper with a series of gut shots. Zbyszko whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a spin kick to the chest. Trooper crashed to the mat.
Marshall: Looks like we have company!
Valerie once again made her way down the heel aisle to ringside with trusty pen and notepad in hand.
Blears: Valerie's taking close looks at all the AWA talent, Lee. Seems like she's really trying to build something here. Something dominant, perhaps.
Marshall: The question is: is she scouting Zbyszko or the Trooper?
Blears: Like I said, I think it's both.
Marshall: She strikes me as more of a Zbyszko gal.
Trooper started getting to his feet and Zbyszko moved in and caught the Trooper in an abdominal stretch near the ropes. Zbyszko applied the pressure but Trooper would not submit. Zbyszko pulled the back of Trooper's hair out of view of the ref to apply extra pressure but would let go when the ref started to look behind the pair. Zbyszko repeated the hair pull and let go just before the ref caught it. Ref had words with Zbyszko. As the ref concentrated on Trooper, Zbyszko grabbed the top rope to apply more pressure to the stretch. Crowd yelling for the ref to turn around. Zbyszko let go of the top rope just before the ref looked over. Ref turned back to Trooper to see if Trooper submitted. Trooper would not give in. Zbyszko again grabbed the top rope to apply more pressure. Trooper in agony. Valerie taking notes at ringside. Ref looked over and saw Zbyszko holding the top rope and ordered a break. Zbyszko let go of the rope and almost immediately Trooper was able to power up and hip toss Zbyszko to free himself from the hold. Crowd cheered. Zbyszko up and caught Trooper with a kick to the gut. Zbyszko went to whip Trooper into the ropes but Trooper reversed and caught Zbyszko coming off with a knee to the gut. Zbyszko crashed to the mat. Trooper snapped up Zbyszko and whipped Zbyszko into the corner Trooper charged in and popped Zbyszko with a dropkick. Zbyszko staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat. Trooper snapped Zbyszko up, hoisted Zbyszko upside down behind his back, and pulverized Zbyszko with a double leg slam. Trooper for the cover. 1...2...thr... Zbyszko kicked out. Crowd urging on Trooper. Trooper snapped Zbyszko  up and went to whip Zbyszko into the ropes but Zbyszko reversed and caught Trooper coming off with  a kick to the gut followed by a swinging neckbreaker. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men getting up. Trooper bent over. Zbyszko moved in with a knee to the side of the head and then slammed Trooper's head into the top buckle. Trooper spun around and Zbyszko nailed him with kicks to the gut. Zbyszko pulled Trooper out of the corner and went for his piledriver finisher but Trooper twice blacked the move and backdropped Zbyszko to the mat. Zbyszko started getting up up and Trooper clubbed Zbyszko and nailed Zbyszko with a belly-to-back suplex. Zbyszko quickly rolled out on the apron. Valerie still taking notes. Ref ordered Trooper to stand back. Ref ordered the 10-count as Zbyszko made it to his feet on the apron. Zbyszko feigned climbing back into the ring and climbed back out on the the apron. Ref reprimanded Zbyszko and started the 10-count again but Trooper was having none of it. Trooper moved in and Zbysko caught Trooper with a quick eye gouge and then went to run Trooper to the corner and slam his head into the buckle but Trooper got a boot up on the middle buckle and blocked the head slam try and Trooper instead slammed Zbyszko's head into the ring bolt that connects the top rope to the post. Zbyszko fell off the apron and crashed to the floor. Ref tried to order Trooper back but Trooper ignored the ref and left the ring for the floor. Trooper pulled Zbysko up and Zbyszko now  bleeding. Trooper grabbed Zbyszko and rammed Zbyszko back-first into the apron. Trooper repeated the move. Zbyszko down to a knee in pain next to the apron. Trooper quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count.
Zbyszko up and Trooper grabbed Zbyszko and went to whip Zbyszko into the post but Zbyszko reversed and sent Trooper crashing into the post head-first. Trooper went down on the floor. Zbyszko fell back against the apron in pain from earlier back rams. Ref counting. Zbyszko made it it up on the apron and rolled back into the ring. Trooper stirring on the floor. Zbyszko got to his feet and started having words with the ref. While those two were distracted with each other, a fat blond guy in a cowboy shirt, blue jeans, fingerless gloves and cowboy boots, yellow and white mask and carrying a 2x4 (How come masked mystery men can have them but the fans can't?!) made his way down the heel aisle. Zbyszko still arguing with the ref. Just as Trooper got to his feet, the masked man snuck up behind him and drove the head of the 2x4 into his lower back. Trooper crumpled back to the floor and the masked man escaped through the crowd.
Marshall: Who the hell was that?!
Blears: Was he working for Zbyszko or, perhaps, Valerie? Does he have some sort of grudge against the Trooper?
Zbyszko suddenly stopped arguing with the ref and screamed at the ref to count. Ref counting. Trooper struggling just to get to his feet on the floor. ...8... Trooper to his feet and briefly grabbed the middle rope and tried to climb up on the apron but the pain was too much and he lost his grip on the rope and dropped to a knee on the floor. ...9...10. Ref called for the bell and raised Zbyszko's hand in victory as the crow booed. Valerie immediately left ringside after the match. Zbyszko ecstatic in victory. Trooper still down on a knee next to the apron as the program ended.
WINNER: Zbyszko - Count out - 9:53
AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Wendi Richter - Richter won via DQ when Valerie climbed in the ring and attacked Richter as Richter was hoisting Mimi up for a powerbomb - 6:51
AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH (2/3 FALLS): The Destruction Crew (WTTC) vs. Jake MIlliman & Greg Gagne - Destruction Crew retained the titles 2 falls to 1 - FALLS: 1 - Milliman pinned Enos - 4:55 - 2 - Enos pinned Milliman - 9:16 - 3 - Bloom pinned Gagne - 11:39
TAG TEAM GRUDGE MATCH (To make sure Dallas Page doesn't interfere, he's handcuffed to Baron Von Raschke!): Top Guns vs. Badd Company - Top Guns won when DDP tried to interfere but the Crusher punched his lights out and Dukes pinned Tanaka after a running clothesline - 12:40



Larry Whistler - IMDb

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(Correct picks listed in brackets/Winner listed in bold):

Old School Fan - 4/8 (Ken Patera, Larry Zbyszko, Wahoo McDaniel, Col. DeBeers)

DHK 1989 - 4/8 (Same picks as OSF.)

The Heel - 5/8 (Same picks as the others plus Greg Valentine.)

Congrats to The Heel!

Here's your video award!

Riic Flair vs. Eric Bischoff from Nitro '98:


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Late January 1990 had arrived.. and so had Jim Crockett and Bill Watts at the AWA offices to prepare to take over the company in five short weeks.
Watts and Crockett were busy setting up their offices at the facility. And both had noticed how nervous Greg Gagne seemed and told Verne about it.
Verne called for Greg to come to his office.
Greg came down the hall and walked through Verne's open office door.
Verne: Close the door, son.
Greg closed the door behind him and Verne stood up from his desk and walked up to Greg.
Greg: What is it, dad?
Verne: Both Watts and Crockett told me you seem nervous. Why?
Greg: Dad, these men think they're here as part of a transition to take over the company. I'm nervous because I know what you might do.
If you trigger the opt-out clause, what are you going to tell them and the rest of the would have been new owners of the promotion?
Verne: Well, if opting out of the deal is the way I decided to go, I'll just be honest with them and tell them when the time comes.
Greg: So, Watts and Crockett could be here until March 4th and then you go ahead and opt out. That's not fair to them, dad. Not fair at all.
Verne: First of all, I'm still not 100 percent certain that I'm going to opt out of the deal.
Greg: But it's still on the table. I mean, these guys are looking forward to being back in the wrestling business. They think they'll be in control of the AWA on March 5th. For you to pull the rug out from under them, well, it's unforgivable.
Verne: Look, I think I've got one more good run in me...
Greg: You keep saying that. But you don't know if you've really got one more good run in you. Where are you gonna get the money to bring in some top names?
Verne: If business takes off, there's the money.
Greg: 'If'... if business takes off again. Business is only up a little bit.
Verne: We drew over 3,000 at our TVs in Vegas. That's a good sign to me.
Greg: You only got 3,000 in the building because a large number of hotel guests and casino goers used the comps the hotel was giving out to drive up attendance. Without those  freebies we're around 2,500. In other words, a usual crowd.
Verne: I know what I'm doing. We've got some good things going on right now. We've sold around 4,000 tickets for the tournament in Anaheim. That's a good number to me.
Greg: The Anaheim Convention Center can seat almost 9,000* for wrestling!
Verne (agitated): Keep your voice down, would you?
Greg: God, dad, you're bringing in eight wrestlers from outside the AWA for the tournament. How many thousands is that alone going to cost?
Verne: You have to spend money to make money.
Greg: Not money we don't have. Of the 16 guys in the tournament, how many do you think will really move the needle any further?
Verne: I don't know and neither do you. It's a roll of the dice.
Greg: And what if you roll snake eyes?
You're also looking to sell this as a video. How many fans will be interested in that if they think the price is too high for the tape?
Verne: The NWA and WWF have had much success in video sales. I'm trying to move us past the videos we've sold in the past, most of which were 45-minute videos dedicated to individual wrestlers. This is our Crockett Cup only bigger.
Greg: What do you mean?
Verne: It will be a two-tape set with four hours of wrestling and promos from the event. Some of the bouts will be in highlight form. Others will be shown from start to finish.
Greg (exasperated): You're gonna have to charge 50 or 60 bucks for that. The Crockett Cup was a two-hour video.
And I hate to be the bringer of bad news. But we don't have the Road Warriors or a Ric Flair title defense or the Horsemen or Sting and
Luger or anybody as big as they are currently on our roster.
Verne: What about, Sarge, Hansen and Valentine?
Greg: They're big names. But not on the level of the guys I just mentioned. Sarge and Valentine five years ago in the AWA would have been a real coup. Not now. And Hansen's a far bigger name in Japan these days than America. Only hardcores really even know who
Hansen is in the states. And don't talk to me about Hansen's appearance in the Hogan movie 'No Holds Barred' because it doesn't mean a thing like Hogan appearing in 'Rocky 3' did.
Verne: Greg, I'm just asking you to believe we can do this.
Greg: Believe what? You trigger the opt out and we may just go out of business.
ESPN isn't talking to you yet about a new deal. Syndication is smaller than it used to be. The NWA and WWF are expanding in those areas and we remain stuck in neutral.
And ESPN, you can bet, is waiting for Triumph Media Sports* to take over before deciding what kind of deal, if any, we'll get.
There is far more downside to you keeping the company than going through with the deal. Why can't you see this?
Verne became assertive.
Verne: I've promoted for 30 years now. I know what I'm doing. Change a few things up. Get a hot angle or wrestler that catches the fancy of the fans and BOOM we're a hot topic in wrestling again.
And who knows if it won't fail under the new owners?
Greg: We don't know if it will fly or die under new owners. But, you walk away with over $3 million dollars and a consultant's job if you sell. That's a guarantee. Why take the risk?
Verne: No decision has been made. Things could go either way.
And as for Crockett and Watts, if I don't sell, they'll be compensated fairly by me for the time they were here.
Greg: Great. Spending more money we don't have.
Verne: I've got a vision for the future. And we will get some currently hot big names to come to the AWA.  I know it in my gut.
Greg: You know it in your gut, huh? We're not talking about a manager making a pitching change based on gut instinct. Your gut feeling could be very wrong and destroy everything.
Verne: I'm not liking your tone. If we hang on to the promotion, I truly believe we'll become one of the Big 3 again.
I will admit that right now we have to be a little more creative than the WWF and NWA because we don't have the money behind us like they do.
I mean, we made Tom Zenk a main event star in his feud with DeBeers. Friggin' Tom Zenk.
Greg: Things are better now than they were three years ago on the creative front, I'll grant you that. But the AWA is still not in the conversation when most fans talk about wrestling. It's all about the WWF and NWA.
Verne: Well, I've got two names I'm looking at bringing in full-time.
Greg: Who?
Verne: Rip Oliver and Billy Jack Haynes. The fans seemed to respond pretty strongly to both in their match on All-Star Wrestling and Oliver did a fantastic job of establishing himself as the heel before the match.
Greg: They might be nice additions if they're brought in. But again, they're not on the top-tier star level. They won't mean much for ticket sales at the house shows.
Verne: How do you know that?
Greg: Because this isn't Portland Wrestling. That's how I know. It might work if we just wrestled in converted bowling alleys# around the territory.
Verne: Well...I think they have value and if I can, I'm bringing them in. I believe they'll help.
Greg: Go ahead and put 'em in the main event or semi-main event spot on the house shows if you're so confident in them. See how well they move tickets.
Verne: Greg, you need to be supportive of me if I retain the company. Can't you be a team player like you have been in the past?
Greg: I'm still on the team. I'll be on it for however long the company stays in business. And if you keep the AWA and it fails, I'll be here when they auction off all former AWA property after we close our doors.
Verne: I've got work to do. We'll talk more about this later, son.
Just know that I'm still seriously considering triggering the opt-out clause in the contract.
Greg: Please, dad. I'm begging you. Think of mom. Think of your future.
You've got over three million reasons on the table to do the right thing and sell.
Verne: Everything is on the table. That's all I've got to say right now.
Greg: I think I'm gonna wind up in a rubber room if this game continues for the next five weeks.
With that, Greg turned, opened the door and left the office.
Bill Watts and Jim Crockett had arrived in arctic Minnesota in January to begin the transition. But will it have all been for nothing in the end?
* 9,000 (Actual seating for the Anaheim Convention Center for wrestling was 8,900. SOURCE: Death of the Territories by Tim Hornbaker.)
# The Portland Sports Arena where Portland Wrestling tapings were held was a converted bowling alley.
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11 hours ago, DHK1989 said:

Verne is about to become the most hated man in wrestling.

IRL, Verne was despised by a lot of people in the business.

Thanks for the comment.

11 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

If he actually goes through with the opt-out, that is - but keeping us on the edge of our seats regarding that part of the behind-the-scenes action is part of what makes this diary a great read.

Thanks for the comment, OSF.

As per our agreement for leaving positive feedback, you get one free Boston Pizza every week for a year!

You just have to pick them up in Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories in Canada! 😁

Edited by piperrulz
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It was just after seven in the evening on the west coast when the phone rang at the home of legendary Portland Wrestling promoter Don Owen.
After a couple of rings, Owen picked up the phone.
Owen: Hello?
Voice: Don?
Owen: Yes. Who's this?
Crockett: This is Jim Crockett.
Owen laughed.
Owen: Oh! I didn't recognize the voice. How are you, Jim? Haven't talked with you in a  few years.
Crockett: It has been a while. How are you?
Owen: The promotion's not doing great. But, we're still plugging along.
By the way, heard about your purchase of the AWA. Seems like a mighty tall order trying to salvage that promotion.
Crockett: Well, five of us are going to try and turn things around up here.
Owen: You're up in Minnesota right now?
Crockett: Yes. Bill Watts and I are up here preparing for the transition. We're scheduled to take over the promotion from Verne on March 5th.
Owen: You said there were five of you in the ownership group. I heard about you, Watts, that director John Waters and the singer for that band Blondie being involved. Who's the fifth buyer?
Crockett: Jerry Jarret. But he only owns a very small percentage of the company.
Owen: Oh. Jarrett's involved. Still doing the shitty payouts in Memphis?
Crockett laughed.
Crockett: I'm not sure of the payments Jarrett's doling out to his wrestlers; but he did ease some of the financial burden for Watts and myself by getting involved financially.
Owen: Gotta ask this. Is that Blondie singer as beautiful as she looks on TV.
Crockett: Her name's Deborah Harry. And she's even more stunning in person. Nice person as well.
Owen: What about that director Waters?
Crockett: Nice guy, actually. He also brings to the table the ability to make our TV presentations better. The AWA needs better TV production values akin to the NWA and WWF.
But mainly, Waters and Harry are gonna be the main money source behind the promotion. Combined, they own 60 percent of the company.
Owen: That Waters guy, does he have a thin mustache?
Crockett: He does.
Owen: That guy looks as queer as a three dollar bill.
Crockett laughed.
Crockett: He is a gay man. But he's a nice guy and he and Deborah Harry are gonna let the wrestling people run the wrestling side of things.
Owen: Do you believe they'll keep from meddling?
Crockett: If I didn't I would never have joined them in buying the company.
Owen: Did you just call to chat, Jim? Or did you have something else on your mind?
Crockett: Both, actually. I've been talking with Jarret and Watts and we'd like to purchase Portland Wrestling and use it as a feeder system. We believe it would be a good place for young talent to cut their teeth and learn the ins and outs of the business. We'd have veterans there, too, to work with the greener guys in front of and behind the camera.
Owen: So, the two entertainment people have no knowledge of this?
Crockett: Not yet. But they will.
Owen: You got a price in mind?
Crockett: Not yet. But we think we can come up with a reasonable and fair offer very soon.
Owen: Why not just open your own training center there in Minneapolis or something. Why Portland?
Crockett: We like Portland because it's up in the Pacific Northwest and is kind of off the beaten path. Therefore, they get exposure up there on TV in places like Portland and Seattle, but the show is not broadcast outside of Oregon and Washington.So, it remains a vital territory in pro wrestling.
And the mix of veterans and young talent will keep the fans interested in the promotion. If you just have a bunch of green guys and guys who job in the bigger promotions, we believe the fans would lose interest very quickly. There's also money to be made up there.
Owen: Would the Sports Arena~ be part of the deal?
Crockett: Could be. We'll have to discuss things further on the matter.
Owen: Well, let me know what you three guys and the two gals want to do, Jim.
Crockett: Two gals?
Owen: John Waters and the Blondie singer.
Crockett: Hahahahaha!
Owen: Get back to me.
Crockett: Will do, Don. Good talking with you.
Owen: You too, Jim. Bye.
Crockett hung up the phone. The thought of owning Portland Wrestling to use as a training territory and feeder system to the AWA excited him. It would be a sign that Triumph Media Sports* was really serious about making the AWA a major promotion again.
That is unless Verne Gagne blows up all the potential new owners' plans by triggering the opt-out clause.
(* Triumph Media Sports - Name of the group buying the AWA.)
(~ Portland Sports Arena - Converted bowling alley where Portland Wrestling TV tapings were held. Don Owen owned the building.)
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It was the end of January 1990 and the AWA was preparing to head to Vegas  for their next round of ESPN tapings.
Bill Watts and Jim Crockett had talked and both had decided to confront Greg Gagne about something they'd heard.
Watts and Crockett came up to Greg in the break room. Greg was sipping a cup of coffee.
Greg: Hey! Hi, guys.
Crockett and Watts said good morning to Greg.
Watts: Greg, Jim and I would like to talk to you in private for a moment if we can.
Greg: Sure. Why don't we head over to the studio.
Jim: Sounds good.
The trio walked down the hall and entered the empty studio where promos were taped.
Greg: What's going on?
Watts: Greg, your father told us why you've seemed so nervous lately.
Greg: He did?! That's such a relief to hear. I don't have to carry that secret around anymore.
A look of great relief washed over Greg's face.
Crockett: That's right, Greg. We know. Cat's out of the bag.
Greg: Man, I feel like I've been carrying a boulder on my back since you guys arrived here.
Watts: No need to worry anymore. We understand now. It's not easy to keep something like that bottled up inside.
Greg: You've got that right. I was stressing out every minute of every day wondering if you guys were gonna find out.
Crockett: I'm happy to say Greg that you don't have to worry about your future here.
Watts: You will have a job with us after the transition takes place on March 5th.
Greg suddenly felt his sphincter tighten up but he maintained a facade of outward calm.
Crockett: We'd like to give you a more behind-the-scenes role with the company.
Greg: What did my dad tell you exactly when you talked with him earlier?
Watts: He said that the reason you were so nervous was because you were worried about your job status after the takeover. You've got a job with us if you want it.
Was there something else he needed to tell us?
Greg: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...no. That's everything you needed to know.
Crockett: Everything's gonna be alright, Greg.
When we become the new owners, the AWA is going to get the major financial backing it needs to compete once again with the WWF and NWA.
Watts: Anything else?
Greg: No. Nothing at all.
Crockett: Let's all get back to work!
The three left the studio and went in different directions.
Greg Gagne was in shock. He thought his father had finally told them of his possible plans to trigger the opt-out clause. Instead, Verne just added another lie to the pile.
Now, Greg Gagne was way more nervous than before.
Verne lied to two of the possible new owners to protect his secret.
And Greg Gagne was now wound up so tight he wouldn't s-hit for a week.
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