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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: PWHC Tournament Final 4, Final & AWA World Title match)

Final 4, Final & AWA World Title Match Prediction Results

Winning picks listed in brackets.

Winner highlighted in bold.

Old School Fan - 3/4 (WM, GV, SS)

Aboard The Ark - 2/3 (GV,GV) Did not predict the World Title winner.

DHK 1989 - 2/4 (WM, GV)

Son of Sharknado - 4/4 - (WM, GV, SS, GV)

Congrats to Son of Sharknado on another perfect round of predictions!

Stand up and take a bow, SOS! Old School fan will park your car for you! 🙃

Here's your video award!

(Non-wrestling) Classic Benny Hill chase scene:

(NEXT STORYLINE POST: AWA boss Verne Gagne after the show in Anaheim)

Edited by piperrulz
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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: PWHC Tournament Final 4, Final & AWA World Title match)
AWA boss Verne Gagne walked into the heel dressing room. All but two of the wrestlers had left the arena for the night.
Former AWA World Champion Stan Hansen was getting dressed and Greg Valentine was still in the shower.
Verne had four envelopes in his hand. One was marked 'Greg' and one 'Hansen'.
Verne walked up to Stan. Stan had a white bandage on his forehead from where he bladed himself during his match.
Stan: Hey, Verne.
Verne: Great match with Sarge tonight, Stan. Here's your pay.
Verne handed the envelope to Stan and Stan put the envelope in his travel bag.
Verne: Thank you for delaying your tour of Japan by a couple of weeks, working some houses and doing the honors for Sarge this evening.
Hansen chuckled.
Stan: All in a night's work. I'm just thankful Baba was agreeable in letting me join the tour over there late.
Verne: So am I. Don't know what we'd have done without you in the World Title match tonight. I think those fans really wanted to see you lose the belt.
Stan: That means I did my job and did it well.
Verne: Here in the AWA we pay you to be hated. Mission accomplished.
The two laughed.
Valentine came out of the shower/bathroom area holding a towel and in his birthday suit.
Verne: Greg, I've got something for you.
Verne handed Greg his pay envelope.
Greg: Thanks, Verne. Appreciate it.
Verne: Great job tonight.
Greg: Just doing what I'm paid to do.
I do have a question, though?
Verne: What's that?
Greg: The chair attack on Wahoo by Tully. Is that leading to anything?
Verne: We'll have to wait and see. Tully's still talking with the NWA about a return to Atlanta.
If he goes back, I'm hoping we can make some sort of deal with Jim Herd down there to let him work some of our houses with Wahoo.
Greg: Is Valerie gonna be my manager? I mean...
Verne: If she is gonna be your manager it won't be anytime soon. There are no plans for her to manage you right now. I did that little angle to, hopefully, set up matches between Wahoo and Tully.
If we can't get Tully back here then we just will never air the chair shot spot on TV.
Greg: You talk like a man who's still gonna own the company in a few weeks.
Verne's stomach tightened up but he played dumb.
Verne (nervous laugh): No. Just thinking about the immediate future. Gotta have the table set for the new regime when they take over.
Stan: When's that supposed to happen, Verne? The take over, I mean.
Verne: On March 5th.
But you know how it goes. A promoter always thinks like a promoter. Hard to give it up.
Hansen extended his hand to Verne.
Stan: Verne, we've had our problems with each other. But you've treated me just like you said you would on this go-round in the AWA.
The pair shook hands.
Verne: Well, I just came to deliver your pay and thank you guys for a job well done.
Stan: Thanks, Verne.
Greg: Thanks, boss.
Verne: Goodnight, guys. Take care of yourselves.
Both men said good night to Verne and Verne left the dressing room.
Verne was getting nervous as he walked to the face dressing room.
Verne thought to himself: That was too close for comfort. I hope neither Sarge nor Wahoo asks any questions about the sale.
Verne walked into the face dressing room. Both Sarge and Wahoo were cleaned up and getting dressed.
Verne walked up to Sarge. Bob had covered his blade job with a white bandage.
Verne: Bob*, here's your pay for the night. Great match. The fans were on the edges of their seats.
Sarge took the envelope.
Sarge: Thank you. Really hot crowd out there tonight. They were reacting to everything. What was it like this afternoon?
Wahoo: Crowd was quite a bit smaller. But they were into the action from the opening bell.
Verne handed Wahoo his pay envelope.
Wahoo: Thank you.
Verne: Fantastic job selling the knee. You came off as very sympathetic. I do wish Ed* would have told me what he was gonna say to you about the smokes and fireworks.
Wahoo: Oh! He ran it by me and I was good with it. He's good about checking on certain things he wants to say out there before he says them. The guy's a heat-seeking missle.
Verne and Sarge laughed.
Verne: Glad he ran it by you first.
Wahoo: Also, am I wrestling Tully anytime soon? I mean, I did a promo back here with Eric (Bischoff) talking about fighting Tully one of these days.
Verne: As for the Tully matter, am hoping to be able to bring him in to work some houses with you. I think the fans would love to see that match here in the AWA. But he's still in negotiations about a return to the NWA right now. If he signs there, hope I can get Herd to give him a few dates with us.
Wahoo: It makes sense now. I love working with Tully. He's a good hand in the ring. B great if he would sign with the AWA full-time one day.
Verne: I agree. Tully's a good worker and talker.
Sarge: You got any opponents lined up for me now that Stan's leaving?
Verne: I've got an opponent in mind for you to work with at the houses.
Sarge: Who?
Verne: I'll tell you later. Not 100% sure if I'm going in that direction yet and don't want to get anybody's hopes up.
Sarge nodded.
Verne: Well, gentlemen, thanks for giving the fans a great show tonight. You earned every penny of that money.
Both men thanked Verne again and said their goodbyes to the old man.
Verne left the face dressing room.
He was wondering if this was the last big show he would ever promote.
But he also knew that there was a good chance it wasn't. The only people who didn't know Verne's possible intentions, with the exception of son Greg Gagne and wife Mary, were the rest of the AWA and Triumph Media Sports*.
(* Bob - Sarge's real name is Robert Remus. Ed - DeBeers' real name is Ed Wiskoski. Triumph Media Sports - Company name of the possible new ownership group.)

- Watching the tournament in secret

- Bill and Jim spring a surprise on Verne

- AWA On ESPN (3rd & 4th Feb.Tapings)

- All-Star Wrestling (3rd & 4th Feb. Tapings)

Edited by piperrulz
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5 hours ago, smartman said:

Me cussing a completely fictionalized Verne for 5 minutes. Says a lot about the quality of the writer and the strength of the diary.

Thanks for the comments.

It's funny. Verne's become the biggest heel in the storyline.

Glad I pissed you off. Means I'm doing my job right. 😁

But, we are right at the finish line. This ends...soon!

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Three individuals arrived separately at Charley Brown's, a popular steak and seafood restaurant in Anaheim.
The restaurant had soft lighting and would make it hard to recognize the three men, who were seated at an out of the way table.
The three men were: Bill Watts, Jim Crockett and Jerry Jarrett. They're all part-owners of the Triumph Media Sports group that agreed to purchase the AWA and take over the company on March 5, which was just 2-1/2 weeks away.
The men flew in unbeknownst to AWA boss Verne Gagne on their own dime and stayed at separate, out of the way hotels.
The three sat in separate sections at both tourney sessions in an effort to cut down on the possibility of being detected.
The trio dined on cesar salad, steak and lobster, tossed back a few drinks and talked about the tournament.
Jim: Have to admit, I was rally worried one of us would be spotted in the small crowd during the afternoon session.
Bill: The feeling's mutual. I also thought if this was all the tickets they sold for this event after all the hype then we've got a helluva lot of work to do to turn this thing around.
It was said that you got into both sessions for one price. Thankfully, the night session drew a much larger crowd so you could breathe a little easier about being spotted in the arena.
Jim: Jerry, what did you think of the show?
Jerry: I liked it. I thought both sessions were well booked and it was a hot crowd for the entire thing.
Bill: I thought it was well put together. With Verne leaving, he did a great job with his last major show.
Jim: I'm on board with you guys. A great show. Nice to see an old Crockett Promotions guy win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship.
The men laughed as they continued dining and drinking.
Bill:  Col. DeBeers gets serious heat. He's like a throwback in that area. The fans hate him.
But, Deb and Waters are worried about the gimmick. So we might have to come up with something new for Ed*.
And that's too bad because he's far and away their best heel right now.
Wahoo did a great job. He can't wrestle like he used to. He's largely immobile. But he's at the end of his career.
And Jake Milliman. What do you say? The fans ate him up. They loved him. Definitely a guy to keep around after we're in charge.
Jerry: I really enjoyed the World Title match. Hansen made Slaughter look like a million bucks the way he put him over. Figured it would get bloody as hell and they didn't disappoint. Sad to see Hansen go.
Overall, the tournament was good. I'm not sold on Tom Zenk at all. The only reason he got the positive crowd reaction he did was because he worked with DeBeers.
Jim: You think Zenk might be a guy to release?
Jerry: Not right away. But I don't see money with this guy. He's pretty bland. He looks good and is a decent worker. But he doesn't have the 'it' factor if you ask me.
Jim: How about the Kokina-Blackwell match. I thought it was a good battle of the big men. Very well booked with a clean win for Kokina. But it seems like the era of the battle of the behemoths moving tickets is coming to an end.
Bill: Agreed. I think the small crowd at the afternoon session proved that. But the match served its purpose. And Kokina is a keeper. I can't see how we don't put the big belt on him at some point. He needs to stay undefeated and can't be slammed right now.
Jerry: For two men that big it was a good match. At some point, Kokina's gonna have to face someone in a stretcher match.
Bill: He'll need to go over in that gimmick match. He needs to stay undefeated for a while.
Jim: I can't see Milliman moving forward as anything other than mid-card talent. Love the Hogan knock-off gimmick and the fans are really behind him. But he's not championship material.
Jerry: Maybe a tag team champion. But that's it.
Bill: I like him. He can be put in title matches on TV on occasion but not at the houses. I don't see him as a big ticket item.
Jim: One guy I'm hoping we can bring in on a long-term basis is Tully Blanchard.
Bill: You won't get any argument from me on that. His time with the Horsemen should appeal to more fans. But I know he's in talks to go back to the AWA right now. We'll see how that plays out.
Jerry: He's a solid worker and a great talker. He can talk people into buying tickets.
Now, what are we going to do with Sarge?
Jim: Well, we need an opponent for him at the houses. Verne's still in control for a couple of weeks. So, I think we should just ride with whatever program Verne puts together for Sarge at first.
Personally, I think it would help the houses considerably if he faced Valentine for the belt.
Bill: I'm praying to the Man upstairs that Verne has finally... finally ended the Zenk-DeBeers feud. If he hasn't, we're gonna have to figure out a way to put the kibosh on it real quick.
Jim: He faced Hansen at the houses for the title recently.
Jerry: That just proves we don't have enough name talent to draw right now. Heard the houses for those matches weren't that great.
Bill: Zenk's a mid-carder who's been put in a position he shouldn't be in. Working with DeBeers breathed life into his flagging career.
Jim: Another guy I like who has a lot of talent and can be built into a main event heel is Jonnie Stewart. He's good on the mic and has strong in-ring skills.
Bill: Thankfully, the only people who will see that 25-30 second match with Colon were those in the arena last night and those who buy the tape of the event.
Jerry: Hate to be the bad guy here. I just don't see main event heel in Stewart. Good as mid-card talent and a guy to keep around to put over bigger stars. But in the main events, we can try it, but I'm not holding my breath it'll work.
Bill: I'm with Jim on Stewart. I'm sold on him. A true talent.
Jim: Should we bring in Chris Adams from Texas to work for us?
Bill: I think that ship has sailed. Plus, I hear Chris has been engaged in some real shady behavior recently. Might not be worth the gamble.
Jerry: He might straighten up if there's a chance to make some good money in the AWA.
Jim: It's a 'what if' situation. Might work. Might blow up in our faces.
Bill: He worked hard for me and put on a good show in the ring and on the mic in the UWF. But he's at best today a ring mechanic we could use to put over hotter names right now.
Jerry: You'd have to lay down the law with him if he agreed to come in. He deviates from what we expect of him then he's out on his ass.
The waitress came over and asked the men if they'd like more adult beverages and the men said yes. Waitress walked away,
Jim: Wonder if Stu Hart will be hot when he finds out his boy Bruce only worked a six minute match in the tournament.
Bill: Hell, Stu's probably happy Bruce got a wrestling gig in the States. Bottom line... Bruce isn't Bret or Owen.
Jerry: That's for sure.
Jim: I have a question about Valerie. I know she's working as a manager. But is she gonna wind up managing Tully or possibly Valentine after what went down in the tournament?
Bill: I think she has to, otherwise the chair shot angle between Tully and Wahoo makes no booking sense.
Jerry: We'll have to ask Verne about that one.
Jim: He might be banking on being able to land Tully.
Bill: It's all up in the air right now on Tully. I think Val's doing a good job in her heel role, though. She was also enjoyable to work with in the past.
Jerry: What about Patera?
Bill: I just don't know what we could with him. Possibly turn him heel? Because he's stale as week old bread as a face.
Jim: He's much better as a heel in my opinion. I'd say a turn could be in order for him.
Jerry: Might be the only reason for keeping him around. He's a good asshole.
The men laughed as the waitress brought them their next round of drinks.
Jerry: What about guys like Sheik, Choshu, Saito?
Bill: Sheik's done. He's painful to watch in the ring these days. But I will say he did a good job laying out the match and putting over Milliman.
Jim: Did the same finish with Jake that he did with Hogan when he lost the WWF belt.
Jerry: I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw that. Some of those fans surely recognized that finish.
Bill: Choshu and Saito are a no-go for me. Bringing them in would not be smart financially since we'd be bringing them in from Japan to work a few dates here and there. U.S. fans will never embrace Choshu and Saito's not the wrestler he once was.
Jim: All those guys are on my 'don't hire' list as well.
Carlos Colon is also a no-go for me.
Bill: The fans really took to Colon in this tournament. They went nuts for his quick win over Stewart.
But, he runs Puerto Rico so there's no need even thinking about bringing him in regularly.
Jerry: The fans love his wild, brawling style that's a staple down there. Maybe bring him in on occasion for special shows to brawl with somebody.
Jim: That would be the best we could do with him.
Bill: Sarge is still our main star. But he's not as big as he was a few years ago. We've got to bring in somebody new to feud with him.
Jerry: I've been thinking about a guy, but I know it's a long-shot at best that we could get him.
Jim: Who is it?
Jerry: Randy Savage.
Bill: It would be a major coup if we could sign a guy like that.
Jim: Only thing we could do is put out feelers to see if he might be interested in coming.
Bill: Once we're running show we should check on his interest. It can't hurt.
But don't even think about guys like Hogan or Flair because they ain't coming.
Jim: We need to put together a list of guys to target. Plus, we'll have the selling point of our location  when Deb and John move the AWA headquarters to a warmer climate.
Jerry: Minneapolis is miserable cold this time of year. Way too cold for me. I know that.
Jim: I think we're all in agreement on that.
Bill: I sure as hell am. But we're gonna be up their for some time yet and since we're still a large territory and not national, Minneapolis suits us for logistical reasons.
Jerry: But that Hollywood and rock 'n' roll money will make it easier to pack up and move.
Jim: Any word on the main city they're looking at?
Bill: Haven't heard anything. Just know Vegas, Phoenix and L.A. are in the mix. Nevada has no state income tax and Arizona's is very small.
Jerry: I think Vegas would be the way to go myself.
Jim: It does seem like the most obvious choice.
Bill: We'll see what they want to do. Where to move is in Deb and John's hands.
Why don't we change the subject. I'm tired of talking shop right now.
The three men got off of wrestling and started talking about other stuff.
They were clearly looking forward to taking over the AWA and re-building it in their image,
But would they even get the chance???
(* Ed - Ed Wiskoski, real name of Col. DeBeers.)

- Bill and Jim spring a surprise on Verne

- AWA On ESPN (3rd & 4th Feb.Tapings)

- All-Star Wrestling (3rd & 4th Feb. Tapings)

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20 hours ago, smartman said:

Wait, we're approaching Flair getting run out of WCW thanks to the dumbest guy in the wrestling business (that's not a challenge Verne, don't do it), and surely Jim would know about some of that.

Flair didn't leave until '91. So, they've got all of '90 and part of '91 to wreck him in WCW! 😁

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4 hours ago, piperrulz said:

Flair didn't leave until '91. So, they've got all of '90 and part of '91 to wreck him in WCW! 😁

Yeah, but we didn't have an AWA co-owned by one of Flair's best friends. That might sway things a little bit. Shorten his fuse quite a bit so to speak.

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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: Watching the tournament in secret.)
FEB. 1990
Everyone was back from the tournament...
Verne Gagne had no idea when he arrived back home Monday afternoon that Bill Watts, Jim Crockett and Jerry Jarrett had secretly flown down to watch the tournament for business purposes. Crockett and Watts were  also back at the office.
It was a Tuesday, and that meant it was promo day. The wrestlers came into the studio at headquarters and cut specified local promos and generic promos. The whole promo session took over six hours.
When promo cutting was over, the wrestlers all left the building except for Verne's son Greg, who had his office job to get back to.
Bill Watts then called Verne on the intercom and said he and Crockett needed to see him and Greg.
Verne told Watts and Crockett to come down to his office. Verne contacted Greg and told him he needed to see him.
Crockett and Watts knocked and Verne told them to come in. The men sat in the two chairs in front of Verne's desk. A couple of minutes later, Greg walked through the open door and grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to Crockett and Watts.
Verne: Bill and Jim, you needed to see us?
Watts: Yeah, Verne. We just wanted to let you and Greg know that John (Waters), Deb (Harry) and Jerry (Jarrett) are flying in during the last week of the month and all of us in the new ownership group are gonna take you and wife Mary and Greg and his wife out to  dinner to say thank you for all you've done for this business. It will be a celebration of the Verne Gagne legacy in professional wrestling.
Greg shifted nervously in his seat and looked over at his dad and his dad glanced at him.
Verne: Oh! You guys don't have to do that. Believe me. I appreciate the thought. But don't...
Jim: We'll hear nothing of it, Verne. This is our way of saying thanks and you deserve this.
Greg's eyes glazed over as he looked at his dad.
Verne feeling uneasy inside but not showing it outwardly.
Watts: Is there any specific fine dining establishment in the area that you and Mary like to dine at? The world will be your oyster on this night.
Verne (only half-joking): Uh... Taco Bell.
Everyone laughed. Greg's laugh was a light chuckle.
Jim: We've had our disagreements over the years, Verne. But, you've done a lot for this business. And some of the wrestlers you've trained are some of the best in wrestling.
Verne: Thank you. I don't what to say.
Greg: I do.
Verne shot a sideways glance at his son.
Watts: We just wanted to tell you the news and not let it be a shock to your system when Deb, John and Jerry arrive soon.
Verne: I'm flattered by the generous show of respect. Seriously, Taco Bell would be fine.
More laughter from Crockett and Watts. Greg just smiled grimly.
Watts: You're getting the best of the best on that night, Verne. You deserve it.
Jim: Just pick a fine dining restaurant you and the Mrs. would like to go to and we will do it.
Watts and Jim stood up and shook hands with Verne and Greg and then left the office and closed the door behind them.
Greg and his dad still standing not looking at nor saying a word to one another.
Verne: I did not see that coming.
Greg: You need to tell them dad. Tell them you plan to possibly trigger the opt-out clause in the contract.
You go forward with this lavish dinner and then pull the rug out from under them then I won't ever speak to you again and will not let you see your grandchildren.
Verne: Now, son...
Greg: Don't 'now, son' me. I'm not 12 years old anymore.
I can't believe the bind you put this family in with your abject selfishness.
You're gonna let these people wine and dine you in the most expensive fashion possible and then give them the finger and opt-out of the sale.
Verne: That's not set in stone.
Greg: But the bottom line is you're thinking about it. Those two men down the hall are expecting to be running this place in just 13 days.
They're planning. They're creating. They're looking at acquiring major names from other promotions.
And here you are, the great Verne Gagne - slayer of dragons, who, because of his ego wants to try and turn it all around in one last gasp of fading glory.
Verne: I didn't ask for this dinner.
Greg: And I didn't ask to be born. But I happened and this dinner is gonna happen unless you march down the hall and tell Crockett and Watts what's really going on.
Verne: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Greg: Guaranteed $3 million dollars at age 64 or possibly lose it all. The choice is solely up to you, dad.
The odds of a man your age with limited financial resources turning this around is very slim to say the least.
Verne: I've still got two weeks to think about it.
Greg: I can't believe you won't give this up, dad.
We're gonna have to sit at this dinner and pretend these people are the guaranteed next owners of the AWA, when in reality you could be plotting the biggest screw job you've ever pulled.
You know what: F**k you, dad.
Verne (taken aback): Excuse me.
Greg: You heard me.
Verne was speechless as Greg turned and stormed out of Verne's office and slammed the door behind him so hard that it shook the walls and a picture fell off the wall.
Verne picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of a newly married Verne and Mary Gagne. The glass in the frame was split right down the middle between the smiling couple.

- AWA On ESPN (3rd & 4th Feb.Tapings)

- All-Star Wrestling (3rd & 4th Feb. Tapings)

- A celebration dinner for Verne Gagne



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1 hour ago, piperrulz said:
Verne was speechless as Greg turned and stormed out of Verne's office and slammed the door behind him so hard that it shook the walls and a picture fell off the wall.
Verne picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of a newly married Verne and Mary Gagne. The glass in the frame was split right down the middle between the smiling couple.

Now if that doesn't serve as a wake-up call to Verne...  🤨

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9 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Now if that doesn't serve as a wake-up call to Verne...  🤨

Will it move Verne enough to sell???

6 hours ago, DHK1989 said:


Looks the natives are getting restless when you post a pic from The Big Lebowski. 🙃

The end is here. You just have to wait for four episodes of AWA wrestling programs to be posted and a dinner celebrating Verne. Then you'll have your answer.

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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: Jim and Bill spring a surprise on Verne.)
Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(This show was taped before the tournament.)
(3rd Taping)
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT: Greg Gagne vs. Cactus Jack
NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) sees action
NON-TITLE: Destruction Crew (WTTC) wrestles
Ken Patera sees action
FROM THE USWA: Billy Joe Travis wrestles
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.
The Trooper won a squash match over Irwin Mainway via submission with his double trap nerve hold finisher
Trooper got a good ovation coming to the ring.
Trooper came down the face aisle to the ring handing out souvenir speeding tickets.
During the match, announcers discussed Trooper's problems with Larry Zbyszko and also brought up the masked mystery man who attacked Trooper and cost Trooper the match against Zbyszko in the PWHC qualifying round.
Nelson: Trooper, you have to still be upset with the way your qualifying qualifying match ended with Larry Zbyszko a few weeks back.
Trooper: It's been on my mind everyday since it happened, Larry. I've lost sleep over it.
I have no idea who that man in the mask was who attacked me with that 2x4 who cost me the match. I'll get to him in a minute.
Larry Zbyszko, I want a match with you, son! And I want the match to take place on national TV!
Crowd cheered.
Trooper: I am angry beyond belief at what transpired between us in the qualifying match! I had a great chance of beating you and advancing to the tournament but that was taken away from me!
Nelson: Valerie was at ringside scouting wrestlers when the attack happened. Do you think she might have had something to do with the attack?
Trooper: I have no idea who was behind the attack! But it happened! Knowing Zbyszko's reputation in this sport I really wouldn't put it past him to hire someone to do his dirty work!
Right now, I'm laser-focused on Zbyszko! And that focus is gonna remain until I get a match with him on national TV!
Just you and me Zbyszko! Let's keep others out of this matter between us!
You talk about bad policemen! How do you explain what happened that night, Zbyszko!
In wrestling, people sometimes break the rules! As far as I'm concerned, Zbyszko broke the law when he broke the rules of wrestling! It's you who has no respect for the rules of civilized society!
Crowd cheered.
Trooper: You owe me this one match, Zbyszko!  Let's get the contract signed, sealed and delivered and make it a reality!
I'm not only fighting for me! I'm fighting for everyone who wears the badge and puts their necks on the line every single day they do their jobs!
As for the masked man! I know you've got to be watching this!
After I'm finished with Zbyszko... I want you to step in this ring and fight me! If you don't you're just a coward!
And be a man! Take off the mask and let's see who you are!
More cheers.
Nelson: The Trooper, everybody!
In-Studio: Nelson discussed The Trooper-Zbyszko situation. Said the AWA has to make this match happen and soon. Also discussed the masked man and wondered if he would ever return.
Pic aired of AWA Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... MISS CONTROVERSY!
NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (WC w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Lisa Lupner via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb finisher
Nelson: Before we get to the champ, Valerie, did you hire that masked man to attack The Trooper?
Valerie: What an offensive question, Larry Nelson!
Why in the world would I hire someone to attack The Trooper?! I was simply out there at ringside scouting both Zbyszko and The Trooper! There's nothing else for me to say on the matter!
Maybe The Trooper hired the guy to cost him the match so he could gain sympathy or something!
Crowd booed.
Nelson: OK. Well, that's about the only answer we're going to get from you.
Valerie laughed and shook her head in disbelief.
Valerie: Are you calling me a liar! One thing I'm not is a liar!
More boos.
Nelson: Magnificent Mimi, you really dominated poor Lisa Lupner in that match. But you have bigger things to worry about with Wendi Richter breathing down your neck.
Mimi: Ha! Wendi Richter! She's yesterday's news! She had her time in the limelight and now can't handle it because she's been pushed aside by the greatest women's wrestler in the sport today!
Fans booing.
Mimi: Oh! You fans boo! But this belt in my hands means I'm the champion! Wendi Richter is nothing but a challenger now!
You fans need to give me the credit I deserve!
Crowd booing continued.
Mimi: These people boo me because they're jealous! They don't like powerful, successful women unless that woman grovels for their love!
And everyone better face it! With a brilliant manager like Valerie by my side, I'm gonna be your World Champion for a long time!
Like it or not... I'm the queen of the ring now! I am the woman this sport revolves around today!
Nelson: Valerie, any signings on the horizon we should know about?
Valerie: Please, Nelson. I'm not gonna discuss that matter with you. The people will know any new additions to my stable when I let them know.
More boos.
Nelson: Magnificent Mimi and Valerie, everybody!
In-Studio: Nelson wondered what Valerie has up her sleeve with all the wrestlers she's scouted recently and said that Wendi Richter is still a serious threat to regain the belt,
Pic aired of Billy Joe Travis with the caption: NEXT... USWA IN THE AWA!
Commercials/AWA Tour Update
Ring announcer Larry Nelson intro'd a special match featuring USWA wrestler Billy Joe Travis
Travis came down the heel aisle to very little reaction as most of the fans had no idea who he was.
Travis won a squash match via pinfall over Buddy Young, Jr. with a pumphandle slam
Nelson: Billy Joe Travis, an impressive win here in the AWA over Buddy Young, Jr. You came in all the way from Memphis.
Travis: I've only been here in a Vegas for a few hours and can tell you that I already can't wait to get back to Memphis. These Vegas people are nothing but a bunch of punks who wouldn't last 10 minutes in the deep South!
Fans now booed Travis.
Nelson: These are great, loyal fans here in Vegas.
Fans cheered the compliment.
Travis: You want to see great wrestling fans then go to the Mid-South Coliseum one night in Memphis! Those are real wrestling fans!
These Vegas fans are just a bunch of drunks who have serious gambling problems! You people need help!
Back to booing.
Nelson: Hey! Come on now. You can't tar everyone with one brush.
Travis: That might be the case for most cities. But that's not the case here. You Vegas folks just need to go back to guzzling cheap
drinks and losing your paychecks to the one-armed bandits*!
Nelson: Billy Joe Travis, everybody!
More boos as the segment wrapped up.
In-Studio: Nelson discussed what Travis said about the people of Vegas and wondered if he made it safely out of town.
(* One-armed bandits, Old school slot machines.)
Pic aired of the Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... DESTRUCTION!!!
The Destruction Crew (Mike Enos & Wayne Bloom - WTTC) won a squash match over Matt Foley and Tommy Flanagan (pronounced Fla-NAY-gan) via pinfall when Enos pinned Foley after a powerslam
Champs were booed coming down the heel aisle to the ring.
During the match, Valerie came down the heel aisle and was apparently scouting the champs. She took notes. Once the match was over she disappeared to the back. The Crew noticed her and weren't offended by her presence.
Nelson: Destruction Crew, that was quite an impressive win for you guys.
Bloom: All of our wins are impressive, Larry. They're impressive because we are the most impressive team in wrestling today.
All challengers step up to the plate and whiff against us time and time again. It's like we're the majors of tag team wrestling and our opponents are minor league.
Crowd booing.
Nelson: Do you see any team here in the AWA that could pose a serious threat to you?
Bloom: There's one team out there we'd really like to face when they get back together.
Nelson: Who is that?
Bloom: Don Muraco and Wahoo McDaniel. They'd probably give us a test but the end result will be the same.  Those guys are two of the toughest veterans in the sport and they know how to fight.
Come on, Wahoo and Muraco, give the champs some competition!
More boos.
Nelson: You might want to be careful what you wish for. Those guys are double tough.
Bloom: Double tough. Triple tough. Doesn't matter. At the end of the day they're not us.
Enos: The first thing I want say is that Matt Foley guy stunk! Holding him down for the pin for three seconds was torture! I thought I might pass out from the odor coming from him! Does he live in a van down by the river or something?!
My partner said all that needs to be said!
We want Wahoo and Muraco in a match with these belts on the line!
So, when you two quit trying to make it as singles' acts, pick up the phone and call Verne Gagne and tell him you're ready to tangle with some real men!
We're the best team because we know what it takes to win the big money matches! Every team that's challenged us for these belts so far hasn't been able to finish the job!
Since we're in Vegas: it's like playing with house money for us! We know we're gonna win in the end!
1990 will truly be the year of the Destruction Crew!
Nelson: What about Valerie apparently scouting you your match.
Bloom: Why shouldn't she scout us? We're the best.
Nelson: That was the Destruction Crew!
More boos as the champs arrogantly strutted around the ring holding the titles aloft.
In-Studio: Nelson said the champs better be careful messing with veteran stars Wahoo and Muraco. Said the champs could be in for more than they bargained for.
Pic aired of  Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... FULL NELSON FURY!!!
Ken Patera won a squash match via submission over Todd DiLaMuca with his swinging full nelson finisher
During the match, Valerie came down the heel aisle to ringside and took notes on her notepad. Patera did notice her during the match. When the match was over, Valerie left the ringside area and disappeared to the back.
Nelson: Ken Patera! Another one in the 'win column for you. You keep pushing forward in the singles' division.
Patera: You know, Larry, I heard the Destruction Crew out here. And I'm gonna tell them that Brad Rheingans and me aren't a minor league tag team. We've pushed you guys to the limit when we've wrestled you. And we'd like another shot at those belts ourselves.
Crowd cheered.
Patera: As for me wrestling as a single, I've had a lot of success in this business. And I continue my climb up the ladder to title contention here in the AWA.
The wrestling is solid here. There are a lot of good, tough grapplers out there. They can be hard to beat. But I know, with my experience, I can get the job done.
Wrestling is a sport where opportunity is the key. You just need a chance. And I intend to take advantage of those chances both in the singles and tag team division. I've already been a tag team champion here.
But like everyone else, I want to be a singles' champion as well.
I'm more than ready for the struggle that lies ahead of me.
Nelson: It appears Valerie might be scouting you. What are your thoughts on that?
Patera: Valerie is looking for wrestlers to add to the stable she wants to build. But I have zero interest in joining forces with her.
Crowd cheered.
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!
TV MAIN EVENT: Cactus Jack (w Tommy Rich) vs. Greg Gagne
Gagne got a decent ovation coming  down the face aisle to the ring.
Jack was pretty solidly booed but also had his fans.
Greg came out on fire to start the match. He tore into Jack with punches and then nailed Jack with three straight dropkicks, the third of which drove Jack from the ring to the floor to the delight of the crowd. Jack fought his way back into the match and gained the advantage for a time before Greg made a comeback and the match became a see-saw affair. Some good near falls.
End of the match saw Jack on the offensive. Jack went to whip Greg into the buckles but Greg reversed and sent Jack crashing into them. Fans cheered. Greg laid into Jack with more pu8nches and then whipped Jack into the opposite buckles. Greg charged in and went to hit Jack with a dropkick in the corner but Jack moved and Greg crashed to his back in the ring. Jack snapped up Greg and blasted Greg with his double underhook DDT fiinisher. Jack covered Greg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Jack to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.
AFTER THE MATCH: Rich climbed in the ring and he and Jack stomped away on Greg. Rich then grabbed Greg as Jack went and jumped on the middle rope in the corner. Rich hoisted Greg up for a spike piledriver. Fans popped as America's newest wrestling star, Jake Milliman, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Rich dropped Greg and the heel pair bolted the ring for the floor as Jake glared down at the two briefly and then checked on Greg as the program ended.
WINNER: Jack - Pinfall - 6:06

- AWA On ESPN (4th Feb.Taping)

- All-Star Wrestling (3rd & 4th Feb. Tapings)

- A celebration dinner for Verne Gagne


To read the earliest posts in this thread, go to:



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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: AWA On ESPN - Feb. 1990 - 3rd Taping)
AWA WORLD CHAMPION: Sgt. Slaughter (Def. Stan Hansen - Feb. 17, 1990 - Anaheim, CA)
1 - Greg Valentine (PWHC)
2 - Wahoo McDaniel
3 - Col. DeBeers
4 - Tom Zenk
5 - Jake Milliman
PRO WRESTLING HERITAGE CHAMPION: Greg Valentine (Def. Wahoo McDaniel in the PWHC tournament final - Feb. 17, 1990 - Anaheim, CA)
1 - Wahoo McDaniel
2 - Col. DeBeers
3 - Tom Zenk
4 - Jake Milliman
5 - Jonnie Stewart
AWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPION: Magnificent Mimi (Def. Wendi Richter - AWA on ESPN - Nov. 1989 - 4th Taping)
1 - Wendi Richter
2 - Candi Divine
3 - Lelani Kai
4 - Debbie Combs
5 - Velvet McIntyre
AWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Destruction Crew (Def. Greg Gagne* & Brad Rheingans - AWA on ESPN - May 1989 - 1st Taping)
1 - Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans
2 - Badd Company
3 - The Top Guns
4 - Cactus Jack & Tommy Rich
5 - The Guerrero Bros.
(* Sub for the injured Ken Patera.)
(NEXT STORYLINE POST: All-Star Wrestling - Feb. 1990 - 3rd Taping)
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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: AWA On ESPN - Feb. 1990 - 3rd Taping)



Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring-Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(Show taped before the tournament.)
(3rd taping)
Show intro
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT: Larry Zbyszko vs. Brad Rheingans
Candi Divine wrestles
Sam Houston sees action
From Portland Wrestling: The Grappler in action
Don Muraco laces 'em up
And more!
Larry Nelson sent it to St. Cloud where he said AWA promoter Verne Gagne had an announcement.
In-ring: Larry Nelson was standing mid-ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time, AWA promoter Verne Gagne.
Nice crowd response as Verne, in a suit and tie, made his way to the ring and climbed in.
Nelson: Good to see you, Verne.
Verne: Great to be here, Larry.
Before I make my annoucement, would Badd Comapny and their manager Dallas Page please come to the ring.
Badd Co. and DDP came to the ring down the heel aisle to the strains of the song Bad Company by Bad Company. They were also serenaded by the boos of the fans.
They three climbed into the ring and briefly played to the booing fans.
Verne: Could the Top Guns come to the ring?
Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins played and out came the Top Guns down the face aisle to a fairly strong crowd reax.
The pair climbed in the ring and briefly played to the fans.
Verne: First of all, let me just say that there will be no violence between you right now. Save that for your matches.
If there is a violent confrontation between the two sides during my announcement, both teams will be suspended and hit with fines of $20,000 dollars.
Mixed crowd reaction to Verne's announcement.
Verne: Dallas, a few weeks ago, I came out here and told you that if you did not give Ricky Rice back the $50 grand you stole from him after he won the Christmas Night Battle Royal at Brawl In St. Paul 2, I was going to come up with a punishment for you.
So, after giving it some serious thought recently, I've made my decision.
Dallas Page, I'm fining you $500 dollars...
DDP: Ha! $500 dollars! That's it?! Here!
Page pulled his wallet out of the back pocket of his jeans and started to reach in and pull out the fine money.
Verne: You did not let me finish. I am fining you $500 dollars a day for every day you do not return the money to Ricky Rice! And the fines start today!
Big pop from the crowd.
Page beside himself.
DDP: What the... $500 dollars a day! That's theft, Verne! That's theft!
Verne: You're the last one who should be talking about theft, Dallas! Give Rice the Battle Royal money or watch the fines continue to pile up with each passing day!
Crowd popped.
Tanaka and Diamond wanted to go after Verne but DDP kept them at bay.
Verne: Smart move keeping your men back, Dallas. Attacking an AWA official is an automatic $10,000 dollar fine!
DDP: We'll go to court over this! This will not stand! That money's mine with interest because they cost me $25 grand of my own money that I put up in a World Tag Team Title match a few months back!
Verne: Take us to court then, Dallas! Just remember: you lose the case you have to pay all the legal fees as well!
Do yourself a huge favor and just give back the money and do it quickly! Save yourself the trouble of fines piling up!
DDP: I'm calling my lawyer! See you in court, old man!
DDP and Badd Co. stormed out of the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to boos.
Verne: Ricky, we're gonna get that money back for you one way or the other. You won the Battle Royal so it's your money.
Rice and Dukes shook hands with Verne.
Rice: Thank you, Verne. I have no doubt the money will now be returned to me. The only question is when and where.
Verne: It's like the Old West. Never come between a man and his money.
Nelson: We'll see how all this plays out in the days and weeks ahead. Verne Gagne and the Top Guns, everybody!
Crowd pooped.
In-Studio: Larry Nelson said he didn't think DDP had a viable legal case against Verne and the AWA. Said the question should be how DDP will return the money.
Pic aired of Sam Houston with the caption: NEXT... SAM RETURNS!!!
Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch) won a squash match over Count Floyd via pinfall with his bulldog finisher
Nelson: Great to see you back in action, Sam! Last time we saw you, you gave it all you had in a match against Stan Hansen for the AWA World Title a few weeks ago. How are you doing right now?
Sam: I'm doing good, Larry. Of course, it was a tough loss to take. You don't get many shots at the World Title. I'm grateful I had the opportunity but it just didn't happen for me this time.
I've been analyzing video of the match with Coach Murdoch. I'm watching to see what I did wrong and looking to see what I can improve upon in my set of moves.
Nelson: You had been undefeated since coming to the AWA until the match with Stan Hansen. How has the end of the streak affected you?
Sam: Well, all good things must come to an end.
It was a fun ride while it lasted; but I knew it wasn't going to last forever. Now, I'm looking to start another winning streak and claim another title shot.
Decent crowd response.
Nelson: Dick Murdoch, the loss doesn't seem to have affected Sam in a negative way.
Dick: Larry, losses are part of any sport. It all depends on how you deal with the losses that sets the stage for you moving forward.
Sam gave Hansen a helluva fight for that World Title. He came close to winning it. But, you learn from a loss like this, make corrections and move on.
I believe in Sam. I know what he can do. He just needed someone to help him work on some things in the ring and develop a winning, positive mindset. He's done that now.
The future is very bright for young Sam Houston. I have no doubt that championships are in his future.
Nelson: Houston and Murdoch, everybody!
Decent crowd response.
Pic aired of The Grappler with the caption: NEXT... MASKED MAYHEM!
Commercials/Promos for AWA house show cities/Generic promos for now-house show cities
Larry Nelson announced The Grappler as being from Portland Wrestling
Masked Grappler came down the heel aisle to fairly strong boos.
Grappler won a squash match over Gerry Todd via pinfall with his loaded boot kick to the gut finisher.
Nelson: Grappler, that's quite an interesting finisher you have. I noticed you tapped the toe of your boot into the mat before finishing off Gerry Todd with a kick to mid-section. Why the boot tap before the kick?
Grappler: Are you implying I did something illegal?
Nelson (intimidated): Well... uh ... no. I was just wondering why you did it.
Grappler: I tap the boot into the mat because it gives me extra strength when I deliver the kick!
Nelson (nervous): Oh! OK! Sounds good to me.
Grappler: It better sound good to you! My right leg is extra strong! I can kick like a government mule! I work hard to make make sure the leg stays strong by lifting heavy weights with it! Sometimes, I tie something heavy to my leg and walk around like that all day! It builds super-human strength in the leg! I have the strongest right leg in all of wrestling!
Crowd booed.
Grappler: You people boo me! But if I kicked you with my right leg you'd be down and gasping for air for a long, long time!
More boos.
Grappler: And let me just tell you people this! When you're the best in this sport you know what they call you?! They call you The Grappler!
More negative crowd reaction.
Nelson: The Grappler, everybody!
In-studio: Nelson said the rumor going around was that The Grappler loads the bottom of the boot when he taps his toe into the ground. Said The Grappler was very intimidating.
Pic aired of Candi Divine with the caption: NEXT... I WANT CANDI!!!
Candi Divine won a squash match via submission over Edith Prickly with a Boston Crab
Divine came to the ring down the heel aisle to a mixed crowd reaction.
Nelson: Candi Divine. Another impressive victory over a tough opponent in Edith Prickly.
You really seem to have turned the Boston Crab into a decisive maneuver for you.
Candi: When I do the Boston Crab it's a work of art. I know all the lower body parts to put pressure on and how much force to use when applying the hold.
That girl had no chance once I locked her in the hold.
Nelson: You've stated before that you'll take on all comers. Do you stand by that statement?
Divine: Without a doubt. I'll take on any woman in this sport. Wendi Richter! Champion Magnificent Mimi! Debbie Combs! I don't care who they are! They just need to sign on the dotted line and I'll step in the squared circle with them.
The question people have to ask themselves is: Will they step in the ring with me?!
These women grapplers know how dangerous I am! I think some of them are afraid of me! But... I'm not afraid of them!
Ring the bell and let's have a fight, ladies!
Like I said: sign on the dotted line and I'll be there! And I'll be good and ready to dismantle you and lock you in the Boston Crab as only
I know how to do it!
Prepare to scream, gals! Prepare to scream when you face the Divine One!
Mixed crowd reaction.
Pic aired of Don Muraco with the caption: NEXT... MR. MURACO!!!

Commercials/Promos for AWA house show cities/Generic promos for now-house show cities
Don Muraco won a squash match over Sammy Maudlin via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher
Muraco was cheered coming down the face aisle on the way to the ring.
Nelson: Don Muraco, an impressive win here tonight.
The burning question on everyone's mind is: are you and Wahoo gonna team up again anytime soon and go after those World Tag Team Titles?
Muraco: Me and Wahoo have each been doing our own thing lately.
I'm gonna talk to him about teaming up again here in the near future. I know we could pose a real threat to the title run of the Destruction Crew.
Crowd cheered.
Muraco: We work well as a team and every single day brings the champs closer to the inevitable and that's losing those titles. And we would be primed and ready to win those belts and hold them for a good, long time.
Nelson: Wrestling as a single, are you looking at getting a title shot in the singles' division?
Muraco: You always want a crack at the World Title, Larry. But there's a lot of great competition here in the AWA and the challengers are lined up for a crack at the World Championship.I've got my work cut out for me if I want to work my way up the ladder to title contention as a single.
Come on, Wahoo. Let's re-unite and win the tag team gold.
Crowd cheered.
Nelson: Don Muraco, everybody!
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!
TV MAIN EVENT: Larry Zbyszko vs. Brad Rheingans
Larry Nelson announced the main event was scheduled for one-fall with TV time remaining.
Rheingans came to the ring down the face aisle to a fair amount of cheers. Rheingans slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Rheingans climbed in the ring and acknowledged the crowd.
Zbyszko booed coming down the heel aisle.
Good back-and-forth match with some good near falls. Zbyszko did his typical stalling tactics during the match and took a couple of shortcuts to gain the upper hand during the match.
End of the match saw Zbyszko whip Rheingans into the ropes and looked to catch Rheingans coming off with a backdrop but Rheingans instead grabbed Zbyszko and nailed Zbyszko with his bridging cradle suplex (Prefect Plex) finisher for the pin but the bell rang.
DECISION: TV Time-Limit Draw - 11:36

- AWA On ESPN (4th Feb.Taping)

- All-Star Wrestling (4th Feb. Taping)

- A celebration dinner for Verne Gagne


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(PREVIOUS  STORYLINE POST: All-Star Wrestling - Feb. 1990 - 3rd Taping)



Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(This show was taped before the tournament.)
(4th Taping)
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT: Tommy Rich vs. Tom Zenk
Wendi Richter wrestles
The Top Guns see action
Manny Fernandez wrestles
A message from the masked mystery man who cost The Trooper his PWHC qualifying match with Larry Zbyszko 
Major news about next week's show
Tommy Jammer steps into the ring
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.
Jonnie Stewart won a squash match over Floyd The Barber via pinfall with his (loaded?) flying knee to the gut finisher
Stewart was strongly booed coming to the ring down the heel aisle.
Nelson: Jonnie Stewart. You win again with the flying knee to the mid-section. The question...
Stewart: Before you say anything else, Nelson, let me tell you and all these fans out here that I have nothing in my knee pad!
Crowd booed.
Nelson: Would you mind pulling down the knee pad to show us it's not loaded?
Stewart: I just told you there's nothing in the knee pad and that should be good enough for you and these paeans out here!
The 'Wrestler of the '90s' doesn't need to cheat to win! I win on skill alone!
More boos.
Stewart: The '90s are gonna be my decade! I am gonna be the new face of professional wrestling! You can take that to the bank!
I will become the biggest star in wrestling history when all is said and done!
Hulk Hogan! Andre! Ric Flair! Lou Thesz! They'll all take a backseat to me when the smoke clears!
I will not be stopped! You hear me?!
More boos.
Nelson: Sounds like they hear you quite well.
Stewart: The boos of the fans will be silenced! One day, they will be forced to recognize me as the greatest wrestler they've ever seen!
It won't matter who you compare me with! I will always come out on top! You all just wait and see!
There's no stopping the runaway train that is Jonnie Stewart and you all need to accept that fact!
Nelson: That was Jonnie Stewart.
Pic aired of the Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... THE GUNS SOAR!!!
Commercials/AWA Tour Updates
The Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes) won a squash match over Otis Campbell and Rube Sloan via pinfall when Rice pinned Campbell after a double dropkick
Guns were cheered during their ring entrance.
Nelson: Top Guns! The double dropkick of your is quite the move! You deliver it with devastating effectiveness!
Ricky Rice, do you have any news on the money Dallas Page stole from you at Brawl In St.Paul 2 on Christmas night?
Rice: Things are moving along, Larry. We're working hard to get that money back. You don't just walk away when someone steals $50,000 dollars from you.
We are looking to...
Crowd booed as Dallas Page and Badd Co. (Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond) made their way down the heel aisle to the ring. Page had the briefcase containing the money.
Badd Co. and Page stayed a safe distance away from the Guns on the floor.
DDP held the briefcase up over his head. Rice walked over by the ropes and Nelson followed.
Rice: Give me the money, Dallas! It's mine!
DDP picked up on a mic.
DDP: Come and get it, pretty boy!
Page slapped the case with his hand.
DDP picked up on a mic.
DDP: There's $50 grand in here! I can't wait to spend it!
Rice: You won't get away with this, Dallas! That money is coming back to me! I'll get it one way or the other, you stinking thief!
Crowd chanted: Thief! Thief! Thief! DDP looked around at the crowd.
Rice: Listen to these fans out here! They know exactly what you are, you slimeball!
Staredown between the two sides.
DDP held the case up again and was picked up on a mic.
DDP: Here it is, Ricky! Come and get it!
Rice and Dukes looked at each other and bolted the ring for the floor as DDP and Badd Co. backpedaled.
The Guns charged at DDP and Badd Co. and Badd Co. and the Top Guns started fighting with each other on the floor as DDP made a mad dash back up the heel aisle with the money and disappeared to the back.
The two teams fought back up the heel aisle and also disappeared to the back.
Pic aired of Wendi Richter with the caption: NEXT... WENDI!!!
Wendi Richter won a squash match via pinfall over Helen Crump with a powerbomb
Richter was cheered coming down the face aisle to the ring and slapped hands with fans along the way.
Nelson: Wendi Richter! An outstanding display of wrestling! You look like you're ready to challenge Magnificent Mimi for the Women's World Championship again!
Wendi: I'm more than ready, Larry! For the last few months, I've had to live with the knowledge that the Women's Championship was taken from me by a woman who had the benefit of outside help!
I'll chase Mimi to the ends of the earth if I have to! I'm getting that title back no matter the cost!
Fans cheered.
Nelson: She's got to be concerned about you continuing your drive to get her back in the ring with the title on the line.
Richter: It's not a matter of 'if' it happens! It's a matter of 'when' it happens! There will be another showdown between us! Mimi knows where she can find me! I'm not hiding!
Let's do it again, Mimi! And keep your manager or whatever she is out of it! Just you and me one-on-one! And may the best woman
wrestler win!
Fans cheered Wendi.
Nelson: Wendi Richter, everybody!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson said that when Richter and Mimi clash again over the title all hell might just break loose.
Nelson also said that next week on the program: Highlights from the PWHC Tournament and AWA World Title match between Stan Hansen  and Sgt. Slaughter, where Sarge has vowed to retire if he does not regain the belt.
Said next week's TV main event is a tournament match: Jake Milliman vs. The Iron Sheik
Pic aired of the masked mystery man with the caption: NEXT... A MESSAGE!!!
Nelson: We were recently sent a video tape at the AWA offices from the masked man who attacked The Trooper and cost Trooper his
Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship qualifying match against Larry Zbyszko.
We don't know where the video was sent from or where it was recorded. The masked man has distorted his voice on the tape to disguise his identity.
Masked man was standing in front of a plain black wall. He was wearing his yellow and white mask, plaid shirt, jeans and cowboy boots. He was also holding the 2x4 he used on The Trooper.
Masked Man: Trooper, I hope you enjoyed our first meeting. I know I did. I loved it, actually.
I loved seeing you crumple to the floor when I drove this 2x4 into your back.
I know you're wondering who I am. Was I brought in by Zbyszko? Was I brought in by Valerie? Did I act on my own?
Ha! You'll never know the answer to that question, my badge-wearing friend.
I hear you want a match with me, Trooper. Do you really want to do that? You don't have any idea what you'd be going up against.
Am I a champion amateur wrestler? Am I brawler who loves to make people suffer? You just don't know and that has to frustrate you to no end. Hahaha!
I'll wrestle you, Trooper. And I will thoroughly enjoy hurting you one more time.
I've got your number. You can't lash out against someone you know nothing about. It's a fool's errand.
Is my body type what it appears to be right now? Or have I disguised that, too?
I'll fight you, Trooper. But it will be on my time-table.
Sleep well, if you can.
I'll see you around.
Nelson: I've never seen anything like this in wrestling. This is very disturbing. Who is this guy? The Trooper needs to watch his back because this guy could pop up at any minute and assault him again. The masked man seems extremely dangerous and he's obviously not playing around. We'll have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully it won't be something bad for The Trooper.
Nelson was solemn.
Pic aired of Manny Fernandez with the caption: NEXT:.. THE BULL!
Manny Fernandez won a squash match over Andy Taylor via pinfall with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher
Manny was booed coming down the heel aisle to the ring.
Nelson: Manny Fernandez, it's a new decade. What do the 1990's hold for the 'Raging Bull'.
Manny: The new decade promises to be one of great unpredictability! Not only in professional wrestling; but also in society at large!
Nelson: What do you mean?
Manny: This is gonna be the decade when the Mestizo people of America assert themselves, stand up for their interests and grab some real power here!
Nelson: But we're all Americans, Manny. No matter our race or...
Manny: Don't give me that jive, man! We didn't cross the border... the border crossed us!
Most in the crowd booed but some cheered.
Manny: We've wanted a seat the table and you gringos said you didn't want us there! Well now, we're forcing our way in and clearing a spot for ourselves at the table whether you like it or not!
Nelson: Manny Fernandez, everybody!
85% boos/15% cheers for Manny.
In-Studio: Nelson said he was stunned by the racial angle of Manny's promo. Said that maybe Manny should go hang out with Col. DeBeers.
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Vegas.
Tommy Jammer won a squash match over Ben Weaver via pinfall with the Jammer Slam (whip opponent into the buckles, opponent bounces out of the corner and into a power slam)
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... RICH VS. ZENK!!!
TV MAIN EVENT: Tommy Rich (w/o Cactus Jack) vs. Tom Zenk
Rich came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos.
Announcer Lee Marshall talked about training with Jerry Blackwell in preparation for their match with Rich and Jack.
Rich got on the ring mic and informed everybody that he's a former NWA World Champion to more booing.
Tom Zenk came down the face aisle to the ring to a decent crowd response. Zenk slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.
The two battled for the advantage early on and Rich gained the upper hand and held serve for a bit before Zenk fought back and was on top. The match settled into a back-and-forth affair and neither man gained a solid advantage the rest of the way. A couple of near falls during the bout. End of the bout saw Zenk in control. Zenk whipped Rich into the ropes and pulverized Rich coming off with a clothesline. Rich crashed to the mat Now that Col. DeBeers wasn't standing across from him, Zenk only got a halfway decent pop. Rich crawled over into the corner and sat up against the buckles. Zenk moved in on Rich. Crowd mainly booed as Cactus Jack charged down the heel aisle and feigned like he was going to climb up on the apron. Zenk reached down and took a swipe at Jack and Rich took advantage and pulled Zenk's legs out from under him for the cover. 1... Rich put his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...3! Rich quickly took his feet off the rope as the ref called for the bell. Rich up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Rich quickly bailed from the ring to the floor. Zenk had words with the ref and glared over at Rich and Cactus.
Announcer Lee Marshall stood up and gestured for the ref to come over to the announcer's table. Ref left the ring and went over. Zenk still in the ring and Cactus and Rich out on the floor. Marshall talked with the ref and told him what happened but the ref said he did not catch Rich's feet on the ropes so the decision stood. Ref went over on the floor and once again raised Rich's hand in victory as Cactus and Rich shared a laugh. Shot of a pissed Zenk in the ring.
WINNER: Rich - Pinfall - 7:24
AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Stan Hansen (WC) def. Ken Patera via pinfall with his lariat finisher - 12:10
AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (w/ Valerie) def. Sweet Georgia Brown (Jacqueline) via pinfall with her powerbomb finisher - 5:28
6-MAN TAG: Larry Zbyszko & Badd Co. (w/ Dallas Page) def. The Trooper & The Top Guns via DQ when Trooper threw Larry Zbyszko over the top rope while in a fit of rage - 15:47
Jerry Blackwell def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with an avalanche after Tommy Rich's interference backfired - 7:24

- All-Star Wrestling (4th Feb. Taping)

- A celebration dinner for Verne Gagne


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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: AWA on ESPN - Feb. 1990 - 4th Taping)
Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring-Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(Show taped before the tournament.)
(4th taping)
Show intro
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT: Jerry Blackwell vs. Col. DeBeers
The Guerrero Bros. wrestle
A message from the masked mystery man who attacked The Trooper and cost the Trooper his qualifying match against Larry Zbyszko
Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP) see action
Lelani Kai grapples
Akio Sato wrestles
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in St. Cloud.
The Trooper won a squash match over Lenny Schultz via submission with his double trap nerve hold finisher
Trooper got a good response from the crowd coming down the face aisle and handed out souvenir speeding tickets to the fans on the way to the ring.
Nelson: Trooper, you are hot on the heels of Larry Zbyszko. That fire still has to be burning in you.
Trooper: That's right, Larry. I'm after Zbyszko.
This feud between us is about respect! I'm fighting in support of law enforcement and Zbyszko is fighting for anarchy on our streets! He has no respect for authority! And I intend to teach him respect for the law!
Nelson: How do you think this whole thing will end up between you and Zbyszko?
Trooper: One of us is gonna win the war for respect! That's what is at the heart of this matter! The fans out here love the police! They know the thin blue line is vital to keeping this country from falling into complete chaos!
Zbyszko wants to see everything go to hell in this country! He hates the police! He's a...
Crowd booed as Larry Zbyszko came down the heel aisle holding up a sign on a pole.
Zbyszko marched around the ring with his sign.
Nelson: His sign reads: Fire the Trooper and end bad policing.
Trooper: Zbyszko's an idiot!
Crowd popped as Zbyszko continued to march around the ring with his sign.
Trooper: This man wants to end the police because he wants mayhem in America!
Zbyszko, why don't you step into this ring!
Crowd cheered as Zbyszko stopped marching and looked up at The Trooper.
Zbyszko then climbed up on the apron.
Trooper: Put the sign down, son! Fight like a man!
Crowd buzzing.
Zbyszko laid the sign on the apron and started to step in the ring. Trooper moved on him and Zbyszko bailed to the apron and Trooper yelled for Zbyszko to climb in the ring.
Fans heckling Zbyszko.
Zbyszko turned to face the crowd and started yelling at them. Trooper went over, spun Zbyszko around and popped Zbyszko with punches. Zbyszko on wobbly legs holding onto the top rope. Trooper grabbed the top rope and catapaulted Zbyszko into the ring. Zbyszko crashed to the mat as the fans roared. Trooper snapped Zbyszko up, whipped Zbyszko into the ropes and Zbyszko grabbed the top rope and Trooper charged over and clotheslined Zbyszko over the top rope and Zbyszko crashed to the floor as the fans ate it up.
Trooper went over and started talking to Larry Nelson again.
Trooper: Zbyszko! You wanna fight with the law! Well, the law's gonna win! It's got to! This is much bigger than a wrestling war, Larry!
Trooper and Nelson were facing the camera as Zbyszko crawled over and grabbed his sign on the pole and climbed up on the apron behind Nelson and Trooper.
Trooper: Larry Zbyszko is simply bad news, man! Just plain ol' bad news! He's got to learn to...
Zbyszko snuck in the ring behind Trooper and Nelson and... WHAM!
Zbyszko struck Trooper in the back of the head and back with the pole. Trooper crashed to the mat as the fans booed.
Zbyszko: You just got a taste of real anarchy, Trooper! I'm fighting to end bad policing! And you embody bad policing!
Zbyszko stormed out of the ring to loud boos with his sign on a pole and angrily headed back up the face aisle as The Trooper slowly recovered in the ring.
Pic aired of Badd Co. and DDP with the caption: NEXT... NOT GOOD COMPANY!!!
Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. Dallas Page) won a squash match over Andrew Dice Clay & Richard Pryor via pinfall when Diamond pinned Clay after their Tanaka superkick into a Diamond German suplex finisher
Nelson: Dallas Page. Verne Gagne has made his decision. As we stand here right now, you're losing $500 dollars a day for everyday you don't give the money back that you took from Ricky Rice a couple of months ago. Money that he won fair and square.
DDP: Fair and square?! What's with the playground talk, Nelson?! Grow up a little!
I'm gonna have lawyers look into the legality of what Verne Gagne is doing to me! I think my case will stand up in court and not only will I not have to return the money... I also won't have to pay this criminal fine of $500 bucks a day.
Nelson: This could all go easier for you if you just gave Rice the money back.
DDP: That should not have to happen. I'll let my team of lawyers sort this all out. The case is a winner all around for me. I know that with every fiber of my being.
I might also sue the AWA for unnecessary pain and suffering. What they're putting me through has been really hard on me. It's grossly unfair.
Nelson rolled his eyes.
Nelson: You're feuding with the Top Guns; but is there any thought of chasing the tag team titles again anytime soon?
DDP: If the opportunity presents itself for a title shot again we'll take it.
But our focus right now is on crushing the Pop Guns.
When all is  said and done, Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes are gonna wish they'd never met us!
After we finish off the Guns, then we can concentrate on going for those tag belts.
Nelson: Badd Company and their manager Dallas Page, everybody!
Fans mainly booed Badd Co. and DDP.
Pic aired of Lelani Kai with the caption: NEXT... LELANI!!!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Lalani Kai won a squash match over Elaine Boosler via pinfall with a big boot to the face
Kai came down the heel aisle to very little crowd response.
Nelson: Lelani Kai, we haven't seen you around for a while. But you looked as sharp as ever in your win over Elaine Boosler.
Kai: I'm always sharp! Sharp should be my middle name!
I've been watching the AWA lately and I can tell you there's something missing.
Nelson: What is it?
Kai: You're always talking about the Women's Champ Mimi or Wendi Richter or Candi Divine or someone like that.
But there's one name missing from the championship picture. And that name is Lelani Kai!
I'm just as good if not better than any of those women that I mentioned!
I demand to be recognized by the AWA as a major challenger for the AWA Women's Championship!
This is ridiculous!
How can you have a women's division and not include Lelani Kai in it!
Verne Gagne and Stanley Blackburn! I am putting my foot down right now and demanding my rightful place in the women's division in the AWA!
If I don't get what I deserve, then I might have to take drastic measures to make the AWA sit up and take notice!
Very little crowd response to Kai.
Pic aired of the masked mystery man with the caption: NEXT... MYSTERY MESSAGE!!!
Nelson: We were recently sent a video tape at the AWA offices from the masked man who attacked The Trooper and cost Trooper his qualifying match against Larry Zbyszko. We don't know where the video was sent from or where it was recorded. The masked man has distorted his voice on the tape to disguise his identity.
# Masked man was standing in front of a plain black wall. He was wearing his yellow and white mask, plaid shirt, jeans and cowboy boots. He was also holding the 2x4 he used on The Trooper.
Masked Man: Trooper, I hope you enjoyed our first meeting. I know I did. I loved it, actually.
I loved seeing you crumple to the floor when I drove this 2x4 into your back.
I know you're wondering who I am. Was I brought in by Zbyszko? Was I brought in by Valerie? Did I act on my own? Ha! You'll never know the answer to that question, my badge-wearing friend.
I hear you want a match with me, Trooper. Do you really want to do that? You don't have any idea what you'd be going up against.
Am I a champion amateur wrestler? Am I brawler who loves to see people suffer? You just don't know and that has to frustrate you to no end. Hahaha!
I'll wrestle you, Trooper. And I will thoroughly enjoy hurting you one more time.
I've got your number. You can't lash out against someone you know nothing about. It's a fool's errand.
Is my body type what it appears to be right now? Or have I disguised that, too?
I'll fight you, Trooper. But it will be on my time-table.
Sleep well, if you can.
I'll see you around, Trooper.
Nelson: I've never seen anything like this in wrestling. This is very disturbing. Who is this guy? The Trooper needs to watch his back because this guy could pop up at any minute and assault him again. The masked man seems extremely dangerous and he's obviously not playing around. We'll have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully it won't be something bad for The Trooper.

Nelson was solemn.

Nelson then sent it back to the ring in St. Cloud.
The Guerrero Bros (Hector & Mando) won a squash match over Sam Kinison & Jeff Altman when Mando pinned Altman with a moonsault
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: MORE TO COME!!!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Akio Sato won a squash match over Paul Rodriguez via pinfall with a bridging belly-to-back suplex
In-Studio: Nelson announced that highlights from the PWHC Tournament, Blackwell vs. Kokina and the AWA World Title match would air next week on ESPN.
Said next week's TV main event would be a match from the tournament: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Chris Adams.
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!
TV MAIN EVENT: Col. DeBeers vs. Jerry Blackwell
DeBeers came down the heel aisle to the ring to strong boos but also had his fans. DeBeers climbed in the ring, walked to the middle of the ring and twirled his 'stache to more boos.
Jerry Blackwell came down the face aisle to a strong positive reaction from the fans. Blackwell climbed into the ring and acknowledged the fans.
During the match, Marshall talked about his training with Jerry as they prepare for their match with Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich.
Ref called for the bell.
The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Jerry drove DeBeers into the ropes. Ref forced a break and it was clean. The two circled one another again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Jerry drove DeBeers into the corner. Ref ordered a break and it was clean. DeBeers grabbed the back of his hair and yelled Jerry pulled his hair. Crowd booed. The two men circled one another again and DeBeers kicked Jerry in the gut. DeBeers ran and hit the ropes and came off with a shoulder tackle but just slammed into Jerry and crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Jerry still on his feet. DeBeers ran and hit the ropes and went to hit Jerry with another shoulder tackle and once again DeBeers slammed into Jerry and crashed to the mat. More cheers from the throng. DeBeers up and quickly bailed from the ring to the floor. Ref ordered Jerry to stand back and Jerry did so. Ref started the 10-count. DeBeers walking around on the floor and yelling back at heckling fans. Count grew. DeBeers made his way onto the apron and Jerry started to move in on him. DeBeers yelled for the ref to get Jerry back and the ref did so. DeBeers cautiously climbed back into the ring. The two men circled each other again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Jerry threw DeBeers off and DeBeers crashed to the mat once more. DeBeers cautiously to his feet. DeBeers charged at Jerry and went to punch the big man but Jerry blocked the punch try and nailed DeBeers with a headbutt. Jerry whipped DeBeers into the corner and charged in and went to hit DeBeers with an avalanche but DeBeers moved and Jerry slammed front-first into the buckles, bounced back and crashed on his back to the mat. DeBeers quickly regained his  bearings and moved in stomped Jerry three times in the head. DeBeers then popped Jerry with an elbow smash across the chest and went for the pin. 1...2... Jerry kicked out.  DeBeers up and stomped Jerry. DeBeers snapped Jerry up and went to suplex Jerry but DeBeers couldn't hoist Jerry up as Jerry dead-wieghted the Colonel and DeBeers released Jerry and grabbed his back.
Marshall: A lot of weight to try and pick up there.
Jerry moved in and bashed DeBeers with a big clubbing forearm to the back. DeBeers staggered off, turned around and Jerry nailed DeBeers with his patented standing dropkick. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Jerry snapped DeBeers up and drove DeBeers into the corner and peppered DeBeers with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut.
Blears: All that weight behind those shoulder blocks is clearly hurting DeBeers.
Jerry pulled DeBeers out of the corner and suplexed Debeers. Jerry up, ran and hit the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher but DeBeers rolled out of the way and Jerry crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting.
Blears: Blackwell needed to soften the Colonel up a little more with a couple of more moves. He hadn't done enough damage yet to finish the job.
DeBeers up and stomped on Jerry. DeBeers backed up as a shaky Jerry made it to this feet. DeBeers charged in and hit Jerry with a running punch to the head. DeBeers then succeeded in suplexing Jerry. DeBeers for the quick cover. 1...2... Jerry kicked out. Fans cheered.  DeBeers quickly back on top of Jerry and nailed Jerry with a series of head shots. DeBeers snapped Jerry up, whipped Jerry into the ropes an caught Jerry coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Jerry fell back against the ropes. DeBeers moved in, leaned Jerry back across the ropes and popped Jerry with a series of forearm smashes to the chest. Jerry stumbled away next to the ropes holding his chest. DeBeers behind Jerry and nailed Jerry with double sledge to the back and then raked Jerry's eyes across the top rope. DeBeers broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Jerry grabbing at his eyes. DeBeers kicked Jerry in the side of the ribs and went to whip Jerry into the ropes but Jerry reversed and caught DeBeers coming off with a clothesline. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Jerry slow to recover. DeBeers up and walked right into Jerry's arms for a bodyslam from the 'Mountain from Stone Maountain'. Jerry for the cover. 1...2...thr... DeBeers got a shoulder up. Fans groaned. Jerry pulled DeBeers up by the hair and nailed DeBeers with a trio of head shots. Jerry snapped DeBeers up to his feet, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers in the bearhug. DeBeers fighting not to submit. Jerry tightened his grip on the hold. DeBeers clapped his arms against the sides of Jerry's head and Jerry lost his grip on the hold. DeBeers caught Jerry with a punch and then placed his boot on the top buckle and slammed Jerry's head into it. Jerry hurting and stumbled out of the corner. DeBeers choked Jerry on the top rope but broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Jerry dropped to his knees grabbing his throat. DeBeers moved in and caught Jerry with a kick to the chest. Jerry toppled over. DeBeers then hit Jerry with a jumping double foot stomp to the head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Jerry kicked out. DeBeers up as Jerry was getting up and DeBeers caught Jerry in a side headlock. After a brief struggle, Jerry shoved DeBeers off and DeBeers slammed front-first into the buckles. DeBeers separated himself from the buckles and walked right into a big headbutt from Jerry. DeBeers crashed to the mat. DeBeers up and Jerry blasted the Colonel with a second headbutt. DeBeers crashed back to the mat. Jerry moved in to grab DeBeers and DeBeers, from his back, kicked Jerry in the gut with both feet. Jerry stumbled back holding his gut. DeBeers moved in and caught Jerry with some punches. DeBeers whipped Jerry into the ropes and caught Jerry coming off with a knee to the gut. Jerry went down on the mat. Debeers left the ring for the apron and mounted the top buckle as Jerry was getting up. DeBeers came off with a punch to the head try but Jerry instead caught Debeers with a gut punch. Crowd cheered. Jerry found the strength to lay into DeBeers with punches and then popped DeBeers with another headbutt. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Fans cheering. Jerry hit the ropes and looked to come off with his diving splash finisher, but DeBeers was able to roll out of the way and Jerry never finished the move. DeBeers rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. Ref ordered Jerry to stand back to no avail as Jerry left the ring for the floor. DeBeers up on the floor and Jerry caught him with a head shot. DeBeers stunned. Jerry caught DeBeers with another head shot. Ref counting. Jerry grabbed DeBeers by the hair and reared back to punch DeBeers again but DeBeers caught Jerry with an eye rake. Jerry let go o DeBeers' hair. Count rising. DeBeers struck Jerry with a forearm and then a punch and then Jerry fired back with a punch of his own. The then started slugging it out on the floor as the fans roared. ...8...9...10. Ref called for the bell.
Jerry and DeBeers kept fighting after the bell and Jerry was able to headbutt DeBeers once again and DeBeers stumbled back and went down to a knee on the floor. Jerry slowly moved in on DeBeers as the ref called for the bell again to try and restore order. DeBeers backed up and grabbed an empty steel chair that was next to the timekeeper's table to keep Jerry at bay. DeBeers backed away from the big man with chair in hand. As DeBeers got by the heel entrance aisle, he threw the unfolded chair at Jerry and Jerry swatted it away as DeBeers quickly walked back up the heel aisle to get away from Jerry.
DECISION: Double Count Out - 10:33

- A celebration dinner for Verne Gagne


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