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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: All-Star Wrestling - Feb.1990 - 4th Taping.)
The night before Verne Gagne and the AWA crew set out for Las Vegas, John Waters, Deborah Harry, Bill Watts, Jerry Jarrett and Jim Crockett took Verne, his son Greg and Greg's wife Mary, out to a lavish dinner at Murray's, an upscale steakhouse in Minneapolis, to thank Verne Gagne for his service to the wrestling business and to celebrate a new era coming to the AWA starting on March 5 when Triumph Media Sports* takes control of the promotion.
Verne was asked why his wife, also named Mary, wasn't with him at the dinner. Verne said she was feeling under the weather. But the real reason she was absent was because she knew what Verne might do in a week and felt uncomfortable having to put up a false front knowing that Verne might stab the potential buyers in the back.
The dinner went well overall. There was lots of casual conversation, laughter and little talk about the business itself.
At the end of the meal, Deborah Harry stood up with wine glass in hand.
Deb: I'd like to propose a toast.
Everyone at the table stood up with glasses in hand.
Deb: To Verne Gagne. Thanks for all that you've done in this wild, wacky, wonderful world known as professional wrestling for over 40 years.
Others at the table said: Here! Here!
Glasses clinked and everyone took a drink.
Deb: God bless you, Verne.
Verne: Thank you. Thank you all.
The expensive meal ended and Harry and Waters paid the check and left a nice tip for the waitress.
The group went outside in the frigid Minneapolis February evening and talked for a few minutes before all the parties made it to their cars.
Greg Gagne handed his wife the keys and told her to drive home. He wanted to talk and ride with his dad for a bit.
Everyone went their separate ways and headed in different directions.
Greg: I hope you're happy.
Verne: With what?
Greg: Deborah and John just parted company with lots of money to buy us a lavish meal and pay tribute to you.
Yet, you might rip the AWA right out from under them in a week.
Verne: I'm still only thinking about using the opt-out clause. Nothing is settled yet.
Besides, if I decide to keep the company, they'll be reimbursed for the dinner and Jim and Bill will be compensated for their time up here.
I can still pick their brains for ideas to help us.
Greg: They're not looking to have their brains picked by you or be given a nice severance package after you screw them over. They want to run the whole shootin' match with you as a consultant.
What you intend to possibly do is such bad faith I can hardly sleep. I'm having stomach problems. My wife doesn't know what's going on.
And the fact that mom didn't come should make you think long and hard about what you might do.
Also, did you stop to think that none of the other promoters may ever want to work with you again if you pull the ultimate screw job?
Verne said nothing and kept driving. Silence for a few minutes.
Verne: There's still a week before I have to make my decision.
Greg: And it's going to be a hell of a long week. If we didn't have TV's coming up, I'd call out sick to the office all week. I don't think I can bear the sight of what you might do, dad.
Just take the deal, become a consultant and be happy with that. You've earned this, dad. I believe these are the right owners to take over for you. And the money's damn good.
With Watts, Crockett and Jarrett around, you can be sure  the AWA will remain the true alternative to the WWF and also be a serious competitor with the NWA for the more serious, hard-line fans.
Verne: We'll see, son. We'll see.
I've got the Vegas and All-Star Wrestling tapings to think about right now.
After that, then I'll concentrate on the sale.
Greg and Verne then drove around for another half-hour making idle chit-chat before Verne dropped Greg off at home.
The hour of decision was near...
STAY TUNED... (Prediction ? listed below.)
(* Triumph Media Sports - Company name of the five potential new buyers.)
Nuclear Bomb Video From Red Cross Video Shows City Getting Nuked
Will Verne Gagne...
A) Trigger the opt-out clause and try and make a go of it on his own with very limited resources?
B) See the light of reason and allow the sale of the company to Triumph Media Sports to go through?
C) Verne will have a mental breakdown, become a Scientologist, leave his family, give all his cash to the church, join the Sea Org and sign his life over to the Church of Scientology for a billion years and drift aimlessly as he labors under the delusion that he can mentally clear the planet with enough auditing sessions on the E-meter and also sell used copies of Dianetics and The Science of Survival so he can make enough to buy some cans of Spaghetti-Os and juice boxes so he doesn't starve and dehydrate while on his historic mission?
Edited by piperrulz
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19 minutes ago, piperrulz said:
C) Verne will have a mental breakdown, become a Scientologist, leave his family, give all his cash to the church, join the Sea Org and sign his life over to the Church of Scientology for a billion years and drift aimlessly as he labors under the delusion that he can mentally clear the planet with enough auditing sessions on the E-meter and also sell used copies of Dianetics and The Science of Survival so he can make enough to buy some cans of Spaghetti-Os and juice boxes so he doesn't starve and dehydrate while on his historic mission?

Just had to laugh about that last part, but I'm definitely voting for B.

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26 minutes ago, Old School Fan said:

Just had to laugh about that last part, but I'm definitely voting for B.

I'm going with C. Verne seems to be losing his mind.

If C is correct, then I'll start a diary about Verne's time in the COS! 🙃

I can see it now...

Verne clashes with Tom Cruise!

Edited by piperrulz
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The heck with the happy ending. I just want it to be B so we get the follow-up diary to see what the motley crew (sadly, no Pam Anderson's boyfriend in this group) do with the AWA. WCW is being horribly ruined by Herd, and the WWF is going to hit that iceberg of a steroid trial in a few years. Things could happen for the AWA! But not for you Verne. Sell the company!

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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: A celebration dinner for Verne.)
The clock was ticking...
In the days leading up to Verne Gagne possibly ripping out the plug on the sale of the AWA to Triumph Media Sports by triggering the opt-out clause in the contract, things at the AWA officies seemed to be running pretty smoothly.
Greg Gagne was getting more and more anxious and doing his best to keep from showing it. Having to keep the secret of what his father might do was torture.
Bill Watts and Jim Crockett discussed business and where to move things booking-wise after the takeover... if there was to be one.
Watts and Crockett had meetings with Verne and talked on conference calls with their possible co-owners Deborah Harry, John Waters and Jerry Jarrett.
One thing that was already agreed upon was that Waters, a Hollywood film director, a Harry, a major rock star, would be in charge of putting together new, updated presentations for the TVs, PPVs and ESPN specials. In other words: a makeover for the TV product in general.
Speaking of ESPN, Eric Bischoff managed to strike a two-day deal with the Sioux Falls Arena for WrestleRock '90 on Sunday, May 20. Bischoff was able to keep the time open as they hoped to cut a deal with ESPN to air the show in the afternoon or evening.
Bischoff was also looking at different rock acts to find the one that would be the 'Rock' part of 'WrestleRock'.
The wrestlers and AWA staff were looking forward to the change over to new managerial blood. Some who worked for the company had worked for Gagne for years. But most of them knew the product was getting stale.
Love Vince or hate him, he was miles ahead of the AWA in TV production values. WWF shows were slick productions. AWA shows often looked stuck in the time when Jimmy Carter was president. Would Waters and Harry bring along talented friends in the entertainment business to help make the product look big-time like the WWF? Not if Verne decided to pull the trigger and kill the deal.
Watts, Crockett and Jarrett often talked about new booking ideas moving forward. They wondered what to do about the Col. DeBeers matter since possible majority owners Harry and Waters were worried about being associated with the gimmick.
Things were up in the air and the new guys were loving every minute of it. They were back in the saddle and given the Herculean task of turning around a promotion that, until recently, had been on life support.
Things were a little better business-wise in the last six months. But, they knew that they had to kick things up to the next level to make things truly competitive with the WWF and corporate-owned NWA.
All week, everyone in the office was talking about the takeover and they seemed as excited as kids at Christmas.
But Verne Gagne, acting as the Grinch, could drop a lump of coal in everyone's stocking.
SUNDAY - MARCH 4, 1990
The day before the official takeover....
AWA boss Verne Gagne was up early. He told his wife he had to go to the office and do some work.
Verne set out for the office on a cold late winter morning. He stopped along the way and ate breakfast and read some of the Sunday paper.
After breakfast, Verne headed to the office. No one else was there. Verne went to the break room and brewed a pot of coffee. Verne poured himself a cup of java.
Verne made his way to his office and let himself in. Verne turned on the light in his office and went over to the desk and sat down. Verne had some paperwork on his desk and he started to work on it.
At home, Mary sat at the kitchen table. She was drinking coffee but not eating any breakfast. She was a nervous wreck. In just a few hours, Verne would make a decision that would greatly affect the Gagne family no matter what.
Verne had not tipped his hand to his wife or son Greg as to what, exactly, he planned to do.
Verne continued working at his desk and drinking coffee. He was writing some plans for the future of the AWA, you know, just in case he screwed over Triumph Media Sports and opted out of the deal.
Greg was at his home with his wife and kids. He was clearly nervous throughout the day. His wife asked him what was wrong and he told her there were no problems. She brought up the sale to take effect tomorrow at midnight CST. Greg fidgeted and walked off, went into the bedroom and shut the door behind him.
Verne's wife Mary tried to calm her nerves by watching some TV. Like here son Greg, Mary was fidgeting. She wondered what Verne was up to at the office. She called her husband but there was no answer. Mary got upset and started pacing the floor. She could not shake the feeling that her husband was gonna turn out the lights on Triumph Media Sports and try and resurrect the AWA on his own. But she knew something Verne didn't want to face. With vastly limited resources, the AWA would not be able to compete with the WWF or NWA. People had grown tired with Verne's way of presenting pro wrestling. Even though things had been on the uptick in recent months, thanks mainly to bringing in Jerry Lawler to feud with Sarge over the AWA strap, to move on up to the next level Verne needed some serious name talent to re-energize their fan base and bring them back by the thousands. His limited finances would seriously hinder those opportunities. Unless Randy Savage really smacked Liz around in the ring. Or Roddy Piper snorted lines off the mat at MSG. Or some other name wrestler pulled a Jimmy Snuka/Nancy Argentino and thus killed their ability to be hired anywhere else, Mary knew Verne had no chance of bringing in any of the major players.
Verne triggering the opt-out clause would kill their golden years. Plus, they'd not have much to leave for their children and grandchildren because the AWA would eat up their cash like Pac Man eats dots.
Mary knew Verne was on a hopeless mission.
Verne was at the office for three to four hours doing some work in his capacity as the promoter/booker. He had laid out some things for the April TVs just in case he held on to the company.
While Watts, Crockett and Jarrett had been discussing trying to bring in a huge name like a Randy Savage from the WWF, Verne's plans were to use his usual cast of characters looking into the future.
Verne bringing in guys from Portland and the USWA has been good exposure to new guys for the AWA fans. But, Portland Wrestling and the USWA are not the WWF and the NWA.
Verne's loss of Larry Zbyszko to the WWF due to uncertainty shows where things stood in the AWA. Verne keeping control would only make things more uncertain for the wrestlers moving forward.
And how would Verne keep wrestlers who were given better offers in one of the Big 2? There's no way he could compete. Why work for peanuts in the AWA when you can for for steak in the WWF, NWA, overseas or across the Southern U.S. border?
Verne would probably be looking at a stripped down roster that could not fill the seats on one side of a small high school gym out on the Minnesota prairie once the picking of the AWA carcass down to the bone was through.
Is this the chance Verne really wanted to take? Does he want to run the AWA with public access TV production values? Does he want run a promotion where Tommy Jammer's his world champion? Or his tag team champs could be two job guys under hoods because Verne would be so desperate to fill in all the empty spots?
Was Verne taking this into serious consideration? Or was he so blinded by his ego that he couldn't see what would most likely happen to what was once the hottest promotion in the country?
Verne Gagne returned home around lunch time. He and wife Mary ate sandwiches at the kitchen table and very little was said. Mary was too nervous to ask Verne about his thoughts on the deal. She knew in less than 12 hours a deal was either going through or it would be dead on arrival. Quietly, she prayed that Verne would see the light of reason and sell the company. But she also knew Verne was stubborn as a bulldog.
Greg Gagne was sitting in his bedroom reading when his wife, also named Mary, came in. She sat down next to Greg to talk. She wondered what had been bothering him for the last few weeks. Greg put aside the book he was reading and finally opened up to his wife about what was going down. Mary was shocked by what she heard. She became angry. Not angry at Greg; but at her father-in-law Verne. She could not believe he'd throw all that money away that was sitting on the able for the taking because Verne would to prove to himself that he could make one last go of it as a big-time wrestling promoter.
Mary implored Greg to go over and talk to his father. Greg was hesitant. But Mary was insistent and Greg finally gave in and drove over to pop's place.
It was around 4pm when Greg got up the courage to head over to his dad's unannounced.
Greg arrived, walked up to the front door and rang the bell. After a brief wait, Greg's mom answered the door and told her son to come in.
Verne and Mary had been watching TV and saying virtually nothing to each other. Verne saw Greg and was happy to see him. Greg hugged his folks and then asked his dad if they could talk in private.
There were now eight hours left on the clock. Deal or no deal? Everything was about to be determined one way or the other.
Verne and Greg went into Verne's home office and sat down.
Greg pleaded with his father to let the sale go through at midnight. Verne said that option was on the table but so was the triggering the opt-out clause.
The argument became heated and voices and tempers rose. Mary could hear the yelling down the hall in the TV room. To say it made her nervous would be an understatement.
Eventually, Greg stormed out of the house without saying goodbye to his mom, got in his car and headed home.
Verne wasn't in the mood to talk with his wife and locked himself in his home office. Mary was visibly shaken.
When Greg arrived home, he told his wife that nothing had changed. He and his father had a loud, volatile argument and Verne was still not sure what he intended to do in just over six hours. Greg's wife said he needed to call TV producer Al DeRusha or old friend and confidante Wally Karbo  and ask them to try and talk some sense into Verne. Greg thought it might work.
Greg looked up the number and dialed the home of Wally Karbo.
Wally Karbo was never a wrestler, but he understood the business and was Verne's right-hand man for years. Karbo was loyal to the end.
Greg talked with Wally and explained the situation to him. Wally had not been kept in the loop and was shocked at what might transpire in just a few hours. Wally said he'd call Verne. Greg swore Wally to secrecy and for Wally not to tell anyone else.
Wally called Verne and Verne was pleasantly surprised to hear from his old friend. Even though close, they had not really talked over the last few months.
Wally told Verne that Greg had called him just a few minutes earlier and explained the situation to him. Verne was angry that Greg had told Wally what was going on. The two had a fairly intense discussion and Wally told Verne to flush his ego and take the deal. Wally said he didn't believe Verne had it in him to make another successful go of it because of how much the business had changed over the last five years and Verne had remained stuck in place. Verne didn't like to hear it. He and Wally's discussion got a little more heated before Wally calmed things down with a funny remark. The two talked for a while about different things. Before Wally hung up the phone, he pleaded with Verne to take the deal. Verne said he's thinking it about and thanked Wally for the call.
It was now after 7pm and Verne and wife Mary went out to eat. It was nothing fancy. The two ate and said very little to each other. Mary looked at her watch a few times while eating. She was clearly seeing how long until midnight. When Verne and Mary arrived home it was just after 9pm.
Back home at Greg's house, Greg called Wally and discussed the matter with him. Wally said he got nowhere with him but hoped Verne would take the deal and walk away a rich man.
Greg got off the phone and told his wife Mary he needed to take a walk. Greg grabbed his jacket and walked out of the house and took a walk by himself so he could think.
Verne and Mary watched some TV and Mary went to bed around 10:30. It would be another sleepless night for her.
Verne watched TV until 11pm when the phone rang.
It was Greg. Greg and Verne had another heated discussion about what was  possibly going to go down in less than one hour. They fought on the phone for around 15 minutes before a frustrated Greg gave up and hung up on the old man.
Verne got up and stomped off into his home office and closed and locked the door behind him. Verne paced around for a bit trying to calm his nerves. He went into his small office fridge and grabbed a Tab, opened it and took a swig.
Verne then sat down at his desk. He grabbed the book he'd been reading, opened it and started reading. It was a biography on Winston Churchill.
As Verne read, he kept looking over at the digital clock on his desk. The minutes ticked by.
Verne now had less than 20-minutes to make a decision. Keep the company or let the sale go through?
Verne looked over from his book as the clock hit 11:45.
Verne put down the book and made a hasty decision.
He picked up the phone and dialed a number he knew very well.
After three rings a tried male voice answered the phone...
VOICE (Sleepy): Hello...
Silence on Verne's end.
Voice: Hello...
More silence from Verne.
Voice: Who is this? Hello...
Verne had called his attorney Gomez Adams.
Was the AWA boss about to trigger the opt-out clause???
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Sorry Verne, both Waters and Harry residing in the Eastern Time Zone means that the midnight provision meant Eastern Time so you're too late. Now I'm going to go kiss Morticia after speaking some love language to her, and if you call again Verne, I'll send IT after you.

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10 minutes ago, smartman said:

Sorry Verne, both Waters and Harry residing in the Eastern Time Zone means that the midnight provision meant Eastern Time so you're too late. Now I'm going to go kiss Morticia after speaking some love language to her, and if you call again Verne, I'll send IT after you.

Watch Verne try to sue to regain control if that ends up being the case. 😛

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9 hours ago, DHK1989 said:

He's gonna opt out of the deal out of spite at this point.

You'll have your answer in the next post. We will finally have a conclusion! 🙂


9 hours ago, smartman said:

Sorry Verne, both Waters and Harry residing in the Eastern Time Zone means that the midnight provision meant Eastern Time so you're too late. Now I'm going to go kiss Morticia after speaking some love language to her, and if you call again Verne, I'll send IT after you.

The contract says CST and not EST. I know. I saw it, Trust me! 🙃

Pic of the lawyers who drew up the sale contract:

Baby orangutans released back into the wild after rehabilitation - ABC News


Edited by piperrulz
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(PREVIOUS STORYLINE POST: Final Countdown Post #1)
From the previous post:
Verne watched TV until 11pm when the phone rang.
It was Greg. Greg and Verne had another heated discussion about what was about to possibly go down in less than one hour. They fought on the phone for around 15 minutes before a frustrated Greg gave up and hung up on the old man.
Verne got up and stomped off into his home office and closed and locked the door behind him. Verne paced around for a bit trying to calm his nerves. He went into his small office fridge and grabbed a Tab, opened it and took a swig.
Verne then sat down at his desk. He grabbed the book he was reading, opened it and picked up where he left off. It was a biography on Winston Churchill.
As Verne read, he kept looking over at the digital clock on his desk. The minutes ticked by.
Verne now had less than 20-minutes to make a decision. Keep the company or let the sale go through.
Verne looked over from his book as the clock hit 11:45.
Verne put down the book and made a hasty decision.
He picked up the phone and dialed a number he knew very well.
After three rings a tired male voice answered the phone...
VOICE (Sleepy): Hello...
Silence on Verne's end.
Voice: Hello...
More silence from Verne.
Voice: Who is this? Hello...
Verne had called his attorney Gomez Adams.
Was the AWA boss about to trigger the opt-out clause???
Verne still said nothing on the phone.
Adams: Whoever you are, call back when you have something to say.
Adams hung up the phone.
After a few more seconds Verne finally hung up his phone.
Verne looked at the phone for a moment and then picked his book on Churchill back up and started reading again.
Verne again put down the book and frantically dialed his attorney one more time.
After one ring...
Verne hung up the phone.
He looked over at the digital clock on his desk.
Verne started to read more of his book.
It was March 5th CST.
When Verne looked back over at the clock it was 12:01am.
Verne Gagne sat back in his chair and stayed in his office for another few minutes.
Verne finally left the office and made his way up to the bedroom. He walked in quietly so as not to disturb his wife Mary.
Verne quietly stripped down to his underwear and slipped into bed next to his wife.
Verne was quiet, contemplative.
After a few minutes, Mary rustled in the bed and turned to Verne.
The lights were out.
Mary (softly): Well?
Verne (softly): I did not trigger the opt-out clause.
Mary (softly): Thank you, honey. I know it wasn't an easy decision. But you did the right thing. You'll see. The AWA's in good hands.
Verne (softly): It's not easy to give up what you've done as a profession for over four decades. As I sat in the office, I realized that at our age it was better to take the money. Guess I was being stubborn and not wanting to face the reality that the end had to come some time. And I also had to think about the family's future.
Mary (softly): I know. This hasn't only been your life all these years; it's been our life. You've still got a consultant's job with the promotion. Even though you won't be there full-time anymore you'll still have some input.
Verne (softly): I hope so. They've got real good wrestling people in charge now. Let's hope they hit on the magic formula to turn things around.
Mary (softly): I think they will.
Mary and Verne both sat up in bed and hugged and Mary gave Verne a quick peck on the lips.
Mary (softly): I love you, Verne.
Verne (softly): You're the love of my life, Mary. Let's get some rest. It's been a long day.
Mary (softly): Sounds like a winner, dear.
Verne (softly): I'll call Greg and let him know when we go down to breakfast. He'll rest easier now.
Verne laid down next to his loyal wife.
As Mary fell asleep, Verne stared into the darkness. A calm washed over him. He now knew he'd done the right thing.
The AWA was under new management.
Edited by piperrulz
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HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Verne did the right thing finally! Time to have the AWA maneuver its way to become the #1 promotion in the US by 1993 or 1995. Will Ron Simmons become AWA World Champ? Will Flair join Crockett again instead of wasting 2 years in the WWF? Will Tully get the single push he always should have gotten but never did without his dad owning the company? How fast will Vince bury Larry? Just how will Bischoff screw this company up like he did WCW? And how long will it be before the AWA buys out/merges with the USWA? Please tell me that one of the best tag teams in pro wrestling history will come to the AWA instead of ending up in Smokey Mountain since their deal should be close to up by now in 1990 (or is it 1991).


So many more questions to be answered. Such an interesting time in pro wrestling too.

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Yeah, Verne finally did the right thing.  Hope the AWA can succeed (one of Verne's problems was not letting go of the past--I remember Super Sunday 1983, when he didn't let Hogan win the AWA championship; Hogan, thankfully, then left for the WWF, where Vince Jr. realized what he had in Hogan and rode all the way to the top of the wrestling world with Hogan at the helm)...


Edited by Lord Byron
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9 hours ago, Mattywood said:

OK, so after seeing the three choices for predictions folks had about Verne's decision, are you sure C was for the Church of Scientology & not the Epsilon Program from the GTA video games? Kifflom. 😂

I still like the idea of Verne becoming a Scientologist. Would've been a fun diary.

9 hours ago, smartman said:

HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Verne did the right thing finally! Time to have the AWA maneuver its way to become the #1 promotion in the US by 1993 or 1995. Will Ron Simmons become AWA World Champ? Will Flair join Crockett again instead of wasting 2 years in the WWF? Will Tully get the single push he always should have gotten but never did without his dad owning the company? How fast will Vince bury Larry? Just how will Bischoff screw this company up like he did WCW? And how long will it be before the AWA buys out/merges with the USWA? Please tell me that one of the best tag teams in pro wrestling history will come to the AWA instead of ending up in Smokey Mountain since their deal should be close to up by now in 1990 (or is it 1991).


So many more questions to be answered. Such an interesting time in pro wrestling too.

Not giving anything away. But you're spot on with one of your points.


7 hours ago, Lord Byron said:

Yeah, Verne finally did the right thing.  Hope the AWA can succeed (one of Verne's problems was not letting go of the past--I remember Super Sunday 1983, when he didn't let Hogan win the AWA championship; Hogan, thankfully, then left for the WWF, where Vince Jr. realized what he had in Hogan and rode all the way to the top of the wrestling world with Hogan at the helm)...


You have to wonder what would have happened if Hogan had stayed in Minneapolis. Verne shot himself in the foot on that one.



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3 minutes ago, smartman said:

Wait, I'm only right on one of those? Boooooooooo! I wanted several of those to happen. Come on and sign The Midnight Express and push Tully to the moon.

To do that, I'd suggest the new ownership revive the America's title and put it on Tully, then start up a program with Sarge and let Tully do what he does best (like he did back in the JCP days).

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