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NYCW - Hoping to Entertain You... [CV'97]

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<div id="topnav"><a href="#info">eYXdQbZ.png</a><a href="#champs">SO5x2wy.png</a><a href="#roster">8wuf0FY.png</a><a href="#schedule">jBWQgnz.png</a><a href="#results">rJBnY3S.png</a><a href="http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2486804&postcount=14">ejwgFYM.png</a>

</div><hr><div id="info">unT9To4.jpg

New York City Wrestling

Founded: September 1988 | Owner: The Stomper | Booker: Corporal Doom | Size: Tiny | Rank: 17th in the World | Bank: 200,000$ | Based: New York, Tri-State | Product: Classic Sports Entertainment | Prestige: 15% | Momentum: 33%




NYCW are unapologetically a throwback to an older era. Under the guidance of old-school veteran The Stomper they have changed little since their debut in 1988 - to this day, they provide slow-paced traditional wrestling with minimal glitz, almost as if caught in a time warp from 1976. They have also resolutely refused to be drawn into the East Coast wars which have allowed them to grow hassle-free, as their product really doesn't appeal to the modern style of fans that follow the other promotions.

But it seems that things are about to change for this promotion and a revamp is coming up, certainly keeping their roots but evolving into a more attractive product given the market demands.



eH1fQil.png<p align="right"><a href="#topnav">Back to top</a></p></div><hr><div id="champs">NYCW World Title / Empire


Prestige 44



Corporal Doom

3x Champ - 8 defences so far - defeated The Stomper in March '96


<details><summary>Title History</summary>QJM2HxJ.png



NYCW Tag Team Title


Prestige 29



Wiley Coyote

(Coyote Dynamite & Wiley Steinway)

1x Champs - 3 defences so far - defeated The Blazing Flames (Teddy Flame & Joey Flame) in October '96


<details><summary>Title History</summary>t4X2Owi.png


NYCW United States


Prestige 19



Barry Kingman

1x Champ - 3 defences so far - defeated Morpheus in September '96


<details><summary>Title History</summary>LfRjAKA.png


<p align="right"><a href="#topnav">Back to top</a></p></div><hr><div id="roster">IN-RING




NitI3oj.png<p align="right"><a href="#topnav">Back to top</a></p></div><hr><div id="schedule">SCHEDULE

Sat, Wk2, Jan - NYCW Rush Hour

Mon, Wk3, Feb - NYCW Empire State

Sun, Wk3, Mar - NYCW Beasts of War

Sun, Wk2, Apr - NYCW King of New York - One-Night-Only Tournament to crown the King of New York

Sun, Wk2, May - NYCW Fire Fight

Sun, Wk3, Jun - NYCW Spring Showdown

Sun, Wk3, Jul - NYCW Gang Wars - Will usually feature some multi-man bouts

Sun, Wk3, Aug - NYCW Heat of the Night

Sun, Wk3, Sep - NYCW Rumble in the Bronx - Big Rumble to nominate the #1 Contender for a title match at Broadway!

Sun, Wk3, Oct - NYCW Titans of Wrestling

Sun, Wk3, Nov - NYCW March Into Manhattan

Sun, Wk2, Dec - NYCW Broadway! - Season Finale! Our biggest event!<p align="right"><a href="#topnav">Back to top</a></p></div><hr><div id="results">Coming Soon<p align="right"><a href="#topnav">Back to top</a></p></div><hr></div>

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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 3px solid #223669; margin:10px;background:#ebbe43; max-width:70%;">


Monday, Week 1, January 1997


(Corporal Doom is my chosen avatar for this game)

THE FIGHT AGAINST MY OWN EGO - Inside Corporal Doom's Mind

<p align="justify">1997! A New Year! But it isn't a happy new year, that's certain, after a full bottle of whisky I came to realize that my own ego is destroying me. People usually say that the "white horse" only appears two times in our lives and we either ride him or lose him. I'm not sure if the thoughts that are filling my mind are a second white horse, neither do I know if I'm actually riding that horse without acknowledging it. Life is hard for an egomaniac like me, you aren't sure when you feel when you don't. Ego can lead you to destruction and the first stage of its invasion is already gone for a while, it took over me.


I remember quite clearly when the first white horse appeared. I was part of SWF and I've just defeated Micky Starr to become the World Champion after an epic feud, I was just 21. I was riding the wave with everything I had and then this two guys appeared, Sam Strong and Rip Chord, to whom I lost the title and the top heel spot, respectively. That was a great opportunity for me, I still don't know what I've done wrong and I will never admit I've done anything wrong, my ego doesn't allow it. What my ego allowed me was to leave the SWF ship and sign with Texas Wrestling League, where I gave my all until their closure.


Now it's 1997, I'm not 21 anymore, I'm 39 years old although I've been numb in the past 6 years looking to nothing more than my own belly with poor decisions. I even have to tell myself that I'm currently in a so-called booker position at NYCW, and if The Stomper didn't exist this company would be long gone. I could book this show properly but my ego once again doesn't allow me. I don't even remember when I had the audacity to become a Face, people don't love me, they never will.


It goes on, when I look at this roster, when I look at the potential that I'm burying, I realize that I might be doing the same poor decisions SWF did regarding me. Showstopper Stein already came to me and said he is an Amazing Face but I insist to keep him heel cause "I know better. Trust me." and the list of this cases goes on and on.


Like I said if it wasn't the company owner, The Stomper. I mean this guy is so... authentic... he really loves the business and that's the main reason why he insists to keep me in a booker position cause it is the only way to keep me within his show and my ego knows that. But he's giving me a chance to do some difference in the industry and I don't. I just keep booking whatever my ego allows and I'm so blinded by my own thoughts that I lost track of what's real and what's not.


Hope is the last emotion to part ways with our mind, and I still have some in the tank. It's time for a change. It's time to really give something to the industry, I can keep hiding behind the ego and the excuse that I could've been great and the top dog until this day within the industry but I can still be great! With this whisky bottle already disturbing my mind and making me think about a new year wish, my only wish for '97 is to make NYCW strive which isn't easy since we are in the middle of a Tri-State War right now against XFW, DAVE and PPPW. They are younger than NYCW but they are ahead of us, go figure, something's wrong. They already run weekly shows and a big monthly card and that should be our next goal at NYCW but how? Even the bank isn't smiling at us. Why doesn't my ego leads me to destroy SWF - the guys who used me as a prop and when new props came out they dropped me like a used towel? Why doesn't my ego says to me... You are losing a war against Randy or Randall the Vandal (XFW Booker), that jobber back in the day in SWF, Marcus McKing(PPPW Booker), and one guy I relate to according to his current SWF novel, Nemesis(DAVE Booker).


I could write and write more about my own thoughts but I leave that for another time. It's time to act and not to think. Hit the restart button inside my brain and for that, I need to call my good friend, The Stomper! </p>



<div style="padding: 10px; border: 3px solid #223669; margin:10px;background:#ebbe43; max-width:70%;">YEp3ClA.jpg

My Introduction

<p align="justify">Hi everyone, welcome to my diary! After thinking a lot about if I should do it or not, I've decided to go forward with it. I most likely will edit this opening post, later on, so one can navigate easily through the diary. Basically, getting inspired by other GDS members and doing my own save game, I felt an urge to post as I was playing TEW and it doesn't make much sense to be fully creative and not write about it. I'm not new to the boards but most of you don't know me, I've always been lurking but lately decided to become more active with a proper project of my own and participating in other diaries that usually entertain me.


As you might've noticed, English is not my main language and I'm trying my best to be understandable and to climb that big communication barrier and offer some entertainment to the people who like to read and dream about characters, storylines and the wrestling world itself that c-verse provides. With the launch of CV'97 by Derek B (thanks a lot for your work) I felt this was the perfect sandbox to start my career.


I've decided to play NYCW since it's a small promotion with loads of potential and easier to fit in. There is also this massive Tri-State War happening and I kind of like old school feeling that NYCW provides but probably will evolve it into some new-style of entertainment and have a storyline-heavy company. I don't know if that is the purpose of NYCW product but it's how I like to book. I'm still not sure what's my style of booking according to TEW products, probably some cutting edge with lots of entertainment, maybe, the possible future readers can help me as we go to define my booking in TEW as you should be more experienced in the game.


What can you expect from this? I'm not closing this in the near future and will update as often I feel creative, there's no need to pressure my own thoughts as this isn't exactly a real-life schedule but more of a hobby-schedule. I will try and do my best to connect the readers to the characters and to how I view the characters. Since for me, the characters I choose/create are a big and heavy part of my booking and so is the reader. I will try to bring some cool ideas and some cool thoughts and give life to the universe. I usually base my booking on storylines, angles and matches with some kind of a story. I usually don't book wrestler A vs. B just because, I usually give meaning to the match and try to unfold a story or tell a story while using a short description of it. The angles are the ones that I try to develop the most. Well enough talking. Actions speak louder than words. This is a NYCW story and I'm hoping to Entertain You!</p></div>

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I'll be following~!

Thanks a lot, man! Hope you'll enjoy it!

Best of luck in this!

Thanks for the luck, I and Corporal Doom will need it!

Definetely following.

Thank you, it really motivates me to increase the standards and hope to entertain you!

This should be fun!!!

It's already fun for me! :) Hope it will be fun for you too!


In other news, I spent some time doing the Opening Post that will serve as a navigation menu for this project. It will contain the Company Info/Roster/Champs and the diary timeline. Everyone who likes the format can copy it/adapt it, it's not much given my HTML knowledge but I think it will make navigation easier within the diary. I also wasn't sure if Vbulletin had the spoiler code so it can be useful for those who want to use it in their diaries.

<details><summary>Title Here</summary>Insert your text here.

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First off I am always down with an NYCW diary. Doesn't matter when it is based if it is NYCW I want to read it.


I really like what you done thus far. It has, for lack of a better term, a very clean look to it. The yellow background really makes everything look that much cooler. Keep up the good work.

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(Corporal Doom (UA) & The Stomper)

The Call That Starts it All!


<p align="justify">The Stomper: Hello! What's up champ?! Happy New Year.


Corporal Doom: Heya Stomper! Doing Alright. We need to talk.


The Stomper: Ok... But let me tell you this first, you are going to keep the title no matter what happens. You are the shot-caller and the number one in this company, NYCW needs you, You are the best! No doubt! You are the mastermind of it all and the mastermind knows it better!


Of course he says this, even though he has more experience than me... He is used to my demands.


Corporal Doom: I'm not calling you because of that. We need to talk NYCW business, I'm the head booker after all.


The Stomper: Uhm... Sure, champ! Shoot! I'm listening.


Corporal Doom: I mean we need to sit down and discuss NYCW business properly. I came to realize that I'm not doing a great job and I want to fix that, I NEED TO FIX THAT!


I don't know what the fu*k happened in my mind as I said something negative about me, not too negative though, one has to keep his appearance but I know that The Stomper is a smart man and he understands it.


The Stomper: Oh! Ok... Uhm... Sorry, I wasn't prepared to hear that, not at all... Do you want to meet today?


Corporal Doom: Call everybody from the booking team. Everyone should come prepared, we will analyze every bit and piece of NYCW and we need to evaluate the situation, so we can do the best for our careers and NYCW career. I want to be the booker of the biggest company in the USA starting with the Tri-State, those XFW guys already declared war on us and we can't be left behind, I love this business as much as you do and I NEED to leave my mark in the wrestling industry and I have this opportunity here at NYCW which I'm not using properly but we will change that, majorly I will change that! But be warned, we need to work a lot to fix a lot.


The Stomper: Ok. That shall be done. You know how much I love this business, how much I love NYCW and since I talked to you for the first time that I was hoping for this day to come. Let's meet at my place in 3 hours. I'm really excited to do this man. As I said, I always expected this day to come, I had hoped I could have you at my side. I mean you've been at my side, but not exactly the way I was expecting. Heck, I don't even know what was I expecting... Nevermind. 3 hours in my place, champ! NYCW!


Corporal Doom: Alright.


Doom hangs up.</p></div><div style="padding: 10px; border: 3px solid #223669; margin:10px;background:#ebbe43; max-width:70%;">498%20-%20Artist%3ATheLloyd%20Cornellverse%20Corporal_Doom.jpgUVRNU5j.jpgJ9M9GdQ.jpgaHWfq3Z.jpgLaSekni.jpg

Corporal Doom, The Stomper, Crippler Ray Kingman, Mitch Haggans and Brutus McBride


The Important Meeting

<p align="justify">The Stomper: Happy New Year everyone, we are here to discuss the future of NYCW and the upcoming year. Doom has something to say to us and a lot of plans on his mind. So let's work altogether!</p>



A few hours later



<p align="justify">I really don't know what came across my mind to do this, not only I have to admit I'm not doing a great job I also need to admit it in front of the whole crew. I went with another option and it was to not admit it. I mean, I already explained my point to the owner now it's a just a matter of debating a couple of questions, I wore my professional mask and we discussed a lot of topics. It was very productive, despite most of the booking team, being unhappy about being called to work on the first day of the new year, but this is more important than that. So, cry me a river.


Crippler Ray Kingman, I must say we kind of had some animosity between each other. I mean he's great at what he does and I respect him but for the moment he is earning too much money. Money that we don't have. PERIOD. I pushed his boy, Barry Kingman, to the United States title like he asked for and all of that has been in vain. When one is about to discuss the salary he reacts defensively, but yeah he is an indeed a legend of wrestling and I must cope with that. At least we agreed for the time being that he will only be used in special matches, if he gets unhappy about it, it's not my fault.


Then we have Mitch. A long-time partner of Brutus. This guy is great to work with tag teams, he has all the experience as he worked for SWF for a long time until being released in the early 90s. He can help our wrestlers develop a lot. He usually comes up with some out of the box ideas, completely out of place, but he is a nice guy, he does everything he is asked for in a very enthusiastic manner. And his partner, Brutus also works off-screen, he can tell you some great stories from our days in the SWF backstage, some that I even don't remember, he is always a good guy to keep around, although he is quite a mercenary and I have some trust issues with him. He is extremely old school and is quite hard to change that mindset but he is a good asset and usually very talkative in this meetings, Brutus also works on-screen as a manager and he does a decent job. He has a character where he beats up his clients especially when these are younger, but right now he's working with Rich Money and that's major for me. I still need Mitch to become a manager as well, have some plans for that.


About the meeting itself, we started by talking about our workers and their current state and our plans going forward, we all agreed some stuff is about to change drastically, in terms of product and how we manage their careers. Is time to give to these young guys what we didn't have, support and help. Backstage is completely different from back in the day although everyone still has to pay their dues, it's really different. And we are human beings, adaptation is what we do best.


The major changes that the fans will notice right away are our Schedule with the introduction of some new Events and the inclusion of a Season Finale. And the card for the next show, NYCW Rush Hour. We also agreed on hiring an extra referee and a new manager who is starting his promising career in South West. We also evaluated some wrestlers to join NYCW soon but first, we need to check finances and understand what we are really lacking on our show, we are quite well-stocked at the moment but several new workers are entering the business who could help us out while we help them out. Let's start with the schedule. And the Card for Rush Hour is going to be released soon as well and promoted everywhere we can.


SCHEDULE (with new changes)

Sat, Wk2, Jan - NYCW Rush Hour

Mon, Wk3, Feb - NYCW Empire State

Sun, Wk3, Mar - NYCW Beasts of War

Sun, Wk2, Apr - NYCW King of New York - One-Night-Only Tournament to crown the King of New York

Sun, Wk2, May - NYCW Fire Fight

Sun, Wk3, Jun - NYCW Spring Showdown

Sun, Wk3, Jul - NYCW Gang Wars - Will usually feature some multi-man bouts

Sun, Wk3, Aug - NYCW Heat of the Night

Sun, Wk3, Sep - NYCW Rumble in the Bronx - Big Rumble to nominate the #1 Contender for a title match at Broadway!

Sun, Wk3, Oct - NYCW Titans of Wrestling

Sun, Wk3, Nov - NYCW March Into Manhattan

Sun, Wk2, Dec - NYCW Broadway! - Season Finale! Our biggest event! </p></div>


I decided to post both of these together as they aren't so big and are more of a backstory leading into the real action that will play its role along with the diary and the wrestling shows. I won't dive deep into the conversations on this meeting although that was my initial thought, I feel it could be spoiling a bit. So I gave a hint on how I perceive the other characters within NYCW. Next up in the schedule is the card for NYCW Rush Hour! Let's Start a great '97. I'm also planning to do a monthly update with the news around the universe and Tri-State but I won't promise anything, if it happens, it happens.<hr>

First off I am always down with an NYCW diary. Doesn't matter when it is based if it is NYCW I want to read it.


I really like what you done thus far. It has, for lack of a better term, a very clean look to it. The yellow background really makes everything look that much cooler. Keep up the good work.

Thanks a lot! Can't wait to start writing the show itself, I feel it won't differ as much from a traditional sports entertainment thing but it will certainly adjust some nuances to please the evolving industry.

Already a big fan of the changes you made to the opening post! Very aesthetically pleasing

Thank you! It took me a bit to do them, but I'm also quite happy with what I was able to do. I will try to keep up with the aesthetic side of it, so it is tidy.

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New Year and a New NYCW event to our fans! You can expect a lot of action and proper wrestling in New York but you can expect more than what is announced, as per usual. Without further ado, here is what promised for the full night:


<p align="justify">1) Morpheus Open Challenge

-- After losing his US title and not being able to fight for it, Morpheus dares anyone in the NYCW wrestling backstage to defeat him.


2) Fatal 4-Way for the United States Championship Contendership

Firefighter Jackson vs. Elmer Kelly vs. Jungle Jack vs. Edwin D. Bashford

-- Four wrestlers will face each other to win the right to challenge Barry Kingman into a match given, Barry, isn't very fond of defending his title now he will have no excuses! Who will be victorious? The fans will!


3) Cousin Ezra vs. James Brandon

-- The simpleton Cousin Ezra faces a major challenge on this night, he is up against the vicious, James Brandon!



4) Wiley Coyote © vs. Hankering For Money

(Willey Steinway & Coyote Dynamite vs. Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)

-- The team that is being accompanied by Brutus McBride will have their first major opportunity for the Tag Team titles. It would be a major and important step for them although the crowd favourites are indeed the favourites to retain the title belt given their bigger experience.


5) Show Stopper Stein vs. Randall Hopkirk

-- The self-proclaimed man who stops the show will face the big heavyweight Randall Hopkirk who has been assuming a sort of NYCW vigilante role.


6) Rod Beams vs. Chris Storm

-- The Hard-Working Construction worker, Rod Beams will face the finest NYCW prospect at the moment, Chris Storm! Everyone knows that Rod Beams doesn't give much chance to other NYCW wrestlers to shine. But will Storm overcome this big step and establish himself as a big player?



7) MAIN-EVENT: Corporal Doom © vs. Travis Century

-- Corporal Doom! Our beloved champion! He is number one! But he has been followed around by the Preacher, Travis Century and Sheik Mustafa! Is known that Doom, loves God and has fought in religious wars throughout the globe. But now the battle involves the NYCW championship belt. Will the Preacher use his divine powers and will they be enough to stop the mighty force and will of a US-war veteran like Doom? Buy your ticket now, to find out!</p></div>

I did the card in a very simple fashion and most likely will keep it like this for the time being - for those who might wonder, in the show I will post pics of wrestlers - since the story will be always properly developed in the show. Anyway, I will leave a prediction key for those who want to predict.


Prediction Key:

US Contendership: Firefighter Jackson vs. Elmer Kelly vs. Jungle Jack vs. Edwin D. Bashford

Cousin Ezra vs. James Brandon

NYCW Tag Team Titles: Wiley Coyote © vs. Hankering For Money

Show Stopper Stein vs. Randall Hopkirk

Rod Beams vs. Chris Storm

NYCW World Title: Corporal Doom © vs. Travis Century


First off I am always down with an NYCW diary. Doesn't matter when it is based if it is NYCW I want to read it.


I really like what you done thus far. It has, for lack of a better term, a very clean look to it. The yellow background really makes everything look that much cooler. Keep up the good work.

Thanks a lot! NYCW has always intrigued me and their start in the '97 database is very interesting.

Already a big fan of the changes you made to the opening post! Very aesthetically pleasing

Thank you! :D

I opened the diary following the notification of a new post and ngl I was blown away at that new and improved opening post!

Thanks a lot, I hope to keep it like that throughout the diary.

Fantastic opening post. I will be following this.

Thanks, man! Enjoy the ride!

Impressive formatting. NYCW isn't my cup of tea normally, but I'm curious to see what you're going to do with it.

Thank you! Probably will differ enough from their "product" to make things interesting for you as well.


Hope everyone stays aboard! Next up is the show!

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<p>I haven't had a chance to play the 97 mod for TEW20 yet, so this will be mostly guess work on my part.</p><p> </p><p>

US Contendership: Firefighter Jackson vs. Elmer Kelly vs. <strong>Jungle Jack </strong>vs. Edwin D. Bashford</p><p> </p><p>

Cousin Ezra vs. <strong>James Brandon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

NYCW Tag Team Titles: <strong>Wiley Coyote ©</strong> vs. Hankering For Money</p><p> </p><p>

This really could go either way considering who is involved. </p><p> </p><p>

Show Stopper Stein vs. <strong>Randall Hopkirk</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rod Beams vs. <strong>Chris Storm</strong></p><p> </p><p>

NYCW World Title: <strong>Corporal Doom © </strong>vs. Travis Century</p>

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US Contendership: Firefighter Jackson vs. Elmer Kelly vs. Jungle Jack vs. Edwin D. Bashford

Cousin Ezra vs. James Brandon

NYCW Tag Team Titles: Wiley Coyote © vs. Hankering For Money

Show Stopper Stein vs. Randall Hopkirk

Rod Beams vs. Chris Storm

NYCW World Title: Corporal Doom © vs. Travis Century

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Very nice start, and very well presented! I don't know much about NYCW during this period, but I'll be reading. :)


US Contendership: Firefighter Jackson vs. Elmer Kelly vs. Jungle Jack vs. Edwin D. Bashford

Cousin Ezra vs. James Brandon

NYCW Tag Team Titles: Wiley Coyote © vs. Hankering For Money

Show Stopper Stein vs. Randall Hopkirk

Rod Beams vs. Chris Storm

NYCW World Title: Corporal Doom © vs. Travis Century

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Prediction Key:

US Contendership: Firefighter Jackson vs. Elmer Kelly vs. Jungle Jack vs. Edwin D. Bashford

Cousin Ezra vs. James Brandon

NYCW Tag Team Titles: Wiley Coyote © vs. Hankering For Money

Show Stopper Stein vs. Randall Hopkirk

Rod Beams vs. Chris Storm

NYCW World Title: Corporal Doom © vs. Travis Century

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