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Thunderverse Alt Thread 2020

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If you plan on doing all of the free pictures then my goodness, you are my hero


I'm in the process of sharpening them, but I just want to make sure I'm doing it right.


Original Attempts:



Sharpened Versions:



If one of the guys who worked with the actual TVerse renders can tell me if the sharpening is right I'd appreciate it. I have a lot of time to kill and nothing else better to do for the next few days so I can go through and finish off the free pictures, plus anything else people would want me to convert from 2016 to 2020.

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If one of the guys who worked with the actual TVerse renders can tell me if the sharpening is right I'd appreciate it. I have a lot of time to kill and nothing else better to do for the next few days so I can go through and finish off the free pictures, plus anything else people would want me to convert from 2016 to 2020.


I wasn't the one who created the renders but I know that sharpening is literally just, in Gimp 2.8, going Filters->Enhance->Sharpen, and moving the slider to 50

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Looks good to me. The way to tell is that above the black border at the bottom will be a line that is noticeably lighter.


Alright cool, thanks. I'll start going through and editing the free pictures then.


Will start putting them in here, here are the first few, I've finished about 50 but I just want to make sure I'm posting them all right.



That's all I have for now, it's not difficult to sharpen the images it just takes a bit. I should have the other 50+ finished within the next few hours hopefully, if not they'll be done by tomorrow.

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Sorry for the double post, but just wanted to say I've finished sharpening all of the images I converted. Hopefully I didn't miss anything, but if I did, tell me. Will do the same thing as last time and put them in slowly just to make sure I post them all.




There we go, finished. They aren't all perfectly converted, some still have a tiny bit of red in the backgrounds, but hopefully it'll be able to help people starting games before the official free picture update comes out.

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That's all I have for now, it's not difficult to sharpen the images it just takes a bit. I should have the other 50+ finished within the next few hours hopefully, if not they'll be done by tomorrow.


In GIMP Ctrl+F repeats the last filter, so that should speed things up a bit for you. Looks good though.

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Hey man, a bit of a question. Do you guys have a specific program for renders, or do you have a template + a set of assets to use when making them?


Original renders are made using Daz3d with Michael4 and Victoria4 models. They are then put together in GIMP. Alts can be made in any image making software, although as mentioned before the conversion needs to take place in GIMP 2.8 to match the others. For the images you quoted, I just took The Brigadier image and removed the rest of his face, although I had to do a bit of "painting" to fill in some of the gaps. I then took the chain from Alex Vidal and faded it under the hair.


Does that help at all?

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Original renders are made using Daz3d with Michael4 and Victoria4 models. They are then put together in GIMP. Alts can be made in any image making software, although as mentioned before the conversion needs to take place in GIMP 2.8 to match the others. For the images you quoted, I just took The Brigadier image and removed the rest of his face, although I had to do a bit of "painting" to fill in some of the gaps. I then took the chain from Alex Vidal and faded it under the hair.


Does that help at all?


Yeah actually, I have some (basic, but still kinda there) experience in image editing. Thanks for the help.


Now I know how to give Butcher Hachirobei devil horns and red skin when I sign him to Ring of Faith to have him play the Devil.

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Any Timothy Hawk renders with like a circa Cena 2002 style look with the short blonde hair? And also does anyone have a link to the 2016 renders by chance?


You’re clearly looking for alt requests, you should word them as such. Also, saying thanks when someone fills that request is usual etiquette.

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You’re clearly looking for alt requests, you should word them as such. Also, saying thanks when someone fills that request is usual etiquette.


I’m sorry, but am I not in the right thread? That specifically states alt thread? Also nobody has filled the request yet so can’t really say thank you to anyone now can I? Thanks!

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I’m sorry, but am I not in the right thread? That specifically states alt thread? Also nobody has filled the request yet so can’t really say thank you to anyone now can I? Thanks!


You're asking if anyone has them, which is highly unlikely. Just request that someone makes it for you. It's not a big deal, but you're far more likely to actually have the request filled.


I filled your Eddie Orion request with about 8 different alts.

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